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<p dir="ltr">Precision agriculture has been around for many, many years but as technology has rapidly grown with the population, farmers are looking for more ways to improve their operation with the help of these tools. These tools help farmers manage, understand, and decide when, how and what should be done regarding the tough decisions in the field based on their machinery statues. The tools that utilize GPS location and provide farm managers with useful information and feedback on large scales of value in the Harvesting and planting operation. With previous works done focusing on identify state machine activity utilizing GPS location data with the use of loggers and algorithms this study carries on from one field to the next identifying the truth data set for each and the accuracy of the algorithm. The goal is to add a more realistic view to the states identifying turning and transporting throughout the harvesting operation in truth data and from algorithm results. Also diving into truck activity with lower standard GPS tracking to see how accurately they can be predicted to complete the harvesting cycle from vehicle to vehicle. Overall, the combine and grain cart held at 88% accuracy for labeling all state activity during the harvesting operation for multiple fields, while for the model algorithm with the grain trucks having an overall accuracy of 94%.</p>
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從農業發展條例之研修檢視我國農地移轉制度 / Review on Agricultural Land Transfer System through Amendment of the Agricultural Development Act in Taiwan張志銘 Unknown Date (has links)
三、進一步研究農業產銷班與農地利用之關聯性。 / For joining WTO and moderating the impact of the import of agricultural products on agricultural lands use and, management and production, our government reacted by revising the Agricultural Development Act (ADA). The ADA has been revised by the Legislative Yuan on January 4 and promulgated by the Presidential Decree on January 26, 2000. The main point of the revision is to emphasis on reasonable farmland uses, effective management and adequate release of the land regulations in the agricultural policy. The main change is to adjust ADA’s principle from “the right to own and use farmland to be limited to the farmer” to “the release of the restriction on farmland transferee and realization of the substantial farmland uses.” The revision does no longer set a limit to the status and qualification of transferees and permits the transferable rights of agribusiness on some certain conditions. It is approved that the revision is to establish a more open and competitive arable land market, to improve the liquidity of arable lands, to facilitate the acquirement of arable lands for agribusiness, and to adjust the agricultural production structure. However, we should review the completeness and realization of the revised ADA after the promulgation in order to assure the agricultural development.
Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to probe into the change of the agricultural land policy and transfer regulation from the provisions of the revised ADA, examine the exercising of transfer system change and its influence on agricultural operation, investigate the intention of agricultural managers for reviewing the relative debates and issues, and then offer some advice as references of revision in the future. The conclusion is described as follows:
1.It is a trend of the times to adjust the transfer system that the right to own and use farmland is limited to the farmer, and the mechanism of assuring the substantial farmland uses should be realized.
2.From empirical research, the interviewees almost agree to the new agricultural land transfer system, but think that it is not useful for accelerating the liquidity and promoting the level of agricultural industry.
3.It is not significant on introducing agribusiness to be the transferee of arable lands, and it is necessary for our government to integrate too many relative and complicated laws.
4.We should review and implement the revised ADA because the rules themselves cannot provide fair incentives and effectively reduce the uncertainty from exercising it.
5.Farmers and agribusinesses lack the knowledge of relative laws, so the government should enhance them the professional training and give them consultant service.
In addition, from this research, we also found that some issues need to be studied for effective management of agricultural lands and sustainable development of agricultural industry in the future.
1.How to sound the management institution when agribusinesses want to be the transferee of arable lands.
2.How to designate important agricultural zones and establish protection mechanism.
3.Study the correlation between the agricultural product marketing class and agricultural land uses.
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Organic Farming is Coming to Our Valley : The Development of Pumi Eco-Agriculture and the Indigenisation of Modernity in Sino-Myanmar BorderlandsGao, Ze January 2019 (has links)
How do indigenous people perceive and practice eco-agriculture, especially when it was introduced as a development project? This thesis aims to delve into this question by focusing on a policy-induced agrarian transition for Pumi community in Sino-Myanmar borderlands. Using ethnographic methods, I intend to offer an intimate account of a provincial programme to facilitate eco-agriculture in this ethnic region. With the conceptual framework presented, the current research starts with the introduction of Pumi agricultural history and indigenous farming knowledge, with a focus on Pumi biocultural heritage. Then, I will examine how the process of ‘indigenisation of modernity’ (Sahlins 2000) has occurred against the backdrop of Pumi eco-agriculture programme. The insights will be distilled from three different aspects, which are agricultural land use, technical practices, and governance issues. For each aspect, I will scrutinise to what degree the government is following an industrial model to design the eco-agriculture agenda which corresponds to the ‘conventionalisation hypothesis’ of organic production (Buck 1997) and is thus in alignment with their long-term strategic goals to ‘modernise’ this borderland region through agricultural transformations, whereas the local Pumi farmers are actively coping with the government’s external interventions, meanwhile searching for the ‘alternative pathway’ towards agricultural modernisation. In the final chapter, I will interpret the motives of the both actors in the programme. For the government, the post-development theory will be employed to provide a critique of the ‘development discourse’ embedded in the agenda. For local farmers, the concept of ‘environmentality’ (Agrawal 2005) will be focused to interpret the Pumi farmers’ motives to indigenise, which ultimately questioning the transforming powers of modernity and globalisation on Pumi agrarian society. Basically, this thesis aims to trace the socio-political processes which drive the ‘agrarian transition’ in a Southeast Asian frontier, and further demonstrate how the resource abundance in the borderlands can underpin intense processes of commodification and dispossession (Nevins and Peluso 2008; Ishikawa 2010; see also Milne and Mahanty, 2015), the implications of which crystallised in an ethnographic context. To a larger extent, this research aims to shed lights on the interactions between social structure and individual agency ― although the Pumi farmers are struggling to survive with the adaptation to modern inputs, they are still marginalised by the structured inequality of the market economy, which limited the farmers’ opportunities to improve their own livelihoods. Furthermore, this research also has significant policy implications as it addresses the issues such as agricultural policy and ethnic relations in the borderland regions. By reflecting upon the overlapping implications of highland livelihoods, agencies, and the transforming powers of social change, the current study aims to build a locally rooted understanding of Pumi eco-agriculture programme, and provide lessons for sustainable planning and future policy-making for rural development in developing countries such as China.
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Soil microbiota related to carbon, nitrogen and greenhouse gas cycles across different land uses in Southwestern Amazonia / Microbiota do solo relacionada aos ciclos do carbono, nitrogênio e gases de efeito estufa em diferentes usos da terra no Sudoeste da AmazôniaLammel, Daniel Renato 16 December 2011 (has links)
Sustainability is one of the biggest goals of humankind in the new millennium. An increasing global demand on agricultural products stimulates agricultural expansion in Brazil, especially in the Southwestern Amazon, namely in the Cerrado and Amazon biomes. A better understanding of biogeochemical cycles and their influence on natural and agricultural systems is key to achieve environmental sustainability and improve agricultural efficiency. These biogeochemical cycles are driven by microbes, and the aim of this thesis was to correlate microbial functional group abundances with differences in carbon, nitrogen, and greenhouse gas cycles in response to land use changes in Southwestern Amazon soils. This work was performed at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, while the candidate was enrolled in Ph.D. programs at both universities. The thesis is composed of five studies. The first study shows that land use change from Cerrado and forest to agriculture (soybean, Glycine max (L. Merrill), in succession with other crops) or pasture (Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) did not reduce soil microbial diversity but changed microbial structure. The second study, a physicochemical background for this land use conversion, describes the alteration of C and N stocks, soil chemical parameters, and microbiological parameters such as biomass, biological C stocks, and changes in the abundance of prokaryotes and fungi. In the third and fourth studies microcosm experiments depict how the agricultural change to soybean and Brachiaria alter the original microbial structure found in forest or cerrado. These studies focused on abundances of key biogeochemical genes (amoA, nirK, nirS, norB, nosZ, mcrA, and pmoA) and correlated gene copy abundances with C, N, and GHG measurements. In the fifth study, in situ soil surveys and GHG samplings were used to characterize the changes from forest to pasture (B. brizantha, 25 years) or soybean crop system (for 2 years or 25 years in succession). We found correlations between genes and processes, indicating that gene abundances provide important microbial information for the understanding of the targeted biogeochemical cycles. Land use, rather than plant species, promotes alterations in microbial gene abundances and processes. During the survey period, forest exhibited higher microbial activity, resulting in higher nitrate availability and N2O emissions. These processes were correlated with higher abundances of process related genes. Nitrate and N2O emissions were lower in agricultural and pasture soils. CO2 emission was higher in the two-year-old soybean plot. The forest and two-year-old soybean plots acted as a sink for CH4, while the pasture plots represented a source of it. The results validated the use of gene abundance determination as a valuable tool to better understand C, N, and GHG processes. The genes nirK, nosZ, and 16S rRNA presented the best correlations with the processes. A larger temporal and spatial analysis is needed to infer statements on the processes dynamics due to land use change. For the first time gene abundance measurements were used to integrate the C, N and GHG cycles, giving insights into land use changes in Southwestern Amazon / Sustentabilidade é um dos maiores objetivos da humanidade no novo milênio. Uma demanda crescente por produtos agrícolas tem estimulado a expansão agrícola no Brasil, especialmente no Sudoeste da Amazônia, nos biomas Cerrado e Amazônia. Um melhor entendimento dos ciclos biogeoquímicos e suas influências em sistemas naturais e agrícolas é chave para se alcançar sustentabilidade ambiental e aumentar eficiência agrícola. Esses ciclos biogeoquímicos são guiados por microrganismos, e o objetivo dessa tese foi correlacionar abundância de grupos funcionais de microrganismos com carbono, nitrogênio e gases de efeito estufa (GEE) em resposta a mudança do uso da terra em solos do sudoeste da Amazônia. Esse trabalho foi realizado na Universidade de São Paulo e na Universidade de Massachusetts Amherst enquanto o doutorando esteve matriculado nas duas universidades. A tese é composta de cinco estudos. O primeiro estudo mostra que a mudança no uso da terra de Cerrado e floresta para agricultura (soja, Glycine max (L. Merrill), em sucessão com outros cultivos) ou pastagem (Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) não reduz diversidade microbiana, mas muda sua estrutura. O segundo estudo descreve as alterações nos estoques de C, N, parâmetros químicos e microbiológicos da conversão de Cerrado para agricultura e pastagem. No terceiro e no quarto estudos, microcosmos foram usados para avaliar a influência de soja e braquiária na microbiota dos solos. Genes chaves dos processos biogeoquímicos (amoA, nirK, nirS, norB, nosZ, mcrA, e pmoA) foram quantificados e correlacionados com C, N e GEE. No quinto estudo, coletas in situ de solo e gases foram usadss para caracterizar a mudança do uso da terra de floresta para pastagem (braquiária, 25 anos) e para agricultura (soja, segundo ano, e soja, 25 anos, em sucessão com outras culturas). Correlações entre genes e processos foram encontradas, indicando que abundância gênica fornece importantes informações para o entendimento dos ciclos biogeoquímicos. Mudança no uso da terra como um todo, mais do que a mudança de vegetação, promove as alterações na abundância gênica e processos do solo. Durante o período de coleta, floresta exibiu maior atividade microbiana, resultando em maior disponibilidade de nitrato e emissão de N2O. Esses processos correlacionam com maior abundância dos genes relacionados aos processos. Quantidades de nitrato e N2O foram menores em agricultura e pastagem. As emissões de CO2 foram maiores na área de soja de segundo ano. Os solos de floresta e soja de segundo ano se mostraram como drenos de metano, enquanto que a pastagem foi uma fonte de emissão. Os resultados validam o uso de abundância gênica como uma técnica valiosa para um melhor entendimento dos ciclos do C, N e GEE. Os genes nirK, nosZ, e 16S rRNA apresentaram as melhores correlações com os processos. Uma análise temporal e espacial mais abrangente é necessária para generalizações sobre a dinâmica dos processos na região estudada. Pela primeira vez abundância gênica foi usada para integrar os ciclos do C, N e GEE, colaborando para um melhor entendimento dos processos relacionados à mudança no uso da terra no sudoeste da Amazônia
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Soil microbiota related to carbon, nitrogen and greenhouse gas cycles across different land uses in Southwestern Amazonia / Microbiota do solo relacionada aos ciclos do carbono, nitrogênio e gases de efeito estufa em diferentes usos da terra no Sudoeste da AmazôniaDaniel Renato Lammel 16 December 2011 (has links)
Sustainability is one of the biggest goals of humankind in the new millennium. An increasing global demand on agricultural products stimulates agricultural expansion in Brazil, especially in the Southwestern Amazon, namely in the Cerrado and Amazon biomes. A better understanding of biogeochemical cycles and their influence on natural and agricultural systems is key to achieve environmental sustainability and improve agricultural efficiency. These biogeochemical cycles are driven by microbes, and the aim of this thesis was to correlate microbial functional group abundances with differences in carbon, nitrogen, and greenhouse gas cycles in response to land use changes in Southwestern Amazon soils. This work was performed at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, while the candidate was enrolled in Ph.D. programs at both universities. The thesis is composed of five studies. The first study shows that land use change from Cerrado and forest to agriculture (soybean, Glycine max (L. Merrill), in succession with other crops) or pasture (Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) did not reduce soil microbial diversity but changed microbial structure. The second study, a physicochemical background for this land use conversion, describes the alteration of C and N stocks, soil chemical parameters, and microbiological parameters such as biomass, biological C stocks, and changes in the abundance of prokaryotes and fungi. In the third and fourth studies microcosm experiments depict how the agricultural change to soybean and Brachiaria alter the original microbial structure found in forest or cerrado. These studies focused on abundances of key biogeochemical genes (amoA, nirK, nirS, norB, nosZ, mcrA, and pmoA) and correlated gene copy abundances with C, N, and GHG measurements. In the fifth study, in situ soil surveys and GHG samplings were used to characterize the changes from forest to pasture (B. brizantha, 25 years) or soybean crop system (for 2 years or 25 years in succession). We found correlations between genes and processes, indicating that gene abundances provide important microbial information for the understanding of the targeted biogeochemical cycles. Land use, rather than plant species, promotes alterations in microbial gene abundances and processes. During the survey period, forest exhibited higher microbial activity, resulting in higher nitrate availability and N2O emissions. These processes were correlated with higher abundances of process related genes. Nitrate and N2O emissions were lower in agricultural and pasture soils. CO2 emission was higher in the two-year-old soybean plot. The forest and two-year-old soybean plots acted as a sink for CH4, while the pasture plots represented a source of it. The results validated the use of gene abundance determination as a valuable tool to better understand C, N, and GHG processes. The genes nirK, nosZ, and 16S rRNA presented the best correlations with the processes. A larger temporal and spatial analysis is needed to infer statements on the processes dynamics due to land use change. For the first time gene abundance measurements were used to integrate the C, N and GHG cycles, giving insights into land use changes in Southwestern Amazon / Sustentabilidade é um dos maiores objetivos da humanidade no novo milênio. Uma demanda crescente por produtos agrícolas tem estimulado a expansão agrícola no Brasil, especialmente no Sudoeste da Amazônia, nos biomas Cerrado e Amazônia. Um melhor entendimento dos ciclos biogeoquímicos e suas influências em sistemas naturais e agrícolas é chave para se alcançar sustentabilidade ambiental e aumentar eficiência agrícola. Esses ciclos biogeoquímicos são guiados por microrganismos, e o objetivo dessa tese foi correlacionar abundância de grupos funcionais de microrganismos com carbono, nitrogênio e gases de efeito estufa (GEE) em resposta a mudança do uso da terra em solos do sudoeste da Amazônia. Esse trabalho foi realizado na Universidade de São Paulo e na Universidade de Massachusetts Amherst enquanto o doutorando esteve matriculado nas duas universidades. A tese é composta de cinco estudos. O primeiro estudo mostra que a mudança no uso da terra de Cerrado e floresta para agricultura (soja, Glycine max (L. Merrill), em sucessão com outros cultivos) ou pastagem (Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) não reduz diversidade microbiana, mas muda sua estrutura. O segundo estudo descreve as alterações nos estoques de C, N, parâmetros químicos e microbiológicos da conversão de Cerrado para agricultura e pastagem. No terceiro e no quarto estudos, microcosmos foram usados para avaliar a influência de soja e braquiária na microbiota dos solos. Genes chaves dos processos biogeoquímicos (amoA, nirK, nirS, norB, nosZ, mcrA, e pmoA) foram quantificados e correlacionados com C, N e GEE. No quinto estudo, coletas in situ de solo e gases foram usadss para caracterizar a mudança do uso da terra de floresta para pastagem (braquiária, 25 anos) e para agricultura (soja, segundo ano, e soja, 25 anos, em sucessão com outras culturas). Correlações entre genes e processos foram encontradas, indicando que abundância gênica fornece importantes informações para o entendimento dos ciclos biogeoquímicos. Mudança no uso da terra como um todo, mais do que a mudança de vegetação, promove as alterações na abundância gênica e processos do solo. Durante o período de coleta, floresta exibiu maior atividade microbiana, resultando em maior disponibilidade de nitrato e emissão de N2O. Esses processos correlacionam com maior abundância dos genes relacionados aos processos. Quantidades de nitrato e N2O foram menores em agricultura e pastagem. As emissões de CO2 foram maiores na área de soja de segundo ano. Os solos de floresta e soja de segundo ano se mostraram como drenos de metano, enquanto que a pastagem foi uma fonte de emissão. Os resultados validam o uso de abundância gênica como uma técnica valiosa para um melhor entendimento dos ciclos do C, N e GEE. Os genes nirK, nosZ, e 16S rRNA apresentaram as melhores correlações com os processos. Uma análise temporal e espacial mais abrangente é necessária para generalizações sobre a dinâmica dos processos na região estudada. Pela primeira vez abundância gênica foi usada para integrar os ciclos do C, N e GEE, colaborando para um melhor entendimento dos processos relacionados à mudança no uso da terra no sudoeste da Amazônia
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Undersökning av mängden organiskt kol i ett område med sura sulfatjordar i Kristianstads kommunLindquist, Thérese January 2019 (has links)
I Fredriksdalsvikens naturreservat i Kristianstads kommun skedde omfattande metalläckage efter en översvämning sommaren 2007 som orsakade skador på djur- och växtliv. De kraftiga metalläckagen misstänks härledas till sura sulfatjordar. Sura sulfatjordar tillhör de miljöskadligaste jordarna i världen på grund av de kraftiga metalläckagen och försurningen som jordarna orsakar till omgivningen. Mot bakgrund till humusämnens centrala roll för metalltransport i naturliga miljöer, syftade denna studie till att kartlägga hur organiskt kol är fördelat, sprids samt hur det kan förklaras i ett område nära det drabbade naturreservatet. Studien är en del av ett pågående forskningsprojekt i området som bedrivs på Linnéuniversitetet. I studiens undersökningsområde dominerar jordbruksmark som dräneras av ett dikessystem från norr till söder. Vattnet som avleds i dikessystemet pumpas slutligen till en våtmark i Fredriksdalsvikens naturreservat. I studien analyserades jord från åkermark, dikessediment, porvatten och dikesvatten från området på totalt organiskt kol med metoderna glödförlust och kyvett-test. Totalhalterna jämfördes med pH och grundvattennivå i åkermark. Resultat och slutsatser av studien är att högst halter löst organiskt kol uppmättes i dikesvattnet uppströms i dikessystemet och beror troligtvis på bottenfauna som inte växer i andra delar av systemet. I dikessediment ökar den organiska halten nedströms i dikessystemet och kan förklaras genom tillförsel av organiskt kol från två diken som dränerar åkermark rik på organiskt kol. De högsta halterna organiskt kol i jord beror på ett tunt torvlager. I åkermark visar inte resultaten någon tydlig statistisk korrelation mellan pH och totalt organiskt kol, men kraftig pH-sänkning tillsammans med höga totalhalter organiskt kol i torvjord beror troligtvis snarare på humusämnen än på sur sulfatjord. I åkermark väster om dikessystemet ökar den organiska halten med djupet under grundvattenytan. I samma åkermark ökar halterna av totalt organiskt kol lateralt mot dikessystemet, parallellt med att pH sjunker som troligen påverkas av starkare bindningsmekanismer till mineral, lägre mikrobiell aktivitet och minskad urlakning av löst organiskt kol. Men fler undersökningar i området krävs då markanvändning, erosion, jordarternas textur och sammansättning samt vattnets spridningsvägar också är avgörande faktorer för fördelning och spridning av organiskt kol i naturliga miljöer. / In the nature reserve Fredriksdalsviken in Kristianstad municipality, extensive metal leakage occurred after a flood in the summer of 2007 that caused damage to wildlife and plant life. The heavy metal leaks are suspected to be derived from acid sulphate soils in the area. Acid sulphate soils are among the most environmentally harmful soils in the world due to its extensive acidification and leaching of metals to the environment. In the light of humic substances key role for metal transport in natural environments, this study aimed to investigate how organic carbon is distributed, spread and how it can be explained in an area near the affected nature reserve. The study is part of an ongoing research project in the area conducted at Linnaeus University. The study area is dominated by agriculture land which is drained by a ditch system from north to south. The drained water in the ditch system is finally pumped to a wetland in the Fredriksdalsviken nature reserve. In the area, total organic carbon was analysed on soil from arable land, ditch sediment, pore water and ditch water with the methods loss of ignition and cuvette-test. Total levels were compared with pH and the groundwater level in arable land. The results and conclusions of the study are that the highest content of dissolved organic carbon in the ditch water upstream the ditch system is probably due to benthic fauna that doesn’t grow in other parts of the system. In the ditch sediment, the organic content increases downstream in the ditch system and can be explained by the supply of organic carbon from two ditches that drain arable land rich in organic carbon. In arable land are the highest levels of organic carbon due to a thin peat layer. The results does not show a clear statistical correlation between pH and total organic carbon in soil, but a sharp decrease in pH together with high total levels of organic carbon in peat soil is probably due to humic substances rather than to acid sulphate soil. In the western arable land of the ditch system, levels of total organic carbon increase laterally towards the ditch system at the same time as the pH decreases, which is probably affected by stronger binding mechanisms to minerals, lower microbial activity and reduced leaching of dissolved organic carbon. However, more research is required in the study area, since land use, erosion, soil texture and constitution together with the flow paths of water also are crucial factors for the distribution and pathways of organic carbon in natural environments.
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非都市土地農牧用地變更審議制度之研究-以竹科宜蘭城南基地與清華大學宜蘭園區為例 / Study on examination institution in agricultural land conversion of non-urban land – cases of Yilan Science Park's Chengnan base and National Tsing Hua University's I-Lan campus李漢煒 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以土地使用計畫審議之合理性為主軸,應用永續發展中環境、經濟和公平(environment, economy, and equity)三個E之概念與區域計畫法第15條之2於國土利用係屬適當而合理之原則,探討開發許可中,農牧用地變更審議之規範與執行情形及民眾參與之方式,並藉由對專家學者、當地居民、公部門與相關組織之深入訪談及個案綜合分析結果,加以檢視與研討,確認目前非都市土地農牧用地變更審議執行上遭遇之課題,最後針對各課題研提改善策略與配套措施,以供政府未來執行非都市土地農牧用地變更審議政策之參考,期能達到農地環境資源合理利用之目標。 / In recent years, for co-operating the development of significant construction, like establishment of science parks, the national university branch and so on, the Government applies for the development permission to change the farmland use according to article 15-2 in Regional Plan Act. Large quantities of farmland are often changed to construction land, industry land or special-purpose land. So large-scale land development cases are planned comprehensively, and conditions of developed land base are considered in the planning process. Actually, the coordination and conformity to the environment or related plan are neglected. This not only causes the massive lost farmland, but also influences maintenance of the overall environment quality seriously.
At present, in the non-urban land development management in the practice operation, the spirit of regional plan is not considered in the development permission institution. The Government do not considered the levels in the institution design. It is short of the suitable link mechanism in the instruction or continuation between plans in various levels. In the examination process of land-change cases, the cases are not linked to the national land planning, and easily influenced by the political power. When involving the farmland conversion, only the case itself is examined, but the effects on the peripheral environment are not considered. The agricultural agency lacks the superior farmland protection and examination mechanism. In the development way, the Government too tolerates the case development permission, and only has demand of the quantity without request for the quality. Besides, public participation prior to examination process is lacked. Above shortcomings should be discussed and solved.
This article takes the rationality of land use plan examination as the main axle. It applies the concepts of three Es including environment, economy, and equity in the sustainable development, and adopts the principle of suitable and reasonable national land use in article 15-2 in Regional Plan Act. It discusses the standards and the situations of examination in agricultural land conversion, and the way of public participation in development permission. According to the in-depth Interviews of experts, local residents, the government agency and related organization and the results of cases study, it inspects and confirms present layout problems of examination in agricultural land conversion of non-urban land. Finally, it proposes the improvement strategies and the coordinated measures for various problems to offer references to the governmental policy in the future for achieving the goal of the reasonable use of farmland environment resources.
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污染農地整治後再利用之探討 -以彰化縣和美鎮為例 / Reuse of contaminated agricultural land after remediation: Hemei Township, Changhua County as an example)徐采資 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,透過文獻分析與深度訪談結果,可獲得以下結論:(1)台灣污染農地整治方式以翻土工程為主,對農地造成破壞;(2)污染農地即使整治後,仍可能再度被污染;(3)污染農地整治完成後,以長期休耕為主;(4)台灣處理污染農地,違反再利用之基本原則。有鑑於此,本研究對於污染農地如何再利用,提出以下之政策建議:(1)推動污染農地轉作非食用作物,可創造諸多效益;(2)以中央層級確立污染農地再利用政策;(3)劃設高污染風險農地專區,優先輔導種植非食用作物。此外,必要配套措施包括:(1)依區域條件評選合適的再利用方案,提供技術與後續產銷輔導;(2)重視污染源頭管制,使工業生產者擔負污染責任。 / In the past, government advocated "living room factories" industrial development policies, but without clear land zoning and strict regulations, the factories discharged toxic and heavy metal wastewater into the irrigation system, resulting in agricultural land and the crops were contaminated, and threatened the public food safety. EPA 2011 announcement data shows that nearly 80% of contaminated agricultural land is completely remediated, and it is claimed that the improvement in contaminated agricultural land has reached some success. However, current research indicates that most Taiwan's contaminated agricultural land remediation methods, only buried the contaminated soil into the ground, not really cleaned away the pollutants. On the other hand, the government nor actively improve pollution sources, and therefore some of the agricultural land even after remediation polluted again, which must be remediated again. This situation, many scholars can't help but question what the real significance of such remediation.
In recent years, because of technical limitations and remediation funding pressure on contaminated land, there is no longer only consideration in remediation, but through the concept of risk, by changing land-use patterns, so that contaminated land can be reused or revitalized. The researches on reuse of contaminated agricultural land in Taiwan, most suggest contaminated agricultural land change for non-agricultural use, and even think the benefit of contaminated agricultural land after remediation if keep agricultural use is low. However, this study suggests that past researches neglect the multifunctionality of agriculture, in addition to the value of goods, but there are still many non-commodity values, including environmental, ecological, landscape and other benefits.
For this viewpoint, this study concentrates on the reuse of contaminated agricultural land after remediation, and gives first place to grow non-food crops. There are two parts to discuss, including why contaminated agricultural land need to reuse, and how to reuse. First, the study establish the theoretical foundation of contaminated agricultural land reuse, which based on the risk principles of contaminated land reuse and multifunctionality of agriculture. Then, to further develop three contaminated agricultural land reuse programs, including the "trees", "energy crops", "flowers or landscape crop", etc. This study suggests that if contaminated agricultural land after remediation can implement the three reuse programs, it can not only take into account the risk principle and multifunctionality of agriculture, but also avoid threats to food safety, as well as saving the government follow-up management costs. Next, Hemei Township, Changhua County, as a case study, using depth interview for the Hemei town contaminated agricultural land's farmers and Changhua County public servant who deal with contaminated agricultural land remediation. Survey the actual situation and subsequent use difficulties of contamination agricultural land after remediation, as well as their ideas and suggestions of contaminated agricultural land reuse.
Finally, through a literature review and interviews results obtained the following conclusions: (1) the main remediation method of contaminated agricultural land in Taiwan is to bury the contaminated soil into the ground, and it causes damage on agricultural land; (2) contaminated agricultural land even after remediation may still be contaminated again; (3) contaminated agricultural land after remediation is mainly long-term fallow; (4) dealing with contaminated agricultural land in Taiwan is in violation of basic reuse principles. Therefore, this study suggests the following policy recommendations for how the contaminated agricultural land to reuse: (1) promote contaminated agricultural land grow non-food crops, it can create many benefits; (2) the central level government establish contaminated agricultural land reuse policies; (3) the designation of the high risk of contaminated agricultural land area, give the first place to help grow non-food crops. In addition, the necessary supporting measures include: (1) select the appropriate reuse program by regional conditions, and provide technical help and sales counseling; (2) emphasize the control of pollution sources, and make industrial producers shoulder the responsibility for the pollution.
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Modelling of Biomass Production Potential of Poplar in Short Rotation Plantations on Agricultural Lands of Saxony, Germany / Modellierung der Ertragspotentiale von Pappelklonen in Kurzumtriebsplantagen auf sächsischen AckerflächenAli, Wael 16 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The interest in renewables for energy has increased in the last 2-3 decades because of the negative environmental impact caused by the burning of fossil fuels, the raising prices of traditional fuels, the dependence on foreign oil, and the decrease in fossil fuels resources. Biomass energy represents one of the most promising alternatives. Many studies worldwide were devoted to investigate growth and yield of short rotation forestry plantations for energetic use and several empirical and process-based models were developed to predict the potential production of biomass. The current work was concentrated on modelling site productivity (potential of biomass production) of specific poplar clones planted on arable Saxon land under different stocking densities. Empirical data collected from several experimental areas were used. Site productivity has been predicted depending on stand age and site variables using a two-step model. In step one age and site variables were used to model stand dominant height and in step two the constructed dominant height was involved with stocking density to predict stand oven dried biomass. Depending on data availability the model was parameterized for four different groups of poplar clones: Androscoggin (clone Androscoggin), Matrix (Matrix and hybrid 275), Max (Max 1 …Max 5) and Münden (clone Münden). Both stand dominant height and stand dry biomass were modelled for ages 2 – 9 years for clone groups: Matrix and Max and for ages 2 – 7 years for clone groups: Androscoggin and Münden. The model has been tested and validated using several statistical and graphical methods. The relative bias (ē %) in the dominant height estimates ranged between 0.5 % &gt; ē % &gt; - 0.5 % in all clone groups and had a maximum bias of 10.41 % in stand biomass estimates. Model accuracy (mx %) in the dominant height estimates ranged between 12.25 and 17.56 % and between 8.05 and 27.32 % in stand biomass estimates. Two different scenarios were presented to show the potential of biomass that can be produced from poplar plantations on arable and former fallow Saxon lands at different stocking densities. ArcGIS has been used to visualize model application results. In order to produce a mean annual increment ≥ 8 [dry t/ha/a] from poplar plantations (Max group) for more than 50 % of arable or former fallow lands in the first rotation at least 9 years are required under stocking density of 4000 stems/ha and 7 years for both stocking densities 8333 and 10,000 stems/ha. / Die Nachfrage nach Holz für energetische Zwecke nimmt in Deutschland und ganz Europa zu. Um diesen Bedarf künftig besser befriedigen zu können, müssen verstärkt Ressourcen aus verschiedenen Quellen wie z. B. Holz aus Niederwäldern oder Durchforstungsreserven im Hochwald mobilisiert und ergänzend Holz in Kurzumtriebsflächen produziert werden (Guericke, M. 2006). Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das Ertragspotential von Pappelklonen in Kurzumtriebsplantagen unterschiedlicher Baumdichte auf sächsischen Ackerflächen zu untersuchen. Hierzu wurden die potentiellen Erträge anhand empirischer, auf verschiedenen Versuchsflächen erhobener Daten modelliert. Zur Schätzung des Ertragspotentials wurde ein zweistufiges Modell entwickelt: Im ersten Schritt erfolgte die Modellierung der Oberhöhe eines Bestandes (ho, m) in Abhängigkeit von Bestandesalter und Standortfaktoren unter Verwendung einer multiplen linearen Regressionsanalyse, dabei wurden Bestimmtheitsmaße (R²) von 0,975 bis 0,989 erreicht. In einem zweiten Schritt lässt sich dann der Biomassevorrat [tatro/ha/a] mittels nichtlinearer Regressionsanalyse durch die Bestandesoberhöhe schätzen. Das Bestimmtheitsmaß von R² ≥ 0,933 weist auch hier auf eine hohe Anpassungsgüte hin. Die Modellparametrisierung erfolgte für folgende vier Gruppen von Pappelklonen: • Max-Gruppe: Klone Max 1, Max 2, Max 3, Max 4 und Max 5, Altersbereich 2 – 9 Jahre, Baumdichten von 1150 – 13000 Stämmen/ha; • Matrix-Gruppe: Klon Matrix und Hybride 275, Altersbereich 2 – 9 Jahre, Baumdichte 1550 Stämme/ha; • Androscoggin-Gruppe: Klon Androscoggin, Altersbereich 2 – 7 Jahre, Baumdichte 1550 Stämme/ha; und • Münden-Gruppe: Klon Münden, Altersbereich 2 – 7 Jahre, Baumdichte 1550 Stämme/ha. Die Güte des Modells wurde mit Hilfe verschiedener statistischer Verfahren überprüft. Bei der Validierung anhand des Datensatzes, welcher für die Modellkonstruktion Verwendung fand, zeigte das Modell eine Verzerrung bzw. einen Bias von 0,5 % &gt; ē % &gt; - 0,5 % bei der Bestandesoberhöhenschätzung und einen maximalen Bias von 10,41 % bei der Schätzung der Bestandesbiomasse. Die Treffgenauigkeit (mx %) des Modells hingegen variierte zwischen 12,25 % und 17,56 % bzw. 8,05 und 27,32 % (bei Schätzung der Bestandesoberhöhe bzw. der Bestandesbiomasse). Zudem wies das Modell keinen systematischen Fehler zwischen den geschätzten und den realen Werten auf. Bei der Validierung mit einem unabhängigen Datensatz betrug die Treffgenauigkeit (mx %) für die Schätzung der Bestandsoberhöhe und des Biomassevorrates 15,72 bzw. 26,68 %. Um das Ertragspotenzial von Pappelplantagen für die gesamte sächsische Ackerfläche bzw. die gesamte ehemalige Stilllegungsfläche zu bestimmen, wurden die zu Schätzung erforderlichen Standortvariablen auf Gemeindebasis kalkuliert, mittels ArcGIS dargestellt sowie Simulationsrechungen für verschiedene Bestandsdichten vorgenommen und ebenfalls visualisiert. Den Ergebnissen der Simulationsrechnungen zufolge wäre bei einer Stammzahl von 4000 N/ha eine Rotationslänge von 9 Jahren, bei 8333 bis 10.000 N/ha von 7 Jahren erforderlich, um einen durchschnittlichen Gesamtzuwachs (dGz) von ≥ 8 [tatro/ha/a] auf mehr als 50 % der sächsischen Ackerflächen bzw. ehemaligen Stilllegungsflächen in erster Rotation zu erreichen. Würde die gesamte ehemalige sächsische Stilllegungsfläche mit einer Baumdichte von 10.000 Stämmen/ha bepflanzt werden, könnten Pappelplantagen im Alter 9 einen dGz von 520.000 [tatro/a] (entsprechend 250.000 Kubikmeter Diesel) erreichen. Bei Bestockung aller sächsischen Ackerflächen würde sich der Ertrag auf bis zu 9.087.000 [tatro/a] (entsprechend 4.367.000 Kubikmeter Diesel) erhöhen.
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Žemės naudojimo valstybinė kontrolė: reglamentavimas ir vykdymas Širvintų savivaldybėje / Public land use control: regulation and inforcement in Širvintos municipalityKarneckienė, Jūratė 05 July 2011 (has links)
Žemė visais laikais buvo vertinama kaip visuotinė vertybė, kurios pagrindinė socialinė funkcija – tarnauti tautos gerovei. Bet kokia fizinė veikla keičia natūralią žemės būklę ir funkcijas, todėl atsižvelgiant į visuomeninių santykių, valstybės ekonomikos dinamikos ir raidos procesus, ypač svarbu, kad žemė būtų racionaliai ir efektyviai naudojama. Tai pagrindžia objektyviai nepaneigiamą pareigą valstybei nuosavybės į žemę, taip pat žemės valdymo ir naudojimo santykius reguliuoti taip, kad būtų suderinti visų žemės teisinių santykių subjektų interesai ir užtikrinta pagrindinė žemės funkcija. Žemės naudojimo valstybine kontrole būtent ir siekiama užtikrinti, kad valdant ir naudojant žemę, būtų laikomasi Lietuvos Respublikos žemės įstatymo bei kitų įstatymų, susijusių su žemės naudojimo priežiūra, taip pat apsaugoti valstybinės žemės nuosavybės teises.
Žemės naudojimo valstybinė kontrolė - įstatymais ir kitais teisės aktais reglamentuotas žemės savininkų ir naudotojų veiklos priežiūros priemonių įgyvendinimo procesas, kuriuo siekiama užtikrinti tinkamą žemės ir gamtos išteklių naudojimą bei jų teisinę apsaugą, taip pat nustatyti nukrypimus nuo nustatytų reikalavimų ir užfiksuoti teisės aktų pažeidimus, bei pagal kompetenciją imtis įstatymų numatytų priemonių pažeidėjams nubausti.
Už žemės naudojimo valstybinės kontrolės vykdymą atsakinga Nacionalinė žemės tarnyba prie Žemės ūkio ministerijos, tiesiogiai kontrolę vykdo teritoriniai žemėtvarkos skyriai. Baigiamajame darbe... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In all times the land was seen as universal value, which main social function is to serve for the welfare of people. Any physical activity has impact on the natural state and functions of land, that is why the rational and effective use of land is so important. Public land use control has to ensure that the land administrators and land users respect and comply the laws regulating the land use and to protect the stateland ownership.
Public land use control is the process of land administrators and land users activity supervision, which is regulated by laws, which is intended to ensure proper land and natural resources usage and legal protection, also identify deviation from the requirements and fixate violations, and under jurisdiction take legal actions to punish offenders.
The Nacional Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania and territorial Land divisions are responsable for the public land use control. The regulation and execution of public land use control in Širvintai municipality is rewieved and estimated in this thesis. There are literature source anglysis, comperative and assessment anglysis, and logical methods used in this final work.
The laws regulating the land use control, the Nacional Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, Širvintai land division documentation on public land use control is analized. It is found that the public land use control in Širvintai municipality, also as in the... [to full text]
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