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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparative study of experiences of violence in Malaysian and English hospitals

Mat Saat, Geshina January 2010 (has links)
This PhD thesis compared incidents of violence in two Malaysian hospitals and two English hospitals. Using a model of workplace violence, the aims of the thesis were to explore and compare six constructs: extrinsic, intrinsic, triggers, experiences, moderators, and consequences of workplace violence as perceived by Malaysian and English hospital staff. This study used data on experiences of violence gathered in 2005 for incidences in hospitals that occurred up to one year before the survey. The 2004 data from the Incident Report database (IRD) of the English hospitals was also used. Two instruments were developed for this thesis. First was the General Violence Victimization Questionnaire (GVQ), an instrument to identify the types, prevalence, nature, consequences, post-incident support, and reporting trends of violence in hospitals. The second instrument was the Violence Victimization Semi-structured Interview (VicQ) which explored factors leading to the violent incident, the violent incident itself, and psycho-social issues relating to the violent incident. Both instruments were translated into the Malay language for use in Malaysia. 227 people participated in the quantitative survey: 162 people from the Malaysian Government Hospitals (MGH) and 115 people from the National Health Service (NHS). A total of 25 people volunteered to be interviewed as part of the qualitative aspect of the study: 15 from the MGH and 10 from the NHS. Six categories of violence were compared: verbal, nonverbal, threat, physical, sexual, and psychologically-based. A total of 4118 violent incidents (1402 in MGH and 2716 in NHS) were reported. The most common type of violence was psychologically-based violence in the MGH and verbal violence in the NHS. Both samples perceived that the major source of workplace violence was from patients and involved one male perpetrator. There were differences between the two samples indicative of cultural differences. Of those interviewed, the Malaysian participants perceived that offenders were intrinsically motivated to offend. The English participants perceived that offenders had either intrinsic or extrinsic motivation for perpetuating violence. Differences were noted for substance abuse and customer relations as triggers of organisational violence. Comparisons of moderators were different for the two country samples. Comparisons of consequences were not significantly different. Comparisons across several demographic variables (gender, age, and occupational groupings) were not significant between the two country samples with regards to workplace violence victimisation. However, a comparison of length of service was found to be significant. The final path model differed from the original model of workplace violence. Additional findings include a difference between the established definition and participants‘ definition of workplace violence, a lack of anti-violence policies in Malaysian hospitals, under reporting, and unforeseen direct and direct relationships among the six constructs.

Motivation - en grundpelare för arbetslivet : En intervjustudie om motivation på arbetsplatsen utifrån ett chefsperspektiv / Motivation - a keystone in working life : An interview study on motivation in the workplace from a manage perspective

Johansson, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka hur tre mellanchefer på en myndighet motiverar sina anställda. Arbetet bygger på följande frågor: Hur motiverar de som ledare sina anställda? Jobbar de med att stärka den inre motivation eller ligger fokus på den yttre motivationen? Hur mycket betyder arbetskulturen för motivationen enligt cheferna? Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie genomförd på en myndighet. Tre intervjuer har genomförts med tre av tre mellanchefer. Det resultat som framkommit i studien visar att motivation är ett komplext område. Cheferna är väl medvetna om vad motivation är och jobbar aktivt med att stärka de anställdas motivation, men ibland kan det vara svårt att veta exakt vad individen motiveras av och hur mycket motivation en viss person behöver för att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter på ett effektivt och noggrant sätt. Det framgår att ledarskapsutveckling för cheferna är något de jobbar mycket med för att därigenom kunna stärka sina anställdas motivation. Känslan av gemenskap/släktskap på arbetsplatsen anses också av cheferna vara en bidragande faktor för de anställdas motivation. Det som också framkommer i studien är att alla ledarna försöker öka de anställdas inre motivation genom att inte vara för styrande och kontrollerande utan istället uppmuntra till självständigt arbete.

A Collection of 20 Poems: Using Poetic Inquiry in Response to Literature on Race, Work Policy, and Social and Cultural Theory

Mitchell, DeAvin Anthony 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Systém motivace pracovníků ve vybraném podniku / The system of employees motivation in a selected company

BEEROVÁ, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The system of employees motivation in a selected company is the title of this thesis that closely analyzes the system of employees motivation in a selected company and outlines some suggestions that could improve the management and performance in this area. Moreover, the focus is placed towards the motivation of employees in the workplace.

Occupational health, safety and ergonomic issues in small and medium-sized enterprises in a developing country

Ahasan, M. R. (M. Rabiul) 09 October 2002 (has links)
Abstracts Data and information accumulated during several years of questionnaire and checklist surveys; site visits and walk-thorough investigations in some small and medium-sized enterprises provided the basis of this thesis. Seven articles are included in this thesis, dealing with workers' physical, physiological, cognitive and psychosocial issues. The data were collected on the target group of workers from different work sites in Bangladesh for a comprehensive assessment of tasks, jobs and ergonomic issues. Jobs and tasks were classified according to the job content and task activity they performed. Most of the subjects were interviewed and some of them volunteered for physiological tests to bring attention to their occupational exposure to potentially strenuous activities in a hot and humid climate. The results showed that their working environment was non-ergonomic, not only because of the work-related problems themselves but also because of stressful tasks, extensive use of muscle force, old machinery, economic constraints, and a lack of enforcement of work regulations and labour legislation. The findings also demonstrated that the workers were associated with an increased risk of occupational hazards due to various local reasons. The results of the case studies give some insight towards a better understanding of health, safety and ergonomics applications that may contribute to bring working society together and initiate a broad-based improvement of the working environment in many developing countries like Bangladesh. The practical concern of this thesis is to improve the design of the workstation as well as to improve a worker's safe manipulation of tools and equipment and control of machinery, critical posture, and so on. This thesis also attempts to contribute the author's own views and suggestions with the hope of drawing workers' and employers' awareness and public attention towards unsafe acts and conditions, and for increasing the implementation of work regulations and labour legislation. In order to discern probable solutions, this thesis implies a prerequisite of low cost engineering solutions in the small and medium-sized enterprises. As such, it outlines applications of locally available technology utilising practical knowledge, which also provide practical approaches so that work-tasks are less stressful but productive, and safe. So, to help ergonomic application to be effective, some technical measures appropriate for local environments are thus illustrated that can be directly implemented in the developing countries like Bangladesh to prevent and control work-related problems. However, the ultimate improvement will depend on the attitude of the people involved at all levels of an interactive system, while health and safety measures are introduced in synchronisation with local systems and/or existing environments. Emphasising the workers' cognitive, psychosocial and socio-economic improvement through self-help and self-care strategies, this thesis also concludes with the belief that the attitude of the local workers, and an indifferent working culture are the arbiters of work-related problems. It is therefore essential that a concrete implementation of locally available measures be made, establishing ergonomic changes in collaboration with all the parties concerned for particular job-tasks and work processes. To help initiate this process, a more work-thorough investigation is necessary through the guidance of co-ordinated research and studies. For this, an understanding of employers' attitudes and workers' involvement is essential; as well as having a grasp of the logic and reasoning behind workplace survey and the need for adequate injury records and work-related information. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjaan sisältyy seitsemän artikkelia, jotka käsittelevät työntekijöiden fyysisiä, fysiologisia, kognitiivisia ja psykososiaalisia asioita. Tiedot kerättiin eri kohteista Bangladeshissa keskittyen työtehtävien arviointiin ja ergonomiaan liittyviin tekijöihin. Aineisto on kerätty useiden vuosien ajan kyselykaavakkeiden ja tarkastuslistojen avulla; vierailut ja tutkimukset paikan päällä pienissä ja keskisuurissa yrityksissä muodostivat perustan tälle väitöskirjalle. Työtehtävät jaettiin sisällön ja aktiviteetin mukaan. Tutkimukseen osallistuneita työntekijöitä haastateltiin ja jotkut heistä olivat vapaaehtoisia fysiologisiin testeihin, joilla selvitettiin heidän altistumistaan mahdollisesti rasittaviin töihin kuumassa ja kosteassa ympäristössä. Tulokset osoittivat, että tutkittujen henkilöiden työympäristö oli epäergonominen, ei ainoastaan työhön liittyvien ongelmien takia, vaan myös stressin, liiallisen voimankäytön, vanhojen koneiden, taloudellisten tekijöiden sekä työhön liittyvien säännösten ja lainsäädännön puutteiden vuoksi. Tulokset osoittivat myös, että työntekijöiden riski työtapaturmiin oli kasvanut paikallisten syiden takia. Tulokset auttavat paremmin ymmärtämään terveys-, turvallisuus- ja ergonomiasovelluksia, joiden avulla työyhteisöjen osapuolet voivat käynnistää laaja-alaisen työympäristön parantamisen monissa kehitysmaissa kuten Bangladeshissä. Väitöskirjan käytännöllisen puolen tarkoituksena on työpisteiden ja -paikkojen suunnittelu ja työkalujen turvallisen käytön ja koneiden hallinnan sekä työasentojen edistäminen. Väitöskirja tuo myös esille kirjoittajan omia ehdotuksia ja näkökantoja mahdollisuuksiin lisätä työntekijöiden sekä työnantajien että julkista huomiota, vaarallisiin työtehtäviin ja -oloihin. Väitöstyö pyrkii lisäämään työn säännösten ja työvoimalainsäädännön huomioon ottoa. Työ esittelee myös teknisiä ratkaisuja pieniin ja keskisuuriin yrityksiin. Väitöskirja esittelee sovelluksia, joita paikallisen teknologian puitteissa voidaan käyttää hyväksi. Lisäksi se tarjoaa ergonomisia malleja, jotta työt olisivat vähemmän rasittavia ja sekä tuottavia että turvallisia. Ergonomisen toimenpiteen tehokkuus on pyritty nojaamaan myös paikallisuuteen. Ne voidaan suoraan toteuttaa kehitysmaassa, kuten Bangladeshissä estämään ja kontrolloimaan työperäisiä ongelmia. Kuitenkin lopulliset parannukset riippuvat paikallisten ihmisten asenteista, joita on vuorovaikutteisen järjestelmäkokonaisuuden kaikkien osapuolien tasoilla. Terveys- ja turvallisuustekijät esitetään liitettyinä paikalliseen kulttuuriin ja yhteiskuntaan tai olemassa olevaan ympäristöön. Painottaen työntekijöiden kognitiivisia, psykososiaalisia ja sosioekonomisia parannuksia oman avun kautta tämä väitöskirja myös päätyy siihen, että paikallisten työntekijöiden asenteet ja välinpitämätön työkulttuuri voivat olla työperäisten ongelmien alkusyitä. Sen tähden on olennaista, että paikallisten toimenpiteiden konkreettinen toteutus saadaan aikaan. Ergonomiset muutokset tehdään yhteistyössä kaikkien työprosessin osapuolten kanssa. Jotta tätä kehitysprosessia helpotettaisiin, on tehtävä enemmän toimenpiteitä myös tutkimuksen ja opiskelun alueilla. Tämän takia työnantajien asenteiden ymmärtäminen ja työntekijöiden osallistuminen on olennaista; sekä se, että löydetään käsitys toimenpiteiden logiikasta ja seurauksista työpaikalla. Näiden lisäksi tarvitaan myös onnettomuusrekisteri sekä työtä koskevaa informaatiota.

In Search of Work-Life Balance: Organizational and Economic Challenges Confronting Women in Banking and Management Consulting Firms in Southwest Nigeria

Ogundoro, Oluwafisayo 01 December 2019 (has links)
Married women in the banking and management consulting firms in Nigeria encounter challenges that affect their commitment to their families while working long hours in demanding jobs. This study explores the challenges married women encounter and the impacts they have on women’s family lives, social lives, and health. I analyze primary and secondary sources to understand how organizational work culture such as long working hours, work competitiveness, and Nigeria’s unstable economy negatively affect the work-life balance of married women in banking and management consulting firms. Although participants shared the belief that their workplaces practiced “equality,” their descriptions of daily life activities indicate that women did not enjoy egalitarian conditions at work or at home. This study brings to light the challenges faced by married women and suggests how the Nigerian government can promote gender equality in the workplace through the review and amendment of the Nigerian Labor policy.

CULTURA DEL LAVORO E ACADEMY AZIENDALI PER APPRENDERE NELLA QUARTA RIVOLUZIONE INDUSTRIALE / Working Culture and Company Academies to learn in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

FREGNAN, EZIO 09 February 2021 (has links)
La Quarta rivoluzione industriale e l’evoluzione tecnologica in atto stanno innescando significativi cambiamenti a livello culturale, sociale ed economico. Le rapide trasformazioni del mondo del lavoro portano in luce l’esigenza di coinvolgere i principali soggetti responsabili di guidare il cambiamento organizzativo e professionale all’interno di un percorso di ricerca partecipata e collaborativa, capace di esplicitare e descrivere diversi modi di affrontare le esperienze connesse ai mutamenti in corso. All’interno di questo contesto, il lavoro di tesi intende contribuire a delineare la nuova cultura del lavoro che sta emergendo da alcune pratiche innovative, presenti all’interno del nuovo ecosistema educativo e formativo. La ricerca scientifica, iniziata nel settembre 2019 e conclusa nel settembre 2020, si articola in quattro domande: Come sta cambiando il contesto nel quale viviamo e lavoriamo? Come si sta trasformando la cultura del lavoro? Quali Driver ne facilitano l’apprendimento? Gli elementi della cultura del lavoro sono utili anche alla luce di una nuova trasformazione radicale e improvvisa? Le risposte intendono fornire alcuni spunti di riflessione e un primo orientamento pratico per tutti coloro i quali sono coinvolti in prima persona nella costruzione di nuove soluzioni per l’apprendimento, volte a trasferire valore ai cittadini e ai lavoratori di domani. / The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the technological evolution in place are originating significant changes in culture, society and economy. Rapid transformations in the world of work revealed the need of involving the main subjects in charge of driving both organizational and professional change toward an engaging and collaborative research path, able to make clear and describe different ways to face the experiences connected with the undergoing changes. Within this context, the thesis aims at contributing in outlining the new work culture emerging from some innovative practices, present in the new educational and training ecosystem. The scientific research, started in December 2019 and concluded in September 2020, is articulated in four questions: How is the context in which we live and work changing? How is the work culture undergoing transformations? Which Drivers do facilitate its understanding? Are the elements of the work culture useful also in the light of a new radical and unexpected transformation? The answers intend to provide some points for reflection and a first practical guidance for all those who are directly involved in the creation of new learning solutions, aimed at transferring value to citizens and workers of tomorrow.

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