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Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics and Analysis of the Effect of ??-Amyloid Peptide on Acetylcholine Neurocycle and Alzheimer???s Disease MedicationsAwad, Asmaa January 2013 (has links)
The brain of Alzheimer???s disease (AD) is characterized by accumulations of ??-amyloid peptide aggregates which promote neurodegentartive dysfunction. Comprehensive understanding of the interaction between ??-amyloid aggregates and acetylcholine (ACh) neurocycle is required to uncover the physiological processes related to AD and might result in improving therapeutic approaches for AD. Pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) techniques were applied to allow predicting the extent of the interaction of certain doses of AD drugs and ??-amyloid inhibitors and levels of ACh as well. Although many researchers focused on the ??-amyloid interactions, the mechanisms by which ??-amyloid affects cholinergic neurons and reduction of ACh are still unclear. The prediction of ACh and drug concentrations in the tissues and body needs an understanding of the physiology and mechanisms of ??-amyloid aggregates processes and their compilation into a mechanistic model
In this work, two hypotheses are proposed to investigate the dynamic behavior of the interaction between ??-amyloid peptide aggregates and cholinergic neurocycle and the possible therapeutic approaches through proposing pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) models to represent the impact of ??-amyloid aggregates in AD. The effect of ??-amyloid peptide aggregates is formulated through incorporating ??- amyloid aggregates into non-linear model for the neurocycle of ACh where the presynaptic neuron is considered as compartment 1 and both synaptic cleft and postsynaptic neurons are considered as compartment 2. In the first hypothesis which is choline leakage hypothesis, ??-amyloid peptide aggregates are considered to be located in the membrane of the presynaptic neuron and create pathways inside the membrane to allow for the intracellular choline to leak outside the cholinergic system. It is observed that ??-amyloid aggregates via the choline leakage hypothesis could cause significant reductions of ACh and choline levels in both compartments. Furthermore, the process rates of ACh synthesis and hydrolysis have been affected negatively by a wide range of ??-amyloid aggregate concentrations. It is found that as the input rate of ??-amyloid aggregates to compartment 1 increases, the loss of choline from compartment 1 increases leading to an increase in the intracellular concentration of ??-amyloid.
In the second hypothesis, ??-amyloid peptide aggregates are proposed to interact with the enzyme ChAT which is responsible for the synthesis of ACh in compartment 1; three different kinetic mechanisms are suggested to account for the interaction between ??-amyloid aggregates and ChAT activity. In the first and second kinetic mechanisms, ??-amyloid aggregate is supposed to attack different species in the enzyme. It is found that there is a significant decrease in the rate of ACh synthesis in compartment 1 and ACh concentrations in both compartments. However, it is observed that there is no effect on choline levels in both compartments, the rate of ACh hydrolysis in compartment 2, pH, and ACh levels in compartment 2. In the third kinetic mechanism, all species in ChAT are attacked by ??-amyloid aggregates; it is observed that at very high input rates of ??-amyloid aggregates, the oscillatory behavior dominates all components of the neurocycle of ACh. The disturbance observed in ACh levels in both compartments explains the harmful effect of the full attack of ??-amyloid aggregates to all species of ChAT. It is found that to contribute significantly in ACh neurocycle, choline leakage hypothesis needs concentration of ??-amyloid aggregates lower than that needed in ChAT activity hypothesis which is in agreement with experimental observations. The significant decrease in ACh levels observed in both choline leakage and loss of ChAT activity hypotheses leads to cognitive loss and memory impairment which were observed in individuals with AD.
A one-compartment drug PK/PD model is proposed to investigate a therapeutic approach for inhibiting ??-amyloid aggregation via choline leakage hypothesis where the maximum feed rate of ??-amyloid (KL2 = 1) is considered. The drug is assumed to interact with the tissues of the presynaptic neurons where ??-amyloid aggregates are located. The PK/PD model is built based on the effect of ??-amyloid aggregates via choline leakage hypothesis where the maximum feed rate of ??-amyloid aggregates is considered. The dynamic behavior of all concentrations of ??-amyloid aggregates, choline, ACh, acetate, and pH in both compartments in addition to the rate of ACh synthesis in compartment 1 and ACh hydrolysis are investigated by monitoring the impacts of the drug on ??-amyloid aggregates and cholinergic neurocycle over a wide range of the input drug dosage. The PK/PD model is able to predict the reduction in levels of ??-amyloid aggregates and the increase in choline and ACh, in both compartments as well as both rates of ACh synthesis and hydrolysis catalyzed. The parameters of the PK/PD model such as maximum concentration (Cmax), maximum time (Tmax), area under the curve (AUC), and maximum effect (Emax) were investigated. It was found that it takes a longer time (Tmax) (3-5 h) to reach Emax as the drug dose increases. Furthermore, AUC was found to increase with increasing drug dosage. The results of the current work show that drugs / therapeutic agents inhibiting ??- amyloid aggregation in the brain represent a likely successful therapeutic approach to give systematic highlights to develop future trials, new diagnostic techniques, and medications for AD. This study is helpful in designing PK and PD and developing experimental animal models to support AD drug development and therapy in the future.
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Molekulare Charakterisierung des Amyloidvorläuferproteins des MeerschweinchensBeck, Mike 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Die Bildung von Amyloidablagerungen ist ein Kennzeichen der Alzheimerschen Erkrankung. Hauptbestandteil dieser senilen Plaques sind sogenannte A beta Peptide, die durch proteolytische Prozessierung aus einem Vorläufermolekül (APP) gebildet werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Klonierung des Meerschweinchen - APP. Diese cDNA-Sequenz zeigt auf DNA-Ebene eine Homologie zum Human-APP von ca. 90%, auf Proteinebene beträgt die Identität ca. 97 %. Damit wird ein weiterer experimenteller Beweis für die evolutionäre Konservierung des Amyloidvorläuferproteins in Säugetieren erbracht. APP mRNA wird in Meerschweinchen-Geweben ubiquitär exprimiert. Durch alternatives Spleißen wird ein zum Human-APP im wesentlichen ähnliches Isoformenmuster gebildet: Isoformen, welche eine Proteaseinhibitordomäne enthalten, werden dominierend in peripheren Organen exprimiert, dagegen ist im Zentralnervensystem das APP 695 mit über 60 % der Gesamttranskripte die bevorzugt exprimierte Isoform. Die klonierte cDNA des Meerschweinchen-APP wurde in prokaryontischen wie auch eukaryontischen Zellsystemen exprimiert. Dabei wurde die Eignung einer Anzahl von gegen Human-APP gewonnenen Antikörpern zur Detektion des Meerschweinchen-APP und seiner Prozessierungsprodukte gezeigt. Die Expression der neuronal dominierend exprimierten Isoform APP 695 des Meerschweinchen-APP in humanen Neuroblastom-Zellen zeigte keine Unterschiede hinsichtlich der APP-Prozessierung und A beta-Bildung im direkten Vergleich zu Human-APP 695. Die proteolytische Prozessierung des Proteins wurde durch Detektion der typischen Spaltprodukte in vivo (im Liquor) als auch in einem neu etablierten in vitro-Modell primär kultivierter neuronaler Zellen untersucht. Diese Zellkulturen wurden zunächst immunhistochemisch und biochemisch charakterisiert und als "mixed brain"-Typ mit einem hohen neuronalen Anteil beschrieben. Die Prozessierung des endogenen Meerschweinchen-APP in kultivierten Zellen führt dabei zur Bildung und Akkumulation aggregationsfähiger A beta - Peptide. Zur Detektion dieser Peptide wurde ein sensitiver Nachweis durch Western-Blot etabliert. Es wird damit ein Modellsystem für in vitro-Untersuchungen vorgeschlagen, welches ein Studium der Expression und Prozessierung des Amyloidvorläuferproteins unter angenähert physiologischen Bedingungen ermöglicht. / A beta peptides, the major component of neuritic plaques found in the brains of patients with Alzheimers disease, are derived by proteolytic processing from a larger precursor molecule (amyloid precursor protein - APP). A combination of PCR methods was used to clone and sequence APP cDNA from guinea pig (Cavia porcellus). Guinea pig APP exhibits extensive similarities to human APP in terms of primary structure, mRNA expression of differentially spliced isoforms as shown by Northern blot and RT-PCR analysis as well as proteolytic processing to amyloidogenic A beta peptides. In contrast to rat and mouse APP, guinea pig APP - recombinantly expressed in human neuroblastoma-cells - was processed indistinguishable from human APP thus excluding intrinsic sequence-specific factors influencing processing. Further studies were performed using newly established primary cell cultures of guinea pig neurons. Refined methods have been used to detect and characterize major proteolytic processing products of APP in vitro and in vivo. In conclusion, guinea pigs provide a model to study expression and processing of APP that closely resembles the physiological situation in humans and should, therefore, be important in elucidating potential strategies to prevent amyloid formation in Alzheimers Disease.
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Study on memapsin 2 cleavage properties and its interacting proteinsLi, Xiaoman. January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oklahoma. / Bibliography: leaves 122-136.
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Etude pluridisciplinaire de peptides liés à la maladie d'Alzheimer: de la protéine précurseur de l'amyloïde (APP) aux oligomères de beta-amyloïde et aux inhibiteurs de gamma-sécrétase / Multidisciplinary study of Alzheimer's disease-related peptides: from amyloid precursor protein (APP) to amyloid beta-oligomers and gamma-secretase modulatorsItkin, Anna 14 May 2012 (has links)
La maladie d'Alzheimer (AD) est un désordre neurodégénératif progressif et la forme la plus commune de démence. A l’heure actuelle, il n'y a aucun remède et la maladie est toujours fatale. Une des caractéristiques histopathologiques de l'AD est la présence de dépôts protéiques, les plaques amyloïdes, dans le cerveau. Ces plaques sont formées par les peptides amyloïdes β (Aβ) de 40 et 42 résidus, qui sont les produits de clivage par des protéases de la protéine précurseur de l’amyloïde (l'APP). L'élucidation de certains des processus clés dans la cause et le développement de l'AD est une étape cruciale pour le développement de traitements nouveaux et efficaces.<p><p>Les propriétés conformationnelles du segment transmembranaire (TM) de l’APP peuvent affecter sa protéolyse par la γ-sécrétase. Ces propriétés ne sont pas encore clairement établies. Afin de comprendre le rôle des variations structurelles du TM dans le traitement de l'APP, des détails structurels des peptides APP_TM4K, chimiquement synthétisés, ont été étudiés dans la bicouche lipidique en utilisant la réflexion totale atténuée par spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (ATR-FTIR) et la résonance magnétique nucléaire à l’état solide (ssNMR). Tandis que la structure secondaire globale du peptide APP_TM4K est hélicoidale, une hétérogénéité conformationnelle et orientée a été observée pour le site de clivage γ et, dans une plus faible mesure, pour le site de clivage ζ. Ces variabilités conformationnelles autour des sites de clivage γ et ζ peuvent avoir des implications importantes dans le mécanisme de clivage et donc dans la production d’Aβ. Il a été aussi démontré que la dernière glycine dans le motif de dimérisation GxxxG est transmembranaire. Ceci peut impliquer que la dimérisation via ce motif pourrait servir d’ancrage et conférer une orientation transmembranaire stable au segment transmembranaire de l’APP.<p><p>Le peptide amyloïde β est directement lié à la maladie d’Alzheimer. Partant de sa forme monomérique, l’Aβ s'agrège pour produire en final des fibrilles et aussi de manière transitoire toute une gamme d'oligomères, ces derniers étant la plupart neurotoxiques. Une dérégulation de l’homéostasie du Ca2+ dans le cerveau vieillissant et dans des troubles neurodégénératifs joue un rôle crucial dans de nombreux processus et contribue au dysfonctionnement et à la mort cellulaire. Nous avons postulé que le calcium peut permettre ou accélérer l'accumulation d'Aβ. Le modèle d'accumulation d'Aβ (1-40) et celui d'Aβ (1-40) E22G, un peptide amyloïde portant la mutation arctique qui cause une apparition prématurée de la maladie, ont été comparé. Nous avons constaté qu'en présence de Ca2+, l’Aβ (1-40) forme de préférence des oligomères semblables à ceux formés par l’Aβ (1-40) E22G avec ou sans Ca2+, tandis qu'en absence de Ca2+ l'Aβ (1-40) s’agrège sous forme de fibrilles. Les ressemblances morphologiques entre oligomères ont été confirmées par microscopie de force atomique. La distribution des oligomères et des fibrilles dans des échantillons différents a été détectée par électrophorèse sur gel suivie d’une analyse par Western blot, dont les résultats ont été confirmés par des expériences de fluorescence à la thioflavine T. Dans les échantillons sans Ca2+, l’ATR-FTIR révèle la conversion des oligomères en feuillets β antiparallèles en la conformation caractéristique des fibrilles en feuillets β parallèles. En général, ces résultats nous ont ameré à conclure que les ions calcium stimulent la formation d'oligomères d'Aβ (1-40), qui sont impliqués dans la pathogénèse d'AD.<p><p>Malgré les progrès énormes obtenus dans la compréhension de la maladie (AD), il reste un défi majeur, celui du développement de médicaments nouveaux et efficaces. Afin d’obtenir des éclaircissements sur le mécanisme d'action de deux nouveaux puissants modulateurs de la γ-sécrétase - le benzyl-carprofen et le sulfonyl-carprofen dans la bicouche lipidique, la technique de RMN à l’état solide a été employée. Précédemment, les dérivés du carprofen ont été localisés dans des membranes de lipides par des expériences de diffusion (scattering) des neutrons. Les contraintes déterminées à partir des expériences de ssNMR ont permis d’affiner leurs positions et d’obtenir une orientation précise dans la double couche lipidique. Ces résultats combinés indiquent que le mécanisme probable de modulation du clivage par la γ-sécrétase est une interaction directe des carprofènes avec le domaine TM de l’APP. Une telle interaction, empêcherait à la formation de dimères d'APP, dimérisation nécessaire au clivage séquentiel par la γ-sécrétase, diminuant ou réduisant ainsi énormément la production d’Aβ, tout particulièrement d’Aβ42.<p><p>Les résultats de ce travail apporte de nouvelles informations sur les processus clés impliqués dans l'AD; Production de l'Aβ à partir de l'APP, formation des oligomères d'Aβ et mécanisme d'action potentiel de molécules thérapeutiques. Nous pensons que ces résultats pourront permettre une meilleure compréhension de la maladie et pourront aider dans la conception de nouveaux médicaments contre cette maladie.<p><p>Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder and the most common form of dementia. There is no cure and the disease is fatal. One of the characteristic histopathological markers of AD is the presence of proteinaceous deposits, amyloid plaques, in the brain. These plaques are formed by the amyloid β-peptides (Aβ) 40- and 42-residue-long, which are protease cleavage products of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Elucidation of some of the key processes in the cause and the development of AD is crucial for the development of new and efficient treatments.<p><p>Conformational properties of the transmembrane (TM) segment of APP may affect its proteolytic processing by γ-secretase. These properties have not been definitely established. In addressing the role of structural variations of the TM sequence in APP processing, structural details of the chemically synthesized APP_TM4K peptides within the membrane bilayers were studied using Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) techniques. While the overall secondary structure of the APP_TM4K peptide is an α-helix, conformational and orientational heterogeneity was observed for the γ-cleavage site and, to a smaller extent, for the ζ-cleavage site. Evidence for the conformational variability around γ- and ζ-cleavage sites may have important implications for the cleavage mechanism and hence for the Aβ production. It was also found that the last glycine within the sequence of GxxxG motifs is in the transmembrane orientation, implying that dimerization via these motifs may act as an anchor, confining the TM dimer to the stable transmembrane orientation. <p><p>Amyloid β-peptide is directly linked to AD. Starting from its monomeric form, Aβ aggregates into fibrils and / or oligomers, the latter being the most neurotoxic. Dysregulation of Ca2+ homeostasis in aging brains and in neurodegenerative disorders plays a crucial role in numerous processes and contributes to cell dysfunction and death. Here we postulated that calcium may enable or accelerate the aggregation of Aβ. The aggregation pattern of Aβ(1-40) and of Aβ(1-40)E22G, an amyloid peptide carrying the Arctic mutation that causes early onset of the disease, were compared. We found that in the presence of Ca2+, Aβ(1-40) preferentially formed oligomers similar to those formed by Aβ(1-40)E22G with or without added Ca2+, whereas in the absence of added Ca2+ the Aβ(1-40) aggregated to form fibrils. Morphological similarities of the oligomers were confirmed by contact mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging. The distribution of oligomeric and fibrillar species in different samples was detected by gel electrophoresis and Western blot analysis, the results which were further supported by thioflavin T fluorescence experiments. In the samples without Ca2+, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed conversion of oligomers from an anti-parallel β-sheet to the parallel β-sheet conformation characteristic of fibrils. Overall, these results led us to conclude that calcium ions stimulate the formation of oligomers of Aβ(1-40), that have been implicated in the pathogenesis of AD. <p><p>Despite the tremendous progress in understanding AD, there remains the challenge of the development of new and efficient drugs. In order to shed light onto the mechanism of action of two new potent γ-secretase modulators -- benzyl-carprofen and sulfonyl-carprofen within lipid bilayers, ssNMR technique was employed. Using neutron scattering experiments it was previously found that sulfonyl-carprofen and benzyl-carprofen partition into the headgroup region of the lipid bilayer. The orientational constraints derived from the ssNMR experiments refined their position into precise orientation. Combined, these results indicate that carprofen-derivatives can directly interact with the region of APP that mediates dimerization. Such interaction, would interfere with proper APP-dimer formation, which is necessary for the sequential cleavage by γ-secretase, diminishing or greatly reducing Aβ42 production.<p><p>Results obtained during this work shed new light onto some of the key processes in AD: Aβ production from APP, formation of Aβ oligomers and insights into the mechanism of action of potential therapeutics. We believe that these results will promote a better understanding of the disease and will help in future drug design.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Visualisering av amyloider och patogenes i skadad näthinnaPersson, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Ansamling av amyloid beta (Aβ) i de extracellulära miljöerna är associerad till många svåra sjukdomar som Alzheimers och ålders-relaterad makuladegeneration (AMD). Amyloider karaktäriseras av att de är olösliga, toxiska mot neuron och orsakar därför svår skada. AMD är den ledande orsaken till blindhet och irreversibelt förlorande av skarp syn då Aβ manifesterar i makula. I AMD orsakar Aβ inflammatorisk aktivitet där det retinala pigmentepitelet bryts ned och ljuskänsliga fotoreceptorer dör genom apoptos. Idag lever ca 150 miljoner människor med AMD där mänga har svårt att utföra vardagliga uppgifter till följd av förlust av skarp syn. Idag är Kongo röd en av de vanligaste metoderna för att visualisera amyloider in vitro. Den patogenes som orsakas av amyloider kan analyseras med immunofluorescens och immunohistokemi. Syftet med studien var att undersöka förekomst av amyloider i samband med celldöd i näthinna från gris, undersöka den patogenes som amyloider orsakar med immunofluorescens och immunohistokemi, samt undersöka om det finns korrelation mellan amyloider och celldöd. Resultatet visade att amyloider var förekommande i näthinnan och hade orsakat celldöd och ansamling av aggresomer. Amyloider och den patologi som orsakats kunde visualiseras i det yttre lagret av näthinnan. / Deposition of amyloid beta (Aβ) in the extracellular environment are associated to some severe diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Amyloids are characterized by insolubility, toxicity towards neuron and are there-for damaging to tissues. AMD is the primary cause of blindness and irreversible loss of central vision through manifestation of Aβ in the macula. In AMD, Aβ drives an inflammatory action that degenerates the retinal pigment epithelium and cause atrophy of photoreceptors. Today ~150 million people live with AMD where many find difficulties performing everyday tasks due to loss of sharp vision. Congo red is a gold standard for visualizing amyloids in vitro and the pathogenesis caused by amyloids can be analyzed by immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry. The purpose of this study was to show the presence of amyloids relating to cell death in pig retina, show the pathogenesis caused by amyloids by using immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, and investigate whether there is correlation between amyloids and cell death. The result showed that amyloids were present in the retina and caused cell death and gathering of aggresomes. Amyloids and the caused pathology could be visualized in the outer layer of the retina.
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Hledání genetických a molekulárních příčin familiární formy SAA amyloidózy / Identification of genetic and molecular underpinnings of familiar form of SAA amyloidosisKmochová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
This work documents the first case of idiopathic AA amyloidosis in humans caused by mutation in the promoter region of SAA1 gene. Knowledge of the mechanism of the disease may be an indication for targeted treatment in the future. Mutations in the SAA1 promoter should be considered in all cases of idiopathic forms of AA amyloidosis in which neither the immune nor the inflammatory component of the disease are clearly present.
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The Impact of Causative Genes on Neuropsychological Functioning in Familial Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease: A Meta-AnalysisSmotherman, Jesse M. 05 1900 (has links)
Mutations of three genes encoding amyloid precursor protein (APP), presenilin-1 (PSEN1), and presenilin-2 (PSEN2) have been shown to reliably result in familial early-onset Alzheimer's disease (FAD); a rare, but catastrophic, subtype of Alzheimer's disease (AD) marked by symptom emergence before age 65 as well as accelerated cognitive deterioration. The current study represents the first known meta-analysis on the association of APP, PSEN1 or PSEN2 on neurocognitive variables. A total of 278 FAD mutation-carriers (FAD-MC) and 284 cognitively healthy non-mutation-carriers (NC) across 10 independent investigations meeting inclusion criteria were chosen for the current meta-analysis (random effects design). Findings revealed an overarching trend of poorer performance by FAD-MC individuals compared to NC individuals across the majority of cognitive domains identified. Significant differences in effect sizes suggested FAD-MC individuals exhibited worse performance on measures of attention, explicit memory, fluency, primary memory, verbal, and visuospatial functioning. Findings indicative of differential sensitivity to cognitive domain impairments across FAD-MC and NC groups inform neuropsychological descriptions of individuals in preclinical phases of FAD.
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Quantifizierung, Lokalisation und Alternatives Spleißen von Hook-Proteinen im Gehirn von Patienten mit Alzheimerscher Erkrankung: Quantifizierung, Lokalisation und Alternatives Spleißenvon Hook-Proteinen im Gehirn von Patienten mitAlzheimerscher ErkrankungWiegmann, Caspar 21 February 2012 (has links)
Hook-Proteine spielen eine wichtige Rolle im intrazellulären Transport. Sie binden n-terminal Mikrotubuli, haben eine coiled-coil-Domäne und binden c-terminal Organellen. Da aus humanen Hirnschnitten eine Kolokalisation mit den bei Alzheimerscher Erkrankung auftretenden neurofibrillären Tangles bekannt war, erscheint eine weitere Untersuchung der Expression und Lokalisation von Hook-Proteinen im zentralen Nervensystem interessant. Hierzu wurde die Expression der humanen Hook-Proteine mittels real-time RT-PCR quantifiziert und die Lokalisation der Hook-Proteine in verschiedenen transgenen Mausmodellen der Tauopathie mittels Immunhistochemie dargestellt. Außerdem wurde die cDNA der Hook-Proteine mittels PCR auf alternatives Spleißen untersucht.
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Die Trisomie 16 der Maus als Modell zur Untersuchung von Dosiseffekten des Amyloidvorläuferproteins an Feten und intrazerebroventrikulären TransplantatenStahl, Tobias 19 October 1999 (has links)
Zusammenfassung: Patienten mit Down Syndrom (DS, Trisomie 21) entwickeln im vierten Lebensjahrzehnt eine Neuropathologie, wie sie beim Morbus Alzheimer (AD) beobachtet wird. Im Gehirn dieser Patienten kommt es zur Ausbildung von senilen Plaques, neurofibrillären Veränderungen und zu einer Schädigung des cholinergen Systems. Als erstes Zeichen der beginnenden Veränderungen wird die erhöhte Konzentration und Akkumulation von sogenannten beta-A4-Peptiden gewertet. Diese Peptide, die auch den Hauptbestandteil der senilen Plaques darstellen, entstehen durch die Prozessierung eines größeren Proteins des Amyloidvorläuferproteins (amyloid precursor protein, APP). Beim Menschen wurde das APP-Gen auf einem distalen Segment des langen Arms des Chromosoms 21 lokalisiert. Das Homolog dieses evolutionär stark konservierten, syntenen Segmentes liegt bei der Maus auf dem Chromosom 16. Natürlich in wilden Mäusepopulationen auftretende Robertsonsche Translokationen ermöglichen es, Mäuse mit Trisomie 16 zu züchten. Mit Hilfe der Maus-Trisomie 16 sollte ein Modell etabliert werden, mit dem es unter in vivo Bedingungen möglich ist, die Auswirkungen der erhöhten APP-Gendosis auf die Ausbildung der bei DS und AD beobachteten neurodegenerativen Veränderungen zu untersuchen. Da trisomische Feten am Ende der Trächtigkeit absterben, wurden aus dem basalen Vorderhirn trisomischer und diploider Feten Transplantate gewonnen und in den Lateralventrikel adulter euploider Mäuse implantiert. Die Entwicklung der Transplantate wurde nach 1, 3, 6, 9 und 12 Monaten immunhistochemisch charakterisiert. Ein Antikörper gegen das Thymozytenantigen (Thy)-1.2 wurde, beruhend auf der unterschiedlichen Thy-1-Allel-Expression von Transplantat und Empfänger, zur Transplantatidentifikation genutzt. Mit Antikörpern gegen das neuronale Markerprotein PGP-9.5, gegen Cholinacetyltransferase, Parvalbumin und Glutamatdecarboxylase wurden Neuronen charakterisiert. Die immunologische Reaktion wurde mit Antikörpern gegen saures fibrilläres Gliaprotein, gegen das Makrophagenantigen F4/80, gegen CD3, gegen CD45/ B220 und mit Lycopersicon esculentum-Lektin untersucht. Für den APP- bzw. beta-A4-Peptidnachweis wurden ein Antikörper gegen den C-Terminus des APP und der Antikörper 4G8 eingesetzt. Zusätzlich wurde mit Hilfe von molekularbiologischen Techniken (Northern-Blot, Polymerase-Kettenreaktion) die APP-Expression in Trisomie 16-Feten untersucht. Mit immunhistochemischen und histochemischen Methoden wurde versucht, den Entwicklungstand des basalen Vorderhirns zum Zeitpunkt der Transplantatpräparation am Gestationstag 15 zu untersuchen. / Summary: Patients suffering from Down''s syndrome (DS, trisomy 21) develop neuropathological abnormalities similar to Alzheimer''s disease (AD) in the fourth decade of life. Amongst others, neuritic plaques, neurofibrillary abnormalities and alterations in cholinergic basal forebrain systems were observed. These sequentially occuring disturbancies are initiated by a rise in the concentration and accumulation of the beta-amyloid-peptides. The beta-amyloid-peptides are derived by proteolytic processing from a larger amyloid precursor protein (APP) and compose the majority of the material deposited in amyloid plaques. In humans, the APP gene maps to the distal segment of the long arm of chromosome 21, but in mice the homolog gene locus is on chromosome 16. The naturally occuring Robertsonian translocations in feral mice (Mus musculus sp.) allow to breed trisomy 16 mice. The aim of this study was to establish an in vivo model to investigate the consequences of increased APP gene dosage on the generation of neuropathological abnormalities typical for DS and AD using trisomy 16 mice. Since trisomy 16 mice die at the end of prenatal development, basal forebrain tissue of diploid and trisomic fetuses was prepared and transplanted into lateral ventricles of adult euploid mice. Grafts were identified immunocytochemically using an antibody against thymocyte antigen-1.2, selectively labeling graftet tissue. Antibodies against the neuronal markerprotein PGP-9.5, choline acetyltransferase, parvalbumin and glutamate decarboxylase were used to characterize grafted neurons over a period of twelve months after implantation. The immunological tissue response in the brains of acceptor mice was monitored using antibodies against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), the macrophage antigen F4/80, CD3,CD45/B220 and using the Lycopersicon esculentum lectin. To detect APP and beta-amyloid-peptides,antibodies against a C-terminal APP fragment and the antibody 4G8 were used. Additionally, the APP mRNA expression in trisomy 16 mice was followed employing Northern-blot analysis and RT-PCR. The developmental state of basal forebrain tissue to be transplanted was characterized at the time of transplantation (gestation day 15) by means of histochemistry and immunohistochemistry.
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Can Feeding Amyloid Fibrils Trigger Amyloid Formation in C. Elegans?Norrby, Katarina January 2023 (has links)
Amyloidosis are diseases caused by misfolded proteins that have transformed into extracellular insoluble amyloid fibrils. One type of amyloidosis is AA amyloidosis caused by AA amyloid and diseases connected are Rheumatoid arthritis and Tuberculosis. C. Elegans is a nematode used as a model organism and in this experiment. They are transgenic and express GFP (green fluorescent protein), a probe that mark the body-wall muscle cells in order to be visible in fluorescence microscopes. Worms expressing AA45 and AA76 as well as a GFP control were fed with E. Coli OP50 and amyloid AA896 or Lin100. One control group was only fed with OP50. Three different aspects were researched: the size of the worms, their movements and a confocal microscope was used to detect amyloid. Neither the size of the worms nor the movements seemed to be linked to AA amyloid formation. However, amyloid were detected in worms expressing AA45 and AA76 but not in the GFP control when studied through a confocal microscope. In this research it is shown that worms fed with amyloid fibrils and expressing AA45 or AA76 start forming amyloid in the body-wall muscle. This can be of much help in future research in order to make simpler diagnostical methods which can reduce the time for patients to start treatment and improve chances of survival or living with the disease with less complications.
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