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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diferenciace cen bytů v Česku 2001-2017 / Differentiation of apartment prices in Czechia 2001-2017

Jizba, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the regional differentiation of housing prices in Czechia at the district level. The main goal of the thesis is to evaluate and explain the regional differentiation and development of apartment prices between 2001 and 2017. The first empirical part concerns the general evaluation of apartment prices, where, in addition to cartographic outputs, descriptive statistics are used. The monitored period is divided into smaller time intervals according to the trend of rising prices of apartments and the development of national economy. Both the absolute prices of apartments and the relative changes between different years are observed including establishment of own typology. The second part monitors the influence of selected factors (average salary, migration and population density) on the average price of apartments at district level. Two types of correlation analyses were employed as an analytical tool. Keywords: apartment prices, Czechia, administrative districts

Migrace v regionu Českých Budějovic od roku 1992 / Migration in the České Budějovice region since 1992

KOCANDOVÁ, Jiřina January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the inner immigration of inhabitants in the South Bohemia region in 1992-2004 from the point of view of administrative districts with extended operation. Furthermore, the thesis defines and evaluates the migration region of České Budějovice. Apart from the balance characteristics of migration, it is also concerned with the structural analysis based on the migration purposes as well as selected demographic and socio-economic characteristics of migrants.

基層公務人員工作倦怠感之探討-以台北市行政區區公所為個案研究 / A Study of Burnout of the Street--level bureaucrats -The case study of the replication of the phase model of burnout on the administrative districts of the Taipei Muncipal Government

林奕銘, Lin, Yih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
壓力與工作倦怠(stress and burnout)之課題,是1980年代以來,組織學者,管理實務家與大眾傳播媒體關注的焦點。工作倦怠是壓力徵狀的一種獨特型態,常與不妥適的心理及情緒徵狀有關,表現在組織離職、缺席、低士氣及各種有關個人煩惱的自我報告指標上,包括生理枯竭、失眠、酒精與藥物使用量的增加、婚姻與家庭問題等面向上。因此,對工作倦怠現象之瞭解與衡量,是測量組織工作生活品質的重要指標,更是對個人工作經驗及組織診斷的方法;從積極面而言,具有提昇組織整體效能之正面意義,從消極面而言,防止組織成員工作倦怠現象之發生,可達到避免組織衰敗的功能。   區政是市政之基礎與延伸,區公所之基層公務人員扮演政府與民眾之間的重要橋樑,民眾經由他們的服務感知政府的存在,且擔負著政府政策執行成敗之關鍵性角色;值此行政革新如火如荼展開之際,探討基層公務人員工作倦怠程度在組織分佈情形,應為克服行政革新阻力,有效提昇服務品質之最佳途徑。   本研究整合分析工作倦怠之文獻探討,採用階段理論模式,針對台北市政府十二行政區區公所的基層公務人員進行間卷調查及統計分析。根據研究結果有以下的主要發現:   一、依區公所基層公務人員個人背景變項與工作變項之不同,其在工作倦怠階段中人數分布情形,有以下的結果:     1.就性別而言,集中於低工作倦怠群之現象十分明顯,其中男性51.7%女性47.2%;而在高工作倦怠群之分布,女性高於男性,尤其階段VIII特別顯著。     2.就年齡層而言,年齡26-30歲及31-40歲兩組,在高工作倦怠群階段VIII所佔之比率大於其它各組,是工作倦怠的兩個高峰期。     3.就服務年資而言,隨著服務年資之進升,低工作倦怠群之比率呈下降趨勢,而服務年資在(一至未滿三年)及(五至未滿十年)兩組在階段VIII之比率最高,係兩個高峰期。     4.依基層人員業務類型觀之,以秘書室人員在高工作倦怠群之人數比率達50.0%,明顯高於其它類型人員,依次為經建課人員45.6%,社會課人員42.7%,兵役課人員32.1%,而以民政課人員28.4%最低。     5.工作性質方面,內勤人員之高工作倦怠比率平均大於外群人員,兩者相差10.0%。     6.職等部份,薦任人員之高工作倦怠比率佔35.1%,高於委任人員之34.6%。     7.專科程度之基層人員,高工作倦怠程度最嚴重,研究所程度人員則無高工作倦怠現象。     8.有宗教信仰之基層人員,在高工作倦怠群之比率低於無宗教信仰者。     9.未婚之基層人員,其高工作倦怠比率佔36.4%,大於已婚人員之34.1%。     10.以行政區而言,在高工作倦怠群之比率,以文山區49.0%最高,北投區47.5%次之,而以士林區24%最低。   二、從區公所基層公務人員個人背景變項之分析結果,女性基層人員工作倦怠程度高於男性基層人員;26-30歲人員工作倦怠程度最高,51-60歲人員最低;未婚者工作倦怠程度明顯高於已婚者;無宗教信仰者工作倦怠程度高於有宗教信仰者。由區公所基層公務人員工作變項觀之,以秘書業務人員之工作倦怠程度最高,民政業務人員最低;內勤人員工作倦怠程度大於外勤人員;而服務地區中以文山區之基層人員工作倦怠程度最高,而以士林區人員最低。   三、工作倦怠對區公所基層公務人員之工作緊張、工作無助、工作投入、工作滿足、一般健康等變項之影響程度,依研究結果顯示,工作倦怠與工作緊張、工作無助、一般健康等變項成正相關,而與工作滿足、工作投入二者成負相關。   四、工作倦怠對基層公務人員執行公務行為之影響程度,依其工作投入之中位數劃分為積極投入與消極投入者,兩者在工作倦怠八階段中之人數比率發現,積極投入型基層人員由階段1之21.3%,趨降於階段VIII之12.9%;而消極投入型基層人員則由階段I之5.0%趨升至階段VIII之31.9%,顯示工作倦怠導致基層公務人員的工作投入情形普遍不高。   本研究之預期價值在於探究並瞭解臺北市區公所組織中基層公務人員工作倦怠感之分佈情形,藉以研提妥善的因應之道,俾能有效的提昇行政效率,達到改善服務品質之目的。依據研究結果發現,對於臺北市主管機關及區公所管理人員,提出下列幾項建議:   一、組織功能面的調適     1.充份授權並賦予區公所業務上之自主權。     2.重新設計工作內容。     3.採取(經歷管制辦法),促進人員之間之交流與互動。   二、管理實務面之診斷與防治     1.建立組織診斷制度。     2.發展員工諮商與生涯諮商方案。     3.提供對員工支持性與教育性的協助措施。     4.增進主管人員對(員工生活壓力)課題之認知。   三、採取增進個人工作效能之干預技術    (一)高工作倦怠群之干預技術。      --建立基層公務人員的心理輔導制度。      --輔導基層公務人員從事生涯與事業之規劃。      --貫澈實施定期工作輪調制度。    (二)低工作倦怠群之干預技術。      --強化基層公務人員敏感性訓練。      --推行組織目標之管理制度。      --改變組織結構。

Stengrunder och gränser : en studie av kontinuitet från äldre järnålderns stengrundsbygd till nutid / Iron Age Stone Foundations vs. Borders : a study of continuity from AD 200 to present day

Nilsson, Ola January 2011 (has links)
This thesis studies settlement continuity on Gotland between approximately AD 200 and AD 1700. The method used is to calculate correlation between the geographical distribution of all known Iron Age stone-wall-houses (on Gotland known as "kämpagravar") and all farms included in the detailed taxation maps from approximately 1700. The number of remaining house foundations is between 1800 and 1900. A model to estimate the number of removed foundations is presented. It is based on the assumption that the settlement density was proportional to land use around 1700, and that the rate of removal is related to the current land use. Based on similarity with contemporary farms on Öland and in Denmark, it is also proposed that Iron Age farms on Gotland were less dispersed. The common view in archaeological literature is that Iron Age farms on Gotland often had their buildings spread more than 200 meter apart. It is estimated that the remaining 1800+ foundations represents more than 2700 Iron Age farms with a total of more than 4700 houses. Compared to previous studies, the fluctuation in number of farms between maximum expansion during Late Roman Iron Age and Viking Age, and maximum contractions during the Migration Period and Late Middle Ages, also is much larger. By parish, the number of farms per km2 and the average farm size have been calculated, both for the stone-wall houses and for the farms as they were represented around 1700. Using regression analysis, the correlation between the two datasets was estimated. No significant correlations were identified. The distribution of the remaining stone foundations and/or the estimated distribution before removal have also been compared to known borders and corresponding administrative districts – since the Middle Ages, Gotland has been divided in tredingar (third parts), settingar (sixth parts), 20 thing/court districts and 95 parishes. The tredingar and partly the settingar correlate with the stone foundation distribution, but not the thing districts or parishes. The correlation and lack of correlation might be explained by input errors or confounding factors, but the historical records supports the interpretation that the tredingar and settingar has been in continuous use since before the Middle Ages, and that the thing districts and the parishes were introduced during the Middle Ages. At least 24 farms with the name "Stenstugu" are known in Gotland. "Stenstugu" distribution coincides with centrums of stone foundation concentrations in a way that cannot be explained by coincidence or confounding factors. Probably, the name "Stenstugu" originates from the Roman Iron Age and is related to stone foundations settlements. / Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera kontinuitet från gotländsk stengrundsbebyggelse på äldre järnålder till bebyggelsen ca år 1700. Detta har skett genom en statistisk-geografisk jämförelse av alla kända stengrunder på Gotland med 1700-talsbygden sådan den framträder i skattläggningskartan från ca år 1700. Antal kvarvarande stengrunder på Gotland är drygt 1800. En bortodlingsmodell har tagits fram som är baserad på antagandena att ursprunglig stengrundskoncentration är beroende på ägoslag år 1700 och att bortodling är beroende av nutida markanvändning. Dessutom har en ny tolkning av vad som motsvarar en gård i stengrundsmaterialet föreslagits. Den baseras på att stengrundsgårdar liksom samtida gårdar på Öland och i Danmark var tätt grupperade. Det innebär att gårdsantalet blir mycket högre än tidigare beräkningar som baserades på gårdar med byggnader som ibland låg mer än 200 meter ifrån varandra. Med den nya bortodlingsmodellen och det nya gårdsbegreppet har bortodlingen skattats till ca 60 %, vilket innebär att antalet stengrundshus skattats till drygt 4700 och antalet stengrundsgårdar till drygt 2700. En konsekvens av det betydligt större antalet gårdar än tidigare beräkningar är att fluktuationerna i antal gårdar mellan höjdpunkterna under yngre romersk järnålder och vikingatid, och lågpunkterna under folkvandringstid och senmedeltid också varit betydligt större än tidigare beräkningar. För varje socken har antal gårdar per km2 och genomsnittliga storleksmått per socken beräknats, och använts för jämförelser mellan äldre järnålder och 1700-tal. Regressionsanalyser har inte påvisat någon korrelation mellan bevarade stengrunder och 1700-talsbebyggelse. Eftersom beräkning av järnåldersbebyggelsen före bortodling bygger på just 1700-talsbebyggelse är det inte meningsfullt att söka korrelation mellan dem. Fördelning av bevarade stengrunder och beräknad fördelning av stengrunder före bortodling har jämförts med historiskt kända administrativa indelningar på Gotland – tredingar, settingar, ting och socknar. Tredingarna och i någon mån settingarna korrelerar med stengrundernas fördelning, men inte tingen och inte socknarna. Dess statistiska samband kan naturligtvis bero på att stengrunder och tredingar var samtida, men inte de övriga indelningssystemen. Det skulle också kunna förklaras med att det finns felkällor i mätningarna och samvarierande faktorer snarare än ett direkt orsakssamband. Även de historiska källorna går att tolka som att tredingar och settingar har hög ålder, och inte de andra indelningarna, vilket innebär att det finns visst stöd för att tolka korrelationen mellan stengrunder och tredingsindelning, som att de existerade samtidigt. Det finns minst 24 gårdsnamn med "Stenstugu" jämnt fördelade över Gotland. "Stenstugu" visar ett tydligt samband med förekomsten av stengrundskoncentrationer, vilket inte kan förklaras med slumpen eller andra samvarierande faktorer. Namnet bör därmed kunna kopplas till stengrundsbebyggelsen från romersk järnålder.

Socioekonomická analýza správních obvodů hl. m. Prahy / Socio-economic analysis of administrative districts of Prague

Budíková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Socio-economic analysis of administrative districts of Prague, namely Prague 1-22, is carried out by MasterCard method, an aggregate index, created from defined indicators of social and economic areas. Indicators are given a specific weight. The aim of the analysis and of the whole work is to find out which administrative districts of the capital Prague benefit from the biggest socio-economic development, which is because of availability and comparability of data analyzed for the years 2008 and 2012.

Dopravní dostupnost jako faktor výše nezaměstnanosti v územních obvodech obcí s rozšířenou působností Moravskoslezského kraje / Transport accessibility as a factor of the level of unenployment in the administrative districts of municipalities with extended powers of the Moravian-Silesian Region

Čiminga, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The presented work deals with analysis of relationship of transport accessibility and the level of unemployment in the Moravian-Silesian Region or how different level of unemployment in the various administrative districts of the region, depending on their time accessibility to the regional capital and the capital city of Prague as the most important economic, political and cultural center of the Czech Republic. The quality of transport infrastructure directly influences level of economic development of the region, one of the consequences of underdeveloped transport infrastructure, or limited availability of transport may be unemployment. The work is based on different characteristics of the sub-regional units Moravian-Silesian Region using methods of regression analysis to demonstrate the extent to which affects the accessibility level of unemployment in the area.

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