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Dříve vyslovená přání v legislativě České republiky v komparaci s Australskou právní úpravou / Living will in the Czech Republic's legislation in comparison with Australian LegislationKocichová, Ondřejka January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is a detailed description and analysis of the institute advance directives/previously expressed wishes in the Czech Republic in comparison with the Australian legislation. This thesis deals with the Queenland's legislation and the legislation of the Northern Territory. The methods used in this thesis are analyzes of legal norms and comparison of specific law regulations. Introductory chapters are focused on the principle of patient's autonomy in the Czech Republic legislation and on the protection of the person's integrity. The thesis covers not only the rules contained in the Act. No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, but also mentions rules in the Act. No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code. The next chapter is focused on different patient's rights, such as the right to life and be healthy, the right to self-determination and the right to dignity. In the second part, the author focuses on the institute of advance directives/previously expressed wishes. First within the international legal framework. This chapter also underlines negative opinions about advance directives/previously expressed wishes and points out the benefits of their use in practice. Next the author focuses on the Czech legal regulations. The author does not mention only the Health Services Act, but also not...
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Palliativmedizinischer Notfall - Patientenverfügungen im Rettungsdienst und Evaluation einer Schulungsmaßnahme von Rettungsdienstmitarbeitern der Berufsfeuerwehr Essen / Crises in palliative care - advance directives in emergency service and evaluation of training course of paramedics of Essen fire and rescue serviceWocken, Johannes 20 September 2016 (has links)
Palliative Notfälle nehmen einen nicht unerheblichen Anteil an der Gesamtzahl von Rettungsdiensteinsätzen ein. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Thematik von Einsätzen und Patientenverfügungen bei Palliativpatienten im rettungsdienstlichen Alltag.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Rettungsdienstmitarbeiter der Berufsfeuerwehr Essen vor und nach einer Schulungsmaßnahme zur Thematik von Patientenverfügungen und Palliativversorgung befragt. Es zeigte sich, dass Handlungsunsicherheit im Umgang mit Palliativpatienten und Patientenverfügungen besteht. Wünschenswert ist daher die Aufnahme des Faches Palliativmedizin in die Ausbildungscurricula der rettungsdienstlichen Berufe.
Weiterhin konnte festgestellt werden, dass die gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen zur Feststellung der Verbindlichkeit von Patientenverfügungen für nichtärztliches Personal nicht geklärt scheinen und dass hier Nachbesserungsbedarf besteht.
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Předběžné cenové dohody v České republice a ve vybraných státech světa / Advance Pricing Agreements in The Czech Republic and chosen countriesVítková, Klára January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis operates with advance pricing agreements. In the Czech Republic, advance pricing agreements were implemented in the form of binding rulings in the year 2006. The goal of the thesis was to analyze and compare binding rulings in the Czech Republic and advance pricing agreements implemented in the countries chosen, which were Germany, Slovakia and Poland, with the theoretical concept of advance pricing agreements as stated in OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations.
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Unravelling the chemistry behind the toxicity of oil refining effluents : from characterisation to treatmentPinzón-Espinosa, Angela January 2018 (has links)
Adequate wastewater management is a crucial element to achieve water sustainability in the petroleum refining sector, as their operations produce vast quantities of wastewater with potentially harmful contaminants. Treatment technologies are therefore pivotal for stopping these chemicals from entering the environment and protecting receiving environments. However, refining effluents are still linked to serious pollution problems, partly because little progress has been made in determining the causative agents of the observed biological effects, resulting in non-targeted treatment. Here it is shown that naphthenic acids, which have been reported as toxic and recalcitrant, are important components of refining wastewater resulting from the processing of heavy crude oil and that they have a significant contribution to the toxic effects exerted by these effluents. Furthermore, it was found that their chemical stability makes them highly resistant to remediation using Pseudomonas putida and H2O2/Fe-TAML (TetraAmido Macrocyclic Ligands) systems under laboratory conditions, and only sequential aliquots of Fe-TAML catalysts and H2O2 showed to partially degrade naphthenic acids (50 mg/L) within 72 hours. Results suggest that a combinatorial approach of Fe-TAML/H2O2 followed by biodegradation might improve current treatment options, but further optimisation is required for the biological treatment. These results can serve as a starting point for better environmental regulations relevant to oil refining wastewater resulting from heavy crude oil, as naphthenic acids are not currently considered in the effluent guidelines for the refining sector. Furthermore, the degradation of naphthenic acids under mild conditions using Fe-TAML/H2O2 systems indicates that these catalysts hold promise for the remediation of refining wastewater in real-life scenarios.
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A legitimação bioética e jurídica das diretivas antecipadas sobre a terminalidade da vida no Brasil. / Bioethics and legal legitimacy of advance directives about the terminally life in Brazil.Rafael Esteves 23 July 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho volta-se ao estudo das diretivas antecipadas sobre o fim da vida na relação médica no Brasil. Pretende-se verificar a legitimidade bioética e a legitimidade e possibilidade jurídicas da prática das diretivas antecipadas sobre o fim da vida como objetivo central. Busca-se aferir a adequação, bioética e jurídica, das diretivas antecipadas como veículo próprio de autodeterminação da pessoa diante de suas possibilidades existenciais e da formulação de seu projeto de vida e de morte digna. Ademais, especificamente, procura-se determinar a possibilidade jurídica das diretivas antecipadas no Ordenamento brasileiro: a coerência com as garantias constitucionais e a existência de institutos aptos a tal prática. Propõe-se sustentar a legitimação jurídica das diretivas antecipadas no Brasil, indicando possíveis caminhos às soluções interpretativas no plano jurídico, e os efeitos na relação médica a partir, também, das considerações bioéticas. Com essa finalidade, pretende-se averiguar a compatibilidade entre as normas deontológicas de origem bioética e as normas jurídicas de status constitucional de proteção à pessoa humana. A tese também propõe a análise do contexto em que as diretivas antecipadas são utilizadas para (i) problematizar as ideias de capacidade e competência para a prática desse ato de autonomia pessoal, (ii) problematizar sobre como a perspectiva familiar, a perspectiva técnica dos profissionais da saúde e a perspectiva do Poder Judiciário contingenciam a liberdade desse ato e (iii) aferir a eficácia desses atos no espaço clínico e familiar. Para tanto, será empreendido estudo teórico mediante pesquisa bibliográfica e de referências, que levantará as publicações, nacionais e internacionais, sobre os temas da tese. O levantamento bibliográfico compreenderá, preferencialmente, obras sobre filosofia, ética, bioética e direito, que permitam a análise das questões teóricas envolvidas no estudo. O desenvolvimento do trabalho estrutura-se em três capítulos. O primeiro pretende estabelecer as bases conceituais e os fundamentos legais das diretivas antecipadas. O segundo capítulo apresentará a sistematização entre os valores bioéticos e jurídicos que se relacionam a tal prática. O capítulo três apresentará as questões fundamentais pertinentes à validade e eficácia da prática das diretivas antecipadas no Brasil. A partir das premissas construídas ao longo do desenvolvimento, o desfecho da pesquisa pretende reforçar seu argumento central demonstrando, então, a legitimação bioética e a legitimidade e a possibilidade jurídicas das diretivas antecipadas sobre o fim da vida no atual contexto brasileiro.
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Constraining Ice Advance and Linkages to Paleoclimate of Two Glacial Systems in the Olympic Mountains, Washington and the Southern Alps, New ZealandWyshnytzky, Cianna E. 01 May 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigated marine isotope stage {MIS) 3-2 glacial sequences in the South Fork Hoh River Valley, Washington and the Lake Hawea Valley, New Zealand. Research objectives were to reconstruct the style and timing of ice advance in both areas and to assess the viability of luminescence dating of glacial sediments in various depositional facies and distances from the ice front. This thesis focused on the sedimentology and stratigraphy of surficial and older glacial sequences in the South Fork Hoh and Lake Hawea areas and used OSL and radiocarbon dating techniques to establish age control for the deposits. Specifically, this research identified, described, and dated the stratigraphy of glacial sequences in order to reconstruct ice dynamics. This work also presents updated geomorphic maps for both study areas as an additional way to show ice advance and retreat events recorded in deposited sediment and geomorphic surfaces. The glacial sequence expressed in the Lake Hawea moraine exposure shows four distinct depositional events that represent retreat from an ice position down -valley, re-advance to the Hawea moraine position, and subsequent retreat and deglaciation broadly spanning -32-18 ka. These results document the terminal glacial advance and subsequent retreat in the Lake Hawea Valley and contribute to the wider swath of research studying the last phase of glacial retreat and its connections to climate on the South Island of New Zealand. The Hawea chronology corresponds to other glacial records and paleoclimate reconstructions from the South Island that collectively suggest the commencement of deglaciation at -13 ka. Three late Pleistocene ice positions are preserved in the South Fork Hoh River Valley, here referred to as South Fork 1-3 (SF 1-3). One of these positions has not previously been recognized in this valley or in the mainstem Hoh River Valley. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon (14C) ages are generally consistent throughout the valley. These finding s advocate for a detailed sedimentologic and stratigraphic approach to glacial depos its and questions whether a similar advance or still -stand occurred in other valleys in the region. If so, this may reveal information regarding climate influences on MIS 2 glaciers in the Olympic Mountains. This research also assesses the applicability of OSL dating to glacial deposits in both field areas. Quartz OSL dating was used in the South Fork Hoh study area; however, quartz produced unreliable results in the Hawea study area, so samples were therefore assessed using feldspar methods. The results advocate for a facies-based sampling approach in glacial settings, where better sorted sandy facies and more distal deposits produce better bleached and more reliable age results than other deposits.
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Visual GUI System For Game Boy Advance / Nintendo DSTosun, Semih January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to provide a simple user interface with which everyone can</p><p>design his/her own game, and play it on Game Boy Advance console. This project helps</p><p>people develop games without having programming knowledge. Everything is done by means of a user interface and without any programming knowledge. It is magic, isn’t it?</p><p>Game Boy Advance is a game console developed by Nintendo. In order to market their</p><p>products, they must also develop games running on their products. Every time they develop a game for the Game Boy Advance console, they have to implement a low level C++ application over and over again. This makes things more complicated. However, if this software is used, everything becomes easier.</p><p>This project can be seen as an interpreter that interprets the designed game, which is</p><p>very high level, and converts it to a Game Boy Advance game. If this project is finished</p><p>successfully, game design for Game Boy Advance will experience a revolution in its history.</p><p>In brief, it is required to develop a visual, GUI‐based system that allows people to develop games for the Game Boy Advance console. This GUI system is required to</p><p>implement and use the API (Game Engine) developed by Lypson.</p>
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Decentralized resource brokering for heterogeneous grid environmentsTordsson, Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p>The emergence of Grid computing infrastructures enables researchers to share resources and collaborate in more efficient ways than before, despite belonging to different organizations and being distanced geographically. While the Grid computing paradigm offers new opportunities, it also gives rise to new difficulties. One such problem is the selection of resources for user applications. Given the large and disparate set of Grid resources, manual resource selection becomes impractical, even for experienced users. This thesis investigates methods, algorithms and software for a Grid resource broker, i.e., a scheduling agent that automates the resource selection process for the user. The development of such a component is a non-trivial task as Grid resources are heterogeneous in hardware, software, availability, ownership and usage policies. A wide range of algorithmically difficult issues must also be solved, including characterization of jobs, prediction of resource performance, data placement considerations, and, how to provide Quality of Service guarantees. One contribution of this thesis is the development of resource brokering algorithms that enable resource selection based on Grid job performance predictions and use advance reservations to provide Quality of Service guarantees. The thesis also includes an algorithm for coallocation of sets of jobs. This algorithm guarantees a simultaneous start of each subjob, as required e.g., when running larger-than-supercomputer simulations that involve multiple resources.</p><p>We today have the somewhat paradoxal situation where Grids, originally aimed to overcome interoperability problems between different computing platforms, themselves struggle with interoperability problems caused by the wide range of interfaces, protocols and data formats that are used in different environments. The reasons for this situation are obvious, expected and almost impossible to avoid, as the task of defining appropriate standards, models and best-practices must be preceded by basic research, proof-of-concept implementations and real-world testing. We address the interoperability problem with a generic Grid resource brokering architecture and job submission service.</p><p>By using (proposed) standard formats and protocols, the service acts as an interoperability-bridge that translates job requests between clients and resources running different Grid middlewares. This concept is demonstrated by the integration of the service with three different Grid middlewares. The service also enables users to both fine-tune the existing resource selection algorithms and plug in custom brokering algorithms tailored to their requirements.</p>
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Gruppchefens förmågaLundgren, Jens January 2009 (has links)
<p>The Swedish armed forces has for many years educated squad leaders by letting them start their training two and a half months before the soldiers start their training. 2007, this system was used for the last time. I went trough this system myself in 2005 and had a positive experience and when I did my internship I experienced a slight difference in the attitude of the squad leader. I talked with my colleges at the company and they had felt the same. This essay will try to analyse if the squad leaders has lost any of there ability and if so, what could be the cause? To analyze the ability of the squad leader in this essay it will first analyze their ability through the <em>Direct leadership</em> theory, which is the theory that is presently used in the Swedish armed forces. The method used is hypothesis. The hypothesis is as follows; Squad leaders have lowered their ability since the cancellation of advance training. Then the organization was analysed to see if the organization changed the conditions for the squad leader. What was realized was that the ambition of the organization has been lowered and this can be a reason why squad leaders are experienced as if they lowered their ability. Then the squad leaders was analysed to see if they even lowered their ability at all by analyzing what their ability was before they started their education. Finally six officers were interviewed about their experience with the squad leaders both before having the advance education and after. The conclusions are that there hasn’t been a significant decrease in the squad leaders’ capacity that can be measured but that the loss of advance education has decreased their confidence and it’s more difficult for them become natural leaders of their groups. Another conclusion is that the actual training for the squad leaders’ has decreased considerably.</p> / <p>Försvarsmakten har under ett flertal år använt sig av förstegsutbildning vid utbildandet av gruppchefer. Inför utbildningsåret 2008 avskaffades detta system och en generell uppfattning bland officerare är att gruppcheferna inte har haft möjlighet att nå samma färdighet i deras befattning efter denna förändring.</p><p>Denna uppsats avser att utreda om det har blivit en förändring av förmågan hos gruppchefen samt identifiera eventuella faktorer som kan ha påverkat gruppchefens utbildning. Uppsatsen beskriver först de grundläggande ledarskapsteorierna för att använda dessa som ett mätinstrument för gruppchefens förmåga. Därefter jämförs olika resultat från utbildningsåren 03-04, 04-05 och 08 för att se om gruppchefens förmåga har förändrats dessutom intervjuas officerare om deras uppfattning av gruppchefen efter förstegsutbildningens avskaffande. Slutsatserna som dras är att avskaffandet av förstegsutbildningens avskaffande inte har påverkat förmåga mätbart men att gruppchefens självförtroende har sänkts. Gruppchefen har också fått kortare utbildning vilket innebär att deras utbildningsståndpunkt blir lägre än gruppchefer med förstegsutbildningen.</p>
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Gruppchefens förmågaLundgren, Jens January 2009 (has links)
The Swedish armed forces has for many years educated squad leaders by letting them start their training two and a half months before the soldiers start their training. 2007, this system was used for the last time. I went trough this system myself in 2005 and had a positive experience and when I did my internship I experienced a slight difference in the attitude of the squad leader. I talked with my colleges at the company and they had felt the same. This essay will try to analyse if the squad leaders has lost any of there ability and if so, what could be the cause? To analyze the ability of the squad leader in this essay it will first analyze their ability through the Direct leadership theory, which is the theory that is presently used in the Swedish armed forces. The method used is hypothesis. The hypothesis is as follows; Squad leaders have lowered their ability since the cancellation of advance training. Then the organization was analysed to see if the organization changed the conditions for the squad leader. What was realized was that the ambition of the organization has been lowered and this can be a reason why squad leaders are experienced as if they lowered their ability. Then the squad leaders was analysed to see if they even lowered their ability at all by analyzing what their ability was before they started their education. Finally six officers were interviewed about their experience with the squad leaders both before having the advance education and after. The conclusions are that there hasn’t been a significant decrease in the squad leaders’ capacity that can be measured but that the loss of advance education has decreased their confidence and it’s more difficult for them become natural leaders of their groups. Another conclusion is that the actual training for the squad leaders’ has decreased considerably. / Försvarsmakten har under ett flertal år använt sig av förstegsutbildning vid utbildandet av gruppchefer. Inför utbildningsåret 2008 avskaffades detta system och en generell uppfattning bland officerare är att gruppcheferna inte har haft möjlighet att nå samma färdighet i deras befattning efter denna förändring. Denna uppsats avser att utreda om det har blivit en förändring av förmågan hos gruppchefen samt identifiera eventuella faktorer som kan ha påverkat gruppchefens utbildning. Uppsatsen beskriver först de grundläggande ledarskapsteorierna för att använda dessa som ett mätinstrument för gruppchefens förmåga. Därefter jämförs olika resultat från utbildningsåren 03-04, 04-05 och 08 för att se om gruppchefens förmåga har förändrats dessutom intervjuas officerare om deras uppfattning av gruppchefen efter förstegsutbildningens avskaffande. Slutsatserna som dras är att avskaffandet av förstegsutbildningens avskaffande inte har påverkat förmåga mätbart men att gruppchefens självförtroende har sänkts. Gruppchefen har också fått kortare utbildning vilket innebär att deras utbildningsståndpunkt blir lägre än gruppchefer med förstegsutbildningen.
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