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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Covid-19, en pandemi i vår tid : En sociologisk studie om experternas roll i samhället under en kris / Covid-19 a pandemic in our time : A sociological study of the experts role in society during a crisis

Andersson, Emma, Sjöstam, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats har ett fokus på den pågående pandemin, covid-19, och experters roll i samhället. Uppsatsen bygger på två enkäter, tre opinionsundersökningar, fyra artiklar, ett tv-klipp och Stefan Löfvens tal till nationen. Studien är av kvantitativ metod, resultatet från enkäterna har bearbetats i spss och resterande resultat har fungerat som ett komplement till de resultatet som har framkommit i enkäterna. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka experters roll under en kris. I studien används teorier om förtroende för experter, subjektiv och objektiv verklighet, riskperception teori och moderniseringsriskernas beroende av kunskap.     I det resultat som framkommer i uppsatsen går det att se att experter har en central roll under en kris. Experter behövs för att en risk eller en kris ska ses som just detta, de behövs också för att människor ska kunna uppfatta osynliga risker som denna typ av moderniseringsrisk är. I resultatet går det också att se att det finns ett oförändrat eller ökat förtroende för experter, det går också att utläsa i resultatet att det finns faktorer som påverkar hur människan agerar under en kris. Dessa faktorer kan vara exempelvis kön och ålder. / This essay focuses on the ongoing pandemic, covid-19, and the role of the experts in society. The essay is based on two surveys, three opinion polls, four articles, one television clip and Stefan Löfven's speech to the nation. The study is of a quantitative method, the results of the questionnaires have been processed in SPSS and the remaining results have served as a complement to the results that have emerged in the questionnaires. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the role of the experts during a crisis. The study uses theories of trust in experts, subjective and objective reality, risk perception theory and the risks of modernization to knowledge.   In the results that appear in the exam, it is possible to see that the experts have a central role during a crisis. Experts are needed for a risk or a crisis to be seen as a risk, they are also needed for people to be able to recognize an invisible risk that this type of modernization risk is. In the result it is also possible to see that there is an unchanged or increased trust in experts, it can also be seen in the result that there are factors that influence how a person acts during a crisis. These factors can be, for example, gender and age.

Allt är inte sagt bara för att en lag har talat : En kvalitativ dokumentstudie om hur insiderlagen i praktiken kan ses som en spelregel

Bylund, Johanna, Nåvik, Josefine January 2019 (has links)
Reglering av insiderhandel är ett omdebatterat ämne som ofta leder till svarta rubriker i media. Att försöka motverka insiderhandel grundar sig i den asymmetriska information som är vanligt förekommande på värdepappersmarknaden och som tycks vara anledningen till att marknaden kan upplevas som orättvis och omoralisk. Reglering av insiderhandel har således ansetts vara nödvändigt men själva lagen har ifrågasatts när det kommer till dess verkliga funktion och effektivitet. Tidigare forskning visar nämligen på att lagen kanske bäst kan förstås som en spelregel där spelet är amoraliskt. Hur lagen kan liknas vid en spelregel i praktiken verkar däremot saknas i tidigare forskning. En studie som jämför insiderlagen med ekonomiska brott, såsom bedrägeribrott, har således ansetts vara nödvändig för att avgöra på vilka sätt insiderlagen kan liknas vid en amoralisk spelregel. Denna kvalitativa dokumentstudie ämnar således att utifrån ett socialkonstruktionistiskt synsätt analysera och beskriva insiderlagen och på vilka sätt den kan förstås som en spelregel i praktiken. Vikten av att upprätthålla förtroendet för värdepappersmarknaden har vidare framhållits av tillsynsmyndigheterna Ekobrottsmyndigheten och Finansinspektionen, därför ansågs det även vara intressant att studera dokument från deras respektive hemsidor. Dokumenten analyserades utifrån en tematisk analys där resultaten kopplades till värdepappersreglering och insiderlag, förtroende i dess abstrakta form samt insdiderlag och/eller spelregler. Resultaten i denna studie pekar på att insiderlagen i praktiken bäst förstås som en spelregel eftersom insiderhandel är ett offerlöst brott där det tillsynes finns svårigheter att bevisa att ett brott faktiskt har begåtts. / Nyckelord: Värdepappersreglering, asymmetrisk information, abstrakta system, abstrakt förtroende, spelregel, spelAbstractInsider trading regulation is a highly-debated topic which often leads to black headlines in the media. Attempts to counteract insider trading is based on the asymmetric information that is common in the securities market and which seems to be the reason why the market can be perceived as unfair and immoral. Insider trading regulation has thus been considered necessary, but the law itself has been questioned when it comes to its real function and efficiency. Earlier research namely shows that the law may be better understood as a game rule where the game is amoral. How the law practically can be better understood as a game rule seems however yet to be lacking in previous research. A study comparing insider law with economic crimes, such as fraud offenses, has thus been considered necessary to determine in which ways the insider law can be compared to an amoral rule of law. This qualitative document-study thus aims to analyze and describe the insider law in a social constructive approach and in what ways it practically can be better understood as a game rule. The importance of maintaining trust in the securities market has also been emphasized by the supervisory authorities Ekobrottsmyndigheten and Finansinspektionen, therefore it was also considered interesting to study documents from their respective websites. The documents were analyzed based on a content analysis where the results were linked to securities regulation and insider law, trust in its abstract form and insiderlaw and/or game rules. The results of this study indicate that the insider law practically should be better understood as a game rule as insider trading is a victimless crime where there are difficulties in proving that a crime actually has been committed.

Evaluation of Software Architectures in the Automotive Domain for Multicore Targets in regard to Architectural Estimation Decisions at Design Time

Roßbach, André Christian 29 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In this decade the emerging multicore technology will hit the automotive industry. The increasing complexity of the multicore-systems will make a manual verification of the safety and realtime constraints impossible. For this reason, dedicated methods and tools are utterly necessary, in order to deal with the upcoming multicore issues. A lot of researchprojects for new hardware platforms and software frameworks for the automotive industry are running nowadays, because the paradigms of the “High-Performance Computing” and “Server/Desktop Domain” cannot be easily adapted for the embedded systems. One of the difficulties is the early suitability estimation of a hardware platform for a software architecture design, but hardly a research-work is tackling that. This thesis represents a procedure to evaluate the plausibility of software architecture estimations and decisions at design stage. This includes an analysis technique of multicore systems, an underlying graph-model – to represent the multicore system – and a simulation tool evaluation. This can guide the software architect, to design a multicore system, in full consideration of all relevant parameters and issues. / In den nächsten Jahren wird die aufkommende Multicore-Technologie auf die Automobil-Branche zukommen. Die wachsende Komplexität der Multicore-Systeme lässt es nicht mehr zu, die Verifikation von Sicherheits- und Echtzeit-Anforderungen manuell auszuführen. Daher sind spezielle Methoden und Werkzeuge zwingend notwendig, um gerade mit den bevorstehenden Multicore-Problemfällen richtig umzugehen. Heutzutage laufen viele Forschungsprojekte für neue Hardware-Plattformen und Software-Frameworks für die Automobil-Industrie, weil die Paradigmen des “High-Performance Computings” und der “Server/Desktop-Domäne” nicht einfach so für die Eingebetteten Systeme angewendet werden können. Einer der Problemfälle ist das frühe Erkennen, ob die Hardware-Plattform für die Software-Architektur ausreicht, aber nur wenige Forschungs-Arbeiten berücksichtigen das. Diese Arbeit zeigt ein Vorgehens-Model auf, welches ermöglicht, dass Software-Architektur Abschätzungen und Entscheidungen bereits zur Entwurfszeit bewertet werden können. Das beinhaltet eine Analyse Technik für Multicore-Systeme, ein grundsätzliches Graphen-Model, um ein Multicore-System darzustellen, und eine Simulatoren Evaluierung. Dies kann den Software-Architekten helfen, ein Multicore System zu entwerfen, welches alle wichtigen Parameter und Problemfälle berücksichtigt.

Evaluation of Software Architectures in the Automotive Domain for Multicore Targets in regard to Architectural Estimation Decisions at Design Time

Roßbach, André Christian 05 November 2014 (has links)
In this decade the emerging multicore technology will hit the automotive industry. The increasing complexity of the multicore-systems will make a manual verification of the safety and realtime constraints impossible. For this reason, dedicated methods and tools are utterly necessary, in order to deal with the upcoming multicore issues. A lot of researchprojects for new hardware platforms and software frameworks for the automotive industry are running nowadays, because the paradigms of the “High-Performance Computing” and “Server/Desktop Domain” cannot be easily adapted for the embedded systems. One of the difficulties is the early suitability estimation of a hardware platform for a software architecture design, but hardly a research-work is tackling that. This thesis represents a procedure to evaluate the plausibility of software architecture estimations and decisions at design stage. This includes an analysis technique of multicore systems, an underlying graph-model – to represent the multicore system – and a simulation tool evaluation. This can guide the software architect, to design a multicore system, in full consideration of all relevant parameters and issues.:Contents List of Figures vii List of Tables viii List of Abbreviations ix 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Motivation 1 1.2. Scope 2 1.3. Goal and Tasks 2 1.4. Structure of the Thesis 3 I. Multicore Technology 4 2. Fundamentals 5 2.1. Automotive Domains 5 2.2. Embedded System 7 2.2.1. Realtime 7 2.2.2. Runtime Predictions 8 2.2.3. Multicore Processor Architectures 8 2.3. Development of Automotive Embedded Systems 9 2.3.1. Applied V-Model 9 2.3.2. System Description and System Implementation 10 2.4. Software Architecture 11 2.5. Model Description of Software Structures 13 2.5.1. Design Domains of Multicore Systems 13 2.5.2. Software Structure Components 13 3. Trend and State of the Art of Multicore Research, Technology and Market 17 3.1. The Importance of Multicore Technology 17 3.2. Multicore Technology for the Automotive Industry 19 3.2.1. High-Performance Computing versus Embedded Systems 19 3.2.2. The Trend for the Automotive Industry 20 3.2.3. Examples of Multicore Hardware Platforms 23 3.3. Approaches for Upcoming Multicore Problems 24 3.3.1. Migration from Single-Core to Multicore 24 3.3.2. Correctness-by-Construction 25 3.3.3. AUTOSAR Multicore System 26 3.4. Software Architecture Simulators 28 3.4.1. Justification for Simulation Tools 28 3.4.2. System Model Simulation Software 29 3.5. Current Software Architecture Research Projects 31 3.6. Portrait of the current Situation 32 3.7. Summary of the Multicore Trend 32 II. Identification of Multicore System Parameters 34 4. Project Analysis to Identify Crucial Parameters 35 4.1. Analysis Procedure 35 4.1.1. Question Catalogue 36 4.1.2. Three Domains of Investigation 37 4.2. Analysed Projects 41 4.2.1. Project 1: Online Camera Calibration 41 4.2.2. Project 2: Power Management 45 4.2.3. Project 3: Battery Management 46 4.3. Results of Project Analysis 51 4.3.1. Ratio of Parameter Influence 51 4.3.2. General Influences of Parameters 53 5. Abstract System Model 54 5.1. Requirements for the System-Model 54 5.2. Simulation Tool Model Evaluation 55 5.2.1. System Model of PRECISION PRO 55 5.2.2. System Model of INCHRON 57 5.2.3. System Model of SymTA/S 58 5.2.4. System Model of Timing Architects 59 5.2.5. System Model of AMALTHEA 60 5.3. Concept of Abstract System Model 62 5.3.1. Components of the System Model 63 5.3.2. Software Function-Graph 63 5.3.3. Hardware Architecture-Graph 64 5.3.4. Specification-Graph for Mapping 65 6. Testcase Implementation 67 6.1. Example Test-System 68 6.1.1. Simulated Test-System 70 6.1.2. Testcases 73 6.2. Result of Tests 74 6.2.1. Processor Core Runtime Execution 74 6.2.2. Communication 75 6.2.3. Memory Access 76 6.3. Summary of Multicore System Parameters Identification 78 III. Evaluation of Software Architectures 80 7. Estimation-Procedure 81 7.1. Estimation-Procedure in a Nutshell 81 7.2. Steps of Estimation-Procedure 82 7.2.1. Project Analysis 82 7.2.2. Timing and Memory Requirements 83 7.2.3. System Modelling 84 7.2.4. Software Architecture Simulation 85 7.2.5. Results of a Validated Software Architecture 86 7.2.6. Feedback of Partly Implemented System 88 8. Implementation and Simulation 89 8.1. Example Project Analysis – Online Camera Calibration 89 8.1.1. Example Project Choice 90 8.1.2. OCC Timing Requirements Analysis 90 8.2. OCC Modelling 94 8.2.1. OCC Software Function-Graph 95 8.2.2. OCC Hardware Architecture 96 8.2.3. OCC Mapping – Specification-Graph 101 8.3. Simulation of the OCC Model with Tool Support 102 8.3.1. Tasks for Tool Setup 103 8.3.2. PRECISION PRO 105 8.3.3. INCHRON 107 8.3.4. SymTA/S 108 8.3.5. Timing Architects 112 8.3.6. AMALTHEA 115 8.4. System Optimisation Possibilities 116 8.5. OCC Implementation Results 117 9. Results of the Estimation-Procedure Evaluation 119 9.1. Tool-Evaluation Results 119 9.2. Findings of Estimation, Simulation and ECU-Behavior. 123 9.2.1. System-Specific Issues 123 9.2.2. Communication Issues 123 9.2.3. Memory Issues 124 9.2.4. Timing Issues 124 9.3. Summary of the Software Architecture Evaluation 125 10.Summary and Outlook 127 10.1. Summary 127 10.2. Usability of the Estimation-Procedure 128 10.3. Outlook and Future Work 129 11. Bibliography xii IV. Appendices xxi A. Appendices xxii A.1. Embedded Multicore Technology Research Projects xxii A.1.1. Simulation Software xxii A.1.2. Multicore Software Research Projects xxiii A.2. Testcase Implementation Results xxvi A.2.1. Function Block Processor Core Executions xxvi A.2.2. Memory Access Mechanism xxvii A.2.3. Memory Access Timings of Different Datatypes xxviii A.2.4. Inter-Processor Communication xxix A.3. Further OCC System Description xxxii A.3.1. OCC Timing Requirements of the FB xxxii A.3.2. INCHRON Validation Results xxxiv A.4. Detailed System Optimisation xxxv A.4.1. Optimisation through Hardware Alternation xxxv A.4.2. Optimisation through Mapping Alternation xxxv A.4.3. Optimisation of Execution Timings xxxvii B. Estimation-Procedure Engineering Paper xl B.1. Components and Scope of Software Architecture xl B.2. Estimation-Procedure in a Nutshell xlii B.3. Project Analysis xliii B.3.1. System level analysis xliv B.3.2. Communication Domain xlv B.3.3. Processor Core Domain xlvi B.3.4. Memory Domain xlvii B.3.5. Timing and Memory Requirements xlviii B.4. System Modelling xlix B.4.1. Function Model xlix B.4.2. Function-Graph l B.4.3. Possible ECU Target l B.4.4. Architecture-Graph l B.4.5. Software Architecture Mapping li B.4.6. Domain Specific Decision Guide lii B.5. Software Architecture Simulation liii B.6. Results of a Simulated Software Architecture lv B.7. Feedback of Partly Implemented System for Software Architecture Improvement lvi B.8. Benefits of the Estimation-Procedure lvii / In den nächsten Jahren wird die aufkommende Multicore-Technologie auf die Automobil-Branche zukommen. Die wachsende Komplexität der Multicore-Systeme lässt es nicht mehr zu, die Verifikation von Sicherheits- und Echtzeit-Anforderungen manuell auszuführen. Daher sind spezielle Methoden und Werkzeuge zwingend notwendig, um gerade mit den bevorstehenden Multicore-Problemfällen richtig umzugehen. Heutzutage laufen viele Forschungsprojekte für neue Hardware-Plattformen und Software-Frameworks für die Automobil-Industrie, weil die Paradigmen des “High-Performance Computings” und der “Server/Desktop-Domäne” nicht einfach so für die Eingebetteten Systeme angewendet werden können. Einer der Problemfälle ist das frühe Erkennen, ob die Hardware-Plattform für die Software-Architektur ausreicht, aber nur wenige Forschungs-Arbeiten berücksichtigen das. Diese Arbeit zeigt ein Vorgehens-Model auf, welches ermöglicht, dass Software-Architektur Abschätzungen und Entscheidungen bereits zur Entwurfszeit bewertet werden können. Das beinhaltet eine Analyse Technik für Multicore-Systeme, ein grundsätzliches Graphen-Model, um ein Multicore-System darzustellen, und eine Simulatoren Evaluierung. Dies kann den Software-Architekten helfen, ein Multicore System zu entwerfen, welches alle wichtigen Parameter und Problemfälle berücksichtigt.:Contents List of Figures vii List of Tables viii List of Abbreviations ix 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Motivation 1 1.2. Scope 2 1.3. Goal and Tasks 2 1.4. Structure of the Thesis 3 I. Multicore Technology 4 2. Fundamentals 5 2.1. Automotive Domains 5 2.2. Embedded System 7 2.2.1. Realtime 7 2.2.2. Runtime Predictions 8 2.2.3. Multicore Processor Architectures 8 2.3. Development of Automotive Embedded Systems 9 2.3.1. Applied V-Model 9 2.3.2. System Description and System Implementation 10 2.4. Software Architecture 11 2.5. Model Description of Software Structures 13 2.5.1. Design Domains of Multicore Systems 13 2.5.2. Software Structure Components 13 3. Trend and State of the Art of Multicore Research, Technology and Market 17 3.1. The Importance of Multicore Technology 17 3.2. Multicore Technology for the Automotive Industry 19 3.2.1. High-Performance Computing versus Embedded Systems 19 3.2.2. The Trend for the Automotive Industry 20 3.2.3. Examples of Multicore Hardware Platforms 23 3.3. Approaches for Upcoming Multicore Problems 24 3.3.1. Migration from Single-Core to Multicore 24 3.3.2. Correctness-by-Construction 25 3.3.3. AUTOSAR Multicore System 26 3.4. Software Architecture Simulators 28 3.4.1. Justification for Simulation Tools 28 3.4.2. System Model Simulation Software 29 3.5. Current Software Architecture Research Projects 31 3.6. Portrait of the current Situation 32 3.7. Summary of the Multicore Trend 32 II. Identification of Multicore System Parameters 34 4. Project Analysis to Identify Crucial Parameters 35 4.1. Analysis Procedure 35 4.1.1. Question Catalogue 36 4.1.2. Three Domains of Investigation 37 4.2. Analysed Projects 41 4.2.1. Project 1: Online Camera Calibration 41 4.2.2. Project 2: Power Management 45 4.2.3. Project 3: Battery Management 46 4.3. Results of Project Analysis 51 4.3.1. Ratio of Parameter Influence 51 4.3.2. General Influences of Parameters 53 5. Abstract System Model 54 5.1. Requirements for the System-Model 54 5.2. Simulation Tool Model Evaluation 55 5.2.1. System Model of PRECISION PRO 55 5.2.2. System Model of INCHRON 57 5.2.3. System Model of SymTA/S 58 5.2.4. System Model of Timing Architects 59 5.2.5. System Model of AMALTHEA 60 5.3. Concept of Abstract System Model 62 5.3.1. Components of the System Model 63 5.3.2. Software Function-Graph 63 5.3.3. Hardware Architecture-Graph 64 5.3.4. Specification-Graph for Mapping 65 6. Testcase Implementation 67 6.1. Example Test-System 68 6.1.1. Simulated Test-System 70 6.1.2. Testcases 73 6.2. Result of Tests 74 6.2.1. Processor Core Runtime Execution 74 6.2.2. Communication 75 6.2.3. Memory Access 76 6.3. Summary of Multicore System Parameters Identification 78 III. Evaluation of Software Architectures 80 7. Estimation-Procedure 81 7.1. Estimation-Procedure in a Nutshell 81 7.2. Steps of Estimation-Procedure 82 7.2.1. Project Analysis 82 7.2.2. Timing and Memory Requirements 83 7.2.3. System Modelling 84 7.2.4. Software Architecture Simulation 85 7.2.5. Results of a Validated Software Architecture 86 7.2.6. Feedback of Partly Implemented System 88 8. Implementation and Simulation 89 8.1. Example Project Analysis – Online Camera Calibration 89 8.1.1. Example Project Choice 90 8.1.2. OCC Timing Requirements Analysis 90 8.2. OCC Modelling 94 8.2.1. OCC Software Function-Graph 95 8.2.2. OCC Hardware Architecture 96 8.2.3. OCC Mapping – Specification-Graph 101 8.3. Simulation of the OCC Model with Tool Support 102 8.3.1. Tasks for Tool Setup 103 8.3.2. PRECISION PRO 105 8.3.3. INCHRON 107 8.3.4. SymTA/S 108 8.3.5. Timing Architects 112 8.3.6. AMALTHEA 115 8.4. System Optimisation Possibilities 116 8.5. OCC Implementation Results 117 9. Results of the Estimation-Procedure Evaluation 119 9.1. Tool-Evaluation Results 119 9.2. Findings of Estimation, Simulation and ECU-Behavior. 123 9.2.1. System-Specific Issues 123 9.2.2. Communication Issues 123 9.2.3. Memory Issues 124 9.2.4. Timing Issues 124 9.3. Summary of the Software Architecture Evaluation 125 10.Summary and Outlook 127 10.1. Summary 127 10.2. Usability of the Estimation-Procedure 128 10.3. Outlook and Future Work 129 11. Bibliography xii IV. Appendices xxi A. Appendices xxii A.1. Embedded Multicore Technology Research Projects xxii A.1.1. Simulation Software xxii A.1.2. Multicore Software Research Projects xxiii A.2. Testcase Implementation Results xxvi A.2.1. Function Block Processor Core Executions xxvi A.2.2. Memory Access Mechanism xxvii A.2.3. Memory Access Timings of Different Datatypes xxviii A.2.4. Inter-Processor Communication xxix A.3. Further OCC System Description xxxii A.3.1. OCC Timing Requirements of the FB xxxii A.3.2. INCHRON Validation Results xxxiv A.4. Detailed System Optimisation xxxv A.4.1. Optimisation through Hardware Alternation xxxv A.4.2. Optimisation through Mapping Alternation xxxv A.4.3. Optimisation of Execution Timings xxxvii B. Estimation-Procedure Engineering Paper xl B.1. Components and Scope of Software Architecture xl B.2. Estimation-Procedure in a Nutshell xlii B.3. Project Analysis xliii B.3.1. System level analysis xliv B.3.2. Communication Domain xlv B.3.3. Processor Core Domain xlvi B.3.4. Memory Domain xlvii B.3.5. Timing and Memory Requirements xlviii B.4. System Modelling xlix B.4.1. Function Model xlix B.4.2. Function-Graph l B.4.3. Possible ECU Target l B.4.4. Architecture-Graph l B.4.5. Software Architecture Mapping li B.4.6. Domain Specific Decision Guide lii B.5. Software Architecture Simulation liii B.6. Results of a Simulated Software Architecture lv B.7. Feedback of Partly Implemented System for Software Architecture Improvement lvi B.8. Benefits of the Estimation-Procedure lvii

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