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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modified Gravity and the Phantom of Dark Matter

Brownstein, Joel Richard January 2009 (has links)
Astrophysical data analysis of the weak-field predictions support the claim that modified gravity (MOG) theories provide a self-consistent, scale-invariant, universal description of galaxy rotation curves, without the need of non-baryonic dark matter. Comparison to the predictions of Milgrom's modified dynamics (MOND) provide a best-fit and experimentally determined universal value of the MOND acceleration parameter. The predictions of the modified gravity theories are compared to the predictions of cold non-baryonic dark matter (CDM), including a constant density core-modified fitting formula, which produces excellent fits to galaxy rotation curves including the low surface brightness and dwarf galaxies. Upon analysing the mass profiles of clusters of galaxies inferred from X-ray luminosity measurements, from the smallest nearby clusters to the largest of the clusters of galaxies, it is shown that while MOG provides consistent fits, MOND does not fit the observed shape of cluster mass profiles for any value of the MOND acceleration parameter. Comparison to the predictions of CDM confirm that whereas the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) fitting formula does not fit the observed shape of galaxy cluster mass profiles, the core-modified dark matter fitting formula provides excellent best-fits, supporting the hypothesis that baryons are dynamically important in the distribution of dark matter halos.

The multi-coloured universe of 2S 0114+650

Farrell, Sean Adam, Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents the results of a comprehensive multi-wavelength study of the high mass X-ray binary 2S 0114+650. This enigmatic source has previously been proposed to be the first in a new class of super-slow X-ray pulsars, containing a neutron star revolving once every 2.7 h. The 11.6 d orbital period of this system has been well established in both X-ray and optical wavelengths. During the initial stages of the research presented in this thesis we discovered an additional 30.7 d ???super-orbital??? modulation in the X-ray emission from this source. While similar periodicities seen in other X-ray binaries are commonly attributed to the precession of a warped accretion disc, the observational evidence suggests the absence of such a disc in 2S 0114+650. The purpose of this project is thus to determine the nature of the super-orbital modulation and to better constrain the astrophysical parameters of this system. To investigate the long-term variability we analysed ~8.5 yr of archived data from the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer space telescope. The problem of the spurious ~24 h periods in this data was solved as a by-product of these studies. Follow-up pointed observations were obtained with this satellite in order to examine the spectral and temporal behaviour over the spin, orbital and super-orbital timescales. Independent confirmation of the super-orbital modulation was performed using ~2 yr of data from the INTEGRAL satellite obtained during a long-term monitoring campaign of the Cassiopeia region. The evolution of the spin, orbital and super-orbital periods over ~10 yr was examined using archived data from the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite. Radio observations were performed with the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope to search for any radio emission associated with this source and to determine whether it is variable over the known periodicities. Near infrared observations were performed with the Mt Abu telescope to determine whether a Be star nature can be ruled out for the optical component. Finally, a statistical analysis of the properties of the confirmed super-orbital X-ray binaries was performed in order to search for commonalities between these systems.

Atomic data and plasma spectroscopy

Oelgoetz, Justin Ryan 14 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Structure and nature of gamma-ray binaries by means of VLBI observations

Moldón Vara, Francisco Javier 05 July 2012 (has links)
Gamma-ray binaries are extreme systems that produce non-thermal emission from radio to very-high-energy (above TeV) gamma rays, with the energy output in the spectral energy distribution (SED) dominated by the MeV–GeV photons. Their broadband emission is usually modulated by the orbital cycle of the system, which suggests that the physical conditions are also periodic and reproducible. The diversity of systems, together with the reproducibility of the conditions within each system, makes gamma-ray binaries excellent physical laboratories in which high energy particle acceleration, diffusion, absorption, and radiation mechanisms can be explored. Nevertheless, the number of known gamma-ray binaries is still very limited, and only a six binary systems have been classified as gamma-ray binaries. These systems produce outflows of relativistic particles emitting synchrotron radio emission that extend up to several astronomical units, which correspond to projected angular scales of a few milliarcseconds (mas) at typical distances of 2-3 kpc. Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) provide mas resolution and therefore can be used to directly see this radio outflow. In this thesis we present VLBI observations of five of the six gamma-ray binaries known. We have revealed for the first time the radio structure of two gamma-ray binaries, and found periodic changes in the structure of other two. Based on these results, we have established the basic properties and behaviour of the radio emission of gamma-ray binaries on AU scales, and we have contributed to find characteristics that are common to all of them. / En los últimos años se ha producido una mejora significativa de los instrumentos que permiten observar fenómenos astrofísicos en rayos gamma de alta y muy alta energía. Gracias a estos avances, se ha podido detectar emisión de rayos gamma en sistemas binarios. Tan sólo seis sistemas binarios han sido clasificados como estrellas binarias de rayos gamma (tres de ellos aún son candidatos). Estos sistemas producen chorros de material relativista que a su vez producen grandes cantidades de energía en todo el espectro electromagnético, desde ondas radio hasta emisión de rayos gamma hasta energías del teraelectronvolt (TeV). Estos chorros se desplazan a alta velocidad produciendo estructuras en escalas de varias unidades astronómicas (UA). Estas estructuras pueden ser observadas directamente mediante técnicas de interferometría radio de muy larga línea de base (VLBI). En esta tesis nos centramos en el estudio de las propiedades morfológicas y astrométricas de binarias de rayos gamma observadas mediante VLBI. De las seis binarias conocidas, se han observado cinco de ellas. Los resultados principales son los siguientes. Se ha detectado estructura extendida en escalas de 120 UA en el sistema binario PSR B1259-63. Esta ha sido la primera evidencia observacional de que púlsares jóvenes no acretantes interaccionando con estrellas jóvenes pueden producir emisión radio extendida. Se ha descubierto que la emisión del sistema LS 5039 muestra cambios periódicos en su morfología, que son estables en escalas de varios años. También se ha determinado el movimiento propio de este sistema y se ha obtenido su trayectoria galáctica en el pasado. Se ha confirmado que el sistema LS I +61 303 muestra variabilidad orbital periódica, aunque presenta cambios significativos en ciertas fases orbitales. Se ha encontrado un desplazamiento del pico de la emisión a varias frecuencias, así como un cambio en sus posiciones relativas. Se ha descubierto emisión extendida procedente de la fuente de rayos gamma HESS J0632+057, y se ha confirmado inequívocamente su asociación con el sistema binario MWC 148. Por último, no se ha encontrado contrapartida radio a la fuente de rayos gamma AGL 2241+4454, cuya contrapartida óptica ha sido propuesta en el sistema MWC 656. Estos resultados permiten sentar las bases de la estructura en escalas de varias UA de los sistemas binarios de rayos gamma, así como su comportamiento en función de la fase orbital. Las características comunes halladas en estos sistemas ha permitido encontrar enlaces observacionales entre estos sistemas, dando consistencia a este particular grupo de estrellas que presentan emisión en rayos gamma.

Hydrodynamical simulations of detonations in superbursts / Simulations hydrodynamiques de détonations dans les superbursts.

Noel, Claire 19 October 2007 (has links)
In this thesis, we construct a new hydrodynamical algorithm able of handling general compressible reactive flow problems, based on a finite-volume method inspired by the original MUSCL scheme of van Leer (1979). The algorithm is of second-order in the smooth part of the flow and avoids dimensional splitting. It uses MPI to achieve parallelism, and includes an astrophysical equation of state and a nuclear reaction network. It proves to be robust to tests cases. In particular it reproduces quite well the reactive and non-reactive results obtained with two different numerical methods (Fryxell & al. 1989, Busegnies & al. 2007). Moreover the time-dependent results are in agreement with the corresponding steady state solution. This gives us confidence in applying it to an astrophysical situation which has never been studied, the propagation of a detonation in conditions relevant to superbursts. The algorithm is described in (Noel & al. 2007).<p><p>In a firt step we obtain the detonation profiles in pure carbon and in a mixture of carbon and iron. In both cases we underline the large difference between the total reaction length and the length on which some species burn. This difference leads to enormous numerical difficulties because all the length scales cannot be resolved at the same time in a single simulation. We show that the carbon detonation might be studied in a partial resolution approach like the one of Gamezo & al. (1999).<p><p>In a second step we construct a new reduced nuclear reaction network able to reproduce the energy production due to the photo-disintegrations of heavy elements, like ruthenium, which are thought to occur during superbursts in mixed H/He accreting systems. Using this new nuclear network we simulate detonations in mixture of carbon and ruthenium. An interesting feature is that, in this case, all the reaction lengths can be resolved in the same simulation. This makes the C/Ru detonations easier to study in future multi-dimensional simulations than the pure carbon ones (Noel & al. 2007b).<p><p>Finally we perform some numerical experiments which show that our algorithm is able to deal with initially inhomogeneous medium, and that the multi-dimensional simulations are attainable even if they are quite computational time consuming.<p><p>- B. Van Leer, J. Comp. Phys. 21, 101, 1979<p>- Fryxell, B.A. Muller, E. and Arnett, W.D. Technical report MPA 449, 1989<p>- Busegnies, Y. Francois, J. and Paulus, G. Shock Waves, 11, 2007<p>- Gamezo, V.N. Wheeler, J.C. Khokhlov, A.M. and Oran, E.S. ApJ, 512, 827, 1999<p>- Noël, C. Busegnies, Y. Papalexandris, M.V. & al. A&A, 470, 653, 2007<p>- Noël, C. Goriely, S. Busegnies, Y. & Papalexandris, M.V. submitted to A&A, 2007b<p><p>/<p><p>Un algorithme parallèle basé sur une méthode aux volumes finis inspirée du schéma MUSCL de Van Leer (1979) a été construit. Il a été développé sur base de la méthode de Lappas & al. (1999) qui permet de résoudre simultanément toutes les dimensions spatiales. Cette méthode se base sur la construction de surfaces appropriées dans l'espace-temps, le long desquelles les équations de bilan se découplent en équations plus simples à intégrer. Cet algorithme est actuellement le seul à éviter le "splitting" des dimensions spatiales. Dans les modèles conventionnels (PPM, FCT, etc.), l'intégration spatiale des équations est réalisée de manière unidimensionnelle pour chaque direction. <p>Un réseau de réactions nucléaires ainsi qu'une équation d'état astrophysique ont été inclus dans l'algorithme et celui-ci a ensuite été soumis à une grande variété de cas tests réactifs et non réactifs. Il a été comparé à d'autres codes généralement utilisés en astrophysique (Fryxell & al. 1989, Fryxell & al. 2000, Busegnies & al. 2007) et il reproduit correctement leurs résultats. L'algorithme est décrit dans Noël & al. (2007).<p><p>Sur base de cet algorithme, les premières simulations de détonation dans des conditions thermodynamiques représentatives des Superbursts ont été réalisées. Différentes compositions du milieu ont été envisagées (carbone pur, mélange de carbone et de fer, mélange de carbone et de cendres du processus rp). Dans la plupart des systèmes où des Superbursts ont été observés, la matière accrétée est un mélange d'hydrogène et d'hélium. Dans ce cas, des phases de combustion précédant le Superburst produisent des nucléides plus lourd que le fer (Schatz & al. 2003). Ces nucléides peuvent être photodésintégrés durant le Superburst. Pour prendre en compte ces réactions endothermiques de photodésintégration, nous avons construit un nouveau réseau réduit de réactions nucléaires qui a été incorporé dans l'algorithme hydrodynamique (Noël & al. 2007b). Ce réseau réduit reproduit globalement l'énergétique d'un réseau complet et a permis de faire la première simulation numérique de détonation dans des conditions caractéristiques de systèmes accréteurs d'un mélange hydrogène-hélium. <p>Finallement quelques simulations multidimensionelles préliminaires ont éte réalisées.<p><p>- Busegnies, Y. Francois, J. and Paulus, G. Shock Waves, 11, 2007<p>- Fryxell, B.A. Muller, E. and Arnett, W.D. Technical report MPA 449, 1989<p>- Fryxell, B.A. Olson, K. Ricker, P. & al. ApJS, 131, 273, 2000<p>- Lappas, T. Leonard, A. and Dimotakis, P.E. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 20, 1064, 1999<p>- Noël, C. Busegnies, Y. Papalexandris, M.V. & al. A&A, 470, 653, 2007<p>- Noël, C. Goriely, S. Busegnies, Y. & Papalexandris, M.V. submitted to A&A, 2007b<p>- Röpke, F. K. PhD thesis, Technischen Universitat Munchen, 2003<p>- Schatz, H. Bildsten, L. Cumming, A. and Ouellette, M. Nuclear Physics A, 718, 247, 2003<p>- Van Leer, B. Comp. Phys. 21, 101, 1979<p>- Weinberg, N.N. and Bildsten, L. ArXiv e-prints, 0706.3062, 2007 / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Observations multi-longueur d’onde d’amas et de groupes de galaxies proches

Gendron-Marsolais, Marie-Lou 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Nouvelles observations radio de l'amas de galaxies MS 0735.6+7421 avec le Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array

Bégin, Théophile 07 1900 (has links)
Les amas des galaxies sont l’une des plus grandes structures liées gravitationnellement de l’univers. Leur dynamique est complexe et bien que plusieurs études multi-longueur d’onde ont été effectuées depuis la fin du 20ème siècle, il persiste plusieurs incertitudes sur les subtilités de leur dynamique. À ce jour, le consensus scientifique est que les trous noirs supermassifs actifs au centre des amas ont un impact important sur l’évolution de ces structures. Le trou noir central agit comme centre gravitationnel, mais lorsque ce trou noir est actif, son rôle ne se limite pas seulement à son impact gravitationnel. D’une part, les trous noirs actifs ont un rôle crucial dans l’émission thermique des amas. En effet, les jets radio influencent l’émission rayons-X des amas en poussant mécaniquement le milieu intra-amas qui émet en rayons-X via l’émission Bremsstrahlung. Ce phénomène engendre la formation de cavités rayons-X qui constituent une preuve de la rétroaction énergétique du trou noir sur l’ensemble de l’amas. Un tel phénomène est nécessaire afin d’expliquer les résultats observationnels qui témoignent d’un refroidissement moins important que prédit théoriquement au centre des amas à cœur froid. D’autre part, il existe de plus en plus d’études qui supportent l’hypothèse que les trous noirs actifs ont un rôle dans la (ré-)accélération de particules relativistes responsables de l’émission synchrotron au cœur des amas à cœur froid. Ces structures appelées mini-halos sont typiquement diffuses en radio et donc difficiles à détecter. Dans ce mémoire, nous étudierons en détail l’émission radio de l’amas de galaxies massif à cœur froid MS 0735.6+7421 (z = 0.216). Cet amas est unique puisqu’il possède les jets radio les plus énergétiques détectés au centre d’un amas à cœur froid. Il s’agit donc d’un exemple de trou noir actif parmi les plus extrêmes connus. Cet objet constitue ainsi une cible parfaite afin d’étudier le lien qui unit la rétroaction du trou noir actif central et l’émission synchrotron au centre des amas à cœur froid. Pour réaliser cette étude, nous avons effectué une analyse radio exhaustive de MS 0735.6+7421 à l’aide de données acquises sur le Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. Cette analyse a permis de détecter une nouvelle structure radio diffuse jamais détectée auparavant. Cette nouvelle structure possède une puissance radio à 1.4 GHz qui concorde avec celles des mini-halos les plus lumineux. Le résultat principal de notre étude supporte donc l’hypothèse selon laquelle il existe un lien fondamental entre la rétroaction du trou noir actif central et la formation de mini-halos au centre des amas à cœur froid. / Galaxy clusters are one of the largest gravitationally bound structures in the universe. They exhibit complex dynamics and even though several multi-wavelength studies have been conducted since the end of the 20th century, there are still a lot of uncertainties concerning their evolution. To this day, the scientific consensus is that the active supermassive black hole at the center of the cluster has a profound impact on the cluster’s evolution. Indeed, the central supermassive black hole has a substantial gravitational impact, but when the black hole actively accretes material, its role goes beyond its gravitational influence. Active supermassive black holes have a crucial role in terms of the thermal emission in clusters. Indeed, the radio jets influence the X-ray emission of clusters by mechanically pushing the intracluster medium which emits in X-ray via Bremsstrahlung emission. This leads to the formation of X-ray cavities which are proof of the energetic feedback of the central supermassive black hole on the cluster. Such a phenomenon is required to reconcile the observational results that report less cooling at the center of cool core clusters than what is theoretically predicted. Moreover, there are more and more studies that support the hypothesis that active supermassive black holes have a crucial role in the (re-)acceleration of seed particles responsible for synchrotron emission at the center of cool core clusters. These structures are named mini-halos and are usually difficult to detect because they are diffuse. In this Master’s thesis, we will study the radio emission of the massive cool core galaxy cluster MS 0735.6+7421 (z = 0.216). This cluster is unique because it exhibits the most powerful radio jets ever detected at the center of a cool core cluster. It thus contains one of the most powerful active supermassive black holes known. This object is a perfect target to study the link between active black hole feedback and synchrotron emission in cool core clusters. To conduct this study, we performed a radio analysis of MS 0735.6+7421 with new data obtained with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. This analysis led to the discovery of an extended diffuse radio structure. This newly detected structure has a radio power at 1.4 GHz that matches the most luminous mini-halos known in the literature. The principal result of our study argues in favor of the hypothesis that there is a fundamental link between active black hole feedback and the formation of mini-halos at the center of cool core clusters.

Feeding and Feedback in the Circumgalactic Medium(CGM) of Low-redshift Spiral Galaxies: a gastronomical talein X-ray, 21-cm, and Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect

Das, Sanskriti 08 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

L'impact des trous noirs les plus massifs de l’Univers sur le coeur des amas de galaxies

Richard-Laferrière, Annabelle 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Papers and related collections of James A. Van Allen,

Van Allen, James Alfred, Unknown Date (has links)
Includes Van Allen thesis (M.S.)--University of Iowa, 1936, and thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Iowa, 1939.

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