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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳冠廷 Unknown Date (has links)
青年失業問題是目前世界各國所關心的主要議題之一,從1970年代開始先進國家已開始意識到青年失業問題的嚴重性。根據國際勞工組織估計,目前世界上至少有7,100萬青年處於沒有工作的狀態,全球的青年失業率在2007年高達11.9%。而台灣的整體失業率與青年失業率從1996年開始攀升,2009年2月的青年失業率已高達14.56%,創歷年最高,且青年為各年齡組群中失業率最高的一群,若青年失業問題持續惡化,勢必對社會造成不良的影響,增加社會成本。 面對越來越嚴重的青年失業問題,國際組織與先進各國均提出許多建議或政策來因應,本研究將探討國際組織ILO與OECD對青年就業政策之觀點,並以德國、英國、美國、香港、丹麥與荷蘭為例,借鏡其青年就業政策,以掌握世界主要工業國家之趨勢與對策。 台灣近年來隨著失業問題越來越嚴重,雖然政府開始注意到青年的失業問題,並已初步實施多面項的方案,但經由本研究分析與國際發展趨勢相較,發現目前台灣的青年就業政策還是有許多仍待補強之處。最後本研究將以國際的經驗當作借鏡,提出以下七點相關建議,以作為未來相關政策參考之方向: 一、應重視技職教育的發展,擴大投資技職教育。 二、提升正式教育過程中的就業力養成教育,並增加青年體驗職場的機會。 三、加強職業指導,培養正確的就業價值觀。 四、積極的消極勞動市場政策。 五、提供青年個人化的深度就業諮詢輔導服務,多關注弱勢青年。 六、建立職業訓練評估制度,完善規劃訓練課程以符合市場需求。 七、整合相關部會,制訂一套完整、長期性、針對性的青年就業促進方案。 / Nowadays the problem of youth unemployment is one of main topics that every countries concern. Since 1970s, the developed countries have realized the severity of the problem of youth unemployment. According to ILO estimates, there has at least 71 million youths unemployment in the world at present. The global youth unemployment rate reaches as high as 11.9% in 2007. And then Taiwan's overall unemployment rate and the youth unemployment rate have soared since 1996, the youth unemployment rate has reached as high as 14.56% in February of 2009. Youths have the highest unemployment rate among others.There will be negative impacts on society, if the problem of youth unemployment worsens continuously. Facing more and more serious problem of youth unemployment, the international organization and the advanced countries put forward a lot of suggestions or policies. This research will introduce ILO and OECD on youth employment policies of the opinion. In order to understand how to deal with the problem of youth unemployment in the advanced countries, this research will take Germany, Britain, US, Hong Kong, Denmark and Holland as the example, and introduce their youth employment policies. Because the unemployment problem is more and more serious in Taiwan, the government has begun to notice the problem of youth unemployment, and has implemented multi-surface policies. But this research found that there are still some things need to be improved in Taiwan’s youth employment policies. Finally I will put forward some suggestions from with the experience of foreign countries, in order to help the government resolve the problems of youth unemployment.

Youth enployment situation and policies in Lithuania and Finland / Jaunimo užimtumo situacija ir politika Lietuvoje ir Suomijoje

Sendžikaitė, Eglė 04 July 2014 (has links)
Youth face a lot of problems when trying to enter and sustain in the labour market after high education. According to statistical data, youth unemployment rates are significantly higher in comparison with common unemployment level in all European countries. Level of youth integration into the labour market in Lithuania is one of the lowest in the context of Europe. Institutions of European Union and member states implements measures, initiatives and programs in order to improve youth situation in employment after education as soon as possible. Comparative overview of youth employment situation in Lithuania and Finland reveals data of implemented international surveys in youth employment field and highlights differences between selected countries. Qualitative research seeks to reveal what kind of difficulties youth in Lithuania face when trying to enter the labour market and how implemented youth employment policies helps to combat with these obstacles. / Jaunimas, įgijęs aukštąjį išsilavinimą, susiduria su daugeliu problemų siekdamas įžengti ir įsitvirtinti darbo rinkoje. Statistiniai duomenys rodo, kad jaunimo nedarbo lygis yra ženkliai didesnis už bendrąjį nedarbo lygį visose Europos šalyse. Lietuva Europos kontekste atsiduria vienoje iš paskutinių pozicijų pagal jaunimo integracijos į darbo rinką lygį. Europos Sąjungos institucijos ir valstybės narės įgyvendina priemones, iniciatyvas, programas, kuriomis siekiama suteikti jaunimui daugiau galimybių įsilieti į darbo rinką kuo greičiau po mokslo laipsnio įgijimo. Lyginamoji, jaunimo užimtumo situacijos Lietuvoje ir Suomijoje, apžvalga pateikia tarptautinių tyrimų duomenis jaunimo užimtumo srityje ir atskleidžia pagrindinius skirtumus šalyse. Kokybiniu tyrimu siekiama išsiaiškinti su kokiais sunkumais jauni žmonės susiduria, siekdami įsilieti į darbo rinką, baigę aukštąjį mokslą Lietuvoje ir kaip šalyje įgyvendinamos politinės priemonės padeda šiuos sunkumus įveikti.

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