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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resistência e resiliência de assembleias zooplânticas (Copepoda, Cladocera e Rotidera) frente a pertubações /

Portinho, Jorge Laço. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Gomes Nogueira / Banca: Raoul Henry / Banca: Gilmar Perbiche-Neves / Banca: Claudia Bonecker / Banca: Virginia Sanches Uieda / Resumo: Não disponível / Abstract: Not Available / Doutor

Vulnérabilité et résilience des petites économies insulaires en développement / No English title available

Goavec, Claire 29 June 2016 (has links)
L'allocation peu optimale de l'Aide Publique au Développement, la performance avérée de certaines des Petites Économies Insulaires en Développement ainsi que le problème de définition de ce groupe de pays nous amènent à nous poser la question suivante : le traitement spécifique des PEID de la part des institutions internationales est-il justifié ? Nous nous sommes de prime abord focalisés sur les caractéristiques intrinsèques de ces petites économies, qui les rendent a priori plus exposées aux chocs externes. La première partie de notre analyse a ainsi eu pour but d'évaluer la vulnérabilité économique de ces territoires. Certaines des économies étant reconnues comme vulnérables affichent des résultats de performance économique et sociale remarquables. Afin de tenir compte de ce paradoxe, nous nous sommes attachés à quantifier cette performance de développement, de manière à aborder notre second thème : la performance de résilience de ces territoires. Notre analyse nous permet quelques constats intéressants. Premièrement, la définition des concepts est un réel problème. Deuxièmement, bien qu'avérée, la vulnérabilité des PEID se trouve nuancée par le changement de construction de l'Indicateur de Vulnérabilité Économique que nous proposons. Troisièmement, la performance économique et sociale de certaines économies insulaires est indéniable. Quatrièmement, bien que le caractère résilient des PEID soit confirmé par notre analyse, cette résilience est particulièrement hétérogène au sein de ce groupe de pays. Enfin, l'étude des stratégies de développement de ces îles nous a conduits au constat suivant : il ne peut exister de stratégie commune à ces territoires différents. / The non-optimal allocation of Official Development Assistance, the performance of some Small Island Developing Economies and the problem of definition of this group of countries lead us to ask the question : is the special treatment of SIDE from international institutions justified? First, we focused on the intrinsic characteristics of these small economies, which are a priori more exposed to external shocks. The first part of our analysis consists to assess the economic vulnerability of these territories. Some economies, recognized as vulnerable, are economically and socially efficient. To account for this paradox, we devoted to quantify the development performance to address our second topic: the resilience performance of these territories.Our analysis allows some interesting findings. First, the definition of concepts is a real problem. Second, the vulnerability of SIDE is nuanced by the construction change of the Economic Vulnerability Indicator that we propose. Third, the economic and social performance of some island economies is undeniable. Fourth, although the resilient nature of SIDE is confirmed by our analysis, this resilience is especially heterogeneous within this group of countries. Finally, the study of the development strategies of these islands allows the following conclusion: there can be no common strategy in these territories.

Ansiedade, resiliência e otimismo em idosos

Presa, Margareth Galvão dos Santos 11 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Geyciane Santos (geyciane_thamires@hotmail.com) on 2015-05-21T15:17:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação- Margareth Galvão dos Santos Presa.pdf: 2345569 bytes, checksum: a74e5377f1627fece73d64a7da11f607 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-21T15:17:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação- Margareth Galvão dos Santos Presa.pdf: 2345569 bytes, checksum: a74e5377f1627fece73d64a7da11f607 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-11 / Outros / Population aging is a global phenomenon that has grown lately, evoking great interest to scholars. It is a stage of life with few studies compared to other phases of human development, creating the need for further investigations. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between anxiety, resilience and optimism in the elderly. We had the participation of one hundred and twenty-three elderly between 60 and 86 years old from three institutions that cater to the seniors. The used instruments were a sociodemographic data and health questionnaire, the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory - GAI, the Resilience Scale for Adults - RSA and the Revised Life Orientation Test - LOT-R. For the statistical data analysis it was performed descriptive and inferential methods. The results evidenced a significative statistical relationship between anxiety, resilience and optimism in the elderly. It was verified that there is a positive correlation between resilience and optimism and negative correlation of these with anxiety. The elderly in this study showed high levels of resilience and optimism and normal anxiety above average. / O envelhecimento populacional é um fenômeno mundial que tem crescido nos últimos anos, despertando maior interesse dos estudiosos. É uma etapa da vida pouco estudada quando comparada com outras fases do desenvolvimento humano, gerando necessidade de maiores investigações. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a relação entre ansiedade, resiliência e otimismo em idosos. Participaram 123 idosos com idade variando entre 60 e 86 anos, provenientes de três instituições que atendem a terceira idade. Os instrumentos utilizados foram um questionário de dados sociodemográficos e da saúde, o Inventário de Ansiedade Geriátrica – GAI, a Escala de Resiliência para Adultos – RSA e o Teste de Orientação da Vida – TOV-R. Para a análise estatística dos dados foram realizados métodos descritivos e inferenciais. Os resultados evidenciaram relação estatisticamente significativa entre ansiedade, resiliência e otimismo nos idosos. Verificou-se que existe correlação positiva entre resiliência e otimismo e correlação negativa destes com a ansiedade. Os idosos do estudo apresentaram altos níveis de resiliência e otimismo e ansiedade normal acima da média.


Nieves, Katiuska Florencia Serafín 05 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2018-04-17T11:58:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 KATIUSKA FLORENCIA SERAFIN NIEVES.pdf: 1582190 bytes, checksum: cfe4a82315455b0b362e0e2da8602af0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-17T11:58:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KATIUSKA FLORENCIA SERAFIN NIEVES.pdf: 1582190 bytes, checksum: cfe4a82315455b0b362e0e2da8602af0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-05 / This research of a biographical nature comprises the theoretical-empirical analysis of life histories of four women who suffered and are still in the context of violence. It was objectively, through an interview with a semi-structured questionnaire and by cutting the basic conceptual notions of violence, religion and resilience – in the light of Geertz theories (religion as a network of meaning), Berger (Social construction of reality and religion), Frankl (religiosity and sense of life), Arent (violence as historicalpolitical- social construction) and Crenshaw (intersectional as analysis of multiple factors of violence) – identify, using data from the Stories lived and narrated, what a sense of life each of the four women built (builds) in their daily lives and to what extent the importance of the meaning of religion is considered in the development of resilient processes. Qualitatively, it was assessed that each woman possesses common traces of senses, intersected, which underlie some type of religious mysticism constituted in the search for meaning, thus sustaining their attitudes in the course of life, marked by prejudice, Discrimination, inequalities, intolerance, exclusion, marginalization, injustice and social silence. / Esta pesquisa de natureza biográfica compreende a análise teórico-empírica de histórias de vida de quatro mulheres que sofreram e ainda se encontram em contexto de violência. Objetivou-se, por meio de entrevista com questionário semiestruturado e mediante o recorte de noções básicas conceituais de violência, religião e resiliência – à luz de teorias de Geertz (religião como uma rede de significados), Berger (construção social da realidade e religião), Frankl (religiosidade e sentido de vida), Arent (violência como construção histórico-político-social) e Crenshaw (interseccionalidade como análise de múltiplos fatores da violência) – identificar, utilizando-se de dados de histórias vividas e narradas, que sentido de vida cada uma das quatro mulheres construiu (constrói) no seu cotidiano e em que medida a importância do significado da religião é tida como desenvolvimento construtor de processos resilientes. De modo qualitativo, avaliou-se que cada mulher possui traços comuns de sentidos interseccionados que fundamentam algum tipo de mística religiosa fundada na busca de sentido, de modo a sustentar as suas atitudes no curso da vida, marcada por preconceito, discriminação, desigualdades, intolerância, exclusão, marginalização, injustiça e silêncio social.

An evaluation of the determinants of resilience to drought in Malawi

Chiroro, Canford January 2013 (has links)
Building resilient communities has emerged as a dominant agenda in the policy arena and in academia in the wake of recent disasters. However, there is a lack of clarity on the specific interventions required to build resilience. Current challenges associated with resilience include ambiguity, unclear measures, and problematized applicability. This thesis evaluates the determinants of resilience to drought in community food systems as a basis for contributing towards a more advanced understanding of resilience. A schematic model linking the key concepts associated with resilience was developed on the basis of literature review. This model was subsequently applied to a sample of 195 farm households, 16 community meetings and about 45 interviews with key informants across eight villages in Nsanje and Mzimba districts in Malawi interviewed between October 2010 and February 2011. Analysis at household level focused on exploring the causes of vulnerability, the role of livelihood assets and institutions in shaping coping and adaptation, and the implication of these to the meaning of resilience. The thesis concluded that vulnerability to food insecurity was produced by an interaction of slow and fast moving factors and processes, some of which were highly persistent. Access to livelihood assets and institutions increased short term coping and adaptive capacity but did not effectively predict resilience given unknowns regarding asset availability and liquidity over the long term. Different socio-economic groups associated different meanings with the concept of resilience, and in some cases, one group achieved ‘resilience’ at the expense of the larger community. In integrating vulnerability into resilience thinking, the analysis suggested that resilience could be analysed as existing in desirable and undesirable forms. Undesirable resiliencies reinforced the vulnerable state. By addressing the factors that sustain vulnerability, response capacity could be enhanced. This being the case, advanced by this thesis is a shift from focusing on resilience as a utopian goal, in favour of practices that enhance response capacity and letting communities learn for themselves and transform their value sets to ones that are more likely to ensure coping with adverse conditions. The study concludes that the concept of resilience in its current form is of more value as an organising framework within the re-engineering of food, agricultural, development and disaster management policy can be undertaken.

Rainfall Variation and Food Security in Malawi : A Panel Data Study with Valuable Insights from the Field

Elzvik Nyström, Klara January 2019 (has links)
This study addresses the question of how climate variability, in terms of seasonal rainfall variation, might affect food security in Malawi. It hypothesizes that seasonal rainfall variation could cause food insecurity and that the consequences of weather hazards possibly differ within the country. An additional aim of this study is therefore to map local resilience in Malawi to estimate the adaptation ability by analyzing two subsamples. The hypothesis is tested by using a two-way fixed effect regression analysis and panel data for 28 districts in Malawi covering the years 2000, 2004, 2010 and 2015. This study finds no statistically significant effect of seasonal rainfall variation on children’s health for the examined years.

Phronesis e Noesis em Platão: a excelência do pensamento filosófico / Phronesis and Noesis in Plato: the excelence of philosophic thought

Silva, Sheila Paulino e 15 December 2015 (has links)
Pretende-se averiguar, neste trabalho, a concepção de pensamento, ou inteligência, que os diálogos A República VI e VII e Fédon apresentam. Trata-se de pontuar a partir da análise das questões que envolvem o trabalho cognitivo da alma, mais precisamente os temas sobre o conhecimento, a reminiscência, o método dialético e a apreensão das ideias, a concepção de excelência da racionalidade que o pensamento filosófico sugere. Dada a hipótese de que os diálogos oferecem uma visão de aquisição de superioridade da alma, visão coincidente em muitos aspectos, tem-se a sugestão do pensar nos termos de atividade e de estado igualmente superiores, ou excelentes, no qual se tem a plena realização das capacidades racionais. O cerne da pesquisa consiste em verificar na descrição da atividade filosófica o que caracteriza a inteligência e obter uma compreensão acerca desse trabalho do pensamento em sua máxima capacidade, o qual se desenvolve na busca do conhecimento que possa dizer acerca das questões mais importantes, como o Bem e a imortalidade. / It is intended to investigate, in this paper, the concept of thought, or intelligence that is presented in the dialogues Republic VI and VII and Phaedo. It concerns to point out from the analysis of the issues surrounding the cognitive work of the soul, more precisely the themes about knowledge, the reminiscence, the dialectical method and the apprehension of ideas, the concept of the excellence of rationality that the philosophical thought suggests. Given the hypothesis that the dialogues offer a view on acquisition of superiority of the soul, coinciding view in many aspects, there is the suggestion of thinking in terms of activity and state equally superior or excellent, in which one has the full accomplishment of the rational capacities. The research core consists in verifying the description of philosophical activity which characterizes the intelligence, and acquiring an understanding of this work of the thought in its full capacity, which develops in the pursuit of the knowledge that can tell about the most important issues, such as Good and immortality.

The relationship between working memory and psychological resilience

Bemath, Nabeelah January 2017 (has links)
A research project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Social and Psychological Research by Coursework and Research Report in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, March 2017 / Working memory (WM) is an executive function that may promote resilience by enabling individuals to generate novel solutions in adverse situations. Research regarding the relationship between these constructs is limited. It is particularly unclear whether, and how, WM may promote resilience in the South African context. This study thus used a mixed method concurrent triangulation design to quantitatively investigate whether WM is related to resilience; and to qualitatively investigate how WM processes feature in participants’ experiences of resilience, and how this is influenced by socio-cultural factors. Thirty-eight young Black South African adults from disadvantaged backgrounds (whose WM had been assessed in a pre-existing study) completed a demographic questionnaire and the Resilience Research Centre-Adult Resilience Measure in person or online. For the qualitative phase, 14 of these participants were interviewed using a semi-structured interview schedule. Quantitative findings were equivocal, but primarily non-significant. Qualitative findings indicated that WM processes featured in participants’ accounts of resilience-promoting resources, but that this was shaped by socio-cultural resources accessible to participants. Working memory also featured as one amongst many of the resilience-promoting resources accessible to participants. The disparity between the quantitative and qualitative findings may be due to the individualistic nature of the quantitative WM measure used. Findings are interpreted in relation to existing literature regarding cognitive functioning and resilience. Implications for understanding and promoting the resilience of Black South African young adults are discussed. / XL2018

Daughter Zion's trauma: reading Lamentations with insights from trauma studies

Yansen, James W. S. 19 May 2016 (has links)
Awareness of trauma’s potential effects sheds light on many of the book of Lamentations’ complexities and suggests new interpretive possibilities. Growing numbers of scholars have analyzed intersections between biblical scholarship and trauma studies; and trauma-oriented readings of biblical texts yield fruitful, often provocative, insights. Because their reading strategies are not without pitfalls, including a tendency to ignore historical questions, trauma readings can be enriched by more nuanced applications, including attention to history. This study argues that social, political, cultural, and religious contexts are key for understanding how individuals and collectivities construe, respond to, work through, and create trauma. Three characteristic features of traumatic experiences make this concept useful for a critical reading of Lamentations: 1) survivors’ testimonies often convey a history that is not straightforwardly referential; 2) trauma causes rupture in life; and 3) the trauma process includes rhetorical dimensions; individuals and communities work through and construct trauma in different ways in order to reconstitute themselves and ensure their survival in the aftermath of extreme violence. Following an overview of trauma studies and its application to biblical studies, this study outlines the traumatic matrix of Lamentations. Structural analysis of the Book demonstrates and mirrors the debilitating realities of caesura in life often associated with experiences of trauma. The concept of non-referential history functions as a heuristic lens through which to view the “historical” significance of the Book’s tropic and stereotypical uses of language. Utilizing insights from study of the rhetorical dimensions of the trauma process in cultural trauma, this study asserts that Lamentations strategically adapts certain religious traditions to ensure the survival of those whose voices it echoes. Lamentations' contents and structure highlight the sheer enormity of Daughter Zion’s trauma, which overshadows and undermines acknowledgements of her culpability. Further, protest, ambiguity and ambivalent hope form the foundation for resilience and survival in the Book. One of this study’s major implications is that trauma-oriented readings of biblical literature that utilize an historically-informed, synchronic approach enable biblical scholars to pursue the interpretive possibilities of trauma studies without bracketing historical questions.

Resilience and Internalizing Symptoms among Adolescent Girls in Residential Treatment: An Evaluation of Strong Teens

Marvin, Luke Andrew 01 March 2016 (has links)
Strong Teens is an evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) curriculum designed to target internalizing disorders by promoting emotional resilience and social competence. In this study, Strong Teens was implemented among 36 adolescent girls during group therapy in a residential treatment center (RTC). A non-equivalent, quasi-experimental wait-list control group design was used. The curriculum was evaluated by tracking the girls' social and emotional knowledge, internalizing symptoms, and resilience from the perspectives of the girls, group therapists, and a supervisor who was blind to the study. Although the results indicated that exposure to Strong Teens was not effective in increasing the social and emotional knowledge of the girls, statistically significant reductions in internalizing symptoms and statistically significant gains in resilience were reported. Treatment fidelity checklists were filled out during 31% of the lessons where it was observed that the average lesson time was 30.11 minutes and 62% of the lessons' components implemented with integrity. In addition, group therapists completed a social validity questionnaire after the completion of the lessons in which they agreed with the goals and procedures of the curriculum, were neutral with the outcomes, and generally reported that the curriculum helped the girls facilitate better awareness of linking thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as well as helping them better understand empathy and improved peer interactions. They also indicated that the curriculum was "too basic" and wished it would have had more tailored specifics for their population. It is recommended that future research with this population investigate which SEL topics are most suitable, identify the most favorable lesson time, and explore student perspectives and experiences with Strong Teens.

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