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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos do programa brasileiro de transferência de renda sobre a fecundidade: evidências atravéss do uso de regressão descontínua / Effects on fertility of the Brazilian cash transfer program: evidence from a regression discontinuity approach

Superti, Luiz Henrique Ferreira Cruz e 26 July 2018 (has links)
O programa de transferencia de renda Bolsa Familia e um importante pilar da seguri- dade social brasileira, mas ha um senso comum de que as transferencias do programa incentivam casais beneficiarios a terem mais filhos. Utilizando base de dados do governo federal (Cadunico e Caixa) e valendo-se dos criterios de eligibilidade, prop6e-se uma ine- dita analise quase experimental para estudar os efeitos das transferencias nao condicionais (UCT) e das condicionais (CCT) sobre a fecundidade das beneficiarias entre os anos de 2011 a 2015, atraves de uma regressao descontinua fuzzy. Problemas de medida associa- dos a base (e.g.: manipulacao, arredondamento, atrito) sao remediados com a estimacao nao parametrica proposta por Gerard, Rokkanen & Rothe (2016), em que se determina limites superiores e inferiores aos efeitos de tratamento. Por um lado, nao ha evidencia de que o componente CCT afete a fecundidade das beneficiarias, mas por outro, o com- ponente mais flexivel do Bolsa Familia, o UCT, possivelmente reduziu a fecundidade das beneficiarias mais pobres, sobretudo no Nordeste. Tais resultados sao contraintuitivos em relacao a literatura te6rica ate entao, mas em linha com a grande maioria dos resultados encontrados em programas similares da America Latina. / The Brazilian cash transfer program Balsa Familia is a very, if not the most, important pil- lar of Brazil\'s welfare system. However, there is a common sense that the program\'s trans- fers incentive beneficiary couples to have more children. Using federal data (Cadunico and Caixa databases) and the eligibility rules for the program, I propose a quasi-experimental approach to verify both unconditional (UCT) and conditional transfers (CCT) on the beneficiaries\' fertility rates between 2011 and 2015, through a fuzzy regression disconti- nuity approach. Measure problems associated with the data (e.g.: manipulation, heaping, attriton), are solved using a non parametric estimation proposed by Gerard, Rokkanen & Rothe (2016), which determines lower and upper bounds for treatment effects. On one hand, there is no evidence that the CCT component affects the beneficiaries\' fertility rates, but on another, the more flexible component of Bolsa Familia, UCT, possibly reduced the fertility rates for the most poor. Those results are counter intuitive with the theoretical literature so far, but in line with the majority of other studies analyzing similar transfer programs in Latin America.

En kvalitativ studie om brukares erfarenheter av socialtjänstens försörjningsstöd<em></em> / A qualitative study about the user’s experience with the social allowance office

Lindgren, Susanne, Spinord, Madelene January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka brukarens erfarenheter av socialtjänstens försörjningsstöd. Författarna undersöker hur brukarna upplever kvaliteten, bemötande, servicen samt informationen från socialarbetaren. En kvalitativ metod användes och intervjuer med brukare utfördes för att få djupgående svar på syftet. Ett totalurval utfördes och alla som sökt försörjningsstöd i oktober månad i Fagersta kommun fick ett brev med en förfrågan om att delta i en intervju. Sex brukare valde att delta, två kvinnor och fyra män i åldrarna 24-40. Också en informantintervju utfördes med en socialarbetare för att få fler perspektiv på resultatet. Resultatet visade att respondenterna överlag var nöjda med försörjningsstödet. Ett missnöje fanns dock gällande informationen som flera brukare ansåg var bristfällig. I resultatet framkommer även att respondenterna träffar socialarbetaren endast ett fåtal gånger och att den kommunikationen som mellan dem ofta sker genom telefonsamtal men framförallt genom blanketter och respondenterna har därför svårt att kommentera bemötandet. Alla respondenter har erhållit information om att de kan överklaga beslut men ingen av dem vet vad en individuell arbetsplan är för någonting.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study is to explore how the users experience the contact with the social allowance office. The authors investigate how the users experience the quality, the treatment, the service and the information from the social worker. A qualitative research method was used and interviews with users were performed to draught answers to the purpose of the study. Everyone who had applied for social allowance in the month of October in the community of Fagersta received a letter with an inquiry about participant in an interview. Six users choose to participant, two women and four men in the ages 24-40. An interview was carried out with a social worker to get another perspective on the results. The result showed that the respondents overall is pleased with the social allowance. However there was dissatisfaction regarding the information that several respondents thought was inadequate. In the result it also came to light that the respondents meet the social worker just a few times and that the communication between them both often happens by phone calls but especially through application forms and the respondents there for have it difficult to give comments about how they were received. All respondents have gotten information about that appeal can be lodged but none of them know what an individual workplan is.   </p>

En kvalitativ studie om brukares erfarenheter av socialtjänstens försörjningsstöd / A qualitative study about the user’s experience with the social allowance office

Lindgren, Susanne, Spinord, Madelene January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka brukarens erfarenheter av socialtjänstens försörjningsstöd. Författarna undersöker hur brukarna upplever kvaliteten, bemötande, servicen samt informationen från socialarbetaren. En kvalitativ metod användes och intervjuer med brukare utfördes för att få djupgående svar på syftet. Ett totalurval utfördes och alla som sökt försörjningsstöd i oktober månad i Fagersta kommun fick ett brev med en förfrågan om att delta i en intervju. Sex brukare valde att delta, två kvinnor och fyra män i åldrarna 24-40. Också en informantintervju utfördes med en socialarbetare för att få fler perspektiv på resultatet. Resultatet visade att respondenterna överlag var nöjda med försörjningsstödet. Ett missnöje fanns dock gällande informationen som flera brukare ansåg var bristfällig. I resultatet framkommer även att respondenterna träffar socialarbetaren endast ett fåtal gånger och att den kommunikationen som mellan dem ofta sker genom telefonsamtal men framförallt genom blanketter och respondenterna har därför svårt att kommentera bemötandet. Alla respondenter har erhållit information om att de kan överklaga beslut men ingen av dem vet vad en individuell arbetsplan är för någonting. / The purpose of this study is to explore how the users experience the contact with the social allowance office. The authors investigate how the users experience the quality, the treatment, the service and the information from the social worker. A qualitative research method was used and interviews with users were performed to draught answers to the purpose of the study. Everyone who had applied for social allowance in the month of October in the community of Fagersta received a letter with an inquiry about participant in an interview. Six users choose to participant, two women and four men in the ages 24-40. An interview was carried out with a social worker to get another perspective on the results. The result showed that the respondents overall is pleased with the social allowance. However there was dissatisfaction regarding the information that several respondents thought was inadequate. In the result it also came to light that the respondents meet the social worker just a few times and that the communication between them both often happens by phone calls but especially through application forms and the respondents there for have it difficult to give comments about how they were received. All respondents have gotten information about that appeal can be lodged but none of them know what an individual workplan is.

Piniginė socialinė parama Lietuvoje 2007-2012 m. laikotarpiu ir jos tobulinimo kryptys / Financial social assistance in Lithuania for 2007-2013 period and its development trends

Kryžanauskaitė, Rasa 29 July 2013 (has links)
Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe nagrinėjama teikiama piniginė socialinė parama Lietuvoje, jos efektyvumas ir pateikiamos galimos tobulinimo kryptys. Teorinėje darbo dalyje aptariama socialinės paramos samprata, rūšys, teikimo principai, piniginės socialinės paramos skyrimo būdai ir pateikiama išmokų efektyvumo vertinimo metodika. Remiantis išanalizuota literatūra, atlikta piniginės socialinės paramos Lietuvoje analizė 2007-2012 m. laikotarpiu, bei pateikiamos galimos tobulinimo kryptys. Piniginių socialinių išmokų efektyvumas įvertintas, palyginant darbo užmokestį su gaunama socialine parama, bei skaičiuojant agreguotus išmokų efektyvumo ir rezultatyvumo rodiklius. Atlikus socialinės paramos efektyvumo analizę išsiaiškinta, kad dosniai ir lengvai skiriamos išmokos sumažina jų gavėjų paskatas ieškoti darbo, ar imtis mažai apmokamų darbų. Todėl konkretizuotos racionalesnio socialinės paramos išteklių naudojimo priemonės, kurias įgyvendinus, teikiama gyventojams parama taptų veiksmingesnė. / In Bachelor‘s degree thesis analyses provided social assistance in Lithuania, their effectiveness and possible improvement directions. In theoretical part of the paper, analyses conception, types and provision principles of social assistance, also financial social assistance techniques and benefits of efficiency assessment methodology is presented. According to reviewed literature, performed analysis of financial social assistance in Lithuania for 2007-2012 period, and possible improvement directions is presented. Efficiency of financial social assistance was assessed comparing with wage, obtained social assistance and by calculating of the aggregated indicators of efficiency and usefulness of allowances. Performed analyses of social assistance efficiency, found that financial social assistance is too easily given for generosity and easy to granting benefits reduces their incentives to users to look for work and financial social assistance resources is not used effectively enough. Moreover, more concretely rational social assistance resources usage ways, which realized social assistance become more efficiency.

Are there any effects of the cash for care policy on female employment in Sweden?

Giuliani, Giuliana January 2015 (has links)
This study focuses on the effects of the cash for care policy (CFC, in Swedish vårdnadsbidrag) on female employment in Sweden. The CFC was introduced in Sweden in 2008. It consists of a flat-rate sum paid by the municipalities to parents of children between age one and three, who decide to provide care for their children and do not use publicly subsidized daycare. The policy has been the object of heated political and social debates. The main object of the reform is increasing parents’ “freedom to choose”, but the policy is also feared to be a “housewife trap” by those opposing the reform. The study provides an overview of the use of CFC during the first years since its introduction, and an estimate of short-term effects of the use of CFC on female employment. Since it is voluntary for the municipalities to adopt the policy, municipalities have been analyzed as in a quasi-experiment, where some have been “treated” with the CFC policy, and some have not. First, female employment trends in similar types of treated and control municipalities were compared. Secondly, linear regressions were used to estimate the effects of the CFC policy on changes in female employment rates after the introduction of the policy, controlling for various characteristics of the municipalities such as: urban/rural areas, shares of highly educated women, shares of low educated women, shares of foreign-born women, total fertility rates. The study shows that, in general, the municipalities that offered the policy had higher female employment rates than the municipalities that did not offer it. Nevertheless, in rural areas the adoption of CFC had negative effects on female employment. On average, in rural areas female employment growth rates relative to years 2007-2012 in municipalities offering the policy were 2.42 percentage points lower than in control municipalities, all else being equal. Negative effects of CFC on female employment in municipalities with high shares of low educated women, high shares of foreign-born women and high fertility rates were not confirmed. The CFC policy has been recently adopted, mostly in urban municipalities and the proportion of parents that used CFC has been relatively low. Long terms effects of CFC on female employment will likely be dependent on whether the policy will be more widely used in the future and where.

Ženy a trh práce v souvislosti s rodičovstvím / Women and labour market in relation to parenthood

KŘIKAVOVÁ, Soňa January 2009 (has links)
The thesis contains a description of the current situation in combining work and family. Principally, the work focuses on women with small children who are recipients of parental allowance or maternity pay and on the system of family support, in particular, the new three-speed systém of parentel allowance. It also addresses issues faced by mothers upon their re-entry on the labour market. The work´s aim was to establish the extent to which patente take advantage of the option to select the period for which they would benefit from parental allowance and the factors influencing their choice. In order to obtain the data required, women on maternity or parental leave and allowance specialists of the state social support department at the Labour Office in Beroun have been interviewed. Quantitative as well as qualitative research methods have been used. Mothers provided information in questionnaires filled in independently by respondents, semi-controlled interviews with individual specialists have been used to obtain information from the allowance specialists at the Labour Office. The finding that resulted from the work is that, out of the three possible alternatives, the three-year alternativ eis the most frequent choice and the two-year alternative is selected by the lowest number of women. The employability of women and the number of children they take care of are the most important criteria affecting thein choice. Low interest in the two-year-olds. Therefore, predominantly women planning another child in the upcoming period who will have to resolve the situation during their next parental leave opt for the two-year alternative. The influence of the mother´s education on the choice of an alternative has not been confirmed. In order to allow mothers with small children to make full use of the new three-speed system and to accomplish the desired effect, i.e. increase in female employment rates, I would recommend, first of all, regulating the ``nurseries`` in a new way, introducing part-time jobs and shared job positions. Without these measures, the new system cannot work efficiently.

Vývoj cen povolenek CO2 v souvislosti se světovými konferencemi o klimatických změnách / The development of prices of CO2 allowances in relation to the world conferences about climate change

JIREK, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to show how emission allowances for carbon dioxide work in the emission control system of the European Union. The first and second chapters explain global warming, give a summary of views on how to solve environmental pollution using economic instruments and inform about the first summit climate changes in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. The third and fourth chapters discuss the origin and development of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and other climate summits that were held between 2007 - 2015. The analytical part of my thesis deals with the third trading period of the EU ETS, the factors affecting the price of allowance and the measures resulting from global climate conferences. In this part I verify whether it is possible for climate conferences to be considered trend that moves the entire demand curve. This premise was tested with the aid of hypothesis: "In the period of the climate conference increases price of allowance." This hypothesis was examined on the basis of the condition ceteris paribus and the result of this thesis is the fact that conferences don't influence price of allowance. The results indicate that the price of allowance is probably influenced by other factors that were not the subject of my analysis.

Intersecting Accounts of Marginalisation : Financial Troubles, Single-Motherhood and Ill Health Intersections in Institutional Interactions with the Swedish Social Insurance Agency

Rosman, Emilie January 2018 (has links)
Despite of a well-established welfare state in Sweden, socio-economic and residential segregation is increasing rapidly. This has for instance been related to the neo-liberalisation of the welfare state and housing system. One institutional tool for reducing systematic inequality is the housing allowance, which specifically targets low-income households with children as well as young households without children. However, recent studies show how these groups are becoming ever more excluded, despite of the financial aid. The aim of this thesis is thus to contribute with a situated understanding of the practical accomplishment of Swedish socio-economic marginalisation in relation to housing allowance and the welfare state. This is achieved by examining naturally occurring accounts socio-economic marginalisation in 366 audio recorded phone calls to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency about housing allowance, out of which I specifically focus on accounts made by single mothers. In order to make sense of the data, I apply and introduce an ethno-intersectional approach. This entails the synthesis of the applied ethnomethodological methods Conversation Analysis, Discursive Psychology and Membership Categorisation Analysis with intersectionality as one analytical device. The results demonstrate how single-mothers intersect financial troubles, single-motherhood and ill health while expressing situated marginalisation as part of doing legitimacy work. The study also sheds light on how the application of welfare policies could partake in the systematic (re)production of structural inequalities. At large, the introduction of the ethno-intersectional approach is grounded on the theoretical interest of encouraging further action-oriented and situated explorations of the ways in which categories of inequality such as class, ethnicity and gender operate in conjunction and contribute to the generation, reinforcement or alteration of structural intersections of socio-economic marginalisation and privilege.

Dinâmica vegetacional de campo nativo com históricos de manejo contrastantes, submetido a diferimento / Vegetation dynamics of natural grassland with contrasting management history, submitted to deferment

Azambuja Filho, Júlio Cezar Rebés de January 2013 (has links)
As pastagens nativas possuem grande importância na produção de produto animal e nos serviços ecossistêmicos. Muitos estudos realizados sobre esse recurso natural demonstram seu potencial produtivo. Este é diretamente ligado ao manejo utilizado, e a oferta de forragem adotada exerce forte influência tanto na produção primária quanto secundária. Em resposta disso também se sabe que a composição da vegetação responde de maneira positiva ou negativa ao regime de desfolha. Entretanto, uma abordagem mais holística relativa à essa resposta e ao uso do diferimento ainda era uma deficiência desta área do conhecimento. No sentido de supri-la, foi desenvolvido o presente trabalho resultando em dois artigos. Ambos se valem do uso de grupos de espécies para caracterização dos ambientes. O primeiro aborda o padrões de diversidade e o comportamento da vegetação após 28 anos de regimes de desfolhas contrastantes mediada pelas ofertas de forragem 4 kg de MS por 100 kg de PV e 8-12 (8 primavera e 12 no restante do ano) kg de MS por 100 kg de PV. Não houve diferença na riqueza e diversidade entre os ambientes, mas verificou-se resposta negativa na composição de espécies na área com sobrepastejo: espécies que são menos eficientes como forrageiras e na proteção do solo, as ruderais, sucederam as espécies conservadoras de recurso que proporcionam maior estabilidade na disponibilidade de forragem e são mais eficientes na proteção do solo. Já quando a intensidade de pastejo foi moderado houve predominância de espécies conservadoras. O segundo artigo testa duas épocas de diferimento nos dois ambientes citados anteriormente objetivando avaliar a vegetação perante esses tratamentos com a hipótese que o diferimento aumenta a contribuição de espécies hibernais e as demais espécies de interesse forrageiro no curto e médio prazo. Esse segundo artigo conclui que o diferimento no curto prazo não foi suficiente para aumentar a contribuição de espécies hibernais, porém aumentou o número de inflorescências dessas espécies que reforçam o banco de sementes do solo, podendo-se inferir que tais espécies aumentem sua contribuição no longo prazo. No curto (seis meses) e médio prazo (dois anos) o redirecionamento da composição florística por efeito de diferimento é dado pelo aumento de espécies cespitosas e conservadoras de recursos no ambiente degradado por longo tempo de sobrepastejo. O uso de grupos de espécies mostra-se como indicadores adequados para caracterizar o grau de herbivoria exercido em pastagens complexas. / Rangelands have great importance in the animal production and ecosystem services. Many studies on this natural resource demonstrate their productive potential, which is a direct consequence of management. The adopted herbage allowance exerts strong influence on primary and secondary production through changes in botanical composition. However, a more holistic approach on interactions and responses of vegetation to grazing and the use of deferment still a presents shortcoming of this area of knowledge. The present work was developed to contribute in filling these gaps, resulting in two papers. Both avail themselves on the use of species groups for characterization of environments. The first addresses the diversity patterns and behavior of vegetation after 28 years of contrasted defoliation regimes mediated by herbage allowance of 4 kg DM per 100 kg BW and 8-12 (8 spring and 12 in the rest of the year) kg DM per 100 kg BW. There was no difference in the richness and diversity between environments but there was a negative response in species composition in the overgrazed area: species that are less efficient as forage and soil protection, the ruderals, succeeded conservative resource species that provide greater stability in the availability of forage and are more efficient in protecting the soil. When grazing intensity was moderate conservative species predominated. The second article seeks to verify effects of two periods (spring or fall) of deferment in both environments that already were studied in the first chapter, with the hypothesis that deferment increases the contribution of cool season species and other species of interest to the livestock system in the short and medium term. This second article concludes that the short-term deferment was not enough to increase the contribution of cool season species, but increased the number of inflorescences of these species, which may contribute to strengthening presence of these species in the soil seed bank, and we may infer that these species increase their contribution in the long term. In the short (six months) and medium (two years) term redirection of the floristic composition, the effect of deferment can be seen by the increase of tussock species and resources conservation species on the environment degraded by overgrazing. Grouping species by common attributes shown to be suitable to describe community changes in a complex pasture.

Dinâmica vegetacional de campo nativo com históricos de manejo contrastantes, submetido a diferimento / Vegetation dynamics of natural grassland with contrasting management history, submitted to deferment

Azambuja Filho, Júlio Cezar Rebés de January 2013 (has links)
As pastagens nativas possuem grande importância na produção de produto animal e nos serviços ecossistêmicos. Muitos estudos realizados sobre esse recurso natural demonstram seu potencial produtivo. Este é diretamente ligado ao manejo utilizado, e a oferta de forragem adotada exerce forte influência tanto na produção primária quanto secundária. Em resposta disso também se sabe que a composição da vegetação responde de maneira positiva ou negativa ao regime de desfolha. Entretanto, uma abordagem mais holística relativa à essa resposta e ao uso do diferimento ainda era uma deficiência desta área do conhecimento. No sentido de supri-la, foi desenvolvido o presente trabalho resultando em dois artigos. Ambos se valem do uso de grupos de espécies para caracterização dos ambientes. O primeiro aborda o padrões de diversidade e o comportamento da vegetação após 28 anos de regimes de desfolhas contrastantes mediada pelas ofertas de forragem 4 kg de MS por 100 kg de PV e 8-12 (8 primavera e 12 no restante do ano) kg de MS por 100 kg de PV. Não houve diferença na riqueza e diversidade entre os ambientes, mas verificou-se resposta negativa na composição de espécies na área com sobrepastejo: espécies que são menos eficientes como forrageiras e na proteção do solo, as ruderais, sucederam as espécies conservadoras de recurso que proporcionam maior estabilidade na disponibilidade de forragem e são mais eficientes na proteção do solo. Já quando a intensidade de pastejo foi moderado houve predominância de espécies conservadoras. O segundo artigo testa duas épocas de diferimento nos dois ambientes citados anteriormente objetivando avaliar a vegetação perante esses tratamentos com a hipótese que o diferimento aumenta a contribuição de espécies hibernais e as demais espécies de interesse forrageiro no curto e médio prazo. Esse segundo artigo conclui que o diferimento no curto prazo não foi suficiente para aumentar a contribuição de espécies hibernais, porém aumentou o número de inflorescências dessas espécies que reforçam o banco de sementes do solo, podendo-se inferir que tais espécies aumentem sua contribuição no longo prazo. No curto (seis meses) e médio prazo (dois anos) o redirecionamento da composição florística por efeito de diferimento é dado pelo aumento de espécies cespitosas e conservadoras de recursos no ambiente degradado por longo tempo de sobrepastejo. O uso de grupos de espécies mostra-se como indicadores adequados para caracterizar o grau de herbivoria exercido em pastagens complexas. / Rangelands have great importance in the animal production and ecosystem services. Many studies on this natural resource demonstrate their productive potential, which is a direct consequence of management. The adopted herbage allowance exerts strong influence on primary and secondary production through changes in botanical composition. However, a more holistic approach on interactions and responses of vegetation to grazing and the use of deferment still a presents shortcoming of this area of knowledge. The present work was developed to contribute in filling these gaps, resulting in two papers. Both avail themselves on the use of species groups for characterization of environments. The first addresses the diversity patterns and behavior of vegetation after 28 years of contrasted defoliation regimes mediated by herbage allowance of 4 kg DM per 100 kg BW and 8-12 (8 spring and 12 in the rest of the year) kg DM per 100 kg BW. There was no difference in the richness and diversity between environments but there was a negative response in species composition in the overgrazed area: species that are less efficient as forage and soil protection, the ruderals, succeeded conservative resource species that provide greater stability in the availability of forage and are more efficient in protecting the soil. When grazing intensity was moderate conservative species predominated. The second article seeks to verify effects of two periods (spring or fall) of deferment in both environments that already were studied in the first chapter, with the hypothesis that deferment increases the contribution of cool season species and other species of interest to the livestock system in the short and medium term. This second article concludes that the short-term deferment was not enough to increase the contribution of cool season species, but increased the number of inflorescences of these species, which may contribute to strengthening presence of these species in the soil seed bank, and we may infer that these species increase their contribution in the long term. In the short (six months) and medium (two years) term redirection of the floristic composition, the effect of deferment can be seen by the increase of tussock species and resources conservation species on the environment degraded by overgrazing. Grouping species by common attributes shown to be suitable to describe community changes in a complex pasture.

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