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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asset pricing models in Indonesia

Kartika, Tjandra January 2006 (has links)
The explanatory power of six asset-pricing models are tested and compared in this study. The models include the four known asset pricing models: the CAPM, the Fama and French's (1996) Three-Factor model, the Carhart's (1997)'s Four-Factor model, a model similar to Zepeda's (1999) Five-Factor model. Additionally, it includes two new models - the Five-Factor-Volume (5F-V) model and the Six-Factor model, which are developed in line with Ross's (1976) Arbitrage Pricing Theory.


廖秀華 Unknown Date (has links)
我國經濟自去年(八十六年)下半年以來,因受東南亞金融風暴影響所及,國內股、匯市在此衝擊下,新台幣兌美元匯率接連貶破歷年低點,股市亦跌勢不止,股價與匯價的變動成為眾所矚目之焦點;亦為政府當局與學者專家無不致力尋求一完善解決之道,此即為筆者期能藉本文解釋此三變數間之相關性。 貨幣供給與匯率之變動,皆會對經濟活動產生重大影響;特別是貨幣供給量的多寡,往往被視為影響股票價格波動的主要因素。理論上,貨幣供給變動首先會透過資產調整效果直接影響股價,繼之由於其對於經濟活動之影響而影響利率以及企業之盈餘,又間接地影響股價。貨幣學派認為由於此一影響程序,因此貨幣供給會領先股價的變動。 但是,由財務管理學上所發展出來之效率資本市場(Efficient Capital Market Theory),卻認為投資者無法以過去的資料(包括貨幣供給量與匯率之變動)來預測未來股票價格的高低,所以亦無法從中獲得超額利潤。因為在效率資本市場中,影響股票價格的情報必會立即傳遍整個市場,同時此項情報立即反映於股票價格的漲落,因此投資者將無法以過去的資料來預測股票價格,賺取超額利潤。 以上兩個理論似乎相互衝突與矛盾,在台灣地區貨幣供給、匯率與股價水準間之關係,到底是合乎貨幣數量學說?或是合乎效率資本市場理論? 由本文可發現,大多數過去國內文獻中,有關貨幣供給與股價的實證結論,皆贊同貨幣學派之主張,與文中我國時間數列資料之繪圖觀察,似可概推貨幣供給領先股價之論點,但仍須以嚴謹之實證研究加以驗證。 此外,由過去國內文獻對於匯率與股價因果關係實證研究結論,以及金融風爆發之始,我國前半年經濟情勢的觀察,顯示匯率與股價是呈反向變動關係,似可作為投資大眾之決策參考。 目 錄 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………... 1 第一節 研究背景………………………………………... 1 第二節 研究動機與目的………………………………... 3 第三節 研究內容之說明………………………………... 4 第二章 理論基礎………………………………………….….. 5 第一節 貨幣供給與股票價格之理論關係………….….... 5 第二節 貨幣供給與匯率之理論關係……………………14 第三節 匯率與股票價格之理論關係……………………18 第三章 貨幣供給與股票價格之關係………………………..21 第一節 貨幣供給對股票價格之影響…………………...21 第二節 文獻回顧………………………………………...23 第三節 貨幣供給與股票價格之時間趨勢……………...26 第四節 本章小結………………………………………..30 第四章 匯率與股票價格之關係……………………….……31 第一節 1970年至1990年間台灣匯率制度的演變過程……………………………………………….31 第二節 文獻回顧………………………………………..34 第三節 匯率與股票價格之時間趨勢…………………..36 第四節 本章小結………………………………………..38 第五章 結論…………………………………………………39 第一節 主要發現……………………………………….39 第二節 可進一步引申之方向………………………….39 參考文獻………………………………………………………...41 / money supply exchange rate stock price


陳彥良, Chen, Scott Unknown Date (has links)
所謂神經網路,乃是對生物神經系統的模擬,而本文主要利用神經網路之逆傳遞模型 (Back - Propagation) ,來進行匯率的樣本外預測,再以時間數列ARIMA 的預測結果加以比較分析。 時間數列方法在分析上,有簡潔易懂、短期預測精確度高之優點。對於殘差值有一套完善的診斷模式,其預測之結果具有穩健性( Robustness )。但根據以往的文獻可知,時間數列 ARIMA 在匯率預測的效果不佳,乃是由於匯率的「非線性」行為所致,故引入「非線性」形態的神經網路,以期望有更好的表現。 由實證結果發現,就樣本外的表現而言,神經網路模型的表現並不亞於時間數列方法。可見考慮非線性的方式,有助於預測準確度的提高。

Pass – Througheffekten i svenska importpriser : en empirisk studie

Svensson, Anders January 2007 (has links)
<p>I den här uppsatsen har jag undersökt hur pass-through effekten har förändrats i svenska importpriser på aggregerad nivå och i sju olika industrier. Pass-through effekten definieras som den procentuella förändringen i ett pris som kan härledas till en enprocentig växelkursförändring. Jag har använt rullande regressioner på två olika modeller för att estimera förändringar över tidsperioden 1980 – 2003. Resultaten visar en nedgång i pass-through effekten i flertalet industrier både på kort och lång sikt. Men på aggregerad nivå visar resultaten att effekten inte har förändrats nämnvärt över tiden. På kort sikt visar de båda metoderna liknande resultat, men på lång sikt finns det en skillnad dem emellan. En av modellerna visar en fördröjning i den långsiktiga pass-through effekten, vilket kan förklaras med att prissättningen inte är effektiv och att det finns störningar på marknaden.</p>

Pass – Througheffekten i svenska importpriser : en empirisk studie

Svensson, Anders January 2007 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen har jag undersökt hur pass-through effekten har förändrats i svenska importpriser på aggregerad nivå och i sju olika industrier. Pass-through effekten definieras som den procentuella förändringen i ett pris som kan härledas till en enprocentig växelkursförändring. Jag har använt rullande regressioner på två olika modeller för att estimera förändringar över tidsperioden 1980 – 2003. Resultaten visar en nedgång i pass-through effekten i flertalet industrier både på kort och lång sikt. Men på aggregerad nivå visar resultaten att effekten inte har förändrats nämnvärt över tiden. På kort sikt visar de båda metoderna liknande resultat, men på lång sikt finns det en skillnad dem emellan. En av modellerna visar en fördröjning i den långsiktiga pass-through effekten, vilket kan förklaras med att prissättningen inte är effektiv och att det finns störningar på marknaden.

Trade openess and exchange rate volatility

Cociu, Sergiu January 2007 (has links)
The present thesis tries to argue the importance of non monetary factors in explaining real exchange rate volatility. The main interest is on the effect of trade openness on real effec-tive exchange rate (REER) volatility. Based on theoretical studies I test the existence of a negative relationship between total trade share of an economy and the volatility of REER. Empirical evidence on a panel of 11 CEE and Baltic Countries for the 1995-2006 period confirms the relationship. The conclusion is that for these specific countries a large part of variation of the real exchange rate can be explained by openness of the respective economy to trade.

Changing Import Patterns of Taiwan / Taiwans Förändrade Importmönster

Löwbeer, Karin, Lundqvist, Lars January 2007 (has links)
This thesis investigates the determinants of Taiwan’s import changes and the underlying factors of the decreasing Swedish export to Taiwan between 1994 and 2005. The empirical study includes 36 countries from both the Pacific Rim and OECD. Based on a modified gravity model of trade, the regression model aims to examine how GDP growth in the exporting country, exchange rate changes, common language, and membership in APEC affect Taiwan’s import volume. The result shows estimates with expected signs, with 49.8 percent of the vari-ance in Taiwan’s changed import volume explained by the exogenous variables. Exchange rate change and language are statistically significant. Data on commodity groups of importance for Sweden and Taiwan are also ex-amined, and they show that Taiwan has changed its import demand and has started to import goods other than those Sweden in previous years strongly exported to Taiwan. Taiwan’s regional trading partners have also gained export shares at the expense of Swedish exports. The results are in line with theory and it will be hard for Sweden in the future to compete with the increasing regional trade of East Asia where common lan-guage and culture are of big importance.

The Possibility Of Financial Crises In Developing Countries Under Flexible Exchange Rate Regimes: A Multidimensional Approach

Colak, Mehmet Selman 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Many economists and politicians have blamed fixed exchange rate regimes for several crises taking place in developing countries after the 1980s. According to them, since the beginning of the 2000s, widespread implementation of flexible exchange rate regimes and high international reserves have prevented developing countries from experiencing similar catastrophic experiences. This interpretation seems to be misleading. We believe that even flexible exchange rate regimes with high international reserves do not have a magic to prevent a financial crisis. Although flexible exchange rate regimes and high international reserves might have played some positive roles in the relatively calm period of 2001-2008 / the main reason behind the calmness of this period is the fact that developing countries did not face a strong financial shock during this period. In the presence of &ldquo / safe havens&rdquo / , which implies existence of safe developed countries for financial capital to move into, flexible exchange rate regimes and the accumulated large reserves may not be adequate when a wave of financial shocks, as in the form of sudden stops and capital reversals, hit developing countries. Indeed, the absence of safe heavens and very low yields in developed countries eased the pressure on developing countries during the recent financial crisis of 2008-2009. If developed economies get their safe haven status back, developing countries might face new financial shocks. In this sense developing countries would experience new financial crises in this new period. We will elaborate on the possible conditions of these prospective financial crises in this thesis.

The Renminbi Challenge: Is a Revaluation of the Chinese Currency a Wise Step Forward?

Stein, Christine January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to investigate if a revaluation of the Chinese renminbi is in China’s interest and whether or not a renminbi revaluation can contribute to correct the US current account deficit. For that purpose, advantages and disadvantages of a revaluation for China are discussed. Furthermore, the fundamental causes of the US current account deficit are analysed to evaluate to what extent a renminbi revaluation can correct this imbalance. The discussion is based on previous research in this area. The main result is that a revaluation of the Chinese renminbi is primarily beneficial for China. Additionally it is found that the fundamental causes of the US current account deficit are domestic macroeconomic conditions and not China’s exchange rate policy. Nevertheless, a renminbi revaluation can help to support to correct the imbalance situation. As evidence is found that a revaluation is beneficial for China, it is further analysed how the revaluation should be practically obtained. The basic result is that the renminbi revaluation should be initiated by more exchange rate flexibility rather than by a one-step appreciation.

Essays on Currency Crises

Karimi Zarkani, Mohammad 07 March 2012 (has links)
(None) Technical Summary of Thesis: The topic of my thesis is currency crisis. Currency crises have been a recurrent feature of the international economy from the invention of paper money. They are not confined to particular economies or specific region. They take place in developed, emerging, and developing countries and are spread all over the globe. Countries that experience currency crises face economic losses that can be huge and disruptive. However, the exacted toll is not only financial and economic, but also human, social, and political. It is clear that the currency crisis is a real threat to financial stability and economic prosperity. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the determinants of currency crises for twenty OECD countries and South Africa from 1970 through 1998. It systematically examines the role of economic fundamentals and contagion in the origins of currency crises and empirically attempts to identify the channels through which the crises are being transmitted. It also examines the links between the incidence of currency crises and the choice of exchange rate regimes as well as the impact of capital market liberalization policies on the occurrence of currency crises. The first chapter identifies the episodes of currency crisis in our data set. Determining true crisis periods is a vital step in the empirical studies and has direct impact on the reliability of their estimations and the relevant policy implications. We define a period as a crisis episode when the Exchange Market Pressure (EMP) index, which consists of changes in exchange rates, reserves, and interest rates, exceeds a threshold. In order to minimize the concerns regarding the accuracy of identified crisis episodes, we apply extreme value theory, which is a more objective approach compared to other methods. In this chapter, we also select the reference country, which a country’s currency pressure index should be built around, in a more systematic way rather than by arbitrary choice or descriptive reasoning. The second chapter studies the probability of a currency exiting a tranquil state into a crisis state. There is an extensive literature on currency crises that empirically evaluate the roots and causes of the crises. Despite the interesting results of the current empirical literature, only very few of them account for the influence of time on the probability of crises. We use duration models that rigorously incorporate the time factor into the likelihood functions and allow us to investigate how the amount of time that a currency has already spent in the tranquil state affects the stability of a currency. Our findings show that high values of volatility of unemployment rates, inflation rates, contagion factors (which mostly work through trade channels), unemployment rates, real effective exchange rate, trade openness, and size of economy increases the hazard of a crisis. We make use of several robustness checks, including running our models on two different crisis episodes sets that are identified based on monthly and quarterly type spells. The third chapter examines the links between the incidence of currency crises and the choice of exchange rate regimes as well as the impact of capital market liberalization policies on the occurrence of currency crises. As in our previous paper, duration analysis is our methodology to study the probability of a currency crisis occurrence under different exchange rate regimes and capital mobility policies. The third chapter finds that there is a significant link between the choice of exchange rate regime and the incidence of currency crises in our sample. Nevertheless, the results are sensitive to the choice of the de facto exchange rate system. Moreover, in our sample, capital control policies appear to be helpful in preventing low duration currency crises. The results are robust to a wide variety of sample and models checks.

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