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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maîtrise structurale de matériaux par fabrication additive en vue d'applications bio-médicales / Microstructural control of materials using additive manufacturing for biomedical application

Joguet, David 15 February 2013 (has links)
De nos jours, le domaine des implants est un des enjeux important pour notre civilisation pour permettre d’améliorer notre quotidien. Pour ce faire, une large offre de matériaux et de technologies existe offrant de nombreuses possibilités afin de répondre aux attentes chirurgicales. Plusieurs familles de matériaux coexistent : les polymères, les céramiques et les matériaux métalliques ainsi que différents procédés de mise en forme. Parmi ceux-ci, le procédé de micro fusion laser sur lit de poudre est un procédé prometteur permettant de réaliser des pièces de géométries complexes. C’est précisément cette technologie qui a été retenue. Pour cela, afin d’approfondir la connaissance du procédé et évaluer l’impact des paramètres sur les structures métallographiques, une orientation se tournant vers des matériaux métalliques tels que le CoCrMo et le titane T40 a été envisagée.Ainsi, les objectifs de la thèse ont été de générer un matériau possédant de bonnes caractéristiques mécaniques ainsi qu’en faciliter son intégration dans un milieu biologique (implants). Pour ce faire, une structure de porosité contrôlée (pour faciliter le développement tissulaire) avec des propriétés mécaniques adaptées aux sollicitations est nécessaire. Le premier travail effectué fut donc une recherche préliminaire afin d’approfondir la connaissance du procédé, en particulier d’un point de vue énergétique et thermique. Afin d’identifier et d’évaluer l’impact des paramètres sur le taux de porosité et donc les propriétés mécaniques de la pièce, une méthode statistique de type Taguchi a été utilisée. Au travers de cette analyse, il est apparu que 3 paramètres inhérents au procédé (la distance entre tache laser, temps d’exposition et le pas de balayage) expliquent prêt de 80% des résultats. De plus, il est mis en évidence que les propriétés mécaniques d’une structure (module de Young et résistance à la rupture) peuvent être maitrisées grâce au taux de porosité de cette dernière et permettre ainsi un rapprochement des propriétés mécaniques de l’os cortical. Pour ce faire, des caractérisations mécaniques ont donc été réalisées pour évaluer le module de Young et la résistance à la rupture des pièces avec différentes structures. Une maîtrise des propriétés peut donc être envisagée et peut même être adaptée en réalisant des structures mixtes alliant partie dense et partie poreuse. / Nowadays, the field of implants is one of the major challenges for our civilization to help improve our lives. To do this, a wide range of materials and technologies are offering many opportunities to meet the surgical needs. Several types of materials exist: polymers, ceramics and metal as well as different methods of shaping materials. Among them , the process of micro fusion laser powder bed is a promising method for producing parts with complex geometries. It is this technology that has been used. To do this, in order to deepen the knowledge of the process and evaluate the impact of parameters on the metallographic structures , guidance , turning to metallic materials such as CoCrMo and titanium T40 was considered.Thus, the objectives of the thesis were to generate a material with good mechanical properties as well as ease of integration in a biological medium ( implants) . To do this, a controlled pore structure (to facilitate tissue development ) with properties adapted to mechanical stress is required. The first work was therefore a preliminary research to deepen understanding of the process , particularly an energy and thermal point of view . To identify and assess the impact of parameters on the porosity and therefore the mechanical properties of the part , a statistical method of Taguchi type was used. Through this analysis, it appeared that three parameters inherent to the process ( the distance between laser spot exposure and no scanning time ) explain 80% loan results. Moreover, it is highlighted that the mechanical properties of a structure ( Young's modulus and tensile strength ) can be controlled through the porosity of the latter and thus permit reconciliation of the mechanical properties of cortical bone . To do this , mechanical characterizations were therefore conducted to evaluate the Young's modulus and tensile strength of parts with different structures. A control properties can be considered and can even be adapted by making composite structures combining dense part and porous part .

Direct Digital Manufacturing of Multi-layer Wideband Ku-band Patch Antennas

Kacar, Merve 20 November 2017 (has links)
Design and performance of fully-printed Ku-band aperture coupled patch antennas fabricated by a direct digital manufacturing (DDM) approach that integrates fused deposition modeling (FDM) of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) thermoplastic with in-situ micro-dispensing of conductive silver paste (CB028) are reported. Microstrip line characterizations are performed and demonstrate that misalignment of ABS substrate deposition direction with microstrip line micro-dispensing direction can degrade the effective conductivity up to 60% within the Ku-band, and must be taken into consideration in antenna array feed network designs. Specically, over 125 µm thick ABS substrate, RF loss of 0.052 dB/mm is obtained at 18 GHz, demonstrating the feasibility of additively manufactured RF devices within the Ku-band. By varying ABS inll ratios and resorting to multi-layer printing with custom substrate thicknesses, single and stacked patch antennas are designed, fabricated, and characterized with bandwidth performances up to 35%, and radiation efficiencies up to 90%. This extensive utilization of the design flexibilities provided by the direct digital manufacturing (i.e. customized substrate thicknesses, multiple substrates with varying infill ratios, and in-situ micro-dispensing of conductors) distinguishes the present work from the recently reported 3-D printed antennas. Compared to the existing work in literature, the antennas presented within this thesis stand out as being fully printed structures, operating in higher frequency range (i.e. Ku-band), and exhibiting high radiation efficiencies with wide bandwidth performances.

Analysis of Printed Electronic Adhesion, Electrical, Mechanical, and Thermal Performance for Resilient Hybrid Electronics

Neff, Clayton 13 November 2018 (has links)
Today’s state of the art additive manufacturing (AM) systems have the ability to fabricate multi-material devices with novel capabilities that were previously constrained by traditional manufacturing. AM machines fuse or deposit material in an additive fashion only where necessary, thus unlocking advantages of mass customization, no part-specific tooling, near arbitrary geometric complexity, and reduced lead times and cost. The combination of conductive ink micro-dispensing AM process with hybrid manufacturing processes including: laser machining, CNC machining, and pick & place enables the fabrication of printed electronics. Printed electronics exploit the integration of AM with hybrid processes and allow embedded and/or conformal electronics systems to be fabricated, which overcomes previously limited multi-functionality, decreases the form factor, and enhances performance. However, AM processes are still emerging technologies and lack qualification and standardization, which limits widespread application, especially in harsh environments (i.e. defense and industrial sectors). This dissertation explores three topics of electronics integration into AM that address the path toward qualification and standardization to evaluate the performance and repeatable fabrication of printed electronics for resilience when subjected to harsh environments. These topics include: (1) the effect of smoothing processes to improve the as-printed surface finish of AM components with mechanical and electrical characterization—which highlights the lack of qualification and standardization within AM printed electronics and paves the way for the remaining topics of the dissertation, (2) harsh environmental testing (i.e. mechanical shock, thermal cycling, die shear strength) and initiation of a foundation for qualification of printed electronic components to demonstrate survivability in harsh environments, and (3) the development of standardized methods to evaluate the adhesion of conductive inks while also analyzing the effect of surface treatments on the adhesive failure mode of conductive inks. The first topic of this dissertation addresses the as-printed surface roughness from individually fusing lines in AM extrusion processes that create semi-continuous components. In this work, the impact of surface smoothing on mechanical properties and electrical performance was measured. For the mechanical study, surface roughness was decreased with vapor smoothing by 70% while maintaining dimensional accuracy and increasing the hermetic seal to overcome the inherent porosity. However, there was little impact on the mechanical properties. For the electrical study, a vapor smoothing and a thermal smoothing process reduced the surface roughness of the surfaces of extruded substrates by 90% and 80% while also reducing measured dissipative losses up to 24% and 40% at 7 GHz, respectively. The second topic of this dissertation addresses the survivability of printed electronic components under harsh environmental conditions by adapting test methods and conducting preliminary evaluation of multi-material AM components for initializing qualification procedures. A few of the material sets show resilience to high G impacts up to 20,000 G’s and thermal cycling in extreme temperatures (-55 to 125ºC). It was also found that coefficient of thermal expansion matching is an important consideration for multi-material printed electronics and adhesion of the conductive ink is a prerequisite for antenna survivability in harsh environments. The final topic of this dissertation addresses the development of semi-quantitative and quantitative measurements for standardizing adhesion testing of conductive inks while also evaluating the effect of surface treatments. Without standard adhesion measurements of conductive inks, comparisons between materials or references to application requirements cannot be determined and limit the adoption of printed electronics. The semi-quantitative method evolved from manual cross-hatch scratch testing by designing, printing, and testing a semi-automated tool, which was coined scratch adhesion tester (SAT). By cross-hatch scratch testing with a semi-automated device, the SAT bypasses the operator-to-operator variance and allows more repeatable and finer analysis/comparison across labs. Alternatively, single lap shear testing permits quantitative adhesion measurements by providing a numerical value of the nominal interfacial shear strength of a coating upon testing while also showing surface treatments can improve adhesion and alter the adhesive (i.e. the delamination) failure mode of conductive inks.

Une démarche de conception de pièces légères pour la fabrication additive basée sur l'optimisation topologique / Design for additive manufacturing method for lightweight parts based on topological optimization

Morretton, Elodie 16 February 2018 (has links)
Les procédés de fabrication additive sont en pleine essor ces dernières années. De nombreux industriels cherchent à évaluer leur potentiel et leurs avantages. Ces nouvelles technologies impliquent des changements au niveau des manières de fabriquer mais également au niveau des manières de concevoir. Ce travail de thèse s’est intéressé à ce second aspect et apporte plus particulièrement des réponses à la question de recherche suivante :Quel guide méthodologique suivre pour une étude dont le but est de reconcevoir des pièces afin de s’approcher de l’optimum en termes de masse ?Pour traiter cette question, le problème a été abordé au regard de plusieurs questions sous-jacentes afin de combler les manques identifiés dans l’état de l’art réalisé que ce soit sur les problématiques du paramétrage de l’optimisation topologique ou sur celles des techniques de reconstruction. Nous avons réalisé plusieurs études de cas afin de pouvoir répondre à ces différentes questions et pouvoir ainsi lister les points critiques. Ce travail de thèse a été réalisé en partenariat avec un acteur de l’aéronautique : Zodiac Seats France. Ceci nous a permis de réaliser des études de cas sur des pièces existantes qui possédaient un certain niveau de complexité. Parmi ces études de cas, nous avons distingué deux types d’étude :- Une étude élémentaire pour effectuer des boucles rapides en faisant varier les choix et- Une série d’études industrielles pour regarder s’il y a convergence ou divergence entre les conclusions de l’étude élémentaire et des cas d’applications plus complexes.Puis, nous avons donné une description détaillée d’une méthode de conception pour la fabrication additive basée sur 5 grandes phases :- l’évaluation de la pièce candidate ou des pièces,- la modélisation,- l’optimisation topologique : obtention d’une forme de géométrie,- la reconstruction de la pièce à partir du résultat de l’optimisation topologique et intégration des contraintes de fabrication- l’optimisation dimensionnelle : affiner les dimensions de la géométrie reconstruite.A ces phases, viennent s’ajouter des étapes de contrôle via des analyses éléments finis. Cette démarche s’est construite autour d’observations faites lors du déroulement des études de cas. Pour chacune de ces phases, un ensemble de recommandations a été défini pour aider le concepteur dans l’obtention d’une pièce optimale en termes de masse. Enfin, nous avons donné ce descriptif de la méthode à un concepteur relativement novice pour avoir un nouveau regard sur celle-ci et pouvoir ainsi identifier des points à améliorer. A l’issue de ce travail de conception, ce concepteur a pointé plusieurs points manquants ainsi que plusieurs faiblesses dans l’argumentaire du guide méthodologique. Ses observations et son opinion, nous ont permis de prendre du recul vis-à-vis de notre travail.Les apports majeurs de ce travail de thèse sont :- La description détaillée d’une méthode composée de 5 grandes phases- Dans cette démarche, nous avons dénombré plusieurs étapes clés : une étape préliminaire d’évaluation du potentiel des pièces à reconcevoir au regard de la fabrication additive et plusieurs phases d’optimisation complémentaires (topologie et dimensions),- La mise en avant de l’importance de bien délimiter le périmètre de l’étude (pièce isolée ou dans le mécanisme),- L’identification des étapes au cours desquelles les contraintes de fabrication devront être intégrées- Le positionnement du concepteur au cœur de la méthode : les outils numériques permettent de ne réaliser qu’une partie du travail de conception. / Additive manufacturing processes have been growing in recent years. Many industries seek to assess their potentials. These new technologies involve changes in terms of manufacturing but also in terms of designing. This work is interested in this second aspect. It brings answers to the following research question:What methodological guide to follow for a study whose goal is to redesign pieces in order to approach the optimum in terms of mass?To answer to this question, the problem is decomposed into several sub questions. These questions must fill the identified lacks in the state of the art, and deal with topological optimization parameters or reconstructions techniques for example. Several case studies are realized to answer to these sub questions and to list the critical points. This work is realized in partnership with an aerospace company: Zodiac Seats France. This allowed us to work on existing parts which have a certain complexity level. Two types of studies can be distinguished:- Basic study: to experiment different strategies and to make variation on the parameter choices rapidly.- Practical study: to check on more complex cases if there is a convergence with basic study conclusions.Then, a detailed description of a design method for additive manufacturing is provided. It is composed in 5 phases:- Evaluation of parts potential.- Model of parts.- Optimization of parts with topological optimization tools: obtaining the shape of the parts.- Reconstruction of parts from the topological result: integration of manufacturing constraints.- Optimization of reconstructed parts with dimensional optimization tools: refinement of the dimensions of reconstructed parts.Between these phases, checked step are added, based on finite element analysis. This method is built on practical observations obtained from the different case studies. For each phase, a set of recommendations is provided to help designers to design lightweight parts. Finally, this descriptive method is given to a novice designer to have the method tested. The aim of this test is having a new vision on this detailed method and identifying points to be improved. At the achievement of this design work, the designer noticed several missing points as well as several weaknesses in the method argument. His observations and his opinions gave us to take a step back from our work.The major contributions of this work are:- The description of a detailed method in 5 large phases.- In this method, there are several key steps : 1 step of evaluation of parts potential with regard to additive manufacturing as well as two complementary steps of optimization (shape and dimensions)- The perimeter of the parts study must be delimited clearly (isolated parts or in the mechanism),- The identification of the stages in which the manufacturing constraints have to be integrated- The position of the designer to the method heart: digital tools realize only one part of the design work.

Fragilisation par l'hydrogène en fatigue oligocyclique de l'Inconel 718 issu d’un procédé de fabrication additive (LBM) / Hydrogen embrittlement on the low cycle fatigue behavior of laser beam melting Inconel 718 (LBM)

Puydebois, Simon 13 February 2019 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur la sensibilité à la fragilisation par l'hydrogène (FPH) d'un alliage base nickel, l’Inconel 718 issu d’un procédé de fabrication additive (FA), sous sollicitation cyclique. Cematériau est utilisé pour la réalisation de certains composants des ensembles propulsifs d’Ariane qui sont fabriqués par Ariane Group. Dans ce domaine, certaines pièces sont sollicitées sous « ambiancehydrogène ». Ainsi, le risque de fragilisation de ces pièces est une problématique de premier ordre.Pour cela, nous avons caractérisé l’état métallurgique d’un Inconel 718 FA à différentes échelles structurales afin d’observer un possible impact du procédé de mise en œuvre sur la microstructure, puis d’envisager sa conséquence sur le comportement mécanique et la sensibilité à la FPH de l’alliage. Notons que nous avons conduit une étude plus réduite sur un alliage forgé afind’avoir des éléments de comparaison. Afin de comprendre les mécanismes de fragilisation par hydrogène de l’Inconel 718 FA, il est nécessaire de connaitre l’état et la mobilité de l’hydrogène dans le matériau. Des analyses deperméation électrochimique (PE) et gazeuse (PG), ainsi que de spectroscopie de désorption thermique (TDS) apportent des éléments de compréhension des mécanismes de piégeage et de diffusion de l’hydrogène. Ils permettent de discuter l’implication des joints de grains dans les mécanismes dediffusion ainsi que l'effet des hétérogénéités microstructurales sur les mécanismes de piégeage dans l’Inconel 718 FA.D'autre part, l’influence de l’hydrogène sur le comportement mécanique a été questionnée en traction et en fatigue oligocyclique en terme de comportement élasto-viscoplastique, de processus d’initiation, de propagation de fissure en fatigue et de ténacité. Dans ce cadre nous présentons, dans unpremier temps, l’étude du comportement en traction et sa sensibilité à l’hydrogène pour l’Inconel 718 FA. Nous questionnons lors de cette partie l’effet de la vitesse de sollicitation sur les mécanismes defragilisation ainsi que sur les différentes interactions hydrogène/matériau. Des essais de traction interrompue ont été réalisés afin de questionner l’effet de l’hydrogène sur le comportement viscoplastique et notamment questionner les interactions hydrogène/plasticité.Dans un deuxième temps, le comportement en fatigue de l’Inconel 718 FA en présence d’hydrogène gazeux est interrogé à l’aide d’essais de fatigue pour un rapport de charge, R de 0,1 sous une pression d’hydrogène de 300 bar. Il est clairement mis en évidence une réduction du nombre decycles à rupture en présence d’hydrogène ainsi qu’un changement de mode de rupture. L’impact de l’hydrogène a été évalué sur les étapes d’initiation et de propagation de fissures ainsi que sur la ténacité du matériau en fonction de la métallurgie de l’alliage.L'ensemble des résultats obtenus permettent une discussion de la sensibilité du matériau à la FPH, tenant compte en particulier des interactions hydrogène/plasticité. / This study focuses on the hydrogen embrittlement sensitivity (HE) under cyclic loading of a nickel based alloy, Inconel 718, manufactured by the additive manufacturing process (AM). This material is used in some components of Ariane cryogenic engines that are manufactured by ArianeGroup. Some of these components are solicited under "hydrogen atmosphere", and the risk of embrittlement is a major problem.The metallurgical states of the Inconel 718 AM alloy have been characterized at different structural scales in order to observe a possible impact of the manufacturing process on the microstructure and discuss the possible consequences on the mechanical behaviour of the alloy underhydrogen pressure. Moreover, a forged alloy has also been studied for comparison.To discuss the mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement in the material, it is first necessary to study the hydrogen behaviour in the material. Electrochemical and gaseous permeation analyses as well as TDS were performed to provide insights into the mechanisms of hydrogen diffusion. Fromthese results, the involvement of grain boundaries in the diffusion mechanisms and the effect of microstructural heterogeneities on the trapping mechanisms in this material have been discussed.On the other hand, the influence of hydrogen on the mechanical behaviour has been investigated under monotonic and cyclic loading in terms of elasto-viscoplastic behaviour, crack initiation process, fatigue crack propagation and toughness. In a first part, the tensile behaviour of the Inconel 718 AMunder hydrogen pressure has been considered. The effects of the loading rate on the mechanisms of embrittlement have been addressed. Moreover, interrupted tensile tests have been carried out to identify the effect of hydrogen on the viscoplastic behaviour and allowing to discuss hydrogen /plasticity interactions.The fatigue behaviour of Inconel 718 AM in the presence of hydrogen gas was investigated by cyclic tests for a 0.1 load ratio (R) under a 300 bar H2 at room temperature. It has been shown that hydrogen leads to a clear decrease of the number of cycles to rupture and to a change in failure mode.The impact of hydrogen has been evaluated on the fatigue crack initiation and propagation stages as well as on the toughness of the material.Finally, all the obtained results allowed a discussion of the hydrogen embrittlement sensitivity of the material, taking into account the hydrogen / plasticity interactions.

Processing-Structure-Property Correlation for Additively Manufactured Metastable High Entropy Alloy

Agrawal, Priyanshi 08 1900 (has links)
In the present study both fusion based - laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), and solid state - additive friction stir deposition (AFSD) additive manufacturing processes were employed for the manufacturing of a metastable high entropy alloy (HEA), Fe40Mn20Co20Cr15Si5 (CS-HEA). A processing window was developed for the LPBF and AFSD processings of CS-HEA. In case of LPBF, formation of solidification related defects such as lack of fusion pores (for energy density ≤ 31.24 J/mm3) and keyhole pores (for energy density ≥ 75 J/mm3) were observed. Variation in processing conditions affected the microstructural evolution of the metastable CS-HEA; correlation between processing conditions and microstructure of the alloy is developed in the current study. The tendency to transform and twin near stress concentration sites provided excellent tensile and fatigue properties of the material despite the presence of defects in the material. Moreover, solid state nature of AFSD process avoids formation of solidification related defects. Defect free builds of CS-HEA using AFSD resulted in higher work hardening in the material. In summary, the multi-processing techniques used for CS-HEA in the present study showcase the capability of the AM process in tailoring the microstructure, i.e., grain size and phase fractions, both of which are extremely critical for the mechanical property enhancement of the alloy.

Implications Of Additive Manufacturing Applications For Industrial Design Profession From The Perspective Of Industrial Designers

Alpay, Efe 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the implications of additive manufacturing on industrial design profession and designers through an explorative study. Through a literature survey, implications of additive manufacturing technologies on industrial designers and industrial design profession were explored. Expanding literature survey with on-line searches, several experimental and commercial application examples of rapid manufacturing of products were identified. These identified examples were then used for a qualitative evaluation on the implications of additive manufacturing for the industrial design profession and designers through semi-structured interviews conducted with seven professional industrial designers having experience with rapid manufacturing in Istanbul Turkey. The research concluded with significant implications of additive manufacturing having the potential to cause paradigm shifts in industrial designer&rsquo / s role, definition of the profession and design process. The conclusions derived include suggestions to exploit the potential brought by these technologies and their applications.

Multi-objective process planning method for Mask Projection Stereolithography

Limaye, Ameya Shankar 16 October 2007 (has links)
Mask Projection Stereolithography (MPSLA) is a high resolution manufacturing process that builds parts layer by layer in a photopolymer. In this research, a process planning method to fabricate MPSLA parts with constraints on dimensions, surface finish and build time is formulated. As a part of this dissertation, a MPSLA system is designed and assembled. The irradiance incident on the resin surface when a given bitmap is imaged onto it is modeled as the Irradiance model . This model is used to formulate the Bitmap generation method which generates the bitmap to be imaged onto the resin in order to cure the required layer. Print-through errors occur in multi-layered builds because of radiation penetrating beyond the intended thickness of a layer, causing unwanted curing. In this research, the print through errors are modeled in terms of the process parameters used to build a multi layered part. To this effect, the Transient layer cure model is formulated, that models the curing of a layer as a transient phenomenon, in which, the rate of radiation attenuation changes continuously during exposure. In addition, the effect of diffusion of radicals and oxygen on the cure depth when discrete exposure doses, as opposed to a single continuous exposure dose, are used to cure layers is quantified. The print through model is used to formulate a process planning method to cure multi-layered parts with accurate vertical dimensions. This method is demonstrated by building a test part on the MPSLA system realized as a part of this research. A method to improve the surface finish of down facing surfaces by modulating the exposure supplied at the edges of layers cured is formulated and demonstrated on a test part. The models formulated and validated in this dissertation are used to formulate a process planning method to build MPSLA parts with constraints on dimensions, surface finish and build time. The process planning method is demonstrated by means of a case study.

High-gain millimeter-wave antenna design and fabrication using multilayer inkjet printing processes

Tehrani, Bijan K. 08 June 2015 (has links)
The research provided in this thesis focuses on the development of high-gain multilayer millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) antenna structures through additive inkjet printing fabrication processes. This work outlines the printing processes of thick dielectric films for use as printed radio frequency (RF) substrates and provides a proof-of-concept demonstration of the first fully-printed RF structures. Using the outlined processes, demonstrations of high-gain mm-Wave proximity-coupled patch array and Yagi-Uda array antennas are presented, achieving the highest realized gain within the 24.5 GHz ISM band for inkjet-printed antennas in literature.

Characterization of quartz lamp emitters for high temperature polymer selective laser sintering (SLS) applications

Kubiak, Steven Thomas 16 February 2015 (has links)
This thesis provides investigation into the interaction between quartz lamp emitters and polyether ether ketone (PEEK) powder. Calculations and experiments concerning the conductivity and emissivity of the powder at various temperatures are performed. The thermal profile of the emitter on a flat powder bed is captured using thermal imaging. The effect of exposing a pile of powder to the emitter and the subsequent thermal gradient through the pile is measured and analyzed. Based on these results, ramifications for the application of these emitters to selective laser sintering (SLS) machines for processing high temperature polymers such as PEEK are discussed. / text

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