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Vliv stáří jehlic na obsah a aktivitu enzymu Rubisco u smrku ztepilého v podmínkách normální a zvýšené koncentrace CO2 / Influence of needle age at Rubisco activity and content in Norway spruce under the impact of ambient and elevated CO2 concentrationsBošková, Martina January 2009 (has links)
In this diploma work influence of needle age at Rubisco activity and content in Norway spruce (Picea abies) was studied. The plants were cultivated in conditions with ambient (A) CO2 concentration (350 µmol CO2/mol) and elevated (E) CO2 concentration (700 µmol CO2/mol). Sampling was done two times during the growing season (in the middle of June and in the end of September) were taken. Initial and total Rubisco activities were measured spectrophotometrically. Rubisco content was determined by SDS–PAGE method. Rubisco activity in 18-months-old needles was in E higher than in A. Rubisco contents in current-year needles and one-year-old needles were in A higher than in E in September. These differences were statistically significant that demonstrates the down-regulation of Rubisco content in conditions of elevated CO2 concentration. It seems the course of activities and content depending on age of the needles are antiparallel, that means that decrease of content is followed by increase of activity.
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Studium konzervačních systémů pro kosmetiku / Study of preservative systems for cosmeticsŠmétková, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to prove the antimicrobial actvivity of the selected syntetic preservatives used in cosmetics, such as methylparaben, butylparaben, phenoxyethanol, bronopol, imidazolidinyl urea and methylisothaizolinone, in different concentrations (up to the highest permitted concentration and in increased concentrations), and of some essential oils, which are possible to use in cosmetics (essential oil from Eucalyptus globulus, Pimpinella anisum, Lavandula officinalis, Rosmarinus officinalis, Foeniculum vulgare, Mentha piperita, Juniperus communis and Pinus sylvestris). The effect was investigated in every preservative system alone, in order to evaluate the spectrum and the rate of each one. As indicator microorganism was chosen Bacillus subtilis and Penicillium chrysogenum. The used methods was disk difusion method and modify difusion method. From synthetic preservatives had the best effects bronopol, imidazolidinyl urea and methylisothiazolinone. From chosen natural antimicrobails had the effect against both indicator microorganisms the Mentha piperita, Foeniculum vulgare and Juniperus communis extracts.
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Změny aktivity a obsahu enzymu Rubisco v listech špenátu v průběhu dne / Diurnal changes of Rubisco activity and its content in spinach leavesRiegerová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The graduation theses theme was to determinate changes of initial activity, total activity and Rubisco enzyme content in spinach leaves. Ascertained activities and Rubisco enzyme content were determined from extracts of spinach leaves, which were collected during two distinctively climatic different days. Both activities were determined by spectrometric method and content of enzyme Rubisco by SDS-PAGE method. The findings were compared with findings determined in earlier done works.
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Studium antimikrobiálního účinku vybraných druhů koření / Study of the antimicrobial effects of selected spicesKalábová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The antimicrobial effects of cinnamon, clove and ginger (grand and fresh) extracts against Bacillus subtilis, Aspergillus niger and Pichia fermentans were studied in this thesis. Selected spices were extracted in three solvents (ethanol, water and ethyl acetate) and inhibition effect on tested microorganisms was studied using two methods disc diffusion and broth dilution methods. The antioxidant activity and total polyphenolic compounds from spices were also determined. The results showed that cinnamon and clove extracts in ethyl acetate and ethanol were a promising antimicrobial substances for all tested microorganisms. Combination of cinnamon and clove especially ethyl acetate extracts showed an aditive effect. However, in the case of broth dilution method, fresh ginger inhibited bacterial growth under optimal growth conditions of Bacillus subtilis (35 °C, pH 7, 250 rpm). Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values for all susceptible microorganisms was determined 8,3 mg/ml. The highest amounts of polyphenolic substances were found in cinnamon and clove ethanol extract and this result was in correlation with antioxidant activity.
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Studium botnavosti a biologické aktivity hydrogelů huminových kyselin / Swelling behavior and bioactivity of humic acids hydrogelsKozelková, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of the biological activity of humic substances. Based on the literature review preparation procedures were optimized in order to develop new hydrogel forms containing humic substances and biopolymers with high swelling capacity. Besides methodology for the rapid assessment of the biological activity obtained in laboratory conditions were designed and tested. The experimental part focused on characterization of hydrogel samples by means of routine physico-chemical methods, the main attention was paid to sorption of water and release of humic substances into solution. Then the prepared hydrogel materials were tested focusing on the growth effects on the maize. The absorption of mineral nutrients by the roots of plants were studied as well. The motivation of this work comes from the potential of agricultural and environmental applications of such hydrogel materials resulting in a renewal of previously exhausted organic content of soils and consequent interruption of substantial soil degradation.
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Studie aktivity extracelulárních enzymů produkovaných různými druhy kvasinek / The study of extracellular enzymes produced by different species of yeastVršanská, Martina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the study of the different yeast strains from the point of view of extracellular lipolytic enzyme production. First part of this work consisting of appropriate yeasts was developed within study interships in Slovak Academy of Sciences, department of Glycomics in Bratislava. From ten given strains three yeasts such as Pseudozyma fusiformata, Meyerozyma guilliermondii, Yarrowia lipolytica were chosen, these strains showed the highest lipolytic activity and cell growth on basal medium with Tween 80. These yeasts were used for optimization of cultivation conditions and characterization of lipolytic enzymes. The yeasts were cultivated on media with different carbon sources, which appeared to be a most suitable medium the basal medium with Tween. Tween acted as and inducer of lipase production. The substrate specificity was determined using three p-nitrophenylester substrates with varying sizes of the fatty acid site chains. The results showed that tested lipases are probably triacylglycerol-acyl-hydrolases which has the highest activity towards in the water insoluble substrates with medium long chains. The pH optimum and temperature optimum were measured. The results showed that the tested lipases had the highest activity in neutral and mild acid region around 30°C. By measuring of thermal stability has been demonstrated that extracellular lipases are relatively thermostable enzymes. Afterwards the storage stability was measured for 5 weeks when supernatant was kept in fridge at 4°C and in freezing box at -20°C. The results showed that in both cases tested lipases exhibited high storage stability which allows to store the samples without loss of activity for a longer time. Finally, the results of lipolytic and proteolytic activity, cell growth and pH of the medium of yeast Y. lipolytica were compared between the batch cultivation in L-tubes with the continual cultivation in the bioreactor. The highest lipases production was achieved in bioreactor due to the setting conditions of the continual proces to regulate the production and enzymatic stability.
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Izolace obsahových látek Cannabis sativa a jejich antiflogistický účinek / Isolation of compounds from Cannabis sativa and their anti-inflammatory effectBaranová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The object of this thesis is a traditional and also controversial plant Cannabis sativa. The theoretical part is focused on ubiquitous polyphenolic compounds – flavonoids, also present in the studied plant. All previously researched and confirmed effects on human body are described in detail. The experimental part of this thesis describes the isolation and identification of substances of the chloroform and hexane yields of extract obtained from this plant. Chromatographic methods were used for isolation – thin layer and column chromatography and semipreparative HPLC. Obtained substances were characterized using UV, IR spectrophotometry and NMR. Then the anti-inflammatory activity of obtained substances and also of the ethanolic extract and its yields was observed. The result of the experimental part was the isolation of one pure substance which was identified as the cannabidiolic acid. Using the THP 1 assay, we demonstrated mild anti-inflammatory effect of the non-polar yields and isolated CBDA.
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Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / The Evulation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its ImprovementStarý, Václav January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis occupies with financial analysis of a firm. The aim of this thesis is to suggest some recommendation to change economy of the analyzed firm. The theoretical section of the thesis describes some methods of financial analysis, above all elementary methods. In the practical part, are used some choosen financial standing and bancrupcy models for evaluation of financial health of firm VAK, a.s.. The final part brings some recommendation for improvement of the economy of the analyzed firm
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Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / The Evulation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its ImprovementProvázek, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis occupies with financial analysis of a firm. The aim of this thesis is to suggest some recommendation to change economy of the analyzed firm. The theoretical section of the thesis describes some methods of financial analysis, above all elementary methods. In the practical part, these methods are used for the compilation of a financial analysis of firm Family brewery Bernard and to evaluation of the economy situation of the firm. The final part brings some recommendation for improvement of the economy of the analyzed firm.
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Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its ImprovementHradílková, Hana January 2009 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce hodnotí finanční situaci společnosti VODNÍ DÍLA-TBD a.s. s využitím vybraných metod finanční analýzy v období let 2004-2008. Práce navrhuje možná řešení a opatření vedoucích ke zlepšení finanční situace této společnosti v následujících letech.
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