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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Posouzení vlivu územního plánování na cenu pozemků v Bernarticích nad Odrou / Assessment of the impact of planning on land prices in Bernartice nad Odrou

Glogarová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the impact of a planning on land prices in the village Bernartice nad Odrou. A theoretical basis for an evaluation of an immovable property is described, then a documentation of the planning in the village is analysed and in the end, an evaluation via a case study of two selected lands is made. Both of these lands are evaluated by a determined price and a usual price in the three levels according to the conditions of a local plan. There are levels using plots such as an agricultural land, a land designed for building-up according to the local plan and a building land. The evaluation is based on calculation results in the particular phases. Finally, results justification is presented.

Způsoby ocenění pozemků ve Francii / Methods of Land Valuation in France

Klučáková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with methods of land valuation in France. The thesis contains the definition of basic terms and the legislation related to the land valuation. In the text the types of lands are defined and the division of areas according to the territorial plan is indicated. The thesis clarifies the requirements of the expert opinion and specifies who can qualify as an expert in France. It also includes an overview of the most commonly used valuation methods in France, an example of land valuation according to these methods, and a comparison with the Czech Republic. Additionally, the thesis deals with the situation on the land market in France.

Exploring the Effects of Cover Crop Use on Farm Profitability in Central Indiana

Megan N. Hughes (8775677) 02 May 2020 (has links)
Cover crop use provides a myriad of benefits to soil health. Despite strong agronomic evidence of the benefits of using cover crops, farmers have been slow to adopt cover crop systems. Surveys show that this is due to a lack of understanding on how cover crop use will impact the farm, and limited economic analysis on the effects of cover crop use on the farm. <div> In this thesis, a variable-rate nitrogen study was analyzed to determine the relationship between applied nitrogen fertilizer and corn yields, and how a cover crop treatment impacts that relationship. Data were obtained from a case farm in Central Indiana. Production information was then translated into a partial budget to see how the use of the different cover crop treatments impacted net return per acre for corn production on the farm. Net returns were analyzed using both historical corn and nitrogen prices and stochastic modelling.</div><div> Results showed that the final impact on farm net return per acre associated with adoption of a cover crop system varies among cover crop species. Implementing annual rye resulted in a negative change to net return; while cereal rye and an oats and radish blend resulted in a positive change to net return. When additional benefits of cover crop use; such as drought tolerance, carbon content, and erosion reduction; are included, all three cover crop species resulted in a substantial increase in net return. This information will be of interest to farmers as a source to draw upon when making decisions regarding their own farms. Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between cover crop use and farm profitability, particularly for farms at the early stages of adoption.</div>

Modelling of Biomass Production Potential of Poplar in Short Rotation Plantations on Agricultural Lands of Saxony, Germany

Ali, Wael 03 March 2009 (has links)
The interest in renewables for energy has increased in the last 2-3 decades because of the negative environmental impact caused by the burning of fossil fuels, the raising prices of traditional fuels, the dependence on foreign oil, and the decrease in fossil fuels resources. Biomass energy represents one of the most promising alternatives. Many studies worldwide were devoted to investigate growth and yield of short rotation forestry plantations for energetic use and several empirical and process-based models were developed to predict the potential production of biomass. The current work was concentrated on modelling site productivity (potential of biomass production) of specific poplar clones planted on arable Saxon land under different stocking densities. Empirical data collected from several experimental areas were used. Site productivity has been predicted depending on stand age and site variables using a two-step model. In step one age and site variables were used to model stand dominant height and in step two the constructed dominant height was involved with stocking density to predict stand oven dried biomass. Depending on data availability the model was parameterized for four different groups of poplar clones: Androscoggin (clone Androscoggin), Matrix (Matrix and hybrid 275), Max (Max 1 …Max 5) and Münden (clone Münden). Both stand dominant height and stand dry biomass were modelled for ages 2 – 9 years for clone groups: Matrix and Max and for ages 2 – 7 years for clone groups: Androscoggin and Münden. The model has been tested and validated using several statistical and graphical methods. The relative bias (ē %) in the dominant height estimates ranged between 0.5 % &amp;gt; ē % &amp;gt; - 0.5 % in all clone groups and had a maximum bias of 10.41 % in stand biomass estimates. Model accuracy (mx %) in the dominant height estimates ranged between 12.25 and 17.56 % and between 8.05 and 27.32 % in stand biomass estimates. Two different scenarios were presented to show the potential of biomass that can be produced from poplar plantations on arable and former fallow Saxon lands at different stocking densities. ArcGIS has been used to visualize model application results. In order to produce a mean annual increment ≥ 8 [dry t/ha/a] from poplar plantations (Max group) for more than 50 % of arable or former fallow lands in the first rotation at least 9 years are required under stocking density of 4000 stems/ha and 7 years for both stocking densities 8333 and 10,000 stems/ha. / Die Nachfrage nach Holz für energetische Zwecke nimmt in Deutschland und ganz Europa zu. Um diesen Bedarf künftig besser befriedigen zu können, müssen verstärkt Ressourcen aus verschiedenen Quellen wie z. B. Holz aus Niederwäldern oder Durchforstungsreserven im Hochwald mobilisiert und ergänzend Holz in Kurzumtriebsflächen produziert werden (Guericke, M. 2006). Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das Ertragspotential von Pappelklonen in Kurzumtriebsplantagen unterschiedlicher Baumdichte auf sächsischen Ackerflächen zu untersuchen. Hierzu wurden die potentiellen Erträge anhand empirischer, auf verschiedenen Versuchsflächen erhobener Daten modelliert. Zur Schätzung des Ertragspotentials wurde ein zweistufiges Modell entwickelt: Im ersten Schritt erfolgte die Modellierung der Oberhöhe eines Bestandes (ho, m) in Abhängigkeit von Bestandesalter und Standortfaktoren unter Verwendung einer multiplen linearen Regressionsanalyse, dabei wurden Bestimmtheitsmaße (R²) von 0,975 bis 0,989 erreicht. In einem zweiten Schritt lässt sich dann der Biomassevorrat [tatro/ha/a] mittels nichtlinearer Regressionsanalyse durch die Bestandesoberhöhe schätzen. Das Bestimmtheitsmaß von R² ≥ 0,933 weist auch hier auf eine hohe Anpassungsgüte hin. Die Modellparametrisierung erfolgte für folgende vier Gruppen von Pappelklonen: • Max-Gruppe: Klone Max 1, Max 2, Max 3, Max 4 und Max 5, Altersbereich 2 – 9 Jahre, Baumdichten von 1150 – 13000 Stämmen/ha; • Matrix-Gruppe: Klon Matrix und Hybride 275, Altersbereich 2 – 9 Jahre, Baumdichte 1550 Stämme/ha; • Androscoggin-Gruppe: Klon Androscoggin, Altersbereich 2 – 7 Jahre, Baumdichte 1550 Stämme/ha; und • Münden-Gruppe: Klon Münden, Altersbereich 2 – 7 Jahre, Baumdichte 1550 Stämme/ha. Die Güte des Modells wurde mit Hilfe verschiedener statistischer Verfahren überprüft. Bei der Validierung anhand des Datensatzes, welcher für die Modellkonstruktion Verwendung fand, zeigte das Modell eine Verzerrung bzw. einen Bias von 0,5 % &amp;gt; ē % &amp;gt; - 0,5 % bei der Bestandesoberhöhenschätzung und einen maximalen Bias von 10,41 % bei der Schätzung der Bestandesbiomasse. Die Treffgenauigkeit (mx %) des Modells hingegen variierte zwischen 12,25 % und 17,56 % bzw. 8,05 und 27,32 % (bei Schätzung der Bestandesoberhöhe bzw. der Bestandesbiomasse). Zudem wies das Modell keinen systematischen Fehler zwischen den geschätzten und den realen Werten auf. Bei der Validierung mit einem unabhängigen Datensatz betrug die Treffgenauigkeit (mx %) für die Schätzung der Bestandsoberhöhe und des Biomassevorrates 15,72 bzw. 26,68 %. Um das Ertragspotenzial von Pappelplantagen für die gesamte sächsische Ackerfläche bzw. die gesamte ehemalige Stilllegungsfläche zu bestimmen, wurden die zu Schätzung erforderlichen Standortvariablen auf Gemeindebasis kalkuliert, mittels ArcGIS dargestellt sowie Simulationsrechungen für verschiedene Bestandsdichten vorgenommen und ebenfalls visualisiert. Den Ergebnissen der Simulationsrechnungen zufolge wäre bei einer Stammzahl von 4000 N/ha eine Rotationslänge von 9 Jahren, bei 8333 bis 10.000 N/ha von 7 Jahren erforderlich, um einen durchschnittlichen Gesamtzuwachs (dGz) von ≥ 8 [tatro/ha/a] auf mehr als 50 % der sächsischen Ackerflächen bzw. ehemaligen Stilllegungsflächen in erster Rotation zu erreichen. Würde die gesamte ehemalige sächsische Stilllegungsfläche mit einer Baumdichte von 10.000 Stämmen/ha bepflanzt werden, könnten Pappelplantagen im Alter 9 einen dGz von 520.000 [tatro/a] (entsprechend 250.000 Kubikmeter Diesel) erreichen. Bei Bestockung aller sächsischen Ackerflächen würde sich der Ertrag auf bis zu 9.087.000 [tatro/a] (entsprechend 4.367.000 Kubikmeter Diesel) erhöhen.


Kadaňka, Petr Unknown Date (has links)
The main topic of the work is the interpretation of feelings related to the issue of disappearing landscape values at the expense of uncontrolled extensive development of suburban areas. It is a subjective thought product of several years of experience in architectural practice, including, among other things, one's own participation in a similar invasive construction. This empiricism has resulted in the constant questioning of ethical conduct and responsibility. The key terms are suburbanization, urban sprawl, development, satellite town, outskirts, transformation of the aura of a place in „non-aura“. An integral part of the work is represented by considerations about the general position of the object within the hierarchy of (sub)urban space. The object does not mean only positive examples in the form of aesthetic, orientation or vegetation elements. The focus is also on its averted form — waste, utilitarian technical and functional elements or, for example, the seemingly endless colonization of public space by cars. Colonization of our minds. All spatial objects are also psychotropic. Their mental impact can be beneficial, arousing affect or emotion. But what if the objects in the public space are completely missing? The urban object is not far from the position of an artifact, a prop of everyday life, which does not belong to a person physically, but mentally.

A Validation of Nass Crop Data Layer in the Maumee River Watershed

Panozzo, Kimberly A. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

L'évolution du foncier agricole en Algérie à travers les réformes / The evolution of agricultural land in Algeria through reforms

Baouche, Fatiha 28 January 2014 (has links)
Parler du foncier agricole en Algérie, c'est évoquer inévitablement tout un processus historique dans laquelle la terre a été l'enjeu principal aussi bien pendant la colonisation que pendant la période post indépendance, où elle a été au centre de choix politiques, voir même idéologiques. Tout un arsenal juridique mis en place pendant plus de 60 ans, pour la création et la libéralisation du marché foncier afin de faciliter les transactions foncières et réaliser la sécurisation foncière des exploitants agricoles et ce, dans le but de renforcer l'accès au foncier agricole. En Algérie, la problématique du foncier devient cruciale. Pour des raisons extrêmement variées et à des degrés divers, le foncier se trouve au centre des débats et des enjeux. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous nous intéresserons à la problématique du foncier agricole en Algérie et les différents dispositifs mis en place par l’État depuis l'indépendance pour trouver une solution à la question complexe du foncier agricole en Algérie, et ce, à travers toutes les réformes : de l'autogestion à la concession des terres du domaine privé de l’État. / Talking about the agricultural land in Algeria, is inevitably evoking a historical process in which the land was the main challenge both during the colonization and during the post independence period, where it was the centre of a political and even ideological choice. A whole legal arsenal is introduced during more than 60 years, for the creation and the liberalization of land market, in order to facilitate the land transactions and to realise a land security of farmers to reinforce the access to agricultural land. In Algeria, the land problem becomes crucial. Due to extremely varied raisons and to various degrees, the land lies at the centre of debates and issues. In this research, we focus on the land of agricultural problem in Algeria and the various devices set up by the government since the independence to find a solution to complex question of the agriculture landholding in Algeria, and that, through all the reforms of the self- management to the concession of land in the private domain of the state.

Accaparement des terres en Afrique subsaharienne : une opportunité manquée de développement : la stratégie «gagnant-gagnant» sous le prisme du contrôle étatique

Lallement, Charlotte 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Součinnost územního plánu a komplexní pozemkové úpravy při návrhu společných zařízení / The cooperation of the land plan and complex land consolidation with suggestion of the common facilities

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Hana January 2011 (has links)
There is solved the cooperation of the land plan and complex land consolidation fot three different cadastral areas - Krtely, Malovičky and Podeřiště. These cadastral areas come under the administration of the community Malovice. The complex land consolidation and land plan were initiated in different order nad in defferent years. The land consolidatin for the cadastral area Krtely was initiated in 1992, for Malovičky in 2005 and for Podeřiště in 2007. Moreover, each project has been prepared by the different design office. The result of the diploma thesis is the assessment of the cooperation during different conditions and also the assessment of the processing quality of single projects.

Hodnocení specifických faktorů při oceňování zemědělských pozemků v podmínkách ČR / Evaluation of specific factors in the valuation of agricultural land in conditions of the Czech republic

Hrubanová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on the identification and evaluation of specific factors affecting the price of agricultural land. It should be mentioned that the market for agricultural land, especially arable land and permanent grasslands, is not fully developed in the Czech Republic and this area is not fully explored. The thesis describes the factors on the basis of which the investor decides when buying these plots. The data needed for this work have been obtained from professional literature, real estate servers, two polls, actual sales, etc. In the conclusion of this thesis all findings are summarized and evaluated. It includes the development of prices in the years 2014 – 2016 based on sales actually realized in the Olomouc Region, Moravian – Silesian Region, South Moravian Region and Vysočina Region. The outcome of the thesis is a proposal of an expert standard. It is necessary to realize that, above all, agricultural land is a specific commodity, as it is unreproducible, indivisible and its offer is limited.

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