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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos de desordem ou aperiodicidade sobre o comportamento de sistemas magnéticos / Effects of disorder or aperiodicity on the behavior of magnetic systems

Andre de Pinho Vieira 04 October 2002 (has links)
Consideramos os efeitos de desordem ou aperiodicidade sobre três sistemas magnéticos distintos. Inicialmente, apresentamos um modelo fenomenológico para descrever a dependência térmica da magnetização remanente induzida por diluição numa classe de antiferromagnetos quase-unidimensionais. O modelo trata exatamente as correlações ao longo da direção dominante, levando em conta as demais interações por meio de um campo efetivo. Em seguida, utilizamos uma aproximação autoconsistente de Bethe-Peierls para avaliar os efeitos de um campo cristalino aleatório sobre os diagramas de fases de um modelo de Ising de spins mistos. Mostramos que a desordem é capaz de modificar a natureza dos pontos multicríticos existentes no limite uniforme do modelo. Finalmente, estudamos os efeitos de interações aleatórias ou aperiódicas sobre o comportamento da cadeia XX quântica em baixas temperaturas, através de câlculos numéricos baseados no mapeamento do sistema em um modelo de férmions livres. Apontamos evidências de que, em temperatura zero, existe um único ponto fixo universal, característico de uma fase de singleto aleatório, que governa o comportamento do modelo na presença de interações desordenadas. No caso de interações aperiódicas,obtemos resultados consistentes com previsões de grupo de renormalização, indicando, para uma certa classe de seqüências de substituição, um comportamento semelhante àquele associado à desordem. / We consider effects of disorder or aperiodicity on three different magnetic systems. First, we present a phenomenological model to describe the thermal dependence of the dilution-induced remanent magnetization in a class of quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets. The model treats correlations along the dominant direction in an exact way, while including the remaining inte-. i ractions via an effective field. Then, we use a self-consistent Bethe-Peierls ~ j .. approximation to gauge the effects of a random crystal field on the phase diagram of a mixed-spin Ising mode!. We show that disorder may have profound effects on the multicritical behavior associated with the uniform limit of the mo de!. Finally, we study effects of random or aperiodic interactions on the behavior of the quantum XX chain at low temperatures, by performing numerical calculations based on a mapping of the system onto a free-fermion mo de!. . We present evidence that, at zero temperature, there exists a single, universal fixed-point, associated with a random-singlet phase, which governs the behavior of the model in the presence of disordered interactions. In the case of aperiodic interactions, our results are consistent with renormalizationgroup predictions, indicating, for a certain class of substitution sequences, a behavior similar to the one induced by disorder.

Magnetisation, Phases & Phase Transitions in Frustrated and Unfrustrated XY Model

Maji, Maheswar January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Through our whole work we study the XY model with all its entirety, a particular spin model where spins are confined in a plane. We try to bring out a good understanding of this model with all different types of phases and phase transition, it undergoes in critical situations. We conceive of these external conditions from very different physical models like High Tc Superconductor, Ultracold atoms in optical lattice which are in focus of recent research. Firstly we model high Tc Superconductors with very simple 2D XY model to get an idea about the diamagnetic response exhibited by these materials when kept in a external magnetic field. This modeling is reasonable because most of the physics of cuprate High Tc Superconductors are governed by their 2D copper oxide planes which insists us to consider 2D models. Later we shifted to a more realistic 3D anisotropic XY model , as the coupling between cuprates plane may have a considerable role in devising physics of those materials. We particularly focus on the 2D to 3D crossover effect on magnetisation showed by these models, with keeping an eye on how all these can be relate to the experimentally acquired magnetisation profile of High Tc Supercondutors. On the second project we investigate on the phase diagram of a fully frustrated 2-leg ladder Bose Hubbard model. After mapping it properly to a classical model, a bi-layer Fully Frustrated XY model on square lattice, we found that the frustration leads to the emergence of a new phase "Chiral Mott insulator(CMI)" sandwiched between "Chiral Superfluid(CSF)" and "regular Mott insulator(MI)" phase. We divide the whole report into four parts. The first chapter is basically contain-ing introductory part comprising the motivation. In the second chapter we discuss various types of phases and phase transitions of the 2D & 3D XY models. We try to address their critical behaviors. In the third chapter and onwards we consider our model in external magnetic field and observe magnetisation in these systems. Here we specially focus on 2D to 3D crossover effect on magtisation measurement. Lastly in the fourth chapter we bring out a correspondence of XY model with the 2 leg ladder fully frustrated Bose Hubbard Model. There we report the emergence of a new phase, Chiral Mott Insulator(CMI) due to frustration in system.

Efeitos de desordem ou aperiodicidade sobre o comportamento de sistemas magnéticos / Effects of disorder or aperiodicity on the behavior of magnetic systems

Vieira, Andre de Pinho 04 October 2002 (has links)
Consideramos os efeitos de desordem ou aperiodicidade sobre três sistemas magnéticos distintos. Inicialmente, apresentamos um modelo fenomenológico para descrever a dependência térmica da magnetização remanente induzida por diluição numa classe de antiferromagnetos quase-unidimensionais. O modelo trata exatamente as correlações ao longo da direção dominante, levando em conta as demais interações por meio de um campo efetivo. Em seguida, utilizamos uma aproximação autoconsistente de Bethe-Peierls para avaliar os efeitos de um campo cristalino aleatório sobre os diagramas de fases de um modelo de Ising de spins mistos. Mostramos que a desordem é capaz de modificar a natureza dos pontos multicríticos existentes no limite uniforme do modelo. Finalmente, estudamos os efeitos de interações aleatórias ou aperiódicas sobre o comportamento da cadeia XX quântica em baixas temperaturas, através de câlculos numéricos baseados no mapeamento do sistema em um modelo de férmions livres. Apontamos evidências de que, em temperatura zero, existe um único ponto fixo universal, característico de uma fase de singleto aleatório, que governa o comportamento do modelo na presença de interações desordenadas. No caso de interações aperiódicas,obtemos resultados consistentes com previsões de grupo de renormalização, indicando, para uma certa classe de seqüências de substituição, um comportamento semelhante àquele associado à desordem. / We consider effects of disorder or aperiodicity on three different magnetic systems. First, we present a phenomenological model to describe the thermal dependence of the dilution-induced remanent magnetization in a class of quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets. The model treats correlations along the dominant direction in an exact way, while including the remaining inte-. i ractions via an effective field. Then, we use a self-consistent Bethe-Peierls ~ j .. approximation to gauge the effects of a random crystal field on the phase diagram of a mixed-spin Ising mode!. We show that disorder may have profound effects on the multicritical behavior associated with the uniform limit of the mo de!. Finally, we study effects of random or aperiodic interactions on the behavior of the quantum XX chain at low temperatures, by performing numerical calculations based on a mapping of the system onto a free-fermion mo de!. . We present evidence that, at zero temperature, there exists a single, universal fixed-point, associated with a random-singlet phase, which governs the behavior of the model in the presence of disordered interactions. In the case of aperiodic interactions, our results are consistent with renormalizationgroup predictions, indicating, for a certain class of substitution sequences, a behavior similar to the one induced by disorder.

Models of superconductors with correlated defects / Modellering av supraledare med korrelerade defekter

Bolin, Jakob January 2022 (has links)
The quantum phase transition between groundstates of a system with correlated disorder near absolute zero is studied. The computations are based on Monte Carlo methods and the worm algorithm which is an effective method to simulate basic models like the Ising and XY model by making use of global Monte Carlo moves given by modified random walks. Random quenched disorder modeled as a correlated distribution of two values of the coupling constant gives rise to an additional phase transition with a not before seen intermediate phase. / Kvantfasövergången mellan grundtillstånd av ett system med korrelerad oordning nära nolltemperaturen studeras. Beräkningarna är baserade på Monte Carlo metoder och worm algoritmen som är en effektiv metod för att simulera grundläggande modeller som Ising och XY modellen genom att använda sig av globala Monte Carlo steg som ges av modifierade slumpmässiga vandringar. Slumpmässig infrusen oordning modellerad som en korrelerad fördelning av två värden på kopplingsstyrkan ger upphov till en ny mellanliggande fas.

Numerical Estimation of Critical Exponents in the 3D XY Model / Numerisk uppskattning av kritiska exponenter i 3D XY-modelen

Beiming, Christoffer January 2023 (has links)
The experimentally obtained value of the critical exponent ν is presently in significant disagreement with current theoretical predictions for the λ-universality class. We suggest two novel approaches of determining the exponents ν and η by utilizing the effects of finite size scaling. The numerical computations are performed using Monte Carlo simulations of a 3D XY model, realized on a bc-lattice. Different sizes of systems are then either compared in pairs (pairwise fit) or all together (joint fit), in order to fit the correct value of the critical exponents to our sampled data. We find for the pairwise fitting procedure that ν = 0.6731(36) and η = 0.0351(39). Likewise, the joint fitting procedure yields ν = 0.6727(58) and η = 0.0349(49). The predictions for ν are very consistent with existing works, while the values for η are somewhat lower than expected from existing literature results. / Det experimentella värdet av den kritiska exponenten, ν, skiljer sig för närvarande från de teoretiska uppskattningarna som gjorts för λ-universalitetsklassen. Vi föreslår två nya metoder för att bestämma exponenterna ν och η, genom att använda effekterna från ändlig storleksskalning. De numeriska beräkningarna utförs med hjälp av Monte Carlo simulering av en tredimensionell XY-modell, realiserad på ett kubiskt gitter. Olika sys- temstorlekar jämförs sedan antingen parvis eller gemensamt, för att kunna anpassa värdet på de kritiska exponenterna till data. Vi erhåller ν = 0.6731(36) och η = 0.0351(39), för parvis anpassning, samt ν = 0.6727(58) and η = 0.0349(49) för gemensam anpassning. Det beräknade värdet på ν stämmer bra överens med andra arbeten, medan värdena på η är något lägre än förväntat från tidigare uppskattningar.

Topics in the theory of inhomogeneous media: composite superconductors and dielectrics

Kim, Kwangmoo 26 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of power-law correlated disorder on a 3D XY model / Effekterna av potenslagskorrelerad oordning på 3D XY-modeller

Broms, Philip January 2022 (has links)
This thesis investigates the effects of power-law correlated disorder on a three-dimensional XY model and the Weinrib-Halperin disorder relevance criterion’s pre-dictive ability. Ising models are used as a map to realise disorder couplings. Simula-tions are conducted using hybrid Monte Carlo method constituting Metropolis’ andWolff’s algorithms. Two cases using two-dimensional and three-dimensional Isinggenerated disorder corresponding to (d + 1)- and d-dimensional models are tested.In addition, a superficial scaling analysis is performed to highlight the change ofuniversality class.It is shown that magnetisation, response functions and Binder ratio along withits temperature derivative display stark differences from the pure XY model case.The results agree with the Weinrib-Halperin criterion in terms of predicting achange of universality class but show a discrepancy in both qualitative and nu-merical results. The main new result is that power-law correlated disorder canintroduce two phase transitions at different critical couplings. This is in disagree-ment with prior established theory and predicts new physics to be investigated insuperconductors and superfluids with correlated disorder. / Det här examensarbetet undersöker hur potenslagskorrelerad oordning påverkar en tredimensionell XY-modell samt förutsägelseförmågan hos Weinrib-Halperins oordningskriterium. Oordningen realiseras genom varierande kopplingsstyrka som definieras med hjälp av Isingmodeller. Simuleringar utförs med hjälp av en Monte Carlo-hybridmetod bestående av Metropolis och Wolffs algoritmer. Undersökningen innefattar oordning genererad av tvådimensionella samt tredimensionella Isingmodeller med syftet att emulera oordning hos (d + 1)- och d-dimensionella modeller. Dessutom utförs en ytlig skalningsanalys för att tydliggöra förändringen hos universalitetsklassen. Resultaten uppvisar markanta skillnader från en ren XY-modell i magnetiseringen, responsfunktionerna och Binderparametern med temperaturderivata. Resultaten bekräftar Weinrib-Halperin-oordningskriteriets förmåga att förutsäga förändring hos universalitetsklassen men avviker från exakta kvalitativa och kvantitativa prognoser. Det huvudsakliga nya resultatet är att potenslagskorrelerad oordning kan introducera två fasövergångar vid två olika kritiska kopplingar. Detta motsäger den etablerade teorin och pekar på ny fysik att utreda hos supraledare och suprafluider med korrelerad oordning.

Phénomènes émergents et topologiques dans les systèmes BKT sur réseau / Topological and Emergent Phenomena in Lattice BKT Systems

Faulkner, Michael 16 March 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse aux phénomènes électrostatiques émergents dans les modèles magnétiques toroïdaux bi-dimensionnels à symétrie XY, fournissant ainsi un support pour de plus amples recherches dans le domaine de la transition de phase Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT).Dans de nombreux systèmes bi-dimensionnels, dont le modèle bi-dimensionnel XY du magnétisme, la transition BKT contrôle la dissociation thermique de paires de défauts topologiques liés. Le modèle XY est analogue au gaz de Coulomb bi-dimensionnel, à ceci près qu'il peut être simulé sans avoir à modéliser les interactions à longue distance du système Coulombien. Cette thèse élucide ce paradoxe en démontrant que l'approximation de Villain appliquée au modèle XY est strictement équivalente au modèle électrostatique de Maggs-Rossetto (MR) appliqué au système Coulombien bi-dimensionnel.Cette équivalence est utilisée pour sonder la transition BKT par l'application de l'algorithme MR au gaz de Coulomb bi-dimensionel. En simulant le système Coulombien, il est prouvé que les fluctuations dans l'organisation des charges autour du tore sont activées à la température de transition BKT. Ces fluctuations du champ électrique indiquent ainsi la phase de haute température de la transition.Il est ensuite montré que l'exposant critique effectif de la théorie de Bramwell-Holdsworth (BH) peut être mesuré dans les films d'hélium 4 superfluide, qui correspondent à des gaz de Coulomb effectifs dans la limite de systèmes de grandes tailles finies. / This thesis addresses the emergent electrostatics of two-dimensional, toroidal magnetic models that possess XY symmetry, providing a platform for novel investigations into the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase transition.The BKT transition drives the thermal dissociation of bound pairs of topological defects in many two-dimensional systems, including the two-dimensional XY model of magnetism. The XY model is closely analogous to the two-dimensional Coulomb gas, but can be simulated without computing the long-range interactions of the Coulombic system. This thesis elucidates this paradox by showing that Villain's approximation to the XY model is strictly equivalent to the Maggs-Rossetto (MR) electrostatic model when applied to the two-dimensional Coulomb gas.The mapping is used to probe the BKT transition through the application of the MR algorithm to the two-dimensional Coulomb gas. By simulating the Coulombic system, fluctuations in the winding of charges around the torus are shown to turn on at the BKT transition temperature. These topological-sector fluctuations in the electric field therefore signal the high-temperature phase of the transition.It is then shown that the effective critical exponent of Bramwell-Holdsworth (BH) theory can be measured in superfluid 4He films, which correspond to effective Coulomb gases in the limit of large but finite system size. With the Coulombic system taken as the base BKT system, it is inferred that BH theory is a general property of BKT systems.

Aspects hors de l'équilibre de systèmes quantiques unidimensionnels fortement corrélés / Nonequilibrium aspects in strongly correlated one-dimensional quatum systems

Collura, Mario 23 February 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons répondu à certaines questions ouverts dans le domaine de la dynamique hors équilibre des systèmes quantiques unidimensionnels fermés. Durant ces dernières années, les avancées dans les techniques expérimentales ont revitalisé la recherche théorique en physique de la matière condensée et dans l'optique quantique. Nous avons traité trois sujets différents et en utilisant des techniques à la fois numériques et analytiques. Dans le cadre des techniques numériques, nous avons utilisé des méthodes de diagonalisation exacte, l'algorithme du groupe de renormalisation de la matrice densité en fonction du temps (t-DMRG) et l'algorithme de Lanczos. Au début, nous avons étudié la dynamique quantique adiabatique d'un système quantique près d'un point critique. Nous avons démontré que la présence d'un potentiel de confinement modifie fortement les propriétés d'échelle de la dynamique des observables en proximité du point critique quantique. La densité d'excitations moyenne et l'excès d'énergie, après le croisement du point critique, suivent une loi algébrique en fonction de la vitesse de la trempe avec un exposant qui dépend des propriétés spatio-temporelles du potentiel. Ensuite, nous avons étudié le comportement de bosons ultra-froids dans un réseau optique incliné. En commençant par l'hamiltonien de Bose-Hubbard, dans la limite de Hard-Core bosons, nous avons développé une théorie hydrodynamique qui reproduit exactement l'évolution temporelle d'une partie des observables du système. En particulier, nous avons observé qu'une partie de bosons reste piégée, et oscille avec une fréquence qui dépend de la pente du potentiel, au contraire, une autre partie est expulsée hors de la rampe. Nous avons également analysé la dynamique du modèle de Bose-Hubbard en utilisant l'algorithme t-DMRG et l'algorithme de Lanczos. De cette façon, nous avons mis en évidence le rôle de la non-intégrabilité du modèle dans son comportement dynamique. Enfin, nous avons abordé le problème de la thermalisation dans un système quantique étendu. À partir de considérations générales, nous avons introduit la notion de profil de température hors équilibre dans une chaîne des bosons à coeur dure. Nous avons analysé la dynamique du profil de temperature et, notamment, ses propriétés d'échelle / In this thesis we have addressed some open questions on the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of closed one-dimensional quantum systems. In recent years, advances in experimental techniques have revitalized the theoretical research in condensed matter physics and quantum optics. We have treated three different subjects using both numerical and analytical techniques. As far as the numerical techniques are concerned, we have used essentially exact diagonalization methods, the adaptive time-dependent density-matrix renormalization-group algorithm (t-DMRG) and the Lanczos algorithm. At first, we studied the adiabatic quantum dynamics of a quantum system close to a critical point. We have demonstrated that the presence of a confining potential strongly affects the scaling properties of the dynamical observables near the quantum critical point. The mean excitation density and the energy excess, after the crossing of the critical point, follow an algebraic law as a function of the sweeping rate with an exponent that depends on the space-time properties of the potential. After that, we have studied the behavior of ultra-cold bosons in a tilted optical lattice. Starting with the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, in the limit of Hard-Core bosons, we have developed a hydrodynamic theory that exactly reproduces the temporal evolution of some of the observables of the system. In particular, it was observed that part of the boson density remains trapped, and oscillates with a frequency that depends on the slope of the potential, whereas the remaining packet part is expelled out of the ramp. We have also analyzed the dynamics of the Bose-Hubbard model using the tDMRG algorithm and the Lanczos algorithm. In this way we have highlighted the role of the non-integrability of the model on its dynamical behavior. Finally, we have addressed the issue of thermalization in an extended quantum system. Starting from quite general considerations, we have introduced the notion of out-of-equilibrium temperature profile in a chain of Hard-Core bosons. We have analyzed the dynamics of the temperature profile and especially its scaling properties

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