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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abstraktus vaizdavimo būdas meninio ugdymo procese / Abstract art in the school

Snarskienė, Rasa 13 June 2005 (has links)
The completed research allows to conclude that abstract expression holds a key importance in the process of art tuition. Its influence on children visual reflection is determined by a number of factors: the development of student's thinking process, his individual character, visual reflection forms, relevant teaching methods and valuation of student's works. This research describes the techniques the tutor uses for the purpose to understand the student, best reveal his unique inner capabilities and skills and facilitate their development. In early age, when children only start to realize the principals of abstract art, they create abstract compositions on playing grounds. Their creativity, active imagination, thinking capabilities and intuition expand and improve on the way. In upper grades, when the attractiveness of drawing and working as a process fades out, the weight of drawing result continually increases. This is the age when children lose the joy of spontaneous creation, while the attempt at realistic expression encounters an essential lack of skills. Children are willing to be taught and they seek definite rules. Still they cannot generalize consciously, therefore the most appropriate tasks are design of ornaments out of geometrical figures, lines and colours. This way they get acquainted with the means of abstract expression in art, and these provide a positive impulse for the enhancement of creative capabilities and overall personality maturing. 14 – 18 years... [to full text]


Samuitytė, Laura 03 September 2010 (has links)
Pasirinkusi abstrakčią plastiką, kuri neturi vaizdavimo objekto, siekiau tapybinėmis raiškos priemonėmis pavaizduoti kitimą. Nieko nėra pastovaus, nebent nepastovumas, kuris neturi nei pradžios, nei pabaigos. Tai pagrindinė mano darbo koncepcija, todėl darbo eigoje labai dažnai radikaliai kito rezultatas. Nedariau išankstinių eskizų, rėmiausi spontaniškumu, mėgavausi atsitiktinumais, spalvų, potėpių, dėmių ir faktūrų dariniais, kurie diktavo galimus kompozicinius tolimesnio darbo etapus. Savo baigiamajame darbe „Virsmas“ siekiau savaip plastiškai interpretuoti pasirinktą temą. Mano darbų kolekcija „Virsmas“ – tai išgyvenimų, ieškojimų ir bandymų rezultatas. Begalinis virsmo procesas, būsenų pasikeitimas, idėjų mutacija ir atsispindi mano kūrybos darbų kolekcijoje. Cikle „Virsmas“ naudojau abstrakčiojo ekspresionizmo stilistiką, analizavau pasirinktų dailininkų kūrybą, jų kūrybines koncepcijas. Abstraktus ekspresionizmas pasižymi stilistikos įvairove, suteikiančia žiūrovo vaizduotei laisvę savaip interpretuoti tapybos darbus. Tapybos darbų kolekciją sudaro trys darbai: „Virsmas I“, „Virsmas II“, „Virsmas III“. Ciklą galima traktuoti kaip triptiką, nors ir nesiekiau to sąmoningai. Manau, kad pasirinktą abstraktaus vaizdo kūrimo metodą sėkmingai galima pritaikyti per dailės pamokas įvairių klasių moksleiviams, mokant monotipijos, supažindinant su meno istorija. Galimi tokie pamokų tikslai: supažindinti mokinius su šiuolaikinėmis meno srovėmis, mokyti analizuoti meno kūrinius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The abstract plastic without depiction object was chosen to represent variation with painterly expression devices. Nothing is invariable unless variability which has no beginning and no ending. This is the main conception of this work that is why the results radically varied in the course of work. There were no preconceived sketches. The spontaneity was used so I was indulged in coincidence and formation of colors, dabs, spots and factures which dictate possible composite stages of further work. In my bachelor work ‘Conversion’ I tried to interpret chosen theme in my way. My collection of works ‘Conversion’ is the result of experiences, searches and tests. Endless process of conversion, change of states’, ideas’ mutation is the reflection of my creative works collection. In the cycle ‘Conversion’ the stylistic of abstract expressionism was used also the creation of chosen painters and their concept was analyzed. Abstract expressionism characterized with variety stylistics which gives to viewer imagination to interpret pictorial works in own way. The pictorial works collection consists of three works: ‘Conversion I’, ‘Conversion II’, and ‘Conversion III’. The cycle can be called triptych but I have not try to do it consciously. In my opinion, the abstract method of picture creation can be used to students of all classes teaching them monotype and art history. The lessons’ aims could be: introduction of modern trends in art, teaching to analyze works of art in every aspect... [to full text]

Abstrakčios sintaksės medžių pertvarkymo algoritmų tyrimas / Investigation of Refactoring Algorithms for Abstract Syntax Tree

Jokubauskas, Justas 25 August 2010 (has links)
Per pastaruosius metus, lankstaus programavimo metodikos sulaukė daug dėmesio. Programų kodo pertvarkymas tapo viena iš labiausiai naudojamų praktikų, ypač ekstremaliame programavime. Todėl poreikis turėti programos kodo pertvarkymų įrankį išaugo iki tokio lygio, kad pertvarkymo įrankiai tapo reikalaujama priemone šiuolaikinėse programų kūrimo aplinkose. Tyrimo sritis – abstrakčios sintaksės medžių pertvarkymo algoritmai. Tyrimo objektas – abstrakčios sintaksės medžių pertvarkymo procesai skirtingose programavimo kalbose (C++ ir Java). Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti, kaip efektyviai būtų galima vykdyti pertvarkymus bendriniam AST, tam sukuriant pertvarkymų biblioteką ir atliekant eksperimentus įvairių kalbų atvejais. / Over the past years, agile development methodologies have attracted a lot of attention. Refactoring has become one of the most heavily used practices, especially in Extreme Programming. Therefore the need to have powerful refactoring tools has grown to such an extent, that there is a required feature for modern-day IDEs to have implemented refactoring tools. The aim of this work is to build a refactoring library for the generic abstract syntax tree and test the algorithms for speed. Generic abstract syntax tree (GAST) is a tree structure that can store elements of several programming language. Achieving this goal required doing certain tasks that you find in this document: analysis of technologies and existing software; several algorithms for refactoring; user need and specification of requirements; library model, expressed in UML diagrams; test plan and test procedure. Experiments have shown that it is necessary to improve the refactoring algorithms. But the library and the AST structure is worth further development.

Paauglių ir suaugusiųjų vaizdinio mąstymo ugdymas / Development of Visual Thinking in Adoleschense and Adulthood

Baltušytė, Salvija 10 June 2006 (has links)
In this work is analysed problem – younger and older teenager and young adult visual thinking peculiarities and education. Objective of this research is to find younger and older teenager and young adult visual thinking peculiarities and provide recomendation for education of visual thinking. Research task: 1. To analyse visual thinking development singularities in nonfiction education and psichological literature. 2. Compare younger and older teenager and young adult visual abstractiveness level. 3. Compare younger and older teenager and young adult colow expression of images expressing notions: „happyness“, „anger“, „fear“, „sorrow“, „fault“, „shame“. 4. Compare younger and older teenager and young adult expression using shapes of theese notions („happyness“, „anger“, „fear“, „sorrow“, „fault“, „shame“). In this work used theese methods of objective: analyse of science literature, grapic objective, that is drawing task, data – processing using PC (SPSS package), statistics. I have used graphic research methodology provided by D. Jurkšaitė (1982): using colors and shapes express six notions („happyness“, „anger“, „fear“, „sorrow“, „fault“, „shame“). In this research used these colors: yellow, orange, pink, red, hirsch, light blue, blue, purple, salad-bowl, green, brown, black. Task perform time infinitive. In objective attendanced 150 respondents, in three age groups: 50 younger teenagers, 15-16 years, 50 older teenagers,18-21 years and 50 young adults, 22-27 years... [to full text]

Metaforinis skonio modelis lietuvių kalbos pasaulėvaizdyje / Metaphorical Taste Model in Lithuanian Language Worldview

Liubšytė, Ieva 17 July 2014 (has links)
Kalba parodo tautos savitumą, papročius, tradicijas, požiūrį į aplink esantį pasaulį. Kalbinio proceso metu kuriasi metaforiniai modeliai, kurie atspindi kiekvienai tautai būdingą pasaulio suvokimą. Metaforinių modelių analizė padeda atskleisti tautos mąstyseną, nuostatą, vertybes, kurios yra svarbios ir puoselėjamos. Šio darbo tikslas aptarti, kaip lietuvių kalbos pasaulėvaizdyje aktualizuojamas metaforinis skonio modelis. Analizei atlikti buvo surinkti 942 pavyzdžiai paremti visų žodžių saldus, -i, kartus, -i, rūgštus, -i, sūrus, -i formų junginių su abstrakčius reiškinius pavadinančiais žodžiais vartojimo pavyzdžiais, surinktais iš „Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstyno“. Pavyzdžiai suskirstyti į penkias sferas pagal žodžių junginyje užfiksuotą skonį apibūdinančio žodžio ir abstraktaus fenomeno ryšį. Išanalizavus metaforinį skonio modelį lietuvių kalbos pasaulėvaizdyje paaiškėjo, kad didžiąją dalį, viso darbo medžiagos sudaro ŽMOGAUS BŪVIO sferai priklausantys pavyzdžiai. Žodžiu kartus apibūdinamų abstrakčių fenomenų yra daugiausiai visose penkiose sferose. Kaip kartūs apibūdinti abstraktūs fenomenai yra vertinami neigiamai. Darbe dar aptariamos JAUSMŲ IR EMOCIJŲ, KALBOS, MĄSTYMO IR MORALINIŲ VERTYBIŲ sferos. / A languege shows a nation‘s distinction, customs, traditions, attitude towards the surrounding world. For every nation during the lingual process, there forms metaphorical models which reflect a specifik world perception. The analysis of the metaphorical models helps to reveal the nation‘s thinking, attitudes, values which are important and are being cherished. The aim of the work is to discuss how there is actualized the metaphorical taste model in the Lithuanian language Outlook. For the analysis, there were picked 942 examples of the words sweet, bitter, sour, salty and their compounds and abstract phenomenon. The examples were divided into five spheres according to the words compound stated taste exaplaining word and the abstract phenomenon bond. After analyzing the metaphorical taste model in the Lithuanian language Outlook, there emerged, that most of the part consist of the HUMAN BEING EXISTENCE‘S fied dependant examples. The word bitter explaining abstract phenomenons are being found in the all five spheres. The abstact phenomenons, explained as bitter, ar explained as negatyve ones. There in the work, are discussed FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS, LINGUISTIC, THINKING AND MORAL VALUES spheres.

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