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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clonagem, expressão e purificação da proteína ligadora de alcano sulfonatos do sistema de transporte ABC de Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.citri. / Cloning, expression and purification of the Xanthomonas axonopodis pv citri ABC transport alkanosulphonate-binding protein.

Araújo, Fabiano Tófoli de 13 August 2008 (has links)
O genoma de Xanthomonas citri (Xac) possui mais de 20 tipos de transportadores do tipo ABC incluindo o operon ssuABC associado ao transporte de alcano sulfonatos. Deste operon, escolhemos a proteína periplasmática ligadora de alcano sulfonatos SsuA2, para caracterização e análises espectroscópicas e estruturais. A rSsuA2 foi expressa no citoplasma de células de Escherichia coli e utilizada para a preparação de anticorpos em camundongos, que foram capazes de reconhecer a proteína recombinante, mas não a nativa no extrato de células de Xac. A rSssuA2 apresenta estrutura característica de proteínas alfa-beta, maior estabilidade em pH neutro (7.0), como também foi evidenciado pela obtenção de cristais somente nesta faixa, e pouca flexibilidade ao desenovelamento térmico. Os cristais difratam com resolução de 1.8 Å e pertencem ao grupo espacial de simetria P21. Além do o operon ssu (ssu2) altamente conservado, Xac apresenta o operon tau (ssu1) para captação de taurina. O papel do operon para Xac é discutido. / Xanthomonas citri (Xac) genome has more than 20 different ABC transporters, including the ssuABC operon. In this work, the alkanosulphonate-periplasmic binding protein SsuA2 was chosen for spectroscopic and structural analysis. The rSsuA2 protein was expressed as a soluble form and purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography. Antibodies produced from the recombinant protein were able to recognize the rSsuA2, but not the native protein in the Xac extract samples. The protein presents secondary structure defined by alfa helices and beta-sheets, high stability in neutral pH and low flexibility to the thermal denaturation. The determination of the optimal pH range was important to produce crystals of high quality diffracting at 1.8 Å with symmetry of the P21 spatial group. Besides the highly conserved operon ssu (ssu2), Xac has the tau operon (ssu1) for taurine uptake.

Clonagem, expressão e purificação da proteína ligadora de alcano sulfonatos do sistema de transporte ABC de Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.citri. / Cloning, expression and purification of the Xanthomonas axonopodis pv citri ABC transport alkanosulphonate-binding protein.

Fabiano Tófoli de Araújo 13 August 2008 (has links)
O genoma de Xanthomonas citri (Xac) possui mais de 20 tipos de transportadores do tipo ABC incluindo o operon ssuABC associado ao transporte de alcano sulfonatos. Deste operon, escolhemos a proteína periplasmática ligadora de alcano sulfonatos SsuA2, para caracterização e análises espectroscópicas e estruturais. A rSsuA2 foi expressa no citoplasma de células de Escherichia coli e utilizada para a preparação de anticorpos em camundongos, que foram capazes de reconhecer a proteína recombinante, mas não a nativa no extrato de células de Xac. A rSssuA2 apresenta estrutura característica de proteínas alfa-beta, maior estabilidade em pH neutro (7.0), como também foi evidenciado pela obtenção de cristais somente nesta faixa, e pouca flexibilidade ao desenovelamento térmico. Os cristais difratam com resolução de 1.8 Å e pertencem ao grupo espacial de simetria P21. Além do o operon ssu (ssu2) altamente conservado, Xac apresenta o operon tau (ssu1) para captação de taurina. O papel do operon para Xac é discutido. / Xanthomonas citri (Xac) genome has more than 20 different ABC transporters, including the ssuABC operon. In this work, the alkanosulphonate-periplasmic binding protein SsuA2 was chosen for spectroscopic and structural analysis. The rSsuA2 protein was expressed as a soluble form and purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography. Antibodies produced from the recombinant protein were able to recognize the rSsuA2, but not the native protein in the Xac extract samples. The protein presents secondary structure defined by alfa helices and beta-sheets, high stability in neutral pH and low flexibility to the thermal denaturation. The determination of the optimal pH range was important to produce crystals of high quality diffracting at 1.8 Å with symmetry of the P21 spatial group. Besides the highly conserved operon ssu (ssu2), Xac has the tau operon (ssu1) for taurine uptake.

Contributions to the study of the availability of metal ions in aquatic systems

Mongin, Sandrine 11 July 2012 (has links)
La disponibilitat de metalls per part dels organismes no depèn únicament de la concentració total sinó també de l'especiació d'aquestes subtancias. En general, la disponibilitat de les espècies metàl•liques en medis naturals per a organismes està determinada per un conjunt d'esdeveniments encadenats on el equilibri representa només un cas particular de la situació dinàmica general. Espècies poc definides químicament, com ara àcids húmics i fúlvics, actuen com a lligands de metalls i juguen un paper clau en la circulació i la determinació de les propietats ecotoxicològiques de les espècies metàl•liques en medis naturals. La polifuncionalitat dels àcids húmics i fúlvics és descrita en aquest estudi utilitzant mètodes termodinàmics i mecano-estadístics. La tècnica Diffusive Gradients in Thin films (DGT) s'ha utilitzat per mesurar el flux disponible de metall en un sistema sintètic que conté complexos metàl•lics. La principal conclusió d'aquest estudi és que el disc de resina quelant dels sensors juga un paper clau en la determinació del grau de labilitat d'un complex mesurat amb aquesta tècnica. D'altra banda, a un pH baix, o concentració alta de lligand, es pot aconseguir l'equilibri entre la resina del sensor i el metall en el si de la dissolució, pertorbant l'acumulació lineal a temps de contacte relativament curts. Es presenta una anàlisi d'aquests fenòmens, així com la seva justificació mitjançant models teòrics. / La disponibilidad de metales por parte de los organismos no depende únicamente de la concentración total sino también de la especiación de estas subtancias. En general, la disponibilidad de las especies metálicas en medios naturales hacia organismos está determinada por un conjunto de eventos encadenados cuyo equilibrio representa sólo un caso particular de la situación dinámica general. Especies poco definidas químicamente, tales como ácidos húmicos y fúlvicos, actúan como ligandos de metales y juegan un papel clave en la circulación y la determinación de las propiedades ecotoxicológicas de las especies metálicas en los medios naturales. La polifuncionalidad de los ácidos húmicos y fúlvicos es descrita en este estudio usando métodos termodinámicos y mecano-estadísticos. La técnica Diffusive Gradients in Thin films (DGT) se ha utilizado para medir el flujo disponible de metal en un sistema sintético que contiene complejos metálicos. La principal conclusión de este estudio es que el disco de resina quelatante de los sensores juega un papel clave en la determinación del grado de labilidad de un complejo medido esta técnica. Por otra parte, a un pH bajo, o a concentración alta de ligando, puede ser alcanzado el equilibrio entre la resina del sensor y el metal en el seno de la disolución, perturbando la acumulación lineal a tiempos de contacto relativamente cortos. Se presenta un análisis de estos fenómenos, así como su justificación mediante modelos teóricos. / Availability of metals for organisms does not depend only on the total metal concentration but also on speciation of these species. In general, the availability towards organisms is determined by a set of chained events whose equilibrium approach only represents a simplified limiting case of the general dynamic situation. Poorly defined species such as humic and fulvic acids, act as metal ligands and play a key role in the circulation and determination of the ecotoxicological properties of metal species in the natural media. Thermodynamic and statistical mechanics methods are here applied to describe the polyfunctionality of humic and fulvic acids. The Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) has been used to measure the available metal flux in a synthetic system that contains metal complexes. A main conclusion of this study is that the chelating resin disc of the sensor plays a key role in determining the lability degree of a complex measured with DGT. Moreover, at relatively low pH, or in presence of high affinity ligands, the equilibrium with the bulk metal concentration can be approached in the sensor, disturbing linear accumulations at relatively short deployment times. Analysis of these phenomena and theoretical explanations are reported.

Studium role konformace N-konce řetězce B insulinu ve vazbě na insulinový receptor / Study of the role of the B-chain N-terminus conformation of insulin in binding to the insulin receptor

Kosinová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), there were 371 million people in the age from 20 to 79 years worldwide affected by diabetes in 2012. This means diabetes has become a global epidemic disease and, therefore, the importace of insulin research still grows. Insulin is a protein hormone that plays a key role in regulating blood glucose level which has a widespread impact on whole metabolism. Insulin acts through binding of its monomeric form to the insulin receptor. It is clear that insulin monomer has to undergo structural changes upon binding to the insulin receptor as the residues which are crucial for the interaction are burried within the native form. According to studies of highly active hormone analogs and the new information about the insulin-insulin receptor complex, there is a strong evidence that the C-terminal part of the B-chain is a dynamic element in insulin activation and receptor binding. Probably, there is also a great importance of the B-chain N- terminus and the transition between T and R conformations of insulin. However, the exact significance of the T and R states of insulin still remains unclear. In this work, several new insulin analogs AibB3-insulin, AibB5-insulin, AibB8- insulin, N-MeAlaB8-insulin and D-ProB8-insulin were prepared for the purpose of...

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