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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Theologies Speak of Justice : A Study of Islamic and Christian Social Ethics

Callewaert, Teresa January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how religious ethics, while retaining its identity, can contribute to political debate and to the understanding of justice. The inquiry addresses these issues by focusing on theological perspectives which challenge the solutions offered to these questions by the liberal paradigm. Three kinds of challenges are studied, each of which is represented by one thinker from the Islamic tradition and one from the Christian tradition, in order to enable a comparative perspective on the contributions of religious traditions. The thinkers studied are: 1) modified liberalism, represented by Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im and Duncan B. Forrester; 2) liberationism, represented by Ali Shariati and Gustavo Gutierrez; and 3) radical traditionalism, as developed by Tariq Ramadan and John Milbank. The study is organized around three main questions. First, how can innovative interpretations of religious tradition be plausibly justified? Second, what role should religious arguments and reasons play in the political sphere? Third, what can religious ethics and theological thought contribute to the understanding of social justice? The questions are engaged by means of a critical and reconstructive engagement with the six thinkers. The suggested solutions are assessed in terms of the criteria of authenticity, communicability, and potential for transformation. It is argued that a religious ethic can rely on a tradition without accepting conservative understandings of that tradition. Furthermore, it is argued that the coherence of religious ethics can be made available for public discourse but that the hospitability of the public forum to such contributions needs to be realized through a deepened democratic culture and a critique of power structures which condition perceptions of rationality. While religious ethics do not articulate complete alternative understandings of justice, they articulate contributions by relating justice to human sociality and to transcendence.

Investigating the adoption of Interactive Complex Intervention Model (ICIM) aiming at reforming the Bahrain governmental performance as an example of Islamic contexts

Almisbah, Abdulghani Jaafar January 2017 (has links)
There is a consensus within the United Nations (UN), as well as various governmental entities, politicians, individuals, scholars, and academic communities, on the need to reform governmental performances. However, there is no unanimity among them pertaining to a specific reforming model that is valid for all contexts worldwide. Accordingly, many performance management processes and practical techniques have been put into practice, which aim at improving governmental institutions' performance. Hence, the purpose of this research is to develop, by studying the public health services that are provided by the government, an effective model, with the aim of improving governmental performance in the context of Bahrain. With regard to originality and values, the research discerns that among the many factors affecting governmental entities' performance, there are two dominant contextual factors, i.e. the sociocultural and political forces, both of which synergise with the so-called United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Good Governance Approach. The study develops a new perspective on the Interactive Complex Intervention Model (ICIM), stemming from the Grounded Theory (GT) and Normalisation Process Theory/Model (NPT/M), as disclosed in practical terms by the outcomes of the data gathered and its analysis. In fact, although those elements influence all other factors, there are interactive correlative impacts among all factors. Despite these outcomes, the data obtained from the research cannot be generalised, as they are derived from the local context of Bahrain; certainly until now, they can allow other similar contexts in particular to implement the insights reported in this study. It is important to note that the most influencing factor enabling this research, which aims to develop the ICIM for reforming governmental entities' performance in Bahrain, is the salient points raised in Imam Ali's famous consultative letter to the Governor of Egypt, Malik Ashtar, which he wrote while he was the Caliph, as scholars regard this letter as a basic guide for the Islamic administration and the UNDP Good Governance Approach. Regarding the practical implications, the research has attempted to empirically understand the role of the aforementioned primary contributing forces, that are regarded as the critical prerequisite - the first step that allows the governments' decision makers, based on the underlying knowledge involved in the work, to forthwith provide them with several contextual practical insights towards adopting the ICIM in order to enhance and reform the government entities' performance.

Investigations on the in vitro effects of aqueous Eurycoma longifolia Jack extract on male reproductive functions

Erasmus, Nicolete January 2012 (has links)
<p>Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali / TA) is a Malaysian shrub used to treat various illnesses including male infertility. Considering that TA is also used to improve male fertility and no report&nbsp / regarding its safety has been published, this study investigated the effects of a patented, aqueous TA extract on various sperm and testicular functions. Materials and Methods This study&nbsp / encompasses two parts (part 1: on spermatozoa / part 2: on TM3-Leydig and TM4-Sertoli cells). Part 1: Semen samples of 27 patients and 13 fertile donors were divided into two groups,&nbsp / washed and swim-up prepared spermatozoa, and incubated with different concentrations of TA (1, 10, 20, 100, 2000 &mu / g/ml) for 1 hour at 37&deg / C. A sample without addition of TA served as control. After incubation with TA,&nbsp / the following parameters were evaluated: viability (Eosin-Nigrosin test), total and progressive motility (CASA), acrosome reaction (triple stain technique), sperm production of reactive oxygen&nbsp / species (ROS / dihydroethidium test / DHE), sperm DNA fragmentation (TUNEL assay) and mitochondrial membrane potential (&Delta / &psi / m) (Depsipher kit). Part 2: TM3-Leydig and TM4-Sertoli cells&nbsp / incubated with different concentrations of TA (0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50 &mu / g/ml) and control (without extract) for 48 and 96 hours. After incubation with TA, the following parameters were&nbsp / evaluated: viability (XTT), cell proliferation (protein assay), testosterone (testosterone ELISA test) and pyruvate (pyruvate assay). Results Part 1: For washed spermatozoa, significant&nbsp / dose-dependent trends were found&nbsp / for viability, total motility, acrosome reaction and sperm ROS production. However, these trends were only significant if the highest concentrations were included in the calculation. In the swim-up spermatozoa, ROS production of spermatozoa showed a biphasic relationship with its lowest percentage at 10 &mu / g/ml, yet, no significance could be&nbsp / observed (P=0.9505). No influence of TA could be observed for sperm DNA fragmentation nor &Delta / &psi / m.</p>

The community of scholars : an analysis of the biographical data from the Taʻrīkh Baghdād

Ahola, Judith January 2005 (has links)
The biographical details of the 7828 individuals listed in the biographical dictionary known as the Ta'rikh Baghdad were entered in a database and used to create a profile of the hadith community of Baghdad. The thesis explains how the database was constructed and shows how the data can be used. Evidence derived from the many references to colleagues and relatives in the biographies made it possible to date most of the undated biographies, and to construct a chronological framework within which information on the origins, occupations, tribes and other personal attributes of the Khatib's subjects could be analysed. Changes in the frequency of these attributes over time were related to conversion rates, immigration, and the popular appeal of hadith study. The thesis also demonstrates the usefulness of the fortuitously dated topographical references found in the biographies. These were used with maps to show changes in residence patterns over the 320 years covered by the Ta'rikh Baghdad.

Engagement paternel en situation de rupture conjugale et de contestation de garde

Leahey, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : Le pr??sent essai doctoral vise ?? d??finir les facteurs de risque ou de protection de l???engagement paternel chez les p??res ayant eu recours ?? la m??diation ordonn??e (Mo) et ?? l???expertise psychosociale (Exp). L?????tude de 222 dossiers l??gaux et la r??alisation de 22 entrevues repose sur une approche exploratoire dont les donn??es quantitatives et qualitatives ont ??t?? recueillies de fa??on ponctuelle (entrevues) et en r??trospective (analyse des dossiers). Cet essai pr??sente ?? notre connaissance des donn??es originales. L'analyse des tendances d??mographiques nomm??e ?? analyse populationnelle dynamique ?? et les donn??es qui en sont issues sont appel??es ?? donn??es populationnelles ??. Elles tracent un portrait des p??res qui tient compte du contexte social dans lequel ils ??voluent et situent les ??chantillons sur la courbe normale ou selon le crit??re ??valu??. Cette m??thode d'analyse soutient avantageusement le mod??le ??cologique de Bronfenbrenner (1979). Les r??sultats indiquent qu???au-del?? des proc??dures de cour, le facteur de risque le plus important ?? l???engagement paternel est la difficile communication avec l???ex-conjointe appel??e ?? communication d??gradant le lien parental ?? dont les deux piliers sont la d??pr??ciation et l'obstruction. Le conflit qui oppose les parents est de longue dur??e et se prolonge parfois sur une d??cennie. Cette intensit?? de conflit discrimine le profil des p??res utilisant la m??diation ordonn??e de celui des p??res utilisant la m??diation volontaire. ?? ce conflit sont associ??s des co??ts psychologiques chez les p??res et leur famille, mais ??galement des co??ts financiers attribuables ?? la longueur des proc??dures de cour. Ces co??ts constituent ??galement un facteur de risque tout comme les caract??ristiques des couples pr??sentant des ??carts d?????ge, de valeurs et de culture. Les recommandations de l???expertise et les ententes de la m??diation ordonn??e ont un effet de courte dur??e sur le conflit qui oppose les parents. Les p??res per??oivent l???expertise comme un facteur de protection de leur engagement, car leur capacit?? parentale y est reconnue et les recommandations que contiennent les expertises influencent les d??cisions de la cour. La capacit?? des p??res ?? valoriser leur r??le parental et les strat??gies utilis??es pour contrer une communication d??nigrante sont ??galement des facteurs de protection. De ces constats se d??gage une s??rie de recommandations visant tant la recherche que les interventions cliniques. // Abstract : This doctoral essay seeks to define the risk or protective factors of paternal involvement among fathers who have recourse to court-ordered mediation (Mo) and custody assessment (Exp). An examination of 222 legal cases and the 22 interviews which were conducted is based on an approach that is exploratory (both quantitative and qualitative), case-by-case (interviews) and retrospective (case-file analysis), which to our knowledge is innovative in many ways. The analysis of demographic trends called "population-based dynamic analysis", while the data derived from it are called "population-based data". They paint a portrait of fathers that takes into account the social context in which they find themselves and place the samples on a normal curve or in accordance with the criterion being evaluated. This method of analysis favorably supports Bronfenbrenner???s ecological model (1979). The results indicate that beyond court procedures, the most significant paternal-involvement risk factor is difficult communication with the ex-wife, called "communication detrimental to the parental relationship", which is based on two major pillars: depreciation and obstruction. These pillars present a conceptual affinity with parental alienation, negative co-parenting and restrictive gatekeeping. The conflict between the parents is long-lasting, sometimes extending over a decade. This conflict intensity distinguishes the profiles of fathers using court-ordered mediation from those using voluntary mediation. Psychological and financial costs for the fathers and their family associated with the length of court procedures constitute a risk factor as well, as do the characteristics of couples of differing ages, values and cultures. Court custody assessments and court-ordered mediation have a short-term effect on parental conflict. However, fathers perceived court custody assessments as a protective factor for their paternal involvement because their parenting ability is thus recognized and recommendations contained in the assessments influence court decisions. The ability of fathers to enhance their parenting role and the strategies they use to counter derogatory communications are also protective factors. These findings result in a series of recommendations aimed both at research and clinical interventions.

Engagement paternel en situation de rupture conjugale et de contestation de garde

Leahey, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : Le pr??sent essai doctoral vise ?? d??finir les facteurs de risque ou de protection de l???engagement paternel chez les p??res ayant eu recours ?? la m??diation ordonn??e (Mo) et ?? l???expertise psychosociale (Exp). L?????tude de 222 dossiers l??gaux et la r??alisation de 22 entrevues repose sur une approche exploratoire dont les donn??es quantitatives et qualitatives ont ??t?? recueillies de fa??on ponctuelle (entrevues) et en r??trospective (analyse des dossiers). Cet essai pr??sente ?? notre connaissance des donn??es originales. L'analyse des tendances d??mographiques nomm??e ?? analyse populationnelle dynamique ?? et les donn??es qui en sont issues sont appel??es ?? donn??es populationnelles ??. Elles tracent un portrait des p??res qui tient compte du contexte social dans lequel ils ??voluent et situent les ??chantillons sur la courbe normale ou selon le crit??re ??valu??. Cette m??thode d'analyse soutient avantageusement le mod??le ??cologique de Bronfenbrenner (1979). Les r??sultats indiquent qu???au-del?? des proc??dures de cour, le facteur de risque le plus important ?? l???engagement paternel est la difficile communication avec l???ex-conjointe appel??e ?? communication d??gradant le lien parental ?? dont les deux piliers sont la d??pr??ciation et l'obstruction. Le conflit qui oppose les parents est de longue dur??e et se prolonge parfois sur une d??cennie. Cette intensit?? de conflit discrimine le profil des p??res utilisant la m??diation ordonn??e de celui des p??res utilisant la m??diation volontaire. ?? ce conflit sont associ??s des co??ts psychologiques chez les p??res et leur famille, mais ??galement des co??ts financiers attribuables ?? la longueur des proc??dures de cour. Ces co??ts constituent ??galement un facteur de risque tout comme les caract??ristiques des couples pr??sentant des ??carts d?????ge, de valeurs et de culture. Les recommandations de l???expertise et les ententes de la m??diation ordonn??e ont un effet de courte dur??e sur le conflit qui oppose les parents. Les p??res per??oivent l???expertise comme un facteur de protection de leur engagement, car leur capacit?? parentale y est reconnue et les recommandations que contiennent les expertises influencent les d??cisions de la cour. La capacit?? des p??res ?? valoriser leur r??le parental et les strat??gies utilis??es pour contrer une communication d??nigrante sont ??galement des facteurs de protection. De ces constats se d??gage une s??rie de recommandations visant tant la recherche que les interventions cliniques. // Abstract : This doctoral essay seeks to define the risk or protective factors of paternal involvement among fathers who have recourse to court-ordered mediation (Mo) and custody assessment (Exp). An examination of 222 legal cases and the 22 interviews which were conducted is based on an approach that is exploratory (both quantitative and qualitative), case-by-case (interviews) and retrospective (case-file analysis), which to our knowledge is innovative in many ways. The analysis of demographic trends called "population-based dynamic analysis", while the data derived from it are called "population-based data". They paint a portrait of fathers that takes into account the social context in which they find themselves and place the samples on a normal curve or in accordance with the criterion being evaluated. This method of analysis favorably supports Bronfenbrenner???s ecological model (1979). The results indicate that beyond court procedures, the most significant paternal-involvement risk factor is difficult communication with the ex-wife, called "communication detrimental to the parental relationship", which is based on two major pillars: depreciation and obstruction. These pillars present a conceptual affinity with parental alienation, negative co-parenting and restrictive gatekeeping. The conflict between the parents is long-lasting, sometimes extending over a decade. This conflict intensity distinguishes the profiles of fathers using court-ordered mediation from those using voluntary mediation. Psychological and financial costs for the fathers and their family associated with the length of court procedures constitute a risk factor as well, as do the characteristics of couples of differing ages, values and cultures. Court custody assessments and court-ordered mediation have a short-term effect on parental conflict. However, fathers perceived court custody assessments as a protective factor for their paternal involvement because their parenting ability is thus recognized and recommendations contained in the assessments influence court decisions. The ability of fathers to enhance their parenting role and the strategies they use to counter derogatory communications are also protective factors. These findings result in a series of recommendations aimed both at research and clinical interventions.

Investigations on the in vitro effects of aqueous Eurycoma longifolia Jack extract on male reproductive functions

Erasmus, Nicolete January 2012 (has links)
<p>Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali / TA) is a Malaysian shrub used to treat various illnesses including male infertility. Considering that TA is also used to improve male fertility and no report&nbsp / regarding its safety has been published, this study investigated the effects of a patented, aqueous TA extract on various sperm and testicular functions. Materials and Methods This study&nbsp / encompasses two parts (part 1: on spermatozoa / part 2: on TM3-Leydig and TM4-Sertoli cells). Part 1: Semen samples of 27 patients and 13 fertile donors were divided into two groups,&nbsp / washed and swim-up prepared spermatozoa, and incubated with different concentrations of TA (1, 10, 20, 100, 2000 &mu / g/ml) for 1 hour at 37&deg / C. A sample without addition of TA served as control. After incubation with TA,&nbsp / the following parameters were evaluated: viability (Eosin-Nigrosin test), total and progressive motility (CASA), acrosome reaction (triple stain technique), sperm production of reactive oxygen&nbsp / species (ROS / dihydroethidium test / DHE), sperm DNA fragmentation (TUNEL assay) and mitochondrial membrane potential (&Delta / &psi / m) (Depsipher kit). Part 2: TM3-Leydig and TM4-Sertoli cells&nbsp / incubated with different concentrations of TA (0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50 &mu / g/ml) and control (without extract) for 48 and 96 hours. After incubation with TA, the following parameters were&nbsp / evaluated: viability (XTT), cell proliferation (protein assay), testosterone (testosterone ELISA test) and pyruvate (pyruvate assay). Results Part 1: For washed spermatozoa, significant&nbsp / dose-dependent trends were found&nbsp / for viability, total motility, acrosome reaction and sperm ROS production. However, these trends were only significant if the highest concentrations were included in the calculation. In the swim-up spermatozoa, ROS production of spermatozoa showed a biphasic relationship with its lowest percentage at 10 &mu / g/ml, yet, no significance could be&nbsp / observed (P=0.9505). No influence of TA could be observed for sperm DNA fragmentation nor &Delta / &psi / m.</p>

The banteng and the eagle Indonesian foreign policy and the United States during the era of Sukarno 1945-1967 /

Sulaiman, Yohanes, January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 598-620).

Etude microfluidique de la rigidité leucocytaire liée au syndrome de détresse respiratoire aigue (SDRA)

Preira, Pascal 30 May 2012 (has links)
Le Syndrome de Détresse Respiratoire Aiguë (SDRA) est une maladie inflammatoire courante en service de réanimation qui touche environ 10% des patients. Une augmentation pathologique de la rigidité et/ou de l'adhésion des leucocytes des patients atteints du SDRA semble être un des facteurs déclenchants majeurs de la maladie. Nous avons utilisé la microfluidique pour mimer le passage des cellules dans les capillaires pulmonaires. L'observation du passage de cellules modèles (lignée monocytaire humaine THP-1) dans des constrictions microfluidiques (H=12µm et W=6µm) a permis de mesurer leur temps d'entrée. Ensuite nous avons incubé des cellules dans des sérums issus de malades et étudié leurs caractéristiques de passage dans des constrictions microfluidiques en fonction du temps d'incubation et de la concentration en sérum. Ces résultats sont ensuite comparés à la composition des sérums en cytokines (IL-1&#946;, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-17, TNF-&#945;, TGF-&#946; et INF-&#947;). Des corrélations entre l'IL-8, IL-1&#946;, le TNF-&#945; et le temps d'entrée ont été trouvés. Ces deux cytokines peuvent jouer un rôle dans la rigidité cellulaire lors de cette maladie. En incubant ainsi nos cellules avec les recombinants humains (IL-8, IL-1&#946; et Tnf-&#945;), nous avons constaté une augmentation de la rigidité des cellules. D'un point de vue médical nous avons montré que l'utilisation d'anticorps bloquants anti IL-8, anti IL-1&#946; et anti TNF-&#945; permet de protéger les cellules. / The project consists in using microfluidic devices to test human leukocyte behavior in microcirculation. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a disease that affects numerous patients in intense care services with a rate of death 50%. It is triggered to the sequestration of neutrophils within the lung microvasculature. There is neither diagnostic nor efficient treatment now. We study the properties of the passage of THP-1, and real neutrophils in micro-channels of width 6µm. In order to improve the understanding of SDRA, we also incubate models cells in patient's serums who are suffering from ARDS and diagnostic tools are being developed in collaboration with the hospitals of Marseille.

Realism, rationalism and revolutionism in Iran's foreign policy : the West, the state and Islam

Gomari-Luksch, Laleh January 2018 (has links)
Iran's foreign policy is consistent and is fundamentally realist with a revolutionist vision while the means are rationalist is the central argument of this dissertation. I make use of the English Schools three traditions of realism, rationalism and revolutionism in analyzing the speeches of Iranian statesmen to identify the ways in which the dynamics of the three traditions have evolved since 1997 and what it means for interpreting the developments of Iran's foreign policy ventures. I utilize both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis in examining the speeches of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, the presidents since 1997. The quantitative method employs a customized software generating figures that represent the recurrence of realist, rationalist and revolutionist terminologies in all the documents downloaded from the official websites of the Iranian statesmen as well as the United Nations and select news agencies and affiliates. The quantitative phase of the analysis, meanwhile, carefully examined selected statements of the supreme leader and the presidents uncovering the foreign policy argumentations and justifications, which were studied alongside foreign policy actions and classified under the three traditions. The findings suggest that Iran's foreign policy is the same as in the other states of international society – it is consistent and dynamic. It is simultaneously realist, rationalist and revolutionist with each tradition serving a specific purpose, which cannot be disentangled from the other two.

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