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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Účetní závěrka a stanovení daňové povinnosti k dani z příjmů právnických osob / Final accounts and corporate income tax

Bláhová, Soňa January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my diploma paper is a compendious and general description of the final accounting, taxation and their correlation. First part is focused on basic components of accounting, legal regulation in the Czech Republic and definition of the final financial statements, principles and procedures connected with the final accounts. Second part deals with the tax system in the Czech Republic, especially with corporate income tax. I define the basic regulations of the tax base adjustment of income tax. The tax expenses are specified in detail in an extensive chapter. The other parts of my diploma paper are non-tax expenses, the characteristics of amounts that reduce the tax base and the applicable tax deductions. The last part is practical part where I use all rules mentioned in previous parts. This chapter is focused on real calculation of the corporate income tax and final accounting.

Účetní závěrka a finanční analýza podniku / Final accounts and financial analysis of the company

Vobecká, Zdeňka January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this work is to define basic theoretical findings of financial analysis and practically apply these to the concrete case of the concrete company. In the first chapter I am going to describe final accounts in general -- legislative requirements, what it is consisted of, what duties result from it. In the second chapter I am going to define financial analysis procedure. I am going to talk about liquidity analysis, profitability analysis, financial stability analysis, indebtedness analysis and activity analysis. In terms of the total assessment of financial health I am going to apply bankrupt and value models. I am also going to look at intercompany comparison, particularly in two ways -- within the scope of a given branch and in comparison to two competing companies. In the third, final, part I am going to apply all the theoretical knowledge to the concrete company and do the final assessment and résumé.

Auditorské postupy při ověřování účetní závěrky v praxi / Auditors´ procedures by verifying financial statements in practice

Pavlík, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the problematic of financial statements auditing. In the first chapter historical development on auditing in highly developed countries in Europe and in the Czech Republic is characterized. The second part describes legal and ethical auditing requirements in the Czech Republic. In the third chapter auditors' procedures and techniques which are in progress from accepted contracts to issued auditors' report are explicated. The final part is focused on concrete auditors' procedures by verifying accounts receivables and inventories in a practical application in the case of two real companies.

An exploration of men's subjective experiences of their violence toward their intimate partners.

Lau, Ursula 22 December 2008 (has links)
The research served a dual purpose: (i) to explore men’s subjective experiences of their violence toward their intimate partners and, (ii) to examine how men talk about their violence in an attempt to establish credibility in their accounts. The first emphasised the subjective and emotional bases of individual experience and the second contextualised these descriptions within a broader societal framework. Highlighting the shortcomings of a quantitative research paradigm, the research utilised a qualitative framework which privileged first-person descriptions as the primary sources of subjective meaning. Although oriented toward a phenomenological approach, the research drew upon elements of psychoanalysis and discursive psychology. Twelve men were recruited from three organisations in Johannesburg. Via in-depth semi-structured interviews, men’s most vivid incident(s) of violence were explored. Thematic analysis revealed two levels of meaning: men’s descriptions of their violence (narrative content) and, processes by which they talked about their violence (narrative form). On the subjective dimension, seemingly contradictory experiences of violence were evident, clustering around five central themes: (i) violence as ‘being out of control’, (ii) violence as ‘having control’ over another, (iii) the continuum of love and violence, (iv) violence versus emotionality and (v) the violent self as ‘not me’. In feminist-psychoanalytic terms, men’s emotional dependence on their partners was denied or repressed. Violence represented a negation or devaluation of the feminine where male vulnerability and powerlessness, once exposed, became intolerable to bear. The ability to integrate and tolerate contradictory aspects of self (i.e. ‘emotional’ and ‘rational’) was a decisive step towards healing and becoming the ‘changed man’. On the discursive level, through ‘talk’, men negotiated an identity of ‘changed man’ that provided distance from the ‘violent self’. Attention to the narrative as a persuasive tool revealed ways in which the men attempted to establish credibility in their accounts of violence – achieved by socially positioning themselves in relation to their violence, agreeing to talk and employing impression management ‘strategies’, such as dissociations, justifications and confessions. Reconciling the two levels of analyses, the tension between dominant gendered discourses on masculinity that men relied on (i.e. that which fosters masculine ‘toughness’, whilst diminishing ‘weakness’ or emotionality), and the psychological interior of their actual experiences was evident. A ‘multiplicity approach’ that accords significance to both societal constructions of gender and their impact on men’s behaviour, whilst giving expression to the psychological reality of men’s experiences could prove beneficial in fostering change.

Voice, text, film; producing multimedia texts in South Africa – a case study of ‘The Medicine Bag’

Louw, Elizabeth 28 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 8707660F - MA research report - School of Literature and Language Studies - Faculty of Humanities / This paper considers the interaction between the process of producing a documentary video film ‘The Medicine Bag’ and an indigenous knowledge system from the Northern Cape where herbalists or traditional healers are known as ! aixa (Qaiga). These healers use indigenous plants and other raw materials, sounds, rubbing or massaging techniques, incisions and other methods to heal or to harm members of the community. The Schwartz family, Namas who hail from this region, have for many years passed the knowledge and the skills for healing on from generation to generation. For as long as the family can remember, members of each generation, specially gifted and interested in acquiring these skills, have been selected and trained to recognise and harvest medical plants, prepare medicines and apply the various skills required to heal the sick. The raw herbs, potions and medicines have been kept in a medicine bag, made from a tanned springbuck hide. Research for a documentary video to record oral accounts and practices attached to the medicine bag, revealed various themes related to the interaction between oral accounts and the process of recording and transcribing these narratives. These themes included the absence of a fixed storyline or a single ‘correct’ text as is often assumed when one engages with written literature; shifts in meaning that occur when the physical forms of the accounts change as each recording or re-editing acquires a ‘performative aura’ and issues such as the importation of cultural authority and resources on the participants, their active participation in the process of memory and archive creation as well as the impact of the process on the filmmaker/researcher that included an enriched understanding of the scope and possibilities of working with oral texts

Análise comparativa entre o índice disclosure e a importância atribuída por stakeholders a informações consideradas relevantes para fins de divulgação em instituições de ensino superior filantrópicas do Brasil: uma abordagem d / Comparative analysis of disclosure index and the importance attached by stakeholders to information considered relevant for purposes of disclosure in institutions of higher education philanthropy in Brazil: an approach to theory of disclosure.

Lima, Emanoel Marcos 07 May 2009 (has links)
Diversos estudos relacionados com o mercado de capitais têm investigado os disclosures obrigatório e voluntário, os seus efeitos e também os motivos que levam as organizações a realizá-los ou não. Entretanto, são incipientes estudos que investigam o disclosure em instituições de ensino. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta tese é de realizar uma análise comparativa, sob a abordagem da teoria da divulgação, entre o índice de disclosure e a importância atribuída por stakeholders a informações consideradas relevantes para fins de divulgação em Instituições e Ensino Superior Filantrópicas do Brasil IESFB. O estudo desenvolve-se a partir da análise da população composta de 146 entidades cadastradas no Conselho Nacional de Assistência Social CNAS. Primeiramente foi desenvolvido o Índice de Disclosure das Instituições de Ensino Superior Filantrópicas do Brasil IDIESFB, mensurado a partir das características qualitativas de disclosure divididas em quatros grupos: (i) visão geral, (ii) desempenho dos serviços, (iii) desempenho financeiro e (iv) situação física e financeira, conforme proposta de Coy, Dixon e Tower (1993). Posteriormente, com a utilização da técnica delphi e tendo por base o estudo de Coy e Dixon (2004), buscou-se captar a percepção de stakeholders sobre quais informações eles consideram importante divulgar com relação às IESFB. Os resultados revelam a existência de um gap entre o que as IESFB divulgam e o que os participantes da técnica delphi consideram importante as IESFB divulgar. Os resultados mostram, ainda, que o índice de disclosure das IESFB, se comparado com os resultados dos períodos de 1993 e 1994, apresentados no estudo de Nelson, Banks e Fischer (2003), está acima do índice de disclosure das universidades canadenses, próximo ou igual ao das universidades da Inglaterra, País de Gales e Irlanda do Norte e bem abaixo do das universidades da Austrália e Nova Zelândia. A pesquisa também apontou que menos de 33% das IESFB realizam disclosure voluntário e que a maioria só apresenta disclosure obrigatório, indicando que são poucas, ainda, as instituições que se preocupam com a accountability pública além das exigências legais. O presente trabalho contribui para ampliar a literatura nacional e internacional sobre disclosure em instituições de ensino ao apresentar a realidade das IESFB, bem como a falta de motivação e de regulação para que as mesmas evidenciem mais suas ações, possibilitando, dessa forma, o desenvolvimento de futuras pesquisas, principalmente no que diz respeito aos motivos que levam as IESFB a não realizarem o disclosure voluntário. / Several studies related to the capital market have investigated the voluntary and mandatory disclosures, their effects and also the reasons that lead the organization to do it or not. However, they are incipient the studies that investigate the disclosure in educational institutions. In this sense, the objective of this these is to make a comparative analysis, under the accountability theory approach, between the index of disclosure and the importance given by stakeholders to information considered relevant aiming at the accountability in Philanthropic Institutions of Higher Education of Brazil - PIHEB. The study is developed from the analysis of a population of 146 entities that are drawn up a cadastre in the National Council of Social Assistance - NCSA. Firstly, it was developed the Index of Disclosure of the Institutions of Higher Education of Brazil - IDIHEB measured from qualitative characteristics of disclosure divided in four groups: (i) general view, (ii) services performance, (iii) financial performance and (iv) physical and financial situation, developed and used in the study of Coy, Dixon and Tower (1993). Farther, with the use of the delphi technique and having as basis the study of Coy and Dixon (2004), it was searched the capture of stakeholders perception about what information they consider important to account in relation to the PIHEB. The results reveal the existence of a gap between what the PIHEB account and the participants of the delphi technique consider important the PIHEB to account. The results show that the index of disclosure of the PIHEB, if compared to the periods of 1993 and 1994 results, presented in the studies made by Nelson, Banks and Fischer (2003) is above the average of disclosure of Canadian universities, near or equal to the universities from England, Wales and North Ireland and much below the index presented by the universities from Australia and New Zealand.The search also pointed that less than 33% of PIHEB prepare voluntary disclosure and that the majority only prepares mandatory disclosure, showing that are few, yet, the institutions that are concerned about public accountability beyond legal requirements.The present work contributes to broaden national and international literature about disclosure in institutions when presenting the reality of the PIHEB, as well as the lack of motivation and regulation for them to account their actions more often, making possible, in this way, the development of future research, mainly concerning the reasons that lead the PIHEB not to make the voluntary disclosure.

A adesão do contabilista ao código de ética da sua profissão: um estudo empírico sobre percepções / Accountants' adherence to their Code of Ethics: an empirical study on perceptions.

Alves, Francisco José dos Santos 16 December 2005 (has links)
A classe contábil necessita manter elevados padrões éticos junto à sociedade, como pré-requisito essencial para a sua própria sobrevivência. Nesse contexto, este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as percepções do contabilista a respeito do seu Código de Ética Profissional (CEPC), por meio de uma pesquisa de natureza descritiva e com a adoção do método quantitativo no tratamento dos dados. A amostra foi constituída por 2262 contadores e técnicos em contabilidade com registro ativo em Conselho Regional de Contabilidade, nos Estados do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio Grande do Sul. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que, embora cerca de 73% dos profissionais concordem totalmente com a afirmação de que esse Código é importante como guia de conduta profissional, apenas 44% se predispõem a cumprir totalmente as normas estabelecidas pelo Conselho Federal de Contabilidade. A partir da regressão logística multivariada, constata-se que aqueles profissionais que concordaram totalmente que já leram o Código apresentaram 2,82 mais chances de cumprirem as determinações do Código do que os que discordaram totalmente dessa afirmação. Os profissionais que concordaram totalmente com a afirmação de que o CEPC ajuda-os a reduzir suas dúvidas apresentam 3,65 mais chances de cumprir o referido Código do que os que discordaram totalmente dessa afirmação. Em decorrência, a percepção do contabilista a respeito da importância dada ao CEPC como guia de conduta influencia a sua predisposição de cumprir o Código. Os resultados também sugerem que: a) a gravidade da infração ética é positivamente associada à percepção que o profissional tem sobre a sanção a ser aplicada ao infrator desse Código, embora exista um baixo coeficiente de correlação entre ambas; b) a avaliação teleológica, que contém situações atenuantes e agravantes não contidas no Código de Ética, pode influenciar o profissional em seu processo de tomada de decisão ética. / Brazilian accountants need to uphold high ethical standards in their service to society as this counts as an essential prerequisite for their survival. In this context, the objective of this study is to learn what perceptions of the Code of Ethics (CEPC) are held by these professionals. This is done by conducting descriptive research and adopting a quantitative method for analysis of data. The sample considered consists of 2,262 accountants and accountant technicians certified and chartered by the Regional Council of Accounting in the states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul. The results obtained show that approximately 73% of professionals polled totally agree with the statement claiming that the Code is important as a guide of conduct; however, only 44% are willing to comply with the guidelines established by the Federal Council of Accounting. Multivariate logistic regression analysis shows that professionals who totally agreed to having read the Code are 2,82 times more likely to abide by its norms than those who totally disagreed with said statement. Professionals who totally agreed with the statement claiming that the CEPC helps them reduce their doubts are 3,65 times more likely to abide by the Code than those who totally disagreed with said statement. Consequently, an accountant’s perception of the importance of CEPC as a guide of conduct influences his/her predisposition to abide by it. The results suggest that: a) the gravity of an ethical infraction is positively associated with a professional’s perception of the Code sanction to be inflicted upon him/her, although there exists a small correlation coefficient between both; b) teleological evaluation, which contains mitigating or aggravating situations not included in the Code of Ethics, may influence a professional in his/her ethical decision-making process. The results do not provide enough evidence of the influence of individual factors on an accountant’s ethical decision-making process.

Percepção de profissionais atuantes em contabilidade pública sobre a Proposta Nacional de Conteúdos do Conselho Federal de Contabilidade para a disciplina Contabilidade Pública : uma análise com foco na formação profissional. / Perception of professionals working in public accounting on the contents of the Proposed National Accounting Council to discipline public accounting: an analysis with a focus on vocational training.

Cíntia de Melo de Albuquerque Ribeiro 23 February 2011 (has links)
A evolução da sociedade e da economia requer adaptações necessárias dos profissionais visando atender uma nova demanda do mercado e novas exigências sociais. A contabilidade é uma ciência que acompanha esta evolução. Desta forma, os profissionais da área devem se adequar às novas necessidades, assim como os cursos de graduação. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar, se há relação entre os conteúdos sugeridos pelo CFC para a disciplina de contabilidade pública e a prática profissional na visão dos contadores que atuam na área. Para isto foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva, com a adoção do método quantiqualitativo no tratamento dos dados. Os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário auto-aplicável a um grupo de participantes de dois eventos importantes para contabilidade pública no ano de 2010, o que gerou uma amostra de 156 contadores da área pública respondentes da pesquisa. Os resultados mostram que 52% dos profissionais acreditam que os conteúdos propostos pelo CFC para compor esta disciplina são suficientes para um bom exercício da profissão e que estes devem ser tratados com grande profundidade na graduação, sendo que os que acreditam nesta assertiva completamente são 35% dos entrevistados. Desta forma, observa-se a relação dos conteúdos sugeridos pelo CFC e a prática profissional. Entretanto, 52% dos respondentes acreditam que alguns detalhes deveriam ser ajustados nestes conteúdos mínimos, o que gera a necessidade de uma revisão do currículo desta disciplina. / The evolution of society and economy requires adjustments necessary for professionals to meet new market demands and new social requirements. Accounting is a science that follows this evolution. Thus, professionals must adapt to new needs as well as undergraduate courses. One way that they are qualified professionals with the knowledge necessary for good work performance is the adequacy of the curriculum frameworks for current and prospective students. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate whether a relation between the content suggested by the CFC for the discipline of public accounting and professional practice in the view of accountants working in the area. For this a descriptive study was carried out with the utilization of the method quantiqualitative in data processing. Data were collected through a self-apply questionnaire to a group of participants in two events very important for public accounting in 2010, which generated a sample of 156 accountants in the public area of the survey respondents. The results show that 52% of the professionals believed that the contents that make up this course are sufficient for a good profession, and that they should be treated with great depth in degrees and 35% of respondents believes in this statement fully. Thus, there is the relationship of content suggested by the CFC and professional practice. However, 52% of respondents believe that some details should be adjusted in the curriculum, showing the need for a revision of the curriculum of this course.

Zpracování účetní závěrky a účetních směrnic v konkrétní firmě / The Results Processing of Final Accounts and Accounting Guidelines in a particular Firm

Malá, Petra January 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes the preparation of financial statements and the creation of internal guidelines for specific company. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the theory of the issue deals with basic procedures and accounting methods, and processing of accounts and creation of internal accounting directives in line with current legislation. Practical part demonstrates the theoretical knowledge to specific companies.

Pohledávky z právního, účetního a daňového hlediska / Accounts receivable from legal, accounting and tax perspectives

Bednaříková, Martina January 2011 (has links)
This Thesis deals with the problematic of accounts receivable from legal, accounting and tax perspectives. In the first chapter there is mentioned a basic definition of receivables with focus on receivables arising from the customer-supplier relationships. The work also describes the way of their recording in the accountancy, related evidence and their valuation. The second and third chapter is devoted to the most frequent methods of securing receivables and eventual option of overdue debt collection. In the last separate chapter there is solved possibility of reduction their value through the creation of adjustments and one-time impairment of receivables. The whole work is supplemented by practical examples of accounting cases.

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