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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Development of a Hydrodynamics-Based Storm Severity Index

Todaro, Gabriel Francis 01 January 2015 (has links)
A hydrodynamic-based storm severity scale that ranks the damage potential of a storm at a given coastal area is developed. Seventeen tropical and extratropical storm events at 113 different locations on the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico are examined in order to create and verify a Storm Severity Index Model (SSIM). The results from the SSIM are then used to create a location-based storm severity scale titled the Twenty-Four Point Storm Severity Scale. The Twenty-Four Point Scale is based on three subsets of factors. The first is the energy flux above the normal mean high water line that the storm produces, the second is the amount of overwash due to wave-induced runup, and the third is the inundation due to surge-induced flooding that occurs during the event. The advantage of this methodology is that it enables the level of risk associated with a storm to be examined for a specific region, rather than having a single broad value define the entire event. Although, the index is intended for use on sandy beaches with or without dunes, the general methodology could be extended to armored beaches.

Comparison of Hydrologic Model Performance Statistics Using Thiessen Polygon Rain Gauge and NEXRAD Precipitation Input Methods at Different Watershed Spatial Scales and Rainfall Return Frequencies

Tancreto, Amanda E 01 January 2015 (has links)
As hydrological computer modeling software continues to increase in complexity, the need for further understanding of the value of different model input datasets becomes apparent. Frequently used precipitation model input include rain gauge data and next-generation radar–based (NEXRAD) rainfall data. Rain gauge data are usually interpolated across a model domain using various methods including the Thiessen Polygon methodology, which may be data-sparse in some areas and overly data-dense in others. However, rain gauge data are generally very easy to use in hydrologic model development, often requiring little to no data processing. NEXRAD data have the potential to improve hydrologic runoff estimates due to the increased spatial resolution of the data: but has its own issues regarding accuracy, false precipitation indications, and difficulties due to data processing. Previous studies have investigated the value of NEXRAD input versus traditional rain gauge data inputs for hydrologic studies; however, results are inconclusive as to which precipitation source provides more accurate results. Limited work has been done to compare the value of these datasets at multiple spatial scales, especially in Florida, a study area dominated by low topographic drive and sub-tropical weather. In addition, little to no research has been done regarding the value of NEXRAD versus rain gauge data inputs at different rainfall return frequencies. The proposed research will utilize a hydrological rain-runoff model (HEC-HMS) of the Upper St. Johns River Basin, Florida to compare the performance of the two precipitation data input types at various watershed spatial scales and rainfall return frequencies. Statistical analysis of the hydrological model “goodness-of-fit” results will be utilized to assess the watershed scaling and rainfall frequency requirements to xii which NEXRAD data provide little to no advantage over standard rain gauges using the Thiessen Polygon method for estimating rainfall totals across a model domain.

Power Mobility Sensor Data Collection Verified through Standardized Pediatric Assessments

Rodriguez-Velez, Ayshka Elise 01 January 2018 (has links)
The collaboration between the School of Engineering and the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of North Florida has introduced the possibility of creating a new environment for pediatric physical therapy assessments. There are currently no methods for remotely monitoring children with impairments. However, with embedded sensor technology in the form of power mobility and accepted therapy assessment tools, remote monitoring can become a possibility. As a part of this work, a ride-on toy car was developed as a remote monitoring device and a case study with a child with a mobility impairment was used as a proof of concept. In this thesis, the background information on the project, the case study diagnosis and history, and the model used to develop this project are detailed.

Operational effectiveness of connected vehicle smartphone technology on a signalized corridor

Mjogolo, Festo 01 January 2019 (has links)
Over the last decade, extensive research efforts have been placed on performance evaluation and the benefits of innovative CV applications. Findings indicate that CV technology can effectively mitigate the safety, mobility, and environmental challenges experienced on transportation networks. Most of research evaluated CV technology through simulation studies. However, a field study provides a more ideal method of assessing CV technology effectiveness. Therefore, a field study to obtain the actual effectiveness of CV technology was warranted, to validate previous findings, and to add to the body of knowledge surrounding this topic. This thesis presents both a field study and simulation evaluation of the effectiveness of CV smartphone technology on a 1.1 mile segment of State Road 121, containing five intersections, in Gainesville, Florida. Field observations were conducted using a CV application, developed by Connected Signals, Inc., that uses a smartphone application, called EnLighten, to communicate intersection information to driver’s smartphone, which serves as a vehicle on-board unit. Traffic operation and safety performance was evaluated using start-up lost time, discharge distribution model, and speed harmonization. Findings show that the CV smartphone technology improved intersection performance with a reduction in start-up lost time of approximately 86%. Additionally, driving safety improved with a reduction in speed variability by nearly 61% between vehicles in a specific lane for a 100% CV penetration rate. Cost analyses of deploying CV smartphone technology indicate that implementation may result in an average total economic cost savings associated with crashes of nearly $6.8 million at the study site, and approximately $5.6 billion statewide. Findings of the simulation evaluation revealed that the CV technology improved performance of intersections operating at a Level of Service (LOS) B or better, compared to lower operating levels. Operational performance improved at intersections operating at a LOS C with a 30% to 60% CV penetration rate.

Reduction of NOx Emissions in a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Using SNCR with In-Cylinder Injection of Aqueous Urea

Timpanaro, Anthony 01 January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this study is the effect of in-cylinder selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) of NOx emissions in diesel exhaust gas by means of direct injection of aqueous urea ((NH2)2CO) into the combustion chamber. A single cylinder diesel test engine was modified to accept an electronically controlled secondary common rail injection system to deliver the aqueous urea directly into the cylinder during engine operation. Direct in-cylinder injection was chosen in order to ensure precise delivery of the reducing agent without the risk of any premature reactions taking place. Unlike direct in-cylinder injection of neat water, aqueous urea also works as a reducing agent by breaking down into ammonia (NH3) and Cyanuric Acid ((HOCN)3). These compounds serve as the primary reducing agents in the NOx reduction mechanism explored here. The main reducing agent, aqueous urea, was admixed with glycerol (C3H8O3) in an 80-20 ratio, by weight, to function as a lubricant for the secondary injector. The aqueous urea injection timing and duration is critical to the reduction of NOx emissions due to the dependence of SNCR NOx reduction on critical factors such as temperature, pressure, reducing agent to NOx ratio, Oxygen and radical content, residence time and NH3 slip. From scoping engine tests at loads of 40 percent and 80 percent at 1500 rpm, an aqueous urea injection strategy was developed. The final injection strategy chosen was four molar ratios, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0 and 0.5 with five varying injection timings of 60, 20, 10, 0, and -30 degrees after top dead center (ATDC). In addition to the base line and aqueous urea tests, water injection and an 80-20 water-glycerol solution reduction agent tests were also conducted to compare the effects of said additives as well. The comparison of baseline and SNCR operation was expected to show that the urea acted as a reducing agent, lowering NOx emissions up to 100% (based on exhaust stream studies) in the diesel exhaust gas without the aid of a catalyst. The data collected from the engine tests showed that the aqueous urea-glycerol solution secondary had no effect on the reduction of NOx and even resulted in an increase of up to 5% in some tests. This was due to the low average in-cylinder temperature as well as a short residence time, prohibiting the reduction reaction from taking place. The neat water and water-glycerol solution secondary injection was found to have a reduction effect of up to 59% on NOx production in the emissions due to the evaporative cooling effect and increased heat capacity of the water.

Landing-Gear Impact Response: A Non-linear Finite Element Approach

Tran, Tuan H 01 January 2019 (has links)
The primary objective of this research is to formulate a methodology of assessing the maximum impact loading condition that will incur onto an aircraft’s landing gear system via Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and appropriately determining its corresponding structural and impact responses to minimize potential design failures during hard landing (abnormal impact) and shock absorption testing. Both static and dynamic loading condition were closely analyzed, compared, and derived through the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) airworthiness regulations and empirical testing data. In this research, a nonlinear transient dynamic analysis is developed and established via NASTRAN advanced nonlinear finite element model (FEM) to simulate the worst-case loading condition. Under the appropriate loading analysis, the eye-bar and contact patch region theory were then utilized to simulate the tire and nose wheel interface more accurately. The open geometry of the nose landing gear was also optimized to minimize the effect of stress concentration. The result of this research is conformed to the FAA’s regulations and bound to have an impact on the design and development of small and large aircraft’s landing gear for both near and distant future.

Development, Validation, and Utilization, of a Long-term Nearshore Synthetic Wave Record

Pena, Sergio A 01 January 2019 (has links)
The need for a consistent and accurate production of long-term nearshore wave record is discussed. With multiple decades of offshore hindcasts and long, continuous data sets available, it is possible to create a nearshore synthetic wave record. The Brevard County coastline offers an area with a high quality 62-year long offshore hindcast, as well as an 11-year long and nearly continuous high-resolution nearshore wave record to compare with model performance. This thesis presents the steps in the development and performance of the synthetic nearshore wave record produced. A novel approach was used to compare, validate and calibrate this type of data which included using quantile-quantile plots and bin-averaged scatter plots. In a comparison between two reputable deep-water hindcasts (MSC50 and Wavewatch III), it was found that Wavewatch III significantly underpredicts wave heights in the higher range (>8m). At the nearshore STWAVE proves to be a simple, robust and fast way to create a nearshore wave record. Root mean squared error (0.272m-0.317m) and modified index of agreement (0.697-0.646) values for significant wave height show promising results for overall model performance with the currently available hindcast. Possible future improvements could be made by modifying the offshore hindcast to have finer grid resolution and further studying different friction models for the nearshore wave transformation model. Overall, the use of the MSC50 hindcast, to drive STWAVE at the nearshore, exhibits good agreement with ADCP data and analysis for significant wave heights can be used with confidence. Currently, no long-term trends can be resolved with the available record at the location used herein, yet more years of data/hindcasts in the future could provide more evident trends in wave climate change.

Analysis of a 10-year Nearshore Wave Database and its Implications to Littoral Processes

Montoya, Luis Humberto 01 January 2014 (has links)
The variability of the nearshore wave climate is investigated via the analysis of over 10 years of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data from a gauge deployed at Melbourne Beach, FL. Examples of large yearly variability in the significant wave height, peak period, mean direction and energy distribution are found in the data. Estimates of the averaged spectra for the entire record show that the average wave energy is distributed almost symmetrically with the peak being close to shore-normal. It was expected that the peak would be shifted towards the north of shore-normal considering net north to south longshore sediment transport at this location. Further analysis of the directional spectra partitioned into three directional windows reveals that waves from the southeast (avg. Hmo = 0.78 m) are less energetic than those from the northeast (avg. Hmo = 0.87 m), but they arrive from the south 53% more often. Additionally, energy-based significant wave height (Hmo), peak period (Tp) and mean period (Tmean) distributions are studied and modeled with notable success. Radiation stress (Sxy) estimates are computed using both rigorous integration as well as parameter-based approximations. These two estimates are correlated but the parameter-based approximation over predicts Sxy by 42%, because this method assigns all the wave energy into one direction (Ruessink et al., 2001). Finally, it is shown by the Sxy total average that the net longshore forcing at this location is indeed north to south, but yearly and seasonal variability were quite high. The results indicate that short-term wave records may not provide accurate information for planning purposes. For example, if only 3 months of data were collected at this site, there would be a 33% chance that the mean longshore forcing would be erroneously directed from south to north.

Examining Optimal Form of Two Scale Approximation (TSA) for Calculating Snl Source Term

Ardag, Dorukhan 01 January 2014 (has links)
Nonlinear four-wave interactions (Snl) are critical for acquiring realistic spectra needed by operational wave models. High computational demand to calculate these interactions led to an approximation method named the Discrete Interaction Approximation (DIA) to be used broadly in the major operational wave models for a long time. However, the accuracy of the DIA has been controversial since it was first introduced and more precise approximations such as the Two Scale Approximation (TSA in short) are now available. The only issue with the initial TSA`s efficiency is performing an order of a magnitude slower than the DIA in speed. This study questions the exactness of the DIA while trying to increase the competence of the TSA by making improvements on its execution time. Particularly, in this thesis, the main effort is on the local scale term of the TSA since it is the part that consumes the most time while running the code. The findings of this work imply that the TSA can improve its operation speed significantly while maintaining its accuracy with making alterations in the code. By decreasing the number of bands in the local scale it is possible to run the TSA up to 7.5 faster than its initial version.

The Repair of Laterally Damaged Concrete Bridge Girders Using Carbon Fiber Reinforcing Polymers (CFRP)

Graeff, Matthew Kent 01 January 2012 (has links)
In recent years the use of carbon fiber reinforcing polymers (CFRP) to repair damaged structural components has become more accepted and practiced. However, the current reference for designing FRP systems to repair and strengthen reinforced concrete (RC) and prestressed concrete (PSC) girders has limitations. Similarly, very few resources address solutions for the debonding problem associated with CFRP laminates or the use of CFRP laminates to repair structural members with pre-existing damage. The included experimental program consists of testing both RC and PSC girders with simulated lateral damage and CFRP repairs. A total of 34 RC beams were statically tested under a 4-point loading until failure and had cross-section dimensions of 5” x 10” (14cm x 25.4cm), were 8’ long (2.44m), and were reinforced with either #3 or #4 mild steel rebar. 13 PSC girders having cross-section dimensions representing a half-scaled AASHTO type II shape, were 20’ long (6.1m), and were prestressed with five 7/16” (11.1mm) diameter low-lax 7-wire strands. Ten of the PSC girders were statically loaded until failure under a 4-point testing setup, but 3 PSC girders were dynamically tested under fatigue loading using a 3-point arrangement. Different configurations of CFRP laminates, number and spacing of CFRP transverse U-wraps, and amount of longitudinal CFRP layers are studied. The results present the flexural behavior of all specimen including load-deflection characteristics, strain characteristics, and modes of failure. Ultimately, results are used to recommend important considerations, needed criteria, and proper design procedures for a safe and optimized CFRP repair configuration.

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