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Studium nestabilní plastické deformace metodou akustické emise / Studium nestabilní plastické deformace metodou akustické emiseMolnárová, Orsolya January 2014 (has links)
The influence of the strain rate and heat treatment on the occurrence of plastic instabilities in extruded AlSi1MgMn (6082) and cold rolled AlMg4.5Mn0.4 (5182) alloys was studied. The samples were uniaxially loaded at various strain rates and at room temperature (RT). The results are discussed using concurrent acoustic emission (AE) monitoring during mechanical testing and the AE parameters are correlated to the microstructure and to the stress-time curves. All samples exhibited the Portevin-Le Châtelier (PLC) effect of different types, dependently on the heat treatment and the applied strain rate. The occurrence of the PLC effect is manifested by burst AE signals with high amplitudes. Statistical analysis of the AE signals has shown the power-law probability distribution.
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Charakterizace procesu porušování migmatitu prostřednictvím ultrazvukových metod / Characterization of migmatite fracturing using ultrasonic methodsPetružálek, Matěj January 2015 (has links)
Submitted PHD thesis is focused on fracturing process of migmatite, which is a low porosity anisotropic rock. Migmatite, from a locality Skalka, was chosen as a suitable experimental material, namely due to its macroscopically visible, plane-parallel structure (foliation). The fracturing was studied by means of uniaxial loading experiments on cylindrical samples with different dip of migmatite foliation: 13ř (subhorizontal), 81ř (subvertical) and oblique (47ř and 67ř). The net of eight piezoceramic transducers was employed for ultrasonic sounding (US) measurement and acoustic emission (AE) monitoring during the loading experiments. Realized study of migmatite fracturing is based on the interpretation of both mentioned ultrasonic methods. Part of this work was a software development, including its testing for processing and interpretation of measured AE and US data. Methodical part of the thesis consists of: development and testing of algorithms for automatic P wave arrival detection; introduction of anisotropic velocity model to describe magnitude and orientation of velocity anisotropy, as well as to localize AE events in anisotropic velocity field; determination of crack initiation stress using first arrival amplitude of US. Based on the interpretation of AE and US data, there was found a...
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Studium základních deformačních mechanismů hořčíkových slitin pomocí pokročilých in-situ metod a teoretického modelování / Investigation of basic deformation mechanisms of magnesium alloys by means of advanced in-situ methods and theoretical modelingČapek, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The work is focused on developing testing methods for investigating of the deformation mechanisms of magnesium alloys. The work involves the measurement of in-situ acoustic emission and neutron diffraction and comparison to the theoretical models. Mg + 1wt.% Zr alloy was selected for investigation of the compression - tension asymmetry. Advanced analysis of acoustic emission and neutron diffraction data revealed activation of different slip systems during deformation. Moreover, the different evolution of twinning was explained. The same methods were used to investigate the aluminum influence on deformation mechanisms. The hardening of basal slip and twinning and increasing importance of prismatic slip was observed.
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Termofyzikálne a elektrické vlastnosti keramík na báze illitu / Thermophysical and electrical properties of illite-based ceramicsCsáki, Štefan January 2018 (has links)
CSÁKI, Štefan: Thermophysical and electrical properties of illite-based ceramics. [Doctoral thesis]. Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Charles University. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Libor Vozár, CSc. (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra), doc. Ing. Patrik Dobroň, PhD. (Charles University). Nitra & Prague, 2018. 107 p. Illitic clays are of special importance in the ceramic industry. Therefore, a deep knowledge of the thermophysical processes, as well as the electric properties, is of special importance. The illitic clay originated in Northeastern Hungary was used in this thesis. The reactions, occurring during firing, were studied using thermal analyses (Differential thermal analysis, Thermogravimetry, Thermodilatometry) and special attention was paid to the measurement of the electrical conductivity (both DC and AC). Up to 250 řC, where the removal of the physically bond water (PBW) takes place, the dominant charge carriers were the H+ and OH- ions. After the PBW was removed, Na+ and K+ ions became the dominant charge carriers. During dehydroxylation (450 - 750 řC) H+ and OH- ions were freed from the illite structure, which supported the electrical conduction in the samples. At ~ 970 řC glassy phase appeared...
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Acoustic emission methods in fatigue testing / Akustisk emission i utmattningsprovningLison Almkvist, Axel January 2015 (has links)
Acoustic emissions are small vibration pulses, elastic waves, emitted from damage processes such as crack growth inside a material. Acoustic emission (AE) is also the name of the test method in which theses emissions are recorded and analysed and the method is used in materials research and the testing and inspection of structures. At Scania, a large manufacturer of trucks and buses, previous attempts to implement this technique has been unsuccessful due to the fact that the hydraulic rigs in which the material typically is tested, produce a high background noise level, that covers the interesting emissions from the material.In this thesis two materials, a grey iron and a carbon fiber reinforced polymer were tested in a hydraulic rig at Scania. Since the material signal was buried in the noise, the entire waveform was recorded, which is an unusual approach, since it generates large amounts of data. It was shown that using frequency analysis, it is possible to extract the material emissions in spite of the hydraulic noise. That fact makes it possible to follow the internal processes of the material leading up to failure, which means new interesting opportunities in materials testing at Scania. / Akustisk emission är små elastiska vågor som bland annat kommer från processer i ett material, såsom spricktillväxt. Akustisk emission (AE) är namnet på den testmetod där dessa vibrationer registreras och analyseras. Metoden används i materialprovning och för att testa och inspektera komponenter, såsom tryckkärl. På Scania, en stor tillverkare av lastbilar och bussar, har tidigare undersökningar för att implementera denna teknik på utmattning inte lyckats. Anledningen ligger i att de hydrauliska riggarna som testningen vanligtvis sker i, typiskt sett genererar ett bakgrundsljud som skymmer den intressanta signalen från materialet. I detta examensarbete testades två typer av material, gråjärn och en kolfiberarmerad komposit, i en hydraulisk rigg på Scania. Eftersom de akustiska emissionerna från materialet gömdes i bakgrunden användes metoden att spara ner hela vågformen för signalen, vilket är ovanligt eftersom detta innebär att mycket stora mängder data måste sparas. Det visade sig genom frekvensanalys vara möjligt att extrahera de akustiska emissionerna från materialet, trots det hydrauliska bruset. Det faktum att det är möjligt att följa de processerna inuti materialet, som föregår brottet, öppnar upp nya intressanta möjligheter för materialprovning på Scania.
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<p>Two longstanding goals in subsurface science are to induce fractures with a desired geometry to adaptively control the interstitial geometry of existing fractures in response to changing subsurface conditions. Many energy and water-related engineering applications that use induced fractures to withdraw and inject fluids from subsurface reservoirs occur in some sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rock such as shales often exhibit anisotropic mechanical properties because of bedding, layering and mineral texture. These structural and textural features also affect fracture formation and in turn the resulting fracture geometry. Understanding the interplay between the microscopic mineral fabric and structure and how it effects fracture geometry is important for the prediction of the geometry of induced fractures and to the determination of the most ideal conditions for maximizing energy production and minimizing leaks from sequestration sites in the subsurface. </p>
<p>This Ph.D. thesis research focuses on the formation and geometry of fractures in anisotropic rock and the identification of geophysical signatures of fracture formation using additively manufactured gypsum rock analogs. Specifically, the work is grouped into three topics: (1) material controls on fracture geometry, toughness and roughness in additively manufactured rocks; (2) acoustic emissions (AE) during fracture formation in anisotropic additively manufactured rocks; and (3) determination of the effect of fluid-filled oriented voids in fractures on compressional to shear wave conversions. </p>
<p>For topic (1), unconfined compressive strength (UCS), Brazilian and 3-point bending (3PB) tests under pure and mixed mode mechanical tests were performed on cast and 3D printed gypsum samples that were characterized using 3D Xray microscopy, Xray Diffraction and SEM to examine the micro-structure of the samples. Research on topic 1 discovered microstructural controls on fracture surface roughness and the failure behavior of anisotropic rock and that the failure mode (tensile, mixed mode I and II, mixed mode I and III) affects the fracture propagation path and the surface roughness which is controls to the flow paths through a fracture. The results suggest that detailed mineralogical studies of mineral texture/fabric in laboratory or core samples is important to unravel failure strength, surface roughness, and how fractures propagate in layered geological media. </p>
<p>For topic (2), UCS tests were performed with concurrent measurements of acoustic emissions (AE) on cylindrical specimens: cast gypsum (CG) samples, and 3D printed (3DP) samples with five different orientations of bassanite layer and gypsum texture relative to the loading direction. Mechanical properties and induced fracture surface information were compared with the collected the AE signals to study if there is a way to tell the differences between the induced fracture surfaces with the AE signals patterns together with loading data. Examination of the AE signal amplitude from post-peak loading revealed that more ductile behavior was associated with more AE events that occurred over a longer period of time, and the resultant fracture surfaces were rougher than for narrow time distributions of events. </p>
<p>For topic (3), a detail study of fracture void orientation was performed using ultrasonic compressional, P, and shear, S, waves to determine how energy is partitioned when P-to-S or S-to-P conversions occur for waves normally incident on an air-filled or fluid-filled fracture. In this study, experiments and computer simulations were performed to demonstrate the link among cross-coupling stiffness, micro-crack orientation and energy partitioning into P, S, and P-S/S-P wave. The cross-coupling stiffness was created by 3D printing samples with linear arrays of micro-cracks oriented at $0^o$, $\pm15^o$, $\pm30^o$, $\pm45^o$, $\pm60^o$, $\pm75^o$, and $90^o$. For $45^o$ orientation, measurements were made on air-filled and fluid-filled (silicon oil). For the air-filled fractures, the observed energy partitioning matched the simulated behavior obtained from discontinuous Galerkin simulations. Information on local fracture geometry is contained in the far-field waves. When filled with a viscous fluid, the P- and S- waves amplitude exhibited slight increases and decreases, respectively. The P-to-S converted mode amplitude decreased 30\% with an increase in fluid viscosity from 1–300kcSt. This suggests that P-S converted mode provides a potential method to remotely probe changes in fluid viscosity in fractures. </p>
<p>The work from the 3 research topics demonstrated that micro-scale structure impacts macroscale behavior and signals used for monitoring the condition of a rock. Additively manufactured samples enabled the exploration and determination of (1) the impact of mineral fabric orientation in layered media on failure load, fracture propagation path, and fracture surface roughness, (2) the sensitivity of P-to-S conversions to fluid viscosity, and (3) how oriented voids within a fracture effect energy partitioning. These research findings advances our current understanding of role microscopic properties and structure on the generation, propagation and geometry of induced fractures in anisotropic rock, and help to identify the best imaging modalities to use to identify the seismic signatures of the viscosity of fluids in fractures with oriented voids. These contributions will help unravel the complex behavior often observed in natural rock that is structurally and compositionally complex with features and heterogeneity. </p>
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Využití metody akustické emise pro zpřesnění diagnostiky vzniku poškození radiálních ložisek / APPLICATION OF ACOUSTIC EMISSION METHOD FOR MORE DETAILED DIAGNOSTICS OF RADIAL BEARINGS DAMAGEHort, Filip January 2011 (has links)
This thesis studies the possibilities of exploiting the acoustic emission method as a tool for more detailed identification of the radial bearings damage formation. The work includes comparison of different evaluation methods in laboratory tests. Applied couplant between the contact sensor areas and sensing surfaces is also taken into account. The practical part includes the presentation of the experimental station and structural adjustments made. The main part of the work comprises the examples in detail of three types of experimental tests that simulate the possible failure of bearings and their manifestation in the sensing signal. Testing methodology developed with recommended values for setting common AE signal measurement, vibration and temperature is a part of the thesis, too.
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Vývoj nové generace zařízení s pokročilou diagnostikou pro stanovení kontaktní degradace / Development of a New Generation of Devices with Advanced Diagnostics for Determining Contact DegradationDvořáček, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The thesis proposes a methodology for damage identification of thrust bearings using acoustic emission method. The work is the way of the hydraulic loading of specimens and thrust bearings with programmable settings severity and duration of load cycles during contact fatigue tests at stations Axmat. They are designed structural adjustment elements (waveguides) to capture the acoustic emission signal selected apparatus, including the modification of software to capture the data. At the described experiments is verified functionality of the circular test specimens and axial bearings . Part of this work is to propose a new methodology for identifying early stages of contact fatigue using a combination of diagnostic methods.
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Development of Acoustic Emission and Gas Monitoring Methods for Nondestructive Detection of Termite Attack on Wooden Structures / 木造建築物におけるシロアリ食害の非破壊検出のためのアコースティック・エミッションおよびガスモニタリング法の開発Yanase, Yoshiyuki 23 May 2013 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(農学) / 乙第12762号 / 論農博第2785号 / 新制||農||1016(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H25||N4785(農学部図書室) / 30614 / (主査)教授 奥村 正悟, 教授 中野 隆人, 教授 吉村 剛 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Experimental Study on the Frictional Instability and Acoustic Emission in Sheared Granular Materials with Implications for Landslide Mobility / 地すべり運動特性に関連するせん断状態下での粒状体の摩擦不安定性とアコースティック・エミッションの実験的研究Jiang, Yao 23 September 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第19955号 / 理博第4222号 / 新制||理||1607(附属図書館) / 33051 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科地球惑星科学専攻 / (主査)教授 釜井 俊孝, 准教授 王 功輝, 教授 林 愛明 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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