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Estudo de sistemas de relevância biológica por espalhamento de raios X a baixos ângulos / Small angle x-Ray scattering study of biological relevant systemsLeandro Ramos Souza Barbosa 12 December 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, utilizamos a técnica de espalhamento de raios-X a baixos Ângulos (SAXS) para estudar a influência de dois derivados fenotiazínicos na estrutura de sistemas micelares, assim como suas propriedades de auto-associação, além de investigar a influência da variação de pH e de concentração nas interações entre proteínas em solução. Para tanto, utilizamos dois fármacos fenotiazínicos, (Trifluoperazina, TFP e a Clorpromazina, CPZ), em presença de L--fosfatidilcolina (LPC), um surfactante zwiteriônico (30 mM), a pH 4.0 e 7.0. Os resultados de SAXS indicam que a micela de LPC, em ausência de fenotiazina, pode ser representada por uma micela com forma elipsoidal (com razão axial 1.6 0.1). No entanto, em presença de TFP e de CPZ a forma da micela se altera, passando para um cilindro (com razão axial 2.5 0.1). Este efeito é acompanhado por uma diminuição do raio parafínico da micela (22.5 0.3 Å), em ausência de fármaco, para 20.0 0.5 em presença de 10 mM de fármaco. Em paralelo, realizamos medidas de EPR (Ressonância Paramagnética eletrônica) destes sistemas. Combinando os resultados de SAXS e de EPR, propusemos um sítio para a localização destes compostos nas micelas de LPC, que seria na interface polar/apolar da mesma. Em um segundo momento, utilizamos as técnicas de SAXS e de EPR para investigar as características estruturais dos agregados formados por TFP e CPZ (a 20 e 60 mM, a pH 4.0 e 7.0). As curvas de SAXS são compatíveis com o espalhamento de agregados pequenos com diferentes geometrias: elipsoidal, cilíndrico e tipo-paralelepípedo. Devido à resolução da técnica, dentro do intervalo de vetores de espalhamento utilizada (até cerca de 0.3 Å-1), não é possível determinar, de forma absoluta, a correta geometria dos agregados, ou seja, todas as geometrias citadas acima ajustam de forma satisfatória as curvas de SAXS. As análises dessas curvas também não excluem a possibilidade de que estes fármacos mantenham-se como nano-cristais em solução (compostos por cerca de 10 celas unitárias, empilhadas na direção-z), seguindo sua estrutura cristalográfica. Medidas de EPR indicam que os auto-agregados a pH 4.0 possuem características semelhantes às micelas, mas a pH 6.5 este efeito não foi evidenciado, uma vez que ocorre uma forte interação entre a sonda e os agregados. Este fato indica que os agregados, a pH 6.5, têm um maior empacotamento, em comparação aos sistemas a pH 4.0. Por fim, utilizamos a Albumina de Soro Bovina (BSA, a 10 50 mg/ml), em diferentes pHs (2.0 9.0), para investigar os efeitos de concentração e de pH nos potenciais de interação das macromoléculas em solução. O fator de forma da proteína foi obtido através da estrutura cristalográfica da HSA (Human Serum Albumine, proteína humana homóloga a BSA), enquanto que as interações proteína-proteína foram calculadas através da relação de fechamento RPA (Random Phase Approximation). Nossos dados indicam que a BSA mantém sua estrutura terciária inalterada de pH 4.0 a 9.0, independente de sua concentração. No entanto, a pH 2.0 a proteína sofre um processo de desenovelamento, indicado pelo aumento da dimensão máxima da mesma. Nossos dados dão suporte para concluir que as interações entre as proteínas, a 10 mg/ml, são praticamente desprezíveis, exceto para os sistemas compostos a pH 2.0 (onde a proteína está desenovelada) e a pH 4.0 (onde evidenciamos a presença de interferência atrativa entre as proteínas). Entretanto, a medida em que aumentamos a concentração proteica, uma função de interferência do tipo repulsiva aparece na curvas de SAXS (para os sistemas de pH 4.0 a 9.0). Além disso, no sistema composto por BSA, pH 5.4 e 50 mg/ml, evidenciamos a existência de monômeros e dímeros em solução, provavelmente devido a proximidade do ponto isoelétrico da proteína (entre 4.8 5.6). Este efeito não foi evidenciado para os outros pHs, nesta mesma concentração. A pH 2.0 (25 e 50 mg/ml) evidenciamos uma compactação da proteína, sendo que sua forma é diferente da forma nativa da BSA. Nestas condições, é possível que a proteína tenha alcançado um estado molten globule, como evidenciado em outros trabalhos. Acreditamos que os efeitos de volume excluído são de grande importância para a estabilidade da proteína in vivo. / In this work we study, mainly by means of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), the influence of two phenothiazine derivatives on biomimetic systems as well as the self-assembly features. At the same time, the conformational stability of proteins in the presence of denaturant agents (pH and concentration) was evaluated. First of all, the phenothiazine compounds trifluoperazine (TFP) and chlorpromazine (CPZ) with micelles of the zwitterionic surfactant L--lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), at pHs 4.0 and 7.0, are reported. The SAXS results demonstrate that, upon addition of both phenothiazines, the LPC micelle of prolate ellipsoidal shape changes into a cylindrically shaped micelle, increasing its axial ratio from 1.6 0.1 (in the absence of drug) to 2.5 0.1 (for 5 and 10 mM of phenothiazine). Such an effect is accompanied by a shrinking of the paraffinic shortest semiaxis from 22.5 0.3 to 20.0 0.5 Å. Besides, EPR (Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance) evidenced a bigger motion immobilization of the nitroxe probe, in the presence of phenothiazines. Our results provide evidence that the positively charged phenothiazine molecule must be accommodated near the hydrophobic/hydrophilic inner micellar interface. Furthermore, SAXS and EPR experiments were carried out to investigate the structure of the self-aggregates of CPZ and TFP, in aqueous solution. SAXS studies (drug solutions of 20 and 60 mM, at pH 4.0 and 7.0) evidenced that several different particle form factors with a homogeneous electron density distribution, in respect to the water environment, could reproduce the scattering curves. Due to the limitation of scattering intensity in the q range above 0.15 Å-1, precise determination of the aggregate shape was not possible and all of the tested models for ellipsoids, cylinders, or parallelepipeds fitted the experimental data equally well. The SAXS data allows inferring, however, that CPZ molecules might self-assemble in a basis set of an orthorhombic cell, remaining as nanocrystallites in solution. Such nanocrystals are composed of a small number of unit cells (up to 10, in c-direction), with CPZ aggregation numbers of 60-80. EPR spectra of 5- and 16-doxyl stearic acids bound to the aggregates were also performed, indicating a micelle-like aggregate at pH 4.0, and a significant motional restriction of the nitroxide was observed at pH 6.5. This implies that the aggregate is densely packed at this pH and that the nitroxide is tightly bound to it producing a strongly immobilized EPR spectrum. Finally, the effect of concentration and pH on the protein-protein interactions of BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin, from 10 up to 50 mg/ml) was evaluated by SAXS. Our results give support to infer that BSA keeps its native shape (similar to the Human Serum Albumin, HSA, crystallographic structure) unaltered at middle-acid (pH 4.0) up to basic pHs (9.0). At pH 2.0, however, BSA undergoes an unfolding process, indicated by a non globular shape. The protein-protein interactions were analysed into the Random Phase Approximation. The results show that at smaller amounts of BSA (10 mg/ml) the interference effects are not significative over the SAXS curve for pH 5.4 up to 9.0. At pH 4.0 and 10 mg/ml, however, an attractive potential takes place over the SAXS curves, that becomes repulsive with increasing BSA concentration. Besides, at pH 5.4 and 50 mg/ml, we evidenced a dimer-monomer co-existence in the solution. At pH 2.0 and 25 and 50 mg/ml, BSA undergoes to a compact conformation. Probably, BSA is in a molten globule state. Our results give also support to infer that probably, the exclude volume effect plays an important role on the protein stability in vivo.
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Expressão, purificação e caracterização estrutural dos fatores de transcrição bZIP SCF12 e SCF5 de cana-de-açucar / Expression, purification and structural characterization of the sugarcane bZIP transcription factors SCF12 and SCF5Kiyota, Eduardo, 1977- 08 August 2008 (has links)
Orientadores: Ricardo Aparicio, Marcelo Menossi Teixeira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Esstadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T12:36:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Kiyota_Eduardo_M.pdf: 3864663 bytes, checksum: fb929727fccb0492142f162a1eca404e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Os fatores de transcrição do tipo bZIP estão presentes em organismos eucariotos e estão envolvidos na regulação da expressão gênica e no controle de muitos processos intracelulares. Esses fatores se ligam a seqüências específicas no DNA e são capazes de reconhecer seqüências reguladoras no promotor de um gene. As bZIPs são caracterizadas por uma região conservada rica em resíduos de aminoácidos básicos, e um zíper de leucinas, que possui repetições de uma seqüência de aminoácidos hidrofóbicos onde há uma leucina que ocupa a mesma posição a cada 7 resíduos. Estudos estruturais com bZIPs mostraram que essas proteinas enovelam-se na forma de uma extensa hélice-a e são capazes de formar dímeros através de um arranjo do tipo coiled- coil. Neste trabalho, a parte correspondente à região básica e ao zíper de leucinas de duas bZIPs, SCF5 e SCF12 de cana-de-açúcar, pertencentes a sub-famílias diferentes, foram clonadas, expressas e purificadas para estudos estruturais. O DNA correspondente a SCF12 foi clonado em pET28a e a proteína recombinante foi produzida em E. coli BL21 (DE3) pRil. A SCF12 purificada por cromatografia de afinidade (IMAC) teve sua estrutura secundária caracterizada por dicroísmo circular. A SCF5, clonada em pET3C e expressa em E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS foi purificada por cromatografia de troca catiônica. Cristais de um complexo da proteína ligada a uma seqüência de DNA de 24 pares de bases foram obtidos mas não exibiram qualidade suficiente para permitir a determinação da estrutura cristalográfica. Entretanto, foi possível obter um modelo do complexo a partir de experimentos de espalhamento de Raios X a baixos ângulos (SAXS, do inglês Small Angle X-Ray Scattering) em solução, e interpreta-lo à luz de estruturas de homólogas já conhecidas. / Abstract: The bZIP transcription factors are present in eukaryotic organisms and are involved in the regulation of gene expression and many intracellular processes. These factors bind specific DNA sequences and are able to recognize regulatory sequences of a gene promoter. The bZIPs are characterized by a conserved region rich in basic amino acid residues as well as by having the leucine zipper region, which possess a sequence of hydrophobic residues where there are leucines every seventh amino acids. Structural studies have shown that bZIP-folding is alpha-helical and these proteins are capable of dimmer formation via coiled-coil arrangement. In this work, the basic region and the leucine zipper of two sugarcane bZIPs, SCF12 and SCF5, belonged to two different bZIP-families were cloned, expressed and purified for structural studies. The corresponding SCF12 DNA was cloned into pET28a expression vector and the protein was produced in E. coli BL21 (DE3) pRil cells. SCF12 protein was purified by affinity chromatography (IMAC) and had its secondary structure characterized by CD. SCF5, cloned into pET3c and expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS was purified by cation exchange chromatography. Crystals of a complex formed by SCF5 protein and a 24-base-pair DNA sequence were obtained but unfortunately with quality insufficient for crystallographic structure determination. However, it was possible to obtain a model of the analyzed complex applying Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) technique by protein homologous structure comparison. / Mestrado / Físico-Química / Mestre em Química
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Resolução estrutural de proteínas hipotéticas, chaperonas de secreção, da bactéria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri / Structural insights on hypothetical proteins, secretion chaperones from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citriFattori, Juliana 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ljubica Tasic / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T07:18:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Fattori_Juliana_D.pdf: 11382370 bytes, checksum: c763644c24af47a0076a054c0186f7b1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O presente estudo teve por objetivo a caracterização estrutural de quatro possíveis chaperonas de secreção da bactéria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac). Esta caracterização é importante para entender as funções destas proteínas e consequentemente compreender os mecanismos de virulência da Xac que é a causadora do cancro cítrico. Das quatro proteínas estudadas, a XACb0033 é considerada uma possível chaperona de secreção do sistema de secreção do tipo IV; a XAC1346 são possíveis chaperonas de secreção do sistema de secreção do tipo III e a XAC1990, foi identificada em 2007 como uma proteína do sistema flagelar (FlgN). As quatro proteínas, clonadas em pET23a, foram expressas em E. coli, purificadas e obtidas enoveladas conforme as análises de dicroísmo circular (CD). Por CD também se observou um alto conteúdo helicoidal na estrutura secundária das proteínas. Elas foram caracterizadas por filtração em gel analítica, espectrometria de massas, técnicas de difusão de ressonância magnética nuclear (DOSY-NMR) e espalhamento de raios-X a baixo ângulo (SAXS). Por SAXS obteve-se um modelo do envelope molecular de duas proteínas que foi condizente com a estrutura tridimensional obtida por bioinformática. Baseando-se nos resultados obtidos foi possível especular a classificação da XAC0419 como provável chaperona secretória da classe I e a FlgN (XAC1990) foi classificada como uma chaperona flagelar (classe III); e para a XACb0033 observou-se similaridade estrutural com a VirE1, que é a única chaperona secretória do sistema de secreção do tipo IV conhecida até o momento / Abstract: The aim of this study was the structural characterization of four possible secretion chaperones from the bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac). This characterization is very important to better understand the function of such proteins and the virulence mechanisms from Xac, which is the bacterium responsible for provoking the citrus canker. Among the target proteins, XACb0033 is a possible secretion chaperone from type IV secretion system, XAC0419 and XAC1346 are possible secretion chaperones from type III secretion system and XAC1990 was earlier identified as a flagellar protein (FlgN). All four target proteins, cloned into pET23a, were expressed in E. coli, purified and found folded as observed in the circular dichroism analyses (CD). It was also verified (CD experiments) that these proteins have a high helical content. These proteins were further characterized by analytical gel filtration, mass spectrometry (MS), diffusion techniques in nuclear magnetic resonance (DOSY-NMR) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Molecular envelops were built for two target proteins applying the SAXS data. These envelops were in good agreement with the 3D structures predicted by bioinformatics. Finally, XAC0419 was considered a possible class I secretion chaperone based on the obteined results. XAC1990 (FlgN) was confirmed as a flagellar chaperone (class III), while obtained results for XACb0033 pointed structural similarity with VirE1, the unique type IV secretion system chaperone known so far / Doutorado / Quimica Organica / Doutor em Ciências
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Peroxisomal multifunctional enzyme type 2 (MFE-2):the catalytic domains work as independent unitsHaataja, T. (Tatu) 15 November 2011 (has links)
Lipids are necessary for living organisms and have various roles as, energy sources, hormone precursors and as components of membrane structures. Fatty acid β-oxidation is a pathway of energy metabolism, in which the fatty acyl-CoAs are degraded in several steps. Peroxisomal β-oxidation systems are found in all eukaryotes studied thus far, but the existence of a mitochondrial system is established in mammals only.
Multifunctional enzyme type 2 (MFE-2) has been characterized from various species and is responsible for catalyzing the second and third steps in the R-specific peroxisomal β-oxidation pathway. MFE-2 accepts a wide range of substrates and displays great variation in domain organization and overall molecular mass. The crystal structures of individual domains of MFE-2 from several species have been determined previously.
In this study, the structural knowledge of MFE-2 is further extended from the domain level to the assembly of the full-length enzyme. The crystal structure of Drosophila melanogaster MFE-2 (DmMFE-2) was solved at 2.15 Å resolution. The enzyme is a homodimer with 3R-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase and 2E-enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 activities residing on each of the polypeptide subunits. Kinetic data combined with information from the structure, suggest that the catalytic domains of DmMFE-2 work as separate entities. It also appears that the enzyme does not assemble into dimers in vitro when the catalytic subunits are introduced in a solution as stand-alone proteins. The data were confirmed by two different methods, static light scattering and small-angle X-ray scattering.
However, the primary use of SAXS was not to monitor the formation of dimers in solution, but instead it was used for structure determination of the human MFE-2. During the process, the structural information from DmMFE-2 was used as a scaffold for the human homolog. After collecting a wide range of SAXS data and numerous calculations, a plausible low resolution solution structure of human MFE-2 was obtained. The model reveals the overall assembly of the enzyme and the locations of the C-terminal SCP-2L domains (an unspecific lipid carrier), thus enabling further hypotheses regarding the possible role of the SCP-2L domain in the enzymatic reaction. / Tiivistelmä
Lipidit eli rasva-aineet ovat välttämättömiä eliöille ja niillä on lukemattomia rooleja mm. energianlähteinä, kalvojen rakenteina ja hormonien esiasteina. Rasvahappoja hajotetaan monivaiheisella metaboliareitillä, jota kutsutaan β-oksidaatioksi. Peroksisomaalinen rasvojen hajotusreitti on löydetty kaikista tähän asti tutkituista aitotumallisista, mutta mitokondrioissa tapahtuva rasvojen β-oksidaatio on löydetty vain nisäkkäiltä.
Peroksisomaalinen monitoiminen entsyymi tyyppi 2 (MFE-2) katalysoi toisen ja kolmannen reaktion R-spesifisellä rasvahappojen hajotusreitillä ja se on karakterisoitu useilta eri lajeilta. MFE-2 muodostaa lajista riippuen hyvin erilaisia ja molekyylimassaltaan erikokoisia alayksikköyhdistelmiä, jotka pystyvät katalysoimaan erityyppisten substraattien hapetuksen. Eri lajien MFE-2:n yksittäisten alayksiköiden kiderakenteet ovat olleet tunnettuja jo vuosia.
Tässä tutkimuksessa rakennetietämys laajenee MFE-2:n osalta alayksikkötasolta kokopitkän entsyymin tasolle, sillä banaanikärpäsen MFE-2:n (DmMFE-2) kiderakenne selvitettiin 2.15 ångströmin erotuskyvyllä. Tämä homodimeerinen entsyymi kantaa samassa polypeptidissä sekä 3R-hydroksiasyyli-KoA-dehydrogenaasi, että 2E-enoyyli-KoA-hydrataasi 2 -aktiivisuuksia. Kiderakenteen ja reaktiokinetiikan perusteella tehtiin johtopäätös, jonka mukaan DmMFE-2:n alayksiköt toimivat itsenäisinä kokonaisuuksinaan. Staattisen valonsironnan (SLS) ja röntgenpienkulmasirontamittauksien (SAXS) perusteella MFE-2:n erillisinä tuotetut alayksiköt eivät muodosta liuoksessa spontaanisti kokopitkän MFE-2:n kaltaisia oligomeerejä.
Ihmisen MFE-2:n alhaisen erotuskyvyn malli määritettiin röntgenpienkulmasirontatekniikan avulla. Tässä prosessissa käytettiin hyväksi banaanikärpäsen entsyymin tarjoamaa rakennetietoa, jonka perusteella rakennettiin ensin runko ihmisen MFE-2:lle. Monivaiheisen prosessin jälkeen saatiin lopulta laskettua vakuuttava malli, joka paljastaa ensimmäistä kertaa ihmisen kokopitkän MFE-2:n rakenteen ja antaa mahdollisuuden tehdä alustavia johtopäätöksiä karboksiterminaalisen lipidejä epäspesifisesti sitovan alayksikön (SCP-2L) biologisesta roolista osana tätä monitoimista entsyymiä.
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Etude des propriétés physico-chimiques de suspensions de boehmite. Application aux supports catalytiques / Study of physico-chemical properties of boehmite suspensions. Application to catalyst supportsGallois, Charlotte 17 November 2016 (has links)
La poudre de boehmite, précurseur de l’alumine utilisée pour la production de supports catalytiques variés, est produite suite à une étape de séchage par atomisation. Cet oxyhydroxyde d’aluminium est composé de particules anisotropes chargées. Ces dernières années, il a été ont montré que les propriétés physico-chimiques des suspensions avaient une influence sur les caractéristiques des poudres. La morphologie des grains (sphère creuse, tore…) ainsi que les propriétés des poudres (dispersibilité, résistance mécanique…) peuvent être modifiées en jouant sur les caractéristiques des suspensions.Ce travail de thèse porte sur la compréhension des liens entre les propriétés physico-chimiques et rhéologiques de suspensions de deux boehmites industrielles et les propriétés des grains obtenus après séchage. Dans une première partie, nous avons caractérisé les particules en suspension de ces deux boehmites grâce à une approche multi-technique (SAXS, DLS, MET). Une étude rhéologique des suspensions obtenues par stress osmotique a ensuite permis de construire précisément le diagramme de phase de ces deux boehmites dans le plan force ionique – fraction volumique. La diffusion des rayons X aux petits angles et la diffusion dynamique de la lumière ont été utilisées pour déterminer l’organisation structurale des suspensions. Enfin, des expériences de séchage suivies optiquement et par micro-tomographie X ont été réalisées sur des suspensions de boehmite afin d’étudier l’impact de la concentration et de la force ionique sur l’évolution de la goutte au cours du séchage. / In the catalyst supports industry, one important step of alumina powder production is the spray-drying of boehmite suspensions. This aluminium oxyhydroxyde is often used as precursor for various types of alumina catalyst supports. Boehmite is composed of anisotropic particles bearing an electric charge. In the past decade, it has been shown that the properties of the dry powder depend not only on the drying conditions but on physico-chemical properties of the sprayed suspensions. For instance, different grains morphologies (doughnut-shaped grains, hollow spheres,…) as well as various dry grains properties (textural properties, mechanical resistance,…) may be obtained by tuning the physico-chemical properties of the suspension.This study focus on the understanding of the links between the physico-chemical properties of suspensions of two industrial boehmites and the characteristics of the final dry grain. Since these two boehmites were not well-known, the first step of the study was to characterize boehmite particles present in suspension thanks to a multi-technical approach. A rheological study was performed on boehmite suspensions obtained thanks to osmotic stress to build precisely the phase diagrams of the both boehmites according to the system of ionic strength vs. volume fraction. Small angle X ray scattering and dynamic light scattering were used to investigate the existence of an orientational order of boehmite particles in suspension. Finally, drying experiments of boehmite suspensions were conducted on an optical set-up and on fast micro-tomography X, to examine the impact of both concentration and ionic strength on the evolution of the droplet during drying.
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Films lubrifiants supramoléculaires organisés : de la microstructure aux propriétés tribologiquesFay, Hélène 18 November 2011 (has links)
Les lubrifiants à base aqueuse sont très largement utilisés dans les procédés de mise en forme des métaux comme le tréfilage, car ils combinent d’excellentes capacités calorifiques à de bonnes propriétés tribologiques. Pour répondre à des exigences d’augmentation de la productivité, la compréhension des mécanismes de lubrification est nécessaire. L’objectif de ces travaux est d’établir le lien entre l’organisation des molécules en solution dans le lubrifiant et son pouvoir lubrifiant. La démarche expérimentale consiste à déterminer les propriétés structurales et tribologiques d’un système modèle aqueux, composé d’acides gras et d’éthylène diamine, principaux ingrédients des lubrifiants. Le diagramme de phases du système modèle est établi en s’appuyant sur des techniques de microscopie optique de polarisation, diffusion des rayons X aux petits angles (DXPA) et cryofracture. Pour un rapport molaire entre la diamine et les acides gras supérieur à 1, une succession de phases lamellaire, hexagonale et micellaires, biréfringente sous écoulement et isotrope, est observée avec la dilution. Une attention particulière est accordée à la phase lamellaire qui présente des défauts à l’approche de la transition vers la phase hexagonale. Les analyses réalisées en DXPA, cryofracture et RMN relient leur existence à une modulation de l’épaisseur de la bicouche et une augmentation de la courbure liées au couplage entre les acides gras et les contre-ions amines. Les propriétés lubrifiantes de l’ensemble de ces phases sont également comparées à l’aide d’un tribomètre qui réalise un contact entre un disque et une bille sous une cinématique de contact contrôlée, en régime de lubrification élastohydrodynamique. En plus des mesures de frottement, l’observation simultanée du contact permet de suivre la formation du film lubrifiant entre les surfaces et son évolution. L’influence de l’organisation supramoléculaire du lubrifiant sur son comportement est mise en évidence : les échantillons présentant une organisation lamellaire fournissent les meilleurs résultats en termes de réduction du frottement. L’organisation en bicouches de la phase lamellaire au sein du contact et ses propriétés piézovisqueuses peuvent expliquer sa portance accrue et sa prédisposition naturelle à la réduction du frottement. / Water based lubricants are widely used in metal forming processes due to their good cooling and lubrication capabilities. The understanding of the lubrication mechanisms is necessary to improve the current lubricant efficiency. The goal of this work is to correlate the structural properties of the lubricant to its lubricating behaviour. As mixtures of ethylene diamine and fatty acids in water are some of the main ingredients of such lubricants, their phase behaviour and tribological properties are investigated for different compositions. The phase diagram of the model system is established by using optical microscopy of polarisation, small angle X-rays scattering (SAXS) and freeze-fracture transmission electron microscopy (FF-TEM). For a molar ratio between diamine and fatty acids upper to 1, a succession of lamellar, hexagonal and micellar phases is observed with the dilution. A particular attention is turned to the lamellar phase which presents defects close the transition towards the hexagonal phase. According to SAXS, nuclear magnetic resonance and FF-TEM analyses, we propose that their existence is due to a modulation of the bilayer thickness and an increase of the curvature resulted from the evolution of the coupling between the fatty acids polar heads and the amine counter-ions. The lubricating ability of these phases is then investigated experimentally using an EHL tribometre that simultaneously enables contact visualisation, film thickness and friction measurements in controlled kinematic conditions. The influence of the lubricant structure on its tribological behaviour is revealing: the lowest friction coefficients are obtained with lamellar samples. The organisation in bilayers of the lamellar phase within the contact and its piezoviscous properties can explain its greater load-bearing capacity and its natural predisposition to the reduction of the friction.
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Papel das redes estruturais proteicas nas propriedades de uma beta-glicosidase / The role of protein structural networks in the properties of a beta-glycosidaseValquiria Pianheri Souza 13 September 2017 (has links)
A análise de proteínas como redes é uma ferramenta poderosa para compreender as suas propriedades e a importância relativa de seus resíduos. Nesta análise, os resíduos que interagem entre si, covalentemente ou não, são chamados conectados. Nesta abordagem, alguns resíduos contribuem mais fortemente para manter as propriedades da rede, sendo chamados de centrais. Diversos trabalhos têm apontado que resíduos centrais da Rede de Estrutura Proteica também são importantes nas propriedades das proteínas, desempenhando papéis na catálise, estabilidade térmica e alosteria. No entanto, existe falta de trabalhos desenhados de forma sistemática para confirmar esta hipótese. Neste sentido, esta tese tem como objetivo avaliar se existe correlação entre a centralidade dos resíduos de uma enzima, a beta-glicosidase de Spodoptera frugiperda, Sfβgli, e a importância destes resíduos na determinação das suas propriedades. Para isso, foram utilizadas duas abordagens (capítulo 1): Na primeira, os resíduos centrais foram diretamente perturbados substituindo-os, através de mutação sítio-dirigida, por alanina. Na segunda, perturbações no resíduo central foram feitas modificando a vizinhança deste resíduo através de mutações que introduziram ou removeram volume de seu entorno. A partir disso, foi avaliado se estas perturbações afetaram as propriedades Sfβgli. De forma geral, foi observado (capítulo 2) que as perturbações nos resíduos centrais por ambas abordagens afetam significativamente a termoestabilidade da proteína, reduzindo a sua Tm em até 15°C e aumentando a velocidade de sua desnaturação térmica em até mais de 20 vezes. Além disso, a atividade catalítica de Sfβgli é reduzida por estas perturbações (capítulo 3), sendo que este efeito e a perda da termoestabilidade parecem resultar da mesma causa, a perturbação do resíduo central. No capítulo 4, a investigação do estado oligomérico da Sfβgli por SAXS revelou que esta ocorre preponderantemente como dímero em citrato-fosfato 100 mM pH 6,0, mas como um grande oligômero, possivelmente um dodecâmero, em fosfato 10 mM pH 6,0. Paralelamente foi demonstrado que Sfβgli passa por uma ativação quando em tampão fosfato 10 mM, convergindo para as propriedades cinéticas de Sfβgli em citrato-fosfato 100 mM. Redes de Estrutura Proteica foram produzidas considerando-se também a interação entre as cadeias polipeptídicas constituintes de oligômeros de Sfβgli (dímeros, tetrâmeros e hexâmeros). Assim, observou-se que cinco resíduos são sempre centrais por betweeness, mesmo considerando diferentes oligomêros da Sfgli. Destes, E187, P188 e N329 desempenham papéis conhecidos na catálise e S247 e N249 foram caracterizados nesta tese. Por fim, no capítulo 5, analisando a centralidade dos resíduos da Rede Estrutural da Sfβgli, observa-se uma preponderante presença de resíduos centrais por CΔLp, closeness e betweeness no topo do beta-barril, demonstrando que esta região é muito próxima dos demais resíduos da proteína. Além disso, uma análise da centralidade dos resíduos de 21 beta-glicosidases GH1 revelou que resíduos centrais por closeness são bastante conservados, sendo encontrados predominantemente no sítio ativo destas enzimas, enquanto que dentre os centrais por betweeness há variabilidade. Portanto os resultados apresentados nesta tese suportam experimentalmente a hipótese de que a centralidade dos resíduos na Rede de Estrutura Proteica é correlacionada com propriedades funcionais das proteínas. / Analysis of protein structures as networks has been shown a powerful tool to understand their properties and to identify important residues. In the network analysis, residues that interact with each other are called connected. Some residues are essential to shorten the connection pathways between distant residues in the protein structure, being called central. Central residues have been proposed to have important roles in catalysis, thermal stability and allostery. In order to experimentally assess the correlation between the residue centrality and its importance in the protein properties, we use two approaches (chapter 1): The first one is to make single mutations at the central residues of a betaglucosidase Sfβgly, changing those residues to alanine. The second one is to perturb a central residue (F251) by changing its environment through single mutations that introduces voids or additional volume. Next, we evaluate how those mutations affect the protein thermostability and function. In general, we have observed (chapter 2) that mutations at central residues reduce the Tm in 2 - 15°C and increase the unfolding rate up to 20 times, suggesting that damages in the central residues make the protein more unstable. Moreover, we have observed (chapter 3) that the perturbation of the central residues reduces Sfβgly catalysis, which seems to arise from the same cause that lead to the loss of thermal stability. Besides that, in chapter 4, the investigation of oligomeric state of Sfgli using SAXS indicated that this protein is mainly a dimer in 100 mM citrate-phosphate pH 6,0, whereas it forms large oligomers, possibly dodecamers, in 10 mM phosphate pH 6,0. In parallel it was shown that Sfβgly undergoes an activation process in 10 mM phosphate and its kinetic parameters converge to those observed for Sfβgly in 100 mM citrate-phosphate. Protein Structural Networks were built considering also that there are links between the polypeptidic chains of the Sfβgly oligomers. We observed 5 residues that are central in all kind of oligomeric structures here analyzed. Three of these residues, E187, P188 and N329, play important roles in the catalysis of this enzyme, and two of them (S247 and N249 are described in this thesis. Lastly, in the chapter 5, we observed that central residues by closeness, betweeness and CΔLp are concentrated at the top of the beta-barrel (C-terminal end of the beta-strands and subsequent loops), suggesting that this region, where the active site is placed, is close, in terms of contacts, to the whole Sfβgly structure. Moreover, we have built the Protein Structural Network of 21 beta-glucosidases of the Glucoside Hydrolases family 1, revealing that the closeness central residues are highly conserved, being located in the active site of these enzymes. On the other hand, betweeness central residues are located in the same sites in the structure of different beta-glucosidases, but they are not always conserved. Shortly, these data experimentally support the hypothesis that the residue centrality in Protein Structural Network is correlated with the protein properties, as catalysis and stability.
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Giant Molecules Based on Functionalized Fullerenes: Precise Synthesis and Diverse Assembly BehaviorsLin, Zhiwei 04 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Hyaluronanové hydrogely na bázi CTAT / Hyaluronan-CTAT hydrogelsVelcer, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis studies the properties and behaviour of phase-separated hydrogels prepared by interaction of hyaluronan with oppositely charged surfactants. Three representatives of surfactants, namely cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, chloride and p-toluensulfonate (CTAB, CTAC, CTAT), were selected for comparison. Using the method of rheology, the fact that the system of Hya-CTAT forms the most rigid hydrogels has been proved. Higher molecular weight of hyaluronan has also direct influence on the volume and stiffness of the newly formed hydrogels. Preparation methods were compared as well. Mixing the stock solutions of entry components appeard to be the most suitable. Small-angle X-ray scattering was used for determination of shape and size of surfactant's micelles, concluding that it has no effect on the volume of formed gels. The results of this study indicate that given gels are to a certain extent competitive and incorporation of hyaluronan into their structure is desirable with respect to its biological activity. This offers a potential usage of these substances in the field of medical applications.
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Nanoskalige Halbleiter und funktionalisierte Kohlenstoffmaterialien: Darstellung, Charakterisierung und Anwendung in ElektrolumineszenzbauteilenSchrage, Christian 02 July 2010 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Schwerpunkte behandelt. Zum Einen soll der Einsatz nanoskaliger Materialien als Funktionskomponenten in Elektrolumineszenzbauteilen beschrieben werden. Dabei wird in einem ersten Aufbau ein transparenter Nanokompositfilm als emittierende Schicht in einem, den organischen Leuchtdioden, analogen Aufbau eingesetzt, während in einer zweiten Struktur eine transparente Elektrode, die auf nanoskaligen Kohlenstoffmaterialien (Kohlenstoffnanoröhren bzw. Graphenen) basiert, hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung als Alternative zu etablierten transparenten Elektroden untersucht werden soll. In weiterführenden Arbeiten werden die Erfahrungen aus der Graphensynthese auf die Generierung poröser, funktionalisierter Kohlenstoffmaterialien angewendet. Verbindend, wird die Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung eingesetzt, um in vergleichenden Untersuchungen möglichst detailierte Informationen über die jeweiligen Systeme zu erhalten.
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