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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydrologic connectivity between oxbow lakes and rivers within the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley

Ahmad, Hafez 10 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This research investigated hydrologic connectivity, the intricate network of water pathways linking waterbodies, and its implications for biodiversity exchange in floodplains. Chapter 1 provides an exhaustive literature review encompassing factors influencing hydrologic connectivity, assessment approaches, scales, challenges, and management tools. Existing research often focuses on single scales and short-term periods, revealing a need for comprehensive multi-scale and extended temporal analyses. The absence of standardized definitions and methodologies in this field is also considered. Chapter 2 presents an innovative approach quantifying eight key connectivity metrics using remote sensing and GIS within the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley (LMAV). This adaptable method assesses connectivity between oxbow lakes and varying stream sizes, revealing spatial variability within the LMAV and enhancing scientific understanding of connectivity dynamics while ensuring portability. This research is crucial for effective ecosystem management and targeted conservation efforts, particularly regarding invasive species like the bigheaded carps (Hypophthalmichthys spp.).

Géomorphologie et hydrogéologie de la région d'Aoste (Isère)- France

Sapey-Triomphe, Yves 15 December 1984 (has links) (PDF)
L'extrémité septentrionale. du plateau du Bas-Dauphiné résulte d'une sédimentation molassique sableuse (Tartonien) de transition entre les faciès marins et deltaïques. La détermination de quelques fossiles dont Nassa michaudi, ainsi que la découverte d'une ancienne dune éolienne, précisent le contexte bio-géographique de cette époque. La morphologie actuelle est héritée des phases de retrait glaciaire au cours desquelles des réseaux hydrographiques se sont orientés vers le Nord-Ouest, parallèlement aux glaces de vallées. Les cours d'eau qui ont alors entaillé la molasse ont repris une direction d'écoulement Nord lors de la fonte des glaces de la dépression d'Aoste. Une période de sédimentation lacustre a peu à peu comblé cette cuvette, et s'est achevée par la progradation des alluvions du Rhône et du Guiers. Ces dépôts graveleux, reconnus par des sondages mécaniques et géophysiques, forment deux réservoirs aquifères indépendants épais d'une dizaine de mètres: l'un concerne la dépression du "couloir " des Avenières, l'autre la plaine d'Aoste dont l'étude par prospection électrique a révélé les zones préférentielles de chenalisation. L'alimentation des nappes qu'ils contiennent est assurée par des nappes adjacentes, d'extension limitée et par les écoulements issus des bassins-versants du Pissoud et de la Bièvre. Les relevés piézométriques et les mesures de paramètres hydrodynamiques effectuées sur leur zone de séparation (essais de pompage) ne révèlent pas de relation dynamique entre ces deux nappes. L'étude physico--chimique confirme leur indépendance. Leurs caractéristiques chimiques sont localement influencées par les minéralisations issues des zones d'alimentation. L'exploitation de ces nappes par les syndicats des eaux de la région reste tributaire de leurs zonations chimiques.


Deakin, Frank Apland., Deakin, Frank Apland. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

Modélisation hydrogéologique de dépôts hétérogènes : l'alluvium de la Komadougou Yobé (bassin du lac Tchad, sud-est nigérien) / Hydrogeological modeling of heterogeneous deposits : the Komadugu Yobe alluvium (Lake Chad basin, southeastern Niger)

Le Coz, Mathieu 06 December 2010 (has links)
La vallée de la Komadougou Yobé constitue un site privilégié de recharge de l'aquifère quaternaire du bassin du lac Tchad. Depuis les années 1980, le développement des cultures de rente (p. ex. poivron) a conduit à un doublement des surfaces irriguées (1995-2005) dans sa partie aval. Afin de quantifier la recharge supplémentaire induite, une modélisation des flux hydriques verticaux dans la zone non-saturée (0-8 m) a été engagée. La première étape, objet de ce travail de thèse, consiste à décrire l'organisation spatiale et les propriétés hydrodynamiques des corps sédimentaires constitutifs de l'alluvium.Des forages à travers les formations superficielles mettent en évidence des alternances sable-sable argileux dans la totalité de la zone non-saturée, conséquence des migrations du lit mineur de la Komadougou Yobé. Le calcul de la corrélation entre les forages indique une forte analogie avec les hétérogénéités identifiées en surface à partir de données de télédétection (Landsat 7 binarisée). Ces données sont donc utilisées pour l'apprentissage de statistiques multipoints représentatives des hétérogénéités et un modèle géologique 3D de l'alluvium est généré via l'algorithme snesim.Des suivis neutroniques de l'humidité le long de plusieurs profils caractéristiques des différentes unités sédimentaires associées à ce modèle sont réalisés pour des conditions de flux contrôlées en surface. A partir de simulations numériques 1D, des jeux de paramètres hydrodynamiques permettant de reproduire les humidités mesurées sont déterminés par une approche de type Monte-Carlo. Des densités de probabilité intégrant l'incertitude sur les mesures sont obtenues pour les paramètres de Mualem - van Genuchten décrivant les courbes de rétention et de conductivité hydraulique des sédiments.Une procédure 1D-distribuée est utilisée pour simuler les écoulements non-saturés verticaux au sein de plusieurs réalisations du modèle géologique et pour différents jeux de paramètres hydrodynamiques probables. La recharge diffuse calculée se montre particulièrement sensible au paramètre de pression d'entrée d'air attribué aux dépôts superficiels, siège des principales interactions sol-plante-atmosphère, ainsi qu'aux contrastes verticaux de conductivité hydraulique. / The downstream part of the Komadugu Yobe River is an important recharge area for the Lake Chad Quaternary aquifer. Since the 1980s, cash crop development (e.g. sweet pepper) has led to the doubling (1995-2005) of irrigated surfaces in the vicinity of the river. A modeling approach of vertical water fluxes through the vadose zone (0-8 m) was designed to quantify the related increase in groundwater recharge. The first step, which is the main topic of this PhD thesis, consisted in describing both spatial arrangement and hydrodynamic properties of the sedimentary bodies that make up the alluvium.Boreholes in surficial deposits highlighted sandy to clayey alternations within the whole unsaturated zone; this was interpreted as the result of frequent migrations of the River channel. Spatial correlation between bore logs showed strong similarities with heterogeneities depicted on ground by means of remote sensing data (binarized Landsat 7 image). This data were therefore used to train multiple-point statistics representative of heterogeneities, and a 3D geological model was generated through the snesim algorithm.For each representative sedimentary unit, soil moisture under controlled hydraulic surface conditions was monitored by vertical neutron probe soundings. Using 1D numerical simulations, different data sets of hydrodynamic properties that reproduced moisture measurements were determined by a Monte-Carlo approach. Probability density functions including measurement uncertainties were deduced for the Mualem - van Genuchten parameters which describe both retention and hydraulic conductivity curves.A 1D-distributed procedure was applied for modeling vertical flows in the unsaturated zone within several geological model realizations with different probable sets of hydrodynamics parameters. The simulated diffuse recharge was shown to be particularly sensitive to two main parameters: air-entry pressure linked to superficial deposits, where soil-plant-atmosphere interactions do occur, and vertical hydraulic conductivity contrasts within the alluvium.

Apports d’une approche couplée physique et géochimie des eaux souterraines pour caractériser les fonctionnements hydrodynamiques transitoires. Cas de la plaine alluviale du Forez. / Contribution of a coupled geochemical and physical approach for the characterization of transient groundwater flow applied to the Forez Plain (France, Loire 42).

Re-Bahaud, Jordan 22 October 2012 (has links)
Le diagnostic du SAGE Loire au niveau de la plaine du Forez (42) relate une dégradation du potentiel hydrogéologique et une pollution des nappes superficielles par les nitrates et les pesticides. Ces problèmes nécessitent une gestion durable et équilibrée de la ressource en eau. Une partie de la demande en eau est assurée par la ressource souterraine. Les eaux souterraines exploitées sont : les eaux des formations alluviales superficielles pour l’irrigation et l’AEP ; et les eaux minérales des niveaux aquifères profonds du bassin sédimentaire sous-jacents aux alluvions pour le thermalisme et de mise en bouteille.La synthèse des connaissances disponibles a révélé des insuffisances dans la description des aquifères superficiels. En effet, elles ne permettent pas d’appréhender comment fluctue la ressource dans le temps et ne prennent pas en compte l’origine de la recharge des aquifères superficiels. Ainsi, le travail de thèse se focalise sur ces deux points particuliers :- l’identification du fonctionnement transitoire des aquifères est abordée par caractérisation physique des écoulements s’appuyant sur l’analyse de 4 points de suivi piézométrique permanent et la modélisation numérique des écoulements permettant de reproduire les fluctuations piézométriques observées.- l’origine de la recharge des aquifères alluviaux est abordée par caractérisation géochimique des écoulements (analyses en ions majeurs et isotopes δ180, δ2H, δ13C et A14C). Cette approche a mis en évidence des apports d’eaux profondes alimentant localement les aquifères superficiels.La méthodologie proposée, couplée physique et géochimie, permet de mieux préciser la vulnérabilité des aquifères investigués, en vue d’une meilleure gestion future. / The Water Management Scheme in the Forez plain (France 42) has concluded to a degradation of the water resources and a serious pollution of the shallow aquifers by nitrogen and pesticides. These issues require a sustainable and balanced management of the water resources. A part of the water demand is met by groundwater. The exploited groundwater come from: shallow alluvial formations exploited for irrigation and drinking water and deep aquifers in sedimentary basin under the alluvium. Mineral waters from the deep aquifers are exploited for thermo-mineral activities and bottling.The analysis of the data available in the studied area revealed a lack of knowledge in the understanding of the groundwater flow in the shallow aquifers. Is not sufficient to explain how the water resource varies with time and the origin of the recharge of the shallow aquifers. As consequence, this thesis work will focus on these two main topics: - Identification of the transient functioning of the aquifers based on a physical characterization of groundwater flow. This method is based on piezometric head analysis carry out on 4 stations with continuous measurements and numerical modeling to compare with the observed piezometric fluctuations.- Identification of the origin of the recharge of the alluvial aquifers through a geochemical characterization of groundwater flow (major ions and isotopes δ180, δ2H, δ13C and A14C). This approach established the partial contribution of the deep aquifers to the groundwater flow in the shallow alluvium. This methodology based on a coupled geochemical and physical approach allows to assess the vulnerability of the studied aquifers and contributes to improve the future water resources management in this area.

Relações pedologia-geomorfologia-sedimentologia no Pantanal Norte / Relationships pedology-geomorphology-sedimentology in the Pantanal North

Nascimento, Alexandre Ferreira do 30 May 2012 (has links)
As relações entre os solos, material de origem e feições geomórficas são importantes para a compreensão da distribuição dos solos na paisagem e o entendimento de sua variabilidade espacial, sobretudo em ambientes úmidos (wetlands) de natureza sedimentar complexa. Procurou-se descrever e caracterizar os ambientes deposicionais de uma área de estudo, a Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN) SESC Pantanal, buscando na sedimentologia e na geomorfologia que sistemas deposicionais e/ou erosivos formaram a paisagem e dessa forma interpretar as alterações ocorridas no relevo e nos sedimentos responsáveis pela gênese dos solos nesta parte do Pantanal Norte. Primeiramente foram realizados os estudos geomorfológicos com auxílio de ferramentas de sensoriamento remoto, expedições ao campo e sobrevoo da área. Nos compartimentos identificados foram realizadas tradagens mecanizadas profundas para se observar a arquitetura e a distribuição dos sedimentos. Os solos de 3 transeções representativas da área foram descritos, coletados e analisados, de forma a se determinar a configuração lateral e vertical dos horizontes e camadas, assim como a classificação pedológica e as evidências de processos pedogenéticos e sedimentares. A paisagem da RPPN SESC Pantanal foi modelada desde o Pleistoceno superior pela atividade de sistemas deposicionais distributários dominados por rios, caracterizados pela sucessiva construção e abandono de lóbulos deposicionais. O leque aluvial do rio São Lourenço é responsável pela maior parte dos depósitos e das formas do relevo observadas na área de estudo, enquanto que a planície do rio Cuiabá tem menor contribuição e se restringe à parte oeste. De maneira geral, os solos de canais antigos são Neossolos Quartzarênicos, de planície aluvial são Gleissolos, Plintossolos ou Neossolos/Cambissolos flúvicos, de diques e Murundus são Planossolos. Os nódulos de ferro e manganês podem ocorrer nos solos das porções elevadas e baixas (canais, diques e planícies antigas). Os mosqueados são mais contrastantes nas porções baixas (planícies antigas) e progressivamente se tornam menos evidentes à medida que se caminha para as porções elevadas (diques). Os contrastes e gradientes texturais são observados em todos os solos que possuem textura média ou mais fina, independente da porção do relevo, resultado da combinação de processos pedogenéticos e sedimentares. A argiluviação é evidente em todos os solos, porém com intensidade variável. A elevada porcentagem de sódio trocável ocorre com maior frequência nos solos das porções elevadas que não sofrem inundação (diques e murundus), contudo, é observado também em locais com ligeira influência de lâmina dágua. Dessa forma, por meio da abordagem solo x paisagem é possível identificar o controle geológico na distribuição e formação dos solos, como é o caso da presença de Neossolos Quartzarênicos nos canais antigos e a formação de contrastes texturais, e o controle pedogenético condicionado pelo relevo, como vem a ser o acúmulo de sódio. A abordagem integradora entre geomorfologia, sedimentologia e pedologia é indispensável para o entendimento da distribuição, variabilidade espacial e gênese de solos no Pantanal. Fora dessa ótica se torna difícil entender e estabelecer o papel efetivo da geogênese e da pedogênese nesse ambiente. / Relationships between soils, parent material and geomorphic features are important to understand the distribution of soils in the landscape. This approach gains more importance when the landscape in study is too complex, e.g., wetlands constructed by depositional systems. Hence, the goal of this work was describe and characterize depositional environments of an unit of fauna and flora preservation (RPPN SESC Pantanal - nonprofits), searching for sedimentary and geomorphology evidences to know which depositional and/or erosional systems have shaped the landscape and then, to set up its relationship with weathering and changes in the system due to pedogenesis. Preliminary geomorphologic studies were developed using remote sensorial tools, fieldworks and flights over the studied area. In each Geomorphic features identified were done drilling procedures to assess the architecture and distribution of their sediments. Three representative soil sequences were described, sampled and analyzed to determine the lateral and vertical boundaries of horizons and layers, as well to find evidences of pedologic and sedimentological processes. Since late Pleistocene the landscape of the RPPN SESC Pantanal has been shaped by distributaries fluvial systems in which rivers were actives. The alluvial fan of the São Lourenço River was responsible by the most shapes and sediments observed in the studied area, while floodplain of the Cuiabá River had minor contribution and it is restricted to western part. Overall, the soils in the paleochannels are Arenosols; in paleofloodplains are Gleysols, Plinthosols or Fluvisols; in paleolevee and Murundus are Planosols. The mottles are common in the low portion of the relief (paleo-foodplain) and become progressively less apparent in the higher portions (paleo-levees). The textural horizons and vertical textural contrasts are observed in the soils of all geomorphic features that have loamy or finer textures, formed by pedogenic and geological processes. The clay illuviation is present in all those soils with textural horizons but in different intensities. The high levels of exchangeable sodium are observed in the soils located in the relief nonflooded (paleo-levee and murundus features). However, it can be also found in places with low flood. Therefore, the approach soil-landscape allows understanding the geological processes controlling the soil genesis and its distribution, as Arenosols in the paleochannels and the formation of textural contrasts. Moreover, it is possible to assess factors of soil formation (relief and whether) controlling the sodium accumulation. Thus the integration of geormorphology, sedimentology and pedology is needful to understand the distribution, spatial variability and genesis of soils in the Pantanal. Without this approach it seems hard to understand and establish the role of pedogenic and geological processes in this environment.


Nogueira, Melissa Koch Fernandes de Souza 13 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Angela Maria de Oliveira (amolivei@uepg.br) on 2018-11-13T15:51:07Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Melissa Koch Fernandes.pdf: 13195142 bytes, checksum: 6f749b7b1da141696e2c5981f9a657d1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-13T15:51:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Melissa Koch Fernandes.pdf: 13195142 bytes, checksum: 6f749b7b1da141696e2c5981f9a657d1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O rio Pitangui, de curso antecedente, é afluente da margem direita do rio Tibagi e percorre três municípios (Castro, Carambeí e Ponta Grossa) da região centro-leste do estado do Paraná. Embora todo o seu curso esteja submetido ao mesmo tipo climático, Cfb de Köeppen, e mesma unidade fitogeográfica, Floresta Ombrófila Mista, a diferença altitudinal e distintas litotipias representadas pelo degrau topográfico da Escarpa Devoniana, e a consequente separação entre os Planaltos Paranaenses, determinam diferenças geo-morfo-hidro-pedológicas marcantes. Foram selecionadas dez estações amostrais ao longo do rio nos dois planaltos, e para cada estação foram: a) alocadas nove parcelas de 5 x 10 m dispostas em três linhas paralelas à margem do rio, onde foram mensurados e identificados todos os indivíduos com DAP ≥ 5 cm; b) foram instalados e mensurados três poços hídricos (1,20 cm x 5,0 cm) e c) realizadas análises químicas e físicas dos solos. Foi observado que a variação do nível do lençol freático e a composição dos solos são os principais fatores determinantes das variações florísticas e estruturais identificadas ao longo do curso do rio. No Primeiro Planalto Paranaense (PPP), o Ambiente Ripário 1, caracteriza-se por relevo plano sujeito a inundações permanentes ou periódicas, com vegetação hidrófila a higrófila sobre solos hidromórficos a semi-hidromórficos. As espécies mais importantes foram Sebastiania commersoniana, Erythrina crista-galli, Symplocos uniflora e Sebastiania brasiliensis. Ainda no PPP, o Ambiente Ripário 2, constitui área ecotonal com a Represa de Alagados, trata-se de um ambiente mais alçado, com vertente moderada pouco sujeito a inundações, com vegetação mesófila sobre solos não-hidromórficos, cuja espécie mais importante foi Nectandra grandiflora. No Segundo Planalto Paranaense (SPP), o Ambiente Ripário 3, representado por relevo plano a suave ondulado, com vegetação mesófila que se desenvolve sobre solos preferencialmente não-hidromórficos. As espécies mais importantes foram Nectandra grandiflora e Eugenia uniflora. Em todos os ambientes os solos são sempre ácidos, com elevado conteúdo de carbono total nas camadas superficiais e percolação de fósforo nas estações amostrais próximas a cultivos agrícolas. A distribuição dos grupos funcionais de espécies mesófilas, higrófilas e hidrófilas se revelou bom indicador da variação do nível freático. Na escala de paisagem percebe-se que os fenômenos multiescalares seguem subordinados, ou seja, a modelagem do substrato geológico determina a flutuação do freático e a formação e distribuição de solos, e esse por sua vez, determina a cobertura vegetal. Estudos integrados desse porte fornecem subsídios seguros para programas de restauração florestal em ambientes ripários. / Pitangui is an antecedent river, a major right tributary of the Tibagi River, which crosses three municipalities along the East-Central region of the State of Paraná. Although being subjected to the same climate, Cfb of Köeppen, and same phytogeographic unit, temperate forest, its altitudinal differences and distinct litotipies represented by the Devonian Escarpment topographic slope, and the consequent separation between the Paraná plateaus, determine remarkable geo-pedo-hydromorphological differences. It was observed that the groundwater level variation and the soil composition are the main drivers of floristic and structural variations among these riverine forests. On the First Plateau (PPP), the Riparian Environment #1 is characterized by relief plan subject to permanent or periodic flooding with hydrophylous or hygrophilous vegetation over hydromorphic or semi-hydromorphic soils. The main species are Sebastiania commersoniana, Erythrina crista-galli, Symplocos uniflora, and Sebastiania brasiliensis. Yet in PPP, Riparian Enviroment #2 is an ecotonal area within Alagados Reservoir. This is a more elevated one, subject to few floodings, with mesophylous vegetation on no-hydromorphic soils, which main specie is Nectandra grandiflora. On the Second Plateau (SPP), Riparian Environment #3 is characterized by relief plan to slighltly undulating with mesophylous vegetation on soils preferably non-hydromorphic. The main species are Nectandra grandiflora and Eugenia uniflora. In all environments soils are ever acid with high contents of total carbon in the surface layers, as well percolation of phosphorus next to agricultural crops areas. The functional groups distribution among mesophilous, higrophilous, and hidrophilous species were good indicators of the ground water level flutuation. On a landscape scale, multiescalar phenomena are subordinated, as geological modeling determine ground water levels as well soils orign and distribution. These one drives the vegetation settlement. Integrated studies like this provide insurance subsidies for forest restoration programs in riparian environments

Evolução geomorfológica e tectônica da porção norte da Bacia do Amazonas : região do Rio Apuaú (AM) /

Nascimento, Mayara Aline Santos Ribeiro do January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Norberto Morales / Resumo: A paisagem na Amazônia tem mostrado um quadro geomorfológico evolutivo associado a condicionamentos tectônicos no controle da rede de drenagem, com importantes mudanças nos cursos dos rios associadas a sistemas de falhas no âmbito da Neotectônica. Esta pesquisa compreende o estudo da bacia hidrográfica do rio Apuaú, afluente da margem esquerda do rio Negro na sua porção média, a norte de Manaus, no Estado do Amazonas. Foi subsidiada por estudos estruturais e geomorfológicos apoiados em dados de campo, de sensores remotos e de datação dos depósitos aluvionares. Foram reconhecidos blocos desnivelados do relevo, com rupturas de declive (knickpoints) associadas e controladas por falhas. A rede de drenagem apresenta padrões anômalos dos cursos d’água, capturas, meandros e canais encurvados, alinhamento de canais retilíneos, marcando zonas de juntasou zonas de falhas. Os blocos controlam também a distribuição de terraços, paleoterraços e canais abandonados, e suas datações por LOE apontam para depósitos mais antigos na faixa de 53.000 a 62.200 anos, intermediários na faixa de 20.330 a 23.100 anos, e depósitos atuais. O quadro geológico-estrutural aponta para compartimentos morfotectônicos, controlados por falhas normais e falhas transcorrentes destrais associadas. As falhas normais condicionam blocos rotacionados, a rede de drenagem e a distribuição dos depósitos aluvionares, enquanto as falhas transcorrentes parecem balizar e controlar os blocos na porção norte e leste da bacia hi... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

Spatial Trends and Facies Distribution of the High-Energy Alluvial Cutler Formation, Southeastern Utah

Allred, Isaac John 01 June 2016 (has links)
The Cutler Formation is composed of thick, arkosic, alluvial conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone shed southwestward from the Uncompahgre Uplift into the Paradox Basin. More basin-ward the Cutler is recognized as a group consisting of differentiable formations. Discrete formations historically have not been distinguished near the uplift, but this study identified several separate successions in the Richardson Amphitheater. Research at the Richardson Amphitheater, ~12 km southwest of the uplift and ~30 km northeast of Moab, Utah, led to a systematic subdivision of the Permian Cutler Formation proximal to the uplift. Likely driven by channel cutting and migration across the alluvial fan, six 10-20 m thick successions are partially exposed. The dominant observed facies are basal conglomerate and channel-fill trough cross-stratified sandstone overlain by finer-grained distal sheetflood and frequently pedogenically altered sandstone. Down-warping of identified successions and the presence of additional sands within the area of flexure suggest that localized salt withdrawal created a sediment depocenter in the Richardson Amphitheater, ~6 km northwest of the Onion Creek salt diapir. The identified salt withdrawal feature is more proximal to the Uncompahgre Uplift than any of the major documented salt structures in the area and was not previously documented. Six measured stratigraphic sections and hundreds of high-precision differential GPS data points outlining major lateral erosional surfaces form the basis for interpretation. Five mapped erosional surfaces (bounding surfaces based upon differential GPS point interpolation) are laterally extensive within the approximately one square kilometer study area, and as such, represent stratigraphically significant surfaces. Within the generated structural geocellular model, stratigraphic data from measured sections informed facies modeling between major surfaces. This outcrop model may serve as an analogue for subsurface systems deposited in similar settings.

Geomorphological impact of lahars on the southwestern flank of Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador : drainage system and alluvial fan / Impact géomorphologique de lahars sur le flan sud-ouest du volcan Cotopaxi, Equateur : système de drainage et cône de déjection

Ettinger, Susanne 27 September 2012 (has links)
Pendant une éruption volcanique sur des sommets englacés, des coulées de débris syn-eruptifs,dénommées lahars, peuvent être générées par la fonte partiale de glaciers. Ce phénomène estbien connu sur le volcan Cotopaxi, Equateur. La présente étude concerne trois vallées et un cônede déjection sur le flanc sud-ouest de ce volcan. Une première analyse a été conduite par relevésde formes géomorphologiques dans ces vallées qui témoignent des processus d’érosion et desédimentation lors du passage de lahars dans le passé, notamment ceux du dernier événementéruptif datant de 1877 AD. Bien que les types des formes géomorphologiques déterminées sontles mêmes, leur distribution spatiale varie d’une vallée à l’autre en fonction d’une interaction deparamètres morphologiques locaux. Les conditions environnementales individuelles déterminentégalement le volume de l’écoulement, paramètre crucial dans la délimitation de zones de risques delahars dans les plaines adjacentes. Pour cela, une deuxième étude a été menée à grande échelle surle cône de déjection à l’exutoire de la vallée la plus au Sud des trois. Une analyse intégrale de la morphologiede surface et des affleurements naturels a été complétée par des données stratigraphiquesde subsurface obtenues via un sondage avec un Géoradar. Reconstituer l’architecture sédimentairede ce cône permet de visualiser la distribution spatiale de formes érosives et de dépôts. L’étude àrévélé que différentes parties du cône sont actives à des moments distincts et les épaisseurs dedépôts de lahars sont variables en fonction du type d’écoulement et de son volume. Ceci permetde relier les dynamiques géomorphologiques des plaines alluviales aux zones d’initiation de laharssur les flancs du volcan. Enfin, cette étude a débouché sur la mise en place d’une nouvelle fonctiondans le logiciel de modélisation de lahars LAHARZ prenant en compte l’incorporation progressive desédiment dans un contexte érosif dans les vallées, ce qui permet une meilleure délimitation de zonesde risque de lahars sur le cône. / During a volcanic eruption at ice capped volcanoes, syn-eruptive volcanic debris flows, lahars, canbe triggered through the partial melting of the glaciers. This phenomenon is well known to have happenedat Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador, where the present study has been realized. The latter concernsthree drainages on the southwestern flank of the volcano and one alluvial fan. A first analysis hasbeen conducted assessing geomorphologic features in the drainages testifying from erosional anddepositional processes during past lahars, in particular of those generated during the last eruptiveevent dating back to 1877 AD. Although the types of determined geomorphologic features are thesame, their spatial distribution varies among the three valleys as a function of an interplay of localmorphologic parameters. The individual environmental conditions determine also the flow volumeof such lahars, a critical parameter when to delineating hazard zones in the adjacent lowlands. Thesecond analysis has therefore be performed at large scale on the alluvial fan forming at the mouthof the southernmost of the three drainages. An integral study of the surface morphology and naturalexposures was enriched with subsurface stratigraphic information obtained through a ground penetratingradar survey. The sediment architecture of the fan provides valuable insights on the distributionof erosional features and deposits. Different fan parts appear to be active at different times andlahar deposit thicknesses are highly variable as a function of flow type and volume. This allows torelate floodplain dynamics to the initiation zone of lahars on the upper flanks of the volcano. At last,this research led to integrate a new bulking function acknowledging for erosional processes in thevalleys into the lahar-modeling software LAHARZ allowing to better delineate lahar hazard zones onthe fan.

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