Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alloptical"" "subject:"andoptical""
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Low Noise All Optical Switch and GeSn Laser for Silicon PhotonicsZhao, Yun 17 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Multi-Core Fiber and Optical Supersymmetry: Theory and ApplicationsMacho Ortiz, Andrés 02 September 2019 (has links)
[ES] A día de hoy, las redes de comunicaciones de fibra óptica están alcanzando su capacidad límite debido al rápido crecimiento de la demanda de datos en la última década, generado por el auge de los teléfonos inteligentes, las tabletas, las redes sociales, la provisión de servicios en la nube, las transmisiones en streaming y las comunicaciones máquina-a-máquina. Con el fin de solventar dicho problema, se ha propuesto incrementar la capacidad límite de las redes ópticas mediante el reemplazo de la fibra óptica clásica por la fibra óptica multinúcleo (MCF, acrónimo en inglés de multi-core fiber), la cual es capaz de integrar la capacidad de varias fibras ópticas clásicas en su estructura ocupando prácticamente la misma sección transversal que éstas.
Sin embargo, explotar todo el potencial de una fibra MCF requiere entender en profundidad los fenómenos electromagnéticos que aparecen en este tipo de fibras cuando guiamos luz a travésde ellas. Así pues, en la primera parte de la tesis se analizan teóricamente estos fenómenos electromagnéticos y, posteriormente, se estudia la viabilidad de la tecnología MCF en distintos tipos de redes ópticas de transporte, específicamente, en aquellas que hacen uso de transmisiones radio-sobre-fibra. Estos resultados pueden ser de gran utilidad para las futuras generaciones móviles 5G y Beyond-5G en las próximas décadas.
Adicionalmente, con el fin de expandir las funcionalidades básicas de las fibras MCF, esta tesis explora nuevas estrategias de diseño de las mismas utilizando la analogía existente entre las ecuaciones que rigen la mecánica cuántica y el electromagnetismo. Con esta idea en mente, en la segunda parte de la tesis se propone diseñar una nueva clase de fibras MCF usando las matemáticas de la supersimetría, surgida en el seno de la teoría de cuerdas y de la teoría cuántica de campos como un marco teórico de trabajo que permite unificar las interacciones fundamentales de la naturaleza (la nuclear fuerte, la nuclear débil, el electromagnetismo y la gravedad). Girando en torno a esta idea surgen las fibras MCF supersimétricas, las cuales nos permiten procesar la información de los usuarios durante la propia propagación de la luz a través de ellas, reduciendo así la complejidad del procesado de datos del usuario en recepción.
Finalmente, esta tesis se completa introduciendo un cambio de paradigma que permite diseñar dispositivos fotónicos disruptivos. Demostramos que la supersimetría de mecánica cuántica no relativista, propuesta como una serie de transformaciones matemáticas restringidas al dominio espacial, se puede extender también al dominio del tiempo, al menos dentro del marco de trabajo de la fotónica. Como resultado de nuestras investigaciones, demostramos que la supersimetría temporal puede convertirse en una plataforma prometedora para la fotónica integrada ya que nos permite diseñar nuevos dispositivos ópticos versátiles y ultra-compactos que pueden jugar un papel clave en los procesadores del futuro.
Asimismo, con el fin de hacer los resultados principales de esta tesis doctoral lo más generales posibles, se detalla cómo poder extrapolarlos a otros campos de la física como acústica y mecánica cuántica. / [CA] Avui en dia, les xarxes de comunicacions de fibra òptica estan aconseguint la seua capacitat límit a causa del ràpid creixement de la demanda de dades duante l'última dècada, generat per l'auge dels telèfons intel·ligents, les tablets, les xarxes socials, la provisió de servicis en la núvol, les transmissions en streaming i les comunicacions màquina-a-màquina. Per a resoldre el dit problema, s'ha proposat incrementar la capacitat límit de les xarxes òptiques per mitjà del reemplaçament de la fibra òptica clàssica per la fibra òptica multinúcleo (MCF, acrònim en anglés de multi-core fiber), la qual és capaç d'integrar la capacitat de diverses fibres òptiques clàssiques en la seua estructura ocupant pràcticament la mateixa secció transversal que estes.
Tanmateix, explotar tot el potencial d'una fibra MCF requereix entendre en profunditat els fenòmens electromagnètics que apareixen en aquestes fibres quan guiem llum a través d'elles. Així, doncs, en la primera part de la tesi analitzem teòricament aquests fenòmens electromagnètics i, posteriorment, estudiem la viabilitat de la tecnologia MCF en distints tipus de xarxes òptiques de transport, específicament, en aquelles que fan ús de transmissions ràdio-sobre-fibra. Estos resultats poden ser de gran utilitat per a les futures generacions mòbils 5G i Beyond-5G en les pròximes dècades.
Addicionalment, a fi d'expandir les funcionalitats bàsiques de les fibres MCF, esta tesi explora noves estratègies de disseny de les mateixes utilitzant l'analogia existent entre les equacions que regixen la mecànica quàntica i l'electromagnetisme. Amb aquesta idea en ment, en la segona part de la tesi proposem dissenyar una nova classe de fibres MCF usant les matemàtiques de la supersimetria, sorgida en el si de la teoria de cordes i de la teoria quàntica de camps com un marc teòric de treball que permet unificar les interaccions fonamentals de la natura (la nuclear forta, la nuclear feble, l'electromagnetisme i la gravetat). Al voltant d'aquesta idea sorgeixen les fibres MCF supersimètriques, les quals ens permeten processar la informació dels usuaris durant la pròpia propagació de la llum a través d'elles, reduint així la complexitat del processament de dades de l'usuari a recepció.
Finalment, esta tesi es completa introduint un canvi de paradigma que permet dissenyar dispositius fotónicos disruptius. Demostrem que la supersimetria de mecànica quàntica no relativista, proposta com una sèrie de transformacions matemàtiques restringides al domini espacial, es pot estendre també al domini del temps, almenys dins del marc de treball de la fotónica. Com resultat de les nostres investigacions, demostrem que la supersimetria temporal pot convertir-se en una plataforma prometedora per a la fotònica integrada ja que ens permet dissenyar nous dispositius òptics versàtils i ultracompactes que poden jugar un paper clau en els processadors del futur.
Per tal de fer els resultats principals d'aquesta tesi doctoral el més generals possibles, es detalla com poder extrapolar-los a altres camps de la física com ara la acústica i la mecànica quàntica. / [EN] To date, communication networks based on optical fibers are rapidly approaching their capacity limit as a direct consequence of the increment of the data traffic demand in the last decade due to the ubiquity of smartphones, tablets, social networks, cloud computing applications, streaming services including video and gaming, and machine-to-machine communications. In such a scenario, a new class of optical fiber which is able to integrate the capacity of several classical optical fibers approximately in the same transverse section as that of the original one, the multi-core fiber (MCF), has been recently proposed to overcome the capacity limits of current optical networks.
However, the possibility of exploiting the full potential of an MCF requires to deeply understand the electromagnetic phenomena that can be observed when guiding light in this optical medium. In this vein, in the first part of this thesis, we analyze theoretically these phenomena and, next, we study the suitability of the MCF technology in optical transport networks using radio-over-fiber transmissions. These findings could be of great utility for 5G and Beyond-5G cellular technology in the next decades.
In addition, the close connection between the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics and electromagnetism becomes a great opportunity to explore ground-breaking design strategies of these new fibers that allow us to expand their basic functionalities. Revolving around this idea, in the second part of this thesis we propose to design a new class of MCFs using the mathematics of supersymmetry (SUSY), emerged within the context of string and quantum field theory as a means to unify the basic interactions of nature (strong, electroweak, and gravitational interactions). Interestingly, a supersymmetric MCF will allow us, not only to propagate the light, but also to process the information of users during propagation.
Finally, we conclude this thesis by introducing a paradigm shift that allows us to design disruptive optical devices. We demonstrate that the basic ideas of SUSY in non-relativistic quantum mechanics, restricted to the space domain to clarify unsolved questions about SUSY in string and quantum field theory, can also be extended to the time domain, at least within the framework of photonics. In this way, it is shown that temporal supersymmetry may serve as a key tool to judiciously design versatile and ultra-compact optical devices enabling a promising new platform for integrated photonics.
For the sake of completeness, we indicate how to extrapolate the main results of this thesis to other fields of physics, such as acoustics and quantum mechanics. / Macho Ortiz, A. (2019). Multi-Core Fiber and Optical Supersymmetry: Theory and Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/124964
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Effects of interfacial interactions on optical switching in magnetic heterostructures / Effets des interactions d’interface sur le renversement optique dans des hétérostructures magnétiquesVallobra, Pierre 05 February 2019 (has links)
Pendant les 20 dernières années, le nanomagnétisme a suscité un intérêt grandissant au sein de la communauté scientifique du fait de ses nombreuses applications pour les mémoires magnétiques. A l’échelle nanométrique beaucoup de propriétés des matériaux magnétiques découlent de leurs interfaces avec d’autres matériaux (magnétiques ou non). Cela explique l’omniprésence des hétérostructures composées de plusieurs couches d’épaisseur nanométrique dans le domaine du nanomagnétisme. Dans les hétérostructures que nous étudions, ces propriétés interfaciales sont le décalage d’échange, l’interaction Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya, l’anisotropie magnétique perpendiculaire et l’échange entre deux couches ferromagnétiques. D’abord nous étudions la modification du champ de décalage d’échange dans une bicouche [Pt/Co]xN/IrMn lorsque l’on l’expose à des impulsions laser de lumière polarisée circulairement. Nous montrons que le champ de décalage d’échange après exposition au laser résulte de la configuration du ferromagnétique [Pt/Co]xN. Nous étudions ensuite les conditions nécessaires à un retournement tout optique dépendant de l’hélicité d’un matériau ferrimagnétique de synthèse composé de deux couches de CoFeB /Pt /CoFeB et Co couplées antiferromagnétiquement et concluons que les facteurs clés qui gouvernent le renversement de l’aimantation totale sont les températures respectives des deux couches. Nous nous sommes aussi concentrés sur la propagation de parois de domaine de Néel de même chiralité stabilisées par interaction Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya dans des multicouches de [Pt/Co/Ni]N. Nous avons finalement démontré la possibilité de générer des bulles skyrmioniques par le laser femtoseconde / During the last 20 years, nanomagnetism has attracted a growing interest in the scientific community due to its multiple applications for magnetic memories. At the nanometer scale, many of the properties of the magnetic materials arise from their interfaces with other materials (magnetic or non-magnetic). This explains the omnipresence of heterostructures composed of several layers of thicknesses in the range of the nanometer in the field of nanomagnetism. In the heterostructures we study, those interfacial properties are the exchange bias, the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and the interlayer exchange between two ferromagnetic layers. First we study the modification of the exchange bias field in a [Pt/Co]xN/IrMn bilayer when we expose it to laser pulses of a femtosecond circularly polarized light. We demonstrate that the final exchange bias field after laser pulses results from the magnetic configuration of the [Pt/Co]xN multilayer. We then study the conditions required for a helicity-dependent all optical switching of a synthetic ferromagnetic material composed of a CoFeB /Pt /CoFeB and a Co ferromagnetic layers coupled antiferromagnetically and conclude that the key factors that drive the switching of the total magnetization are the Curie temperatures of both layers. We focused also on the field-driven propagation of Néel domain walls of the same chirality stabilized by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in [Pt/Co/Ni]xN multilayers. We finally demonstrated the possibility to generate skyrmionic bubbles with the femtosecond laser
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The interaction of light and magnetism in the TbxCo100-x systemCiuciulkaite, Agne January 2019 (has links)
Development of the faster and denser magnetic memory storage elements has been an active area of research since early 20th century. The path of research on magnetization manipulation began with firstly changing the magnetization state of a medium in an external magnetic field, then heating of a medium and magnetizing with a permanent magnet was explored, while the latest efforts have been focused on switching the magnetization only by a polarized laser light. Nowadays due to the technological advancement of lasers and material fabrication methods, the search and development process of magnetic memory elements is much faster. The implementation of such technologies, however, relies on finding suitable magnetic materials which would allow for a fast magnetization writing and read-out processes and would remain magnetized, even with the reduced dimensions. Ferrimagnetic rare Earth - transition metal (RE-TM) alloys have been used for fabricating magneto-optical recording media already since the 1990’s. Relatively recently, in 2007, it was demonstrated that the ferrimagnetic GdFeCo alloy magnetization state can be switched using only circularly polarized laser light. Hence, ferrimagnetic RE-TMalloys could be suitable candidates for all-optical light-induced magnetization switching (AOS), without any external magnetic field. Another combination of RE-TM alloys that was shown to exhibit AOS is ferrimagnetic amorphous alloys containing terbium and cobalt (Tb:Co). They have attracted attention due to their strong out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy, high magneto-optical activity and amorphicity, which makes them attractive from a fabrication point of view since a variety of substrates and buffer layers could be used for growing such layers. In this Thesis, TbCo alloys are investigated in order to examine how the magnetic, optical and magneto-optical properties could be tuned by varying the elemental ratio and film thickness. The main question that was addressed here was whether such a system is suitable for fabrication of nanosized magnetic elements as the building blocks for the magnetic memory applications. TbCo alloys were prepared as thin films by magnetron co-sputtering method onto different substrates and buffer layers. Films were characterized using a variety of techniques such as an ion beam analysis, an x-ray reflectivity and diffraction, and magneto-optical characterization techniques. It was observed that the properties of such alloys depend not only on the Tb:Co ratio but also on the film thickness and an underlying buffer layer. Magnetization compensation point, at which the magnetization of a film is zero, as in an antiferromagnet, can be modified depending on the buffer layer. All-optical switching (AOS) of magnetization experiments were performed on the fabricated samples. It was determined that AOS with at least 50-100 laserpulses can be achieved for the films grown directly onto fused silica substrates and with the compositions above the magnetization compensation point at room temperature, in the range of 24 - 30 at.% Tb. In the Outlook, the initial efforts of patterning the films into the arrays of nanosized elements are presented. It is demonstrated that after the lithographic patterning of the films, the resulting nanosized elements remained out-of-plane magnetized. In this work it is shown that the ferrimagnetic TbCo alloy system is a potential candidate material for bothfacilitating AOS and the fabrication of arrays of nanomagnets. Combining the TbCo alloys,which show AOS, together with a suitable buffer layer and patterning the hybrid structure,could enable selective element-by-element magnetization switching for the magnetic memorystorage devices.
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All-optical Microwave Signal ProcessingHan, Yichen 22 September 2011 (has links)
Microwave signal processing in the optical domain is investigated in this thesis. Two signal processors including an all-optical fractional Hilbert transformer and an all-optical microwave differentiator are investigated and experimentally demonstrated.
Specifically, the photonic-assisted fractional Hilbert transformer with tunable fractional order is implemented based on a temporal pulse shaping system incorporating a phase modulator. By applying a step function to the phase modulator to introduce a phase jump, a real-time fractional Hilbert transformer with a tunable fractional order is achieved.
The microwave bandpass differentiator is implemented based on a finite impulse response (FIR) photonic microwave delay-line filter with nonuniformly-spaced taps. A microwave bandpass differentiator based on a six-tap nonuniformly-spaced photonic microwave delay-line filter with all- positive coefficients is designed, simulated, and experimentally demonstrated. The reconfigurability of the microwave bandpass differentiator is experimentally investigated. The employment of the differentiator to perform differentiation of a bandpass microwave signal is also experimentally demonstrated.
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All-optical Microwave Signal ProcessingHan, Yichen 22 September 2011 (has links)
Microwave signal processing in the optical domain is investigated in this thesis. Two signal processors including an all-optical fractional Hilbert transformer and an all-optical microwave differentiator are investigated and experimentally demonstrated.
Specifically, the photonic-assisted fractional Hilbert transformer with tunable fractional order is implemented based on a temporal pulse shaping system incorporating a phase modulator. By applying a step function to the phase modulator to introduce a phase jump, a real-time fractional Hilbert transformer with a tunable fractional order is achieved.
The microwave bandpass differentiator is implemented based on a finite impulse response (FIR) photonic microwave delay-line filter with nonuniformly-spaced taps. A microwave bandpass differentiator based on a six-tap nonuniformly-spaced photonic microwave delay-line filter with all- positive coefficients is designed, simulated, and experimentally demonstrated. The reconfigurability of the microwave bandpass differentiator is experimentally investigated. The employment of the differentiator to perform differentiation of a bandpass microwave signal is also experimentally demonstrated.
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All-optical soliton control in photonic latticesXu, Zhiyong 27 November 2007 (has links)
Los solitones ópticos son paquetes de luz (haces y/o pulsos) que no se dispersan gracias al balance entre difracción/dispersión y no linealidad. Al propagarse e interactuar los unos con los otros muestran propiedades que normalmente se asocian a partículas. Las propiedades de los solitones ópticos en fibras ópticas y cristales han sido investigadas en profundidad durante las últimas dos décadas. Sin embargo, los solitones en mallas, o redes, ópticas, que podrían ser usados para procesado y direccionamiento totalmente óptico de señales, se han convertido en una nueva área de investigación. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de nuevas técnicas para controlar solitotes en medios no lineales en mallas ópticas.El capítulo 2 se centra en ciertas propiedades de los solitones ópticos en medios no lineales cuadráticos. La primera sección presenta en detalle la existencia y estabilidad de tres familias representativas de solitones espacio temporales en dos dimensiones en series de frentes de onda cuadráticos no lineales. Se asume, además de la dispersión temporal del pulso, la combinación de difracción discreta que surge debido al acoplamiento débil entre frentes de onda vecinos. La otra sección da cuenta de la existencia y estabilidad de vórtices de solitones multicolores en retículo, consistentes en cuatro jorobas principales dispuestas en una configuración cuadrada. También se investiga la posibilidad de generarlos dinámicamente a partir de haces de entrada Gaussianos con vórtices anidados. La técnica de inducción de mallas ópticas ofrece un sinfín de posibilidades para la creación de configuraciones de guía de ondas con varios haces de luz no difractantes. El capítulo 3 presenta el concepto de estructuras reconfigurables ópticamente inducidas por haces no difractantes de Bessel mutuamente incoherentes en medios no lineales de tipo Kerr. Los acopladores de dos nucleos son introducidos y se muestra cómo calibrar las propiedades de conmutación de estas estructuras variando la intensidad de los haces de Bessel. El capítulo también discute varios escenarios de conmutación para solitones lanzados al interior de acopladores direccionales multinucleares ópticamente inducidos por apropiadas series de haces de Bessel. Es más, la propagación de solitones es investigada en redes reconfigurables bidimensionales inducidas ópticamente por series de haces de Bessel no difractantes. Se muestra que los haces anchos de solitones pueden moverse a través de redes con diferentes topologías casi sin pérdidas por radiación. Finalmente, se estudian las propiedades de las uniones X, que se crean a partir de dos haces de Bessel intersectantes. La respuesta no local de los medios no lineales puede jugar un papel importante en las propiedades de los solitones. El capítulo 4 trata el impacto de la no localidad en las características físicas exhibidas por los solitones que permiten los medios no lineales de tipo Kerr con una retícula óptica integrada. El capítulo investiga propiedades de diferentes familias de solitones en mallas en medios no lineales no locales. Se muestra que la no localidad de la respuesta no lineal puede afectar profundamente la movilidad de los solitones. Las propiedades de los solitones de gap también se discuten en el caso de cristales fotorefractivos con una respuesta de difusión no local asimétrica y en presencia de una malla inducida.El capítulo 5 trata del impacto de la no localidad en la estabilidad de complejos de solitones en medios no lineales de tipo Kerr uniformes. En primer lugar, se muestra que la diferente respuesta no local de los materiales tiene distinta influencia en la estabilidad de los complejos de solitones en el caso escalar. En segundo lugar, se da cuenta de una serie de resultados experimentales sobre solitones multipolares escalares en medios no lineales fuertemente no locales en 2D, incluyendo solitones dipolares, tripolares y de tipo pajarita, organizados en series de puntos brillantes fuera de fase. Finalmente, el capítulo estudia la interacción entre la no linealidad no local y el acoplamiento vectorial, enfatizando especialmente la estabilización de efectos vectoriales en complejos de solitones en medios no lineales no locales.Por último, el capítulo 6 resume los principales resultados obtenidos en la tesis y discute algunas cuestiones abiertas. / Optical solitons are light packets (beams and/or pulses) that do not broaden because of the proper balance between diffraction/dispersion and nonlinearity. They propagate and interact with one another while displaying properties that are normally associated with real particles. The properties of optical solitons in optical fibers and crystals have been investigated comprehensively during the last two decades. However, solitons in optical lattices, which might be used for all-optical signal processing and routing have recently emerged a new area of research. The main objective of this thesis is the investigation of new techniques for soliton control in nonlinear media with/without an imprinted optical lattice. Chapter 2 focuses on properties of optical solitons in quadratic nonlinear media. The first section presents in detail the existence and stability of three representative families of two-dimensional spatiotemporal solitons in quadratic nonlinear waveguide arrays. It is assumed in addition to the temporal dispersion of the pulse, the combination of discrete diffraction that arises because of the weak coupling between neighboring waveguides. The other section reports on the existence and stability of multicolor lattice vortex solitons, which comprise four main humps arranged in a square configuration. It is also investigated the possibility of their dynamical generation from Gaussian-type input beams with nested vortices. The technique of optical lattice induction opens a wealth of opportunities for creation of waveguiding configurations with various nondiffracting light beams. Chapter 3 puts forward the concept of reconfigurable structures optically induced by mutually incoherent nondiffracting Bessel beams in Kerr-type nonlinear media. Two-core couplers are introduced and it is shown how to tune the switching properties of such structures by varying the intensity of the Bessel beams. The chapter also discusses various switching scenarios for solitons launched into the multi core directional couplers optically-induced by suitable arrays of Bessel beams. Furthermore, propagation of solitons is investigated in reconfigurable two-dimensional networks induced optically by arrays of nondiffracting Bessel beams. It is shown that broad soliton beams can move across networks with different topologies almost without radiation losses. Finally, properties of X-junctions are studied, which are created with two intersecting Bessel beams.Nonlocal response of nonlinear media can play an important role in properties of solitons. Chapter 4 treats the impact of nonlocality in the physical features exhibited by solitons supported by Kerr-type nonlinear media with an imprinted optical lattice. The chapter investigates properties of different families of lattice solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media. It is shown that the nonlocality of the nonlinear response can profoundly affect the soliton mobility. The properties of gap solitons are also discussed for photorefractive crystals with an asymmetric nonlocal diffusion response and in the presence of an imprinted optical lattice.Chapter 5 is devoted to the impact of nonlocality on the stability of soliton complexes in uniform nonlocal Kerr-type nonlinear media. First, it is shown that the different nonlocal response of materials has different influence on the stability of soliton complexes in scalar case. Second, experimental work is reported on scalar multi-pole solitons in 2D highly nonlocal nonlinear media, including dipole, tripole, and necklace-type solitons, organized as arrays of out-of-phase bright spots. Finally, the chapter addresses the interplay between nonlocal nonlinearity and vectoral coupling, specially emphasizing the stabilization of vector effects on soliton complexes in nonlocal nonlinear media.Finally, Chapter 6 summarizes the main results obtained in the thesis and discusses some open prospects.
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The Study of the Characteristics and the Applications of Nonlinear Optical Waveguide StructuresChu, Chin-Hsuan 12 July 2000 (has links)
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The Analysis and Simulation of the Structure of the Nonlinear Optical WaveguideTasy, Huey- Jiuan 28 June 2001 (has links)
In this paper¡Awe use both beam propagation method and BPM_CAD to analysis the characteristics of nonlinear optical waveguide structures. The refractive index of optical waveguide medium changes with field intensity called nonlinear optical waveguide. We use Mode Theory to solve three layers optical waveguide. There are nonlinear cladding, substrate layers and linear film. Not only find the disperson relation curve, but also observe the affections of the input power to field distribution. With the help of this, we propose a general math method to analysis symmetric muti-layer optical waveguide with periodic index that both cladding and substrate are nonlinear.
According to the nonlinear dispersion relation we consider both the affections of the input power to refractive index in the film and space soliton at nonlinear interface. We propose a optical coupler and feed-back optical switch. And also, we analysis 2¡Ñ3 branches optical waveguides by changing their media to nonlinear media. According to the result, we find that they have both logic function and optical switch.
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The Analysis, Simulations, and Applications of the Structure of the Nonlinear WaveguideLin, Jyh-Shiuan 10 July 2002 (has links)
In this paper, we used the beam propagation method to analyze the characteristics of nonlinear optical waveguides. Refractive indexes of media in planar optical waveguides are changed with the electric field intensity called nonlinear planar optical waveguides. We use the modal theory to solve the three-layer planar optical waveguide with the guiding film is nonlinear. We not only obtained dispersion relation curves, but also observed the affections of the input power to field distributions. By the basic theory of this, we proposed a novel method to analyze multi-layer planar optical waveguides with nonlinear or localized nonlinear guiding films.By the theory and novel method we pointed out, on the other hand, we proposed an all-optical switch and analyze the all-optical device by the beam propagation method.
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