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RICERCHE SU TALUNI INDICATORI DI TIPO BIOCHIMICO FISIOLOGICO ATTI A VALIDARE I MODELLI DI VALUTAZIONE DEL BENESSERE NEGLI ALLEVAMENTI DI BOVINE DA LATTE / Researches on some biochemical and physiological markers to validate the models of animal welfare assessement in dairy cows farms.CARE', SARA 22 April 2010 (has links)
La valutazione oggettiva del benessere negli allevamenti di bovine da latte, risulta peraltro molto complessa e controversa. I principali problemi riguardano la scelta degli indicatori da utilizzare nel modello e l’aggregazione dei risultati ottenuti con ciascun indicatore in un punteggio globale che sia espressione del benessere reale. Alla luce di queste considerazioni, è evidente che un modello applicativo di valutazione del benessere necessita di una validazione scientifica.
I nostri risultati hanno mostrato che sono soprattutto i valori di fruttosamina riscontrati fra la 3a e la 5a settimana di lattazione quelli che maggiormente riflettono la glicemia media delle settimane precedenti, quindi l’entità del deficit energetico e della riduzione delle condizioni nutrizionali degli animali Nella valutazione del benessere animale un altro aspetto fondamentale è rappresentato dall’individuazione di un eventuale status di stress cronico, ricorrendo ad esempio alla cortisolemia plasmatica. Tra gli indicatori di tipo fisiologico che sono sembrati molto importanti per la validazione dei modelli di valutazione del benessere animale, troviamo i parametri relativi a fatti infettivo-infiammatori (proteine positive della fase acuta, tra cui si ricordano l’aptoglobina e la ceruloplasmina, e quelle negative, specialmente le albumine e il colesterolo). Viceversa, l’utilizzo contemporaneo di una serie di indicatori di tipo biochimico-fisiologico, potrebbe fornire indicazioni per una valutazione più completa dei diversi aspetti del benessere.
Ciò al fine di accertare se i suddetti parametri possano fungere da indicatori “assoluti” per ottenere indicazioni più oggettive delle reali condizioni di benessere/malessere degli animali allevati, costituendo pertanto un valido “riferimento” per i modelli di campo.
Le informazioni prodotte con questo tipo di analisi possono fornire utili indicazioni sia in termini teorici di validazione del benessere (soprattutto per meglio precisare i vari aspetti che lo compongono e che confluiscono nel benessere globale) e sia in termini applicativi di miglior ridefinizione dei pesi relativi con cui aggregare i diversi aspetti del benessere nel modello di campo.
Altri parametri fisiologici utilizzati come riferimento, e risultati molto importanti, sono il cortisolo e la fruttosamina.
In particolare, i risultati ottenuti con questo approccio multivariato, applicato ai parametri biochimico-fisiologici hanno mostrato un parziale accordo fra la valutazione del benessere ottenuta con il modello SDIB. / The objective assessment of lactating dairy cows welfare is complex and
controversial. The main concerns are the choice of the model indicators
and the aggregation of obtained results in a global score that
represents the effective welfare. According to these considerations, the
animal welfare determination needs a scientific validation. Our
results shows that the value of fructosamine between the third and fifth
week in lactation strongly reflects the average blood glucose in the
previous weeks, therefore it shows the energetic deficit and the low
nutritional status. The determination of chronic stress is also
fundamental to determine the animal welfare, it can be measured by the
plasmatic cortisolemic value. Some indicators of inflammators-infective
stress, such as the positive proteins of acute phase (aptoglobins and
ceruloplasmin) and the negative ones (albumins and cholesterol) are some
of the best physiological indicators capable of validating the
determination of animal welfare. On the contrary, the contemporary
utilisation of different biochemical-physiological indicators could give
more comprehensive determination of animal welfare. The latter could be
used as “absolute” indicators to obtain more objective indications of
the real conditions of breeding animals' welfare, therefore, being a
valid “reference” for field models. These kind of analysis can give
useful theorical indication to validate the welfare (above all
considering the global view of it), and also in practical applications
capable of defining the relative scores aggregating several aspects of
welfare in field models. Also cortisol and fructosamine are very
important physiological indicators. Particularly, the results obtained
by this multivariate approach, which was applied to biochemical and
physiological parameters, showed partial agreement between the welfare
evaluation by SDIB model.
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Habituation towards environmental enrichment in captive bears and its effect on stereotypic behaviours.Anderson, Claes January 2008 (has links)
<p>The benefits gained by the presentation of environmental enrichment (EE) to captive animals are widely recognized. Few studies have, however, studied how to maximize the effect of EE. Repeated presentations of EE may cause a reduced interest towards the EE device, called habituation. To study the effect of habituation towards EE, behavioural data from 14 captive Sloth bears (<em>Melursus ursinus</em>) were collected during two different EE treatments. In treatment one, honey logs were presented for five consecutive days (ConsEE). In treatment two, the logs were presented every alternative day for five days (AltEE). The different treatments both showed a significant effect on responsiveness toward the EE, however, leaving gap days inbetween presentations in AltEE showed no reliable reduction in habituation. Both treatments significantly reduced stereotypies, however, only ConsEE reduced levels of stereotypies long term. Explorative behaviours, which are the most prominent behaviours in the wild, increased during both treatments. This is consistent with previous findings (Fischbacher & Schmid 1999, Grandia et al. 2001) that EE increases natural behaviours, which has been desribed as an indication of improved welfare (Carlstead et al. 1991 etc.). Other behavioural categories such as social and passiva behaviours were unaffected by the EE presentations. THe results show that it is possible to increase the effectiveness of EE by simple means in order to ensure animal welfare.</p>
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Atteintes au vivant et responsabilité civile /Neyret, Laurent. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Zugl.: Orléans, 2005.
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Of fists and fangs an exploration of the degree to which the graduation hypothesis predicts future adolescent delinquency and aggression /Reyes, Cassandra L. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Indiana University of Pennsylvania. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Labelling Policies for FoodWeinrich, Ramona 21 May 2015 (has links)
Das Verbraucherinteresse an Qualität und bestimmten Produkteigenschaften nimmt immer weiter zu. Die Kennzeichnung von Lebensmitteln ist für Verbraucher ebenfalls auf Grund der hohen Produktdifferenzierung und dem daraus resultierenden großen Produktangebot an Lebensmitteln ein wichtiges Informationsinstrument, um eine gut informierte Produktwahl treffen zu können. Dabei spielen bei der Kennzeichnung von Produkten Vertrauenseigenschaften wie Prozess- oder Produktqualitäten eine wichtige Rolle, die ein entscheidendes Auswahlkriterium darstellen können. Vertrauenseigenschaften zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie von Verbrauchern nicht selbst überprüft werden können. Daher haben einige Elemente der Lebensmittelkennzeichnung das Ziel, Vertrauens- in Sucheigenschaften umzuwandeln, um so Informationsasymmetrien abzubauen Nur wenn Unterschiede in Lebensmitteln für Konsumenten sichtbar werden, können diese gut informierte Entscheidungen treffen. Zudem ist es für einen funktionierenden Markt notwendig, dass unterschiedliche Qualitäten deutlich werden, denn nur so kann verhindert werden, dass lautere Wettbewerber aus dem Markt verdrängt werden.
Ziel der Dissertation ist es, verschiedene Labelling Policies, die bisher nicht im Fokus der Konsumentenforschung standen, mittels empirischer Konsumentenbefragungen zu untersuchen, zu bewerten und Empfehlungen für Entscheidungsträger in der Lebensmittelkennzeichnung abzuleiten. Die drei zu untersuchenden Forschungsfragen lauten:
1. Wie zu Grunde liegende Prozess- und Produkteigenschaften differenziert auf Lebensmittelverpackungen kommuniziert werden können,
2. wie verschiedene Kennzeichnungselemente, die Signalling Cues für Verbraucher darstellen, auf Produktverpackungen von Verbrauchern wahrgenommen und beurteilt werden und
3. wie die Nischenprodukte Tierschutzfleisch und Weidemilch am besten vermarktet werden können und wie Zielgruppen zu charakterisieren sind.
Die Ergebnisse der Forschungsarbeit zeigen auf, dass die derzeitige Lebensmittelkennzeichnungspraxis Defizite und Verbesserungspotenzial aufweist. Daneben wurde aufgezeigt, dass ein mehrstufiges Labellingsystem Potenzial aufweist, am Markt Veränderungen gegenüber einem binären Labellingsystem hervorzurufen, die weiteren Forschungsbedarf erfordern. Es werden Empfehlungen für Politik und Wirtschaft abgeleitet. Weiterhin werden Marketingempfehlungen für Tierschutzfleisch und Weidemilch abgeleitet und die Zielgruppen für die diese Produkte charakterisiert.
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Problem Animals : A Critical Genealogy of Animal Cruelty and Animal Welfare in Swedish Politics 1844–1944Svärd, Per-Anders January 2015 (has links)
Despite growing academic interest in the human–animal relationship, little research has been directed toward the political regulation of animal treatment. Even less attention has been accorded to the emergence of the long dominant paradigm in this policy area, namely, the ideology of animal welfare. This book attempts to address this gap by chronicling the early history of animal politics in Sweden with the aim of producing a critical, deconstructive genealogy of animal cruelty and animal welfare. The study ranges from the first political debates about animal cruelty in 1844 to the institution of Sweden’s first comprehensive animal protection act in 1944. Taking a post-Marxist and psychoanalytically informed approach to discourse analysis, the study focuses on how the “problem” of animal cruelty was articulated in the parliamentary debates and government documents throughout the period: What was the problem of animal (mis)treatment represented to be? What kinds of animal (ab)use were rendered uncontroversial? What kind of affective investments and ideological fantasies underpinned these discursive constructions, and how did the problematizations change over time? The book contains six empirical chapters that deal with the most important legal revisions in the period as well as the parallel debates about animal experimentation and slaughter. Two major discursive regimes—an early “anti-cruelty regime” and a later “animal welfare regime”—are identified in the material, and the transition between them is theorized in terms of discursive antagonism and dislocation. Focusing on the conflict between competing discursive logics, the study charts a century of ideological struggles through which our modern attitudes toward animals were born. The book also offers a critical reinterpretation of the success story of animal welfare. Against the assumption that modern animal welfarism progressively grew out of the preceding anti-cruelty regime, the central claim of this book is that the “welfarist turn” that took place in the 1930s and 1940s also functioned to re-entrench society’s speciesist values and de-problematize the exploitation of animals for human purposes.
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Behaving Like Animals: Human Cruelty, Animal Suffering, and American Culture, 1900-presentMcGrath, Timothy Stephen 08 June 2015 (has links)
What does it mean to be cruel to an animal? What does it mean for an animal to suffer? These are the questions embedded in the term "cruelty to animals," which has seemed, at first glance, a well defined term in modern America, in so far as it has been codified in anti-cruelty statutes. Cruelty to animals has been a disputed notion, though. What some groups call cruel, others call business, science, culture, worship, and art. Contests over the humane treatment of animals have therefore been contests over history, ideology, culture, and knowledge in which a variety of social actors-- animal scientists, cockfighters, filmmakers, FBI agents, members of Congress, members of PETA, and many, many others--try to decide which harms against animals and which forms of animal suffering are justifiable. Behaving Like Animals examines these contests in the United States from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present, focusing on four practices that modern American animal advocates have labeled cruel: malicious animal abuse, cockfighting, intensive animal agriculture, and the harming of animals on film. These case studies broadly trace the contours of American attitudes toward human cruelty and animal suffering over the last century. They also trace the historical
evolution of the ideas embedded in the term “cruelty to animals.” Cruelty to animals has been the structuring logic of animal advocacy for two centuries, and historians have followed its development through the nineteenth century as a constellation of ideas about human and animal natures, about cruelty and kindness, and about suffering and sentience—very old ideas rooted in western intellectual thought and given shape by nineteenth-century sentimental culture. Behaving Like Animals follows this historical and intellectual thread into the twenty-first century, and reveals how these old ideas adapted to modern and evolving regimes of knowledge, science, and law, as they became
thickly knotted in America’s varied and transforming social, cultural, intellectual, political, and legal contexts. That process has had varied and far-reaching implications in modern American culture, structuring social relations among Americans while shaping understandings of the place of animals in American society. Behaving Like Animals tells this history.
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GYVŪNŲ TEISĖS – ANTROPOCENTRIZMO KRITIKA / Animal rights - the criticism of anthropocentrismRazulytė, Monika 28 September 2010 (has links)
Tiriamojo darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti gyvūnų teises filosofinių ir socialinių diskursų kontekste, pagrindžiant jas kaip antropocentrinės tradicijos kritikos išraišką. Tyrimo eigoje paaiškėjo, kad gyvūnų teisių teorinę koncepciją galima skirti į dvi kryptis: gyvūnų gerovė ir gyvūnų teisės. Gyvūnų gerovės kryptis reikalauja humaniškesnio elgesio su gyvūnais praktikos, tuo tarpu gyvūnų teisių ideologija reikalauja gyvūnams prigimtinių teisių: į gyvybę ir į laisvę. Praktinis šių koncepcijų įgyvendinimas globaliu mastu prasidėjo tik prieš kelis šimtmečius ir šiandiena tebėra aktualus. Vis didėjantis vegetarų, judėjimų už gyvūnų teises pasaulyje skaičius rodo efektyvią tokių tarptautinių organizacijų kaip PETA prevencinę ir švietėjišką misiją kelti žmonių sąmoningumą ir ieškoti gyvūnų išnaudojimo problemų sprendimo būdų. Deja, mūsų šalyje dar trūksta ir pilietinių iniciatyvų, ir valstybinių institucijų noro spręsti šias problemas. Todėl visuomenė vis dar skeptiškai vertina norą gyvūnams suteikti kokias nors teises, nes įsisenėjusi antropocentrinė pasaulio tvarka kai homo sapiens traktuodamas save kaip didžiausią vertybę ir iškeldamas virš visų kitų būtybių pavertė jas savo interesų tenkinimo šaltiniu. Todėl pagarba ne-žmogaus gyvybei, t.y. pripažinus gyvūno pagrindines prigimtines teises yra suspenduojamas žmogaus veiklos laukas ir gyvūnų eksploatacija trukusi ištisus amžius pripažįstama kaip neteisinga ir nemorali. / The purpose of this work is to analyze the rights of animals in the context of philosophical and sociological discussions and discourses, justifying these rights as an aspect of traditional anthropocentric critique. Research divides the theoretical concept of the rights of animals into two aspects: the “welfare of animals” and the “rights of animals”. The “welfare of animals” requires humane treatment of animals while the “rights of animals” are endowed at birth – to live and to be free.
The practice of these two aspects globally started just a few centuries ago and is still relevant today. An increase in the number of vegetarians and the number of animal rights groups show the effectiveness of organizations such as PETA in their mission to educate, prevent animal cruelty, increase awareness, and to search for solutions against animal exploitation. Unfortunately, in our country there is still of shortage of initiative from citizens and willingness from government institutions to resolve animal exploitation issues.
Society for the most part is still both skeptical and uncaring if animals have rights because of an ingrained anthropocentric hierarchical view where Homo sapiens esteem themselves with the highest value and raise themselves above other creatures rendering them merely as a resource to fulfill their needs. The honoring of all species with equal value would result in acknowledging animal rights endowed at birth. This in turn must call for a cessation of animal... [to full text]
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Effects of a difficult calving on the subsequent health and welfare of the dairy cows and calvesBarrier, Alice Ce´cile Madeleine January 2012 (has links)
Yearly calvings are essential to the sustainability of modern dairy farming. Currently, calving difficulty (or dystocia) affects one in six calvings among UK dairy herds but vary from 2 to 50% internationally. In dairy cows, despite reports of impaired performance, the extent and threshold of the effect of dystocia on health and performance remains unclear. Over the past years, there has also been increasing concerns about the levels of pain experienced by the dystocial cows. Better understanding of their parturition progress and behaviours is needed so that informed decisions on pain mitigation can be taken. Additionally, the impact of dystocia (besides stillbirth) should also be addressed in dairy calves. The objective of this study was to address the effects of a difficult calving on the health and welfare of both dairy cows and calves. Retrospective analyses of an experimental farm’s detailed records were used to relate calving difficulty with health and performance of the dairy cow. The results showed that after any difficulty at calving, dairy producers incur long-lasting shortfalls in milk sales. Dystocial cows also have impaired fertility, are more likely to leave the herd early and have a higher risk of dystocia at the following calving, thus there is a long-term detrimental impact on dystocial cows. Video monitoring of calvings allowed detailed investigation of the parturition progress and behaviours of dystocial Holstein cows giving birth to singleton liveborn calves. The study of calving behaviours and parturition progress indicated longer later stages of parturition, increased restlessness and tail raising in the six hours preceding expulsion of the calf, for dystocial cows receiving farm assistance compared with cows calving unaided. This may relate to the expression of higher levels of pain when dystocia occurs. The onset of maternal behaviour was not delayed following calving difficulty, and firm conclusions could not be drawn from investigation of some behavioural indicators of pain in the first three hours postpartum. Experimental work allowed the monitoring of a cohort of 496 calves born with various degrees of birth difficulty over two years. All but one vet assisted calves were born dead, and farmer assisted calves were more likely to be stillborn than calves born without assistance. Stillborn dystocial calves displayed larger internal damage, than stillborn eutocial calves, but they did not have a different body shape at birth than dystocial calves that survived. Dystocial dairy calves that survived the birth process had lower vigour at birth, had higher salivary cortisol, acquired lower passive immunity and received more health treatments in the neonatal period. Dystocial heifers also had higher mortality rates by weaning but had similar growth to first service. Historical records from the farm also showed that dystocial heifer calves were three times more likely to have died by weaning and by first service than calves born without assistance. For those who survived, there was, however, no indication of altered growth to weaning or subsequent impaired fertility. This may be explained by the early mortality of the most badly affected calves or by farm management. However, their high mortality rates still raise welfare concerns. Altogether, results suggest that dairy calves born with any difficulty have poorer welfare in the neonatal period and possibly beyond. The experience of any calving difficulty in dairy cattle therefore not only impairs the welfare of the cow, but also the welfare from their resulting calf. Any strategy implemented to lower the occurrence and mitigate the effects of dystocia will therefore improve the welfare of the cows, their calves and enhance the farm’s economic sustainability.
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THE IMPACT OF DUAL CHAMBER COW WATERBEDS AS A FREESTALL BASEWadsworth, Barbara Alice 01 January 2014 (has links)
The objectives of this research were to compare lying time, milk yield, rumination time, hock score, stall cleanliness, and stall temperature for 97 cows (Holsteins (n = 71), Jerseys (n = 10), and crossbreds (n = 16)) housed on Dual Chamber Cow Waterbeds™ (DCCW, Advanced Comfort Technology, Reedsburg, WI) or conventional rubber mattresses (MAT). This study was conducted at the University of Kentucky Coldstream Research Dairy Farm from January 18, 2012 to May 3, 2013. Lying times were longer (P < 0.01) for cows housed on the DCCW (10:32 ± 0:13) compared to cows housed on the MAT (9:47 ± 0:15). Milk yield was not different (P ≥ 0.05) between cows housed on the DCCW or MAT. Rumination times were greater (P = 0.03) for cows housed on MAT (6:44 ± 0:08) compared to cows housed on DCCW (6:29 ± 0:08). Hock scores were lesser (P = 0.02) for cows housed on DCCW (1.86 ± 0.03) compared to cows housed on MAT (1.97 ± 0.04). Stall cleanliness was not different (P ≥ 0.05) between the DCCW and the MAT. The DCCW stall temperature was warmer (P < 0.01) (13.29 ± 0.21 ⁰C) than the MAT (10.52 ± 0.21 ⁰C).
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