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The Role of Athletic Identity and Passion in Predicting Burnout in Adolescent Female AthletesMartin, Eric Michael 16 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Nutrition knowledge, dietary intake, body composition and perceived sport performance were measured before and after an eight week nutrition intervention. The sample consisted of eleven male high school football athletes aged 14-18 years old. Baseline nutrition knowledge was higher than anticipated but fruit and vegetable intake was low. As a result of the nutrition intervention, vegetable intake improved from 0.94 servings per day to 2.02 servings per day (p=0.02). Of the eleven subjects in the study, eleven conceded to both performing and feeling better as a result of the nutrition intervention. The present study suggests that a nutrition intervention can improve dietary intake and perceived sport performance among adolescent athletes.
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Oro och negativa konsekvenser vid eller inför skada bland elitidrottssatsande gymnasieelever / Anxiety and negative consequences in case of injury in adolescent athletes with elite ambitionsNorberg, Johanna, Sjöberg, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Mot bakgrund av tidigare svensk forskning visar det sig att många elever på Riksidrottsgymnasium är skadade. Rörelserädsla är tätt förknippat med skador och hos atleter är en oro för att skada sig vanligt. Hur elitidrottssatsande elever upplever oro och negativa konsekvenser vid och inför skada bör undersökas vidare. Syfte: Att undersöka skadeprevalens samt förekomst av oro och negativa konsekvenser för skada hos elitidrottssatsande gymnasieelever, och om detta skiljde sig beroende på kön eller kategori av idrott. Studien undersökte även samband mellan oro och ålder. Metod: Ledningen på 30 utvalda Riksidrottsgymnasium (RIG) samt gymnasieskolor med Nationellt godkänd idrottsutbildning (NIU) tillfrågades om deltagande i studien. Totalt deltog 73 elever. Eleverna fyllde i Sport Injury Anxiety Scale (SIAS) varpå skillnader i medianvärde för totalsumman samt vardera subskala analyserades med Mann Whitney U-test respektive samband med Spearmans korrelationskoefficient. Beräkningarna genomfördes utifrån kön, kategori av idrott och födelseår. Resultat: Sammanlagt 69 elever inkluderades i resultatet av vilka 55 stycken tidigare varit skadade och 24 stycken hade en aktuell skada. Inga signifikanta skillnader framkom vid jämförelse mellan könen eller idrottskategori. En mycket svag negativ korrelation mellan ålder och totalpoäng på SIAS erhölls (r=-0,03, p=0,72). Konklusion: Majoriteten av de elitidrottssatsande ungdomarna (80%) hade varit skadade och 35% hade en aktuell skada. Trots detta skattades oro för negativa konsekvenser vid eller inför en skada högt endast på tre av SIAS sju subskalor. Resultatet skiljde sig inte beroende på kön eller kategori av idrott. Ett mycket svagt, icke signifikant samband kunde observeras mellan oro och ålder. / Abstract Background: In regard of Swedish research, it appears that many elite-aspiring students are injured. Kinesiophobia is a factor often associated with injuries and fear of reinjury is common in athletes. The students experience of anxiety and negative consequences in case of injury should be further investigated. Aim: To estimate injury prevalence and the presence of anxiety and negative consequences in case of injury among adolescent student athletes with elite ambitions and whether it differs depending on gender or category of sport. The study also investigated the correlation of anxiety and age. Methods: Headmasters of 30 Swedish specialized sports schools were invited to participate in this study. A total of 73 students participated. The students answered the Sport Injury Anxiety Scale (SIAS), of which differences in medians for the total score and each subcategory was calculated with the Mann Whitney U-test. Included variables for comparison were gender, category of sport and year of birth. Results: In the study, 69 students were included of whom 55 had recently been injured and 24 had a current injury. In the subscale Loss of athleticism, received the highest estimation. No significant differences between the genders or pursued category of sport were obtained. A weak, negative correlation between age and points scored was obtained (r=-0,04, p=0,72). Conclusion: The majority (80%) of the responding adolescent athletes had been injured and 35% were currently injured. However, anxiety and negative consequences in case of injury scored high on only three out of SIAS’ seven subscales. The results did not differ in regard of gender or category of sport. A weak, non-significant correlation between anxiety and age was obtained.
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Functional Contributions to Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Injury in High School Soccer and Basketball AthletesClifton, Daniel R. 13 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Blood pressure response to dynamic exercise testing in adolescent elite athletes, what is normal?Wuestenfeld, J.C., Baersch, F., Ruedrich, P., Paech, C., Wolfarth, B. 22 May 2024 (has links)
Arterial hypertension is one of the major treatable
cardiovascular risk factors (1). It is associated with elevated
mortality and the incidence of heart insufficiency, myocardial
infarcts, and apolex (2). Elevated blood pressure in highperformance
athletes is one of the most significant risk factors
for cardiovascular diseases (3). Exaggerated blood pressure
response to exercise testing is commonly regarded as a
predictor of developing overt hypertension (4, 5). However,
findings in adults are inconsistent (6), and no commonly
accepted upper limits indicative of increased risks have been
defined so far (7). There are only a few recommendations for
tolerable upper blood pressure limits in exercise testing (8, 9).
In the Guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology
(ESC), it states that an exceeding systolic blood pressure (SB)
of 210 mmHg in men and 190 mmHg in women has been
termed “exercise hypertension” (7). In the American Heart
Association (AHA) guideline for exercise testing (10) a limit
of 214 mmHg (based on the 90th percentile calculated from
>27,000 treadmill tests (11) is reported beyond which the risk
of developing hypertension appears particularly increased (7).
Compared to adults, the prevalence of elevated blood pressure
in children and adolescents is clearly lower. However, there is
a correlation between elevated blood pressure in children and
relation to obesity. In contrast to the recommended upper
blood pressure limits in adults, the definition of arterial
hypertension in children and adults is based on body height
and age-dependent limits. These blood pressure limits are
determined in healthy children and adolescents. However,
such blood pressure limits do not exist for young highperformance
athletes, who are exposed to frequent exerciseinduced
blood pressure increase. There is only limited data
available in which the effects of exercise-induced blood
pressure elevation have been investigated in children and
adolescents. Furthermore, very little is known about the
exercise-induced blood pressure response in children. The
study by Wanne et al. (12) investigated the blood pressure
response under maximal dynamic movement in 497 healthy 9
to 18-year-old on a treadmill in young non- athletes. They
described higher systolic values in postpuberty youths than in
prepuberty. Szmigielska et al. (13) examined 711 (age 10–
18 y) young athletes (training load 7.62 h ± 4.2 h per week). In
the maximal testing on the bike ergometer, the SBP was
significantly higher in boys than in girls (183.2 ± 27.9 mmHg
vs. 170.9 ± 21.4 mmHg, p = 0.03). Description of normative
response to physical exercise in healthy children and
adolescents in terms of percentiles was just recently given by
Sasaki et al. and Clark and al. In the study by Clarke and
collegues normative percentiles of blood pressure response on
a treadmill for healthy children and adolescents were
described (14) in contrast to resting blood pressure and
individual height which was not considered in the study by Sasaki et al. (15) Although exercise testing in young elite
athletes is frequently performed during preparticipation
screenings, very little is known about the “normal” magnitude
and distribution of exercise-induced blood pressure in this
cohort. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the magnitude
and determinants of blood pressure response to dynamic
exercise testing in young elite athletes.
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Attitudes et comportements alimentaires des athlètes québécoises pratiquant un sport esthétique à un haut niveau : caractéristiques personnelles et comparaison à un groupe de contrôleTurgeon, Marie-Ève K. 05 1900 (has links)
La pratique d’un sport de type esthétique est aujourd’hui considérée par plusieurs (Sundgot-Borgen & Torstveit, 2004; Thompson & Sherman, 2010) comme un facteur de risque à l’adoption d’attitudes et de comportements alimentaires inappropriés à l’égard de l’alimentation et de l’image corporelle (ACIAI) et ultimement au développement d’un trouble des conduites alimentaires (TCA). Les études actuelles portant sur cette problématique rapportent toutefois des résultats contradictoires. De plus, certains aspects méthodologiques associés notamment à l’hétérogénéité des échantillons limitent la portée interprétative de ces résultats. Afin de pallier les limites actuelles des écrits empiriques, cette thèse a pour but de tracer le portrait de la problématique des désordres alimentaires chez les jeunes athlètes québécoises de haut niveau en sport esthétique. Pour ce faire, un échantillon homogène de 145 adolescentes âgées de 12 à 19 ans a été constitué soit 52 athlètes de haut niveau et 93 non-athlètes. Les sports représentés sont le patinage artistique, la nage synchronisée et le ballet.
À partir de cet échantillon, deux études sont réalisées. L’objectif de la première étude est de comparer l’intensité des ACIAI et la prévalence des TCA dans les deux groupes à l’aide de deux questionnaires soit le Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) et le Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3). Les résultats obtenus suggèrent qu’il n’y a pas de différence significative entre les athlètes et les non-athlètes de l’échantillon en ce qui a trait à l’intensité des ACIAI et à la prévalence des TCA.
La deuxième étude est constituée de deux objectifs. Tout d’abord, comparer les deux groupes relativement aux caractéristiques personnelles suivantes : l’insatisfaction de l’image corporelle (IIC), le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle envers l’alimentation normative (SEP-AN) et l’image corporelle (SEP-IC), le perfectionnisme (P), l’ascétisme (As), la dysrégulation émotionnelle (DÉ) et le déficit intéroceptif (DI). De nature plus exploratoire, le second objectif de cette étude est de décrire et de comparer les caractéristiques personnelles qui sont associées aux ACIAI dans chacun des groupes. Afin de réaliser ces objectifs, deux autres questionnaires ont été utilisés soit le Eating Disorder Recovery Self-efficacy Questionnaire-f (EDRSQ-f) et le Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ). En somme, les analyses indiquent que les athlètes de l’échantillon présentent des niveaux plus faibles de SEP-AN et de DÉ. Ce faisant, elles auraient moins confiance en leur capacité à maintenir une alimentation normative, mais réguleraient plus efficacement leurs émotions que les adolescentes non-athlètes. Une fois l’âge et l’indice de masse corporelle contrôlés, les résultats démontrent également que le SEP-AN et l’IIC contribuent à prédire dans chaque groupe les ACIAI tels que mesurés par la recherche de minceur. Le SEP-AN a aussi été associé dans les deux groupes à l’intensité des symptômes boulimiques. Les modèles obtenus diffèrent cependant quant aux variables prédictives principales. Chez les athlètes de l’échantillon, l’intensité des conduites boulimiques est associée à la DÉ alors qu’elle est davantage liée au DI chez les adolescentes non sportives.
Enfin, en plus de discuter et de comparer l’ensemble de ces résultats aux autres travaux disponibles, les apports distinctifs de la thèse et les principales limites des études sont abordés. Des pistes sont également suggérées afin d’orienter les recherches futures et des implications cliniques sont proposées. / The practice of an aesthetic sport is considered by some to be a risk factor for the adoption of inappropriate eating behaviors and attitudes towards food and body image (IEBA) and ultimately the development of an eating disorder (ED). However, the current literature on this issue reports conflicting results. In addition, some methodological flaws related to sample heterogeneity limit the interpretative scope of these results. To overcome the current limitations of the literature, the goal of this thesis is to explore the problematic of eating disorders in young elite athletes in aesthetic sport. To do this, a homogeneous sample of 145 adolescents aged between 12 and 19 years was recruited; 52 high level athletes and 93 non-athletes. The sports represented are figure skating, synchronized swimming and ballet.
From this sample, two studies were conducted. The objective of the first study was to compare the intensity of IEBA and the prevalence of ED using the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and the Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3). The results indicate that there is no significant difference between the groups in regard to the intensity of IEBA and the prevalence of ED.
The second study consisted of two goals. First, compare personal characteristics of the two groups. Selected personal characteristics are body image disatisfaction (BID), normative eating self-efficacy NESE), body image self-efficacy (BISE), perfectionism (P), asceticism (As), emotionnal dysregulation (EMD) and interoceptive deficit (ID). The second exploratory objective of this study was to describe and compare the personal characteristics that are associated with IEBA in each group. To achieve these objectives, two other questionnaires were used; the Eating Disorder Recovery Self-efficacy Questionnaire-f (EDRSQ-f) and the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ). The analysis indicated that the athletes of the sample have lower levels of NESE and EMD. Once age and body mass index are controlled, the results also showed that the NESE and the BID contribute to the prediction of IEBA (e.s. drive for thinness) in each group. The NESE has also been associated in both groups to the intensity of bulimic symptoms. However, the models differ in the main predictor variables. Among the athletes sample, the intensity of bulimic behaviors was associated with EMD while it was more related to ID in the non athlete group.
Finally, in addition to discussing and comparing all these results with the current literature, the distinctive contributions of the thesis and the main limitations of the studies were discussed. Ideas to guide future research and practical clinical implications are also proposed.
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