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我國水質保護政策執行過程--淡水河系污染整治計畫先期工程個案研究 / The study of River-prevention policy implementation in Taiwan洪葦倉, Hung,Wei Chang Unknown Date (has links)
政策執行過程為題,希望能提供整治淡水河的具體政策建議,整合 Top-
down 和 Bottom-up的對立解釋俾對政策執行理論的發展有所助益。研究
意的新機關( sympathetic agency),如此才能具備基本的行政管制和
協調能力,命令管制和經濟誘因政策工具也才能有運作的基本環境。 經
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促進污染土地再利用之探討 / The research on stimulating the reuse of contaminated land邱建頴, Chiu, Chien Ying Unknown Date (has links)
從實證結果進一步歸納可知影響污染土地整治的因素包含「個別因素」與「總體因素」,並將其發展出一套污染土地分類模式。實際應用我國污染土地統計資料於該模式可知,放棄整治此類型的土地占我國污染土地總面積相當低之比例。因此,政府如能有效推動全面性基礎制度的建置,並搭配相關作法,我國在污染土地的整治推行上應能達到不錯之成效。 / It has been over 12 years since the announcement of Soil and Groundwater Act in year 2000 in Taiwan. However, statistics revealed by the Environmental Protection Administration suggests that the progress of remediation of contaminated land is far from satisfactory. A number of studies have pointed out that if contaminated land continues to be idle, not only can contamination not be solved, but also benefits resulting from remediation are lost. The market for contaminated land suffers from the external effects that in turn lead to a slow pace of remediation. Therefore, how to solve the problem of market failure is the key to promotion of reusing contaminated land.
There are two major approaches to alleviating the problems of market failure for contaminated land; they are incentives and liabilities, respectively. In this study, we investigate into landowners and tenants of contaminated land through questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. We intend to discover the difficulties they have encountered in practice and also their views in respect of the approaches that might stimulate the reuse of contaminated land. Empirical results show that the primary difficulties on remediation are the excessive costs and dissatisfactory service of environmental consulting firms. Besides, among the alternative approaches that are expected to accelerate remediation, interviewees tend to prefer incentives over liabilities. They argue that if the government imposes liabilities upon landowners and tenants, their possibility of giving up remediation will be raised. Furthermore, supply of more complete information and introduction of environmental insurance are thought to be able to facilitate remediation in the future.
Overall, the empirical evidence highlights a number of contributing factors to an effective remediation. To take a step further, we develop a model to classify the contaminated land in terms of their characteristics such as location, land values…etc. Application of this classification model to two cities suggests that contaminated land that needs direct governmental subsidy only accounts for a small proportion of the total contaminated areas. As a result, we urge the government to establish a platform to provide comprehensive and transparent information. This information platform shall be able to significantly improve the progress of remediation of contaminated land largely through the reinstatement of market mechanism.
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污染農地整治後再利用之探討 -以彰化縣和美鎮為例 / Reuse of contaminated agricultural land after remediation: Hemei Township, Changhua County as an example)徐采資 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,透過文獻分析與深度訪談結果,可獲得以下結論:(1)台灣污染農地整治方式以翻土工程為主,對農地造成破壞;(2)污染農地即使整治後,仍可能再度被污染;(3)污染農地整治完成後,以長期休耕為主;(4)台灣處理污染農地,違反再利用之基本原則。有鑑於此,本研究對於污染農地如何再利用,提出以下之政策建議:(1)推動污染農地轉作非食用作物,可創造諸多效益;(2)以中央層級確立污染農地再利用政策;(3)劃設高污染風險農地專區,優先輔導種植非食用作物。此外,必要配套措施包括:(1)依區域條件評選合適的再利用方案,提供技術與後續產銷輔導;(2)重視污染源頭管制,使工業生產者擔負污染責任。 / In the past, government advocated "living room factories" industrial development policies, but without clear land zoning and strict regulations, the factories discharged toxic and heavy metal wastewater into the irrigation system, resulting in agricultural land and the crops were contaminated, and threatened the public food safety. EPA 2011 announcement data shows that nearly 80% of contaminated agricultural land is completely remediated, and it is claimed that the improvement in contaminated agricultural land has reached some success. However, current research indicates that most Taiwan's contaminated agricultural land remediation methods, only buried the contaminated soil into the ground, not really cleaned away the pollutants. On the other hand, the government nor actively improve pollution sources, and therefore some of the agricultural land even after remediation polluted again, which must be remediated again. This situation, many scholars can't help but question what the real significance of such remediation.
In recent years, because of technical limitations and remediation funding pressure on contaminated land, there is no longer only consideration in remediation, but through the concept of risk, by changing land-use patterns, so that contaminated land can be reused or revitalized. The researches on reuse of contaminated agricultural land in Taiwan, most suggest contaminated agricultural land change for non-agricultural use, and even think the benefit of contaminated agricultural land after remediation if keep agricultural use is low. However, this study suggests that past researches neglect the multifunctionality of agriculture, in addition to the value of goods, but there are still many non-commodity values, including environmental, ecological, landscape and other benefits.
For this viewpoint, this study concentrates on the reuse of contaminated agricultural land after remediation, and gives first place to grow non-food crops. There are two parts to discuss, including why contaminated agricultural land need to reuse, and how to reuse. First, the study establish the theoretical foundation of contaminated agricultural land reuse, which based on the risk principles of contaminated land reuse and multifunctionality of agriculture. Then, to further develop three contaminated agricultural land reuse programs, including the "trees", "energy crops", "flowers or landscape crop", etc. This study suggests that if contaminated agricultural land after remediation can implement the three reuse programs, it can not only take into account the risk principle and multifunctionality of agriculture, but also avoid threats to food safety, as well as saving the government follow-up management costs. Next, Hemei Township, Changhua County, as a case study, using depth interview for the Hemei town contaminated agricultural land's farmers and Changhua County public servant who deal with contaminated agricultural land remediation. Survey the actual situation and subsequent use difficulties of contamination agricultural land after remediation, as well as their ideas and suggestions of contaminated agricultural land reuse.
Finally, through a literature review and interviews results obtained the following conclusions: (1) the main remediation method of contaminated agricultural land in Taiwan is to bury the contaminated soil into the ground, and it causes damage on agricultural land; (2) contaminated agricultural land even after remediation may still be contaminated again; (3) contaminated agricultural land after remediation is mainly long-term fallow; (4) dealing with contaminated agricultural land in Taiwan is in violation of basic reuse principles. Therefore, this study suggests the following policy recommendations for how the contaminated agricultural land to reuse: (1) promote contaminated agricultural land grow non-food crops, it can create many benefits; (2) the central level government establish contaminated agricultural land reuse policies; (3) the designation of the high risk of contaminated agricultural land area, give the first place to help grow non-food crops. In addition, the necessary supporting measures include: (1) select the appropriate reuse program by regional conditions, and provide technical help and sales counseling; (2) emphasize the control of pollution sources, and make industrial producers shoulder the responsibility for the pollution.
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有害廢棄物污染與環境管制政策之政治經濟分析-以桃園RCA土壤及地下水污染事件為例許紹峰, Hsu, Shao-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
首先,本研究指出有害廢棄物污染此一結構性的問題其實反映了戰後台灣所謂「優良投資環境」的利基之一-相對低廉的環境成本,表現於外便是長期放任與形式化的環境管制。並且,在相關污染事件陸續爆發的1990年代,事態的嚴重性已然超乎政府的能力所及,故而在「私有化」的政策取向之下,政府企圖利用各種「獎勵投資」的策略,例如稅賦減免、放寬 / 簡化土地使用管制、國營事業土地釋出、加強查緝以穩定廢棄物的供給量等措施,藉以扶植民營廢棄物清理業者,並且巧妙地將廢棄物的生產與整體的資本擴大再生產連結了起來。可以預見的是,此一策略或許在短期內可以稍微抑止事業廢棄物流竄的問題,然而卻更進一步地深化了「大量生產-大量消費-大量棄置」的資本主義運作邏輯,絲毫無助於更積極地從源頭減少污染危害的產生。
其次,透過對「桃園RCA土壤及地下水污染事件」的考察,本研究指出戰後台灣具有強大相對自主性的政府雖然以各種政策工具創造出所謂「優良的投資環境」,但是彼等所依恃的環境管理體系偏重「事後管制」而無力於「事前預防」,使得鄰近污染場址的社區民眾、農民與勞工成為環境污染的直接受害者。在跨國資本「賺飽就跑」的移動邏輯,並將污染惡果轉嫁予地方社區之下,後者無異是與總體之「發展」脫勾的。繼而,觀諸污染整治之過程可知,該污染事件徹底地被設定為一個純粹的「技術」問題,由於風險詮釋權力的偏差動員,政府與資本藉由特定科學知識的引介與轉譯所啟動的「技術動員」,其實亦代表了特定「利益動員」之實現。換言之,在「權力動員 → 技術動員 → 利益動員」的過程中,與資本再生產攸關的變更開發利益被普遍化、極大化,地方社區民眾所可能遭致的污染危害則是被選擇性地詮釋,甚至於忽視。此一過程除體現出環境風險「在地化」的脈絡,亦隱含著環境污染所肇致的決策權力不平等,因為民眾們失去了直接參與瞭解,並決定攸關其生活之行動方針的權利與能力。而該等污染事件除指涉環境惡物的生產與分配外,更是和勞動安全、民眾健康、性別平等、社區發展、權力分派等關乎社會正義的問題密切相關,是一個「多元不平等」的公共議題,要解決環境污染所肇致的不平等,便不能忽略其他的社會不平等問題。
二、 在「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之修正方面:
(一)管制手段應考量整體工業體系之生產過程,俾積極地從源頭減少 污染危害。
(一)為了打破決策權力不平等所加諸於弱勢者的「環境不正義」,本研究主張政策的制定 / 執行通常是一種主觀的價值選擇,而非如科技決定論者所謂的客觀事實之認定。在一個民主的社會裡,選擇的權力應該保留在民眾的手中,也唯有經由民主的參與才可以促進理性目標的達成。
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