Spelling suggestions: "subject:"activation""
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Community Activation, Collaboration, and CommunicationHagemeier, Nicholas E. 06 August 2018 (has links)
The final speaker was Nick Hagemeier, PharmD, PhD, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at East Tennessee State University shared his research experience on drug abuse prevention and insight into coalition involvement and next steps for policy and practice advancement to reduce substance abuse and misuse. His presentation entitled “Community Activation, Collaboration, and Communication” took JCPP member organization representatives on a journey through his experience in the field of substance abuse disorder treatment and advocacy. Hagemeier spoke about his role with the Prescription Drug Abuse Working Group, which has an interprofessional focus with monthly meetings on-campus and at community-based sites. The working group has developed multiple products through active involvement. Some of the products include: Coordination of Regional Task Force on Naloxone 75+ Educational Presentations to Stakeholders Continuing Medical Education Collaboration NIH/NIDA – funded DIDARP Research Team Health System Collaboration: Overmountain Recovery Services (MAT) Collaboration to promote storage and disposal on campus
Hagemeier then discussed the work of the ETSU Center for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment. The Center encompasses four main areas: Administration Core, Patient Care, Education & Outreach, and Research & Evaluation. From these core areas, more detailed work with state contracts, proposals for research, health professions education, clinical training curricula, counseling services, opioid treatment program management, dissemination of products, policy and advocacy, partnership, and dissemination of products occur. Hagemeier shared media articles on the implementation of work from the Center and highlighted how the work of the Center impacts each phase of the timeline of opioid use disorder from non-use to death.
In closing, Hagemeier took the attendees back to school and walked through multiple case studies that highlight the research initiatives of the Center. One case study of note highlighted a pharmacist’s comfort in dispensing buprenorphine / naloxone, which noted only around half would dispense these items and even less would discuss addiction treatment goals with patients. He recapped the multiple policy, education, and practice issues that he has experienced and noted that much more work is needed to provide patients with adequate prevention and treatment programs.
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Neural correlates of focused attention and open monitoring meditationKuzbiel, Dawid January 2018 (has links)
Meditation, used initially as a vehicle for self-discovery and attainment of enlightenment, is today a tool for well-being among the general public and has even found its way into the clinical milieu. Meditation is challenging term to define and the variety of meditation practices, all with their own aims, pose a problem in terms of scientific understanding. A better sense of how these practices compare will help both general public and neuroscientists. Here, two of the fundamental practices originating from Buddhist tradition, focused attention (FA) and open monitoring (OM) meditation are compared. FA meditation activates mainly right medial/lateral PFC, parts of the limbic system and ACC. These regions help with sustaining attention and monitoring goal-conflicting distractors. FA deactivates parts of the default mode network (DMN), responsible for non-task specific processes and mind wandering. OM meditation reduces pain by top-down regulation of the limbic system. OM engages left fronto-parietal and insular regions, which help with conscious access of thoughts and emotions. OM seems to affect parts of the DMN. The thalamus is involved in both practices, where it helps to relay sensory signals in accordance with the different aims of each practice. This thesis hopes to contribute to a better understanding of how two main categories of meditation compare concerning their neural correlates.
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Aktivizace žáků v ekonomických předmětech oboru vzdělání Obchodní akademie / Students´ Activation in Economic Subjects of the Educational System at Commercial AcademieNováková, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the basic principles of activation methods as a useful tool for complementation and diversification of the education process. Every method is distinguished in a way that the reader can consider applicability of its use and its significance. The thesis should draw attention to advantages of activation methods when compared to standard direct teaching and introduce the reader to some non-standard methods. Included is a questionnaire research among students and teachers of two commercial academies as well as an outcome of the research. Its aim is to determine whether teachers of the commercial academy use activation methods during the education process of specialised subject and whether students perceive them. Complex evaluation of the questionnaires and interconnection of the results - answers from the students and teachers will help us to evaluate teaching methods used at given schools and knowledge of activation methods by the teachers themselves. To conclude, an analysis of the up-to-date state will be made, based on the outcome of the research, and proposition of possible improvement of the education process will be drawn.
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Nové modifikované 7-deazapurinové báze a nukleosidy / New modified 7-deazapurine bases and nucleosidesKrömer, Matouš January 2015 (has links)
The three ways of synthesis of 5'-deoxy and 5'deoxy-5'-fluoromodified nucleosides derived from known cytostatic compounds was designed. Two routes were successfully developed and target substances were prepared. Third one was unsuccessful due to difficulties with deprotection of the key intermediate.
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Compact ConvNets with Ternary Weights and Binary ActivationsHolesovsky, Ondrej January 2017 (has links)
Compact architectures, ternary weights and binary activations are two methods suitable for making neural networks more efficient. We introduce a) a dithering binary activation which improves accuracy of ternary weight networks with binary activations by randomizing quantization error, and b) a method of implementing ternary weight networks with binary activations using binary operations. Despite these new approaches, training a compact SqueezeNet architecture with ternary weights and full precision activations on ImageNet degrades classification accuracy significantly more than when training a less compact architecture the same way. Therefore ternary weights in their current form cannot be called the best method for reducing network size. However, the effect of weight decay on ternary weight network training should be investigated more in order to have more certainty in this finding. / Kompakta arkitekturer, ternära vikter och binära aktiveringar är två metoder som är lämpliga för att göra neurala nätverk effektivare. Vi introducerar a) en dithering binär aktivering som förbättrar noggrannheten av ternärviktsnätverk med binära aktiveringar genom randomisering av kvantiseringsfel, och b) en metod för genomförande ternärviktsnätverk med binära aktiveringar med användning av binära operationer. Trots dessa nya metoder, att träna en kompakt SqueezeNet-arkitektur med ternära vikter och fullprecisionaktiveringar på ImageNet försämrar klassificeringsnoggrannheten betydligt mer än om man tränar en mindre kompakt arkitektur på samma sätt. Därför kan ternära vikter i deras nuvarande form inte kallas bästa sättet att minska nätverksstorleken. Emellertid, effekten av weight decay på träning av ternärviktsnätverk bör undersökas mer för att få större säkerhet i detta resultat.
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Contribution à l'élaboration d'ordonnanceurs de processus légers performants et portables pour architectures multiprocesseursDanjean, Vincent 23 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
En informatique, la notion de processus léger ou thread est désormais omniprésente. En effet, les threads permettent à un programme d'une part d'exploiter pleinement les ordinateurs multiprocesseurs et d'autre part d'exprimer son parallélisme intrinsèque. Dans le domaine du calcul hautes performances, les threads permettent de recouvrir des communications ou plus généralement des entrées/sorties avec du calcul. Ils permettent aussi aux divers composants de l'application de progresser indépendamment les uns des autres, ce qui est nécessaire avec l'utilisation d'environnements de programmation toujours plus complexes comme MPI ou Corba.<br /><br />Mes travaux avaient pour objectif principal d'aboutir à la conception d'une bibliothèque de threads performante sur une vaste gamme d'architectures (machines mono ou multiprocesseurs, technologie "multithreading simultané", ...) et capable d'offrir les fonctionnalités demandées par les programmes de calcul hautes performances. Dans un premier temps, j'ai proposé une extension du modèle des Scheduler Activations pour le noyau Linux permettant d'être réactif aux interruptions dans une bibliothèque de threads utilisateurs. J'ai ensuite étendu ce mécanisme de manière à unifier la gestion des interruptions et des scrutations dans un environnement multithreadé. Enfin, j'ai proposé un mécanisme de prise de traces permettant de reconstituer précisément le déroulement d'un programme multithreadé, y compris lorsque l'ordonnancement est à deux niveaux.<br /><br />Ces travaux ont été implémentés au sein du logiciel PM2. La bibliothèque Marcel offre des threads performants sur une vaste gamme de processeurs et de systèmes en restant suffisamment flexible pour permettre aux applications qui le nécessitent de diriger précisément l'ordonnancement de leurs threads. Les applications peuvent être tracées de manière à pouvoir reconstituer et observer leur comportement précis. La trace obtenue peut être convertie au format du logiciel Pajé qui permet alors de visualiser graphiquement le déroulement de l'application.
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Jogos olímpicos Rio 2016: impacto das ações de ativação dos patrocinadores sobre a percepção e consciência de marca dos espectadores do evento / Rio 2016 Olympic Games: impact of sponsor activation actions on the perception and brand awareness of spectators of the eventCarlassara, Eduardo de Oliveira Cruz 09 March 2018 (has links)
O patrocínio a mega eventos esportivos, como os Jogos Olímpicos, tornou-se, especialmente nas últimas décadas, uma importante ferramenta de marketing, comunicação e branding para ampliação do alcance global e local de marcas patrocinadoras. Dentre as ferramentas utilizadas no patrocínio esportivo, destacam-se as ativações de marca realizadas nos locais de competição, que afetam a percepção de espectadores do evento. Mais do que afetar a percepção dos mesmos em relação à marca, tais ações de ativação, se bem estruturadas, têm a capacidade de gerar consciência de marca e, por consequência, agregar valores tangíveis e intangíveis a elas. No entanto, o número de estudos que relacionam as percepções das ativações e a consequente geração de consciência de marcas patrocinadoras de mega eventos ainda é notavelmente baixo. Desta forma, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar a consciência de marca gerada nos consumidores e a percepção dos mesmos, sobre as ações de ativação de dois patrocinadores locais (Bradesco e Correios) e dois globais (Coca-Cola e Samsung) dos Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016. Para alcançar tal objetivo, optou-se por uma metodologia mista de caráter exploratório, explicativo e descritivo. Os dados foram obtidos a partir da aplicação de questionários pré-definidos para uma amostra total de 405 indivíduos, distribuídos em três fases: em Evento Teste da Ginástica Artística, antes da realização dos Jogos Olímpicos (fase 1), no Parque Olímpico da Barra da Tijuca; durante os Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016 (fase 2), no mesmo local; e, um ano após a realização do mega evento (fase 3), em abordagem online. As análises foram realizadas através da frequência de respostas e processo de codificação e categorização do conteúdo. Como resultado, notou-se um baixo índice de percepção das ações de ativação realizadas na primeira fase. Este baixo índice impactou negativamente o nível de consciência de marca relacionado a patrocinadores locais na segunda fase. Por outro lado, não foi capaz de impactar negativamente os índices de consciência de marca associados a patrocinadores globais na mesma fase. Para a segunda fase, os índices de percepção de ativações de marca melhoraram para todos os patrocinadores, com exceção dos Correios, e impactaram diretamente (promovendo uma elevação) o índice de consciência de marca apontado pelos respondentes na terceira fase de coletas. Conclui-se, então, que no caso de patrocinadores locais, o nível de percepção das ações de ativação realizadas em uma fase afeta diretamente o nível de consciência de marca gerado na fase seguinte. Para patrocinadores globais, no entanto, somente a percepção das ativações ofertadas em uma fase não é suficiente para manutenção do nível de consciência de marca na fase seguinte; é necessário um considerável nível prévio de associação entre o patrocinador e os Jogos Olímpicos para potencializar o efeito de tais ativações sobre os espectadores/consumidores / Sponsorship of mega-sporting events such as the Olympic Games have become, mainly in the last decades, an important marketing, communication and branding tool to extend the global and local reach of sponsoring brands. Among the tools used in sports sponsorship, brand activations created in competition sites, which affect the perception of the event spectators, should be highlighted. More than affecting their perception in relation to the brand, if well structured such activations are capable of generating brand awareness and, consequently, add tangible and intangible value to it. However, the number of studies that relate activation perception and the consequent awareness of the sponsoring brands in mega events is notably small. Thus, the main objective of this work was to assess consumers\' brand awareness and perception about the activation actions of two local sponsors (Bradesco and Correios) and two global sponsors (Coca-Cola and Samsung) of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. To achieve such an objective, a mixed exploratory, explanatory and descriptive methodology was chosen. The data were obtained from pre-defined questionnaires applied to a sample of 405 people in three phases: during the Artistic Gymnastics Test Event, before de Olympic Games (phase 1), which took place at the Barra da Tijuca Olympic Park; during the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (phase 2), which happened at the same place as in phase 1; and a year after the mega event (phase 3), by using an online approach. The analyses were carried out by means of frequency of the answers and a process of content encoding and categorization. The findings point to low levels of perception in relation to the activations performed in the first phase. Such low levels influenced negatively the level of brand awareness related to the local sponsors in the second phase. On the other hand, they did not influence negatively the levels of brand awareness associated with the global sponsors in the same phase. In the second phase, the levels of perception of brand activation improved in relation to all the sponsors analyzed except Correios, and exerted direct impact (causing an increase) on the respondents\' level of brand awareness in the third phase of data collecting. It is concluded that, in the case of local sponsors, the level of perception of activation actions in one phase directly affects the level of brand awareness in the following phase. As for global sponsors, however, only the perception of the activations created in one phase is not enough to keep the level of brand awareness in the following phase; a considerable previous level of association between the sponsor and the Olympic Games is necessary to boost the effect of such activations on spectators/consumers
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Jogos olímpicos Rio 2016: impacto das ações de ativação dos patrocinadores sobre a percepção e consciência de marca dos espectadores do evento / Rio 2016 Olympic Games: impact of sponsor activation actions on the perception and brand awareness of spectators of the eventEduardo de Oliveira Cruz Carlassara 09 March 2018 (has links)
O patrocínio a mega eventos esportivos, como os Jogos Olímpicos, tornou-se, especialmente nas últimas décadas, uma importante ferramenta de marketing, comunicação e branding para ampliação do alcance global e local de marcas patrocinadoras. Dentre as ferramentas utilizadas no patrocínio esportivo, destacam-se as ativações de marca realizadas nos locais de competição, que afetam a percepção de espectadores do evento. Mais do que afetar a percepção dos mesmos em relação à marca, tais ações de ativação, se bem estruturadas, têm a capacidade de gerar consciência de marca e, por consequência, agregar valores tangíveis e intangíveis a elas. No entanto, o número de estudos que relacionam as percepções das ativações e a consequente geração de consciência de marcas patrocinadoras de mega eventos ainda é notavelmente baixo. Desta forma, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar a consciência de marca gerada nos consumidores e a percepção dos mesmos, sobre as ações de ativação de dois patrocinadores locais (Bradesco e Correios) e dois globais (Coca-Cola e Samsung) dos Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016. Para alcançar tal objetivo, optou-se por uma metodologia mista de caráter exploratório, explicativo e descritivo. Os dados foram obtidos a partir da aplicação de questionários pré-definidos para uma amostra total de 405 indivíduos, distribuídos em três fases: em Evento Teste da Ginástica Artística, antes da realização dos Jogos Olímpicos (fase 1), no Parque Olímpico da Barra da Tijuca; durante os Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016 (fase 2), no mesmo local; e, um ano após a realização do mega evento (fase 3), em abordagem online. As análises foram realizadas através da frequência de respostas e processo de codificação e categorização do conteúdo. Como resultado, notou-se um baixo índice de percepção das ações de ativação realizadas na primeira fase. Este baixo índice impactou negativamente o nível de consciência de marca relacionado a patrocinadores locais na segunda fase. Por outro lado, não foi capaz de impactar negativamente os índices de consciência de marca associados a patrocinadores globais na mesma fase. Para a segunda fase, os índices de percepção de ativações de marca melhoraram para todos os patrocinadores, com exceção dos Correios, e impactaram diretamente (promovendo uma elevação) o índice de consciência de marca apontado pelos respondentes na terceira fase de coletas. Conclui-se, então, que no caso de patrocinadores locais, o nível de percepção das ações de ativação realizadas em uma fase afeta diretamente o nível de consciência de marca gerado na fase seguinte. Para patrocinadores globais, no entanto, somente a percepção das ativações ofertadas em uma fase não é suficiente para manutenção do nível de consciência de marca na fase seguinte; é necessário um considerável nível prévio de associação entre o patrocinador e os Jogos Olímpicos para potencializar o efeito de tais ativações sobre os espectadores/consumidores / Sponsorship of mega-sporting events such as the Olympic Games have become, mainly in the last decades, an important marketing, communication and branding tool to extend the global and local reach of sponsoring brands. Among the tools used in sports sponsorship, brand activations created in competition sites, which affect the perception of the event spectators, should be highlighted. More than affecting their perception in relation to the brand, if well structured such activations are capable of generating brand awareness and, consequently, add tangible and intangible value to it. However, the number of studies that relate activation perception and the consequent awareness of the sponsoring brands in mega events is notably small. Thus, the main objective of this work was to assess consumers\' brand awareness and perception about the activation actions of two local sponsors (Bradesco and Correios) and two global sponsors (Coca-Cola and Samsung) of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. To achieve such an objective, a mixed exploratory, explanatory and descriptive methodology was chosen. The data were obtained from pre-defined questionnaires applied to a sample of 405 people in three phases: during the Artistic Gymnastics Test Event, before de Olympic Games (phase 1), which took place at the Barra da Tijuca Olympic Park; during the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (phase 2), which happened at the same place as in phase 1; and a year after the mega event (phase 3), by using an online approach. The analyses were carried out by means of frequency of the answers and a process of content encoding and categorization. The findings point to low levels of perception in relation to the activations performed in the first phase. Such low levels influenced negatively the level of brand awareness related to the local sponsors in the second phase. On the other hand, they did not influence negatively the levels of brand awareness associated with the global sponsors in the same phase. In the second phase, the levels of perception of brand activation improved in relation to all the sponsors analyzed except Correios, and exerted direct impact (causing an increase) on the respondents\' level of brand awareness in the third phase of data collecting. It is concluded that, in the case of local sponsors, the level of perception of activation actions in one phase directly affects the level of brand awareness in the following phase. As for global sponsors, however, only the perception of the activations created in one phase is not enough to keep the level of brand awareness in the following phase; a considerable previous level of association between the sponsor and the Olympic Games is necessary to boost the effect of such activations on spectators/consumers
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Action Recognition in Still Images and Inference of Object AffordancesGirish, Deeptha S. 15 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Zobrazení a analýza aktivit neuronové sítě ve skrytých vrstvách / Activity of Neural Network in Hidden Layers - Visualisation and AnalysisFábry, Marko January 2016 (has links)
Goal of this work was to create system capable of visualisation of activation function values, which were produced by neurons placed in hidden layers of neural networks used for speech recognition. In this work are also described experiments comparing methods for visualisation, visualisations of neural networks with different architectures and neural networks trained with different types of input data. Visualisation system implemented in this work is based on previous work of Mr. Khe Chai Sim and extended with new methods of data normalization. Kaldi toolkit was used for neural network training data preparation. CNTK framework was used for neural network training. Core of this work - the visualisation system was implemented in scripting language Python.
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