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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivation beroende på anställningsform? : En fallstudie om motivationsrelaterade skillnader mellan fast anställda och inhyrda medarbetare på ett bank- och försäkringsföretag

Sundqvist Swahn, Sofia, Emthén, Niklas, Persson, Katarina January 2011 (has links)
Bemanningsbranschen växer och allt fler personer blir anställda via bemanningsföretag. Bemanningsföretagens viktigaste uppgift är att öka flexibiliteten på arbetsmarknaden. De gör det lättare för företagen att snabbt anpassa arbetsstyrkan till efterfrågan. Samtidigt finns problem och risker med att hyra in personal. Flertalet studier kring dessa problem tangerar ämnena motivation och/eller inhyrda medarbetare, men forskningen är begränsad vad gäller inhyrda medarbetares motivation. Under antagandet att graden av motivation, generellt sett, är lägre hos inhyrda medarbetare än hos anställda medarbetare, syftar denna studie till att undersöka vilka motivationsrelaterade skillnader som finns mellan anställda och inhyrda medarbetare på ett bank- och försäkringsbolag; Företaget. Med hänsyn till att ämnet är relativt outforskat genomförs en explorativ fallstudie genom kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sex medarbetare på Företaget. Studien kan liknas vid en pilotstudie, som kan ligga till grund för framtida, mer omfattande forskning. Studien inleds med en deduktiv ansats och tar teoretiskt avstamp från fem olika motivationsteorier: Expectancy Theory och Equity Theory, är att hänföra till Intrinsic Motivation (inre motivation), medan Goal-Setting Theory och Job Design representerar teorier om Extrinsic Motivation (yttre motivation). Slutligen används Self-Determination Theory som är ett hybridperspektiv som fördelar tyngdpunkten jämnt mellan Intrinsic Motivation och Extrinsic Motivation. Därefter övergår studien till en mera induktiv ansats där respondenternas uttalanden i intervjuerna, tillsammans med teorierna, ligger till grund för en kategorisering i sju motivationsfaktorer: Mål, Lön, Uppskattning – utvecklingsmöjligheter och andra belöningar, Samhörighet, Självständighet och eget ansvar, Meningsfullhet samt Omväxling. Skillnaderna i motivation mellan anställda och inhyrda medarbetare på Företaget analyseras därefter med utgångspunkt från dessa sju kategorier. De motivationsrelaterade skillnader som framkommer genom studien är framför allt följande: Inhyrda medarbetare motiveras av karriärutvecklingsmöjligheter i större utsträckning än anställda, Mål är viktigare bland inhyrda än bland anställda medarbetare. Lön är en viktigare motivationsfaktor för inhyrda medarbetare, dock endast på lång sikt. Bland övriga motivationsfaktorer märks inte lika tydliga skillnader. Med anledning av studien föreslås att framtida forskning i ämnet bör ske i form av mera omfattande studier, gärna av kvantitativ karaktär. Forskningen bör omfatta fler respondenter, på fler företag, ur en större variation av yrkesgrupper, med en högre grad av anonymitet för respondenterna

Performance Management in Self-Managing Teams : A case study of a knowledge-intensive company

Eriksson, Emelie, Öjersson, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
For many companies, especially the ones that are knowledge-intensive such as consulting companies or service delivery firms, it has been increasingly popular to organize the employees in so called self-managing teams. These teams have proven to increase efficiency as they reduce overhead costs by not having the need of being supervised by a manager. These teams should handle the daily work tasks by themselves as well as make decisions, handle the teams’ development in line with company desires, and work towards greater performance. Furthermore, the teams need to structure the performance management and be able to handle all the activities that are included within that process. Performance management is a process that is designed to improve the overall performance at the company. Activities within the process include goal setting, performance feedback and performance appraisals. All these activities should help the company with structuring a way of getting the right input for giving the suitable rewards to their employees. The team will always be influenced by different factors that will affect the team: both from within the team and from the organization as a whole. Therefor, the purpose of this thesis was to investigate how external factors (within the organization but outside the team) and internal factors have an impact on the self-managing teams within knowledge-intensive companies, and how well they can perform the performance management activities. To be able to answer the purpose, a case study was made at the IT-consulting company Findwise AB. A year ago (Spring 2011), the three development teams at the Stockholm office got organized in more permanent teams. They saw a need of structuring their daily work and therefor they implemented the agile working method Scrum at the office, a working method focusing on iterative and incremental development.  They started to operate more self-managed and a lot of the responsibilities that had been managed outside the team were now integrated towards the team. This fall (2012), the Team Leaders in each team will begin to take over the responsibility for parts of the performance appraisal process, a performance management activity that previously was done by an external manager outside the team.  Furthermore, the team should to a greater extent than before, handle other performance management activities, such as setting goals and giving performance feedback. The case study showed that the following external factors have an impact on the executing of performance management activities within the self-managing teams: external leaders and the information systems. Furthermore, the group beliefs and meeting organizational objectives, roles and responsibilities, and team composition were internal factors that had an impact. During the analysis, it became clear that things that were found in the empirical data collection also affected how effective the performance management activities were executed within the teams. The external factors were the internal processes at the company, which refers to the fact that the team members also have responsibilities outside the team, and the external Project Leaders, which refers to that the teams sometimes uses Project Leaders for the customer projects that are not held permanent within the team. A new internal factor that was found was the various working methods that were used between the development teams. The recommendations given to the case company included the need of setting clear goals that are tangible, as well as having attainable goals connected to a carrier plan. Furthermore, the study showed a need of implementing performance feedback sessions were input from all relevant stakeholders, inside and outside the company, could be gathered. / För många företag, speciellt de som är kunskapsintensiva så som företag inom konsultsektorn eller tjänstesektorn, har det blivit allt mer populärt att organisera de anställda i självorganiserande team. Dessa team har visat sig öka produktiviteten då de minskar overheadkostnader genom att de inte har ett stort behov av att kontrolleras av en ledare eller chef. Dessa team ska kunna hantera dagliga aktiviteter själva och ta de beslut som krävs inom gruppen, men även se till att teamet utvecklas i linje med organisationens önskemål, samt att de arbetar för att ständigt öka prestationen inom gruppen. Dessutom måste teamen arbeta med målstyrningsprocessen och se till att de kan hantera alla de aktiviteter som finns inom denna process. Målstyrning, eller verksamhetsstyrning, är ett samlingsnamn för en process som underlättar möjligheten för ökad prestation inom ett företag. Aktiviteter som ingår inkluderas av målsättning, prestationsfeedback och utvärdering. Dessa aktiviteter kan tillsammans underlätta för organisationen att skapa en struktur som kan ge input för att kunna ge rätt belöning till företagets anställda. Teamen som ska arbeta med dessa aktiviteter kommer alltid influeras av olika faktorer som påverkar hur väl de kan arbeta som ett självgående team och ha möjlighet att arbeta effektivt med tidigare nämnda målstyrningsaktiviteter. Dessa faktorer kan innefatta påverkan internt inom teamet, men även påverkan utanför teamet men inom organisationen. Detta examensarbete hade därför som syfte att studera hur externa faktorer (inom organisationen men utanför teamet) och interna faktorer har en inverkan på självorganiserande team i kunskapsintensiva företag, samt hur detta i sin tur påverkar hur väl de kan utföra målstyrningsaktiviteterna.  För att kunna besvara syftet gjordes en fallstudie på IT-konsultföretaget Findwise AB. Under våren 2011 började de tre utvecklingsteamen på företagets kontor i Stockholm organisera sig i mer permanenta team. De såg ett behov av att få en bättre struktur på det dagliga arbetet och implementerade därför den agila arbetsmetoden Scrum på företaget som går ut på att arbeta inkrementellt där utvecklingslösningarna utförs iterativt. Detta ledde till att teamen började arbeta allt mer självständigt och många av de ansvarsområden som tidigare legat utanför teamen integrerades nu mot teamen. Hösten 2012 kommer teamledarna för varje team börja ta över ansvaret för delar av utvärderingsprocessen, en målstyrningsaktivitet som tidigare har utförts av olika externa ledare utanför teamet. Tanken är även att teamen ska utföra flertalet av de övriga målstyrningsaktiviteterna inom teamet, så som målsättning och ge feedback. Fallstudien visade att de externa ledarna i organisationen samt företagets informationssystem var externa faktorer som hade en inverkan på utförandet av målstyrningsaktiviteterna inom självorganiserande team. Studien visade även att delade värderingar inom gruppen och möjligheten att nå organisationens mål, roller och ansvarsområden samt gruppsammansättning var interna faktorer som hade en påverkan. Under arbetets analysfas upptäcktes även att faktorer som hittades i det empiriska materialet även det hade en påverkan på hur effektivt målstyrningsaktiviteterna kunde utföras inom teamet. Nya externa faktorer som påträffades var så kallande interna processer, vilket syftar till att de anställda i många fall har ansvarsområden utanför teamet, samt att teamen ibland använde sig av externa projektledare under utförandet av kundprojekt. En ny intern faktor som påträffades var att teamen påverkades av att de redan nu hade börjat utveckla olika arbetsmetoder inom gruppen. Studien avslutades med att ge rekommendationer till fallföretaget med information om att de behövde sätta klara och konkreta mål som på ett tydligt sätt gick att koppla till en karriärs- eller utvecklingsplan för individen. Dessutom visade studien på ett behov av att implementera feedbackmöten på team och individnivå där input kunde hämtas från samtliga intressenter inom företaget samt från de externa kunderna.

Awareness of Deficits in Patients with Brain Injuries / Störungsbewusstsein bei Patienten mit Hirnschädigungen

Fischer, Sonja 09 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this dissertation was to examine aspects of self-awareness in patients with brain injuries: In Study 1 two measures for the assessment of self-awareness were compared (i.e., questionnaire approach vs. predicted performance method). Study 2 analyses the relationship between awareness, goal setting ability (i.e., the ability to set realistic goals), and outcome in the rehabilitation setting as well as in an experimental task. / Ziel dieser Dissertation war es, Aspekte des Störungsbewusstseins von Patienten mit Hirnschädigungen zu untersuchen: In Studie 1 wurden zwei Methoden zu Erfassung/Messung des Störungsbewusstseins verglichen (Fragebogen-Methode und Leistungsvorhersage-Methode). In Studie 2 wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen Störungsbewusstsein, realistischen Zielsetzungen, und Rehabilitationserfolg sowohl im Rehabilitationskontext als auch in einer experimentellen Aufgabe untersucht.

Exploring Self-Gifting Behaviour in Individuals Setting Physical Goals

Van Tongeren, Georgia January 2015 (has links)
The concepts of self-gifting and goal setting are combined in the context of physical activity, in order to investigate their impact on the likelihood to self-gift when setting physical goals. Mick and DeMoss’ original work on self-gifting is explored further in this investigation, with the utilisation of an exploratory, qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with women setting physical goals related to running, with findings from thematic analysis showing support for new concepts in this area. This includes the provision of new themes, namely ‘Pre-gifting’ (gifts purchased before goal outcome) and ‘Tools of the Trade’ (related to how items differ in significance between individuals). Seemingly, physical activities relate strongly to reward orientation in self-gifting behaviour, thus a conceptual model of self-gifting likelihood in a reward context in relation to the goal setting process is contributed. This is inclusive of the themes that emerge as influential on this process, showing the times at which self-gifting opportunities arise as individuals move through the goal setting process to eventual goal success, and the factors that influence this outcome. Consequently, areas are outlined that require further investigation, and a discussion of this concludes the chapters.

Miljömålsarbete : i Kalmar, Jönköping och Skåne län, en fallstudie

Shih, Michell January 2015 (has links)
Den svenska miljöpolitiken drivs huvudsakligen genom ett system med 16 så kallade nationella miljökvalitetsmål och övergripande så kallade generationsmål. Dessa målsätter ramarna för miljöarbetet i Sverige på nationell, regional och lokal nivå. Utgångsläget för Sveriges miljöpolitik är att vi till nästa generation, år 2020, ska lämnaöver ett välmående samhälle där de stora miljöproblemen i Sverige är lösta. Nyckelpersoner från Kalmar, Jönköping och Skåne länsstyrelser har intervjuats, såvälsom nyckelpersoner från utvalda kommuner i respektive län. Resultatet av intervjuerna tyder på att arbetet med miljömål kräver kommunikation och samverkan både horisontellt och vertikalt och att länsstyrelsen har en central och viktigroll.Syftet med denna studie är att den ska vara till hjälp för Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar imiljömålsarbetet. / The Swedish environmental policy is dictated through a system of 16 so called national environmental quality objectives, and broad so called generational objectives. These set the frames of the environmental work done in Sweden at a national, regional and local level.The overall goal of the environmental work done in Sweden is to hand over aprosperous, healthy society to the next generation, where the major environmental challenges has been overcome, no later than the year 2020. Key persons at the county administrations of Kalmar, Jönköping and Skåne have been interviewed, as well as persons from selected municipalities in each county.The results of these interviews show the importance of the county administration in the environmental work of the municipalities and that this work requires extensive communication, both vertical and horizontal.The results of this paper is meant to help the county administration of Kalmar in the environmental work.

Reflections on YU : introducing project management tools into the design process

Kürth-Landwehr, Sophie January 2013 (has links)
This article discusses the understanding of the design process in research projects by taking specific tools from project management into account. Explorative and creative design projects often run the risk of loosing focus on project goals during the process. This article aims to provide a novel approach to the ongoing discussion of the clash between creativity and efficiency during the creation of artifacts. By discussing the self-conducted case study – project „Yu‟ – this article reflects on the design process as well as the relationship between the designer and the user. The model created and presented includes two techniques; the active user dialogue and the goal and user needs definition. Both are inspired by similar approaches in project management, which illustrate the importance of the designer's responsibility for the final design outcome. The article identifies and discusses similar approaches in design theory and is aiming to emphasize the positive possibilities for an elaborate design approach. / YU project at the Mobile Life Centre

Perceived Participation in Discharge Planning and Health Related Quality of Life after Stroke

Almborg, Ann-Helene January 2008 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the patients’ and their relatives’ perceived participation in discharge planning after stroke and the patients’ health-related quality of life, depressive symptoms, performance of personal daily activities and social activities in connection with discharge. Another aim was to evaluate the psychometric assumptions of the SF-36 for Swedish stroke patients. Prospective, descriptive and cross-sectional designs were used to study all patients with stroke admitted to the stroke unit at a hospital in southern Sweden from October 1, 2003 to November 30, 2005 each with one close relative. The total sample consisted of 188 patients (mean age=74.0 years) and 152 relatives (mean age=60.1 years). Data were collected during interviews, 2-3 weeks after discharge. The results showed that less depressive symptoms, more outdoor activities and performance of interests are important variables that related to higher HRQoL. SF-36 functions well as a measure of health related quality of life in Swedish stroke patients, but the two summary scales have shortcomings. Compared to a Swedish normal population, scores on all scales/components of the SF-36 were lower among stroke patients especially in the middle-aged group. Most of the patients perceived that they received information, but fewer perceived participation in the planning of medical treatment and needs of care/service/rehabilitation and goal setting. The relatives perceived that they need more information and they perceived low participation in goal setting and needs assessment. The professionals seem to lack effective practices for involving patients and their relatives to perceive participation in discharge planning. It is essential to develop and to implement methods for discharge planning, including sharing information, needs assessment with goal setting that facilitate patients’ and relatives’ perceived participation. The results suggest that ICF can be used in goal setting and needs assessment in discharge planning after acute stroke.

Die verband tussen die aanwending van selfgereguleerde leervaardighede en die akademiese prestasie van die afstandsleerder op tersiêre vlak / Franciska Bothma

Bothma, Franciska January 2001 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine whether a relationship exists between the use of self-regulation by the tertiary distance learner and his or her academic achievement in a specific academic course unit. To attain this aim, a literature study was undertaken to: a) define and describe distance learning, b) describe the nature of learning, c) describe the nature of self-regulated learning and its implications for distance learning, and d) define and classify learning strategies and indicate the relationships between self-regulated learning, the use of learning strategies, and successful learning. Literature indicated a positive relationship between self-regulation, the use of learning strategies, learning success, and academic achievement: learning success results whenever pre-formulated learning goals are attained through the use of self-regulation and applicable learning strategies; and attainment of learning goals results in positive academic achievement. Self-regulated learners, who plan their learning, formulate learning goals, motivate themselves intrinsically, instruct themselves, apply different learning strategies to attain learning goals, continuously monitor and self-evaluate themselves during the learning process, are able to attain the formulated learning goals successfully and perform well academically. The literature review also revealed a high level of self-regulation as one of the prerequisites for performing successfully as a distance learner. Planning personal learning goals, using a variety of learning strategies to attain the goals, determining the correct personal learning tempo, monitoring learning progress, and self evaluating learning outcomes are typical characteristics of self-regulation necessary for effective distance learning and academic progress. The population of the research includes the PU vir CHO - Open Learning Academy-learners registered for the Further Diploma in Educational Management, module PSD 511 (Teaching and Learning) in the North West region of South Africa. The total number of students attending the three contact sessions in September 2000 at five sentra in the North West Province, and who participated in the research, was 143. Three questionnaires were used to obtain personal information, as well as information regarding self-regulation in the learners, namely, a biographical questionnaire, the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and the Self Regulated Learning Questionnaire (SRLQ). The data was statistically analized by means of: a) factor analyses, b) multiple regression analyses, and c) stepwise regression analyses. A difference was found to exists between the variables that determine the academic achievement of successful versus unsuccessful distance learners. Successful distance learners have better developed self-regulated learning skills than unsuccessful distance learners. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2001

Die verband tussen die aanwending van selfgereguleerde leervaardighede en die akademiese prestasie van die afstandsleerder op tersiêre vlak / Franciska Bothma

Bothma, Franciska January 2001 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine whether a relationship exists between the use of self-regulation by the tertiary distance learner and his or her academic achievement in a specific academic course unit. To attain this aim, a literature study was undertaken to: a) define and describe distance learning, b) describe the nature of learning, c) describe the nature of self-regulated learning and its implications for distance learning, and d) define and classify learning strategies and indicate the relationships between self-regulated learning, the use of learning strategies, and successful learning. Literature indicated a positive relationship between self-regulation, the use of learning strategies, learning success, and academic achievement: learning success results whenever pre-formulated learning goals are attained through the use of self-regulation and applicable learning strategies; and attainment of learning goals results in positive academic achievement. Self-regulated learners, who plan their learning, formulate learning goals, motivate themselves intrinsically, instruct themselves, apply different learning strategies to attain learning goals, continuously monitor and self-evaluate themselves during the learning process, are able to attain the formulated learning goals successfully and perform well academically. The literature review also revealed a high level of self-regulation as one of the prerequisites for performing successfully as a distance learner. Planning personal learning goals, using a variety of learning strategies to attain the goals, determining the correct personal learning tempo, monitoring learning progress, and self evaluating learning outcomes are typical characteristics of self-regulation necessary for effective distance learning and academic progress. The population of the research includes the PU vir CHO - Open Learning Academy-learners registered for the Further Diploma in Educational Management, module PSD 511 (Teaching and Learning) in the North West region of South Africa. The total number of students attending the three contact sessions in September 2000 at five sentra in the North West Province, and who participated in the research, was 143. Three questionnaires were used to obtain personal information, as well as information regarding self-regulation in the learners, namely, a biographical questionnaire, the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and the Self Regulated Learning Questionnaire (SRLQ). The data was statistically analized by means of: a) factor analyses, b) multiple regression analyses, and c) stepwise regression analyses. A difference was found to exists between the variables that determine the academic achievement of successful versus unsuccessful distance learners. Successful distance learners have better developed self-regulated learning skills than unsuccessful distance learners. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2001

'n Intervensieprogram vir die verbetering van die akademiese vaardighede van leerders met 'n beperkte intellektuele vermoë / Ora Marx

Marx, Ora January 2006 (has links)
The overall aim of the study was to determine whether an intervention programme, based on an integrated positive brain programming- and brain gym exercise programme, could be used to improve the academic skills of learners with a limited intellectual ability. A literature review was used to provide an overview of the learner with a limited intellectual ability, learning barriers to cognitive processes, as well as elements which have a positive influence on the learning receptiveness and academic skills of learners with a limited intellect. An empirical study consisting of a quasi-experimental study was conducted over a period of eight weeks. The sample in this study consisted of fourteen learners in the intermediate phase of a school for learners with severe mental delay in Kempton Park. They were randomly divided into an Experimental and a Control Group. Measuring instruments that were used for pre- and post testing were the ESSl Reading- and Spelling tests. The UK Graded reading test and the UK Speed Reading test, as well as the VASSl Mathematics efficiency tests. The empirical study led to the following conclusions: an intervention programme, based on an integrated positive brain programming- and brain gym exercise programme, is an effective technique to improve the academic skills of learners with a limited intellectual ability; the academic skills that improved most were word recognition, and then numeracy followed by spelling. Reading speed was the skill that improved least, however it was still better that that of the Control Group. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2007.

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