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Implementing Aromatherapy for Falls Reduction in the Inpatient Hospice PopulationPistek, Kimberly Kay 01 January 2019 (has links)
Falls among the elderly is a health concern affecting multiple patients annually. Hospice patients and those with multiple comorbidities are at the greatest risk of falling and sustaining injuries from falls. Aromatherapy has been used for reducing multiple symptoms as well as for decreasing falls. The practice-focused question explored whether an education program on using aromatherapy for fall prevention would increase knowledge of this intervention for an interdisciplinary group of hospice staff. The design was developed using Knowles's theory of andragogy and Bloom's taxonomy. Thirteen staff members from the same facility participated in the education program. The program was targeted to educate staff who worked with hospice patients about implementing the intervention in their practice. The program was also offered facility-wide to allow all staff the opportunity to increase their knowledge in using the intervention in their fall- reduction programs. Assessment tools including pretest, posttest, and evaluations were completed by all program participants. Using a Likert scale to calculate participant responses, results revealed an increase in knowledge gained from 15% to 60%. The participants rated the program favorably with a mean score of 4.4 to 4.6 out of 5. This program would be beneficial to hospice caregivers and a broader range of staff members including nonhospice nurses, therapists, and providers who are interested in decreasing falls in their patient population. The program would also be of interest to accrediting bodies, hospice, palliative care, oncologic, and geriatric organizations for alternative fall-reduction interventions. Reducing falls will result in a positive social change by decreasing fall-related injuries costs and improving quality at end-of-life.
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Scania’s Packaging Network : Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Alternative Fuels and Modalities Within the Transportation NetworkAstori, Pietro, Guðmundsdóttir, Jóhanna Blöndahl January 2022 (has links)
In a fast-moving world with high demand for deliveries of various goods, the need for high performing transportation systems and networks has grown rapidly. As a reaction, the number of trucks has increased, which together with other transport solutions to cover the need has caused a growth of CO2e emissions. Sustainability awareness has pushed companies to consider and implement more sustainable transportation solutions to reduce the environmental impact from transport. The purpose of this study is to analyze and identify the root causes of CO2e emissions in a transport, delivery network. An understanding of the common characteristics of transports causing the highest levels of emissions is provided with an analysis of distances, modalities and fuel types. Additionally, alternatives are simulated to compare the current network to a system with different solutions implemented. The study was performed by analyzing available literature of intermodal transportation systems, alternative fuel types and different modalities. Data for a full year was collected from Scania AB, cleaned and analyzed to identify the type of transport to study further. The characteristics were identified by forming geographical regions based on location and available infrastructure, divide the transports by legs and distances, and sort the transports by fuel types and modalities. As a result, several flows were identified as examples representing the network where the effects of making changes could be most accurately identified.Simulations were performed for exemplary flows providing results for four out of seven regions in the network. Available infrastructure for different modalities was considered for each region and alternative fuel types researched. Considering the possibilities within the regions, each flow was simulated with the available solutions in the region. Additionally, infrastructure potentially developing in the near future, was considered as an alternative in cases where current availability is limited.The results from the simulations were unambiguous for intermodal transportation systems in the cases where electric rail was utilized over any mean of truck transport, regardless of the fuel type. Road transports run on Diesel were used as the baseline for the simulations as it is the highest utilized fuel type. Simulations of road transports on alternative fuels also provided a positive result for CO2e emissions as they decreased in all cases. / I en snabbföränderlig omvärld med en hög efterfrågan av olika varor har behovet av högpresternade transportsystem ökat drastiskt. Som en reaktion på detta har antalet lastbilar ökat signifikant vilket i sin tur, tillsammans med andra transportlösningar som ska täcka det växande behovet, har lett till ökande CO2-utsläpp. En ökad medvetenhet inom hållbarhet har tvingat företag att överväga och implementera mer hållbara transportlösningar för att minska miljöpåverkan inom transport. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera och identifiera grundläggande orsaker för CO2-utsläpp inom ett transport- och leveransnätverk.En förståelse för de gemensamma egenskaperna inom transport som orsakar de högsta nivåerna av utsläpp anges genom en analys av avstånd, modaliteter och typ av bränsle. Dessutom är alternativa lösningar simulerade för att jämföra det nuvarande nätverket mot ett system med andra implementationer.Studien genomfördes genom att analysera tillgänglig litteratur om intermodala transportsystem, alternativa sorter av bränsle och olika modaliteter. Data för ett helt år samlades in från Scania AB, rensades och analyserades för att identifiera vilken form av transport som skulle studeras vidare. Egenskaperna identifierades genom att bilda geografiska regioner utifrån läge och tillgänglig infrastruktur, uppdelade i längre och kortare sträckor, samt genom att sortera transporterna efter bränsletyp och modaliteter. Som ett resultat identifierades en grupp av flöden som exempel, vilka representerade nätverket och där effekterna av att göra förändringar kunde anses mest exakta. Simuleringar för exempelflöden utfördes och gav resultat till fyra av sju regioner inom nätverket. Tillgänglig infrastruktur för olika modaliteter övervägdes för varje region och olika bränsletyper undersöktes. Med tanke på de olika möjligheterna inom regionen simulerades varje flöde med de tillgängliga lösningarna i regionen. Dessutom ansågs infrastruktur som skulle kunna utvecklas inom snar framtid som ett alternativ i fall där nuvarande tillgänglighet är begränsad. Resultaten från simuleringarna var entydiga för intermodala transportsystem i fall där elektrisk järnväg användes i stället för lastbilstransport, oberoende av bränsletyp. Vägtransport som drivs med diesel användes som referens för simuleringarna eftersom det är den mest använda typen av bränsle. Simuleringar av vägtransport på alternativa bränsletyper gav också positiva resultat för CO2-utsläpp som minskade i samtliga fall.
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