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Quantitative measurements of temperature using laser-induced thermal grating spectroscopy in reacting and non-reacting flowsLowe, Steven January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the development and application of laser induced thermal grating spectroscopy (LITGS) as a tool for thermometry in reacting and non-reacting flows. LITGS signals, which require resonant excitation of an absorbing species in the measurement region to produce a thermal grating, are acquired for systematic measurements of temperature in high pressure flames using OH and NO as target absorbing species in the burned gas. The signal obtained in LITGS measurements appears in the form of a time-based signal with a characteristic frequency proportional to the value or the sound speed of the local medium. With knowledge of the gas composition, the temperature can be derived from the speed of sound measurement. LITGS thermometry using resonant excitation of OH in the burned gas region of in oxygen enriched CH4/O2/N2 and CH4/air laminar flames was performed at elevated pressure (0.5 MPa) for a range of conditions. Measurements were acquired in oxygen enriched flames to provide an environment in which to demonstrate LITGS thermometry under high temperature conditions (up to 2900 K). The primary parameters that influence the quality of LITGS signal were also investigated. The signal contrast, which acts as a marker for the strength of the frequency oscillations, is shown to increase with an increase in the burnt gas density at the measurement point. LITGS employing resonant excitation of NO is also demonstrated for quantitative measurements of temperature in three environments – a static pressure cell at ambient temperature, a non-reacting heated jet at ambient pressure and a laminar premixed CH4/NH3/air flame operating at 0.5 MPa. Flame temperature measurements were acquired at various locations in the burned gas close to a water-cooled stagnation plate, demonstrating the capability of NO-LITGS thermometry for measuring the spatial distribution of temperature in combustion environments. In addition, the parameters that in influence the local temperature rise due to LITGS were also investigated in continuous vapour flows of acetone/air and toluene/air mixtures at atmospheric conditions. Acetone and toluene are commonly targeted species in previous LITGS measurements due to their favourable absorption characteristics. Results indicate that LITGS has the potential to produce accurate and precise measurements of temperature in non-reacting flows, but that the product of the pump intensity at the probe volume and the absorber concentration must remain relatively low to avoid significant localised heating of the measurement region.
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<b>Molecular investigation of the multi-phase photochemistry of environmental aquatic systems</b>Maria V Misovich (17553087) 08 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The chemical constituents of terrestrial and atmospheric waters originate from biomass burning, fertilizer runoff, and anthropogenic activity, among other sources, and their multi-phase chemistry is complex. Sunlight plays an essential role in aquatic chemistry. Photosensitizers in terrestrial and atmospheric waters absorb light to form highly reactive species such as triplet excited carbon (<sup>3</sup>C*), hydroxyl radical (•OH), and singlet oxygen (<sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub>), driving the photochemical transformations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the aqueous phase. Of note, these reactive species transform DOM compounds that do not undergo direct photolysis. DOM frequently undergoes a change in optical properties following photochemical processing, with implications for air quality, water quality, and human and animal health. The presence of inorganic minerals, such as the fertilizer compound struvite, in terrestrial or atmospheric waters introduces further complexity and impacts the photochemical processes that occur. Simplified proxy systems are created in the laboratory to simulate aquatic photochemical processes and evaluate the formation and/or photodegradation of photoproducts. These mixtures typically consist of a representative organic carbon (OC) compound and a photosensitizer, along with struvite or another inorganic mineral.</p>
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Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Antikörpern gegen Triacetontriperoxid (TATP)Walter, M. Astrid 07 February 2014 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Herstellung und Charakterisierung der ersten Antikörper gegen Triacetontriperoxid (TATP), einem hoch empfindlichen und unkonventionellen (nicht-kommerziellen) Initialsprengstoff. Entscheidend dafür war die Synthese eines TATP-imitierenden Haptens, welches die typische nonagonale Struktur des TATP mit seinen drei Peroxid- und sechs Methylgruppen nahezu perfekt nachbildet, aber den Vorzug einer zusätzlichen Carboxygruppe zur kovalenten Kopplung an Proteine aufweist. Dadurch konnte das TATP-Hapten an Rinderserumalbumin (BSA) gebunden werden, um ein immunogenes Konjugat zu erzeugen, welches die erfolgreiche Immunisierung zweier Säugetierarten, Maus und Kaninchen, ermöglichte. Der Verlauf der In vivo-Immunisierungen wurde durch die Analyse der Tierseren in regelmäßigen Abständen mittels enzymgekoppeltem Immunoassay (ELISA) verfolgt. Die polyklonalen Antikörper beider Spezies waren ungewöhnlich selektiv gegenüber TATP. Jedoch unterschied sich die Affinität der Antikörper der zwei Spezies um das 5000-fache, wobei die Kaninchenseren den Mausseren überlegen waren. Entsprechend war auch die mit Kaninchenserum erreichbare TATP-Nachweisgrenze von 0.01 µg/L deutlich besser im Vergleich zu 50 µg/L, die mit Mausserum erzielt wurden. Der Messbereich des TATP-ELISA mit Kaninchenserum deckte zudem mehr als vier Zehnerpotenzen ab, wie mittels Präzisionsprofil bestimmt wurde. Die erhaltenen TATP-Antikörper aus Kaninchen stehen damit Anwendungen in Nachweissystemen für die sehr empfindliche Detektion von TATP zur Verfügung, die u. a. in sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen zum Einsatz kommen könnten. Als erste Anwendung wurde ein TATP-ELISA realisiert, der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ausführlich optimiert wurde. Außerdem wurden erste Schritte zur Entwicklung eines TATP-Schnelltests (LFA) unternommen. Weitere Biosensoren auf Grundlage der neu entwickelten TATP-Antikörper sind denkbar. / The present work decribes the production and characterization of the first antibodies against triacetone triperoxide (TATP), a highly sensitive and improvised (non-commercial) primary explosive. Crucial to this work was the synthesis of a TATP-related hapten that mimics almost perfectly the typical nonagonal structure of TATP with its three peroxide and six methyl groups. Advantageously, it has an additional carboxylic acid group, which provides a conjugation site for covalent attachment to proteins. Thus, the TATP hapten could be linked to bovine serum albumin (BSA) to produce an immunogenic conjugate, allowing the successful immunization of two different mammalian species, mouse and rabbit. The in vivo immunization progress was followed by periodically analyzing the animals’ sera using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The polyclonal antibodies of both species were remarkably selective to TATP. The affinity of these TATP-antibodies was, however, different between the two species, with the rabbit sera showing an affinity about 5000-fold superior than the murine one. Consequently, the TATP detection limit of 0.01 µg/L was considerably better using the sera from rabbit in contrast to 50 µg/L when mouse serum was used. The working range of the TATP-ELISA with rabbit sera covers more than four decades, calculated from a precision profile. The obtained TATP antibodies from rabbit are now available for applications in highly sensitive detection systems for TATP, which could be employed, among others, in security-relevant areas. The first application was the realization of a TATP-ELISA, which was extensively optimized within the course of this work. Furthermore, the first steps towards the development of a lateral flow assay (LFA) targeting TATP were taken, making conceivable further biosensor platforms based on the newly developed TATP antibodies.
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