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Proudění magnetické kapaliny s aplikací Binghamova modelu / The flow of magnetic liquid with Bingham model applicationStejskal, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Main topic of this thesis are magnetic fluids. These are specific type of fluids which can simplistically be considered as Bingham fluids. Main issues regarding the magnetic fluids mentioned in this thesis are: rheological properties of the magnetic fluids, behaviour of the magnetic fluids and the use of the magnetic fluids in industrial applications. Main goal is to apply Binghams model on the the magnetic fluids assuming that this model can be applied with a good accuracy. Equations which describe behaviour of the Bingham fluids are constructed. Some assumptions which have to be respected to use this analytical equations for magnetic fluids are formulated. Flow of bingham fluid is analytically solved in some simplificated cases with consideration of laminar flow. Analytical results are confronted with numerical ones obtained from CFD software Fluent for the purpose of verification.
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Analytical solution of a linear, elliptic, inhomogeneous partial differential equation with inhomogeneous mixed Dirichlet- and Neumann-type boundary conditions for a special rotationally symmetric problem of linear elasticityEschke, Andy January 2014 (has links)
The analytical solution of a given inhomogeneous boundary value problem of a linear, elliptic, inhomogeneous partial differential equation and a set of inhomogeneous mixed Dirichlet- and Neumann-type boundary conditions is derived in the present paper. In the context of elasticity theory, the problem arises for a non-conservative symmetric ansatz and an extended constitutive law shown earlier. For convenient user application, the scalar function expressed in cylindrical coordinates is primarily obtained for the general case before being expatiated on a special case of linear boundary conditions.
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Análisis del comportamiento de los suelos blandos aplicando la técnica de inclusiones rígidas por los métodos numérico y analíticoNieto Flores, Jersson Joel, Tolentino Camarena, Miguel Angel 12 January 2021 (has links)
Los suelos blandos originan diversos problemas en el momento de las construcciones, como en las cimentaciones de distintas edificaciones u otras obras civiles. Estos tipos de suelos necesariamente tienen que ser analizados y tratados correctamente, pues, estos originan problemas a corto y largo plazo.
En las décadas posteriores se han desarrollado métodos para mejorar el terreno, uno de estos métodos consiste en la construcción, sobre el suelo blando, de elementos verticales rígidos que se llaman inclusiones rígidas. Cuyo principal meta, es la mejora sobre el suelo blando, bajo bases o cimentaciones de estructuras y malos rellenos, permitiendo el desarrollo de las edificaciones con mayor velocidad y disminuyendo los asentamientos de forma sustancial. Al aplicarse esta técnica sobre el terreno blando, se disminuye el asentamiento vertical, ya que al colocarse una capa de reparto que distribuye toda la carga de la estructura se transfiere todo el peso a las inclusiones, minimizando la carga sobre el terreno blando y por consecuente el asentamiento.
Como parte de esta tesis presentaremos dos métodos para estudiar el asentamiento de edificaciones que descansan sobre un suelo blando mejorado con la técnica de inclusiones rígidas. El desarrollo de la solución es completamente analítico, pero los análisis de elementos finitos se utilizan para verificar la validez de algunas suposiciones, como un modelo geométrico simplificado, la distribución de la carga con la profundidad y las condiciones de contorno. El perfil del suelo se divide en secciones horizontales independientes, y el equilibrio de las tensiones y la compatibilidad de las deformaciones se presentan en las direcciones vertical y horizontal. La solución se presenta desarrollando un análisis numérico (Plaxis) comparándolo con el método analítico (Combarte) y se puede implementar fácilmente en una hoja de cálculo. / The soft soils cause various problems at the time of construction, as in the foundations of different buildings or other civil works. These types of soils necessarily have to be analyzed and treated correctly, as these cause short and long term problems.
In the last decades methods have been developed for the improvement of the land, one of these methods consists of the introduction or construction in the soft soil of rigid vertical elements that are called inclusions. Its main application is in soils under large landfills or foundations of structures, allowing the construction of buildings with greater speed and decreasing settlements considerably. By applying this technique on the soft ground, vertical settlement is reduced, since by placing a distribution layer that distributes the entire load of the structure, all the weight is transferred to the inclusions, minimizing the load on the soft ground and consequently settlement.
As part of this thesis we will present two methods to study the settlement of buildings that rest on a soft soil improved with the technique of rigid inclusions. The development of the solution is completely analytical, but the finite element analyzes are used to verify the validity of some assumptions, such as a simplified geometric model, the distribution of the load with the depth and the boundary conditions. The floor profile is divided into independent horizontal sections, and the balance of the stresses and the compatibility of the deformations are presented in the vertical and horizontal directions. The solution is presented by developing a numerical analysis (Plaxis) comparing it with the analytical method (Combarieu) and can be easily implemented in a spreadsheet. / Tesis
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Study of the effects of unsteady heat release in combustion instabilityArnau Pons Lorente (9187553) 30 July 2020 (has links)
Rocket combustors and other high-performance chemical propulsion systems are prone to combustion instability. Recent simulations of rocket combustors using detailed chemical kinetics show that the constant pressure assumption used in classical treatments may be suspect due to high rates of heat release. This study is a exploration on the effects of these extraordinary rates of heat addition on the local pressure field, and interactions between the heat release and an acoustic field. <br> <br>The full problem is decomposed into simpler unit problems focused on the particular interactions of physical phenomena involved in combustion instability. The overall strategy consists of analyzing fundamental problems with simplified scenarios and then build up the complexity by adding more phenomena to the analysis. Seven unit problems are proposed in this study. <br> <br>The first unit problem consists of the pressure response to an unsteady heat release source in an unconfined one-dimensional domain. An analytical model based on the acoustic wave equation with planar symmetry and an unsteady heat source is derived and then compared against results from highly-resolved numerical simulations. Two different heat release profiles, one a Gaussian spatial distribution with a step temporal profile, and the other a Gaussian spatial distribution with a Gaussian temporal distribution, are used to model the heat source. The analytical solutions predict two different regimes in the pressure response depending on the Helmholtz number, which is defined as the ratio of the acoustic time over the duration of the heat release pulse. A critical Helmholtz number is found to dictate the pressure response regime. For compact cases, in the subcritical regime, the amplitude of the pressure pulse remains constant in space. For noncompact cases, above the critical Helmholtz number, the pressure pulse reaches a maximum at the center of the heat source, and then decays in space converging to a lower far field amplitude. At the limits of very small and very large Helmholtz numbers, the heat release response tends to be a constant pressure process and a constant volume process, respectively. The parameters of the study are chosen to be representative of the extreme conditions in a rocket combustor. The analytical models for both heat source profiles closely match the simulations with a slight overprediction. The differences observed in the analytical solutions are due to neglecting mean flow property variations and the absence of loss mechanisms. The numerical simulations also reveal the presence of nonlinear effects such as weak shocks that cannot be captured by the linear acoustic wave equation. <br> <br>The second unit problem extends the analysis of the pressure response of an unsteady heat release source to an unconfined three-dimensional domain. An analytical model based on the spherical acoustic wave equation with an unsteady heat source is derived and then compared against results from highly-resolved three-dimensional numerical simulations. Two different heat release profiles, a three-dimensional Gaussian spherical distribution with either a step or a Gaussian temporal distribution, are used to model the heat source. Two different regimes in the pressure response depending on the Helmholtz number are found. This analysis also reveals that whereas for the one-dimensional case the pressure amplitude is constant over the distance, for the three-dimensional case it decays with the radial distance from the heat source. In addition, although for moderate heat release values the analytical solution is able to capture the dynamics of the fluid response, for large heat release values the nonlinear effects deviate the highly-resolved numerical solution from the analytical model. <br> <br>The third unit problem studies the pressure response of a fluctuating unsteady heat release source to an unconfined one-dimensional domain. An analytical model based on the acoustic wave equation with planar symmetry and an unsteady heat source is derived and then compared against results from highly-resolved numerical simulations. Two different heat release profiles, a flat spatial distribution with sinusoidal temporal profile and a Gaussian spatial distribution and sinusoidal temporal profile, are used to model the heat source. For both cases, the acoustically compact and noncompact regimes depending on the Helmholtz number are analyzed. While in the compact regime the amplitude of the pressure is constant over the distance, in the noncompact regime the amplitude of the pressure fluctuation is larger within the heat source area of application, and once outside the heat source decays to a far field pressure value. In addition, the analytical model does not capture the nonlinear effects present in the highly-resolved numerical simulations for large rates of heat release such as the ones present in rocket combustors.<br> <br>Finally, the last four unit problems focus on the interaction between unsteady heat release and the longitudinal acoustic modes of a combustor. The goal is to assess and quantify how pressure fluctuations due to unsteady heat release amplify a longitudinal acoustic mode. To investigate the nonlinear effects and the limitations based on the acoustic wave equation, the analytical models are compared against highly-resolved numerical simulations. The fourth unit problem consists of the pressure response to a moving rigid surface that generates a forced sinusoidal velocity fluctuation in a one-dimensional open-ended cavity. The fifth unit problem combines an analytical solution from the velocity harmonic fluctuation with an unsteady heat pulse with Gaussian spatial and temporal distribution developed in the first unit problem. The choice of an open-ended cavity simplifies the analysis and serves as a stepping stone to the sixth unit problem, which also includes the pressure reflections provoked by the acoustic boundaries of the duct. This sixth unit problem describes the establishment of a 1L acoustic longitudinal mode inside a closed duct using the harmonic velocity fluctuations from the fourth unit problem. A wall on the left end of the duct is only moved for one cycle at the 1L mode frequency to establish a 1L mode in the initially quiescent fluid. The last unit problem combines the analytical solution of the 1L mode acoustic field developed in the sixth unit problem with an unsteady heat pulse with Gaussian spatial and temporal distribution, and also accounts for pressure reflections. The derivation of the present analytical models includes the identification of relevant length and time scales that are condensed into the Helmholtz number, the phase shift between the longitudinal fluctuating pressure field and the heat source, and ratio of the fluctuating periods. The analytical solution is able to capture with an acceptable degree of accuracy the pressure trace of the numerical solution during the fist few cycles of the 1L mode, but it quickly deviates very significantly from the numerical solution due to wave steepening and the formation of weak shocks. Therefore, models based on the acoustic wave equation can provide a good understanding of the combustion instability behavior, but not accurately predict the evolution of the pressure fluctuations as the nonlinear effects play a major role in the combustion dynamics of liquid rocket engines.
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Analytical model of mass transfer through supported liquid membranes / Analytisk modell för materieöverföring genom immobiliserade vätskemembranerLantto, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
This report details the development and validation of a model for the simulation of supported liquid membrane processes, as applied to the extraction of lanthanides. Supported liquid membranes are systems where two phases, usually aqueous, are separated by a third phase, typically organic, which acts as a membrane, in order to separate solutes from one phase to the other. The model employs an analytical solution to the diffusion equation for the organic phase and linear approximations of the resistances to mass transfer in the aqueous phase boundary layers. The goal of this model is to underline the importance of taking these boundary layer resistances into account. / Detta arbete introducerar, deriverar och evaluerar en matematisk modell för simulering av vätskemembranprocesser, tillämpat på vätskeextraktion av lantanider. Immobiliserade vätskemembran betecknar system där två faser oftast vatten, separeras av en tredje organisk fas som agerar membran för att separera och transportera lösta komponenter från den ena vattenfasen till den andra. Modellen utnyttjar sig av en analytisk lösning till diffusionsekvationen för den organiska fasen och linjära approximationer för motstånden mot masstransport i de båda vattenfasernas gränsskikt. Målet med modellen är att understryka vikten av att inkludera dessa gränsskikt i beräkningarna.
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Analytical solution of a linear, elliptic, inhomogeneous partial differential equation in the context of a special rotationally symmetric problem of linear elasticityEschke, Andy January 2014 (has links)
In addition to previous publications, the paper presents the analytical solution of a special boundary value problem which arises in the context of elasticity theory for an extended constitutive law and a non-conservative symmetric ansatz. Besides deriving the general analytical solution, a specific form for linear boundary conditions is given for user convenience.
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An Analytical Solution Applied to Heat and Mass Transfer in a Vibrated Fluidised Bed DryerPicado, Apolinar January 2011 (has links)
A mathematical model for the drying of particulate solids in a continuous vibrated fluidised bed dryer was developed and applied to the drying of grain wetted with a single liquid and porous particles containing multicomponent liquid mixtures. Simple equipment and material models were applied to describe the process. In the plug-flow equipment model, a thin layer of particles moving forward and well mixed in the direction of the gas flow was regarded; thus, only the longitudinal changes of particle moisture content and composition as well as temperature along the dryer were considered. Concerning the material model, mass and heat transfer in a single isolated particle was studied. For grain wetted with a single liquid, mass and heat transfer within the particles was described by effective transfer coefficients. Assuming a constant effective mass transport coefficient and effective thermal conductivity of the wet particles, analytical solutions of the mass and energy balances were obtained. The variation of both transport coefficients along the dryer was taken into account by a stepwise application of the analytical solution in space intervals with non-uniform inlet conditions and averaged coefficients from previous locations in the dryer. Calculation results were verified by comparison with experimental data from the literature. There was fairly good agreement between experimental data and simulation but the results depend strongly on the correlation used to calculate heat and mass transfer coefficients. For the case of particles containing a multicomponent liquid mixture dried in the vibrated fluidised bed dryer, interactive diffusion and heat conduction were considered the main mechanisms for mass and heat transfer within the particles. Assuming a constant matrix of effective multicomponent diffusion coefficients and thermal conductivity of the wet particles, analytical solutions of the diffusion and conduction equations were obtained. The equations for mass transfer were decoupled by a similarity transformation and solved simultaneously with conduction equation by the variable separation method. Simulations gave a good insight into the selectivity of the drying process and can be used to find conditions to improve aroma retention during drying. Also, analytical solutions of the diffusion and conduction equations applied to liquid-side-controlled convective drying of a multicomponent liquid film were developed. Assuming constant physical properties of the liquid, the equations describing interactive mass transfer are decoupled by a similarity transformation and solved simultaneously with conduction equation and the ordinary differential equation that describes the changes in the liquid film thickness. Variations of physical properties along the process trajectory were taken into account as in the previous cases. Simulation results were compared with experimental data from the literature and a fairly good agreement was obtained. Simulations performed with ternary liquid mixtures containing only volatile components and ternary mixtures containing components of negligible volatility showed that it is difficult to obtain an evaporation process that is completely controlled by the liquid-side mass transfer. This occurs irrespective of the initial drying conditions. Despite simplifications, the analytical solution of the material model gives a good insight into the selectivity of the drying process and is computationally fast. The solution can be a useful tool for process exploration and optimisation. It can also be used to accelerate convergence and reduce tedious and time-consuming calculations when more rigorous models are solved numerically. / QC 20110614
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On the physical drivers of transport processes in Lake Garda: A combined analytical, numerical and observational investigation.Amadori, Marina 07 May 2020 (has links)
This doctoral thesis provides the first comprehensive study on the physical processes controlling hydrodynamics and transport in Lake Garda. The investigation is carried out in parallel on three different levels: data collection and analysis, three-dimensional numerical modeling and theoretical study.
On the first level, data are collected by building up a network of research institutes and local administrations in the lake area. New data are acquired through traditional field campaigns (CTD, thermistor chains, satellite imagery), while a citizen-science approach, based on local knowledge harvesting, is successfully tested to gather qualitative data on surface circulation.
On the second level, a three-dimensional modeling chain is set up, by coupling one-way a mesoscale atmospheric model to a hydrodynamic model. Both models are validated on multiple temporal and spatial scales, allowing to identify the main interactions between the weather forcing and the hydrodynamic response of the lake.
Circulations in Lake Garda are found to be very sensitive to the thermal stratification, to the spatial distribution of the wind forcing and to the Earth’s rotation. Surface cyclonic gyre patterns develop in the lake as a residual outcome of alternating wind forcing of local breezes and differential acceleration induced by Earth’s rotation, whereas unidirectional currents flow under a nearly uniform and constant wind. Both model and observations evidences show that, under weak thermal stratification, Ekman transport activates a secondary circulations in the northern part of the lake, driving surface water to the deep layers and possibly preconditioning the lake for subsequent buoyancy-driven deep mixing events.
On the third level, the relevance of the Coriolis term in the equations of motion for relatively narrow closed basins is analytically addressed. The classical Ekman problem is solved by including the presence of lateral boundaries and a new analytical solution is formulated. The validity of the new solution is proved by numerical tests of idealized domains of different size, geographical location and turbulent regime, and on Lake Garda as a real test case. The meaningful length scales are discussed, and the significance of Rossby radious as a reference horizontal scale is disproved for steady-state circulations driven by wind and planetary rotation.
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Effect of disorder on the melting phase transitionStorey, Marianne January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Liouville's equation and radiative acceleration in general relativityKeane, Aidan J. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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