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Entwicklung einer Methode zur monetären Bewertung des Wassers für ein Unternehmen unter Einbeziehung des Wasser-FußabdrucksHentschel, Nora 25 June 2010 (has links)
Wassernutzung und Abbau der Frischwasser-Ressourcen sind heutzutage ein Thema, das als so wichtig wahrgenommen wird wie der Klimawandel. Wasser wird somit zunehmend Auswirkungen auf den ökonomischen Wert von Unternehmen haben. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den monetären Wert des Wassers mithilfe des Wasser-Fußabdrucks zu bestimmen. Hierfür werden nach einer kurzen Einführung in Kapitel 2 der
ökologische Fußabdruck, der CO2-Fußabdruck und der Wasser-Fußabdruck kurz vorgestellt und in Beziehung zueinander gesetzt. Anschließend wird der Wasser-Fußabdruck diskutiert und sowohl in die Ökobilanzierung als auch in das Instrumentarium der Umweltleistungsmessung
eingeordnet. Danach werden die Zielgrößen des Unternehmenswertes beschrieben und der Zusammenhang von ökologischer und ökonomischer Leistungsmessung dargestellt. Auf dem Stufenmodell zum Wertbeitrag aufbauend werden verschiedene Ansätze zur Integration ökologischer Aspekte in den Unternehmenswert diskutiert. In Kapitel 3 wird dann die Methode entwickelt, um den Wasser-Fußabdruck zu bestimmen und auszuwerten und anschließend mithilfe der Werttreiberanalyse, des Water Value Added und der Kumulierten Wasserintensitäten den ökonomischen Beitrag des Wassers zu berechnen. In der Fallstudie wird die Methode angewendet und anschließend in Kapitel 5 anhand der zuvor vorgestellten Kriterien bewertet. Abschließend werden einige Handlungsempfehlungen zur Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung der Methode gegeben. Als Ergebnis der Arbeit kann die Frage beantwortet werden, wie ein Unternehmen den Einfluss des Wassers auf den eigenen Unternehmenswert und den ökonomischen Wert des Wassers bestimmen kann.
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Entwicklung einer Methode zur monetären Bewertung des Wassers für ein Unternehmen unter Einbeziehung des Wasser-FußabdrucksHentschel, Nora 12 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Wassernutzung und Abbau der Frischwasser-Ressourcen sind heutzutage ein Thema, das als so wichtig wahrgenommen wird wie der Klimawandel. Wasser wird somit zunehmend Auswirkungen auf den ökonomischen Wert von Unternehmen haben. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den monetären Wert des Wassers mithilfe des Wasser-Fußabdrucks zu bestimmen. Hierfür werden nach einer kurzen Einführung in Kapitel 2 der
ökologische Fußabdruck, der CO2-Fußabdruck und der Wasser-Fußabdruck kurz vorgestellt und in Beziehung zueinander gesetzt. Anschließend wird der Wasser-Fußabdruck diskutiert und sowohl in die Ökobilanzierung als auch in das Instrumentarium der Umweltleistungsmessung
eingeordnet. Danach werden die Zielgrößen des Unternehmenswertes beschrieben und der Zusammenhang von ökologischer und ökonomischer Leistungsmessung dargestellt. Auf dem Stufenmodell zum Wertbeitrag aufbauend werden verschiedene Ansätze zur Integration ökologischer Aspekte in den Unternehmenswert diskutiert. In Kapitel 3 wird dann die Methode entwickelt, um den Wasser-Fußabdruck zu bestimmen und auszuwerten und anschließend mithilfe der Werttreiberanalyse, des Water Value Added und der Kumulierten Wasserintensitäten den ökonomischen Beitrag des Wassers zu berechnen. In der Fallstudie wird die Methode angewendet und anschließend in Kapitel 5 anhand der zuvor vorgestellten Kriterien bewertet. Abschließend werden einige Handlungsempfehlungen zur Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung der Methode gegeben. Als Ergebnis der Arbeit kann die Frage beantwortet werden, wie ein Unternehmen den Einfluss des Wassers auf den eigenen Unternehmenswert und den ökonomischen Wert des Wassers bestimmen kann.
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Value-based management : an assessment of the application in a mining company / Adrian PienaarPienaar, Adrian Cecil Semino January 2008 (has links)
If a programme which intends to measure performance is to work successfully
in an organisation, it is necessary to understand the contingent factors that
need to be in place regardless of philosophical beliefs. It must be integrated
with the overall strategy of the business; all approaches to performance
measurement emphasise the alignment of objectives, measures, strategic
decision making and rewards. This is crucial, as it is not possible to measure
performance unless it is clear what an organisation is trying to achieve.
Value-based management (VBM) is a powerful management framework with
the aim to focus all managerial processes on shareholder wealth creation. It
therefore encourages all staff levels within the organisation to focus on value
creation. Various metrics have been developed to measure the value creation
process within the organisation. The application of VBM principles at the lower
levels within the organisation is critical to ensure that lower level staff applies
value-creating principles in their daily jobs. Anglo Platinum has also adopted
VBM, which will help the organisation to enhance decision-making and ensure
pursuing strategies that maximise value. Anglo VBM is a management system
which will enable the company to significantly improve the quality and speed of
decision-making and to drive performance and profitable growth. It requires a
detailed understanding of where and why value is created or consumed within
the businesses through assembling a comprehensive fact base.
A quantitative study was done to collect primary data through the use of
standardised questionnaires that were distributed to respondents at Bleskop
and Brakspruit shafts as well all the accountants at Rustenburg Platinum Mine,
which forms part of Anglo Platinum. The results from this study indicate that
there is a low understanding of VBM as well as a strong focus on business unit
objectives and on short-term goals. A key recommendation would be to use
incentive mechanisms to be aligned to VBM. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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Value-based management : an assessment of the application in a mining company / Adrian PienaarPienaar, Adrian Cecil Semino January 2008 (has links)
If a programme which intends to measure performance is to work successfully
in an organisation, it is necessary to understand the contingent factors that
need to be in place regardless of philosophical beliefs. It must be integrated
with the overall strategy of the business; all approaches to performance
measurement emphasise the alignment of objectives, measures, strategic
decision making and rewards. This is crucial, as it is not possible to measure
performance unless it is clear what an organisation is trying to achieve.
Value-based management (VBM) is a powerful management framework with
the aim to focus all managerial processes on shareholder wealth creation. It
therefore encourages all staff levels within the organisation to focus on value
creation. Various metrics have been developed to measure the value creation
process within the organisation. The application of VBM principles at the lower
levels within the organisation is critical to ensure that lower level staff applies
value-creating principles in their daily jobs. Anglo Platinum has also adopted
VBM, which will help the organisation to enhance decision-making and ensure
pursuing strategies that maximise value. Anglo VBM is a management system
which will enable the company to significantly improve the quality and speed of
decision-making and to drive performance and profitable growth. It requires a
detailed understanding of where and why value is created or consumed within
the businesses through assembling a comprehensive fact base.
A quantitative study was done to collect primary data through the use of
standardised questionnaires that were distributed to respondents at Bleskop
and Brakspruit shafts as well all the accountants at Rustenburg Platinum Mine,
which forms part of Anglo Platinum. The results from this study indicate that
there is a low understanding of VBM as well as a strong focus on business unit
objectives and on short-term goals. A key recommendation would be to use
incentive mechanisms to be aligned to VBM. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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Experimental Investigation of Hydrodynamic Effects on a Vibrating Kaplan RunnerHedlund, Jakob January 2017 (has links)
An experimental investigation of a vibrating Kaplan turbine runner was performed in order to understand the hydrodynamic effects and to obtain or confirm the mass and damping coefficients used for dimensioning at the design stage. Improved design can lead to increased efficiency and lifetime of hydropower stations. The method was based on the 90◦ phase shift between acceleration and velocity and their relationship with mass and damping respectively. The experiment examined frequencies between 1–9 Hz at displacements between 0.25–2.00 mm. Results showed a frequency dependent added mass which varied between 1.2 and 1.5 (neglecting the highest and lowest frequencies) and an added damping between 0.8 and 1.2 which became of importance at low frequencies. A mathematical interpretation of the fluid solid interactions (based on the constitutive equation for stresses in a Newtonian fluid) has been derived and connected to the obtained experimental data.
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The zero-rating of certain professional services in terms of the Value-Added Tax ActRoberts, Tanya January 2013 (has links)
The third sphere of government (Local Government) has been persistently clouded by unfavourable Annual Financial Statement (AFS) audit reports. This results in local government losing credibility and its stakeholders losing confidence in the institutions or municipalities. In-depth analysis of the root cause of this dilemma is an opportunity for the municipality to reorganise its house and redeem its dignity and credibility to its stakeholders through addressing the identified challenges. The importance of the study can be attributed to the need to investigate the root causes of unfavourable audit opinion and recommend possible remedies that can assist municipalities to improve their audit report outcomes which in turn will improve the confidence of its stakeholders. The primary objective of the study was to investigate variables that impact on the audit report outcomes on annual financial statements of the municipalities that are within Alfred Nzo District (AND) Jurisdiction, including Alfred Nzo District Municipality (ANDM). This was achieved through investigating the root causes of the audit report outcomes with specific focus on the relationship that exists between the management role and audit outcomes of the Alfred Nzo District Municipalities. This was measured by the municipality’s leadership, governance, internal controls and human capital management. Convenient sampling was used wherein 150 questionnaires (30 per municipality) were sent out to the selected employees in all the municipalities in the Alfred Nzo District. Out of the questionnaires that were sent out, 103 responses were received. These were analysed to draw findings, conclusion and recommendations. The empirical results of the study revealed that there is strong evidence that leadership, governance and human capital management have a positive influence on the municipality’s AFS audit report outcomes. It also revealed that there is overwhelming evidence that internal controls have a positive influence on the municipality’s AFS audit report outcomes. The study recommends how leadership, governance, internal controls and human capital management must be improved. It also provides future research recommendations to improve this study.
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Finanční a nefinanční analýza společnosti Spálovský, a.s. / Analýza firmy Spálovský, a. s.Spálovský, Mojmír January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis Financial and nonfinancial analysis of Spalovsky Company is dealing with a complex evaluation of chosen company. On the basis of financial statements for the years 2004 -- 2008 is accomplished financial analysis which purveys information about processes in company. As another methods for financial evaluation are chosen overall bankruptcy and credibility models and Quelle methodology. As a basis for nonfinancial indicators were made questionnaires among companies' employees and customers and created two new indexes - People Value Added and Customer Value Added. The last method was selected Pollack's method of companies' vitality. The goals of this thesis are two: the first of all to evaluate the company, characterize strong and weak points and suggest recommendations for improvement. The second goal is to analyze usefulness of selected methodizes and find out in which relation are they (substitutes, components or antagonists).
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Revisionsvärdet ur ett klientperspektiv : en kvalitativ studie om hur värde skapas för småföretagare / Audit Value from a client perspective : a qualitative study on how value is created fro small business ownersKrasniqi, Laureta, Elliver, Moltas January 2020 (has links)
Tidigare studier har diskuterat att många små och medelstora företag sett revisorn och revideringen som en kostsam tjänst som ger lite värde. I och med avskaffandet av revisionsplikten år 2010 bestämde sig många små företag att avskaffa sina revisorer som en konsekvens av deras kostsamma tjänster. Därför läggs det idag större vikt på revisionsvärdet och mervärdet. Studiens syfte är att förstå hur revisionsvärde skapas från ett klientperspektiv. Tanken är att fem olika perspektiv som kopplas ihop med bland annat agentteorin och professionsteorin ska öka förståelsen för hur revisionsvärde skapas. Utifrån de fem olika perspektiven har studiens modell skapats. Det empiriska materialet består av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomförts av småföretagare i olika branscher. Resultatet av studien visar att revisionsvärde och mervärde skapas från alla fem perspektiv, vilket stämmer överens med tidigare studier. Dock upptäcktes ett värde från ett sjätte perspektiv som studien inte fångar. Det sjätte perspektivet är revisionsbyråer. Slutsatsen är att revisionsvärdet skapas utifrån revisorn, revisionen, revisionsrådgivningen, den fristående rådgivningen, revisor-klient-relationen och revisionsbyråer.
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Experimental Investigation of Fluid-added Parameters on a Kaplan RunnerStrandberg, Malin January 2021 (has links)
In order to reach climate and environmental goals, Sweden is increasing the implementation of intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power to the electricity grid. The increase of intermittent energy sources is rising power regulation requirement towards hydropower, which increasingly exposes the hydraulic turbines to high loads and fluctuating hydraulic forces. These conditions affect the turbine’s structural and rotor dynamic behavior, leading to fatigue in turbine components. Identifying the parameters that affect the dynamics of the water turbine is an essential part of analyzing and, if possible, avoiding these situations. Furthermore, accurate rotor dynamic models are necessary to design for a robust hydropower unit and improve the estimate of wear on turbine components. Added parameters (added mass, polar moment of inertia, and damping) are hydrodynamic effects occurring due to interaction between structural vibrations and surrounding fluid. Added parameters can modify the turbine’s natural frequencies and consequently its dynamic behavior. Therefore, it is of interest to study and quantify the impact of these parameters on the turbine for accurate rotor dynamic modeling and turbine design. The added parameters have been investigated by conducting experiments on a model Kaplan runner, for which the project has been divided into two consecutive parts. First, experiments were performed in a test rig, in which the runner was excited in a lateral movement to determine added mass and linear damping. Secondly, experiments were performed in a test rig similar to the first, except the runner was excited in a torsional movement to determine added polar moment of inertia and torsional damping. Force and displacement have been measured during both movements, with the runner placed in air and thereafter in quiescent water. The added parameters were quantified by comparing measurements conducted with the runner in air against those conducted in water. By varying the excitation frequency and amplitude, added parameters have been analyzed against excitation frequency, velocity, and acceleration to determine dependent variables. The dimensionless added mass ratio, γma, was investigated within a range of acceleration of 0.07m/s2 to 5.00 m/s2 and in an excitation frequency of 2-9 Hz. Results exhibited a frequency-dependent added mass ratio, leading to a mass addition variation of 1.00-1.49 times the test rig mass with a mean γma of 1.22. Similarly, the dimensionless added polar moment of inertia, γIp, was investigated within a range of angular acceleration between 2.4 rad/s2 to 29.6 rad/s2 and in an excitation frequency range of 2-10 Hz. The mean added polar inertia ratio, γIp, was obtained as 1.09 times the polar moment of inertia of the test rig, corresponding to an increase in polar inertia of about 9%, compared to the total dry polar inertia of the test rig. Results showed that the added polar inertia ratio varied by approximately 1.8% within the studied frequency range. Thus, no frequency dependence could be determined. Due to measurement uncertainties and limitations of the test rigs, added linear damping and torsional damping could not be determined in either of the existing test rigs (lateral and torsional movement).
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Tillväxt och Värdeskapande : En studie av snabbväxande företag och deras förmåga att skapa ekonomiskt värde. / Growth and value creation : A study of high-growth companies and their ability to create economic value.Furvik, Emil, Winström, André January 2020 (has links)
Mindre företag är nödvändiga för ett land, och att förstå varför och hur de växer, samt hur de kan skapa ekonomiskt värde, är därför av stor vikt. Vi syftar till att kunna bidra med insikter inom två ämnen, tillväxt samt värdeskapande, genom att studera några av de snabbast växande bolagen i Sverige. Tillväxt mäts som omsättningstillväxt, och värdeskapande mäts enligt Economic Value Added (EVA), i studien. Genom att genomföra både multivariat samt bivariat regressionsanalys undersöker vi både relationen mellan hög tillväxt och värdeskapande, samt relationen mellan olika finansiella faktorer - hantering av rörelsekapital, lönsamhet, kapitalstruktur - och EVA. Analysen visar att hög tillväxt i sig inte kommer att skapa ekonomiskt värde, och drar slutsatsen att vägen till värdeskapande snarare är genom en välbalanserad strategi mellan tillväxt och finansiell stabilitet. Vi presenterar praktiska implikationer för företagsledare, investerare, samt statliga tillsynsmyndigheter kring ett ämne som historiskt sett har mottagit begränsad uppmärksamhet. / Small businesses are vital for a country, and understanding why and how they grow, as well as what creates economic value in this sector of the economy, is therefore important. We set out to provide insights into the two subjects, growth and value creation, by looking at some of the fastest-growing companies in Sweden. Growth, in this study, is measured as sales growth, and value creation is measured as Economic Value Added. Using multivariate and bivariate regression models we examine both the relationship between high growth and value creation, and the relationship between different financial variables - such as working capital management, profitability, and capital structure - and EVA. Our analysis shows that high growth in and of itself will not create economic value, and conclude that the road to value creation is rather through a well-balanced approach between growth and financial stability. We present practical implications for business leaders, investors, and state regulators alike on a topic that has received little or no attention before.
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