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Vybrané psychologické aspekty vývoje dětí z homoparentálních rodin / Developmental aspects of children from homoparental familiesMedová, Julie January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on selected aspects influencing the psychological development of children in homoparental families. The motivation to investigate these aspects is the growing number of children raised in homoparental families, which in turn evokes a debate in our society about possible impacts on the psychological and social development of these children. The aim of this diploma thesis is to determine level of socio-emotional competencies of children in homoparental families and to discover possible differences in their development. This goal was achieved by testing the socio-emotional competencies of a sample of four school-aged children using a standard IDS test and a questionnaire focusing on a challenging school and life situation. To deepen the knowledge about the families and the understanding of the background of upbringing, biographical and anamnestic core data questionnaire was sent to the families before personal meetings and also each child and one or both of his mothers were interviewed. The results of the tests and the questionnaires show no deviation of children raised in homoparental families from the average of heteronormative society in the field of the recognition and regulation of emotions, understanding of social situations and socially competent behavior. The...
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Rozvoj hmatového vnímání u těžce slabozrakých a nevidomých dětí předškolního věku - Tactual Profile / Development of tactual perception for preschool children with severe visual impairment and blind - Tactual ProfileKošíková, Adéla January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses the topic of tactile perception examined in the cases of children with severe visual impairment as well as in the cases of blind children aged from three to six years. Tactile perception is assessed by the Tactual Profile test. The introduction of this thesis briefly summarizes the issue of visual perception, specifics of development of a pre-school child with a visual impairment, tactile perception and other compensating senses, and the importance of play in the pre-school period. The second part of this thesis is focused on the Tactual Profile test and its description. The following part is dedicated to research based on applying the aforementioned method of the non- standardized Tactual Profile test. The test, or more precisely the testing tool, is used for diagnosing the level of tactile development among children with severe visual impairment and among blind children. The test results provide the possibility to assess the status of tactile perception of the specific child and determine areas which are challenging for the child as well as areas in which the stated child excels. The goal of this research was to ascertain the applicability of the test regarding the target group and examine its potential utilization in the special education practice. The research also...
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Srovnání výsledků testů MABC-2 a IOWA BRACE testu v kategoriích základen HC Motor České Budějovice / Comparison of MABC-2 and IOWA BRACE test results at young hockey players HC Motor České BudějoviceHEŘMÁNEK, Richard January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the work was to prove the correlation between the results of MABC-2 (Movement Assesment Battery for Children-2nd edition) and Iowa Brace test in ice hockey players aged 6 - 9 years. Testing was attended by 90 children who regularly attend hockey training HC Motor České Budějovice. Evaluations are based on quantitative results that are presented using tables. The resulting values were compared with the results of other authors. Subsequently, both test batteries were metered using the Spearman correlation coefficient and the Wilcoxon sequencing test. The correlation dependence has been demonstrated for all categories of bases. Wilcoxon's dependence was confirmed only in the younger categories (U6 and U7) in the two older categories was not confirmed. The work has shown that there is a correlation between the results of the MABC-2 test battery and the Iowa Brace test. Measurements took place at the Grünwald Primary School in České Budějovice
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Beslutsanalys av medicinska åldersbedömningar inom asylprocessenElenius, Mikael January 2018 (has links)
Här presenteras ett ramverk för beslutsanalytisk metod baserad på principen om maximering av den förväntade nyttan gällande värdering av olika alternativ för åldersbedömning av ensamkommande inom asylprocessen. Med detta ramverk som utgångspunkt görs en jämförelse mellan ett antal metoder (mognad hos visdomstand, knäled och handled samt Rättsmedicinalverkets metod baserad på både visdomstand och knäled) för medicinsk åldersbedömning. Dessa metoder jämförs vidare med tre referensalternativ (i) lita på den ensamkommandes åldersuppgifter vilket i praktiken innebär att bedöma alla som barn, (ii) bedöma alla ensamkommande som vuxna och (iii) det absurda alternativet att singla slant för att avgöra vem som är barn eller vuxen. Det som behövs för beslutsanalysen är antaganden och/eller skattningar på åldersfördelningen av ensamkommande som åldersbedöms samt skattning för de olika metoderna på hur stor sannolikheten är att en person bedöms som vuxen givet den faktiska åldern. Vidare krävs en kvantifiering av nyttan för en felklassificering av en vuxen, då en felklassificering av ett barn antas ge lägst nytta och en korrekt klassificering antas ge högst nytta. Åldersfördelningen av ensamkommande som åldersbedöms antas här bestå av en kombination av två likformiga och kontinuerliga fördelningar, där intervallen är 15-18 år (barn) respektive 18-21 år (vuxna). Två nyttomodeller undersöks, en diskret som endast tar hänsyn till om individen är barn eller vuxen samt en kontinuerlig linjär nyttomodell som tar hänsyn till åldersskillnaden från 18-årsgränsen vid en felklassificering. De genomförda analyserna demonstrerar hur ramverket kan användas i praktiken. Givet de antaganden som gjorts är slutsatsen att det alternativ som ger högst förväntad nytta i stor utsträckning beror på prevalensen (andelen vuxna) tillsammans med hur nyttan för en felklassificerad vuxen värderas. Oavsett värdering, vid prevalens nära 0 bör alla bedömas som barn, för att när prevalensen ökar ersättas ersättas av en metod som i stor utsträckning klassificerar barn korrekt, när prevalensen ökar ytterligare ersättas av en metod som i större utsträckning klassificerar vuxna korrekt och slutligen när prevalensen är nära 1 bör alla bedömas som vuxna. / A framework for a decision analysis method that is based on the principle of maximization of the expected utility regarding alternatives of age assessment for unaccompanied asylum seekers is here presented. Using the framework, different methods (dental, knee joint, hand wrist and the method used by The National Board of Forensic Medicine (RMV) that combines the methods for dental och knee joint) for medical age assessment are compared. These methods are further compared with three benchmark alternatives, (i) to trust the age given by the unaccompanied asylum seeker which results that all are considered to be children, (ii) to consider all the unaccompanied asylum seekers as adults and (iii) the absurd alternative to flip a coin to decide who is a child or an adult. For the decision analysis, assumptions and/or estimates for the age distribution of the unaccompanied refugees are needed and estimates for the different methods regarding how probably it is to be considered an adult given the actual age. The outcome of a child that is incorrectly classified is assumed to give the lowest utility and a correct classification (both children and adult) is assumed to give the highest utility. The utility of the outcome of an adult that is incorrectly classified as a child needs to be quantified. The age distribution of unaccompanied refugee, considered for age assessment is here assumed to be a combination of two continuous uniform distributions, with the interval 15-18 years (child) and 18-21 years (adult). Two utility models are examined, a discrete model that only consider if the individual is a child or an adult and a continuously linear utility model that consider the age difference from 18 years given an incorrect classification. The analyzes carried out demonstrates how the framework can be used in practice. Given the assumptions that are made the conclusion is that the alternative that gives the highest expected utility depends on the prevalence (proportion of adults) together with the valuation of the utility for an incorrect classified adult. Regardless of the valuation, when the prevalence is close to 0 all should be considered to be children, when the prevalence increases should be replaced with a method that largely classifies children correct when the prevalence is further increased should be replaced with a method that largely classifies adults correct and finally, when the prevalence is close to 1 all should be considered as adults.
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