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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Capital, Estado e a lógica dissimulada das políticas de crédito no processo de expropriação e sujeição do trabalho no campo

Rodrigues, Vanessa Paloma Alves 05 December 2012 (has links)
Esta disertación tiene como objetivo reflejar sobre la relación del Estado como mediador del Capital/Labor a través de la implantación e implementación de las Políticas Públicas en el campo, y analizar críticamente si estas constituyen formas de superación de las desigualdades socio espaciales, particularmente en el proceso de la financiarización de la economía. Para alcanzar este objetivo buscamos desvelar el contenido y el sentido de las transformaciones que pasan en el campo ylas consecuencias que estas imponenen la producción campesina, exponiendo las conexiones del capital y su relación con el Estado. Se buscó a partir del método del materialismo histórico dialéctico, entender como las contradicciones en el modo de producción capitalista se materializan en la actualidad del campo brasilero, conlos rebatimientos de las Políticas Públicas en el municipio de Lagarto/SE, una vez que este se inscribe en el contexto de la producción agraria nacional/mundial volviéndose dependiente de los intereses externos del capital. En este sentido, esta disertación analiza las contradicciones escamoteadas en los discursos y acciones del Estado, vía Políticas Públicas para las unidades de producción familiar campesina, que bajo el discurso de la inclusión social, subordina, atrae, coopta, haciendo uso político de la miseria, de las reivindicaciones sociales, mientras estrategia política centrada en crear una falsa apariencia de la realidad vía discurso de ciudadanía, provocando la aceptación pasiva de la mutación general de las relaciones sociales y de labor. Es en ese contexto que surgieron las políticas de crédito a ejemplo del PRONAF, que cumple el papel de metamorfosear el campesino en agricultor familiar, en empresario del campo, influenciando su inserción en el mercado externo; produciendo fuerte dependencia de insumos, máquinas, equipamientos, financiamiento y asistencia técnica; impulsando en proceso de agroindustrialización de la producción; garantizando el avanzo de la expropiación de tierras camposinas, y al mismo tiempo, convirtiéndose un mecanismo que transfiere riqueza para la esfera financiera, vía lucro generado por los juros de deudas. Lo que podemos concluir con esta pesquisa, es que, al actuar como mediador en los conflictos, el Estado, en ningún momento tiene como estrategia alterar las estructuras de dominio históricamente establecidas por los grandes grupos del capital agrario y financiero. Es en el imperativo del capital, en la énfasis del lobby del agronegocio, de la pluriactividad y de la agricultura familiar, que viene estableciéndose las Políticas Públicas para la producción familiar, con el propósito de la conversión del campesino en proletario rural, fuerza de trabajo para el capital, constituyendo en su conjunto, estratagemas, liames, regulaciones, formas de viabilidad de la reproducción ampliada del capital, para efectuar la transición del territorio campesino en territorio del capital, intensificando desigualdades, hambre y degradación humana. / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo refletir sobre a relação do Estado como mediador do Capital/Trabalho através da implantação e implementação das Políticas Públicas no campo, e analisar criticamente se estas constituem formas de superação das desigualdades sócio espaciais, particularmente no processo da financeirização da economia. Para alcançar este objetivo buscamos desvelar o conteúdo e o sentido das transformações que perpassam no campo e as consequências que estas impõem na produção camponesa, expondo as conexões do capital e a sua relação com o Estado. Buscou-se a partir do método do materialismo histórico dialético, entender como as contradições no modo de produção capitalista se materializam na atualidade do campo brasileiro, com os rebatimentos das Políticas Públicas no município de Lagarto/SE, uma vez que este se inscreve no contexto da produção agrária nacional/mundial tornando-se dependente dos interesses externos do capital. Neste sentido, esta dissertação analisa as contradições escamoteadas nos discursos e ações do Estado, via Políticas Públicas para as unidades de produção familiar camponesa, que sob o discurso da inclusão social, subordina, alicia, coopta, fazendo uso político da miséria, das reivindicações sociais, enquanto estratégia política centrada em criar uma falsa aparência da realidade via discurso de cidadania, provocando a aceitação passiva da mutação geral das relações sociais e de trabalho. É nesse contexto que surgiram as políticas de crédito a exemplo do PRONAF, que cumpre o papel de metamorfosear o camponês em agricultor familiar, em empreendedor do campo, influenciando a sua inserção no mercado externo; gerando forte dependência de insumos, máquinas, equipamentos, financiamento e assistência técnica; impulsionando o processo da agroindustrialização da produção; garantindo o avanço da expropriação de terras camponesa, e ao mesmo tempo, tornando-se um mecanismo que transfere riqueza para a esfera financeira, via lucro gerado pelos juros de dívidas. O que podemos concluir com esta pesquisa, é que, ao atuar como mediador nos conflitos, o Estado, em nenhum momento tem como estratégia alterar as estruturas de domínio historicamente estabelecidas pelos grandes grupos do capital agrário e financeiro. É no imperativo do capital, na ênfase do lobby do agronegócio, da pluriatividade e da agricultura familiar, que vem sendo estabelecidas as Políticas Públicas para a produção familiar, como propósito da conversão do camponês em proletário rural, força de trabalho para o capital, constituindo em seu conjunto, estratagemas, liames, regulações, formas de viabilização da reprodução ampliada do capital, para efetuar a transição do território camponês em território do capital, intensificando desigualdades, fome e degradação humana.

Especialização produtiva e alienação do territorio : a moderna produção de algodão no Mato Grosso / Productive specialization and territory alienation : the modern cotton production in Mato Grosso

Lamas, Marianna 23 August 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Marcio Antonio Cataia / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T07:25:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lamas_Marianna_M.pdf: 1420792 bytes, checksum: e0a21753a50853ea722f5af3c222ce65 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: O período atual contribui para que o território seja dotado de novos atributos técnicos, científicos e informacionais, promovendo profundas transformações na divisão territorial do trabalho e da produção. A região Centro-Oeste destaca-se no território nacional por configurar um novo espaço de ampliação da produção de algodão herbáceo, com ênfase para o estado do Mato Grosso, responsável por aproximadamente 70 % da produção de algodão do Centro-Oeste e cerca de 50% da produção nacional, indicando uma especialização regional produtiva. Esta especialização fundamenta-se na dissociação territorial da produção em uma parcela técnica - relativa à produção propriamente dita e dispersa em alguns pontos do território - e uma parcela política ¿ responsável pela regulação, comando e gestão dessa produção, encontrando-se centralizada no território. A análise do circuito espacial produtivo do algodão no Brasil indica que sua parcela técnica vem se concentrando em alguns municípios do estado do Mato Grosso - como Campo Verde e Primavera do Leste -, enquanto parte de sua parcela política concentra-se na cidade de São Paulo, sede da Bolsa de Mercadorias e Futuros (BM&F) e da Associação Nacional dos Exportadores de Algodão (ANEA), formada pelas principais tradings responsáveis pela comercialização e exportação dessa commodity. Sob esse aspecto, trabalhamos com a hipótese de ocorrência de uma especialização regional produtiva extrovertida, dado o comando dessa produção ser forâneo. Visando a comprovação desta hipótese busca-se compreender o circuito espacial produtivo do algodão cultivado no estado do Mato-Grosso, assim como seus círculos de cooperação. Essa dissociação territorial das parcelas da produção contribui para o estabelecimento de uma nova organização e uma nova regulação do território brasileiro, promotoras de novos usos do território, cada vez mais seletivos, hierárquicos e reticulares, contribuindo para sua alienação / Abstract: The current period contributes for the territory to have new technical attributes, scientific and informational, promoting deep changes to the work and production territorial division. The Center-West region stands out on the national territory for being a new enlargement space in the herbal cotton production, giving emphasis to the state of Mato Grosso, which is responsible for about 70% of the cotton production in the Center-West region and about 50% of the national production, indicating a productive regional specialization. This specialization is based on the territorial dissociation of the production in a technical parcel - related to the production itself and scattered in some parts of the territory - and a political parcel ¿ responsible for the regulation, command and managing of this production, being centralized in the territory. The analysis of the cotton productive spatial circle in Brazil indicates that its technical parcel is concentrated in some towns in the state of Mato Grosso - as, for example, Campo Verde and Primavera do Leste - while part of its political parcel is concentrated in the city of São Paulo, home office of the Brazilian Mercantile & Futures Exchange (BM&F) and the National Association of the Cotton Exporters (ANEA), formed by the main tradings responsible for the commerce and export of this commodity. Under this aspect, we work on the hypothesis of an extroverted productive regional specialization event, forasmuch as the command of this production is foreign. Looking forward to confirming this hypothesis, we try to understand the productive spatial circle of the cotton grown in the state of Mato Grosso, the same way that its cooperation circles. This territorial dissociation of the production parcels contributes to the establishment of a new organization and a new regulation of the Brazilian territory, promoting new uses of the territory, more and more selective, hierarchical and reticular, contributing to its alienation / Mestrado / Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial / Mestre em Geografia

Assessment of local economic development in the O.R. Tambo District Municipality: agriculture and food production

Nongogo, Mbuyiselo Theophilus January 2013 (has links)
Local economic development (LED) is a government policy tool that seeks to build the economic capacity of a local area to improve its economic future and the quality of life for all. Partnerships between the public sector and the private sector are considered to be an important foundation for successful LED planning and implementation. The aim of the study was to assess whether the LED interventions, with specific emphasis on agriculture and food production programmes, are improving the livelihoods of the poor communities within the OR Tambo District Municipality. The researcher used the qualitative and quantitative research methods to collect the data through interviews and questionnaires respectively. Probability and non-probability sampling techniques were employed to identify the research sample from the target population. The researcher sampled the OR Tambo District Municipality as well as all the local municipalities therein. The target population consisted of LED directors, LED and IDP managers as well as LED councillors as respondents. Furthermore, the researcher also sampled other stakeholders that are crucial in LED, namely the Department of Economic Development and Environmental Affairs, the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform and Transformation, the Eastern Cape Department of Local Government and Traditional Affairs, the Department of Social Development and Special Programmes as well as the Ntinga OR Tambo Development Agency. Budgetary constraints and agricultural infrastructure backlogs were identified as the main challenges facing the district. These challenges hinder the effectiveness of implementing sound LED programmes. Consequently, LED benefits are minimal. It is recommended that the municipality develop strategies for income generation to boost its financial viability in order to strengthen its financial capacity, embark on vigorous infrastructure rollout which will have a positive economic impact and open employment opportunities for the local communities. This can be achieved by the strengthening of partnerships and the attraction of private investors in order for the municipality to implement the LED programmes effectively and change the lives of the people in the local area.

The role of the state and the environment in indigenous livestock farming: a case study of Debe Marela, Middledrift area, Eastern Cape

Hashe, Luvuyo E January 2011 (has links)
The study focused on the role of the State and the environment in indigenous livestock farming in Debe Marela in Middledrift. Although communal farmers in the area used ethnoveterinary medicines to treat and prevent animal diseases, they also widely used conventional medicines, as these often provided a remedy to animal diseases. The livestock farmers believed in indigenous knowledge which empowered them in using herbs to a certain extent, but the latter was preferred. The Department of Agriculture has featured as a support institution and although livestock farmers in the area have participated in and benefitted from state programmes, they believe that they needed more interventions such as visits from veterinary surgeons, Extension Officers and Animal Health Technicians. The study therefore attempts to address the gaps highlighted in the work of other researchers.

Stock farmers and the state: a case study of animal healthcare practices in Hertzog Eastern Cape Province South Africa

Jenjezwa, Vimbai Rachel January 2010 (has links)
The animal healthcare practices of most communal farmers involve the use of both conventional and ethnoveterinary medicines. This study presents information on the animal healthcare practices of stock farmers in Hertzog, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. It also presents the findings on the social, economic and political aspects surrounding animal healthcare. The research applied two theories namely structuration theory and the Context, Practice and Belief (CPB) framework. Interviews and participant observation were used to collect data. The communal farmers widely used conventional medicines however, proper administration methods were not followed. Ethnoveterinary medicines were used to prevent and treat disease, even by the younger stock farmers. The stock farmers used ethnoveterinary medicines mainly because of the lack of finance to purchase the conventional medicines, even though the latter was preferred. The stock farmers actively participated in state programmes but felt that they needed more state veterinarian visits and state provided medications because they could not afford private veterinarians and conventional medicines. Therefore, this study attempts to contribute to an understanding of the use of ethnoveterinary medicine and communal farmers’ animal healthcare practices.

Homesite severance policy: its evolution and impact on the agricultural land base of British Columbia

Collins, John Martin 05 1900 (has links)
The Homesite Severance Policy of British Columbia’s Agricultural Land Commission permits the subdivision of the farmer’s home from the farm property. Its purpose is to balance the protection of the agricultural resource with fair treatment for retiring farmers. This study documents the land use implications of the policy as well as its development, charting its origins and changes over the decades. Critics of the policy have noted two major problems. Urban sized lots have been scattered throughout the agricultural community, increasing the possibility of urban - rural conflicts (over the noises and smells of farming). Scarce arable land has also been lost, through construction (of the home or barns), on the remnant property. To determine if the agricultural resource has been compromised by the policy the frequency, location and actual area taken by homesite severance will be reviewed. In addition the study will explore the rationale and results of the two reviews of the policy. Suggestions will be offered (as they emerge from the findings and discussion) to alleviate the negative effects of the policy. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), School of / Graduate

Time-Varying Estimation of Crop Insurance Program in Altering North Dakota Farm Economic Structure

Chow-Coleman, Jane Amy January 2008 (has links)
This study examines how federal farm policies, specifically crop Insurance, have affected the farm economic structure of North Dakota's agriculture sector. The system of derived input demand equations is estimated to quantify the changes in North Dakota farmers' input use when they purchase crop insurance. Further, the cumulative rolling regression technique is applied to capture the varying effects of the farm policies over time. Empirical results from the system of input demand functions indicate that there is no moral hazard since North Dakota farmers will increase fertilizer and pesticide use in the presence of crop insurance. Results also indicate that farmers in this state will not increase the use of land.

Impact of agricultural infrastructure on productivity of smallholder farmers in the North West Province, South Africa

Mazibuko, Ndumiso Vusumuzi 12 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of agricultural infrastructure on agricultural productivity and agricultural income of smallholder farmers in the North West Province, South Africa. Factors that contribute to the availability, accessibility and satisfaction of smallholder farmers with regards to agricultural infrastructure were also assessed in the study. Using cross sectional data from the North West Province of South Africa, one hundred and fifty smallholder farmers were selected using stratified sampling to group farmers into those who had agricultural infrastructure and those who did not have. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, divided into six sections as follows: personal socio-economic characteristics of farmers; characteristics of the land; agricultural infrastructure of smallholder farmers; agricultural production and markets; and production activities and financial support rendered to farmers. The data were coded, captured and analysed using STATA 14.0. Data were analysed through descriptive analyses, Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Heckman selection procedure and Tobit Regression Models. This result revealed that most of the farmers were male, aged between 41 and 60 years of age, had contact with extension services only occasionally and did not engage in non-farming activities. Most of the smallholder farmers had less than 10 years of farming experience, had household sizes of less than or equal to five members, had about one household member assisting in the day-to-day farming activities. Most of the farmers did not belong to any farmer organisation. Generally, the farmers were involved in dry land farming. Farmers who irrigated their farms, did so on approximately 15 and 45 hectares of land. Farmers also received agricultural support from CASP and used commercial seeds, fertilizers and animal vaccines as their production inputs. Furthermore, smallholder farmers in the study area received support for inputs and majority did not have to repay for the inputs. Majority of farmers indicated that infrastructure impacted on their farming enterprises through increases in both productivity and sizes of their farming enterprises. The study found that the factors influencing agricultural income for smallholder farmers with agricultural infrastructure were: Physical infrastructure index (Coef=0.78: P<0.01); Social infrastructure availability index (Coef=0.61: P<0.01); Institutional infrastructure availability index (Coef=1.05: P<0.01); Level of education of farmers (Coef=0.96: P<0.01); Access to extension services (Coef=1.05: P<0.01); Membership of farmers’ organisations (Coef=0.59: P<0.05); Age of smallholder famers in the study area (Coef=0.05: P<0.01); and Household members assisting in farming activities (Coef=0.24: P<0.05). In terms of farmers without agricultural infrastructure available, factors influencing agricultural income were: physical infrastructure availability index (Coef = 0.74; P<0.01); social infrastructure availability index (Coef = 0.77: P<0.01); institutional infrastructure availability index (Coef = 0.61: P<0.01); level of education (Coef = 0.89: P<0.01); access to extension services (Coef=1.24: P<0.01); age of farmers (Coef = 0.06: P<0.01) and assistance of household members in farming enterprises (Coef=0.33: P<0.01). In terms of smallholder farmers with accessible agricultural infrastructure, factors influencing agricultural income were: Physical infrastructure access index (Coef=1.29: P<0.01); Social infrastructure access index (Coef=0.38: P<0.1); Equipment infrastructure access index (Coef=0.62: P<0.01); Level of education for smallholder farmers (Coef=1.21: P<0.01); Access to agricultural extension services (Coef=1.64: P<0.01); Membership of Farmers’ organisations (Coef=0.77: P<0.05); Age of smallholder farmer (Coef=0.01: P<0.01); and Household members assisting in the farming enterprises (Coef=0.39: P<0.01). With regards to smallholder farmers without accessible agricultural infrastructure, factors influencing agricultural income were: Physical infrastructure accessibility index (Coef=0.92, P<0.01); Equipment accessibility index (Coef=0.43, P<0.05); Level of education (Coef=1.25: P<0.01P); access to extension services (Coef = 1.63; P<0.01); membership of farming organisations (Coef = 0.86; p<0.01); age of farmers (Coef= 0.07; P<0.01) and assistance of household members in farming enterprises (Coef = 0.34; P<0.05). In terms of satisfaction of smallholder farmers with agricultural infrastructure, factors influencing agricultural income were: Physical infrastructure satisfaction index (Coef=0.35: P<0.1); Social infrastructure satisfaction index (Coef=0.37: P<0.1); Institutional infrastructure satisfaction index (Coef=1.25: P<0.01); Equipment infrastructure satisfaction index (Coef=1.04: P<0.01); Level of education of respondents (Coef=1.24: P<0.01); Access to extension services (Coef=1.58: P<0.01); Age of smallholder farmers in the study area (Coef=0.05: P<0.01); Number of years farming (Coef = -0.57: P<0.1); and Number of household members assisting in farming (Coef=0.19: P<0.1). The results of the Heckman selection model revealed that the variables impacting on agricultural income were: agricultural infrastructure availability index (Coef=1.12: P<0.01); and access to extension services (Coef=0.62: P<0.05). With regards to farmers not satisfied with agricultural infrastructure, factors influencing agricultural income were: institutional infrastructure satisfaction index (Coef = 0.54: P< 0.05); level of education (Coef=1.25: P<0.01); access to extension services (Coef = 1.77: P<0.01); age of farmers (Coef = 0.06: P<0.01) and assistance of household members in farming enterprises (Coef = 0.34: P<0.01). Furthermore, those impacting on agricultural production were: infrastructure satisfaction index (Coef=-1.31: P<0.01); infrastructure accessibility index (Coef=-0.59: P<0.05); Level of education of smallholder farmers (Coef=0.64: P<0.01); access to extension services (Coef=1.29: P<0.01); and membership of farmers’ organisations (Coef=0.66: P<0.01). The results of the Tobit Regression Model showed that among others factors influencing availability of agricultural infrastructure, the following variables played a critical role: assistance of household members in farming enterprise (Coef=0.702: P<0.01); farm ownership (Coef=0.962: P<0.01); farm acquisition (Coef=0.323: P<0.01) farmer occupation (Coef=0.785: P<0.01); member of farmers’ organisations (Coef=2.066: P<0.01); sources of labour (Coef=1.283: P<0.01); farming experience (Coef=0.100: P<0.01); and agricultural production inputs (Coef=-0.763: P<0.05). In terms of accessibility to agricultural infrastructure, the following variables played a critical role: engagement in non-farming activities Coef=1.275: P<0.01); contact with extension services (Coef=1.205: P<0.01); farm ownership (Coef=0.403: P<0.01); farmer occupation (Coef=0.456: P<0.01); membership of farmers’ organisations (Coef=1.111: P<0.01); sources of labour (Coef=0.653: P<0.01); farming experience (Coef=0.045: P<0.05) and land tenure (Coef=0.156: P<0.01). In terms of satisfaction with agricultural infrastructure, among other factors influencing satisfaction with agricultural infrastructure, the following variables played a critical role: organisation for extension services (Coef=1.779: P<0.01); assistance of household members in farming enterprise (Coef=0.411: P<0.01); government agricultural support to farmers (Coef=0.419: P<0.01); farm ownership (Coef=0.464: P<0.01); membership of farmers’ organisations (Coef=1.011: P<0.01); age of farmer (Coef= 0.030: P<0.01); level of education (Coef= 0.483: P<0.01); marital status (Coef=0.290: P<0.01); and gender (Coef= -0.576: P<0.01). The results of the analysis were used to close the knowledge gap with regards to the impact of agricultural infrastructure, availability, accessibility and satisfaction on the productivity and agricultural income of smallholder farmers in the North West Province. In terms of recommendations, the study highlighted that agricultural industries and government should commit in assisting smallholder farmers to be productive and to participate in economic activities. This could be achieved through collaboration with industries in implementing initiatives that assist and accelerate the development of smallholder farming and also through assisting smallholder farmers access agricultural infrastructure. / Agriculture and  Animal Health / D. Litt et Phil. (Agriculture)

An evaluation of environmental sustainability of land reform in Zimbabwe : a case study of Chirumanzu District, Midlands Province

Kori, Edmore 26 February 2013 (has links)
MENVSC / Department of Geography.

Agents of fundamental policy change?: political strategies of the environmental, sustainable agriculture, and family farm groups in the 1990 farm bill

Lang, Helmut 12 January 2010 (has links)
This study investigates the strategies and policy impacts of the environmental, family farm, and sustainable agriculture groups in the 1990 farm bill legislation. In spite of "genuine" interest in a fundamental policy reform, and in spite of a common agenda, the three different types of interest groups mostly opted for parochial, incremental policy demands. This self-restrictive interest group behavior and the groups' limited impacts on policy outcomes is explained by organizational limitations and self-interests of the challenging interest groups as well as by institutional protection of the American political system. This protection specifically applies to the agricultural domain with its distinctive farm bill construction. <u>New and potentially challenging farm bill interest groups have not been agents for fundamental policy change</u>, as the policy status quo (old policies as well as governmental inaction) is structurally protected. / Master of Arts

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