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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da química geral à química analítica: reflexões sobre o ensino e aprendizagem de conceitos relacionados ao tema equilíbrio químico / From General Chemistry to Analytical Chemistry: Reflections about learning at chemical equilibrium concept

Gomes, Juliana do Nascimento 17 October 2013 (has links)
O principal interesse desta pesquisa foi descrever e analisar o resultado do aprendizado de conceitos relacionados ao tema equilíbrio químico buscando as concepções dos alunos, sobre aspectos gerais dos sistemas em equilíbrio químico e os aspectos gerais de sistemas ácido base em equilíbrio químico. Para isso acompanhamos e gravamos o áudio das aulas referentes ao ensino do conceito de equilíbrio químico ao longo das disciplinas de Química Geral II e Química Analítica I, no IQUSP. Ao longo das disciplinas aplicamos avaliações iniciais, progressivas e finais. Os resultados foram apresentados em três itens, no primeiro apresentamos a análise da avaliação inicial (AI) e avaliação final (AF), aplicadas na disciplina de Química Geral II (QGII), onde discutimos as concepções sobre aspectos gerais dos sistemas em equilíbrio químico. No segundo item, apresentamos a discussão da avaliação inicial (AI) e avaliação final (AF) aplicada na disciplina de Química Analítica I (QAI), nestas avaliações investigamos os aspectos gerais de sistemas ácido base em equilíbrio químico. No terceiro item, apresentamos a análise das respostas de um aluno, que respondeu todos os testes ao longo das disciplinas de Química Geral II e Química Analítica I, buscando uma reflexão sobre o processo de aprendizagem sobre os modelos do equilíbrio químico e os modelos ácido base, as constantes de equilíbrio químico, as forças de ácidos e bases, solução tampão, e as possíveis alterações promovidas em um sistema em equilíbrio químico, que são conceitos relacionados ao tema equilíbrio químico. A análise dos dados permitem concluir que, após as aulas de Química Geral, referentes ao tema, os alunos passaram a caracterizar corretamente o equilíbrio químico nos níveis macroscópicos e microscópicos, e a comparar o coeficiente de reação com a constante de equilíbrio para fazer previsões de uma mistura reacional. Entretanto, alguns alunos ainda não demonstram uma boa compreensão do significado e das possíveis aplicações da constante de equilíbrio, definindo-a apenas a partir da descrição da sua fórmula matemática. Também não relacionam a constante de equilíbrio químico com a temperatura, aplicando apenas o Principio de Le Chatelier para prever as alterações no sistema em equilíbrio químico. Observamos também que há uma dificuldade para descrever e explicar ácido e base, a partir de um nível eletrônico, usando o modelo de Lewis. Identificamos também algumas dificuldades conceituais e concepções alternativas, que permaneceram mesmo após instrução, tais como: confusões nos modelos que definem ácidos e bases, confusões com a aplicação dos conceitos dissociação e ionização e concepções alternativas referente ao equilíbrio ácido base. Com relação as alterações promovidas em um sistema em equilíbrio químico, observamos que os alunos, de forma geral, justificam o deslocamento do equilíbrio destacando principalmente o Princípio de Le Chatelier. Esperamos favorecer uma reflexão para o ensino e aprendizagem sobre aspectos relacionados ao tema Equilíbrio Químico / The main interest of this research was describe and analyze the results of the learning concepts about chemical equilibrium, seeking the general students concepts related to, chemical equilibrium and acid-base reactions in a stage of equilibrium. To do this we followed an recorded the classes which approach the equilibrium chemical systems at disciplines General Chemistry II and Analytical Chemistry I for IQUSP chemistry students. Initial e final tests were applied throughout disciplines. The results was showed in a three sets, we present first the analysis of initial evaluation (AI) and final evaluations, applied to General Chemistry discipline, discussing concepts about general aspects in chemical equilibrium systems. Then we showed discussing initial and final evaluations applied at analytical chemistry discipline, we search in this evaluations the concepts about an acid-base reactions in chemical equilibrium. In a third step we present the answers analysis of one single student that participated of all tests throughout General II and Analytical I disciplines, seeking a reflection about the learning process on the following topics, chemical equilibrium and acid-base models, the constants, the acid-base strengths and buffer solutions, and the possible changes promoted in a chemical equilibrium system that are important concepts related to the theme. The analysis of this dates suggesting, after the General Chemistry classes, that approach the theme, that students are able to correctly characterize the chemical equilibrium at macroscopic and microscopic levels and compare the coefficient and the constant of equilibrium chemical reactions to make previsions in this systems. However some students didn´t showed a fine concept about possible the applications of theses constants, and only defining through the mathematic relation. They also couldn´t not relationed the alteration in a equilibrium constant with the temperature, appling only the Le Chatelier Principle to make previsions about the alterations in a chemical equilibrium system. We also observe the difficult to analyze and explain the acid-base models starting from electronic level, using a Lewis model. We also identified some conceptual difficulties and misconceptions, which remained even after instructions, like: confusing model which explain acid-base models, confusing at applications of dissociation and ionization concepts and alternative conceptions about acid base equilibrium systems. In relation of promoted alterations that offered to a chemical equilibrium system, we observed the students, generally, justify the displacement of equilibrium particularly focusing on Le Chatelier Principle. This work favors discussions in teaching and learning aspects concepts about the chemical equilibrium.

Modulação do transporte de prótons em osteoclastos: efeitos da acidose e do fluxo de fluido extracelular. / Modulation of proton transport in osteoclasts. Effects of acidosis and extracellular fluid flow.

Priscilla Morethson 26 October 2011 (has links)
A acidose metabólica causa perda de mineral ósseo e a estimulação mecânica causa remodelamento ósseo adaptativo. A reabsorção óssea que caracteriza essas mudanças ósseas depende da acidificação extracelular pela secreção vetorial de H+ pelos osteoclastos. A H+-ATPase vacuolar em paralelo com o trocador Cl-/H+ (CLC7) são os mecanismos conhecidos envolvidos na reabsorção óssea, entretanto, os osteoclastos também expressam canais para H+ dependentes a voltagem. Este trabalho foi realizado para avaliar a contribuição dos canais para H+ na função celular visando à compreensão de seu relacionamento com a H+-ATPase vacuolar e o CLC7 (1); analisar se o fluxo de fluido extracelular modifica a secreção de H+ (2) e avaliar a diferenciação dos osteoclastos in vitro sob acidose metabólica devido à redução do HCO3- (3). Osteoclastos de ratos Wistar foram obtidos diretamente dos animais ou foram diferenciados in vitro (com M-CSF e RANKL) e semeados sobre vidro, plástico ou substratos mineralizados em <font face=\"Symbol\">&#945;-MEM + 10% SFB, em pH 7,4 ou 6,9, e então mantidos em incubadora com 5% CO2, a 37<font face=\"Symbol\">&#176;C. A diferenciação celular foi avaliada pela contagem de células TRAP-positivas ou de núcleos marcados por DAPI. A secreção de H+ foi avaliada por epifluorescência, utilizando-se BCECF-AM, sensível a pH. Os registros do pH intracelular foram feitos na vigência de soluções tamponadas por HEPES, na ausência de CO2/HCO3- (pH 7,4, 300 mOsm/L H2O, a 37<font face=\"Symbol\">&#176;C), na presença ou ausência de perfusão contínua de fluido extracelular a uma velocidade de 5 ml/min. Na ausência de perfusão, os osteoclastos exibiram variações cíclicas do pHi (acidificação e alcalinização espontâneas), com período de 12 a 45 minutos (n = 35) e amplitude de 0,12 a 1,43 unidades de pHi. As oscilações não foram abolidas por concanamicina (100 mM) (n = 3), por NPPB (100 <font face=\"Symbol\">mM) (n = 3), na ausência de Na+ extracelular (n = 5) ou na ausência de Cl- extracelular (n = 3). O fluxo de fluido aboliu as oscilações e a ausência de Cl- extracelular modificou significativamente seu padrão. Na ausência de perfusão, a secreção de H+ após acidificação intracelular induzida foi abolida por Zn2+ (100 <font face=\"Symbol\">mM) (n = 5). Além disso, na presença de perfusão, a secreção de H+ após acidificação intracelular induzida foi abolida por NPPB (n = 4) e não foi abolida por bafilomicina (200 nm) (n = 3). A acidose metabólica não modifica o número de osteoclastos diferenciados in vitro, entretanto, o tratamento das culturas com Zn2+ causou redução do numero de células mononucleares e aumento relativo do número de osteoclastos multinucleados em relação ao controle tanto em pH 7,4 quanto em pH 6,9. / Metabolic acidosis can cause a loss of bone mineral and the mechanic stimulation can cause adaptative bone remodeling. The bone resorption characteristic of these bone changes aforementioned depends on the extracellular acidification by osteoclastmediated proton secretion. The H+ secretion by vacuolar H+-ATPase together with Clsecretion through a Cl-/H+ exchanger (CLC7) are the known mechanisms involved in the bone resorption; however, osteoclasts also express voltage-gated proton channels. The proposed aims of these work were to evaluate the contribution of proton channels in the osteoclast function for better understanding its relation with vacuolar H+-ATPase and CLC7 (1); to analyze whether the flow of extracellular fluid modifies the H+ secretion or not (2); and to analyse the osteoclast differentiation in vitro under metabolic acidosis due to HCO3- reduction (3). Osteoclasts were freshly isolated or generated from bone marrow precursor cells (using M-CSF and RANK- L) from of Wistar rats. The cells were placed on glass coverslips, plastic coverslips, or on mineralized substrate in <font face=\"Symbol\">&#945;-MEM + 10% FBS, pH 7.4 or 6.9, and then maintained in a 5% CO2 incubator at 37<font face=\"Symbol\">&#176;C. The differentiation was analyzed by counting of TRAP-stained cells or DAPIstained nuclei. The H+ secretion was analysed by epifluorescence, using the pHsensitive dye BCECF-AM. The intracellular pH record was done using a standard HEPES-buffered solution free of CO2/HCO3- (pH 7.4, 300 mOsm/L H2O, at 37<font face=\"Symbol\">&#176;C), with or without continuous perfusion of extracellular fluid at a rate of 5 ml/min. In the absence of perfusion, the osteoclasts exhibit cyclic pHi variations (spontaneous acidification and alkalinization), with a period of 12 to 45 minutes (n = 35) and amplitude difference between maximal and minimal pHi of 0.12 to 1.43 units pHi. These oscillations were not abolished in the presence of oncanamycin (100 mM) (n = 3), NPPB (100 <font face=\"Symbol\">mM) (n = 3), in the absence of Na+ (n = 5) or in the absence of Cl- (n = 3) in the extracellular solution. The fluid flow itself abolished the pH oscillations and the absence of extracellular Cl- modifies significantly these patterns. In the absence of perfusion, the H+ secretion after induced intracellular acidification was abolished by Zn2+ (100 <font face=\"Symbol\">mM) (n = 5). In addition, in the presence of perfusion, the H+ secretion after induced intracellular acidification was abolished by NPPB (n = 4) and was not abolished by bafilomycin (200 nm) (n = 3). Metabolic acidosis does not modify the number of osteoclasts differentiated in vitro, however, when the cell culture was treated with Zn2+, there was a significant reduction in the number of mononuclear cells and a relative increase in the number of multinucleated osteoclasts compared to control, both in pH 7.4 and pH 6.9 medium.

Elaboration d'une nouvelle catégorie de surfaces adaptives sensibles à un stimulus mécanique / Elaboration of a new kind of stimuli-responsive surfaces responding to a mechanical stimulus

Geissler, Alexandre 04 December 2009 (has links)
Un matériau adaptatif ou « intelligent » est capable de modifier spontanément ses propriétés physico-chimiques en réponse à un stimulus (température, pH, etc.). Les surfaces sensibles à un stimulus mécanique constituent une nouvelle catégorie de matériaux adaptatifs capables de montrer des changements de propriétés de surface sous l'effet d'une contrainte mécanique. Dans ce contexte, ces travaux se concentrent sur l'adsorption d'objets biologiques tels que des protéines sur un support élastique. L'objectif étant de contrôler cette adsorption en fonction du taux d'étirement du substrat. Les élastomères de silicone (PDMS), de par leur élasticité et leur faible toxicité, constituent des supports de choix pour l'élaboration de telles surfaces. Ces matériaux polymère sont largement utilisés dans le domaine médical et en microfluidique.La première étape d'élaboration consiste à rendre la surface du support de PDMS chimiquement réactive. Pour des temps de traitement courts, la polymérisation plasma de l'anhydride maléique permet d'introduire des groupements réactifs à la surface du PDMS, tout en conservant ses propriétés élastiques à l'échelle locale.Les substrats de PDMS traités présentent des propriétés acide-base de surface qui sont caractéristiques des groupements diacide du film polymère plasma. Le degré d'ionisation et les propriétés d'adhésion de ces surfaces sont étudiés en fonction du pH. L'évolution de ces propriétés sous élongation atteste de l'effet de dilution des groupements réactifs de surface.Le support étirable et réactif est ensuite fonctionnalisé avec des systèmes constitués de polymères et de récepteurs spécifiques. D'une part, les chaînes de poly(éthylèneglycol) (Peg) présentent des propriétés de résistance à l'adsorption de protéines. D'autre part, la biotine est un récepteur capable de se lier spécifiquement à une protéine, la streptavidine. En combinant le greffage covalent des Pegs et de la biotine sur le substrat de PDMS, on obtient une surface bi-fonctionnelle. L'objectif est de masquer la biotine avec les Pegs lorsque le substrat est à l'état relaxé, puis de promouvoir l'adsorption spécifique de la streptavidine sous élongation, afin d'obtenir un système de reconnaissance moléculaire sensible à un stimulus mécanique. / Surface responsive materials have the property to show response mechanisms triggered by external stimuli (temperature, pH, etc.). Mechanically responsive surfaces are a new kind of stimuli-responsive materials, which surface properties change in response to mechanical stress. This work focuses on the controlled adsorption of biological objects such as proteins on an elastic substrate. The goal is to control adsorption as a function of the elongation of the substrate. In elaborating mechanically responsive materials, silicone elastomers (PDMS) constitute interesting substrates because of their high flexibility and low toxicity. These polymers are widely used in biomedical devices and in microfluidics.The first step of elaboration consists in making the PDMS substrate chemically reactive. For low treatment time, plasma polymerization of maleic anhydride leads to the introduction of reactive groups on PDMS surface, while maintaining elastic properties at local scale.Treated PDMS substrates show acide-base properties which are characteristic of the diacid groups from the plasma polymer thin film. The degree of ionization and the adhesion properties of the surface are studied as a function of pH. The evolution of these properties under elongation attests from the dilution effect of surface reactive groups.The stretchable and reactive substrate is then functionalized with systems made of polymers and specific receptors. Poly(ethyleneglycol) (Peg) chains are well known to resist to protein adsorption, whereas biotin receptors bind specifically streptavidinproteins. A bi-functional surface is obtained by combining covalent grafting of Pegs and biotine on the PDMS substrate. The goal is to mask biotin with Peg chains in the relaxed state, while promoting specific binding of streptavidin under elongation of the substrate. This material may constitute a molecular recognition system that responds to a mechanical stimulus.

The distribution of charge and acidic functional groups in natural organic matter: the dependence on molecular weight and pH

Ritchie, Jason Duane 25 August 2005 (has links)
The Suwannee River natural organic matter (SRNOM) was fractionated by preparative size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) into seven molecular weight (MW) fractions. The SRNOM and its MW fractions were subsequently analyzed for their concentrations of acidic functional groups by direct titrations, average MWs and MW distributions by semi-analytical SEC, and charge-to-MW distributions by capillary electrophoresis. Carboxyl concentrations in the MW fractions were inversely proportional to their average MWs. Conversely, the phenolic concentrations, though smaller than the carboxyl concentrations, were proportional to average MWs. Hysteresisthe non-overlap between sequential forward and reverse titrationswas observed for the SRNOM and its MW fractions, where the reverse titrations predicted a greater concentration of carboxylic acid groups than the forward titration. Because hysteresis is thought to be caused by the base-catalyzed hydrolysis of esters, this suggests that ester groups in the SRNOM are distributed over all MWs. Data for direct titrations, MW distributions, and capillary electrophoresis were evaluated by a computational scheme that solves for the most probable distribution of acidic functional groups and charges on solutes in the SRNOM and the MW fractions as a function of pH. Depending on the MW ranges of the samples, solutes in the SRNOM and the MW fractions are predicted to have from one to a maximum of 25 carboxyl groups per solute. Most phenolic groups are predicted to be on solutes that have a minimum of two carboxyl groups. At low pH, all samples have high relative abundances of solutes with the lowest charges. The charges of solutes are predicted to increase with increasing pH due to the sequential ionization of acidic functional groups. Depending on the MW ranges of the samples, the maximum probable charges of solutes in the SRNOM and the fractions at high pH are -12 to -30. By knowing the most probable distribution of charge and abundances of acidic functional groups, researchers will make better estimates of thermodynamic parameters and models that describe equilibria between metals and natural organic matter in the environment.

Improving 11th Grade Students&#039 / Understanding Of Acid-base Concepts By Using 5e Learning Cycle Model

Pabuccu, Aybuke 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of instruction based on 5E learning cycle model over traditionally instruction on students&amp / #8217 / understanding of acid-base concepts. Also, the effect of instruction on students&amp / #8217 / attitude toward chemistry as a school subject and the effect of gender difference on understanding of acid-base concepts and attitudes toward chemistry were investigated. During the second semester of 2007-2008, 130 eleventh grade students from six classes of two different high schools attended this study. The classes were randomly assigned as control and experiment groups. Students in the control groups were instructed by traditional instruction whereas students in the experimental groups were taught by 5E model. Attitude Scale Toward Chemistry as a School Subject and Acid-Base Concept Test were administered as a pre and post-tests. In addition, Science Process Skill Test and Views on Science-Technology-Society instrument was utilized. The hypotheses were tested by using two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results revealed that 5E Model caused a significantly better understanding of acids and bases than the traditional instruction. In addition, these models of instruction developed the similar attitude toward science as a school subject. Science process skill was a strong predictor in understanding the concepts. On the other hand, no significant effect of gender difference on understanding the acids and bases and on students&amp / #8217 / attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject was found. The results of Views on Science-Technology-Society gave a picture of the students&amp / #8217 / views on nature of science.

A new lattice fluid equation of state for associated CO₂ + polymer and CO₂ + ionic liquid systems

Hossain, Mohammad Zahid 08 June 2015 (has links)
The phase behavior of CO2 + polymer systems is of interest in polymer synthesis, flue and natural gas processing, polymer foam and nanoparticle processing, and drug delivery. Theoretical and experimental evidence suggests that CO2 is able to interact with electron donating functional groups in polymers to form weak Lewis acid – base or EDA (Electron Donor Acceptor) complexes. These complexes can have a significant effect on the phase behavior of associated CO2 + polymer systems. In spite of this, however, the phase equilibria of only a few associated CO2 + polymer systems have been measured. Some success in modeling the phase behavior of polymer solutions has been achieved by various versions of the Statistical Association Fluid Theory (SAFT), as well as by several Lattice Models. However, many of these models incorporate two to four adjustable parameters that often depend on temperature (T), pressure (P), and/or molecular weight (MW). As a result, a large amount of experimental data is required to apply these models. The goal of the present work was therefore to develop a new thermodynamic model for associating systems that would include no more than two temperature-independent adjustable parameters. The new model presented in this work is based on the Guggenheim-Huggins-Miller lattice and includes complex formation in the development of the partition function. The EOS obtained from the resulting partition function includes two mixture parameters – the enthalpy of association or complex formation and a reference value of the equilibrium constant for complex formation . Most importantly, can be obtained from in situ Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR – FTIR) measurements. This work therefore demonstrates the use of ATR – FTIR spectra to obtain molecular level information regarding the interaction of CO2 and electron donating functional groups in polymers. Unlike other studies, this work uses the bending vibration of CO2 to estimate the enthalpies of association ( ) of CO2 + polymer systems. Values of were directly incorporated in the new model and were found to lie between -7 and -12 kJ/mol for the systems investigated in this work. They increased (i.e. became more negative) in the order: CO2 + PS-co-PMMA < CO2 + PMMA <CO2 + PBMA < CO2 + PSF < CO2 + PVAc < CO2 + EVA40 < CO2 + PEG. Values of the second parameter in the new EOS ( ) were obtained by fitting solubility data at one temperature. Both and were found to be temperature independent. The application of the new EOS was demonstrated by calculating the solubility (sorption) of CO2 in polymers, the extent of swelling of polymers due to CO2, and the solubility of polymers in CO2 (cloud points). Both sorption and cloud point behavior in CO2 + polymer systems could be calculated using a single value of for each binary system. Ionic Liquids (ILs) can also incorporate electron donating functional groups in their structure. Evidence for the interaction of such ILs with CO2 can be found in the large values of the enthalpies of absorption of CO2 in these ILs. The ALF EOS was therefore extended to CO2 + IL systems using the enthalpy of absorption as a measure of association ( ) in these systems. was again treated as an adjustable parameter in the calculation of the CO2 solubility in ILs. A single value of was sufficient to predict swelling in these systems within experimental error.

Computational investigations of the electronic structure of molecular mercury compounds: ion-selective sensors

Afaneh, Akef 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis presents the basic concepts of electronic structure theory and the chemical properties of mercury. The theoretical foundation of DFT and the consequences of relativity are also introduced. The electronic structure of Hg(II) ions, [Hg(L)n(H2O)m]q (L = HO-, Cl-, HS-, S2-) has been studied. We show, in this thesis, that the charge transfer (that is calculated from the hard-soft-acid-base principle (Pearson’s principle)), the total NBO charge and the interaction energies are strongly correlated. Our studies indicate the effect of the solvent on the global electrophilicity, the charge transfer and consequently the interaction strength between Hg(II) and ligand L. The formation constants, logK, of Hg2+−complexes are calculated. The procedure that we follow in this thesis to calculate the formation constants, logK’s, are in good agreement with the extrapolated experimental values. We introduce and explain why it is important adding water molecules explicitly during the calculations of the logK. The recommended logK value of HgS is 27.2. We examined two different types of organic compounds as sensors for heavy metal ions: lumazine (Lm) and 6-thienyllumazine (TLm). We found that the simple calculation of pKa values using DFT methods and implicit solvent models failed to reproduce the experimental values. However, calculated orbital energies and gas phase acidities both indicate that the compound TLm is inherently more acidic than the parent species Lm. We demonstrate that: (1) we need to take in our consideration the population of each tautomer and conformer during the calculations of the pKa values, and (2) thienyl group has indirect effect on the acidity of the proton on N1 in the uracil ring. Last but not least, the fluorescence spectrum of the sensors (L) and their [(L)nM(H2O)m]2+ complexes (L = Lumazine (Lm) and 6-thienyllumazine (TLm) and M = Cd2+and Hg2+) are calculated using time dependent DFT (TDDFT). The results show that TDDFT is in good agreement with experimental results. This chapter provides a new concept in the design of fluorescence turn-on/off sensors that has wider applicability for other systems. Finally, we provide a summary of the works compiled in this thesis and an outlook on potential future work. / October 2015

Effect Of Conceptual Change Oriented Instruction Accompanied With Cooperative Group Work On Understanding Of Acid-base Concepts

Ayhan, Arzu 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of conceptual change oriented instruction accompanied with cooperative group work and traditionally designed instruction for removing misconceptions related to acid-base concepts. In this study 33 tenth grade students from two classes from METU Development Foundation Private School in the spring semester of 2003-2004 participated. There were two groups in the study. Students in experimental group received conceptual change oriented instruction with cooperative group work, and students in control group received traditionally designed instruction over a period of six weeks. Acid-Base Concept Test was administered to both groups as pre- and post-test. Students were also received Science Process Skill Test to determine their science process skills as pre-test and Attitude Scale Toward Chemistry to measure their attitudes toward chemistry as pre- and post-test. The hypotheses were tested by t-test, ANCOVA, and ANOVA. The results showed that the students in experimental group had significantly higher scores with respect to achievement related to acid-base concepts than the students in control group. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between attitude mean scores of students in experimental and control groups. Also, science process skill was a strong predictor for the achievement related to acid-base concepts. Alternatively, there was no significant difference between girls and boys in terms of understanding of acid-base concepts and attitudes toward chemistry. Alternatively, there was no significant interaction between gender and treatment on understanding of acid-base concepts and attitudes toward chemistry.

Effectiveness Of 5e Learning Cycle Model On Students&#039 / Understanding Of Acid-base Concepts

Akar, Elvan 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of instruction based on 5E learning cycle model over traditionally designed chemistry instruction on tenth grade students&rsquo / understanding of acid-base concepts. Fifty- six tenth grade students from two classes of a chemistry course taught by the same teacher in Atat&uuml / rk Anatolian High School 2003-2004 spring semester were enrolled in the study. The classes were randomly assigned as control and experimental groups. Students in the control group were instructed by traditionally designed chemistry instruction whereas students in the experimental group were taught by the instruction based on 5E learning cycle model. Acid-Base Concepts Achievement Test was administered to both groups as a pre-test and post-test in order to assess their understanding of concepts related to acid-base. Students were also given Attitude Scale Toward Chemistry as a School Subject at the beginning and end of the study to determine their attitudes and Science Process Skill Test at the beginning of the study to measure their science process skills. The hypotheses were tested by using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and t-test. The results indicated that instruction based on 5E learning cycle model caused a significantly better acquisition of scientific conceptions related to acid-base produced significantly higher positive attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject than the traditionally designed chemistry instruction. In addition, science process skill was a strong predictor in understanding the concepts related to acid-base.

Specific interactions in carbon dioxide + polymer systems

Kasturirangan, Anupama 04 January 2008 (has links)
Specific Interactions in Carbon Dioxide + Polymer Systems Anupama Kasturirangan 163 Pages Directed by Dr. Amyn S. Teja Weak complex formation in CO2 + polymer and CO2 + copolymer systems containing C=O and C-F groups was quantified using in situ FTIR spectroscopy. The enthalpy of interaction thus obtained was directly incorporated into a lattice model and compressibility effects were accounted for via ratio of free volumes in modified segment number. CO2 + fluropolymer phase behavior could be correlated within experimental error (AAD of about 2%) using the new model, a task that has been beyond the capability of published models and it was also possible to predict phase equilibria of CO2 + PLGA copolymer systems with a single parameter obtained by fitting cloud point behavior in a reference system (CO2 + PLA in this case).New data on sorption equilibria in several CO2 + PLGA systems were obtained using a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and new data on Tg depression in the CO2 + PLA system were also obtained using a high pressure DSC method and used to demonstarte that model parameters are valid over extended pressure ranges. The new compressible lattice model developed is thus able to correlate cloud points, sorption equilibria, glass transition temperatures, and melting points using a single parameter. The model is therefore likely to be beneficial in many applications involving CO2 + polymer systems including drug delivery and encapsulation, polymer coating, and membranes for natural gas separations.

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