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Ultrafast photoinduced phase transitions in complex materials probed by time-resolved resonant soft x-ray diffractionTrabant, Christoph January 2014 (has links)
In processing and data storage mainly ferromagnetic (FM) materials are being used. Approaching physical limits, new concepts have to be found for faster, smaller switches, for higher data densities and more energy efficiency. Some of the discussed new concepts involve the material classes of correlated oxides and materials with antiferromagnetic coupling. Their applicability depends critically on their switching behavior, i.e., how fast and how energy efficient material properties can be manipulated. This thesis presents investigations of ultrafast non-equilibrium phase transitions on such new materials.
In transition metal oxides (TMOs) the coupling of different degrees of freedom and resulting low energy excitation spectrum often result in spectacular changes of macroscopic properties (colossal magneto resistance, superconductivity, metal-to-insulator transitions) often accompanied by nanoscale order of spins, charges, orbital occupation and by lattice distortions, which make these material attractive. Magnetite served as a prototype for functional TMOs showing a metal-to-insulator-transition (MIT) at T = 123 K. By probing the charge and orbital order as well as the structure after an optical excitation we found that the electronic order and the structural distortion, characteristics of the insulating phase in thermal equilibrium, are destroyed within the experimental resolution of 300 fs. The MIT itself occurs on a 1.5 ps timescale. It shows that MITs in functional materials are several thousand times faster than switching processes in semiconductors.
Recently ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic (AFM) materials have become interesting. It was shown in ferrimagnetic GdFeCo, that the transfer of angular momentum between two opposed FM subsystems with different time constants leads to a switching of the magnetization after laser pulse excitation. In addition it was theoretically predicted that demagnetization dynamics in AFM should occur faster than in FM materials as no net angular momentum has to be transferred out of the spin system. We investigated two different AFM materials in order to learn more about their ultrafast dynamics. In Ho, a metallic AFM below T ≈ 130 K, we found that the AFM Ho can not only be faster but also ten times more energy efficiently destroyed as order in FM comparable metals. In EuTe, an AFM semiconductor below T ≈ 10 K, we compared the loss of magnetization and laser-induced structural distortion in one and the same experiment. Our experiment shows that they are effectively disentangled. An exception is an ultrafast release of lattice dynamics, which we assign to the release of magnetostriction.
The results presented here were obtained with time-resolved resonant soft x-ray diffraction at the Femtoslicing source of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and at the free-electron laser in Stanford (LCLS). In addition the development and setup of a new UHV-diffractometer for these experiments will be reported. / In der Datenspeichertechnologie werden bisher hauptsächlich ferromagnetische Materialien eingesetzt. Da mit diesen aber physikalische Grenzen erreicht werden, werden neue Konzepte gesucht, um schnellere und kleinere Schalter, größere Datendichten und eine höherere Energieeffizienz zu erzeugen. Unter den diskutierten Materialklassen finden sich komplexen Übergangsmetalloxide und Materialien mit antiferromagnetischer Kopplung. Die Anwendbarkeit solcher Materialien hängt stark davon ab, wie schnell sich deren Eigenschaften verändern lassen und wieviel Energie dafür eingesetzt werden muss. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit ultraschnellen, Nicht-Gleichgewicht-Phasenübergängen genau in solchen Materialien.
In Übergangsmetalloxiden führt die enge Kopplung zwischen den unterschiedlichen Freiheitsgraden zu einem effektiven niederenergetischen Anregungsspektrum. Diese Anregungen sind oft verknüpft mit spektakulären makroskopischen Eigenschaften, wie z.B. dem kolossalen Magnetowiderstand, Hochtemperatur-Supraleitung, Metall- Isolator-Übergang, die oft von nanoskaliger Ordnung von Spins, Ladungen, orbitaler Besetzung sowie Gitterverzerrungen begleitet sind. Dadurch werden diese Materialien interessant für Anwendbarkeit. Magnetit, ein Prototyp eines solchen funktionalen Materials zeigt einen Metall-Isolator-Übergang bei T = 123 K. Untersucht man die Ladungs- und orbitale Ordnung sowie die Struktur nach einer optischen Anregung, so findet man, dass die elektronische Struktur und Gitterverzerrung, die kennzeichnend für die Tieftemperaturphase sind, innerhalb der Zeitauflösung des Experiments von 300 fs zerstört wird. Der eigentliche Metall-Isolator-Übergang zeigt sich erst nach 1.5 ps. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass MITs in funktionalen Materialien bis zu tausend Mal schneller geschaltet werden können als in vorhandenen Halbleiter-Schaltern.
Seit kurzem rücken auch ferrimagnetische und antiferromagnetische Materialen in den Fokus des Interesses. Es wurde im Ferrimagnet GdFeCo gezeigt, dass der Transfer von Drehimpuls zwischen zwei entgegengesetzten Subsystemen mit unterschiedlichen Zeitkonstanten zu einem Umschalten der Magnetisierung führt. Zudem wurde vorhergesagt, dass Demagnetisierungsdynamiken in antiferromagnetischen Materialien schneller ablaufen soll als in ferromagnetischen, da kein Drehimpuls aus dem Spinsystem abgeführt werden muss. Damit wir mehr über antiferromagnetische Dynamik erfahren haben wir zwei unterschiedliche Antiferromagneten untersucht, um sie mit den bekannten FM zu vergleichen. Im metallischen AFM Holmium fanden wir, dass die magnetische Ordnung schneller und zehnmal energieeffizienter zerstört werden kann als in vergleichbaren FM Metallen. In Europium-Tellurid, einem antiferromagnetischem Halbleiter, haben wir den Zerfall der magnetischen Ordnung im Hinblick auf Wechselwirkungen mit der Struktur untersucht. Wir fanden auf kurzen Zeitskalen eine eher entkoppelte Dynamik. Eine Ausnahme ist ein schneller Beitrag zur Gitterdynamik, den wir mit dem Wegfall von Magnetostriktion erklären.
Die hier gezeigten Ergebnisse wurden mit Hilfe zeitaufgelöster resonanter weicher Röntgenbeugung an der Femtoslicing Strahlungsquelle des Helmholtz-Zentrums Berlin und am freien Elektronenlaser LCLS gemessen. Zusätzlich wird über die Entwicklung und den Bau eines UHV-Diffraktometers für diese Experimente berichtet.
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Pharmaceutical polymorphism : an investigation using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopyCampbell, Susan Christina January 1998 (has links)
The study of two pharmaceutically active systems that each display polymorphism has provided a platform upon which to develop and apply solid-state NMR techniques in order to increase the understanding of the solid-state structure of small organic molecules. The multidisciplinary approach adopted has highlighted the advantages of solid-state NMR as a non-invasive probe of molecular conformation and crystallographic packing.Carbon-13 CP/MAS spectra of the two polymorphs of BRL55834 - a fluorinated benzopyran derivative - immediately suggest the presence of one and three molecules in the asymmetric unit. A lack of crystals suitable for single-crystal XRD has catalysed the application of high-power powder X-ray diffraction studies. Subsequent attempts at structure solution using Genetic Algorithm techniques are showing preliminary results that reinforce predictions made from solid-state NMR. Novel triple-channel techniques have aided assignment and resolution of die complex (^13)C CP/MAS spectra. Enrichment of the (^15)N site appears to have resulted in the formation of a new polymorph. Techniques for the analysis of detection Units have been developed using solid-state Raman spectroscopy and chemometric analysis. The aminoxanthine derivative, BRL61063, provides interesting inter-form variations in molecular disorder, solid-state packing, and hydrogen bonding. A previously basic understanding of the single-crystal XRD data has been further evaluated through the course of this Ph.D. and solid-state NMR spectral editing techniques have been developed and applied to identify these phenomena. Recrystallisation studies have produced two samples that appear to exist in an intermediate state between the rigid and mobile structural limits. Temperature variation causes interesting changes in the relaxation characteristics and natural abundance (^15)N and (^13)C CP/MAS spectra. Residual dipolar coupling effects vary in their manifestation within the (^13)C CP/MAS spectra of the polymorphic systems studied and comparison with the literature yields important information regarding molecular conformation. Nitrogen-15 enrichment and operation at higher magnetic field have been applied to reduce these second order effects. Finally, some distance has been travelled along the path towards decoupling (^14)N. Future development of this technique holds potential for resolution enhancement in the solid state spectra of most naturally occurring, nitrogen-containing molecules.
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MBE growth and characterisation of ZnSe-based II-VI semiconductorsO'Donnell, Cormac Brendan January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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The effect of fluorine substituents in conjugated polymersLӧvenich, Peter Wilfried January 2001 (has links)
A new route to a well-defined block copolymer with alternating PEO-solubilising groups and fluorinated distyrylbenzene units was established. The Horner Wittig reaction was used as the polycondensation reaction. The non-fluorinated analogue of this block copolymer was prepared via the Wittig reaction. Both polymers were soluble in chloroform and free-standing films could be cast from solution. The position of the HOMO and LUMO energy levels of these two materials were determined by a combination of cyclic voltammetry, UV photoelectron spectroscopy and UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy. The presence of fluorine substituents on the distyrylbenzene unit had no influence on the HOMO-LUMO band-gap (3.0 eV). However, the position of these two energy levels relative to the vacuum level was shifted to higher energies (0.85 eV shift) in the case of the fluorinated block copolymer. The photoluminescence quantum efficiency of the fluorinated block copolymer was 17%, that of the non-fluorinated block copolymer was 34%. The former was used as the electron conducting layer in a light emitting diode with poly(p-phenylene vinylene) as the emissive layer. The latter was used as the emissive layer in light emitting diodes. Luminances over 2000 cd/m(^2) were observed for devices based on the non-fluorinated block copolymer using indium tin oxide as the anode and aluminium as the cathode. The luminescence efficiency of such devices was as high as 0.5 cd/A, corresponding to an internal quantum efficiency of 1.1%.Furthermore, an oligo(p-phenylene vinylene) was synthesised that contained two terminal fluorinated benzene rings and two central non-fluorinated benzene rings, all connected by vinylene bridges. This material aggregated in a 'brickwall' motif, where each molecule overlaps with two halves of molecules in the row above and below. The structure of this J aggregate is due to aryl-fluoroaryl-interactions and was demonstrated by X-ray crystal structure analysis.
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Synthesis And Characterization Of Rare Earth BorophosphatesOzdil, Yasemin 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, solid state reactions of Ln2O3, Y2O3, B2O3 and (NH4)2HPO4 were investigated to synthesize LnBP2O8 (Ln= Dy, Ho, Er) and YBP2O8 type of borophosphates which were not reported before. The products were analyzed by XRD, IR, DTA, SEM and EDX methods.
In the first part of this thesis, synthesis of YBP2O8 through the solid state reaction of Y2O3 + 4(NH4)2HPO4 + B2O3 have been studied in the range 800-1140 ° / C.
Orthophosphates of Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium and Yttrium have tetragonal xenotime (YPO4) or zircon (ZrSiO4) structure. Examination of X-ray powder diffraction data at 1140 º / C showed that the obtained structure was xenotime type together with weak BPO4 and Y(PO3)3 lines. The formula was calculated as YBxP1+xO4+4x through EDX and XRD data. The pattern was indexed in tetragonal system with the unit cell parameters of a= 6.8863, c= 6.016 Å / and s.g. is I41/amd.
In the second part of this research, synthesis of LnBP2O8 through the solid state reaction of Ln2O3 + 4(NH4)2HPO4 + B2O3 (Ln= Dy, Ho, Er) have been studied in the range 800-1200 º / C. At 1200 º / C DyBP2O8 was obtained with tetragonal structure with the unit cell parameters of a= 6.905, c= 6.051 Å / and s.g. I41/amd. Using the same procedure HoBP2O8 was obtained at 1100-1200 º / C and the XRD pattern was indexed in tetragonal system with the unit cell parameters of a= 6.887, c= 6.024 Å / and s.g. I41/amd. In the structural analysis of ErBP2O8 obtained by the same reaction, the system was found as tetragonal and was indexed with a= 6.849, c= 5.998 Å / and s.g. I41/amd. Examination of the unit cell parameters with respect to ionic radius showed that the unit cell parameters decrease depending on the lanthanide contraction.
The structures of the compounds obtained throughout this thesis were examined by IR spectroscopy and relation between the spectra and IR vibrational modes were established. The presence of bands due to BO4 in the final products revealed that Boron is in the solid solution with the tentative formula YBxP1+xO4+4x for Y and LnBP2O8 for lanthanides.
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Synthesis Of Iron Borophosphates And Phosphates With Zeo-type StructuresTuncel, Selcan 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
New iron phosphate and borophosphate compounds were synthesized and characterized by single crystal/powder X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, electron microscopy and elemental analysis.
Using several compositions, Fey B(PO4)x type of compounds were attempted to be prepared by solid state reactions. The solid state reactions of boron compounds with a phosphating agent has been completed at 950oC. A new product Fe2BP3O12 is synthesized and indexed in this work which is isostructural with Cr2 BP3O12
A single crystal of iron ammonium phosphate, (NH4)3-xHxFeP3O12, was synthesized by a hydrothermal method and characterized. Its X-ray powder diffraction
pattern was indexed in orthorhombic system. The unit cell parameters were found to be as a = 7.775 (Å / ), b = 7.445(Å / ), c = 14.331(Å / )
The compound with the formula NH4FeBP2O8OH was synthesized by hydrothermal method. Its X-ray powder diffraction pattern was indexed in monoclinic system. The unit cell parameters were found to be a = 9.336, b = 8.278, c =9.642Å / , and & / #946 / = 101.60o, which are good agreement with the literature values.
Ferro-axinite type of compound was discovered as single crystals resembling the axinite mineral. The compound was indexed in triclinic system with the unit cell parameters of a = 7.167, b = 8.840 , c = 9.455Å / , & / #945 / = 64.83o, & / #946 / = 64.83o, & / #947 / = 69.42o.
A zeotype Fe(H2O)2BP2O8.H2O, which was obtained by hydrothermal methods before, was synthesized by a precipitation method using different initial reactant. In this case, instead of Fe+2, Fe+3 compound was used as a reactant.
All the compounds have been investigated by FTIR spectroscopy and the assignments of the functional BO3, BO4 and PO4 groups have been done.
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Untersuchungen zu Kristallstruktur und Magnetismus an Übergangsmetalloxiden mittels Dichtefunktionaltheorie und kristallographischer experimenteller TechnikenWeißbach, Torsten 25 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Es werden die Verbindungen YMn2O5 und YFeMnO5 diskutiert. Die erstere zeigt unterhalb von TN = 45 K Ferromagnetismus und in der magnetischen Phase schwache Ferroelektrizität. Die elektrische Polarisation wird mit Symmetriebrechung durch die Spinstruktur erklärt, die zur Aufhebung der Inversionssymmetrie führt (sog. unechtes Ferroelektrikum). Isostrukturelle Ersetzung von Mn durch Fe führt zu YFeMnO5, einer Verbindung, die bei T<165 K ferrimagnetisch, jedoch nicht ferroelektrisch ist. Die Spin-Strukturen beider Verbindungen sind bereits eingehend untersucht und zeigen charakteristische Unterschiede.
Für Verbindungen der Zusammensetzung YFe(x)Mn(2-x)O5 wurden
Röntgenbeugungs-und Absorptionsfeinstruktur-Experimente zur Bestimmung der Kristallstrukur in Abhängigkeit vom Fe-Anteil x durchgeführt und ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Strukturparameter einen nahezu linearen Verlauf zwischen den aus der Literatur bekannten Grenzfällen YFeMnO5 und YMn2O5 nehmen. Fe ersetzt dabei das Mn auf der fünffach koordinierten Lage innerhalb einer Sauerstoff-Pyramide. Besonders markant ist die unterschiedliche Position von Mn bzw. Fe in dieser Umgebung.
Mit Hilfe der Strukturdaten wurden kollineare DFT-Rechnungen im
LSDA+U-Formalismus in skalar-relativistischer Näherung durchgeführt.
Für YFeMnO5 konnte der experimentell bekannte Grundzustand im Rahmen der Näherung reproduziert werden, obgleich eine Bandlücke nur in Abhängigkeit von der U-Korrektur auftritt. Der berechnete Grundzustand von YMn2O5 gibt die komplizierte magnetische Struktur dieser Verbindung nicht wieder, weil die gewählte Elementarzelle des Gitters dafür zu klein ist. Statt dessen ist der berechnete Grundzustand hier sehr ähnlich zu dem von YFeMnO5. Eine ausführliche Untersuchung der projizierten Zustandsdichten der Metallatome ermöglicht die Diskussion der Kristallfeldaufspaltung im Zusammenhang mit deren Position innerhalb der Sauerstoffpolyeder.
Durch Berechnung mehrerer Spinstrukturen in einer kristallographischen
Elementarzelle mit erniedrigter Symmetrie konnten die Austauschparameter eines Heisenberg-Modells zwischen den lokalisierten Spins der Metallatome berechnet werden. Die Größenverhältisse dieser Parameter können mit den aus der Literatur bekannten Spinstrukturen in Einklang gebracht werden. Die Wechselwirkungen sind überwiegend antiferromagnetisch, in Übereinstimmung mit den GKA-Regeln für den Superaustausch. Bei YMn2O5 wird insbesondere eine der schwächeren Kopplungen in der magnetischen Struktur periodisch frustriert. Man geht davon aus, daß dies eine mögliche Ursache für das Auftreten von Ferroelektrizität in der magnetischen Phase ist. Bei YFeMnO5 ist der berechnete Wert dieser Kopplung wesentlich größer und die magnetische Struktur beinhaltet keine Frustration. Dies ist eine mögliche Erklärung für die Abwesenheit der magnetisch induzierten Ferroelektrizität in YFeMnO5.
Im zweiten Teil stehen das in Perowskitstruktur kristallisierende SrTiO3 und die durch Hinzufügen von SrO daraus hervorgehenden Kristallstrukturen der sog. Ruddlesden-Popper-Phasen (RP) im Mittelpunkt. Die Daten von Nahkanten-Elektronenenergieverlustspektren (ELNES) an der Sauerstoff K-Kante in SrTiO3, SrO und einer RP-Phase wurden ausgewertet und mit
DFT-berechneten projizierten Zustandsdichten (PDOS) der 2p-Orbitale der O-Atome in diesen Verbindungen verglichen. Bei ELNES-Nahkantenspektren ist ein solcher Vergleich mit Experimenten im Bereich hoher Elektronenenergien möglich, weil die Auswahlregel auch für die inelastischen Elektronenstöße zutrifft. Die Spektren zeigen für jede Verbindung charakteristische Maxima, deren Ursache die unterschiedliche nähere Umgebung der Sauerstoffatome ist.
Weiterhin wurden Experimente an SrTiO3-Einkristallen unter Einfluß
elektrischer Gleichströme und -felder durchgeführt. Bei Experimenten an
Einkristall-Wafern waren Hinweise auf lokale Veränderungen der
Kristallstruktur unter diesen Bedingungen gefunden worden.
Ergänzend dazu wurden mikroskopische einkristalline Proben untersucht. Bei geringen Stromstärken zeigte sich dabei das bereits bekannte Degradationsverhalten des elektrischen Widerstands. Bei hohen Stromstärken kommt es zum elektrischen Durchbruch und dauerhafter Erniedrigung des Widerstands. Röntgenbeugungsmessungen ergaben keine Hinweise auf Veränderungen an der Kristallstruktur oder in Form von Zwillings-oder Bruchstückbildung.
Im dritten Teil werden Röntgenbeugungsmessungen an CeCu2Si2-Einkristallen diskutiert. Bei der Auswertung älterer Messungen fielen nach der Strukturbestimmung charakteristische Maxima der Restelektronendichte auf, deren Ursprung nicht erklärt werden konnte und die bei mehreren Kristallen beobachtet wurden. Mit erneuten Messungen und Simulationen konnte nun gezeigt werden, daß diese Maxima von einer fehlerhaften Auswertungsmethode verursacht wurden.
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Residual stress in CVD coatings : Evaluation of XRD and TEM methods for micro and macrostress determinationKarlsson, Dennis January 2015 (has links)
Cutting tools are subject to extreme environment during processing, with hightemperatures and pressures. CVD coatings are used to increase lifetime andperformance of the WC/Co composite. Residual stresses in the coatings areinteresting as they may be destructive or constructive for the material duringoperation. Blasting is used to change the as-deposited tensile stress to compressive.The usefulness of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and nanobeam diffraction (NBD) forcharacterization of strains in the different coating layers has been investigated. XRDwith different anode materials has been used to determine the macrostress in thelayers and an attempt was done to calculate the average microstrain and crystallitesize. NBD was used to study the microstrain within single grains of the differentmaterials. A specimen preparation method has been developed for the studiedsamples using the FIB.The XRD analysis shows that the measurement condition is of great importanceduring stress measurements. The macrostress of the different samples show that theZrCN type coating is less stressed than the TiCN type coating after deposition. It isalso shown that the ZrCN type coating is less affected by the blasting. Determinationof microstrain and crystallite size from XRD needs further development.The NBD is a good method to evaluate microstrain within single grains, or betweengrains oriented in the same zone axis. The analyses show more strain within thegrains after blasting. The measurements indicate more strain variation in the Al2O3layer in the TiCN system compared to the ZrCN system.
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Carbon Ion Implanted Silicon for Schottky Light-Emitting Diodes2015 October 1900 (has links)
Research in the field of Photonics is in part, directed at the application of light-emitting materials based on silicon platforms. In this work silicon wafers are modified by carbon ion implantation to incorporate silicon carbide, a known light-emitting material. Ion beam synthesis treatments are applied with implant energy of 20 keV, and ion fluences of 3, 5 and 10 × 1016 ions/cm2 at both ambient temperature and high temperature (400 °C). The samples are annealed at 1000 °C, after implantation.
The carbon ion implanted silicon is characterized using Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic techniques, grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy. The materials are observed to have a multilayer structure, where the ambient temperature implanted materials have an amorphous silicon layer, and an amorphous silicon layer with carbon-rich, nanoscale inclusions. The high temperature implanted materials have the same layers, with an additional polycrystalline Si layer at the interface between the implanted layer and the target substrate and the amorphous Si layer with SiC inclusions is reduced in thickness compared to the ambient temperature samples. The carbon-rich inclusions are confirmed to be SiC, with no evidence of carbon clusters in the materials observed using Raman spectroscopy.
The carbon ion-implanted material is used to fabricate Schottky diodes having a semitransparent gold contact at the implanted surface, and an aluminum contact on the opposite side. The diodes are tested using current-voltage measurements between -12 and +15 V. No reverse breakdown is observed for any of the diodes. The turn-on voltages for the ambient temperature implanted samples are 2.6±0.1 V, 2.8±0.6 V and 3.9±0.1 V for the 3, 5 and 10 × 1016 ions/cm2 samples, respectively. For the high temperature implanted samples, the turn-on voltages are 3.2±0.1 V, 2.7±0.1 V, and 2.9±0.4 V for the implanted samples with same fluences. The diode curves are modeled using the Shockley equation, and estimates are made of the ideality factor of the diodes. These are 188±16, 224.5±5.8, and 185.4±9.2 for the ambient temperature samples, and 163.6±6.3, 124.3±5.3, and 333±12 for the high temperature samples. The high ideality factor is associated with the native oxide layer on the silicon substrate and with the non-uniform, defect-rich implanted region of the carbon ion implanted silicon.
Red-orange visible light emission from the diodes is observed with voltage greater than the turn-on voltage applied across the diodes. The luminescence for the ambient temperature samples is attributed to porous silicon, and amorphous silicon. The high temperature implanted samples show luminescence associated with porous silicon, nanocrystalline silicon carbide, and defects in silicon related to ion implantation. The luminescent intensity observed for the ambient temperature samples is higher than for the high temperature samples. The dominant luminescence feature in the carbon ion-implanted silicon material is porous silicon, which is described by quantum confinement of excitons in silicon.
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Síntese e caracterização de compostos HoMn1-x(Ni,Co)xO3Santos, Cássio Morilla dos [UNESP] 11 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
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santos_cm_dr_bauru.pdf: 6826027 bytes, checksum: 1ad686f4be17bb277f0631a83afd94f0 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Nesse trabalho foi realizado o processo de síntese, e a caracterização estrutural e magnética de compostos HoMn1-x(Ni, Co)xO3 de estrutura perovskita. As sínteses das amostras foram realizadas por meio do método dos precursores poliméricos modificado. Após a síntese e a remoção do solvente, a resina polimérica formada foi tratada em 350ºC/4h para a remoção dos constituintes orgânicos, seguida de tratamentos térmicos em 500ºC/4h e 900ºC/20h para obtenção da fase cristalina. Para a caracterização estrutural foi utilizada a linha D10B-XPD do Laboratório Naiconal de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), onde comprimentos de onda de raios X abaixo da borda de absorção do cobalto, do maganês e do níquel, foram utilizados. A formação das fases HoNi0.50Mn0.50O3, HoCo0.50O3 e HoNi0.25Co0.25Mn0.50O3, foram observadas pelas técnica da difração de raios X. Com o método de refinamento Reitveld para a amostra HoNi0.25Co0.25Mn0.50O3, foi determinado que o cobalto e o níquel apresentaram ocupações similares, no topo e na base da cela unitária, enquanto que o manganês ocupou preferencialmente o plano 002. A resposta magnética das amostras foi estudada através de curvas de magnetização em função da temperatura, e do campo magnético aplicado. As curvas ZFC demonstraram uma resposta paramagnética associada ao momento magnético do hólmio, além da coexistência de ferromagnetismo, antiferromagnetismos e ferrimagnetismo, devido às sub-redes formadas pelos metais de transição. As curvas FC evidenciaram o fenômeno da inversão de spin, associado à interação entre as sub-redes formadas pelos metais de transição com a sub-rede formada pela terra-rara, considerando um mecanismo de interação de troca antiferromagnética / In this work was accomplished the syntheis process and structural and magnetic characterization of HoMn1-x(NiCo)xO3 compounds of pervskites structure. The sample synthesis were performed through modified polymeric precursos method. After synthesis and solvent removal, the polymer resin formed was treated at 350ºC/4h for organic constituents removal, followed by heating treatment at 500ºC/4h and 900ºC/20h to obtain the crystalline phase. For structural characterization, it was used D10B-XPD beam line of Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), where X-rays wavelengths below cobalt, manganeses and nickel absorption edge, were used. The formation of HoNi0.50Mn0.50O3, HoCo0.50O3 e HoNi0.25Co0.25Mn0.50O3 phases were observed by X-ray diffraction technique. By Rietveld refinement method for sample HoNi0.25Co0.25Mn0.50O3, it was determined that cobalt and nickel had similar occupations at the top and bottom of unit cell, while the manganeses preferentially occupied plan 002. The magnetic response of samples was studied through magnetization curves according to the temperature function and the applied magnetic field. The ZFC curves showed a paramagnetic response associated to holmium magnetic moment, and ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism coexistence, due to sublattices formed by transition metals. The FC curves evidenced the spin reversal phenomenon, associated to the interaction between the sublattice formed bu transition metals with sublattices formed by rare-earth, considering a mechanism of antiferromagnetic exchange interaction
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