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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Duzgun, Ayhan January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Designing Active Granular Squares

Olson, Christopher C 13 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of this thesis has been to find a means of i) designing an active square particle, and ii) continuously varying its degree of activity with the objective of understanding the effects of activity on the various phases of granular matter. The motivations, results and limitations of our methods of creating active particles are discussed in this thesis. The applicability of a stochastic model based on the Langevin equation in 2D as well as implications for future experiments are also discussed.

DNA programmed assembly of active matter at the micro and nano scales

Gonzalez, Ibon Santiago January 2017 (has links)
Small devices capable of self-propulsion have potential application in areas of nanoscience where autonomous locomotion and programmability are needed. The specific base-pairing interactions that arise from DNA hybridisation permit the programmed assembly of matter and also the creation of controllable dynamical systems. The aim of this thesis is to use the tools of DNA nanotechnology to design synthetic active matter at the micro and nano scales. In the first section, DNA was used as an active medium capable of transporting information faster than diffusion in the form of chemical waves. DNA waves were generated experimentally using a DNA autocatalytic reaction in a microfluidic channel. The propagation velocity of DNA chemical waves was slowed down by creating concentration gradients that changed the reaction kinetics in space. The second section details the synthesis of chemically-propelled particles and the use of DNA as a 'programmable glue' to mediate their interactions. Janus micromotors were fabricated by physical vapour deposition and a wet-chemical approach was demonstrated to synthesise asymmetrical catalytic Pt-Au nanoparticles that function as nanomotors. Dynamic light scattering measurements showed nanomotor activity that depends on H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> concentration, consistent with chemical propulsion. Gold nanoparticles/Origami hybrids were assembled in 2D lattices of different symmetries arranged by DNA linkers. The third section details the design process and synthesis of nanomotors using DNA as a structural scaffold. 3D DNA Origami rectangular prisms were functionalised site-specifically with bioconjugated catalysts, i.e. Pt nanoparticles and catalase. Enzymatic nanomotors were also conjugated to various cargoes and their motor activity was demonstrated by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy. In the final section, control mechanisms for autonomous nanomotors are studied, which includes the conformational change of DNA aptamers in response to chemical signals, as well as a design for an adaptive dynamical system based on DNA/enzyme reaction networks.

Collective Behavior of active colloids / Comportements collectifs de colloïdes autopropulsés

Theurkauff, Isaac 29 November 2013 (has links)
Nous étudions le comportement collectif d'une assemblée de colloïdes Janus, des sphères d'or de 1µm dont une moitié est recouverte de platine. Lorsqu'ils sont immergés dans une solution d'eau oxygénée, ils se déplacent à des vitesses de l'ordre de 5µm/s, contrôlable par la concentration en peroxyde. Individuellement, ces colloïdes suivent une marche aléatoire persistante ; Ils interagissent par effets phorétiques, formant des clusters dynamiques de quelques dizaines de colloïdes. Ces clusters, mobiles, échangent continuellement des colloïdes, se divisent et se fusionnent, formant une phase stationnaire. Nous avons développés ces colloïdes, ainsi qu'un système d'acquisition pour détecter et reconstituer les trajectoires des colloïdes. La taille moyenne des clusters augmente linéairement avec l'activité, définie comme la vitesse moyenne des colloïdes en dehors des clusters. La fonction densité de probabilité de la taille des clusters est une loi de puissance d'exposant -2. Nous quantifions les vitesses de translation et de rotation des clusters. Pour réaliser une étude thermodynamique, nous réalisons des expériences de sédimentation. Une transition est observée, entre une phase peu dense, un gaz parfait, dans lequel on mesure une température effective, et une phase dense à la dynamique hétérogène. L'équation d'état du système est mesurée, et une forme analytique heuristique est proposée / We study the collective behavior of an assembly of Janus Colloids. These are 1µm gold colloids with one half coated in platinum. When immersed in a peroxide bath, they self-propel, owing to diffusiophoresis and electrophoresis, moving at velocities of order 5µm/s. The velocity can be tune by adjusting the amount of peroxide in the bath. At the single particle level, the colloids undergo a persistent random walk. When in denser groups, the colloids interact through chemical and steric effects. The combination of these interactions, with the colloids activity, leads to collective effects. A dynamic cluster phase is observed, the formation of motile clusters of colloids, formed of up to 100 colloids. The clusters are in a stationary state, constantly moving, and exchanging colloids, they are also colliding, merging and breaking apart. We developed both the colloids, whose synthesis is described, and a high-throughput acquisition and analysis system. We measure the positions, and reconstruct the trajectories of thousands of colloids for a few minutes. From the trajectories, we extract statistical observables. We show that the sizes of clusters increases linearly as a function of the activity of the colloids. The probability distribution functions of sizes are power laws. As the density increases, a jamming transition is observed. The dense phase heterogeneous dynamics is characterized. We study the transition from the dense phase to a low density assembly with sedimentation experiments. The low density phase behaves as an ideal gas, allowing the definition of an effective temperature. We measure an equation of state for the system, and propose a heuristic collapse

Etude expérimentale des phases denses d'un liquide de disques durs actifs / Experimental study of the dense phases of an activ liquid of hard discs

Briand, Guillaume 20 December 2017 (has links)
Au cours de cette thèse nous avons étudié expérimentalement les phases denses de disques polaires vibrés, un bon modèle de liquide actif.L'expérience consiste à mettre en vibration des disques durs designés avec deux pattes avant et arrière différentes. Cela leur confère une polarité et sous l'effet de la vibration les disques avancent avec persistance dans la direction de leur polarité.Il a été montré que ce disque polaire est un bon modèle de particule active. Par ailleurs, il a été observé que ces disques forment un liquide polaire ordonnée pour des fractions surfaciques autour de 0.40.Au cours de cette thèse nous avons travaillé à plus haute densité pour étudier la cristallisation de ce liquide actif. Nous avons observé une dynamique fortement intermittente au cours de laquelle des agrégats denses et ordonnés se forment mais se fragmentent sans cesse. Ce régime perdure jusqu'à la fraction surfacique de 0.83, la plus élevée que nous ayons pu atteindre dans un premier temps.Pour étudier l'existence éventuelle d'une phase cristalline stable, nous avons réalisé des expériences dans une enceinte hexagonale, où il est possible d'imposer des fractions surfaciques de l'ordre de 0.89 proche de celle de l'empilement hexagonal compact. Nous observons un cristal dans le cas où l'enceinte est totalement remplie, en revanche lorsque que l'on retire quelques disques le cristal se met à tourner de manière spectaculaire tout en conservant un ordre positionnel.Enfin, nous avons réalisé des expériences de mesures de pression mécanique. Nous avons observé que la pression mécanique exercée par les disques polaires dépend de la nature des murs de l'enceinte. On conclu que la pression mécanique n'est pas une variable d'état pour ce système. / During this thesis, we studied experimentally the dense phases of vibrated polar disks, a good model of active liquid.The experiment involves vibrating hard discs with two different front and rear legs. This provides them with a polarity such that they perform persistent directed motion when they are shaken vertically.These polar discs has been shown to be a good active particle model. Moreover, it has been observed that these disks form an ordered polar liquid for surface fractions around 0.40.During this thesis we worked at a higher density to study the crystallization of this active liquid. We observed a highly intermittent dynamics during which dense and ordered aggregates form but are constantly fragmented. This regime lasts until the surface fraction of 0.83, the highest that we have been able to reach at first.In order to study the possible existence of a stable crystal phase, we carried out experiments in a hexagonal arena, where it is possible to impose surface fractions of the order of 0.89 close to that of the compact hexagonal packing. We observe a crystal in the case where the arena is completely filled, however when removing a few discs the crystal flows and rotates spectacularly while maintaining a positional order.Finally, we carried out mechanical pressure measurement experiments. We have observed that the mechanical pressure exerted by the polar disks depends on the nature of the walls of the arena. We conclude that mechanical pressure is not a state variable for this system.

Matière active et écoulements : jets de bactéries et nageurs interfaciaux / Active Matter and Flows : Bacterial Jets and Interfacial Swimmers

Kervil, Ronan 26 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie quelques situations dans lesquelles un système actif, composé de particules auto-propulsées, est soumis à des contraintes extérieures. Dans un premier chapitre, nous étudions le comportement d'une assemblée de bactéries magnétotactiques —capables de s'aligner sur un champ magnétique extérieur— forcées au travers d'une constriction en forme de sablier. Nous caractérisons les propriétés dynamiques de ce système, à l'échelle individuelle mais également à celle de l'embouteillage formé et du jet émergeant. En particulier, nous montrons dans les zones concentrées en bactéries des couplages reliant densité en bactéries, vitesse de nage et forçage magnétique beaucoup plus complexes que ce qui avait été considéré jusqu'à maintenant dans les modèles théoriques.Le deuxième chapitre aborde un nouveau système actif constitué de disques de camphres posés à la surface de l'eau. Dans une première étape, nous avons étudié en détails les propriétés de nage individuelle de ces objets qui brisent spontanément la symétrie du système pour se mettre en mouvement. En particulier, nous montrons que les données recueillies peuvent être rationnalisées à l'aide d'une approche théorique très simple de ce problème couplé d'hydrodynamique et de transport de tensio-actif. Dans un troisième chapitre, nous avons abordé la dynamique d'une assemblée de ces nageurs interfaciaux interagissant via les champs hydrodynamiques et chimiques qu'ils génèrent. À concentration intermédiaire en nageurs, un régime de nage intermittente caractérisé par des bouffées pseudo-périodiques d'activité des nageurs apparaît. En utilisant des outils et concepts issus du domaine de la turbulence nous montrons que de façon remarquable, ce système très simple exhibe des comportements canoniques de la turbulence tels que prédits par Kolmogorov (1941), ouvrant ainsi des perspectives concrètes sur des analogies très riches entre turbulence et systèmes actifs / This work address different situations where active matter, made out of self-propelled particles, is submitted to external constraints.In a first part, we consider the response of magnetotactic bacteria –capable of swim alignment along magnetic field lines- directed through an hourglass shape geometry. We characterize the dynamic properties of the system, both at the individual bacteria scale and at the scale of the jammed region or of the induced outgoing jet. We show that in high density regions, couplings between the bacteria interactions, swim velocity and magnetic forcing take a much more complex form than had been considered so far in theoretical models.In a second chapter, we are addressing a new active system made out of camphor disks lying at the air-water interface. First of all, we study in details the individual swim properties of such particles, which spontaneously break the system symmetry to start moving. In particular, we show that all experimental data can be rationalized within the framework of a very simple model of this complex problem where hydrodynamic flows and surfactant transports are coupled through Marangoni stress.In a last chapter, we addressed the collective dynamics of an assembly of such interfacial swimmers that interact through the flow and chemical fields they generate. At intermediate swimmers concentrations, an intermittent swim regime appears characterized by pseudo-periodic activity bursts. Using tools and concepts from the turbulence domain, we show that, remarkably, this simple system exhibits dynamical properties matching the ones of canonical turbulence as predicted by Kolmogorov in the 40s. This demonstration opens up rich perspectives in the historical domain of turbulence together with in the emerging one of active matter

Mesophases Of Active Matter : Translational Order, Critical Rheology And Electrostatics

Adhyapak, Tapan Chandra 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis consists of research work in the broad area of soft condensed matter theory with a focus on active matter. The study of long wavelength, low frequency collective behavior of active particles (bacterial suspensions, fish schools, motor-microtubule extracts, active gels) forms an interesting modification to liquid-crystal hydrodynamics, in which the constituent particles carry permanent stresses that stir the fluid. Activity introduces novel instabilities and many novel aspects emerge. Our works focus on the dynamics, order, fluctuations and instabilities in these systems. In particular, we investigated the dynamics, order and fluctuation properties emerging from effective hydrodynamic descriptions of translationally ordered active matter and also studied those in microwave-driven quantum Hall nematics. We also investigated the rheological properties of active suspensions subjected to an applied orienting field. A summary of the works carried out is as follows. Translationally ordered active phases – active smectics and active cholesterics: Active or self-propelled particles consume and dissipate energy generating permanent stresses that stir the fluid around them. The collective behavior of systems of active particles, in systems with translational order, pose interesting questions and possibilities of new physics that differ strikingly from those in systems at thermal equilibrium with the same spatial symmetry. We developed the hydrodynamic equations of motion for (a) an active system with spontaneously broken translational symmetry in one direction, i.e., smectic and (b) the simplest uniaxially ordered phase of active chiral objects, namely, an active cholesteric. We analyze the fluctuation properties as well as the nature of characteristic instabilities that these systems can display and make a number of predictions. For example, in the case of an active smectic, we show that active stresses generate an effective active layer tension which, if positive, sup-presses the Landau-Peierls effect, leading to long-range smectic order in dimension d =3 and quasi-long-range in d =2, in sharp contrast with thermal equilibrium systems. Negative active layer tension in bulk systems, however, lead to a spontaneous Helfrich-Hurault undulation instability of the layers, accompanied by spontaneous flow. Also, active smectics, unlike orientationally ordered active systems, normally have finite concentration fluctuations. Similarly, for the case of cholesterics we show that cholesteric elasticity intervenes to suppress some of the instabilities present in active nematics. xi Numerical simulation of active smectics: We present results from a Brownian Dynamics simulation, with no hydrodynamic interaction, of a system of apolar active particles form-ing translational liquid-crystalline order in a suspension. The particles interact through a prolate-ellipsoidal Gay-Berne potential. We model activity minimally through different noise temperatures for movement along and normal to the orientation axis of each particle. We present preliminary results on the disruptive effect of activity on smectic order for the parameter values investigated. Future work will test the predictions of our theory [1] on active smectics. Rheology of active suspensions near field-induced critical points : Shear induces orientation of active stresses in a suspension, through flow alignment. Depending on the sign, activity then either enhances or reduces the viscosity. The change in viscosity, in the zero frequency limit, is proportional to the product of the magnitude of active stress and the system relaxation time. A strong enough orienting field can make the system approach a critical point and the relaxation time diverges. We show that, this results in the divergence of viscosity at zero frequency making the system strongly viscoelastic. Depending on the sign, activity strengthens or reduces the effect of the field. We also investigate the rheological property of an active suspension with mixed polar and nematic oreder. Active quantum Hall systems: We construct the hydrodynamic theory for a 2d charged active nematic with 3d electrostatics. We have investigated the interplay of the Coulomb interaction and activity in these systems. We show that activity competes to enhance the charge density fluctuations normally suppressed by long-ranged Coulomb interactions. The charge structure factor Sq of the corresponding passive charged nematic goes to zero as q, whereas in charged active nematics, activity leads to a nonvanishing charge structure factor at small wavenumber. We also show how the effect of an applied magnetic field can be incorporated into the dynamics of the system and leave scope for further studies on these effects.

Kombinovaný vliv skelných vláken a oxidu titaničitého jako aditiv záporné elektrody na vlastnosti olověného akumulátoru. / The combined effect of glass fibers and titanium oxide as the negative electrode additive on the properties of the lead accumulator

Gerlich, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problematic of lead acid batteries for HEVs. It starts with classification of electrochemical cells then proceeds to focus on lead acid batteries, mainly because they are the most used source of electrical power in automotive industry. The practical part of the work describes the process of manufacturing the electrode system used in the later parts. The experimental part is focused on the behaviour of the cells under conditions that appear in hybrid electric vehicles. The effect of aditives in active matter of the negative electrode on the parameters of the cells is observed, such as voltage, capacity and operating life

Phénoménologie de particules actives à états internes finis et discrets : une étude individuelle et collective / Phenomenology of active particles with finite and discrete internal states : an individual and collective study

Gómez Nava, Luis Alberto 05 November 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons un cadre théorique pour étudier les systèmes de particules actives fonctionnant avec une quantité discrète d'états internes qui contrôlent le comportement externe de ces objets. Les concepts théoriques développés dans cette thèse sont introduits afin de comprendre un grand nombre de systèmes biologiques multi-agents dont les individus présentent différents types de comportements se succédant au cours du temps. Par construction, le modèle théorique suppose que l'observateur extérieur a accès uniquement au comportement visible des individus, et non pas à leurs états internes. C'est seulement après une étude détaillée de la dynamique comportementale que l'existence de ces états internes devient évidente. Cette analyse est cruciale pour pouvoir associer les comportements observés expérimentalement avec un ou plusieurs états internes du modèle. Cette association entre les états et les comportements doit être faite selon les observations et la phénoménologie du système biologique faisant l'objet de l'étude. Les scénarios qui peuvent être observés en utilisant notre modèle théorique sont déterminés par la conception du mécanisme interne des individus (nombre d'états internes, taux de transition, etc…) et seront de nature markovienne par construction. Tous les travaux expérimentaux et théoriques contenus dans cette thèse démontrent que notre modèle est approprié pour décrire des systèmes réels montrant des comportements intermittents individuels ou collectifs. Ce nouveau cadre théorique pour des particules actives avec états internes, introduit ici, est encore en développement et nous sommes convaincus qu'il peut potentiellement ouvrir de nouvelles branches de recherche à l'interface entre la physique, la biologie et les mathématiques. / In this thesis we introduce a theoretical framework to understand collections of active particles that operate with a finite number of discrete internal states that control the external behavior of these entities. The theoretical concepts developed in this thesis are conceived to understand the large number of existing multiagent biological systems where the individuals display distinct behavioral phases that alternate with each other. By construction, the premise of our theoretical model is that an external observer has access only to the external behavior of the individuals, but not to their internal state. It is only after careful examination of the behavioral dynamics that the existence of these internal states becomes evident. This analysis is key to be able to associate the experimentally observed behaviors of individuals with one or many internal states of the model. This association between states and behaviors should be done accordingly to the observations and the phenomenology displayed by the biological system that is being the subject of study. The possible scenarios that can be observed using our theoretical model are determined by the design of the internal mechanism of the individuals (number of internal states, transition rates, etc...) and will be of markovian nature by construction. All the experimental and theoretical work contained in this thesis is evidence that our model is suitable to be used to describe real-life systems showing individual or collective intermittent behaviors. This here-introduced new framework of active particles with internal states is still in development and we are convinced that it can potentially open new branches of research at the interface between physics, biology and mathematics.

Active Chiral Processes in Soft Biological Matter

Fürthauer, Sebastian 15 May 2012 (has links)
Biological matter is driven far from thermodynamic equilibrium by active processes on the molecular scale. These processes are usually driven by the chemical reaction of a fuel and generate spontaneous movements and mechanical stresses in the system, even in the absence of external forces or torques. Moreover these active stresses effectively fluidify the material. The cell cytoskeleton, suspensions of swimming microorganisms or tissues are prominent examples of active fluids. Active processes in biological systems often exhibit chiral asymmetries. Examples are the chirality of cytoskeletal filaments which interact with motor proteins, the chirality of the beat of cilia and flagella as well as the helical trajectories of many biological micro-swimmers. Moreover, large scale chiral flows have been observed in the cell cortex of C. elegans and Xenopus embryos. Active force generation induces force and torque dipoles in the material. If all forces are internal the total force and torque vanish as required by the conservation of momentum and angular momentum. The density of force dipoles is an active stress in the material. In addition, active chiral processes allow for the existence of active torque dipoles which enter the conservation of angular momentum and generate an active antisymmetric stress and active angular momentum fluxes. We developed a generic description of active fluids that takes into account active chiral processes and explicitly keeps track of spin and orbital angular momentum densities. We derived constitutive equations for an active chiral fluid based on identifying the entropy production rate from the rate of change of the free energy and linearly expanding thermodynamic fluxes in terms of thermodynamic forces. We identified four elementary chiral motors that correspond to localized distributions of chiral force and torque dipoles that differ by their symmetry and produce different chiral fluid flows and intrinsic rotation fields. We employ our theory to analyze different active chiral processes. We first show that chiral flows can occur spontaneously in an active fluid even in the absence of chiral processes. For this we investigate the Taylor-Couette motor, that is an active fluid confined between two concentric cylinders. For sufficiently high active stresses the fluid generates spontaneous rotations of the two cylinders with respect to each other thus breaking the chiral symmetry of the system spontaneously. We then investigate cases where active chiral processes on the molecular scale break the chiral symmetry of the whole system. We show that chiral flows occur in films of chiral motors and derive a generic theory for thin films of active fluids. We discuss our results in the context of carpets of beating cilia or E. coli swimming close to a surface. Finally, we discuss chiral flows that are observed in the cellular cortex of the nematode C. elegans at the one cell stage. Two distinct chiral flow events are observed. The first chiral flow event (i) is a screw like chiral rotation of the two cell halves with respect to each other and occurs around 15min after fertilization. This event coincides with the establishment of cortical cell polarity. The second chiral flow event (ii) is a chiral rotation of the entire cell cortex around the anterior posterior axis of the whole cell and occurs around 30min after fertilization. Measuring densities of molecular motors during episode (i) we fit the flow patterns observed using only two fit parameters: the hydrodynamic length and cortical chirality. The flows during (ii) can be understood assuming an increase of the hydrodynamic length. We hypothesize that the cell actively regulates the cortical viscosity and the friction of the cortex with the eggshell and cytosol. We show that active chiral processes in soft biological matter give rise to interesting new physics and are essential to understand the material properties of many biological systems, such as the cell cortex.

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