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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Availability and utilization of traditional vegetables by rural Xhosa households in Eastern Cape

Dweba, Philisiwe Thulisiwe 06 1900 (has links)
Micronutrient deficiency is a major challenge in South Africa. Traditional vegetables have been identified as one of the strategies towards alleviating the problem. The research addressed the availability of traditional vegetables at eMantlaneni village in Lusikisiki, Eastern Cape, the extent to which they were utilized and their potential future use. The data was collected using questionnaires, focus groups, and by the identification of traditional vegetables by a herbarium. Findings revealed that traditional vegetables are available, but that there is a decline in the use of traditional vegetables. Future use was threatened by negative attitudes and the associated loss of indigenous knowledge. There is a need for vigorous awareness campaigns to promote traditional vegetable use and nutritional education including proper cooking and preservation techniques. Further research on a bigger sample and hedonic tests acceptance are required.

Availability and utilization of traditional vegetables by rural Xhosa households in Eastern Cape

Dweba, Philisiwe Thulisiwe 06 1900 (has links)
Micronutrient deficiency is a major challenge in South Africa. Traditional vegetables have been identified as one of the strategies towards alleviating the problem. The research addressed the availability of traditional vegetables at eMantlaneni village in Lusikisiki, Eastern Cape, the extent to which they were utilized and their potential future use. The data was collected using questionnaires, focus groups, and by the identification of traditional vegetables by a herbarium. Findings revealed that traditional vegetables are available, but that there is a decline in the use of traditional vegetables. Future use was threatened by negative attitudes and the associated loss of indigenous knowledge. There is a need for vigorous awareness campaigns to promote traditional vegetable use and nutritional education including proper cooking and preservation techniques. Further research on a bigger sample and hedonic tests acceptance are required.

Contract-farming : a case study of sunflower farming in the Bojanala district of the North West Province

Raphala, Balefilwe Solomon January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev.) --University of Limpopo, 2007

Media and communication influences on farmers' views of water conservation in the Garden Route, South Africa

Buckle, Dorothea Maria January 2016 (has links)
The Garden Route is situated between a mountain range and the ocean, both within close proximity. These geographic considerations make the farmers in the area vulnerable to extreme weather events, especially droughts and floods, which have been experienced in recent years. Agriculture in the area is predominantly focused on dairy and vegetables, which require intensive irrigation practices. It is this water demand that inspired adaptations to counteract the risks of extreme weather and dwindling water sources. These adaptations and behaviours were investigated to determine the underlying perceptions and influences. The research aimed to understand the way environmental knowledge would disseminate through the use of the Diffusion of Innovation theory, whilst determining the ecological worldviews of the participants through the use of the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale. Both of these theories proved effective in researching the ecological perceptions of and various influences on the participants, with a few minor drawbacks. The data analysis investigated the research questions with a three-pronged approach. Interpersonal interviews and media content analysis of the local and agricultural media in the area was followed by analysing the two sets of findings, in order to find overlaps and relationships between the factors explored. The interviews were designed as semi-structured to allow for themes to emerge and were conducted mainly within the diary and beef industries, consisting of 24 participants. The media content analysis incorporated a niche agricultural magazine (32 articles) as well as the local newspaper (74 articles). The articles were coded for themes to allow for comparison between the two, and to provide an overall understanding of the media coverage. The use of the interviews and media content analysis concurrently, made it possible to determine the farmers’ perceptions of water conservation and the possible influences on these. By exploring this, the research endeavours to understand the dynamics between the farmers’ use of media and interpersonal networks and their water conservation practices. The farmers’ perceptions appeared to be predominantly shaped by agricultural media and interpersonal communities. The NEP scale responses exposed the clash between economic and environmental considerations. The farmers were acutely aware of their ecological impact and were employing various measures to counteract it. However, these were heavily dependent on their financial situation. This is in contrast to the NEP scale’s measuring of NEP statements contrasted with Dominant Social Paradigm (DSP) statements to determine ecological attitudes. These findings confirm previous research and demonstrate that modern farmers are more likely to adopt conservation practices than their traditional counterparts, if it helps achieve their economic, social and environmental goals. The importance of the historical context of South Africa’s water issues emerged, with the past and future proposed changes to water regulation and legislation affecting farmers’ perceptions. The move from agriculturally privileged water legislation to equitable distribution is affecting the farmers negatively, causing distrust towards the government. The research was successful in achieving an understanding of the effect of the mass media and interpersonal communication influences on the farmers’ perceptions of water conservation.

Die regsaard van die kontraktuele verhouding tussen produsente en kooperasies betreffende die verpoeling van produkte

Taljaard, Jochemus Cornelius 04 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (LLM )--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / Copy not signed by author. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of co-operative pools in the South African Agricultural sector is a common phenomenon and an accepted commercial practice. Although it has seldom been at issue, the pool relationship between producers and the cooperative undoubtedly has certain legal consequences for the respective parties. Our courts have never addressed the aforementioned legal consequences authoritatively, probably because until now no disputes have arisen which could not be settled through negotiation between the parties concerned. Recently die legal nature of the pool relationship has became more of an issue primarily because of queries issued by the South African Revenue Service regarding the treatment of co-operative pools for purposes of income tax. Although this study is not aimed at addressing the income tax issues as regards the pool relationship, determining the legal nature of the pool relationship will be decisive for determining how co-operative pools should be treated for tax purposes. In addition to tax-related consequences, the legal nature of the pool relationship will necessarily also be decisive for issues such as insolvency and breach of contract. In this study the courts' approach to the classification of new types of contracts will be examined in order arrive at an underlying principle for evaluating the contractual nature of the pool relationship. After completion of the aforementioned examination, the functional characteristics of the pool relationship will be outlined and the implications thereof in respect of the law of things determined. The next stage involves the comparison of the functional characteristics of the pool relationship with the essential features of certain types of contracts to determine whether the pool relationship may be classified as one of these types of contract. From the aforementioned investigation it seems that the pool relationship does not satisfy the essential requirements of a contract of partnership, representation, the 'undisclosed principal' situation or mandate. The manner in which new types of contracts are classified in South African law is then revisited and proposals are made as to a possible methodology for classifying contracts that, in terms of the classical approach to the classification of contracts, would have been typified as sui generis. In accordance with this proposed approach to the classification of contracts, the conclusion is reached that the pool relationship is a new contract type that amalgamates elements of a contract of partnership, mandate and locatio conductio operis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van koëperatiewe poele in die Suid-Afrikaanse landbou kom algemeen voor en is In aanvaarde kommersiële praktyk. Alhoewel dit al selde op die spits gedryf is, het die poelverhouding tussen die onderskeie produsente en die koëperasie ongetwyfeld regsgevolge vir die onderskeie partye. Voorgemelde regsgevolge is nog nooit deur In Suid-Afrikaanse hof aangespreek nie, waarskynlik omdat daar nog nie enige dispute was betreffende die die poelverhouding wat nie deur dialoog bygelê kon word nie. In die onlangse verlede het die regsaard van die poelverhouding egter meer relevant geword hoofsaaklik weens navrae van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens betreffende die belastinghantering van kooperatiewe poele. Alhoewel hierdie verhandeling nie daarop gerig is om die belastinggevolge van die poelverhouding aan te spreek nie, sal die bepaling van die regsaard van die poelverhouding bepalend wees vir die hantering van die poelverhouding vir doeleindes van belasting. Afgesien van belastinggevolge sal die regsaard van die poelverhouding ook uiteraard bepalend wees betreffende kwessies soos insolvensie en kontrakbreuk. In hierdie studie sal die howe se benadering tot die klassifikasie van nuwe kontraksoorte ondersoek word ten einde In grondslag te lê waarvolgens die kontraktuele aard van die poelverhouding beoordeel kan word. Na voorgemelde ondersoek word die funksionele kenmerke van die poelverhouding uiteengesit en die sakeregtelike implikasies daarvan bepaal. Die funksionele kenmerke van die poelverhouding word daarna opgeweeg teen die wesenskenmerke van 'n aantal kontraksoorte ten einde vas te stelof die poelverhouding as sodanig geklassifiseer kan word. Uit hierdie ondersoek blyk dit dat die poelverhouding nie aan die wesenskenmerke van die vennootskapsverhouding, verteenwoordiging, die 'undisclosed principal' situasie of 'n lasgewingsverhouding voldoen nie. Die wyse waarop nuwe kontraktsoorte in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg hanteer word, word daarna weer oorweeg en voorstelle aan die hand gedoen waarop kontrakte wat, ingevolge die klassieke benadering tot die uitleg van kontrakte, as sui generis klassifiseer word, hanteer kan word. In ooreenstemming met hierdie voorgestelde metode van klassifikasie word daar dan tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die poelverhouding 'n mengvorm tussen 'n vennootskap, 'n lasgewingooreenkoms en 'n werkaanbestedingsooreenkoms is.

Contract design for small scale mussel growers in Saldanha Bay : a transaction cost approach

Diza, Sakhumzi Jacob 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the role of contracting in reducing transaction costs in smalIscale mussel farming in Saldanha Bay. Masiza Mussel Growers (Masiza), an initiative by the public and private sector to address the imbalances of the past through entrepreneurial development, are used as a case study hence a case study approach is followed. Two transactions were considered, one between Masiza and Blue Bay Aqua Farm (Blue Bay) and another between La Vie Sea Food Products (La Vie) and Masiza. These transactions form the basis for analysis. Market risks, uncertainties, environmental risks, information incompleteness, illiteracy, limited technical knowledge of farming, lack of appropriate infrastructure and lack of transport facilities are identified and examined as possible sources of transaction costs that constrain the existing supply chain relationship. The study shows that asset specificity, time specificity, and site specificity playa positive role in the supply chain as they result in relative dependency amongst parties. Opportunistic behavior within the existing supply chain is neutral, but appears to be relatively high on the spot or fresh live market. Characteristics of market transactions for mussels and associated transaction costs suggest that fresh-live spot market trading for Masiza is difficult to attain. This therefore motivates parties (Masiza) to contract or vertically integrate, as it is costly and risky to rely on spot live markets. Interviewees (Masiza) pointed out that the benefits associated with contract farming outweigh the transaction costs associated with this governance structure. Hence a market specification contract with the La Vie (a processing company), and a production management and resource provision contract with Blue Bay (a larger producer) were designed. They reduce transaction costs associated with fresh-live markets and ensure a more stable and reliable market for growers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek die rol van kontraktering in die vermindering van transaksie koste vir klein skaal mossel produsente in Saldanha baai. Die Masiza Mussel Growers (Masiza) word as gevallestudie gebruik. Twee transaksies met o.a. Blue bay Aqua Farm (Blue Bay) en La Vie Sea Food Products (La Vie) was ter sprake en laasgenoemde het as basis vir die analise gedien. Mark risiko, onsekerheid, omgewings risiko, gebrekkige informasie, ongeletterdheid, beperkte tegniese kennis, beperkte infrastruktuur en beperkte verroer fasiliteite is geidentifiseer en ondersoek as moontlike oorsake van hoë transaksie koste wat die huidige aanbod ketting strem. Die studie toon aan dat interafhanklikheid tussen die betrokke partye deur bate, tyd en area spesifisiteite bevorder word en dus 'n positiewe rol in die aanbod ketting speel. Opportunistiese gedrag binne die bestaande aanbod ketting is neutraal, maar blyk hoog te wees in die vars mark. Transaksie kostes en eienskappe blyk beduidende beperkinge te wees vir kleinskaal mossel produsente om aktief deel te neem in die mark. Die opstel van kontrakte (of vertikale integrasie) blyk dus 'n uitkoms te wees. Respondente het aangetoon dat kontrak boerdery voordelig blyk te wees. Laasgoemde het tot die ontwikkeling van mark kontrakte met die La Vie ('n verwerkings maatskappy) asook produksie bestuur en hulpbron voorsiennings kontrakte met Blue Bay ('n groot kommersiële produsent) gelei. Die kontrakte beperk transaksie koste vir die vars mark en verseker 'n stabiele en betroubare mark vir produsente. 'n Transaksie koste analiese word gebruik om transaksie kostes te ondersoek en te verifieer binne die industrie.

The development and evaluation of an operating rule framework for the ACRU agrohydrological modelling system.

Butler, Andrew John Edward. January 2001 (has links)
Dams hold numerous benefits for society through their ability to store water on a long-term basis. However, it is well-known that there is a detrimental effect of dams on the rivers that they impound, and this has been taken into account by the South African National Water Act (1998). The Act specifies a two component Reserve to provide a basic water supply to humans and to provide protection to downstream rivers and their associated ecosystems. From an ecological perspective, emphasis is now placed on ensuring that flow in rivers is maintained in a state that closely mimics the natural flow regime in order to sustain the water resource and its associated aquatic ecosystems. The resulting challenge for water resources modelling is to develop operating rule frameworks that can account for water supply to multiple users, including the "environment" which represents downstream aquatic ecosystems. These frameworks need to consider both water stored in dams, as well as water in the river which has been allocated to different water uscrs. Such an operating rule framework has been implemented ID the daily time-step ACRU agrohydrological model in order to: (a) satisfy the requirements of water users in general, (b) (c) include the environment as a user of water, and thus attempt to satisfy the water requirements of rivers and their associated ecosystems by making artificial releases from dams using both a simple and a complicated approach for determining the environmental requirements. The framework identifies four types of water users, each of which are capable of requesting water from a water source. These users are: a domestic user, representing the basic human needs component of the Reserve, an environmental user, representing the ecological component of the Reserve, an industrial user and an irrigator. The environmental user can generate water requests using either a simple or a complex environmental request method. The simple approach has proved to be oversimplified while the complex approach is capable of producing a flow regime downstream of a dam that closely mimics the natural flow regime. Two operating rules are employed to supply water to the four users, a generic dam operating rule, which considers water requested from a dam, and a channel operating rule, which considers water requested from a river. The two operating rules determine the amounts of water that each user can receive through the use of a curtailment structure, where abstractions made by users are limited, based on the storage level in the dam. Extensive validation of the framework has taken place and a case study was undertaken on the Pongola-Bivane river system which includes the Paris Dam in order to run various real-life scenarios. The results obtained show not only that the operating rule framework is functioning correctly, but that the use of a curtailment structure holds advantages for increasing assurance levels of the water users. There is also evidence to suggest that future possibilities exist for practical application of the operating rule framework to "everyday" dam operations. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal,Pietermaritzburg, 2001.

Socio-economic factors determining in-field rainwater harvesting technology adoption for cropland productivity in Lambani Village : a case study of Thulamela Local Municipality of the Vhembe District in Limpopo Province

Badisa, Khumo Terezan January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (MSc. (Agricultural Economics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2011 / In-field rainwater harvesting technology is the technique that combines the advantages of water harvesting, no till, basin tillage and mulching on high drought risk clay soils. It reduces total runoff to zero, and also considerably reduce surface evaporation. The scarcity of agricultural water is increasing at a faster rate than for other sectors in Limpopo Province. Sufficient, clean drinking water is essential to life, but millions of people throughout the world including South Africa continue to have no access to this basic necessity. This study aimed at investigating the extent and nature of adoption of in-field rainwater harvesting technology by households in Lambani village of Limpopo Province. The main objectives of this study were to identify factors determining the in-field rainwater adoption technology for cropland productivity in Lambani village and to determine the extent to which in-field rainwater harvesting adoption influences cropland productivity in Lambani village. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 70 farmers in Lambani village of Limpopo Province. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, logistic regression model and linear regression model were used to analyse the data. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the characteristics of households and the nature of Lambani village, and logistic regression model was used to investigate factors that determine the adoption of infield rainwater harvesting technology, while linear regression model was used to determine the extent to which in-field rainwater harvesting influence the cropland productivity in Lambani village. The results from the logistic regression model indicate that 5 variables out of 10 variables are significant in explaining farmers’ adoption decision. Land size, access to financial service, access to information and contact with extension officer are some of the variables that have significantly positive effects on the adoption of infield rainwater harvesting technology, while hired labour has significantly negative correlation with adoption. Variables such as household size, level of education, age of the household, level of income and the main water source do not significantly influence adoption of in-field rainwater harvesting. This information will help prioritize

Factors affecting participation in livestock lease agreements : a study of dorper sheep and jersey cattle farmers in South Africa.

Rodewald, Dieter Wilhelm. January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the hypotheses that high transaction costs contribute to relatively low participation rates in livestock leasing in South Africa; and that specific contractual characteristics contribute to minimising total transaction costs of livestock leasing contracts in South African commercial agriculture. Many emerging livestock farming businesses may value the option of leasing-in livestock. Likewise, many established livestock farming businesses are currently undergoing expansion (especially dairy farms) and may also value the option of leasing-in livestock. A reduction in transaction costs and an improvement in efficiency of the livestock lease market could prove beneficial for emerging/expanding livestock farms. Likewise, investors, who anticipate competitive rates of return from investments in livestock, may value the option of owning and leasing-out livestock to suitable farm businesses. Transaction costs in livestock rental contracts include costs of information about contracts, costs of monitoring and enforcing contracts, costs of finding party members to contract with, the costs of risk of an agreement being terminated due to exogenous factors such as land claims, the risk of incomplete contracts and the costs of risk bought about by adverse selection and moral hazard. The magnitude of transaction costs incurred by participants of a livestock leasing contract are a function of how costs and risks are shared between the lessee and lessor, the inclusion of specific contractual clauses, the type of leasing contract, the relationship between party members and additional contractual characteristics. A census postal survey of two populations of livestock farmers, namely members of the Jersey Breeders' Societies of South Africa, was conducted during April and May 2007 to collect data on farmers' perceptions of and their participation in livestock rental contracting agreements. Elicited data was analysed using a multinomial discriminant analysis to identify factors that discriminate between non-participants of the livestock leasing market, lessees of livestock and lessors of livestock. Ordinary least squares regression was used to identify preferred characteristics of livestock lease contracts. Results of the first analysis suggest that a livestock leasing market does exist in South Africa; however, the market is characterised by high transaction costs. Non-participation in livestock leasing markets amongst survey respondents is partially attributable to the high perceived costs of obtaining market information and establishing and enforcing livestock lease agreements. Findings of the second analysis show that survey respondents, on average, showed a preference for formal agreements, leasing commercial animals for shorter periods and keeping detailed inventories. It is concluded that providing livestock farmers with information about important characteristics of successful livestock lease agreements may reduce transaction costs, and thus reduce market inefficiency in the market. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

Herstrukturering van die Suid-Afrikaanse landbousektor : kan kontrakboerdery 'n rol speel?

Kruger, Abraham Jakobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Grondhervorming en dit wat daarmee gepaard gaan, is een van die hoekstene van die normalisering van ons samelewing en is sedert 1994 deel van die transformasieproses. Die huidige regering gaan uit van die oortuiging dat blywende vrede nie verkry kan word sonder dat dié ongelykhede reggestel word nie. Is daar ‘n antwoord op Suid-Afrika se ongelyke grondbesit, en kan kontrakboerdery 'n rol speel in die oorbrugging van die probleme? Een van die belangrikste aspekte van die regstelling van die ongeregtighede van die verlede, is die uitwissing van armoede, en in hierdie verband is Landbou 'n belangrike rolspeler. Ten einde armoede te bestry en werk te skep, moet die toekomstige generasie bemagtig word deur eienaarskap te versprei. Die Wet op Inheemse Grond van 1913, die Inheemse Trust- en Grondwet van 1936, en die Groepsgebiedewet van 1950 het swart Suid-Afrikaners die geleentheid ontneem om plaaseenhede te besit en te bedryf in die blanke gebiede van Suid- Afrika wat, soos ons almal weet, verreweg die grootste gedeelte van die land asook die meer produktiewe boerderygrond uitgemaak het. Die grondhervormingsproses streef om die erfenis van hierdie wette ongedaan te maak. Sedert die Suid-Afrikaanse grondhervormingsprogram in 1994 van stapel gestuur is, heers daar groot debat oor die beleid, implementeringstrategieë en die impak van sodanige pogings op landbougrond, die lewens van die bevoordeeldes, en die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie. Met die toename in skaal en kompleksiteit van grondhervorming het dit al hoe moeiliker vir die Regering geword om die proses te monitor en te evalueer. Dit is nou alombekend dat, behalwe vir kwantitatiewe aanwysings, daar baie leemtes bestaan in die inligting oor grondhervorming. In die lig van die veranderende aard van wêreld-landbou- en voedselmarkte en die voortspruitende behoefte vir vertikale integrasie van die voedselverskaffingskettings, het hierdie werkstuk ten doel om die rol van kontrakboerdery as 'n instelling te ondersoek, ten einde die voortgesette deelname te verseker van kleinboere in ontwikkelende lande in die markte vir hoëwaarde produkte. Die klem val spesifiek op die Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede vir grondhervorming. Die werkstuk bespreek die teoretiese rasionaal van kontrakboerdery, en illustreer hoe dié vorm van boerdery aangewend kan word om markmislukkings en a-simmetriese informasieprobleme te oorkom. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Land reform and associated matters are some of the cornerstones of the normalizing of our society and have been part of the transformation process since 1994. The present regime is of the conviction that lasting peace cannot be achieved without such unequalities being addressed. Is there an answer to unequal ownership of land in South Africa, and can contract farming play a role in bridging these problems? One of the most important aspects of the unrighteousness of the past, is poverty and in its eradication, agriculture is an important role player. In order to combat poverty and create jobs, the future generation must be empowered by ownership of the economy. The Indigenous Land Act of 1913, The Indigenous Trust and Land Act of 1936, and the Group Areas Act of 1950 deprived Black South Africans of the opportunity to own and run farming units within the white areas of South Africa that, as we all know, formed by far the largest part of the land as well as the more productive farming land. The land reformation process strives to annul the legacy of those laws. Since the South African land reform program was started in 1994, a heated debate has raged about the policy, implementation stategies, and impact of such efforts on agricultural land, the lives of the beneficiaries, and the South African economy. With the increase in scale and complexity of land reform, it became more and more difficult for the regime to monitor and evaluate the process. It is now common knowledge that, except for qualitative indications, many shortcomings are apparent in the information on land reform. In light of the changing nature of world agricultural and food markets and the subsequent need for vertical integration of the food-supply chains, this study aims at investigating the role of contract farming as an institution, in order to ensure the continued participation of small farmers in developing countries in the markets for high-value products. The emphasis falls specifically on the South African conditions for land reform. This study describes the theoretical rationale of contract farming, and illustrates how this form of farming can be applied to overcome market fiascos and assimmetrical information problems.

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