Spelling suggestions: "subject:"britten communication"" "subject:"critten communication""
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An investigation of the effects which using the word processor has on the writing of standard six pupilsMcKenzie, Donald John January 1994 (has links)
In order to discover to what extent the use of the word processor affects the motivation of high school students when engaged in writing tasks, and to determine the effects of the word processing on the length and quality of their work and editing, two groups, carefully matched in terms of prior computer experience, intelligence and language ability were given eight writing tasks. The test group used word processors while the control group used pen and paper. Their behaviour was closely observed and their writing was subsequently compared. It was found that while the test group were more motivated and spent longer both writing and editing their work, the quality of the work of both groups was similar. The degree of editing was greater for the test group. The conclusion is that there is a place for the use of the word processor in the English classroom, but specific strategies need to be developed to optimise its benefits.
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A survey of the writing approaches followed by ESL teachers in Port Elizabeth secondary schools where Afrikaans is the first languageHarran, Marcelle January 1994 (has links)
In this study an attempt is made to describe and illuminate the current approaches to ESL writing in secondary schools in the Port Elizabeth-Despatch areas where Afrikaans is the first language of the pupils. Teacher and pupil Questionnaires were used as a means of data collection through which the approaches, practices and attitudes to the teaching of ESL writing in the secondary schools in the survey area could be reviewed and assessed. The teacher Questionnaire revealed that most respondents appeared to have a limited awareness or understanding of basic composing processes, especially the role of multiple drafting and teacher intervention in the form of interactive feedback. There is also evidence that there is a limited understanding of how these activities can be effectively implemented in a classroom situation. The pupil Questionnaire was used as a means to extend the understanding of teacher approaches to ESL writing as revealed in the teacher Questionnaire, to enable comparisons to be made and to evaluate the writing approaches currently practised in the ESL classroom. Many of the observations revealed in the teacher Questionnaire were echoed in the analysis of the pupil Questionnaire, especially the limited roles of planning and feedback, treatment of error, attitude to writing and the limited improvement in writing as pupils progress through the secondary school. The analysis also revealed that pupils were reluctant to expose, or share their work with audiences, were pre-occupied with error and viewed the teacher as grade-giver, grammarian and topic-provider. Topic selection was also revealed as a factor which influenced the pupils' negative or indifferent attitudes to writing. Although the process approach was considered a traditional approach to writing by 1986, the analysis and review of the Questionnaire data has revealed that a fair assessment of the state of ESL writing in the survey schools would place the current writing approaches in the traditional product- centred, form-dominated, teacher-centred mould. For this position to change, research pedagogy will need to become part of teacher training and the classroom so that there can be greater teacher awareness and understanding of composing processes and their implementation in the classroom. This is necessary, because research findings have revealed that a genuine orientation to a process approach and the application of composing stategies followed by good writers will result in improved writing progress and pupils having a more positive attitude to writing.
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A literature survey of genre-based approaches to EST reading and writing from 1960 to 2002Harold, Albert 31 May 2007 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to present a critical literature review and conceptual analysis of selected genre-based research materials from 1960-2002 on the theoretical and pedagogical issues involved in teaching reading and writing to students of English for Science and Technology. Methodologically, the comparative data-analysis is aimed at identifying commonalities and differences between the various data texts in terms of their definition, orientations, and pedagogical uses. Based on the analyses, suggestions are made for the additional practical applications of the approaches within a learning-centred, communicative framework. The main conclusion is that genre analysis is a fusion of textual-contextual orientations on a structural-linguistic, social-ethnographic cline, which involves simultaneous microlinguistic and macrorhetorical, social-ethnographic processing. Owing to the scope of genre analysis, it is suggested that a considerably expanded, in-depth investigation is needed to clarify the dynamic tensions between and within the individual genre-based approaches, as well as their pedagogical applications. / English Studies / MA (TESOL)
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Kommunikation och begreppsförståelse : vilken inverkan olika former av kommunikation kan ha för elevernas matematiska begreppsförståelse / Communication and conceptual knowledge : the impact different forms of communication may have on pupils' understanding of mathematical conceptsKarlsson, Anton, Nyrén, Lena January 2017 (has links)
Kommunikation sker i alla sociala sammanhang och inom skolans värld är den av betydelse för elevernas kunskapsutveckling. Med en systematisk litteraturstudie var syftet att undersöka vad forskningen säger att den muntliga och skriftliga kommunikationen kan ha för inverkan på elevernas matematiska begreppsförståelse och begreppsanvändning i grundskolan. För att samla in vetenskapligt underlag för detta, användes databasen Web of Science. Resultatet visar att den muntliga kommunikationen används i större utsträckning än den skriftliga. Begreppsförståelsen blir djupare när eleverna kommunicerar med varandra och använder sig av de korrekta begreppen, för då sker ett utbyte av de matematiska idéerna och tankarna. Trots stora klasser och tidspress har resultatet visat att lärare kan använda sig av olika metoder för att främja både kommunikationen och begreppsförståelsen hos eleverna. / Communication takes place in all different types of social contexts and in school communication is of importance for the pupils' knowledge development. With a systematic literature review, the purpose was to examine what research says about the impact both oral and written communication could have on pupils' conceptual knowledge and their use of concepts in elementary school. The database Web of Science was used to gather scientific data. The results show that oral communication is used to a greater extent than written. The conceptual knowledge becomes greater when pupils communicate with each other and use the correct concepts – because then an exchange of mathematical ideas and thoughts take place. Despite large classes and time pressure in the classroom, the results have shown that teachers can use different methods to further both the communication and the conceptual knowledge of the pupils.
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Deurlopende formatiewe assessering in skriftelike stelwerk in graad 5: 'n aksienavorsingsprojekJoshua, Elizabeth Caroline January 2005 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / The aim of this study was to determine the effects of continuous assessment within the written curriculum in a grade 5 class with Afrikaans as first language. / South Africa
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Facilitating reflection in post-graduate writing practiceNaidoo, Nadasen Arungasen January 2008 (has links)
University teaching staff are employed because of their knowledge in their particular disciplines. Many do not have a qualification to teach at a higher education institution upon commencement of their academic career. In that group there are few who have the research experience required to assist at postgraduate level. This should be developed as one of the three core activities of higher education, in which they have to be involved. This study is the result of a problem that I encountered as a higher education practitioner. In keeping with my being a practitioner researcher within an action research paradigm, this report is written mainly in the first person. The study reports on how my personal theories grew over a period resulting in the need to constantly improve my own practice. These personal theories culminated in the development of an instrument (ADaM), to assess writing. ADaM was used primarily to facilitate reflection in post-graduate writing practice. In this study, there were three sets of workshops comprising 13 practical sessions each, where lecturers engaged with the process of reading, writing, computer-mediation and, to a limited extent, with the concept of mentorship. The purpose was to answer the research question: Can a writing assessment instrument be used to sensitise staff teaching post-graduates to reflect on the complex nature of producing and assessing academic writing? At two points during the 13 practical sessions, data was gathered through semistructured interviews. The data has been analysed using a form of grounded theory referred to as remodeled grounded theory. Since the analysis traversed both the quantitative and qualitative paradigms of research, it was necessary also to place the study within the third paradigm, referred to as mixed methods research. The analysis has been presented via a series of relationships generated first by open coding, then axial coding and concludes with selective coding. In addition, the comments of an independent coder were used to validate the analysis. In accordance with classic grounded theory, it was only after the analysis of the data and the emergence of a substantive theory that I referred to existing theory in the penultimate chapter as validation of my findings. The findings from the study, together with existing literature, allowed me to conclude that “Creating an awareness of writing assessment sensitises academics to their roles as HE practitioners particularly in the areas of writing and mentorship in post-graduate supervision”.
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Výzkum trhu kurzů písemné komunikace / The Market Research of The Written Communication CoursesČeladníková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The principal theme of this work is the courses of written communication. The theoretical part mainly focuses on the business plan and the market research. The practical part describes the evolution of internet communication and continues with a business plan which comprises the concept of courses of written communication. Based on the market research, the goal of the work is to find out whether the chosen focus group would be interested in this kind of courses. The market research consists of the secondary and primary research. The primary quantitative research served as a tool to update the secondary data. As a qualitative research the author used the individual in-depth interviews. The work concludes by evaluating the results of the market research and serves as a recommendation for managers of educational institutions.
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A aprendizagem da escrita no ensino fundamental II com o auxílio de suportes digitais /Kohle, Érika Christina. January 2016 (has links)
Orientadora: Stela Miller / Banca: Dagoberto Buim Arena / Banca: Cláudia Beatriz de Castro Nascimento Ometto / Resumo: Esta dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP - Campus de Marília relata resultados de pesquisa realizada com o objetivo geral de compreender como o uso de determinadas estratégias de ensino possibilitaria inserir, no mundo da escrita, crianças do sexto ano do ensino fundamental II ainda não produtoras de textos, auxiliando-as, por esse meio, em seu processo de aprendizagem de atos de escrita. Uma das estratégias foi propor a elaboração de atos de escrita por meio de gêneros discursivos, que cumprissem a função social para o qual foram criados; outra estratégia foi deixar que esses gêneros discursivos fossem escolhidos pelas crianças de acordo com suas necessidades comunicativas no momento das suas produções e a última estratégia foi usar suportes digitais nessas produções, pois eles ofereceriam recursos para escrita. Além disso, esta pesquisa teve como objetivos específicos (1) avaliar o trabalho com gêneros do discurso escolhidos pelas crianças durante os atos de escrita, (2) comprovar as contribuições dos suportes digitais para o ensino dos atos de escrita e (3) analisar as contribuições do professor para a formação do sujeito autônomo na aprendizagem dos atos de escrita. Por meio do estudo de bibliografias referentes ao tema apropriação da linguagem buscou-se identificar os instrumentos que contribuíssem para a organização de práticas que auxiliassem oito crianças do sexto... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Education of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences, Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP - Campus de Marília, reports research results carried out with the general objective of understanding how the use of certain teaching strategies would make it possible to insert, Writing world, children of the sixth grade of elementary school II have not yet produced texts, thus helping them in their process of learning writing. One of these strategies was to propose the elaboration of acts of writing through discursive genders, which complied a social function for which they were created, another strategy was to let these discourse genres were chosen by the children according to their communication needs at the time of their productions and the last strategy was to use digital supports in these productions, as they would offer resources for writing. In addition, this research had as specific objectives (1) evaluate the work with speech genres chosen by the children during the acts of writing, (2) prove the contributions of digital supports for the teaching of the acts of writing and (3) analyze the contributions of the teacher to the formation of the autonomous subject in the learning of the acts of writing. Through the study of bibliographies referring to language appropriation subject sought to identify the instruments that contribute to the organization of practices that helped eight children of the sixth year of elementary school II of a public school in the city of Marília in its process of appropriation and objectification of the acts of writing. The research materialized through the action research methodology because it has allowed a researcher during the textual productions, act and intervene in practice and try to modify it. This research was theoretical ... - (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Escrita de histórias por crianças de escola pública e escola particular em diferentes situações de produçãoCorreia, Juliana de Arruda Fraga 04 May 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-05-04 / The aim of this study was to verify the progression of wiritten narrative stories made by children from a public and a private school in Recife, in four different production situations: free production, production from engravings presentation,
from a told story and from reading of an illustrated book. The work was carried through with 160 children, being 80 of public school and 80 of particular. Each child produced four stories, in a total of 640 stories. The stories had been analyzed and categorized in accordance with the categories of stories
proposals by Rego (1985). After the analysis of the results, could be concluded that it had a progression related to the level of text production in function of the teaching advance, clearly seen in private school children. The best situation for
public school students was from a told story, while reading of an illustrated book made private school children write more sofisticated stories. There was significant statistics differences between public and private schools in all four
situations. / O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a progressão das narrativas escrita de histórias por crianças da 1ª à 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública e uma particular da cidade do Recife em diferentes situações de produção: produção livre, produção a partir da apresentação de gravuras, a partir do conto e reconto e a partir da leitura de um livro ilustrado. O trabalho foi realizado com 160 crianças, sendo 80 da escola pública e 80 da particular. Cada criança produziu quatro histórias, num total de 640 histórias. As histórias foram analisadas e categorizadas de acordo com categorias adaptadas à proposta de Rego (1985). Após a análise dos resultados, pôde-se concluir que houve progressão em relação ao nível de elaboração das narrativas de histórias em função do avanço na escolarização, sendo esse avanço verificado com maior evidência entre as crianças da escola particular. A situação de produção que mais favoreceu a elaboração de histórias completas nos alunos
da escola pública foi a partir do conto e reconto, enquanto que, na escola particular, a escrita a partir do livro mostrou-se mais favorável para o surgimento de histórias mais elaboradas. Houve diferença estatisticamente
significante entre as escolas pública e particular, nas quatro situações de produção.
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Uma leitura sobre a escrita e o contexto social de alunos do ensino médio de assentamentos ruraisSilva, Airton Bernardo da 21 September 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-09-21 / The main issue that guides this research is the written production of students from rural communities who have completed second grade at the Federal Institute of
Education, Science and Technology of Pernambuco, Barreiros campus. We can see that the community takes ownership of a world designed by herself and her actions will be defined based on the consciousness of an entire linguistic system
that this community is to make use in their day to day. The entire chain of articulate sounds, as well as a network of marks written, we can conceptualize language will always be part of everyday life of a particular group, for it to be identified, respected by their peers or relegated. Focusing on a specific community of settlers and taking into account their use of written language on the need for this use in his or in other communities, we recorded some experiments with the production of written text that lead to reflections on the sport that does not admits different linguistic forms of the standard pattern. Based on the observations of the formal aspects of written language, also in the variations presented by this particular group, this study had the primary objective of studying the writing of a group who
continued the school education away from their home communities. Thus, what we could not ignore this research was the acquisition process of writing these students, although not our primary focus, besides the use of writing in his or in other communities that will participate in the future. Finally, this paper seeks to cast a glance at a script that we think differently, be it pure prejudice, ignorance or even a distinct reality of which we are accustomed, but which in reality is little different
from what we experience daily. / O principal assunto que norteia esta pesquisa é a produção escrita dos alunos oriundos de comunidades rurais que concluíram o segundo grau no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, campus Barreiros.
Pode-se ver que a coletividade se apropria de um mundo concebido por ela mesma e suas ações serão definidas, tendo como base a consciência de todo um sistema linguístico que essa coletividade passa a fazer uso no seu dia a dia. Toda
a cadeia de sons articulados, bem como uma rede de marcas escritas, que se pode conceituar de linguagem estará sempre fazendo parte do cotidiano de determinado grupo, que será por isto identificado, respeitado ou relegado por seus pares. Tendo como foco uma comunidade específica de assentados e levando em consideração o uso que fazem da língua escrita diante da necessidade desse uso em sua ou em outras comunidades, registramos algumas experiências com a
produção de texto escrito que nos levam a reflexões sobre a modalidade que não admite formas linguísticas diferentes da norma padrão. Baseado nas observações dos aspectos formais da língua escrita, também nas variações apresentadas por
esse grupo específico, o presente estudo teve como primordial objetivo estudar a escrita de um grupo que deu continuidade à educação escolar longe de suas comunidades de origem. Dessa forma, o que também não poderíamos desprezar nesta pesquisa era o processo de aquisição da escrita desses alunos, mesmo não sendo nosso foco principal, além do uso dessa escrita em sua ou em outras comunidades que no futuro hão de participar. Finalmente, este trabalho busca lançar um olhar sobre uma escrita que julgamos diferente, seja por puro
preconceito, ou desconhecimento mesmo de uma realidade distinta da que estamos acostumados, mas que na realidade em pouco difere daquela que temos vivência diária.
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