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The Therapeutic Alliance from the Clients' Perspective: a Qualitative ApproachMacFarlane, Peter 13 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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A clients’ perspective on external management consultingNylund, Malin, Zerat, Tilda January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: This paper aims to explore if organizational affiliation as a private and public organization influences the motives behind utilizing management consulting. Our topic, management consulting, has been widely discussed both in academic and non-academic settings and the client perspective in management consulting have to some extent received academic attention. We found it interesting to explore the client perspective through a lens about the effect organizational affiliation has on organization's motives on utilizing management consulting. Methodology: This study has a qualitative research method with an inductive research approach. Our data collection was conducted through interviews with participants from both the public and the private sector that was involved in purchasing management consultants in their organizations. We analyzed our empirical material with a qualitative content analysis that help us code and develop categories in our material. Findings: The findings in our study implicates that motives behind utilizing management consultants differ between public and private sector in how they perceive management consulting and what their expectations on the consultant are. Through our empirical material and data analysis we have been able to detect differences in how the private and public sector perceives management consulting and influencing factors, which in turn affects the motives for purchasing management consulting services in the organization.
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”När man gick därifrån så kände man det här äklaranamma!” : fyra föräldrars upplevelser av Råd- och StödsamtalLundkvist, Jessica, Roth, Cecilia January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to increase our knowledge about how the “Conversational-contact with the social services” is experienced by the parents who attend it. The research was based on a qualitative method consisting of four individual interviews.</p><p>Main issues of the study:</p><p>• The parents experience of the content of the meetings with the social workers</p><p>• Do the parents experience that the conversational-contact has contributed to some changes in their lives?</p><p>Results indicated that all parents were positiv to the conversational-contact. Afterwards they felt more secure and stable both as persons and in their role as parents. The parents experienced a change in both thoughts and how to handle troublesome situations in life. The social workers knowledge about family relations and their promotive professional approach towards the parents, was recognized as contributing to these changes. In general results agree with earlier research, except from one distinction which indicates that the social workers knowledge about the family dynamics is just as important as their approach. The interviews and the interpretation of the interviews were framed by a cognitive- and conversational perspective.</p>
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”När man gick därifrån så kände man det här äklaranamma!” : fyra föräldrars upplevelser av Råd- och StödsamtalLundkvist, Jessica, Roth, Cecilia January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to increase our knowledge about how the “Conversational-contact with the social services” is experienced by the parents who attend it. The research was based on a qualitative method consisting of four individual interviews. Main issues of the study: • The parents experience of the content of the meetings with the social workers • Do the parents experience that the conversational-contact has contributed to some changes in their lives? Results indicated that all parents were positiv to the conversational-contact. Afterwards they felt more secure and stable both as persons and in their role as parents. The parents experienced a change in both thoughts and how to handle troublesome situations in life. The social workers knowledge about family relations and their promotive professional approach towards the parents, was recognized as contributing to these changes. In general results agree with earlier research, except from one distinction which indicates that the social workers knowledge about the family dynamics is just as important as their approach. The interviews and the interpretation of the interviews were framed by a cognitive- and conversational perspective.
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Förändringsprocessen i en obegriplig situation : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om föräldrars erfarenheter kring den förändringsprocess som föregått återförening med barn som varit familjehemsplacerade / The process of change in an incomprehensible situation : A qualitative interview study about the experience of the parents about the process of change prior to reunification with their child in foster careLättman, Felicia Hanna Jonasdotter January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how parents, who had children in foster care due to their social environment, describes the process of change and what factors enabled the process. The study is based on interviews with six parents, four female and two males, who have reunited with their children. A phenomenological interview method has been used to catch the parents’ views and perspectives on the process. Aaron Antonovsky’s (1987/2005) salutogenic theory of sense of coherence (SOC) is used as a theoretical frame, where the three factors: comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness have been analysed to put focus on which factors enable change. To also examine how the process is affected by its social context Erving Goffman’s (1959/2014) dramaturgical role theory has been used. The results indicate that a successful changing process requires understanding of the situation and how to handle it. In the crises following the placement parents tend to feel strong emotions that may affect the sense of understanding and seeing change as a possibility. The parents need to understand how to enable change and need to believe that change is possible.
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Erityisoppilaan psykiatrinen hoitoketju:hoitoketjun tarpeen ja toiminnan monitahoarviointiPönkkö, M.-L. (Maija-Leena) 07 February 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the need for and the utilisation and functionality of the specialized psychiatric health care services available to children and adolescents of comprehensive and senior secondary school age. Special-needs students' need for psychiatric treatment and the functioning of their treatment chain was described and evaluated. Data were collected from comprehensive schools and senior secondary schools, 112 (82%) with a total of 18,532 students, in Oulu Province in 1998–2002. Special schools 37 (97%) had altogether 1276 students. The data for the first and the second sub-studies were collected with a questionnaire. The data for the third sub-study were obtained from documents concerning the need for and the use and functionality of services produced and evaluated by the key groups of actors. The data sets were evaluated way using the multiple constituency method in co-operative evaluation sessions, which were video-taped. The data for the fourth sub-study consisted of tape-recorded interviews of the study subjects. Multiple constituency evaluation and content analysis were used as research methods.
As evaluated by comprehensive school and senior secondary school teachers, both the incidence and the severity of students' conduct and emotional disorders have increased over the past few years. Special school students with conduct disorders and mental health problems were referred for examinations and treatment into the treatment chain of child and adolescent psychiatry similarly to other school-aged children and adolescents. Special schools had a constant need for child and adolescent psychiatric services, but there were no direct connections with specialized health care. At all schools, efforts were made by teachers and parents to help students with the assistance of school health care and social work professionals. Whenever students failed to get the requisite help from specialized health care, their problems remained the family's responsibility. The parents in these situations felt that they had been left alone, without understanding what this was all about and without knowing where to go for help.
Nevertheless, the data also included many positive experiences of fluent co-operation and easy availability of help for the student. The findings showed that there is a lot of expertise and sincere desire to work for the benefit of children and adolescents. The lack of coordination of the entire treatment chain did, however, wear down the self-esteem of the students in need of help as well as the meagre resources of their parents and the help-providing key actors. It was also suggested that the key groups participating in the treatment chain should be provided joint training and mentoring. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli saada tietoa peruskoulu- ja lukioikäisten lasten ja nuorten psykiatrisen erikoissairaanhoidon palvelujen tarpeesta, käytöstä ja toimivuudesta. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan ja arvioidaan erityisoppilaan psykiatrisen hoitoketjun tarvetta ja toimintaa. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin Oulun läänin peruskouluista ja lukioista vuosien 1998–2002 aikana. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa mukana oli 112 (82 %) koulua, joissa oppilaita oli yhteensä 18 532. Toisessa vaiheessa tutkimusta jatkettiin 37 (97 %) erityiskoululta saadulla aineistolla. Näissä erityiskouluissa oppilaita oli yhteensä 1276. Kolmannessa vaiheessa psykiatrisen hoitoketjun tarvetta ja toimintaa arvioitiin monitahoisesti kolmella erityiskoululla. Viimeisessä vaiheessa tutkimukseen osallistui myös psykiatrisessa hoidossa olleita oppilaita ja heidän vanhempiaan. Ensimmäisen ja toisen osatutkimuksen aineistot kerättiin kyselylomakkeella. Kolmannen osatutkimuksen aineisto saatiin palvelujen tarvetta, käyttöä ja toimintaa koskevista avainryhmien tuottamista ja arvioimista kirjallisista aineistoista. Aineistot arvioitiin monitahoisesti yhteisissä arviointitilanteissa, jotka videoitiin. Neljännen osatutkimuksen aineisto koostuu tutkittavien haastatteluista, jotka nauhoitettiin. Tutkimusmetodeina käytettiin monitahoarviointia ja sisällönanalyysia.
Peruskoulun ja lukion opettajien näkökulman mukaan oppilaiden käytös- ja tunne-elämän häiriöt olivat sekä lisääntyneet että vaikeutuneet viime vuosina. Käytös- ja mielenterveysongelmista kärsivät erityiskoulujen oppilaat ohjautuivat tutkimuksiin ja hoitoon lasten ja nuorten psykiatriseen hoitoketjuun, kuten muutkin kouluikäiset lapset ja nuoret. Erityiskouluilla oli jatkuva tarve saada lasten ja nuorten psykiatrisia palveluja, mutta suoraa yhteyttä erikoissairaanhoitoon ei ole ollut. Yleis- ja erityisopetuksessa oppilaita yritettiin auttaa opettajien ja vanhempien voimavarojen mukaan sekä kouluterveydenhuollon että sosiaalitoimen asiantuntijoiden avustamana. Jos oppilaalle ei saatu tarvittavaa apua erikoissairaanhoidosta, ongelmat jäivät perheen vastuulle. Näissä tilanteissa vanhemmat kokivat jääneensä yksin ymmärtämättä, mistä on kysymys ja mistä apua voi etsiä.
Tutkimustulokset antavat päätöksentekijöille, koulujen johtajille ja opettajille sekä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon käytännön toimintaa koordinoiville asiantuntijoille tärkeää tietoa erityisoppilaan psykiatristen palvelujen tarpeesta ja moniammatillisen hoitoketjun toiminnasta.
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Informerande rådgivare eller beräknande säljare? : En explorativ studie om klienters uppfattningar avseende revisorers korsförsäljning / Informative advisor or opportunistic seller? : An explorative study of clients’ perceptions of cross-selling by CPAsJerilgård, Viktoria, Spetsmark, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
Inledning: Mer än hälften av revisionsbyråernas intäkter härrör från icke revisionsnära tjänster och det är de befintliga klienterna som köper flest tjänster. Det finns anledning att tro att klienter inte alltid uppfattar revisorers försök till korsförsäljning som just korsförsäljning utan att de istället uppfattar det som information. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att utforska hur klienter uppfattar revisorers interaktiva marknadsföring genom korsförsäljning samt vilka faktorer som påverkar uppfattningen. Metod: Studien genomförs med en deduktiv ansats och en tvärsnittsdesign används. En kombination av kvantitativ enkätdata och kvalitativ intervjudata ligger till grund för studien. Webbaserade enkäter besvaras av privata företag i Östergötland och intervjuer genomförs med revisorer verksamma i Östergötland. Slutsats: Studien indikerar att klienter uppfattar revisorers interaktiva marknadsföring genom korsförsäljning som både information och korsförsäljning. Den faktor som påverkar om klienter uppfattar revisorers interaktiva marknadsföring som information är om tjänsten som revisorn presenterar uppfattas som betydelsefull. De faktorer som påverkar om klienter uppfattar revisorers interaktiva marknadsföring som korsförsäljning är om tjänsten som revisorn presenterar uppfattas som betydelsefull, revisorn uppfattas som uppriktig och kompetent samt klientens kön, där män uppfattar revisorers interaktiva marknadsföring som korsförsäljning i större utsträckning än kvinnor. Dessutom påverkar klienters uppfattningar avseende revisorn om den interaktiva marknadsföringen till övervägande del uppfattas som information snarare än försäljning. / Introduction: More than half of the revenues of the auditing firms are derived from the sales of non-audit services and it is the existing clients who purchase most of the services. There are reasons to assume that clients do not always perceive the CPA’s attempt to cross-sell as cross-selling, but rather perceive it as information. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how clients perceive interactive marketing through cross-selling by CPAs and which factors that has an impact on the perceptions. Method: The study is conducted with a deductive approach and a cross-sectional design. A combination of quantitative and qualitative data are the basis for this study. The main data in the study is quantitative survey data collected from unlisted companies located in Östergötland. The study is supplemented with interviews with CPAs. Conclusion: The study indicates that clients perceive interactive marketing, through cross-selling, by CPAs as both information and cross-selling. There are factors that affect clients’ perceptions. The factor that affect if clients perceive the interactive marketing by CPAs as information is if the service presented by the CPA is perceived as important. The factors that affect if clients perceive the interactive marketing by CPAs as cross-selling is if the service presented by the CPA is perceived as important, clients’ perceptions of the CPA as sincere and competent and the clients’ gender, where men perceives the interactive marketing by CPAs as cross-selling to a larger extent than women. Clients’ perceptions regarding the CPA affect if the interactive marketing is predominantly perceived as information rather than cross-selling.
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Klienters upplevelser av revisorers användning av formaliaMohammed Karim, Sadaf, Tasevska, Ivona January 2016 (has links)
Revisorer har sedan länge kopplats till professionella bedömningar men idag visar trenden allt mer på ett arbetssätt med mer användning av formalia. Även ett behov av revisorns tjänster och konsulttjänster förekommer allt mer hos klienten. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur klienten upplever revisorns användning av formalia i arbetsprocessen gentemot klienten i form av olika formella dokument för både stora som små företag. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ undersökning och abduktiv ansats då vi växlar mellan empirisk och teoretisk reflektion. Vår intervjuguide var till en början utforskande och utvecklades till att bli mer semistrukturerad. För att uppnå syftet med studien har vi genomfört elva intervjuer där vi har begränsat vårt urval till klienter som arbetar som redovisningsansvarig/chef och ekonomiansvarig/che f i södra Sverige. Eftersom revisorns tjänster erbjuds till klienten är denna studie analyserad utifrån ett klientperspektiv. Klientperspektivet hjälper oss att besvara frågor kring hur revisorer arbetar med formalia och hur dessa upplevs. Denna studie bidrar till diskussionen kring klienten som erhåller en formalia att följa, likt en förberedelselista, inför varje bokslutsmöte med revisorn. Utifrån förberedelselistan förbereder klienten dokument som efterfrågas av revisorn. Resultatet indikerar att klienter ställer sig positivt till arbetet med formalia där onödiga moment reduceras i samarbetet med revisorn och att arbetet med formalia gynnar klientens verksamhet på så sätt att verksamheten kan visa sin legitimitet gentemot sina intressenter. Vi identifierar klientens upplevelser kring revisorns användning av formalia och visar en förståelse för klientens synpunkter och värderingar vid revision. / Accountants have long been linked to professional judgements but the current situation shows an increasing trend on an approach with more use of formality. The client is in existing need of use of auditand consulting services. The study’s purpose is to contribute better understanding and analysis of how clients perceive auditors’ structural use of formalities towards them. The study is based on a qualitative survey with abductive approach as we alternate between empirical and theoretical reflection. The interviewguide has evolved to become more semi-structured. In order to achieve the purpose of the study we have completed eleven interviews which we have limited our selection to clients in southern Sweden. As the auditor’s services are offered to the client, this study is analyzed based on clients’ perspective. The clientperspective helps us to answer questions concerning how accountants are working with formalities and how these are perceived. This study contributes to discussion of clients who receives formality, similar to a preparation list, before each year-end meeting with the auditor. Based on the preparatory list, the client prepares documents requested by the auditor. It indicates that the client is in favor of working with formalities with reduced unnecessary moments under the cooperation. To work with the formalities favors the client's business so that they can prove its legitimacy to stakeholders. We are identifying client experiences of auditor’s use of formalities and presenting an understanding of client’s views and values at audit.
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Tvingad till vård : missbrukares syn på LVM, motivation och egna möjligheterEkendahl, Mats January 2001 (has links)
<p>Compulsory treatment is regulated by the Care of Alcoholics and Drug Abusers Act (LVM; 1988:870), and aims, among other things, at motivating addicts to treatment. Research has, up til now, mostly disregarded the client-perspective on compulsory measures. This dissertation has its starting point in the experiences of 54 alcohol- and drug addicts. The intention is to describe and analyse their view on coercive care and the possibilities to become motivated for change and/or voluntary treatment in such a context.</p><p>A central question during the interviews (which took place at five different institutions for compulsory commitments) is the addicts´ problem recognition, desire for help and willingness to participate in treatment. These dimensions are also illuminated quantitatively by use of a questionnaire. The results of this questionnaire form the basis of a division of the addicts into three groups with varying de-gree of treatment motivation. Comparisons between the groups are done with reference to the evaluation of present treatment context and of the institutions’ efforts to enhance motivation. In addition to this the groups are compared regarding how they perceive limita-tions in their freedom of action.</p><p>The results showed that the three groups had different motiva-tional structures. The “least motivated” stated that the addiction was not their major problem and wanted no help with that aspect of their lives. The “middle-group” claimed to have alcohol-/drug problems that, however, were not too serious. They were not sure that the coercive care was adequate for their situation. The “most motivated” said that they had vast problems with their addiction, were help-seeking and satisfied with having the chance to participate in any kind of treatment program at all. Less differences between the groups were noticeable when it came to a direct evaluation of com-pulsory treatment. The majority reported that they, through the co-ercion, had been exposed to violations of their autonomy. Whether motivated for treatment or not, the interviewees were also sceptical about the possibilities of the institutions to enhance motivation among the incarcerated addicts.</p><p>In the dissertation, addiction and motivation is furthermore dis-cussed from the perspective of rational choice and motivational the-ory. It is concluded that committed addicts think and act strategically in order to maximise their personal use of involuntary incarcerations. It is also asserted that their view on what happens during commit-ment, in some respects, is opposed to the “establishment’s”. For instance, the addicts claim that you don’t become motivated by way of compulsory treatment, while the opposite of their notion form the basis of the legislation.</p>
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Född på bolaget? : Klienters erfarenheter av två former av missbruksvårdButchert, Diana, Forsberg, Marie, Järnmark, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
<h1>Sammanfattning</h1><p>Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka klienters erfarenheter av två former av missbruksvård. De undersökta verksamheterna är Alkohol- och narkotikagruppen, vilket är en öppenvårdsverksamhet i Lindesberg, samt Stiftelsen Bergslagsgårdar i Örebro, som bland annat arbetar med familjehemsvård för vuxna.</p><p>Intervjuer har utförts med åtta klienter mellan 25 till 58 år, varav fyra berördes från varje verksamhet. Den kontextuella missbruksbakgrunden var varierad.</p><p>Den semistrukturerade intervjuguiden har utformats utifrån studiens syfte, frågeställningar och tolkningsram. De teoretiska utgångspunkter som tillämpats är identitet, social värld samt copingstrategier. Tidigare forskning har studerats inom missbruksvård, motivation, tvång och frivillighet samt vilka nyckelingredienserna är för en lyckad missbruksvård.</p><p> </p><p>Resultat och analys har uppdelats i tre teman:</p><p> </p><p>1) Synpunkter på vården,</p><p>2) Upprätthållande av missbruksfrihet</p><p>3) Social tillhörighet och förändring.</p><p> </p><p>Resultatet indikerar en genomgående positiv inställning hos klienterna till vårdformerna och att motivationen är viktig för resultatet av vården. Motivationen har uppkommit antingen före vården inletts eller under vårdtiden, antingen som en följd av sociala förhållanden eller genom relationen till behandlaren. Slutligen antyder resultatet att kombinationen av vård tillsammans med någon annan social omständighet samverkat till upprätthållandet av missbruksfrihet.</p> / <h1>Abstract</h1><p>The aim of this qualitative study is to examine client experience of two kinds of addiction treatment. The examined organisations were The Alcohol and Narcotic Group, which is an out-patient program in Lindesberg, and The Foundation of Bergslagsgårdar in Örebro, which specialises in family home treatment for adults.</p><p>Interviews were conducted with eight clients between 25 to 58 years of ages, with four clients taken from each organisation. Each client had a contextual substance abuse variation. A semi-structured interview guide was formulated according to the aim of the study and the research questions, within an interpretive framework. The implemented theoretical contexts used are identity, social world and coping strategies. This study builds upon previous research pertaining to addiction treatments, motivation, forced or voluntarily care, and effective key ingredients within addiction treatments.</p><p> </p><p>The result and analysis have been divided into three themes:</p><p>1) Opinions about treatment</p><p>2) Maintaining freedom from substance abuse</p><p>3) Social inclusion and change</p><p>The result indicates that client attitude is consistently positive towards treatment and that motivation is important for rehabilitation. Client motivation arises either before the treatment's start or during its duration, as a consequence of social conditions and/or through interaction with care givers. The result emphasises that a combination of care treatments coupled with other social conditions have produced clients with the ability to maintain freedom from substance abuse.</p>
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