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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Goat production in the Northern Cape: what are the impacts of farmer training?

Burgess, Roberta January 2010 (has links)
The main millennium development goal is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger in the world by 2015. South Africa is one of the countries that signed this pledge at the millennium summit in 2000. The Department of Agriculture, has initiated a number of projects to assist farmers and communities with reaching this goal. In the Northern Cape, the commercialization of goats is one such anchor project. The major activities of this project is to train farmers in applied and appropriate production practices, assist them with accessing markets and supporting them with improved livestock. The main aim of this research was to evaluate whether the project has achieved its outcome and whether this outcome, is having an impact on the livelihoods of the farmers involved in the project. After reviewing the literature on evaluation research and programme evaluation across time, the different paradigms and approaches, participatory methodology was used in this study. A case study approach was applied to evaluate the outcomes and effects of the training received by farmers, as part of the commercialization of goats programme. The results of the study proved that the training received by members of the Campbell Agricultural Co-operative Enterprises, changed their goat production practices. The training also had a secondary impact. Trained farmers were imparting (technology transfer) their acquired knowledge to other members of the co-operative. This appeared very effective as all members of the cooperative were farming more scientifically. These changes to the production practices had a positive impact on the livelihoods of the farmers, as their animals were of a better quality and they were able to sell their animals at different markets and for better prices. This has however not commercialized their farming operations as they are still faced with many challenges. These challenges are the lack of a proper marketing structure, access to financial assistance, proper infrastructure and adequate transport for the animals to mention a few. If the Department of Agriculture and Land Affairs is serious about assisting these farmers to move from the status of “emerging farmer” to “commercial farmer” they will have to look at addressing the problems experienced with financial access and access to adequate and appropriate transport.

The alarm vocalizations of Brants' whistling rat, Parotomys Brantsii

Le Roux, Aliza 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The alarm calls of a colonial rodent, Brants' whistling rat (Parotomys brantsii), were investigated at Goegap Nature Reserve in the Northern Cape, South Africa. At this site P. brantsii occurs in sympatry with the congeneric P. littledalei, and the alarm calls in response to humans was compared between the two species. Parotomys brantsii's typical call in reaction to a human is a simple whistle, characterized by an initial upward frequency sweep and high frequency plateau, whereas the alarm whistle of P. littledalei has three overlapping components. Parotomys littledalei's calls are significantly shorter and lower in dominant frequency than those of P. brantsii, and have a significantly wider frequency bandwidth. These distinctions were attributed to species discrimination and habitat preferences. The acoustic adaptation hypothesis is supported in part, as P. littledalei, which inhabits a closed habitat in comparison with P. brantsii, has calls which are lower in frequency than P. brantsii calls, but contrary to the hypothesis, P. brantsii calls show less frequency modulation than those of P. littledalei. The high pitch of both species' vocalizations may be a convergent feature making the callers difficult for predators to locate. The alarm call repertoire of P. brantsii was investigated by presenting members of the P. brantsii colony with models of some typical predators, a raptor and puff adder, as well as a human observer. Virtually no variation was detected in the structure of alarm whistles elicited by different predators, indicating that P. brantsii did not identify different predator types by means of vocalizations, even though behavioural responses showed that P. brantsii do distinguish between different predators and non-predators. Note duration varied in conjunction with the physical reaction of the caller. When the caller bolted towards safety, the whistle was significantly shorter than when it remained aboveground. During an encounter with a snake or far-off human the caller would utter relatively long duration calls, signifying a low-risk situation, while highrisk situations such as a nearby human or raptor provoked short calls, emitted just before the whistling rat bolted underground. I regard P. brantsii's alarm call repertoire as a graded "urgency-based" system, indicating threat level perceived rather than predator type. This system is widespread among ground squirrels and is usually associated with animals inhabiting a two-dimensional environment. Playback experiments were conducted to determine the meaning of alarm calls to conspecifics, focusing specifically on the effect of variation in single call duration and function of alarm-calling bouts. All alarm calls induced heightened vigilance in receivers, but the behavioural response did not differ between short and long single calls. Multiple calls lead to significantly longer periods of high vigilance than single calls even after calling bouts have ended, showing that one of the functions of multiple calls is to maintain high vigilance in conspecifics for relatively long periods. The non-iconic nature of their alarm calls and the undiscriminating response of receivers to different calls emphasizes the importance of contextual clues in the communication system of animals living in an open habitat like that of P. brantsii. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die alarm-roepgeluide van 'n koloniale knaagdier, Brants se fluitrot (Parotomys brantsii), is ondersoek by Goegap Natuurreservaat in the Noordkaap, Suid-Afrika, waar hulle simpatries voorkom met die naverwante P. littledalei. Die species se alarmroepe in reaksie op mense is met mekaar vergelyk. Die tipiese alarmroep van P. brantsii is 'n eenvoudige fluit, gekenmerk deur 'n aanvanklike skerp frekwensiestyging en hoë-frekwensie plato. Parotomys littledalei se fluitroep het drie komponente wat mekaar gedeeltelike oordek. Parotomys littledalei se roepgeluide is beduidend korter en laer in heersende toonhoogte as dié van P. brantsii, en hul frekwensie-wydte is ook beduidend wyer. Hierdie verskille word toegeskryf aan species-verskille en habitat-voorkeure. Die akoestiese aanpassingshipotese word gedeeltelik deur die studie ondersteun, aangesien P. littledalei, wat 'n geslote habitat verkies in vergelyking met P. brantsii, alarmroepe het met 'n laer dominante toonhoogte as P. brantsii. In teenstelling met die hipotese, toon P. brantsii se fluitgeluide minder frekwensie-modulasie as P. littledalei se geluide. Die hoë toonhoogte van beide species se alarmroepe kan 'n konvergente verskynsel wees wat dit vir roofdiere moeilik maak om fluitende individue te lokaliseer. Die alarm-repertoire van P. brantsii is ondersoek deur individue bloot te stel aan 'n menslike waarnemer en modelle van tipiese predatore, naamlik 'n jakkalsvoël en pofadder. Daar was omtrent geen variasie in die klank-struktuur van alarmroepe in reaksie op verskillende roofdiere nie. Dit wys daarop dat P. brantsii nie roofdiere deur middel van roepgeluide klassifiseer nie, hoewel gedragsresponse getoon het dat individue wel tussen roofdiere kan onderskei. Die duur van alarmroepe varieer na gelang van die gedrag van die fluitende individue - 'n fluitrot wat vlug, se roep is beduidend korter as die geluid van een wat bogronds bly. 'n Pofadder en 'n veraf mens ontlok lankdurende geluide, wat dui op 'n lae-risiko situasie, terwyl rotte op vlug slaan in reaksie op 'n hoë-risiko situasie, soos met 'n nabygeleë mens of jakkalsvoël, wanneer kort alarmroepe geuiter word. Ek beskou P. brantsii se alarmrepertoire as 'n gegradeerde "nood-gebaseerde" stelsel, wat die mate van bedreiging aandui, eerder as die identiteit van die spesifieke roofdier. Hierdie sisteem is tipies van grondeekhorings en word gewoonlik verbind met diere wat 'n twee-dimensionele omgewing bewoon. Parotomys brantsii se reaksie op die terugspeel van die species se geluide is hierna ondersoek. Ek het gefokus op die effek van 'n verandering in die duur van alleenstaande fluitnote, asook hulle reaksie op fluitreekse. Alle alarmroepe het gelei tot hoër vlakke van waaksaamheid in luisterende individue, maar reaksies op kort en lang enkelnote het nie van mekaar verskil nie. Fluitreekse het beduidend langer periodes van hoë waaksaamheid veroorsaak as enkele geluide, en waaksaamheid het hoog gebly selfs nadat reekse geëindig het. Dit beteken dat fluitreekse onder andere die funksie vervul om waaksaamheid in kolonielede vir relatief lang tye te onderhou. Parotomys brantsii se eenvoudige alarm-repertoire en nie-onderskeidende reaksie op verskillene roepgeluide, beklemtoon die belangrikheid van aanvullende inligting uit die omgewing vir diere in 'n twee-dimensionele habitat wanneer die akoestiese kommunikasiestelse slegs 'n algemene waarskuwingsfunksie vervul.

The protection of human rights : an analysis of approaches to school discipline

Mangena, Lethamaga Thames 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This is an in-depth investigation of human rights in education as reflected in school discipline in the Northern Province. In this research, three different schools were selected as the settings for my study. This selection of the setting was influenced by the diversity of the schools such as: -the community school, -the township school and the urban school. The three schools are not the representative of the schools in the Northern Province, but they illustrate or reveal if there were patterns in terms of the data collected. The methods used for collecting data are the following: Observation, Interview and Documents. A period of time was spent at the three settings for the purpose of observing the real school environment, interviewing the research participants (principal, educators, learners/LRC and the parentcomponent of the SGB) and to consult documents especially policies of the school. The departmental policies were also consulted. The results of the study indicate that most stakeholders (especially in rural and township schools) are not yet conversant with human rights in education. Educators and parents regard some human rights provisions in education as erosion of their 'status' in education. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is 'n diepgaande ondersoek van menseregte in die onderwys soos dit in dissipline in the Noordelike Provinisie se skole weerspieel word. In hierdie navorsing is drie skole gekies om as die milieu vir die studie te dien. Die keuse van hierdie skole is ingelig deur die verskille wat tussen hulle bestaan soos die gemeenskap skool, die woonbuurt skool en die stedelike skool. Die drie skole is nie noodwendig verteenwoordigend vandie skole in die Noordelike Provinsie nie, maar hulle illustreer of bewys indien daar 'n model bestaan in gevolge van die data wat versamel is. Die volgende metodes is toegepas om data in te samel: waarneming, onderhoud en die bestudering van dokumente. Om die egte skool milieu waar te neem, is sekere tyd by elkeen gespandeer. Onderhoude is met die deelnemers in die navorsing gevoer, t.w., skoolhoofde, onderwysers, leerlinge, leerlingverteenwoordigers en die ouers wat deel van die skoolraad is. Dokumente soos die skoolbeleid en relevante departementele beleidsdokumente is ook bestudeer. Die resultate van die navorsing dui aan dat die meeste belanghebbendes (veral die platteland - en woorbuurtskole) is nog nie bekend met mense regte in die onderwysers nie. Onderwysers en ouers beskou sekere mense regte voorsienings in the onderwys as wegvreting van hul 'status'.

An empirical investigation into the integration of foreign doctors into the public health case system of the Northern Cape in South Africa

Surtie, Adin Don 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / The South African Northern Cape Department of Health has many challenges to overcome in order to provide the province with quality public health care. One of these challenges is the recruitment and retention of foreign doctors in order to maintain and improve on the population’s access to physicians. Due to the lack of locally trained physicians willing to work and settle in the Northern Cape Province, the Department of Health in the province have been employing foreign-trained physicians to fill the gap in providing adequate medical care to its population. This study examined how well foreign doctors have integrated into the Northern Cape public health care system. It further identified, described and explored the factors that might influence the integration of these foreign physicians. This was done in order to make recommendations to improve the existing retention strategies of the Northern Cape Department of Health. This research utilised the mixed-method of research by obtaining secondary qualitative as well as primary quantitative data. The qualitative data were obtained through a literature review. Questionnaires informed by the literature review were utilised in order to obtain the primary quantitative data. The data obtained were subjected to a statistical analysis.The results indicated that the needs of the foreign doctors were generally met and the factors pertaining to work, community and family aspects of integration did not have an overtly negative or positive influence on integration. The results pertaining to rurality were not as prominent as expected. The main factors identified related to relational (professional as well as personal) factors. The researcher concluded that relational factors contributed the most as they had an influence on all the categories of possible factors that might influence integration. This finding stressed that the social phenomena that influence integration should not be overlooked. The implementation of interventions to improve integration and retention should be accompanied by a detailed examination of the factors that affect the recruitment, integration and retention of the workforce in a country/region. This research could be an important step towards achieving this goal for the Northern Cape Department of Health.

A multi-dimensional perspective on the culture of teaching and learning in schools in the Northern Province

Makungo, Nkhumeleni Stanley 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Schools in the Northern Province are faced with a serious problem concerning the lack of a culture of teaching and learning. Such problems are caused by the lack of physical facilities, shortage of textbooks, underqualified educators etc. This makes it impossible for the government and teachers to create a conducive environment for the culture of teaching and learning. This investigation explored the factors behind the lack of a culture of teaching and learning. A literature study investigated learner and teacher's problems on the lack of teaching and learning culture as well as strategies to improve the situation. Moreover, historical, philosophical as well as political and psychological perspective on the culture of teaching and learning were discussed. A study on the culture of teaching and learning in secondary and primary schools in the rural areas of the Northern Province was conducted. Data was analysed, discussed and synthesised. Major findings that emerged were the following: Many schools are dysfunctional Learners are uninterested in learning and lacks motivation teachers are demotivated and unwilling to carry duties entrusted to them. Parents are also negative towards education of their children. Lack of physical facilities For this reason, teachers, parents and learners need to work hand in hand to restore the culture of teaching and learning. It is the government's responsibility to create a conducive learning and teaching climate. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Skole in die Noordelike Provinsie het te kampe met 'n groot probleem weens die gebrek aan 'n leer-en onderrig kultuur. Hierdie gebrek is die gevolg van tekort aan fisiese fasiliteite, aan handboeke, ondergekwalifiseerd opvoeders, ens. Dit is dus moeilik vir die owerheid en onderwyser om 'n klimaat te skep wat bevordelik is vir 'n leer-en onderrigkultuur. Die doel van die ondersoek is om te probeer vasstel wat die taktore is wat hierdie gebrekkige kultuur veroorsaak. n Literatuurstudie is gedoen na die leerder sowel as die opvoeders se probleme rakende die gebrek aan 'n leerkultuur sowel as maniere hoe om die situasie te verbeter. Historiese, filosofiese, politiese asook psigologiese perspektlewe met betrekking tot die onderrig en leerkultuur is bespreek. 'n Ondersoek na die leer en onderwys kultuur in sekondere skole in die landelike gebiede van die Noordelike Provinsie is gedoen. Inligting IS geanaliseer, bespreek en gesintetiseer. Die belangrikste bevindinge wat na vore gekom het, is: Baie skole funksioneer nie soos dit veronderstel is nie. Leerders is nie geinteresecrd in opvoeding nie en toon 'n gebrek aan motivering Opvoeders is nie gemotiveerd nie en is in sommige gevalle onwillig 0111 take wat aan hule opgedra word uit te voer. Ouers is negatiefteenoor hulle kinders se opvoeding. Daar is 'n gebrek aan fisiese fasiliteite. As gevolg van bogenoemde redes moet opvoeders, ouers en leerders saamwerk 0111 sodoende die kultuur van onderrig en leer te herstel. Dit is die regering se verantwoordelikheid om 'n klimaat te skep wat bevordelik is vir onderrig en leer.

Staff development needs for teacher educators in the Northern Province with regard to the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework

Kubheka, Kgadi Rose January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research was to identify staff development needs of teacher educators in the Northern Province regarding the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework. It also aimed at providing guidelines for staff development that could be used to meet the identified needs. In order to achieve this purpose, the researcher consulted both primary and secondary sources to gather information on the topic, that could also provide background for the construction of data collecting instruments, which are the interview and the questionnaire. According to the literature research, South African teacher education is facing a lot of changes. Government, industry and education community is concerned about the state of teacher education, and have been involved in various initiatives to improve its quality. The introduction of the NQF is an attempt to improve the quality of education and training. It shed new light on concept concepts like qualifications, curriculum design and development, quality of education, assessment of the work of learners and the governance of national qualifications. It also introduced new perspective on concepts like the phases of education, quality assurance, allocation of credits and outcomes. Staff development is mentioned as a strategy that can be used to implement the changes that the NQF came with. Factors that can support or hinder the implementation of the change are highlighted through models. The models are explained and their relevance to the study are interpreted. Methods and strategies for staff development are also mentioned. The methodology used to collect data, and the processes of analysis and interpretation of data are also outlined. The interviews showed that colleges have started to implement COTEP. The department of education disseminated information about the changes, held workshops to ensure a common understanding, and left the colleges to implement the changes. Teacher educators experienced problems in the following areas: compilation of unit standards, quality assurance, determining admission criteria according to the NQF and implementation of the programmes they have designed. The questionnaires indicated that there is a lack of clear policies on how to equip the staff with skills to implement change. Although some of the staff members are aware of the changes, the information is not passed on to others. Lecturers are not familiar with basic aspects of the NQF like bands, levels, aims, credits, notional hours,accreditation and quality assurance. The link between COTEP and the NQF is not well understood. The needs identified are listed, conclusions and recommendations as to how the implementation could be more effective are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die personeel-ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van onderwyseropleiers in die Noordelike Provinsie te identifiseer in die lig van die Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk. Dit wil riglyne verskaf vir personeelontwikkeling, wat gebruik kan word om die geïdentifiseerde behoeftes aan te spreek. Om hierdie doel te bereik, het die navorser primêre en sekondêre bronne geraadpleeg om inligting in te sameloor die onderwerp, sodat In basis daargestel kan word vir die ontwerp van meetinstrumente, soos die gebruik van onderhoude en vraelyste Gesien teen die agtergrond van heersende literatuurstudie, kan groot verandering te wagte wees op die gebied van onderwyseropleiding in Suid-Afrika. Die regering, nywerheid- en onderwysgemeenskap is besorg oor die toestand van onderwyseropleiding en is by verskeie inisiatiewe betrokke om die gehalte daarvan te verbeter. Dit werp nuwe lig op konsepte soos kwalifikasies, kurrikulumontwerp en -ontwikkeling, die gehalte van onderrig, die evaluering van leerders se werk en die beheer van nasionale kwalifikasies. Dit stel nuwe konsepte bekend soos onderwysfases, gehalteversekering, toekenning van krediete en uitkomste. Personeelontwikkeling is 'n strategie wat moontlik gebruik kan word om veranderinge wat deur die toepassing van die NKR teweeggebring word, te implementeer. Faktore wat hierdie ontwikkeling kan ondersteun of belemmer, word deur modelle geïllustreer. Hierdie modelle word verduidelik en hul relevansie vir die navorsing word geïnterpreteer. Metodes en strategieë vir personeelontwikkeling word genoem. Die navorsingsmetodologie wat gebruik is om data te versamel, en die prosedure wat gebruik is om die data te analiseer en te interpreteer, is beskryf. Die onderhoude dui aan dat kolleges begin het om COTEP te implementeer. Die Departement van Onderwys versprei inligting oor veranderinge, het werkswinkels gehou om die algemene begrip te verbeter en het die implementering van veranderinge aan die kolleges oorgelaat. Onderwyseropleiers ondervind probleme op die volgende gebiede: • samestelling van eenheidstandaarde; • gehalteversekering; • bepaling van toelatingskriteria na aanleiding van die NKR; en • die implementering van programme wat ontwikkel is. Die response op die vraelyste het aangedui dat daar 'n gebrek aan duidelike beleid is oor hoe om die personeel toe te rus met vaardighede om veranderinge te implementeer. Alhoewel sommige personeellede bewus is van veranderinge, word inligting nie aan almaloorgedra nie. Dosente is nie vertroud met die basiese aspekte van die NKR nie, soos byvoorbeeld bande, vlakke, doelwitte, krediete, akkreditering en gehalteversekering. Die onderlinge verband tussen COTEP en die NKR word nie goed verstaan nie. Die geïdentifiseerde opleidingsbehoeftes is ook aangedui, en gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings word gemaak om die implementering meer effektief te maak.

The changer of ways: rock art and frontier ideologies on the Strandberg, Northern Cape, South Africa

Skinner, Andrew January 2017 (has links)
University of the Witwatersrand Submitted in fulfilment of the degree of Master of Science (Archaeology) by research. Rock Art Research Institute; School of Geography, Archaeology, and Environmental Studies. Johannesburg, 2017. / Southern Africa’s Orange River has been a frontier-zone for centuries, acting as a socially formative and often volatile expression of its surrounds. Communities of the region have competed, compounded, and admixed for as long as competing influences have obliged it, contributing over hundreds of years to a background milieu of generally-coherent beliefs and practices; ‘frontier ideologies’ that dealt in the expression and mediation of identity, and the configuration of responses to tumultuous social and ecological conditions. The common core of these ideologies allowed frontier societies to respond to one another in familiar terms, even if other channels of meaning were inaccessible. One of the contributors to these ideologies were the |Xam, most well-known for their contributions to the shamanistic approach to interpretation of rock art in the Maloti-Drakensberg mountains of South Africa. While analogy has allowed them to speak on behalf of the artists of this disparate tradition, they are products of the area surrounding the Orange River during the nineteenth century. Accordingly, they demonstrate the fundamental features of a frontier society; they evaluate contact with other communities relative to themselves, and formulate appropriate expressions of identity to enact in response. The application of their ethnography is somewhat burdened by their application to the rock art of the Maloti-Drakensberg, however, which casts their motivations in specific, ritualised terms. This thesis considers a very different body of rock art to the one conventionally interpreted by the shamanistic approach, but located in a historical and regional context intimately linked to the |Xam informants; specifically, the rock art of the Strandberg hills, in the Northern Cape province, South Africa. This body of art is one dominated by horses, distributed as a structure that spans much of the site, and manufactured with visibility in mind. This thesis finds that these images were products of the frontier ideologies that inhabited the region, and the adaptive practices that emerge from them. Accordingly, the art is characterised as a record of inhabitation, an expression of identity, and the mediation of contact with a changing landscape, in keeping with the behaviours that had marked interactions between communities in the region for long before many of the images were placed on the Strandberg. / MT 2017

How radicalization leads to peace explaining the timing of negotiations in enduring intra-state conflicts /

Honig, Or Arthur, January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--UCLA, 2009. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 354-376).

A comparative study of the factors affecting the growth/development of the rural community newspaper the Zoutpansberger and Mirror, Northern Province

Lubinga, Elizabeth Nviri 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The print media, especially newspapers, play an important role in providing information in any society. In the rural communities of South Africa, information available to the people is scanty. Growth of a newspaper is necessary if a newspaper is to fulfil its duties. The Zoutpansberger and Mirror are two of the few local newspapers that circulate in the Far North Region of the Northern Province. The Zoutpansberger, which started in 1985, has experienced negative growth in the various departments of the newspaper, while the Mirror, which started in September 1990, has experienced slow growth. Several factors have been responsible for this. Therefore, there was a need to examine and compare the factors that have affected the growth/development of the newspapers over ten years. The aims and objectives of the study are to examine and compare the factors that affect the growth and development of the Zoutpansberger and Mirror, give suggestions to facilitate future growth and the best ways of utilising the available resources. A literature survey was carried out to get the perspectives of other researchers. Data was collected after conducting personal interviews, using the interview schedule. It was analysed and interpreted with the use of graphs and charts. The findings reveal that economic, social, cultural and geographical factors affect the growth of the newspaper. A few recommendations have been given to highlight ways in which the paper can make full use of the available resources. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die drukmedia, in die besonder koerante, speel 'n belangrike rol in die oordrag van inligting in enige samelewing. In die plattelandse gemeenskappe van Suid-Afrika is die beskikbare inligting karig. Vir 'n koerant om sy pligte na te kom, is dit nodig dat die koerant groei. Die Zoutpansberger en Mirror is twee van die plaaslike koerante in die Verre Noorde-streek van die Noordelike Provinsie. Die Zoutpansberger, gestig in 1985, het negatiewe groei In verskeie afdelings ondervind, terwyl die Mirror, gestig in September 1990, stadige groei ondervind het. Verskeie faktore is hiervoor verantwoordelik. Daar was daarom 'n behoefte om die faktore te ondersoek wat die groei van die koerante oor 'n tydperk van tien jaar beïnvloed het. Die doel van die studie is om die faktore wat die groei en ontwikkeling van die Zoutpansberger en die Mirror geraak het, te ondersoek en te vergelyk en om voorstelle te gee wat toekomstige groei en optimale benutting van beskikbare bronne kan bewerkstellig. 'n Literatuurstudie is gedoen om die perspektiewe van ander navorsers te betrek. Data is ingesamel nadat persoonlike onderhoude gedoen is met behulp van die onderhoudskedule. Dit is geanaliseer en geïnterpreteer met behulp van grafika en kaarte. Die bevindinge bring aan die lig dat ekonomiese, maatskaplike, kulturele en geografiese faktore die groei van die koerant beïnvloed. Enkele voorstelle is gemaak om moontlike maniere te belig waarop die koerant die beskikbare bronne ten volle kan benut.

An investigation into the occurrence of major abscess causing bacteria at the law meat exporting abattoir in the Northern Cape province of South Africa

Delport, Riëtte January 2003 (has links)
The main objectives of this study can be divided into four categories: a) The determination of the presence of abscesses in carcasses. b) The determination whether the abscesses are area bound. c) The determination of the causative bacteria which is responsible for abscess formation. d) The determination of the economic impact due to carcass rejections and trimmings. The research area consists of the biggest part of the Northern Cape province, which can further be divided into three main production areas, namely Groblershoop, Gordonia and Hantam. The Groblershoop area includes Groblershoop and the surrounding districts. The Gordonia area includes Upington and the Kalahari. The Hantam area includes Calvinia, Springbok and the other districts bordering the areas. All the carcasses were slaughtered at an export abattoir, namely LAW, which is situated in Groblershoop. The Upington veterinary laboratory bacteriologically cultured the abscess material and the results were processed and noted. The following results were prominent: a) It was determined that abscesses did occur in carcasses. b) It was determined that in the Hantam main production area the prevalence of abscesses is the highest, although the slaughter numbers are the lowest. c) It was determined that the bacterium that was responsible for most of the abscesses was Escherichia coli. d) It was determined that the total occurrence of bacteria did not have a significant economic impact, because there were not many carcass rejections due to abscesses. The economic impact, however, of the value of the total rejections, might become a problem.

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