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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Changing the Trajectory for Child Welfare Involved Infants, Young Children and their Parents

Moser, Michele R. 29 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Strategies to Engaging Young Children in Early Childhood Classrooms

Zhao, Hongxia, Trivette, Carol M. 14 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Changing the Trajectory for Infants, Young Children and their Parents involved with Child Welfare

Billings, Giovanni, Pruett, Anne, Moser, Michele R. 21 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Participants will: Develop an appreciation for the centrality of the caregiver infant relationship in the young child’s mental health and development Gain information about the impact of traumatic events on infants and young children across developmental domains, including early brain development Be able to identify the core components of the infant court approach Learn how the infant court approach addresses the impact of trauma in the lives of young children and their parents as well as promotes healthy attachment and development Be able to describe Tennessee’s development of infant courts through its two pilot projects and legislative initiative.

The value of the SPI in forecasting chronic stuttering

Stork, Dena Diane 01 January 1991 (has links)
Speech-language pathologists are in need of useful assessment instruments which differentiate early stuttering behaviors and will enable them to identify preschool children who need immediate intervention for stuttering. Furthermore, useful assessment tools are needed especially due to the variability across studies of normal disfluency and lack of reliability information on more formal measures of differential evaluation of normal disfluency and incipient stuttering.

Exploring Young Children’s Digital Composing Practices

Cross, Megan D. 30 November 2018 (has links)
This study explored the many layers involved in young children’s meaning-making as they digitally compose. Utilizing a multimodal, social semiotics theoretical framework to analyze children’s digital compositions using a composing app, this study was designed around one research question: What is the nature of three and four-year-old children’s multimodal meaning making while using a composing app? The qualitative study involved four focal participants from a three- and four-year-old classroom, who attended an inquiry-based lab school in the southeastern United States. The data were collected over a period of eight weeks, where the children were invited to tell their stories using a digital composing app on an iPad. Utilizing a naturalistic observational approach, the composing events were video-recorded and transcribed, capturing both what happened on and off the screen. Utilizing a multimodal analysis, the findings revealed multiple layers in young children’s compositional expression and exposed the importance of how compositions evolve. The affordances of digital tools offered opportunity for children to build layers of meaning and for those layers to be captured in ways not necessarily available before.

&quot / the Spiderman Phenomenon&quot / Young Children&#039 / s Understanding Of Cartoon Superheroes

Unlusoy, Asli 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the present study is to explore six-year-old children&amp / #8217 / s understanding of the superhero phenomenon, through cartoon superhero figures. Particularly Spiderman was chosen as a typical symbol of the superhero genre, futhermore Spiderman is found to be the favorite cartoon character in Turkey.The study was conducted in the preschool of Middle East Technical University in Spring 2007. Ten children / five girls and five boys, attending to the preschoolprogram participated in the study. The main emphasis in the present study is given to children&#039 / s own expressionsvia drawings, play and interviews, to understand their ways to make sense of the superheroscenarios. Therefore selecting qualitative methods and aphenomenological approach in particular was considered to be a valid form of nquiry. At the end of the analysis procedure the total number of meaning units (MUs)was 40. In order to verify the results of the study, randomly selected 30 MUs were presented to completely independent and separate reviewers. The feedback from the reviewers indicated a high rate concordance of established at 86.6 %. After the results of this auditing process, confirmability of the present study is maintained. The results indicated that superhero theme was enjoyable for participant children, as it provided a sense of well-being. Aggressive behavior, which is generally linked to superhero issue, was hardly ever observed. However, gender is found to be a central factor on children&#039 / s understanding of superheroes, and stereotypical thinking was perpetuated via superhero animations.

Olika förhållningssätt, olika förutsättningar : Samspel kring barns bildskapande i förskolan

Svensson, Felicia, Biltmark, Emil January 2015 (has links)
Den här kvalitativa studien utgår ifrån ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv.Positioneringsteorin används för att analysera den producerade empirin. Två pedagoger och fembarn i åldrarna två till tre år på en förskola i västra Sverige har deltagit i studien. Videofilmninghar använts som metod för att producera empirin. Syftet med studien är att studera pedagogernasförhållningssätt gentemot de yngsta barnen i åldrarna två till tre vid bildskapande. Syftet är ocksåatt studera de positioner som pedagoger och barn intar och tilldelas under aktivitetens gång. Vårfrågeställning har varit: Hur gestaltar sig samspelet mellan pedagog-pedagog och pedagog-barnunder bildskapande? Resultatet visar att pedagogernas subjektspositioner bidrog till hur barnentog sig an bildaktiviteterna samt positionerna som de blev tilldelade. En bidragande faktor ibildaktiviteterna var också huruvida barnen positionerade sig själva och de andra barnen samtpedagogerna. Det sociala samspelet skiftade under aktiviteternas gång beroende på vilkasubjektspositioner som var aktuella. Men det förekom ompositionering vid flera tillfällen utifrånvad situationen krävde. De båda pedagogerna intog vitt skilda subjektspositioner underaktiviteterna. / This qualitative study is based on a social constructionist perspective. Positioning theory is used to analyze the produced empirical data. Two preschool teachers and five children two to threeyears old at a nursery school in western Sweden have participated in the study. Video recordinghas been used as a method to produce the empirical data. The purpose of the study is to study theeducators approach towards the youngest children aged two to three during activities in thecreative arts. The aim is also to study the positions educators and children adopt and assignduring the activity. Our research question was: How is the interaction between teacher-teacherand teacher-child during creative arts portrayed? The result shows that teachers' attitudescontributed to the way the children took on the art activities and the positions which they wereassigned. It also contributed to how the children responded. A contributing factor in the artactivities were also whether the children positioned themselves and the other children andteachers, or were positioned themselves. Social interaction shifted during the activity dependingon the subject positions that were active at the time. During the activities there wererepositioning several times based on what the situation demanded. The two teachers took verydifferent subject positions during the activities.

"Det får jag se när jag blir vuxen!" (Greta, 5 år) : 4-6-åringar berättar om karriär

Jensen, Aleksandra, Johannesson, Helena January 2015 (has links)
Studie- och yrkesvägledning i lägre åldrar har blivit ett allt mer aktuellt ämne på senare tid. Ämnet utgör grunden för denna studie, som syftar till att visa små barns egna perspektiv när det gäller deras upplevelse av karriär. Studien består av tio intervjuer med barn i 4-6 års ålder och resultatet visar att barnen har stor medvetenhet när det gäller karriär. Barnen kan berätta om vad ett arbete är, hur man får ett jobb, vilka som arbetar m.m., vilket analyseras utifrån begreppen self-concept, circumscription och images of occupations samt utifrån tidigare forskning. Några slutsatser som dras är att barnen till övervägande del kopplar arbete till föräldrarna, att de inte ser några begränsningar vad gäller könsroller samt att alla barnen anger realistiska yrkesaspirationer. / Career guidance and counselling at younger age has become an increasingly current topic lately. This forms the basis for this study, which aims to show small children‟s perspectives regarding the concept of career. The study consists of ten interviews with children 4-6 years of age, and the results show that the children have a great awareness of the concept of career. The children can describe what a job is, how to get a job, who is working, etc., which are analyzed from the concepts of self-concept, circumscription and images of occupations and based on previous research. Some conclusions drawn are that the children predominantly connects work to the parents, they do not see any limitations in terms of gender roles and all the children seem to have realistic work aspirations.

Matematik i förskoleklassen : Lärares didaktiska val med fokus på vad och hur, samt grunder för deras val / Mathematics in preschool : Teachers' didactic choices with focus on what and how, along with foundations for their choices

Moensjö, Rebecca, Pana, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap kring vilken matematisk verksamhet som förekommer i förskoleklassen, samt hur detta ter sig i förhållande till tidigare forskning om vad som kan anses vara en god grund för barns kommande matematiska utveckling i grundskolan. Detta syfte uppfylls genom att besvara frågorna: vilket matematiskt innehåll väljer de deltagande lärarna att arbeta mest med, hur väljer de deltagande lärarna att arbeta med det matematiska innehållet, samt på vilka olika grunder vilar de deltagande lärarnas val av matematiskt innehåll och metod? Vår studie grundar sig på en tidigare litteraturstudie där nationell och internationell forskning granskats. Både vår litteraturstudie och empiriska studie vilar på en önskan om att få en uppfattning om vad som kan anses vara en god grund för barns kommande matematiska utveckling. I vår empiriska studie utgår vi från en positivistisk syn på kunskap, därför användes en kvantitativ metod för att samla in data. Vi ville kunna dra logiska slutsatser utifrån den fakta som den insamlade och analyserades datan försett oss med. Urvalet av respondenter begränsades till verksamma förskoleklasslärare från fyra mindre kommuner i Sverige. Datainsamlingen bestod av ifyllandet av en enkät. Antalet respondenter som deltog i undersökningen var 41 stycken. Analysen av resultatet visade att majoriteten av respondenterna främst valde att arbeta med matematiskt innehåll som innefattas i området taluppfattning och tals användning. De områden som generellt var mer förekommande i respondenternas matematiska verksamhet var taluppfattning och tals användning, geometri, samt problemlösning. Således var algebra, sannolikhet och statistik, samt samband och förändring mindre förekommande. Angående val av metoder i arbetet med det matematiska innehållet visade analysen av resultatet att flest respondenter främst använder sig av lärarledda samlingar. Många använder sig också av leken och fångar matematiken i vardagshändelser. Ett färre antal respondenter använder sig även av gruppaktiviteter och läromedel. Flest respondenter angav att de stödde sin matematiska verksamhet på kursplanen i matematik och den egna erfarenheten. Inte lika många respondenter angav att de stödde sin verksamhet på beprövad erfarenhet eller forskning. Några respondenter angav även att de stödde sin matematiska verksamhet på de läromedel. Den slutsats som dras utifrån denna empiriska studie är således att den matematiska verksamhet som bedrivs i förskoleklass idag är av varierande slag. Generellt verkar det ändå som om barn i många av dessa förskoleklasser får en relativt god grund att stå på inför den matematiska verksamheten i grundskolan. Dock får de inte en likvärdig grund att stå på inför grundskolans matematikundervisning. / The purpose of this study is to contribute to knowledge about which mathematical activities occur in the preschool classes, and how this appears in relation to previous research on what can be considered as a good basis in preschool, for the childrens future mathematical development. This purpose will be met by answering the questions: what mathematical contents do the teachers choose to work the most with in preschool, how do the teachers in preschool primarily choose to convey the mathematical content and which are the different grounds that the teachers’ choices of mathematical contents and methods are based on?  Our study is based on an earlier one, in which both national and international researches were reviewed. Both the previous study and our empirical investigation rest on the desire to get an idea of ​​what can be considered as a good basis for children's future mathematical development. In our empirical study we assume a positivistic view of knowledge, hence we used the quantitative method to collect data. We wanted to be able to draw logical conclusions from the facts revealed by the collected and analyzed data we received. The sample of respondents was limited to active preschool teachers from four small municipalities in Sweden. The data was collected using surveys. The number of respondents who participated in the survey was 41. The analysis of the results showed that the majority of the respondents primarily chose to work with mathematical contents included in the areas of numbers and their usage. When it comes to mathematical operations, the areas that were used more often by the respondents were the understanding of numbers and their usage, geometry, and problem solving. Thus, algebra, probability and statistics, as well as associations and conversions were used less frequently. Regarding the results concerning the selection of methods to convey the mathematical contents, the analysis showed that most respondents primarily use teacher led activities. Many also use games and capture the mathematics of everyday life. A smaller number of respondents makes use of group activities and teaching materials. Most respondents stated that they based their mathematical activities on the mathematics curriculum and their own experience. Not as many respondents indicated that they supported their business on proven experience or research. Some respondents also indicated that they supported their mathematical operations on the teaching materials they use.  The conclusion drawn from this empirical study is that the mathematical operations and activities conducted in preschools today vary between different preschools. Nevertheless it appears that children in many of these preschool classes have a relatively good basis for their future mathematical education. However, they may not get an equivalent basis for the primary school mathematical learning.

Test-retest reliability and validity of the feeding your preschooler questionnaire for low-income Hispanic populations

Loyo, Jennifer Joleen 24 March 2011 (has links)
This methods-oriented dissertation focuses on the psychometric evaluation of the Feeding Your Preschooler Questionnaire (FYPQ) designed to assess the eating habits and diet quality of young children. Parental proxy reports (n=135) were obtained through pen and pencil administration of the FYPQ and an in-person interview using a 24- hour food recall (24HR).Test-retest reliability (n=82) was determined using a repeated measures design with Wilcoxon signed rank tests and Spearman correlations for the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) portion of the survey, parental self-efficacy, parental role modeling, parental practices, and parental perception of child food preference regarding fruits and vegetables scales. Test-retest reliabilities ranged from r=.53 for water to r=.84 for vegetables for the FFQ and from r=.64 for role modeling to r=.71 for parental perception of child preference for the psychosocial measures. Concurrent construct validity (n=107) was examined with a cross-sectional study design using the Wilcoxon signed rank test, Spearman correlations, and cross-classification analysis into quartiles of food group intakes. Spearman’s correlations between the FFQ and the 24HR were .46 for milk, .22 for fruit, .22 for vegetables, .11 for grains and .07 for protein. Cross-classification analysis revealed that 29% of children were classified in the same quartile and 69% in the same or within one quartile, and gross misclassification ranged from 2% to 10%. Nomological validity was examined using weighted least squares regression. Two regression analyses with fruit and vegetable intake on first the FFQ and second the 24HR as the dependent variable examined the influences of psychosocial environmental predictors and food insecurity. The FFQ regression model explained 28% (p<.05) of the variance in fruit and vegetable intake, with the significant predictors of parental role modeling and food insecurity. The 24HR regression analysis predicting fruit and vegetable intake explained 11% (p<.05), with parental perception of child preference and parental role modeling as significant predictors. In summary, the FYPQ demonstrated good test-retest reliability. The study provides evidence of concurrent validity for the FFQ for assessment of milk consumption and fruit and vegetable variety in preschool children's diets and of nomological validity in the prediction of fruit and vegetable consumption. / text

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