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Uso do álcool em idosos: validação transcultural do Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test - geriatric version (MAST-G) / Alcohol use in the elderly: cross-cultural validation of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test - Geriatric Version (MAST-G)Marcia Yumi Kano 21 October 2011 (has links)
Esse estudo tem por objetivo validar o Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test - Geriatric Version (MAST-G) e identificar os problemas relacionados ao uso de bebida alcoólica entre os idosos usuários da Unidade Saúde da Família (USF) do município de São Carlos (SP). O desenho metodológico do estudo é do tipo descritivo de abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário contendo as informações sociodemográficas e o MAST-G, seguindo as etapas de tradução e adaptação transcultural. A amostra foi constituída por 111 pessoas com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos cadastrados na USF do município de São Carlos. Do resultado, a idade média foi de 70 anos, sendo 45% do sexo masculino e 55% do sexo feminino, escolaridade média de 3 anos e 92% residem com a família. O MAST-G apresentou um bom índice de confiabilidade, com Alfa de Cronbach ? = 0,7873 e por meio da curva de ROC mostrou uma boa especificidade e sensibilidade no valor de corte de 5 respostas positivas, corroborando a literatura internacional. Pode-se concluir que o instrumento é de fácil aplicação e pouco intimidativo, além de ser possível averiguar diversas questões acerca do comportamento do beber do idoso e assim, possibilitando um atendimento especializado, pontual para que o idoso tenha uma assistência de qualidade. / This study aims to validate the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test - Geriatric Version (MAST-G) and to identify the pattern of consumption and alcohol use among elderly users of Family Health Units (USF) in the municipality of São Carlos (SP), Brazil. The methodological design of the study is a descriptive quantitative approach. Data were collected using an instrument that contains sociodemographic information and the MAST-G, following the steps of translation and cultural adaptation. The sample consisted of 111 people aged over 60 years who were enrolled in the USF of São Carlos. The result, the average age was 70 years, 45% male and 55% female, average schooling for 3 years and 92% living with family. The MAST-G had a good level of reliability, with Cronbach\'s alpha ? = 0.7873 and shows a good specificity and sensitivity in cut-off of 5 positive answers, as observed by the ROC curve, in good agreement with the literature. It could be concluded that the instrument is easy to be applied and less intimidating, besides being able to ascertain other questions about the behavior of the life of the elderly so it can allow a specialized service, timely so that the elderly have a better quality of assistance.
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Padrão de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas entre universitários da área da saúde de uma faculdade do interior do Estado de São Paulo / Standard of alcoholic beverages consumption among health area University students from a São Paulo state College Health areaElaine Ribeiro 25 May 2007 (has links)
A preocupação com o uso do álcool entre universitários é evidente em várias partes do mundo. Diversos estudos mostram que o uso e abuso dessa substância vêm aumentando em ritmo acelerado. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar o padrão de consumo de álcool e suas conseqüências entre universitários da área de saúde de uma Faculdade privada do interior do estado de São Paulo. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório com uma amostra de 1007 estudantes universitários. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário auto-aplicável, contendo três partes: a primeira referente aos dados sóciodemográficos, a segunda refere-se ao padrão de consumo de álcool e a terceira refere-se aos problemas vivenciados por essa população após beber. Entre os resultados estão que a maioria dos estudantes pertence ao sexo feminino 84%, estado civil solteiro 85,1%, com idade entre 18 e 25 anos 79%, provenientes de outras cidades 62,6% e 60,0% referiram não trabalhar. A maioria dos estudantes pertence ao curso de enfermagem 24,2% e em relação ao ano do curso, 30,3% são calouros. Quanto à moradia, 75,1% referiram morar com a família. No que se refere ao tipo de religião 64% afirmaram ser católicos e 67% referem que a religião é muito importante em suas vidas. Em relação ao consumo de álcool, 64% fazem uso de baixo risco, incluindo os abstêmios 11%, enquanto que 20% são bebedores de risco moderado e 5% bebedores de alto risco. A análise de associação demonstrou que o consumo de álcool é maior entre o gênero masculino, na faixa etária entre 18 e 25 anos, entre os casados, entre aqueles que tiram notas baixas em relação à média, entre os que moram sem a família, e entre aqueles que não pertencem a nenhum tipo de religião. O aparecimento de náuseas, vômito e ressaca, o fato de dirigir após beber ou dirigir bebendo, perder aulas por estar passando mal, ?matar aulas? após beber demais, apresentar problemas com a lei ou com a administração da faculdade por beber, tirar notas baixas, a freqüência que fuma, ser criticado por beber, brigar após beber ou ainda apresentar qualquer tipo de comportamento negativo por beber, foi encontrado com maior freqüência entre os universitários que apresentaram um maior consumo de álcool. A bebida de maior consumo foi a cerveja. Esses resultados nos evidenciam a importância do planejamento de estratégias de cunho preventivo no âmbito universitário, na tentativa de detectar precocemente aqueles com potencial para o abuso e possíveis problemas relacionados ao consumo dessa substância. / The worry about the alcohol use among college students is evident in several parts of the world. Many studies show that the use and abuse of this substance is increasing in accelerated rate. In this context, this study has as purpose identifying the standard of alcohol consumption and its consequences among health area college students from a Sao Paulo State private college. It?s a descriptive and explorative study with a 1007 college students? sample. For the data collect, it was used a self-applicable questionnaire that contains three parts: the first regarding the social demography data, the second refers to the standard of alcohol consumption and the third refers to the problems lived by this population after drinking. Among the results the most part of the students belongs to the female sex 84%, single 85,1%, age between 18 and 25 years old 79%; other cities provenance 62,6% and 60% referred that they don?t work. The most part of the students belongs to the Nursing course 24,2% and in relation to the course year, 30,3% are undergraduates. As for the residence, 75,1% referred to live with the family. According to the kind of religion 64% are Catholics and 67% referred that the religion is very important in their lives. In relation to the alcohol consumption, 64% are low risk users, including the teetotaler 11%, while 20% are moderate risk drinkers and 5% high risk drinkers. The association analysis showed that the alcohol consumption is larger among male gender, age group between 18 and 25 years old, married people, those who get low grades in relation to the average, who live without the family, and those who don\'t\' belong to any kind of religion. The nausea, vomit and hangover appearance, the fact of drive after drinking or to drive drinking, to lose classes after drinking too much, to have problems with the law or with the college administration for drinking, to get low grades, the often that smokes, being criticized for drink, to fight after drinking or to show any kind of negative behavior for drink, it was found with larger frequency among the college students who showed a larger alcohol consumption. The most consummated beverage was the beer. These results show us the importance of preventive strategies planning in the college scope at the attempt to detect prematurely those students with potential for the abuse and possible problems related to the consumption of this substance.
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Estudo dos parâmetros fermentativos na obtenção de aguardente de mel / Study of the fermentative parameters in the process of obtaining honey spiritLuanda Maria Abreu Silva de Campos 16 September 2011 (has links)
No presente trabalho, primeiramente avaliou-se o desempenho fermentativo de 10 cepas de leveduras isoladas de frutas, de mel centrifugado e de resíduo do processamento de mel após a etapa de sedimentação (borra do mel), em tubo de ensaio contendo mosto constituído de Mel 15 °Brix suplementado, individualmente, com diferentes nutrientes, a saber: extrato de levedura comercial (10,0 g/L), farelo de arroz (20,0 g/L), mistura (1,0 g/L) constituída de farelos de milho, arroz e soja na proporção 5:2:5 e nutriente comercial (D&R) (0,15 g/L). Os parâmetros avaliados coexistiram da determinação do número de células em câmara de Neubauer e das concentrações de açúcares e etanol por HPLC, o que permitiu a determinação dos parâmetros rendimento, eficiência de fermentação e produtividade. Estes resultados sustentaram a seleção do mosto suplementado com extrato de levedura comercial e da melhor cepa de levedura que foram posteriormente avaliados em escala piloto. A cepa selecionada foi a levedura isolada a partir da borra de mel, a qual foi posteriormente identificada como Saccharomyces cerevisiae e nomeada Saccharomyces cerevisiae EEL 2009. A avaliação da produção de aguardente de mel em escala piloto foi realizada nas instalações do Alambique da Associação Rural de Canas, Canas-SP e o destilado obtido armazenado em tonel de carvalho de 200 L por 6 meses. Amostras foram coletadas a cada 30 dias para caracterização físico-química em conformidade com os parâmetros estabelecidos na Legislação Brasileira para aguardente de frutas. Em paralelo, as respectivas amostras foram devidamente avaliadas sensorialmente por 120 provadores não treinados, por meio de testes de aceitação, em escala hedônica, considerando os quesitos aparência, aroma, sabor, corpo e impressão global, além da atitude de compra. Estes resultados foram analisados estatisticamente por ANOVA e teste de Tukey, sendo os resultados de aceitação em relação à impressão global, analisados por meio da análise multivariada o que permitiu traçar o Mapa de Preferência Interno - MDPREF. Os resultados referentes à caracterização físico-química das respectivas amostras demonstraram que todas apresentaram os parâmetros de avaliação em conformidade com os padrões estabelecidos pela legislação. Os resultados da análise sensorial revelaram que o tempo de armazenamento de 180 dias em tonel de carvalho não foi suficiente para a ocorrência de reações desejadas, o que influenciaria nas características sensoriais da bebida, tornado-a mais agradável e suave. No entanto, apesar do pouco tempo de armazenamento, a aguardente de mel apresentou uma boa aceitação por parte dos provadores, cuja maioria manifestou sua aceitação em termos de \"gostei ligeiramente\" e \"não gostei, nem desgostei\". No tocante ao MDPREF, este revelou que a amostra referente a 180 dias de armazenamento foi preferida por um maior número de provadores. Em relação à atitude de compra, as amostras armazenadas por 60 (79,17%) e 180 dias (75,83%) apresentaram os melhores resultados. Diante do exposto, conclui-se que o mel se apresenta como uma alternativa viável para a formulação de mosto para produção de aguardente no período de entre safra de cana-de-açúcar, contribuindo para melhor aproveitamento das instalações e como fonte alternativa de renda para o produtor rural. / In this work, first it was evaluated the fermentation performance of 10 yeast strains isolated from fruits, centrifuged honey and residue of honey processing after the sedimentation (sludge honey) step. This experiment was carried out in test tube containing wort made from honey 15 °Brix supplemented individually with different nutrients, namely: commercial yeast extract (10.0 g/L), rice bran (20.0 g/L), mixture (1.0 g/L) consisting of bran corn, rice and soy in the ratio 5:2:5 and commercial nutrient (D&R) (0.15 g/L). The parameters evaluated included the cell number determination in Neubauer chamber, and sugars and ethanol concentrations by HPLC, which allowed to determine the fermentation parameters as yield, fermentation efficiency and productivity. These results supported the selection of the wort supplemented with commercial yeast extract and the best yeast strain, which were subsequently evaluated in a pilot scale. The selected strain was the yeast isolated from the sludge honey, which was later identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and named Saccharomyces cerevisiae EEL 2009. The production evaluation of honey spirit on a pilot scale was conducted at the Canas Rural Association Pilot Plant for cachaça production - Canas-SP and distillate was stored in oak barrel of 200 liters per 6 months. Samples were collected every 30 days for physic-chemical characterization in accordance with the guidelines established in the Brazilian Legislation for fruit spirit. Beyond that, the respective samples were properly sensory evaluated by 120 untrained consumers regarding to acceptance testing employing a hedonic scale, considering characteristics as appearance, aroma, flavor, and overall impression, and the attitude of purchase, as well. These results were statistically analyzes by ANOVA and Tukey`s test and the results of acceptance regarding to the overall impression, were analyzed by multivariate analysis which allowed tracing the Internal Preference Map - MDPREF. The results concerning the physic-chemical characterization of the respective samples showed that all presented the evaluation parameters in accordance with standards established by the legislation. The results of sensory analysis revealed that the storage time of 180 days in oak barrel was not enough for the occurrence of desired reactions, which influence the sensory characteristics of the beverage, making it nicer and smoother. However, despite short time storage, honey spirit showed good acceptance by the consumers. Most of them expressed acceptance in terms of \"liked slightly\" and \"not liked nor disliked\". Regarding the MDPREF results, these proved that the sample relating to 180 days of storage was preferred by majority of consumers. Regarding the attitude of purchase, the samples stored for 60 days (79.17%) and 180 days (75.83%) showed the best results. Therefore, we conclude that honey can be considered as a viable alternative for wort formulation for the production of spirit, mainly in the period between harvests of sugar cane, contributing to better utilization of the facilities and as alternative source of income for farmers.
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Avaliação clínica, laboratorial e dos marcadores bioquímicos do estresse oxidativo hepatocelular em ratos diabéticos induzidos pela aloxanaLucchesi, Amanda Natália [UNESP] 17 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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lucchesi_an_me_botfm.pdf: 749829 bytes, checksum: 0aa5e082ee905bd7a05a8698d3112ee3 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O diabetes mellitus (DM) é tido como um problema de saúde pública mundial. No Brasil ele atinge mais de 14 milhões de pessoas, sendo acompanhado de altos índices de morbidade e mortalidade. Entretanto, os mecanismos primariamente responsáveis pela agressão dos tecidos e órgãos pelo DM ainda não são completamente conhecidos, o que explica a dificuldade em se estabelecer um tratamento eficaz para prevenir ou controlar a progressão das lesões diabéticas crônicas. O estresse oxidativo celular é tido como um dos mecanismos importantes na gênese do dano tecidual relacionado à hiperglicemia. Através deste mecanismo, o DM poderia aumentar a produção de espécies reativas do oxigênio (EROs) ao nível celular, que pela sua toxicidade, seria capaz de promover o desenvolvimento das lesões diabéticas crônicas. Evidências clínicas sugerem que o fígado de indivíduos diabéticos também poderia sofrer a ação das EROs, no longo prazo, levando a uma seqüência de eventos capaz de determinar a doença gordurosa do fígado de etiologia não-alcoólica (DGFNA), com progressão para esteato-hepatite e cirrose. Todavia, a presença de estresse oxidativo no tecido hepático de portadores de DM, ainda não está bem estabelecida na literatura, o que justifica a realização de novas investigações em modelos-animais de diabetes, no intuito de melhor esclarecer a real participação deste mecanismo na gênese e evolução das lesões hepáticas diabéticas crônicas. Neste estudo foram utilizados 60 ratos machos Lewis, distribuídos em 2 grupos experimentais, com 30 animais cada um, assim designados: GN - Grupo Controle: constituído de ratos normais, não-diabéticos; GD - Grupo Diabético: constituído por animais diabéticos induzidos pela aloxana, sem qualquer tratamento. Cada um dos grupos experimentais foi dividido em 3 subgrupos de ratos, com 10 animais cada um, para serem... / Diabetes mellitus (DM) is considered to be a public-health problem worldwide. In Brazil, it affects 14 million people, and it is accompanied by high morbidity and mortality rates. However, the mechanisms primarily responsible for tissue and organ aggression by DM are not yet fully known, which explains the difficulty in establishing effective treatment to prevent or control the progression of chronic diabetic lesions. Cellular oxidative stress is considered to be one of the important mechanisms in the genesis of hyperglycemia-related tissue damage. Through this mechanism, DM could increase the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the cellular level, which, due to their toxicity, could promote the development of chronic diabetic lesions. Clinical evidence suggests that the liver of diabetic individuals could also suffer the action of ROS in the long term, thus leading to a sequence of events that can determine non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), with progression to steatohepatitis and cirrhosis. However, the presence of oxidative stress in the hepatic tissue of individuals with DM has not been yet well established in the literature, which justifies the performance of new investigations in diabetes animal models with the purpose to clarify the actual participation of such mechanisms in the genesis and development of chronic diabetic hepatic lesions. In this study, 60 males Lewis rats were used. They were distributed into 2 experimental groups, each containing 30 animals and designated as follows: GN – Control Group: consisting of non-diabetic control rats; GD – Diabetic Group: consisting of alloxan-induced diabetic rats without any treatment. Each experimental group was divided into 3 subgroups of rats with 10 animals each to be evaluated and sacrificed respectively at 4 experimental moments, namely: M1– animals from the 3 subgroups, at the initial moment... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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The role of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in liver fibrosis and inflammation in non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseZou, Xiantong January 2014 (has links)
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a worldwide health problem which includes steatosis (triglyceride accumulation alone), non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH, with liver inflammation), fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver fibrosis, which is a reversible response, is the final phase of most chronic liver disease and is characterized by accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) from activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). Glucocorticoids (GCs) regulate many aspects of metabolism involved in NAFLD. Also, GCs limit HSC activation in vitro. Tissue GC levels are regulated by 11β- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 (11β-HSD1) which converts inactive 11- dehydrocorticosterone (DHC) into active corticosterone. Previous studies demonstrate that 11β-HSD1 deficiency improves fatty liver in obesity models, but the role of 11β-HSD1 in mechanisms involved in the progression and/or resolution of hepatic injury is largely unknown. I hypothesized that 11β-HSD1 modulates fibrotic and inflammatory responses during hepatic injury and/or the resolution phase. First I sought to address if the levels of 11β-HSD1 during different models of liver injury are dysregulated. In mice, 11β-HSD1 was down-regulated in choline deficient diet (CDD) induced steatosis, methionine and choline deficient diet (MCDD) induced NASH, carbon tetrachloride (CCL4) induced liver fibrosis and thioacetamide (TAA) induced liver fibrosis. In CCL4 injured livers, the down regulation of 11β- HSD1 was observed around the scar area. To test if 11β-HSD1 plays a key role in modulating liver inflammation and fibrosis responses in NAFLD and liver fibrosis I used initially11β-HSD1 knockout (KO) mice. 11β-HSD1 KO showed higher HSC activation only in the High fat feeding model but not in CDD and MCDD models. In the CCL4 injury model, despite reduced hepatocellular injury, 11β-HSD1 KO mice showed enhanced collagen deposition during peak injury and increased fibrotic gene expression during the early resolution phase although unaltered inflammatory markers during both peak injury and resolution. To further dissect cell-specificity on the effect of 11β-HSD1, I repeated the CCL4-injury model using the hepatocyte-specific 11β-HSD1 KO (Alb-HSD1). Alb-HSD1 mice did not show increased susceptibility to fibrosis compared to control littermates suggesting that the 11β- HSD1 possibly modulates fibrotic response by affecting HSC function. To mechanistically address how GCs inhibit HSC activation in vitro I studied the effects of 11β-HSD1 on HSC in vitro. 11β-HSD1 expression was down-regulated during ‘spontaneous’ HSC activation, and 11β-HSD1 deficiency enhanced susceptibility to activation. The GC (11-DHC)’s inhibitory effect on HSC activation was reversed by 11β-HSD1 inhibition. Finally, to address the clinical relevance of 11β-HSD1 in hepatic injury and/or resolution a selective 11β-HSD1 inhibitor, UE2316, was used. UE2316 induced a pro-fibrotic phenotype in ob/ob mice and CCL4-treated C57BL/6 mice, but had no effect when administered only during injury resolution. In conclusion, 11β-HSD1 deficiency causes increased activation of HSCs following diet and chemical injury and promotes liver fibrosis. Effects of 11β-HSD1 inhibitors, which are a potential treatment for metabolic syndrome, are perhaps offset by adverse outcomes in liver.
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Representações sociais dos enfermeiros de hospital geral frente ao paciente alcoolista e a etiologia para o alcoolismo / The social representations of general hospital nurses front of the alcoholic patient and the etiology in order to alcoholismCely de Oliveira 27 October 2011 (has links)
Identificar e analisar a representação social dos enfermeiros de Hospital Geral frente ao paciente alcoolista e à etiologia para o alcoolismo. Os sujeitos do estudo foram 20 enfermeiros de três Hospitais Gerais de uma cidade do interior de São Paulo (Brasil). Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas autogravadas que foram transcritas e analisadas pelo método da Análise de Conteúdo, tendo como categoria para análise o referencial teórico da representação social. Da análise dos dados, emergiram duas categorias empíricas: 1-Representação social dos enfermeiros frente ao paciente alcoolista e 2- Representação da etiologia para o alcoolismo Os resultados apontaram que os enfermeiros concebem o paciente alcoolista como uma pessoa doente, portanto, o alcoolismo como uma doença. Em relação ao trabalhar com esse tipo de paciente, alegaram que é de difícil manejo, tendo em vista que os profissionais não estão preparados para atuar com este tipo de paciente e que sua assistência é permeada pelo estigma e preconceito. Na representação desses enfermeiros, a etiologia do alcoolismo está relacionada às questões sociais, psicológicas, emocionais e biológicas. Concluiu-se que a representação dos sujeitos do estudo frente ao paciente alcoolista e a etiologia para o alcoolismo estão atreladas mais ao senso comum do que ao conhecimento técnico-científico, o que em última análise remete à necessidade de melhor preparo e capacitação dos profissionais enfermeiros sobre a temática álcool e alcoolismo, uma vez que o pouco conhecimento da temática pode contribuir para uma assistência fragmentada e pautada nas questões de ordem moral que permeiam o senso comum. / Identify and analyzed the social representation of General Hospital nurses front of the alcoholic patient and the etiology in order to alcoholism. The subjects of the study were 20 nurses from three General Hospital in a country town of São Paulo (Brazil).The data were collected through interviews self recorded that were transcribed and analyzed by The content Analysis Method, having as category for analysis the theoretical reference of social representation. From analysis of empirical data emerged two categories: 1 - Social representation of nurses front of alcoholic patient. 2- Representation of the etiology in order to alcoholism. The results pointed out that the nurses conceive the alcoholic patient as a sick person, therefore, the alcoholism as a disease. In relation to working with this type of patient, claimed that it is unwieldy, in order that professionals are not prepared to work with this type of patient and that its assistance is permeated by the stigma and prejudice. In the representation of these nurses, the etiology of alcoholism is related to social, psychological, emotional and biological issues. It was concluded that the representation of subjects of the study front of the alcoholic patient and the etiology in order to alcoholism are more tied to common sense than to scientific-technical knowledge, wich ultimately refers to the needs for better preparation and professional training of nurses on the thematic alcoholism, in that the few knowledge about the theme can contribute to a fragmented assistance and guided in matters of moral order that pervade common sense.
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Estudo dos parâmetros fermentativos na obtenção de aguardente de mel / Study of the fermentative parameters in the process of obtaining honey spiritCampos, Luanda Maria Abreu Silva de 16 September 2011 (has links)
No presente trabalho, primeiramente avaliou-se o desempenho fermentativo de 10 cepas de leveduras isoladas de frutas, de mel centrifugado e de resíduo do processamento de mel após a etapa de sedimentação (borra do mel), em tubo de ensaio contendo mosto constituído de Mel 15 °Brix suplementado, individualmente, com diferentes nutrientes, a saber: extrato de levedura comercial (10,0 g/L), farelo de arroz (20,0 g/L), mistura (1,0 g/L) constituída de farelos de milho, arroz e soja na proporção 5:2:5 e nutriente comercial (D&R) (0,15 g/L). Os parâmetros avaliados coexistiram da determinação do número de células em câmara de Neubauer e das concentrações de açúcares e etanol por HPLC, o que permitiu a determinação dos parâmetros rendimento, eficiência de fermentação e produtividade. Estes resultados sustentaram a seleção do mosto suplementado com extrato de levedura comercial e da melhor cepa de levedura que foram posteriormente avaliados em escala piloto. A cepa selecionada foi a levedura isolada a partir da borra de mel, a qual foi posteriormente identificada como Saccharomyces cerevisiae e nomeada Saccharomyces cerevisiae EEL 2009. A avaliação da produção de aguardente de mel em escala piloto foi realizada nas instalações do Alambique da Associação Rural de Canas, Canas-SP e o destilado obtido armazenado em tonel de carvalho de 200 L por 6 meses. Amostras foram coletadas a cada 30 dias para caracterização físico-química em conformidade com os parâmetros estabelecidos na Legislação Brasileira para aguardente de frutas. Em paralelo, as respectivas amostras foram devidamente avaliadas sensorialmente por 120 provadores não treinados, por meio de testes de aceitação, em escala hedônica, considerando os quesitos aparência, aroma, sabor, corpo e impressão global, além da atitude de compra. Estes resultados foram analisados estatisticamente por ANOVA e teste de Tukey, sendo os resultados de aceitação em relação à impressão global, analisados por meio da análise multivariada o que permitiu traçar o Mapa de Preferência Interno - MDPREF. Os resultados referentes à caracterização físico-química das respectivas amostras demonstraram que todas apresentaram os parâmetros de avaliação em conformidade com os padrões estabelecidos pela legislação. Os resultados da análise sensorial revelaram que o tempo de armazenamento de 180 dias em tonel de carvalho não foi suficiente para a ocorrência de reações desejadas, o que influenciaria nas características sensoriais da bebida, tornado-a mais agradável e suave. No entanto, apesar do pouco tempo de armazenamento, a aguardente de mel apresentou uma boa aceitação por parte dos provadores, cuja maioria manifestou sua aceitação em termos de \"gostei ligeiramente\" e \"não gostei, nem desgostei\". No tocante ao MDPREF, este revelou que a amostra referente a 180 dias de armazenamento foi preferida por um maior número de provadores. Em relação à atitude de compra, as amostras armazenadas por 60 (79,17%) e 180 dias (75,83%) apresentaram os melhores resultados. Diante do exposto, conclui-se que o mel se apresenta como uma alternativa viável para a formulação de mosto para produção de aguardente no período de entre safra de cana-de-açúcar, contribuindo para melhor aproveitamento das instalações e como fonte alternativa de renda para o produtor rural. / In this work, first it was evaluated the fermentation performance of 10 yeast strains isolated from fruits, centrifuged honey and residue of honey processing after the sedimentation (sludge honey) step. This experiment was carried out in test tube containing wort made from honey 15 °Brix supplemented individually with different nutrients, namely: commercial yeast extract (10.0 g/L), rice bran (20.0 g/L), mixture (1.0 g/L) consisting of bran corn, rice and soy in the ratio 5:2:5 and commercial nutrient (D&R) (0.15 g/L). The parameters evaluated included the cell number determination in Neubauer chamber, and sugars and ethanol concentrations by HPLC, which allowed to determine the fermentation parameters as yield, fermentation efficiency and productivity. These results supported the selection of the wort supplemented with commercial yeast extract and the best yeast strain, which were subsequently evaluated in a pilot scale. The selected strain was the yeast isolated from the sludge honey, which was later identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and named Saccharomyces cerevisiae EEL 2009. The production evaluation of honey spirit on a pilot scale was conducted at the Canas Rural Association Pilot Plant for cachaça production - Canas-SP and distillate was stored in oak barrel of 200 liters per 6 months. Samples were collected every 30 days for physic-chemical characterization in accordance with the guidelines established in the Brazilian Legislation for fruit spirit. Beyond that, the respective samples were properly sensory evaluated by 120 untrained consumers regarding to acceptance testing employing a hedonic scale, considering characteristics as appearance, aroma, flavor, and overall impression, and the attitude of purchase, as well. These results were statistically analyzes by ANOVA and Tukey`s test and the results of acceptance regarding to the overall impression, were analyzed by multivariate analysis which allowed tracing the Internal Preference Map - MDPREF. The results concerning the physic-chemical characterization of the respective samples showed that all presented the evaluation parameters in accordance with standards established by the legislation. The results of sensory analysis revealed that the storage time of 180 days in oak barrel was not enough for the occurrence of desired reactions, which influence the sensory characteristics of the beverage, making it nicer and smoother. However, despite short time storage, honey spirit showed good acceptance by the consumers. Most of them expressed acceptance in terms of \"liked slightly\" and \"not liked nor disliked\". Regarding the MDPREF results, these proved that the sample relating to 180 days of storage was preferred by majority of consumers. Regarding the attitude of purchase, the samples stored for 60 days (79.17%) and 180 days (75.83%) showed the best results. Therefore, we conclude that honey can be considered as a viable alternative for wort formulation for the production of spirit, mainly in the period between harvests of sugar cane, contributing to better utilization of the facilities and as alternative source of income for farmers.
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The Effects of Chronic Alcohol Consumption on Ovarian Function/ MorphologyRoberts, Destiny 01 May 2017 (has links)
Chronic alcohol (ethanol) consumption has been known to affect the major organs of the body and particularly the liver. However, the effects of chronic ethanol consumption on the female reproductive system remain relatively unstudied. A convenient way to study these effects is by analyzing laboratory mice that have been fed an ethanol diet for an extended period of time and comparing them to control mice. In this study, female mice were separated into control and ethanol fed groups. The mice were placed on their specified diets and observed over the course of six weeks. The mice were fed and weighed daily throughout the duration of the experiment. Once a week, vaginal washes were performed on both groups of mice to determine the stage of the estrous cycle for each mouse. At the end of the six weeks, the mice were sacrificed and the ovaries were harvested and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. The ovaries were then paraffin embedded and sectioned. Glass microscope slides were then stained using Hematoxylin and Eosin staining procedures for evaluation using standard light microscopy. The tissue’s morphology, follicle development, presence of corpora lutea, and overall appearance were analyzed. Due to the premature deaths of several mice in first group of ethanol fed mice, the experiment was repeated with three more groups of mice to obtain a better representation of data. The data from the control group was compared to that of the ethanol fed group. The mice that received the ethanol fed diet ceased to cycle and arrested in the diestrous phase of the estrous cycle. Our data indicates that the ovarian follicles within the ethanol fed mice show signs of degeneration in the 4b, 5a, 5b, 6, and 7 levels of development. There are also no notable corpora lutea present within the ovaries of the ethanol fed mice. Our findings indicate that chronic alcohol consumption has deleterious effects on ovarian morphology in mice.
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Selection and socialization effects of Greek affiliation on heavy drinking across the transition to college and into the college years the effects of personality traits and drinking norms /Park, Aesoon. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2006. / The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file. Title from title screen of research.pdf file viewed on (February 21, 2007) Includes bibliographical references.
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Genome-Wide Studies of Transcriptional Regulation in Human Liver Cells by High-throughput SequencingBysani, Madhusudhan Reddy January 2013 (has links)
The human genome contains slightly more than 20 000 genes that are expressed in a tissue specific manner. Transcription factors play a key role in gene regulation. By mapping the transcription factor binding sites genome-wide we can understand their role in different biological processes. In this thesis we have mapped transcription factors and histone marks along with nucleosome positions and RNA levels. In papers I and II, we used ChIP-seq to map five liver specific transcription factors that are crucial for liver development and function. We showed that the mapped transcription factors are involved in metabolism and other cellular processes. We showed that ChIP-seq can also be used to detect protein-protein interactions and functional SNPs. Finally, we showed that the epigenetic histone mark studied in paper I is associated with transcriptional activity at promoters. In paper III, we mapped nucleosome positions before and after treatment with transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) and found that many nucleosomes changed positions when expression changed. After treatment with TGFβ, the transcription factor HNF4α was replaced by a nucleosome in some regions. In paper IV, we mapped USF1 transcription factor and three active chromatin marks in normal liver tissue and in liver tissue of patients diagnosed with alcoholic steatohepatitis. Using gene ontology, we as expected identified many metabolism related genes as active in normal samples whereas genes in cancer pathways were active in steatohepatitis tissue. Cancer is a common complication to the disease and early signs of this were found. We also found many novel and GWAS catalogue SNPs that are candidates to be functional. In conclusion, our results have provided information on location and structure of regulatory elements which will lead to better knowledge on liver function and disease.
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