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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"As the times want him to decide": the lives and times of Florence Maybrick, 1891-2015

Miller, Noah 06 September 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines major publications produced between 1891-2015 that portray the trial of Florence Maybrick. Inspired by Paul Davis’ Lives and Times of Ebenezer Scrooge, it considers the various iterations of Florence’s story as “protean fantasies,” in which the narrative changed to reflect the realities of the time in which it was (re)written. It tracks shifting patterns of emphasis and authors’ rigid conformity to associated sets of discursive strategies to argue that this body of literature can be divided into three distinct epochs. The 1891-1912 era was characterized by authors’ instrumentalization of sympathy on Florence’s behalf in response to contemporary concerns about the administration of criminal justice in England. From 1923 until 1964, this “Victorian tragedy” was re-structured according to the tropes of detective fiction and non-fiction crime writing in a cultural atmosphere increasingly preoccupied with postmodernism, “the psychological,” and shifting gender relations. The concept of the “permissive society” and emergence of “new social history” following the late 1960s and early 70s produced a revised version of the story that accentuated aspects of the case that were illustrative of the structures of Victorian society. As such, this thesis is a metahistorical examination of how authors’ approaches to the question of whether or not Florence poisoned her husband in 1889 have been shaped by contemporary mentalités. / Graduate

How the roles of CEO's differ in response to different circumstances and in the context of succession: Anglo American-a case study

Ball, Leslie January 2018 (has links)
A review of the literature revealed that firms are inherently influenced by leadership in the upper echelons of the organization. The seminal paper of Hambrick and Mason (1984) has sparked much interest in the realm of organizational leadership. Studies involving organizational leadership have concentrated on leadership styles, the manner in which leadership takes place, leadership succession and organizational performance in an attempt to understand the dynamics of the senior leadership of organizations. Research has also explored how changes in the top management of firms has impacted its performance. This research has primarily been concerned with how a firm is impacted, once succession takes place, and has focused on financial performance, change in strategy and stockholder reaction (Shen & Cannella, 2002; Barron, Chulkov & Waddell, 2011; Friedman & Singh, 1989). Although their predisposition will largely influence the manner in which the incoming CEO acts, the literature has largely neglected the role the incoming CEO must fulfil, and how he/she steers the company, once appointed. In response, the following aim was developed to address this gap: To describe how the roles of two CEO's of the same company differed, during different time periods. The CEO assumes various strategic leadership roles, which they carry out in the context of their new environment once succession has taken place. From the literature, six strategic leadership roles were identified, which formed the foundation of this study. These were strategy formulation, strategy implementation, developing organizational culture, emphasizing ethical practices, managing the firm's resource portfolio and establishing balanced controls. The study set out to comparatively analyze two CEO's of the same firm during different periods. Both CEO's were investigated from the perspective of strategic leadership roles, allowing a comparison of their behaviour. The study analyses and describes these roles, and how they differed between the CEO's, in reaction to differing situational factors and in the context of succession. The study employed a deductive qualitative case study research design. This allowed the researcher to examine the complex phenomenon which have previously been studied at a more superficial level using quantitative methods (Baxter & Jack, 2008; Parrino, 1997; Jooste & Fourie, 2009). A qualitative methodological approach allowed the researcher to examine the topic through a lens which takes into account human variables and processes (Baxter & Jack, 2008). Data was sampled using purposive and convenience sampling while applying the critical incident technique. Data was collected through information sources such as news articles, press releases, annual reports, online interviews, news websites and other documents. Thematical analysis was used during the analysis phase of the study and allowed for patterns and links to be drawn between the collected data. The succession from one CEO to the next served as the comparative element of the study, which allowed for a contrasting of how both CEO's carried out their strategic leadership roles by adapting to their environment, and how they guided the strategic trajectory of the company. The study also took into account what both CEO's were confronted with at the start of their tenure and how this influenced how they carried out their leadership roles. It was found that Cynthia Carroll exercised her roles in a manner which addressed ethical and stakeholder engagement issues within the business. This was translated directly into how she guided the trajectory of the company. Upon appointment, Mark Cutifani exercised his roles in a manner which addressed the organizational performance and financial well-being of the company. This translated directly into how he shaped Anglo's trajectory in an attempt to better its financial performance. Given how they exercised their strategic roles in the company, each CEO influenced Anglo American's direction in a different way, which in turn, influenced the performance of the organization. It was shown that Cynthia Carroll improved the stakeholder engagement, communication and safety within the company, demonstrating behaviour that emphasized the importance of the ethics of the company. When the business had been carrying out its ethical practices effectively, but underperforming financially, Cutifani demonstrated the roles which would be geared toward resurrecting the organizational performance of the organization. Recommendations are made for further research including applying the same research method to investigate how these roles are carried out in companies which operate in a broad spectrum of industries.

Optimización de activos de sistemas de transmisión eléctrica Anglo American Chile

Maraboli Baltierra, Jonathan Andrés January 2012 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil Electricista / El principal objetivo de este trabajo de título es determinar, a través de una evaluación técnico-económica y análisis de la normativa, cual es la mejor alternativa de negocio para los sistemas de transmisión eléctrica utilizados por Anglo American, frente a distintos escenarios de demanda y casos de interconexión, motivado por el interés de algunas empresas inversionistas en adquirir activos de este tipo pertenecientes a la compañía y por solicitudes de conexión de terceros. Para cumplir con este propósito, lo primero que se hace es analizar la normativa vigente y el proyecto de reglamento de transmisión adicional. En dicho análisis, se abarcan temas como el acceso abierto, remuneraciones e indemnizaciones por uso, responsabilidades en interconexiones y ampliaciones, estándares de calidad y seguridad de servicio. Luego se describe la situación actual de los sistemas de transmisión de Anglo American en todas sus divisiones a partir de lo cual se generan distintos escenarios de demanda, casos de interconexión y posibles alternativas de negocio, de forma tal de abarcar la mayor posibilidad de situaciones y presentar un análisis de sensibilidades para la comparación. Adicionalmente, se establecen módulos de costos para la valorización de las instalaciones y se realizan proyecciones según datos de mercado, tales como precios de nudo, ingresos, factores de pérdidas y crecimiento de sistemas de subtransmisión. Con todos los antecedentes analizados, se concluye que, en la mayoría de los casos, la mejor alternativa de negocios es mantener la propiedad de los activos en Anglo American y se recomienda adquirir los activos relacionados de otras empresas. A partir de esta evaluación también se detectan algunos vacíos normativos, los que se han identificado para efectos de la revisión del reglamento o para ser considerados en acuerdos contractuales.

"Optimización activos a través de modelo de negocios": operación Mantos Blancos, Anglo American

Ansaldo Rubiño, Bruno January 2013 (has links)
Magíster en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas / En Anglo American buscamos ser una compañía líder en el mundo, lo que implica convertirnos en la inversión, el socio y empleador preferido. Para cumplir esta meta promovemos los más altos estándares de excelencia operacional, seguridad y sustentabilidad en todas nuestras operaciones. En el desarrollo del plan estratégico de Anglo American operación Mantos Blancos denominado Life of Mine 2011, considera una producción promedio anual entre los años 2012 y 2021 de 70.000 toneladas de cobre, mediante sus procesos flotación (sulfuros) y lixiviación (óxidos). La capacidad de planta por la línea de sulfuro se encuentra en su capacidad máxima de diseño, en cambio, la capacidad de la nave Extracción por Solventes y Electrowining es de 60.000 toneladas por año, actualmente el plan sólo considera una producción de 34.000 toneladas por año, por lo tanto, se ha identificado una oportunidad de aumentar la producción de cobre a través de la línea de minerales oxidados, debido a que la planta actual de cobre tiene una capacidad ociosa, se gestionó la alternativa de revisar opciones de negocio en relación al yacimiento Sierra Miranda. El objetivo es diseñar y desarrollar un modelo de negocio minero que pueda generar a través de la optimización de los activos agregar valor a la operación de Mantos Blancos. La oportunidad de negocio es maximizar la capacidad instalada de la planta de óxido la cual actualmente está a un 56% de su capacidad de diseño, esto es debido a que las leyes de alimentación a planta han ido decreciendo a través del tiempo, al completar la capacidad de producción, se podrá mejorar el perfil de costos operacionales y así situarnos en el segundo cuartil de costo de la industria minera nacional. La promesa de valor consiste en identificar los impulsores de valor KVD´s (Key Value Driver) del modelo de negocio planteado con la finalidad de maximizar el valor presente neto de Mantos Blancos. Los resultados esperados con este trabajo se pretende demostrar que por la Optimización de Activos en Anglo American se pueden gestionar oportunidades de negocios, lo que va a permitir agregar valor al negocio minero y por ende aporta a la visión de la compañía. Además de dar sustentabilidad a nuestros trabajadores que por más de 50 años están aportando con su trabajo a Mantos Blancos.

Análisis de un proceso de determinación de compensaciones por daño ambiental : derrame minero del 7 de febrero de 2016 en Colina, Chile

Blohm Crenovich, Valentina, 1990-, Herrera Bórquez, Andrea, 1992- January 2016 (has links)
Seminario para optar al título de Ingeniero Comercial, Mención Economía / Este estudio analiza sistemáticamente el proceso de compensaciones económicas realizado por la empresa minera Anglo American a los agricultores perjudicados en la comuna de Colina, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile, por un derrame ocurrido el día 7 de febrero del año 2016. El incidente fue causado por un colapso local del mineroducto que conecta la mina Los Bronces con la planta procesadora las Tórtolas. En el informe se realiza una evaluación comparada de la gestión del plan de contingencia con los protocolos de trato con las comunidades y el agua de la empresa. Además, se analiza la metodología que se empleó para calcular las compensaciones económicas pagadas por daño patrimonial, haciendo énfasis en los conceptos económicos aplicados y los medios de recolección de datos empleados. Las conclusiones indican que el monto compensado fue el adecuado a pesar de las diferencias en ciertos criterios.

Moral relativism and corporate governance convergence

West, Andrew Geoffrey 16 June 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates how the different aspects and claims associated with moral relativism can be applied to the issue of corporate governance convergence. The question of how corporate governance models may be converging around the world is considered within the law, finance and management literature. To date, however, there has been no detailed consideration from a moral perspective of whether such convergence should occur. This study investigates this question, using South Africa as a case study, through an analysis of the claims of Descriptive, Metaethical and Normative moral relativism. South Africa is selected as a useful case study in the light of its colonial heritage, complex demographics and the ongoing project of post-apartheid ‘nation-building’. Different moral philosophies can be identified that underlie the predominant models of corporate governance around the world. The differences between these moralities can be expressed in terms of differences in the prescribed moral obligations and objectives of corporations. The claim of Descriptive moral relativism is that there are significant differences in moral judgement between groups or individuals. In the context of South African corporate governance, the principal area of interest concerns moral judgements that reflect corporate obligations and objectives that differ from those that underlie the shareholder model evident in Anglo-American jurisdictions. This was investigated in three ways: firstly, through a literature study that identified existing evidence of moral judgements relevant to corporate governance in South Africa; secondly, through a quantitative survey of a group of professional accounting students in South Africa; thirdly, through a series of semi-structured interviews with professional accounting students in South Africa. In all three cases there was some, albeit limited, evidence to support the claim of Descriptive moral relativism. The claim of Metaethical moral relativism is that there is no single ‘true’ or ‘correct’ morality, but that morality is relative to different groups or individuals. Applied to corporate governance, this claim was investigated firstly by examining the arguments that a particular corporate governance model is morally superior and thus universally applicable, as well as by considering the extent of moral agreement on the issue. Secondly, the positions of prominent supporters of moral relativism were considered in terms of how these could be applied to the issue of corporate governance convergence. It was concluded that universalist claims in support of particular models of corporate governance are largely insufficient, and that a limited relativist approach is more plausible. The claim of Normative moral relativism is that one should not interfere with the actions of another where these are based on different moral judgements. Although the claims of Descriptive and Metaethical moral relativism have implications for the normative claim, the normative claim does not necessarily follow. Adopting a value of tolerance or accommodation (from the work of David Wong) can, however, strengthen the normative argument. It was concluded then that based on the evidence of this study, and within its limitations, it is morally wrong to impose an Anglo-American model of corporate governance on South Africa. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Philosophy / unrestricted

Trinitární perspektivy teologie náboženství. Nástin přístupu k nekřesťanským náboženstvím v myšlení Gavina D'Costy. / The trinitarian perspectives of the theology of religions. The outline of the approach to the non-christian religions by Gavin D'Costy.

Kočí, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The Trinitarian Perspectives of the Theology of Religions. The Outline of the Approache to the Non-christian Religions in Gavin D'Costa. This thesis presents an analysis of the theological work of British Catholic theologian Gavin D'Costa in the field of theology of religions. The goal of this study is the presentation of D'Costa's huge contribution to the theology of religions and critical examination of his constructive theological concept of Trinitarian Theology of Religions. In the first chapter we provide an introduction to the thought of Gavin D'Costa. We point out his philosophical and theological presuppositions, we go through his most important books and above all we introduce preliminary remarks about his theology of religions, i.e. conception of the relationship between systematic theology, theology of religions and religious studies and the notion of religion in D'Costa. The second chapter classifies D'Costa's approach within the context of contemporary theology of religions. We deal with D'Costa's critique of pluralism, inclusivism and exclusivism. Especially, the D'Costa's polemic with his former teacher John Hick is at the centre of our attention. In the third chapter we consider D'Costa's own paradigm of theology of religion which is based on the Trinitarian faith as well as respectful...

Britain in Iraq During the 1950s: Imperial Retrenchment and Informal Empire

Perry, Rebecca M. 25 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

West African Food Traditions in Virginia Foodways: A Historical Analysis of Origins and Survivals.

Shiflett, Lisa R. 18 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The degree of African cultural survivals in African-American culture has been debated since the Civil War. Convincing research that West African cultural traits did survive in African-American culture, particularly in African-Amercian foodways, focuses on the lower south, neglecting the upper south. This thesis fills that gap by identifying West African traits in African-as well as Anglo-America foodways in Virginia, focusing on four broad research areas: Native American and Anglo-American foodways during the colonial and early Republic eras; West African foodways; African-American foodways during slavery; and current trends in Virginia foodways. Primary sources consulted for this study included archaeological reports, eighteenth and nineteenth century personal accounts, personal interviews, and published cookbooks. Drawing on these research themes, this study concludes that West African food traditions did survive slavery and have affected foodways across cultural lines in Virginia and calls for further research on post Civil War transmission processes.

A Sociometric Study of Peer Acceptance Between Mixed Groups of Latin and Anglo-American School Children on the Pre-Adolescent Level

Holloway, Harold D. 01 1900 (has links)
It is the purpose of this study to aid in determining to what extent Anglo and Latin-American school children on the preadolescent level accept one another in terms of mutual friendship choices, and to find evidence relating to the optimum racial proportion for the purpose of future classroom ethnic distributions.

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