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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'utilisation de la reprise vidéo comme outil de rétroaction pendant le travail instrumental du guitariste de niveau collégial

Boucher, Mathieu 22 January 2020 (has links)
L’apprentissage d’un instrument de musique requiert de nombreuses heures de travail que le musicien en formation réalise la plupart du temps seul, sans l’aide de son professeur. Les habiletés liées à ce contexte particulier de travail autonome ont été étudiées dans différents domaines d’apprentissage sous le nom d’habiletés d’autorégulation (Cleary et Zimmerman, 2001; Kuo, Walker, Schroder et Belland, 2014; Mega, Ronconi et De Beni, 2014; Zimmerman et Schunk, 2011). La capacité du musicien à s’autoévaluer efficacement et à choisir adéquatement ses stratégies en fonction d’unerétroaction sur son jeu instrumental est un aspect central du travail musical autorégulé (McPherson et Zimmerman, 2002). Toutefois, les efforts engendrés pour exécuter une prestation et la superviser simultanément peuvent s’avérer trop exigeants pour l’apprenant (Winne, 1995). C’est pourquoi Zimmerman (1995) suggère que l’apprenant effectue séparément ces deux tâches en enregistrant d’abord les prestations sur vidéo et en les visionnant ensuite, dans le but de pouvoir porter pleinement son attention sur chacune des deux tâches. À ce jour, peu d’études ont investigué l’utilisation de la reprise vidéo comme outil de rétroaction chez les musiciens. Cette étude doctorale visait donc à vérifier si une réaction réalisée à partir d’une reprise vidéo pouvait influencer certains des procédés cognitifs impliqués dans le travail autorégulé de musiciens en formation. Seize guitaristes inscrits au programme de musique d’une institution collégiale de la province de Québec ont accepté de participer à l’étude. Nous avons attribué aléatoirement les participants à un groupe expérimental (n = 8) et à un groupe contrôle (n = 8); ils devaient tous apprendre la même pièce durant dix séances de travail filmées d’une durée de 20 minutes chacune. Lors de ces séances, tous les participants (n = 16) devaient verbaliser leur pensée privée à voix haute lorsqu’ils s’arrêtaient de jouer. Ensuite, immédiatement après les séances de travail 3, 5, 7 et 9, tous les participants (n = 16) devaient enchainer la pièce ou une partie de la pièce devant la caméra et s’autoévaluer ensuite à voix haute. Puis, juste avant de commencer la séance de travail qui avait lieu après ces quatre enchainements, les participants du groupe expérimental (n = 8) étaient invités à visionner leur prestation sur vidéo et à l’autoévaluer de nouveau à voix haute. Nous avons comparé les commentaires d’autoévaluation formulés par les participants du groupe expérimental à la suite de leurs prestations et à la suite de leurs visionnements afin de vérifier s’ils s’étaient autoévalués différemment à la suite de leurs visionnements. Puis, nous avons comparé les verbalisations formulées et les stratégies utilisées par les participants des deux groupes pendant leurs séances de travail de la pièce. Nous voulions vérifier ici si les participants ayant visionné leurs prestations s’étaient autoévalués différemment et avaient adopté des stratégies différentes durant ces séances que les participants n’ayant pas visionné leurs prestations. Parmi les principaux résultats obtenus, il apparaît que les participants ayant eu accès à la rétroaction vidéo ont évalué des aspects différents de leur jeu instrumental après le visionnement de leur prestation enregistrée, comparativement à l’autoévaluation réalisée immédiatement après leur prestation. Les aspects mentionnés lors de la reprise vidéo étaient davantage orientés sur la position de leurs mains, sur l’interprétation et l’exécution instrumentale en général, alors que les aspects ayant trait aux étapes d’apprentissage de la pièce et au déroulement de leur prestation étaient moins fréquents. Par ailleurs, il ressort de l’analyse des verbalisations formulées pendant le travail instrumental que les participants du groupe expérimental (n = 8) ont progressivement modifié leur façon de s’autoévaluer au fil des séances de travail, entre autres en émettant moins de commentaires généraux d’appréciation pour favoriser davantage des commentaires liés à la résolution de problèmes. En outre, ces changements ont été plus importants chez les participants du groupe expérimental (n = 3) classés parmi les plus performants du groupe. Enfin, l’analyse des stratégies utilisées par les participants pendant l’apprentissage de la pièce a démontré que les participants ayant visionné leur prestation (n = 8) ont travaillé à un tempo plus lent lors des premières séances de travail, et ont joué des segments plus longs de l’œuvre plus tôt dans le processus d’apprentissage que ceux n’ayant pas visionné leurs prestations (n = 8). / The learning of a music instrument requires many hours of work that an aspiring musician typically undertakes alone, without the support of his or her teacher. The specific abilities associated with this particular context of autonomous work have been studied in various domains under the lens of self-regulated learning (Cleary & Zimmerman, 2001; Kuo, Walker, Schroder, & Belland, 2014; Mega, Ronconi, & De Beni, 2014; Zimmerman & Schunk, 2012). The musician’s capacity to self-evaluate efficiently and to choose the appropriate strategies on the basis of the feedback obtained while playing is a central aspect of self-regulated music learning (McPherson & Zimmerman, 2002). However, the concurrent efforts to perform and monitor the performance at the same time represent a challenge for any learner (Winne, 1995). To solve this issue, Zimmerman (1995) recommends videotaping the performance of the task and watching it afterwards to fully concentrate on each process. Little empirical research has focused on the use of video feedback in the preparation of a musical performance. This doctoral research thus aimed to explore whether the use of video feedback, which we refer in this study as the self-evaluation of video recordings of one’s own performance, could influence some specific cognitive processes implicated in the self-regulated practice of developing musicians. Sixteen guitarists enrolled in a music program in a college in the province of Québec agreed to participate in our study. The participants were randomly assigned to an experimental group (n = 8) and a control group (n = 8). All participants (n = 16) were asked to learn the same piece of music during ten practice sessions lasting 20 minutes each. During these practice sessions, the participants (n = 16) were asked to think aloud whenever they stopped playing. Immediately after the practices 3, 5, 7 and 9, all participants (n = 16) played the piece or any part they were able to perform while being video recorded, and provided self-evaluation comments afterwards. Before the practice session following each recording, the participants from the experimental group (n = 8) watched their recorded performance and once again provided self-evaluation comments. For this doctoral research, we compared the self-evaluation comments provided by the participants who used video feedback after each performance and after each viewing of the performance in order to verify if they self-evaluated differently after the viewing of the video-recordings of their performances. Afterwards, we compared the group of participants who used video feedback (the experimental group) with those who did not use video feedback (the control group), exploring whether self-regulation, represented by their think-aloud verbalisations and practice strategies, differed. The results revealed that the participants who used video feedback (i.e. the experimental group; n = 8) evaluated different aspects of their playing after the viewing of the video-recorded performances, as compared with their self-evaluations immediately after the performance itself. More specifically, they made more comments about the position of their hand, interpretation and instrumental execution in general, and fewer comments about the performance flow after viewing the video-recorded performances. Concerning the think aloud verbalisations during the practice sessions, the participants in the experimental group (n = 8) modified the way they self-evaluated while practising. More precisely, they made fewer think-aloud comments associated with a general appreciation of the playing and instead made more comments associated with problem solving as they were learning the piece, than the participants in the control group (n = 8). These changes were of a greatest amplitude among the higher-performing participants (i.e. those who had attained the highest grades in their performance examinations) from the experimental group (n = 3). Finally, the analysis of the strategies used by the participants while practising revealed that the participants who used video feedback (n = 8) practised at a slower tempo and played longer segments of the piece earlier in the learning process than the participants who did not use video feedback (n = 8).

The perceptions and experiences of auxiliary nurses regarding breastfeeding in a pediatric setting of an academic hospital in the Western Cape

Joseph, Margo Salomia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Breastfeeding is considered as the most preferable method of infant feeding to fulfill babies’ nutritional needs important to the growth and development of babies. Unfortunately, there were babies not breastfed due to numerous reasons including infant illness and hospitalization. The purpose of this research was to describe the experiences and perceptions of nurses regarding breastfeeding in a pediatric setting of an academic hospital in the Province of the Western Cape. A descriptive study design with a qualitative approach was used to explore the experiences and perceptions of auxiliary nurses regarding breastfeeding. Purposive sampling was utilized to consciously select thirteen auxiliary nurses to participate in the study. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. Data analysis involved the transcribing of tape recorded interviews, the generating of themes and sub-themes, coding of the data, interpretation and organization of data and the drawing of conclusions. According to the auxiliary nurses’ perceptions, most of the babies in the pediatric setting were not being breastfed. Breastfeeding was being supplemented with formula milk when mothers chose not to breastfeed, experienced breastfeeding problems, were not with the baby or the baby was too sick to breastfeed. The babies’ illness, the hospital environment and lack of resources were challenging auxiliary nurses when supporting breastfeeding mothers. Not all health professionals were supportive of breastfeeding. Interrelated factors including, shortage of staff, time constraints, heavy work-loads, auxiliary nurses’ breastfeeding knowledge and experience, their confidence to support breastfeeding and communication regarding breastfeeding, influenced auxiliary nurses’ ability to support breastfeeding babies and mothers. The research findings indicate that there was a need for breastfeeding promotion in the pediatric setting. Recommendations included a written breastfeeding policy, breastfeeding training for all health care professionals, better breastfeeding education and support for mothers, the maintenance and of breastfeeding during the babies’ illness, adequate accommodation for breastfeeding mothers and the support of breastfeeding mothers who are HIV positive. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Borsvoeding is beskou as die mees verkieslike voeding metode vir babas om hul te voorsien aan die nodige voedingsbehoeftes belangrik vir die groei en ontwikkeling van babas. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die ervarings en persepsies van verpleeg assistente met betrekking tot borsvoeding in ‘n pediatriese instelling in ‘n akademiese hospitaal in die Provinsie van die Weskaap te beskryf. ‘n Beskrywende studie ontwerp met ‘n kwalitatiewe benadering was gebruik ver die doel van die studie. Streekproeftrekking was gebruik om doelbewus drie assistant verpleegkundiges te selekteer om deel te neem aan die studie. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude was gebruik om data in te samel. Die data-analise behels die transkibering van band opgeneemde onderhoude, die opwekking van temas en subtemas onderverdeel, kodering van die data, interpretasie an organisasie van die data en die opstel van gevolgtrekkings. Dit was bevind na gelang van die assistant verpleegkundiges se persepsies, dat meeste van die babas in die hospitaal was nie geborsvoed. Borsvoeding was aangevul met formule melk wanneer moeders verkies om nie te borsvoed, ervaar borsvoeding probleme, was nie met die babas, of die baba was te siek om the voed aan die bors. Baba siektes, die hospitaal omgewing en die gebrek aan hulpbronne was uitdagend vir assistant verpleegkundiges om borsvoeding moeders te ondersteun. Interafhanklike faktore insluitend, ‘n tekort aan personeel, tyd beperkinge, swaar werk-vragte, borsvoeding kennis en ondervinding, die vertroue om borsvoeding te ondersteun en kommunikasie met betrekkking tot borsvoeding, het die borsvoeding ondersteuning van assistant verpleegkundiges beinvloed. Die navorsingsbevindinge dui daarop dat daar ‘n behoefte was aan borsvoeding bevordering in die hospitaal. Aanbevelings sluit in ‘n skriftelike borsvoeding beleid, borsvoeding opleiding vir alle gesondheidspersoneel, beter borsvoeding inligting en ondersteuning vir moeders, die instandhouding van borsvoeding tydens hospitalisasie, voldoende akkomodasie vir borsvoeding moeders and die ondersteuning van borsvoeding moeders wat MIV-positief is.

The communication interactions of health care aides and individuals with dementia

Wolf, Lynda 25 April 2017 (has links)
Abstract It is estimated that by 2038 over a million Canadians will be diagnosed with some form of dementia with nearly 443.000 living in long-term care facilities. Non-professional health care workers such as health care aides provide most of the direct care to these residents. The interaction skills of health care aides have a significant impact on the function, communication skills and wellbeing of residents with dementia. The purpose of this study using Strauss and Corbin’s mode of grounded theory was to develop a mid-range theory to describe and explain how health care aides perceive and understand residents with dementia and how this perception impacts the way they interact with these residents. The sample for this study was made up of 24 health care aides who worked with residents with dementia in personal care homes in Winnipeg. Data from audiotaped individual and group interviews were analyzed using grounded theory methodology: open, axial and selective coding. The central category was “The Resident being perceived as a Respected Person”. The resulting theory shows that when health care aides perceive the resident as a respected person with whom they have a relationship and as a care recipient with challenging behaviors, the health care aides use communication enhancement strategies and modify their caregiving to meet the resident’s unique physical and emotional needs and challenging behaviors. The interactions of these health care aides in this study were consistent with the principles of person-centered care and the literature about communication and dementia. The facilitators of this perception of the resident were primarily the personal characteristics of the health care aide and the inhibitors were the time constraints, workload, and lack of support of peers and supervisors. This theory has implications for the training and supervision of health care aides and the organizational structures in which they work. Key words: Health care aides; dementia; communication; long term care; personhood / May 2017

Community health workers : efficacy, taxonomy, and performance

Ballard, Madeleine January 2016 (has links)
Background: This thesis presents an empirical investigation into the efficacy, types, and performance of community health workers (CHWs)-trained lay people to whom simple medical procedures can be "task shifted" from doctors. It has three objectives: (1) assess the effects of CHW delivered interventions for primary health outcomes in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs), (2) develop a comprehensive taxonomy of CHW characteristics and programme design features, and (3) assess the relative efficacy of different types of CHW programme designs and how they can be used to optimise CHW performance. Structure and Methods: Following the logic of early stage intervention development, this thesis has an iterative and developmental structure in which each section flows out of and builds on the previous section. Objective one is addressed in Chapters 2-4: scoping review, systematic review, and meta-analytic methods are applied to establish the efficacy and effectiveness of CHW-led interventions in LMICs. Objective two is addressed in Chapter 5: inductive, thematic analysis of systematically identified trials, influential papers, and existing information classification systems is used to develop a formal CHW taxonomy for intervention reporting and coding. Objective three is addressed in Chapter 6: systematic review methods are employed to identify interventions for improving the performance of community health workers in LMICs. Results: Objective one: a systematic review of 155 papers reporting 86 trials found high quality evidence that CHW delivered interventions reduce perinatal mortality, improve child nutritional status, and improve tuberculosis completion rates versus facility-based care. There is also moderate quality evidence that CHW delivered interventions improve certain mental, infectious disease, paediatric, and maternal health outcomes. In undertaking this process, an additional, methodological contribution was made in the form of a tool to reduce risk of bias in overviews of reviews. This tool may facilitate early stage intervention development in the future. Objective two: 253 records were used to establish, in a faceted taxonomy, the definitional clarity required for theory building and knowledge accumulation. Two categories (CHW Characteristics and CHW Programme Features) and six dimensions (Integration, Recruitment, Training, Supervision, Incentives, and Equipment) emerged. Objective three: a systematic review of 14 trials identified moderate quality evidence of the efficacy of CHW performance interventions in improving certain behavioural outcomes for patients, utilisation of services, and CHW quality of care. There was no effect on the biological outcomes of interest. Conclusion: In bringing the tools of evidence based practice to bear on community health worker interventions, this dissertation has contributed to the theoretical, methodological, and empirical evidence base from which the field can continue to advance.

Home Health Aides' Performance and Home Health Clients' Quality of Life

Smith, Ronny Terrell 01 January 2019 (has links)
Home health aides' performance can help home health clients achieve quality of life. This quantitative, cross-sectional study examined which work-related factors of home health aides influence home health clients' quality of life. A socioecological perspective was used to understand influences on behaviors. Participants in this study were 400 home health clients who received services from home health agencies. A binary logistic model was used to determine the predictor variables of home health aides that contributed to home health clients' quality of life. Findings indicated that psychosocial skills were among the most predicted work-related performance of home health aides that lead to quality of life for home health clients. All independent variables (professional care; teaching clients about medication management, pain, and home safety; and social and communication skills) showed significance (p < .05). The implications of this study for positive social change include contributing evidence to support improving home health practices and informing policies, which might increase the quality of life for home health clients.

Organizational Characteristics And Staffing in Long-Term Care

SHU, Shan 25 June 2002 (has links)
Organizational Characteristics and Staffing in Long-Term Care ABSTRACT With the world trend, the structure of society changes and the aging population rapidly increases. Recently, in Taiwan, the government and the professional have been concerning more about the long-term care issue. However, how to make sure the quality of long-term care is rather a serious and necessary agenda. The purpose of this dissertation focuses on the organizational characteristics and staffing in the long-term care. Basing on the Donabedian¡¦s quality management model, the framework of this study has therefore been constructed. The researcher decided to use questionnaire to analyze the nursing homes and nursing aides in Kaohsiung. Data was collected in July 2001. And the sample amount of nursing home in Kaohsiung is 35, completed by 34 / 35 (97.14%). In the other way, the nursing aides were completed by 209 / 252 (82.50%). The statistics methods are descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression. The results of this dissertation show that the nursing homes in Kaohsiung are unique about their resource distribution. There are 175 nursing homes, while one-fifth of them locate in Kaohsiung. Moreover, most of these nursing homes are freestanding. These situation makes the nursing home in Kaohsiung differ from other districts. We also find that the average of size is 41.59 beds, the average of occupancy rate is 79.08%, the job satisfaction of nursing aides is quite high and has turnover rate 1.78%. Moreover, organizational characteristics have positive impact on turnover rate. Finally, we hope our study would provide a new thinking way for the further study and improve the quality of health care system.

Women, migration and care work: Filipino health care aides in Canada

Novek, Sheila 09 August 2011 (has links)
Personal care homes have become increasingly dependent on the employment of immigrant care workers. This qualitative study explored the high concentration of Filipino health care aides in personal care homes from their own perspectives, as well as that of policy stakeholders. In depth interviews were conducted with seven Filipino health care aides working in personal care homes in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Semi-structured interviews with policy stakeholders examined the policy context of the health care aide labour force. The study identified several factors that influenced the migration and employment of Filipino health care aides including: poverty and unemployment, migrant social networks, barriers in the labour market and financial incentives. The lack of regulations for health care aides sustained the flow of immigrant labour and enabled the expansion of social networks. Although their employment decisions were primarily based on financial need, health care aides valued their work and viewed themselves as critical care providers.

Attendant care for college students with physical disabilities using wheelchairs : transitional issues and experiences

Burwell, Nequel R. 20 July 2013 (has links)
From preschool through the end of high school, accommodation and success rather than self-advocacy and student development are the predominant frameworks for students with physical disabilities. Many students with physical disabilities who use wheelchairs are assisted by their family members with daily life activities such as getting out of bed, showering, eating, dressing, and toileting. For most of these students college is the first time they will have to use his or her own voice. Once in college, the students are responsible for finding their own personal care. Students are challenged with becoming responsible for the process of hiring an attendant for themselves, taking the next step to becoming independent, and being socialized into a new environment. Many factors affect the transition and experiences from high school to college and for students with physical disabilities, that transition may involve attendant care. The purpose of this study was to explore the transitional attendant care issues and experiences of college students with physical disabilities who use wheelchairs. A phenomenological approach grounded in qualitative methodology was used in this study. In a mid-sized public doctoral-granting Midwestern institution, twelve participants were interviewed who were undergraduates with a physical disability using a wheelchair and having attendant care. Seven themes emerged regarding transitional issues for students with attendant care: time management, preparing for attendant care, training attendants, first feelings, accepting responsibility, parental involvement, and financial considerations. Four themes emerged regarding their collegiate experiences: attendant care preferences, relationships with attendants, supportive friends, and characteristics of attendants. Recommendations for future studies, future researchers, student affairs educators, and future college students were provided. While students with disabilities that use wheelchairs and attendant care have similar experiences with many other students, they also have experiences that are completely different than the average college freshman. It is important to understand the unique challenges this subpopulation of college students has, and what they can do, and not do, to meet those challenges. Students with disabilities that use a wheelchair and will use attendant care need to consider the implications of attendant care and plan ahead prior to coming to college. / Department of Educational Studies

Women, migration and care work: Filipino health care aides in Canada

Novek, Sheila 09 August 2011 (has links)
Personal care homes have become increasingly dependent on the employment of immigrant care workers. This qualitative study explored the high concentration of Filipino health care aides in personal care homes from their own perspectives, as well as that of policy stakeholders. In depth interviews were conducted with seven Filipino health care aides working in personal care homes in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Semi-structured interviews with policy stakeholders examined the policy context of the health care aide labour force. The study identified several factors that influenced the migration and employment of Filipino health care aides including: poverty and unemployment, migrant social networks, barriers in the labour market and financial incentives. The lack of regulations for health care aides sustained the flow of immigrant labour and enabled the expansion of social networks. Although their employment decisions were primarily based on financial need, health care aides valued their work and viewed themselves as critical care providers.

Development of a culturally sensitive program delivering cardiovascular health education to indigenous Australians, in South-West towns of Western Australia with lay educators as community role models /

Owen, Julie. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Western Australia, 2006.

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