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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodikstudie av trollingfisket i Vänern : Jämförelse av fångstrapportering mellan intervjuer och enkäter gjorda på trollingfiskare samt vädrets påverkan på ansträngning / A methodological study of angler surveys for the sport fishery in Lake Vänern: comparison between interviews and mail-in surveys for reporting catch

Höök, David January 2014 (has links)
There are five endemic populations of migratory Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) and brown trout (Salmo trutta, Salmonidae) remaining in Lake Vänern, whereof two are salmon and three are trout. There is one population of each species in Klarälven, also one of each in Gullspångsälven and there is a population of trout still remaining in Tidan River. Since the beginning of the 20th century endemic populations of salmon and trout have either vanished or declined dramatically due to the construction of hydropower in the rivers around the lake, and still today the future of the remaining populations remains uncertain. To manage salmonid fishes effectively more knowledge of their ecology throughout their different life-stages is needed. A large part of the Lake Vänern salmonoids lives are spent in the lake, where a mayor mortality factor is recreational fishing, especially angling. Estimation of fishing effort and catch is important in order to remain a sustainable fishery. In Lake Vänern commercial fishers are bound to report their catch, but anglers are not, -even though they are now thought to be responsible for the largest proportion of the catch. Angler interviews and access point surveys are the best ways to get accurate information in order to assess sport fish effort and catch. There are drawbacks of this method though that includes large costs, logistical problems and biased results due to the higher chance of interviewing the most avid anglers. To hand out mail-surveys is a kind of off-site survey that is less costly compare to interviews, but the drawbacks are bigger in getting correct information due to biased results from non-respondence. A study was conducted to compare an interview-survey with a mail-in survey, in which the interviews were conducted in Lillängshamnen, a port on the northern coast of Lake Vänern, and the mail-in surveys were distributed in different ports around the lake, though not in Lillängshamnen. This study shows a significant difference in catch per boat day between the interviews and mail-in survey. To find out more about how to develop the interview-survey there was also an analysis done on the correlation between weather and the number of interviews that were collected. One could find a negative correlation between numbers of interviews collected and the wind ratio, where very few interviews were collected once the wind speed measured more than 5-8 meters per second. There are improvements to be made both for the conduction of interviews and mail-in surveys, including more staff for conducting interviews at different ports and follow-ups on the non-respondents for the mail-in survey. / Av atlantlax (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) och öring (Salmo trutta, Salmonidae) finns idag fem endemiska populationer kvar i Vänern varav två är av lax och tre av öring. Det finns en klarälvsvariant av båda arterna, likaså finns det en gullspångsvariant av varje och sen finns även en öringpopulation kvar i Tidan. Sen början av 1900-talet har populationer av lax och öring utrotats eller minskat kraftigt till följd av vattenkraftens utbyggnad i vattendragen runt Vänern, och än idag är de resterande populationernas framtid oviss. För att kunna förvalta laxfiskarna på ett bra sätt krävs kunskaper om deras ekologi i dess olika livsstadier. En stor del av laxfiskarna runt Vänerns liv tillbringas i Vänern, där en mortalitetsfaktor består av fritidsfisket, då främst trolling. Uppskattning av ansträngning och fångst är viktigt för att hålla fisket i sjön på en hållbar nivå. Yrkesfisket måste rapportera all sin fångst men detta krävs inte av trollingfisket som idag tros stå för den största proportionen lax- och öringsfångst i Vänern. Genomförandet av intervjuer är en typ av plats- och åtkomstpunktsundersökning och är den bästa metoden att samla in korrekt information för att uppskatta sportfiskets ansträngning och fångst. Det finns dock nackdelar i form av stora kostnader, svår logistik och vinklade resultat då de mest entusiastiska fiskarna löper större chans att bli intervjuade. Att dela ut enkäter är en form av distansundersökning och även brevundersökning som kostar betydligt mindre än att genomföra intervjuer men brister vad gäller svarsfrekvens som i sin tur leder till vinklade resultat. En studie gjordes för att jämföra intervjuer med enkäter, där intervjuer genomfördes i Lillängshamnen på Vänerns norra kust och enkäter delades ut i olika hamnar runt hela Vänern, dock ej i Lillängshamnen. Denna undersökning visade att enkäter har en signifikant större fångst per båt än intervjuer. För att ta reda på mer om hur genomförandet av intervjuer skulle kunna förbättras undersöktes hur vädret påverkade antalet intervjuer som genomfördes. Man fick en negativ korrelation mellan antalet genomförda intervjuer och vindhastighet där ytterst få intervjuer genomfördes i vindhastigheter över 5-8 meter per sekund. Det finns förbättringspotential vad gäller både genomförandet av intervjuer och enkätundersökningar, bland annat mer personal till att kunna intervjua fler folk i olika hamnar och uppföljning på de enkäter som inte svarats på.

The Behavioral Ecology of Walleye (<i>Sander vitreus</i>): Phenotypic and Environmental Variation Influence Reproductive Behaviors and Exploitation

Bade, Andrew P. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Catch and effort from a recreational trolling fishery in a large lake

Andersson, Anders January 2016 (has links)
Over recent decades recreational fisheries have grown substantially throughout the world. Despite this increase, catches from recreational fisheries have often been ignored in fisheries management, although this is now being remedied. Monitoring recreational fisheries can be expensive, and the primary means used for monitoring is angler (creel) surveys, typically funded from sales of fishing licences. The studies presented in this thesis examine different approaches to monitoring recreational trolling fisheries’ catch and effort, where fishing licenses are not required and there are no reporting requirements. I present results from a complemented roving/mail-in survey undertaken during 2013-2014 to estimate recreational effort and catch of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (S. trutta) in the largest lake in the European Union, Lake Vänern, Sweden. I also evaluate different angler catch reporting methods (mail-in, tournament reports and face-to-face interviews) and compare catch rates within and among spring and fall fishing periods. In addition, mail-in survey data are examined for recall bias.   I estimate that 28.7 tonnes of salmon and trout combined were harvested by the recreational trolling fishery in 2014, more than the commercial and subsistence fisheries combined. Seasonal differences in both recreational effort and catch were observed. Effort, in boat hours, was significantly higher in spring than in fall. Catch rates of trout were higher in fall than in spring, but there were no seasonal differences in catches of salmon. Harvest per boat day did not differ significantly among catch reporting methods, indicating that all three methods could be useful for managers interested in harvest rates. In contrast, total and released catch per boat day differed among reporting methods, with tournament anglers catching more fish in total. Finally, there was little evidence for recall bias in mail-in surveys, indicating that mail-in surveys are useful for collecting unbiased catch data. My study is the most comprehensive angler survey to date for Lake Vänern, and my results should be of immediate use to local fisheries managers and should also be of interest to researchers and managers interested in estimating catch and effort for fisheries at large spatial scales. / Over the past several decades recreational fisheries have grown substantially throughout the world. Until recently, however, recreational catch has been ignored in the management of many important fisheries. The studies presented in this thesis examine different approaches to monitoring recreational trolling fisheries’ catch and effort in Lake Vänern, Sweden, the largest lake in the European Union. Paper I presents results from a complemented roving/mail-in survey, designed to estimate recreational effort and catch of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (S. trutta). The results show that the recreational trolling fishery today harvests more salmon and trout annually than the commercial and subsistence fisheries combined, and that there are seasonal patterns in effort and catch. Paper II evaluates different angler catch reporting methods (mail-in, tournament reports, and face-to-face interviews), compares catch rates within and among spring and fall fishing periods and examines mail-in data for recall bias. Harvest per boat day did not differ significantly among catch reporting methods, indicating that all three could be useful for estimating harvest rates. However, tournament anglers had higher rates for released catch. Finally, there was little evidence for recall bias in mail-in surveys. In summary, this thesis has developed the framework for a recreational angler survey program for Lake Vänern, and should be of interest to researchers and managers interested in estimating catch and effort for fisheries at large spatial scales.

Marine Reserves with Fisheries Management: Regulations Aimed at People to Hit Biological Targets

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: Consideration of both biological and human-use dynamics in coupled social-ecological systems is essential for the success of interventions such as marine reserves. As purely human institutions, marine reserves have no direct effects on ecological systems. Consequently, the success of a marine reserve depends on managers` ability to alter human behavior in the direction and magnitude that supports reserve objectives. Further, a marine reserve is just one component in a larger coupled social-ecological system. The social, economic, political, and biological landscape all determine the social acceptability of a reserve, conflicts that arise, how the reserve interacts with existing fisheries management, accuracy of reserve monitoring, and whether the reserve is ultimately able to meet conservation and fishery enhancement goals. Just as the social-ecological landscape is critical at all stages for marine reserve, from initial establishment to maintenance, the reserve in turn interacts with biological and human use dynamics beyond its borders. Those interactions can lead to the failure of a reserve to meet management goals, or compromise management goals outside the reserve. I use a bio-economic model of a fishery in a spatially patchy environment to demonstrate how the pre-reserve fisheries management strategy determines the pattern of fishing effort displacement once the reserve is established, and discuss the social, political, and biological consequences of different patterns for the reserve and the fishery. Using a stochastic bio-economic model, I demonstrate how biological and human use connectivity can confound the accurate detection of reserve effects by violating assumptions in the quasi-experimental framework. Finally, I examine data on recreational fishing site selection to investigate changes in response to the announcement of enforcement of a marine reserve in the Gulf of California, Mexico. I generate a scale of fines that would fully or partially protect the reserve, providing a data-driven way for managers to balance biological and socio-economic goals. I suggest that natural resource managers consider human use dynamics with the same frequency, rigor, and tools as they do biological stocks. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Applied Biological Sciences 2014

Where Are All the Bonefish? Using Angler Perceptions to Estimate Trends of Bonefish (Albula vulpes) Decline in South Florida

Kroloff, Emily K.N. 08 July 2016 (has links)
Local ecological knowledge (LEK) is a useful method to capture environmental or resource changes when there is an absence of biological data. Since the bonefish fishery is data limited, this study aims to understand the trend of bonefish decline over the last 40 years using LEK and to assess whether varying fisher experience and fisher type would influence perception of bonefish decline. Semi-structured surveys and key informant interviews were conducted to collect LEK data. Along with perceiving an overall decline (p

Recreational Angler Perspectives of Nonnative Fish Species and Mercury Advisories

Edwards, Christopher J. 15 November 2013 (has links)
The central Everglades serve as a Wildlife Management Area and as a Water Conservation Area for the Miami-Fort Lauderdale metropolitan area. It is also home to over 22 nonnative freshwater fish species and carries restrictive fish consumption guidelines for Mercury. In my study, boat anglers and canal bank anglers were personally interviewed in the field, to research their awareness and perspectives of these potential environmental and health threats. The study found 78% of anglers were aware of the presence of nonnative fish species, but favored native fish species, and that 69% were aware of mercury advisories, but did not eat fewer fish because of them. Demographic characteristics were found to predict awareness, which differed significantly between angler types. Public awareness campaigns of nonnative fish impacts should target high school educated, canal bank anglers while mercury advisories should be directed at canal bank anglers, who typically keep and consume their catch more than boat anglers, to those who live more than 30 miles from the area, and all anglers under the age of 48.

Towards the sustainable management of recreational fisheries

Johnston, Fiona Dawn 30 March 2015 (has links)
Die Freizeit- bzw. Angelfischerei ist ein komplexes sozial-ökologisches System, welches sich aus drei wesentlichen Komponenten zusammensetzt: einer biologischen, einer sozialen und einer Managementkomponente. Fischereimanager sind aufgefordert, anglerischen Interessen und den Anforderungen einer biologisch nachhaltigen Gewässerbewirtschaftung gleichsam gerecht zu werden. Unzureichend verstandene Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Fischereikomponenten limitieren die Möglichkeit, die Angelfischerei nachhaltig zu entwickeln. Diese werden beeinflusst von lebensgeschichtlichen Parametern der jeweiligen Fischart, von Dynamik und Diversität der Angler sowie von Maßnahmen und Managementzielen. Die Dissertation untersuchte die Bedeutung einer gleichzeitigen Berücksichtigung der drei Fischereikomponenten und ihren Wechselwirkungen zur Realisierung einer biologisch und sozial nachhaltigen Angelfischerei. Ein neuartiges bioökonomisches Simulationsmodell identifizierte Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen, die den von der Fischerei erzeugten sozialen Nutzen maximieren. Die Ergebnisse widerlegen die Annahme der Selbstregulationsfähigkeit der Angelfischerei. Die Höhe und Art der Befischungsintensität sowie der soziale Nutzen wurden stark durch eine Vielzahl von fangabhängigen und fangunabhängigen Attributen beeinflusst, wobei auch Anglertyp und Anfälligkeit der Fischpopulation zur Überfischung eine Rolle spielten. Einige Regularien zur Erreichung der Bewirtschaftungsziele waren effektiver als andere, aber ihre Wirksamkeit könnte durch die Haksterblichkeit und die Nichteinhaltung von Vorschriften unterlaufen werden. Obwohl sich die Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen je nach Zielart, Anglerschaft und Bewirtschaftungszielen richten, beinhalten die als optimal identifizierten Maßnahmen in fast allen Fällen eine biologische nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz zu einer sozial und biologisch nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung der Freizeitfischerei beitragen kann. / Recreational fisheries are complex social-ecological systems, and managers often need to balance the interests of the anglers utilizing the fishery – the social sustainability – and the biological sustainability of the fish population. However, a poor understanding of the interactions among the main components of a fishery – the biological, social, and management components – has limited our ability to manage recreational fisheries sustainably. Fish life-history type (LHT), the dynamics and diversity of the angler population, angling regulations and management objectives all influence management outcomes. Using both empirical and theoretical studies, I evaluated the importance of jointly considering these primary drivers and the feedbacks between fishery components when managing recreational fisheries. I developed a novel bioeconomic modelling framework to determine which regulations (effort regulations and minimum-size limits) maximized the social welfare derived from the fishery, the optimal social yield (OSY). My research refutes the hypothesis that anglers are self-regulating (i.e., stop fishing when catch rates decline). The amount and type of fishing pressure the fishery received and the social welfare derived were strongly influenced by multiple fishery attributes and differed with the type of angler fishing and the fish population’s vulnerability to overexploitation (LHT). I found regulations influenced fishing mortality rates, but also directly influenced angler behaviour. Some regulations were more effective than others at achieving management objectives, but their effectiveness could be undermined by hooking mortality and regulatory noncompliance. Despite differences in optimal regulations, an OSY management approach generally did not result in overfishing. My research demonstrates that a multidisciplinary approach based on clear objectives can help us progress towards both socially and biologically sustainable management of recreational fisheries.

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