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Wildlife rehabilitation in South Africa.January 2009 (has links)
Wildlife rehabilitation, defined as “providing temporary care to injured, ill and orphaned wild animals with the goal of releasing them back into their natural habitat”, developed in response to the increase in human population and urbanisation. Widllife rehabilitation centres developed to deal with casualties from man-made hazards; and because rehabilitation involves human emotions of empathy and compassion, the activity has not tended to be the domain of wildlife specialists, but of concerned members of the public. This has caused concerns for wildlife specialists over the welfare of animals being rehabilitated, because making decisions based on emotions may result in an animal being kept alive under unethical conditions, instead of being euthansed. Furthermore, there may be negative impacts on conservation, as it could divert money away from habitat protection and may place wild populations at risk from disease and genetic pollution. This dichotomy in opinion is most often seen between rehabilitators, who focus on the individual animal, and government wildlife officials, who grant them permits, and who focus on the security of entire communities. Although the value of wildlife rehabilitation cannot be underestimated, in terms of its service to wildlife and the public, there is a need to evaluate whether wildlife rehabilitation may result in more rather than less animal suffering and have a detrimental impact on the existing wild populations. I thus set out to determine the efficacy of wildlife rehabilitation, particularly in South Africa. In the first assessment of rehabilitation centres in South Africa, 65% known centres (n = 63) from all nine provinces returned questionnaires. Several thousand injured, diseased and orphaned animals pass through these centres each year, clearly showing the need for rehabilitation centres in South Africa. However, due to lack of scientific research on the efficacy of rehabilitation methods of care and release, and minimal post-release monitoring, I found that experience and intuition drove most rehabilitation practices. Additionally, because personnel from most centres cited lack of finance as a main impediment to the goal of rehabilitation, the result of rehabilitation may include negative affects on individual animal welfare and survival, as well as on conservation efforts for wildlife communities. Thus, I suggested wildlife rehabilitation be centralised to a provincial or national government. Furthermore, I suggested that guidelines of minimum standards should be developed in consultation with experienced rehabilitators, veterinarians and conservation scientists; to be enforced by trained and dedicated conservation officials. To gain further insight into the need for wildlife rehabilitation in a community in South Africa, I decided to examine four-years of intake records from a large rehabilitation centre in the KwaZulu-Natal Province for trends. Animal intake rate was high (2701 ± 94 per annum). Most of the intake (90%) was birds, with few mammals (8%) and reptiles (2%), and most of these were of locally common species (eg doves, pigeons). This reflects the findings of other studies, namely that species living in close association with humans are the most frequently admitted to rehabilitation centres. In total, most of the animals admitted (43%) were juveniles, which were assumed to be abandoned or orphaned. The implications of then rehabilitating these juveniles, which were largely uninjured, is whether humans should be interfering with nature if the cause was not human-related; can each juvenile (especially in these large numbers) be adequately prepared to survive and thrive when released into the wild; and is there space in the environment for them, without causing harm to others already in the environment. I suggest that the large numbers of animals currently being admitted to the centre may be reduced, possibly through increased public education particularly to leave uninjured juveniles in the wild. Furthermore, improvements in the centre’s recording system may allow for use in funding requests and for various research opportunities. There is a general lack of post-release monitoring in wildlife rehabilitation, and the IUCN advises that confiscated and orphaned animals should be euthanased or placed in life-time captivity. I thus decided to document the post-release fate of rehabilitated vervet monkeys and leopard tortoises, two species commonly admitted to a rehabilitation centre, and rock hyrax (Procavia capensis), as a further case study, even though individuals were not from a rehabilitation centre. Success of releasing rehabilitated animals cannot be judged on whether it results in a self-sustaining population, as in reintroductions, as it is to improve the welfare of that particular animal, independent of its species’ status. Survival is thus the most basic indicator of a successful rehabilitation release. Other aspects, such as behaving similarly to a wild animal, are additional success factors, as they likely influence survival. Although after one year post-release, the two troops (T1 = 35, T2 = 24) of vervet monkeys (including an infant) survived, were independent of human food provision and companionship, had established in an area, and had births in the breeding season following release; low known survival (T1 = 11%, T2 = 50%) make it difficult to designate these releases as successful. However, it was clear that the two groups of rock hyrax released were not successful. The group of rock hyrax that had previously been in captivity for 16 months (n = 17) did not have site fidelity after release, and after three months could not be found. All wild rock hyrax (n = 9), except one whose fate is unknown, were found dead, mostly predated, within 18 days. The release likely failed due to predation. For both vervet monkeys and rock hyrax, a lack of social cohesion was suggested as causing the group to dissolve or split upon release, which in turn would increase their vulnerability to predation. Recommendations are provided for considerations in future releases of captive vervet monkeys and rock hyrax. Movements of two groups of tortoises (ten and seven individuals) released at two different sites were monitored over a year, using radio-telemetry. In total, one tortoise was returned to captivity because of disease, four were killed intentionally or accidentally by humans, three others died due to a combination of disease, starvation and/or dehydration, and the fate of six were unknown. Since only two out of seven tortoises survived 13 months after release and only one out of ten tortoises were known to have survived 25 months after release, rehabilitated leopard tortoises were not successfully released into the wild. Recommendations to improve the success of future releases are provided. The occurrence of disease in the tortoise release was a worrying result, and must be addressed before any further releases are allowed. To summarise, there is a dichotomy between wildlife rehabilitation and conservation throughout the world, but this study highlighted the situation in South Africa. The IUCN guidelines for the reintroduction, introduction and supplementation of animals make it clear that there are many threats to the individual animal, to the release environment and to the conservation of species when transporting and releasing animals, especially if they had been in captivity. I believe that I have presented enough evidence in the thesis to suggest that wildlife rehabilitation may result in negative consequences to the welfare of the individual being rehabilitated and to the wild conspecifics or to other species in the release site. I suggest that wildlife rehabilitation needs to move away from being an emotional-based “animal-rights” organisation, to being objectively managed, such that no harm is caused to conservation by these efforts. This may require them to change their constitution so they are aligned with the IUCN guidelines, where more consideration is given to the possible risks involved in releasing animals. However, the applicability of the IUCN guidelines will vary slightly according to the species and situation, and they require input from the local conservation authorities (as was the case in the studies documented in this thesis). I suggest that the public be educated as to the risks that wildlife rehabilitated animals can pose to the safety of the environment as a whole, and that rehabilitated animals do not necessarily survive or thrive in the wild when released, and thus they have to understand that rehabilitation centres will sometimes have to prioritise casualties for treatment, and euthanase exotic species. In conclusion, implementing further research in ensuring long-term post-release survival of rehabilitated animals; developing and enforcing practical guidelines/minimum standards by dedicated and qualified governmental wildlife conservation officials; and having examinations in order to qualify as a wildlife rehabilitator, will ensure humans are “making amends” instead of having an additional negative impact on conservation and animal welfare. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009
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Gyvūnų gerovės apsaugos biomedicinos moksliniuose tyrimuose teisinio reglamentavimo ypatumai / Legal issues of animal welfare protection in biomedical researchVosyliūtė, Rūta 05 July 2011 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe nagrinėjami gyvūnų gerovės apsaugos biomedicinos moksliniuose tyrimuose teisinio reguliavimo ypatumai. Pirmoje darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu analizuojama gyvūnų gerovės samprata, istorija bei teisinio reguliavimo priežastys. Antroje dalyje analizuojami tarptautiniai, ES ir nacionaliniai teisės aktai, reglamentuojantys gyvūnų gerovę biomedicinos moksliniuose tyrimuose. / In this master paper the conception of legal regulation on animal welfare protection in biomedical research is overviewed. In the first part the concept of animal welfare, the history and the regulatory reasons are analysed in terms of theoretical aspects. In the second part the international, European Union and national legislation on animal welfare in biomedical research is analysed.
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Bewertung verschiedener Bolzenschussbetäubungsapparate beim Rind hinsichtlich ihrer Effektivität und ihres Einflusses auf den AusblutungsgradDörfler, Katharina 20 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
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Il benessere degli animali è uno dei temi più discussi temi delle scienze animali. Molti ricercatori hanno provato a darne una definizione e a sviluppare strumenti utili alla sua valutazione negli allevamenti di vacche da latte. Nel presente lavoro viene discussa la possibilità di valutare il benessere degli animali, attraverso sistemi di innovazione da diversi punti di vista: scientifico, economico e zootecnico. Quattro differenti ricerche sono state sviluppate per confrontare i risultati sulla valutazione del benessere degli animali negli allevamenti da latte ottenuti con: indici fisiologici, modello SDIB e un sistema di monitoraggio della ruminazione. / Animal welfare is one of the most discussed topic in the animal science. Many researchers have been proving to define animal welfare and to develop tools useful to assess its levels in dairy farms. In the present issue it is discussed with different point of view (scientific, economical and zootechnic) the opportunity to assess the animal welfare through innovations system. Our different research was develop to compare the results about animal welfare in dairy herds obtained by physiological indices as well as blood variables, a model for animal welfare assessment as well as IDSW model, a rumination monitoring system.
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Eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der intensiven Veredelung in Nordwestdeutschland: betriebliche Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze der Primärproduktion in der Region / The sustainable development of intensive livestock farming in Northwest Germany: operational challenges and approaches of livestock farmers in the regionOtten, Dennis 04 July 2013 (has links)
Die Nutztierhaltung in Nordwestdeutschland befindet sich derzeit in dem empfindlichen Dilemma zwischen den wirtschaftliche Erfordernissen, welche der internationale Strukturwandel in der Nutztierhaltung an die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stellt, und den derzeitigen Entwicklungspotentialen in der Region. Zum einen begrenzen die natürlichen Potentiale eine weiter ansteigende räumliche Verdichtung der Nutztierhaltung. Des Weiteren hat sich das gesellschaftliche Anforderungspotential an die Landwirtschaft als auch an den ländlichen Raum geändert und forciert keinen weiteren Anstieg der Nutztierhaltung. Die Bedingungen durch die hohe Tierdichte verlangen zunehmend, dass in Nordwestdeutschland eine nachhaltige Ausrichtung der Nutztierhaltung in höherem Maße verankert wird. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt hierfür wesentliche Herausforderungen der Nutztierhaltung in den Bereichen Umweltschutz, der Tiergerechtheit intensiver Haltungssysteme und regionale Ressourcenkonflikte.
Umweltschutz: Die Stoffdynamik von Stickstoff (N) und Phosphor (P) sämtlicher Betriebsgüter wurde auf sechs intensiven schweinehaltenden Betrieben über einen Zeitraum von 5 Jahren analysiert. Es wurde deutlich, dass die hohe Leistung und die leistungsbezogene Fütterung sich positiv auf Nährstoffeffizienz in der Tierhaltung auswirken, im Pflanzenbau jedoch Defizite bestehen. Insbesondere die Wahrnehmung der anfallenden Menge tierischer Exkremente als (N, P) Dünger ist unzureichend. Die Düngewirkung des Wirtschaftsdüngers [Unterschätzung N = 7,6 % (10,6 kg/ha), P = 33,6 % (11,6 kg/ha)], aber auch die Anwendung von Mineraldünger [N um 4,1 % (8,1 kg/ha), P um 12,7 % (1,5 kg/ha)] wurden deutlich unterschätzt. Als Folge hatten die Betriebe große Nährstoffverluste (104,5 kg N/ha; 11,7 kg P/ha) zu verzeichnen. Die Studie bewertet die kritischen Aspekte des Nährstoff-Managements und diskutiert mögliche Verbesserungen für die Zukunft.
Tiergerechtheit intensiver Haltungssysteme: Auf drei Mastbetrieben intensiver Haltungsformen wurden jeweils sechs Analysen (wöchentlich) mit dem Bewertungssystem nach Welfare Quality® durchgeführt, um aufzuzeigen, inwiefern dieses geeignet ist, die Tiergerechtheit in intensiven Haltungssystemen zu analysieren. Es wird die Durchführbarkeit des Systems bewertet und analysiert, welche Rückschlüsse sich durch die Bewertung auf die Tiergerechtheit intensiver Haltungsformen ziehen lassen. In der Gesamtbewertung (excellent, enhanced, acceptable or not classified) wurden 72,3 % aller Untersuchungen der zweiten Bewertungskategorie "enhanced" zugeordnet, während 27,7 % die dritte Kategorie
7. Zusammenfassung
"akzeptabel" erreichten. Die Hauptkritikpunkte waren eine unzureichende Wasserversorgung, vorhandene Schleimbeutelentzündungen durch die Besatzdichte und das Ausleben natürlicher Verhaltensweisen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass das Bewertungssystem grundsätzlich geeignet ist, die Tiergerechtheit in intensiven Haltungssystemen zu analysieren, jedoch scheinen nicht alle Messungen (insbesondere im Bereich „Good Housing“ und „Good Health“) empfindlich genug zu sein, um Unterschiede der Tiergerechtheit zwischen intensiven Haltungssystemen in ausreichendem Maße bewerten zu können. Weitere Analysen mit einer größeren Anzahl von Betrieben sind hier nötig. Die Arbeit diskutiert mögliche Ansatzpunkte für die Verbesserung der Tiergerechtheit intensiver Haltungssysteme und greift hierbei auch die derzeitige gesellschaftliche Diskussion auf.
Wachsende Konkurrenz um begrenzte regionale Ressourcen: Die Studie stellt dar, welche Anreizmechanismen und Konflikte die Nutztierhalter als regionale Indikatoren für die Zukunftsfähigkeit des Standortes wahrnehmen. Auf Grundlage der theoretischen Erklärungsansätze für Auswirkungen von intensiven Tierhaltungsregionen ist ein Fragebogen konzipiert worden, welcher in Form einer Onlinebefragung bei 137 Landwirten in der gesamten Region Nordwestdeutschlands durchgeführt wurde. Es wird deutlich, dass sich die Nutztierhaltung, mit den regionalen Herausforderungen einer zunehmend verdichteten Tierhaltung deutlicher konfrontiert sieht, als vorteilhafte Produktionsbedingung wahrgenommen werden. Als bedeutende Ressourcenkonflikte sind eine ansteigende Flächenknappheit für die Verwertung des Wirtschaftsdüngers, die Anforderungen durch den Natur- und Landschaftsschutz als auch eine ansteigende Standortproblematik für Bauvorhaben ausschlaggebend. Im Gegensatz zu dieser hohen Wahrnehmung negativer Auswirkungen des Produktionsstandortes in Nordwestdeutschland wird noch erhebliches Potential für weitere Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten der Tierbestände in Nordwestdeutschland gesehen. Zugleich werden der intensiven Tierhaltung in Nordwestdeutschland auch bedeutende vorteilhafte Produktionsbedingungen zugesprochen. Die Nutzeffekte werden vor allem im human- und social-Kapital gesehen werden. Diese Elemente verursachen jedoch ebenso ein geringes geografisches Reaktionsvermögen auf die zunehmenden Problemstellungen und lassen die Raumnutzungskonflikte weiter ansteigen. Durch die Wahrnehmung der Standortauswirkungen trägt die Arbeit dazu bei, die Anforderungen der Nutztierhalter an die Produktionsbedingungen in der Regionalentwicklung stärker zu berücksichtigen und bestehenden Problemstellungen entgegenzuwirken.
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Diet x hybrid interactions in large groups of laying hens /Wahlström, Annsofie, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Performance analysis of draught animal-implement system to improve productivity and welfare /Bobobee, Emmanuel Y. H., January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Ephilanthropy the impact of the internet & online communities in achieving social change /Soyak, Selin A. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--University of North Carolina Wilmington, 2008. / Title from PDF title page (viewed May 28, 2009) Includes bibliographical references (p. 55-59)
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Espaços individuais para novilhos confinados / Individual space for feedlot steersCattelam, Jonatas 28 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective, of this study, was evaluated, different individual spaces for steers feedlot
finished in group pens and yours effects on patterns behavioral and performance. Forty eight
steers, with average initial of twenty months and 243.4 kg, were used. Animals were feedlot,
four for pen, allocated in treatments accorded the individual space, 2.5, 5.0 and 10 m2, with
four pens for treatment. The animals were feedlot until reaching estimated cold carcass weight
of 220 kg. The diet, with 115 g of crude protein and 705 g of total digestible nutrient by kg of
diet in dry matter (DM), contained roughage: concentrate relation of 39:61 (DM basis). The
complete randomized block experimental design was used. The dry matter intake, with
intakes of 8.21; 8.29 and 8.41 kg, for steers with individual spaces of 2.5; 5.0 and 10 m2,
respectively, as well the average daily gain was simulated between the different spaces, with
means of 1.32; 1.41 and 1.47 kg, in the same order. The steers feed efficiency was not
influenced by space allowance. The individual space not influenced the time spent to feeding,
idle and rumination, which showed mean of 244.1; 790.3 and 405.6 minutes/day, respectively.
Likewise, the number of times that animals showed each of the behaviours, as well the
changes in posture during idle and rumination were similar between the different spaces
evaluated. The total time that the animals remained standing or lying was not influenced by
individual space, with average duration of 610.0 and 830.0 minutes/day, respectively, and the
realization of activities in synchronism, not difference between the different spaces, the
average time that the animals fed, standing or lay down in synchrony was 85.8, 308.0 and
468.4 minutes/ day, in the same order. The total number of disputes, with 21.9, 21.5 and 19.7
events between animals kept in spaces, 2.5, 5.0 and 10 m2, in the same order, and the number
of non-agonistic interaction was not influenced by individual space available. Confined steers
with 5.0 and 10 m2, extended their members 8.8 and 9.7 times per day, respectively, superior
to animals maintained on individual spaces of 2.5 m2, this behavior made 4.3 times per day.
The cleanliness differed between the spaces, with values of 3.2, 2.4 and 1.1 for steers with
individual spaces of 2.5, 5.0 and 10 m2 respectively, as well as respiratory rate, with 27.1,
24.8 and 22.7 breaths / minute, in the same order. The hot and cold carcass weight, 226.0 and
222.0, respectively, and hot and cold carcass dressing, 58.5 and 57.0 kg/ 100 kg by live
weight, in the same order, were not influenced by individual space. For all spaces evaluated,
the carcass required minimum fat thickness, 3 mm. The weights and percentage of
commercial cuts, also the weight and participation tissues in carcass were similar between
different spaces. Color, texture, marbling, sensorial characteristics and shear force, were not
influenced by individual space. / Objetivou-se, com este estudo, avaliar a disponibilidade de diferentes espaços individuais para
novilhos confinados coletivamente em fase de terminação e seus reflexos sobre parâmetros
comportamentais e produtivos. Foram utilizados 48 novilhos, com idade e pesos médios
iniciais de 20 meses e 243,4 kg, respectivamente. Os animais foram mantidos em baias
coletivas, com quatro animais cada, distribuídos nos tratamentos conforme o espaço
individual disponível, 2,5; 5,0 ou 10 m2, sendo utilizadas quatro baias por tratamento. Os
novilhos permaneceram confinados até atingir, por estimativa, peso de carcaça fria de 220 kg.
A dieta, com 115 g de proteína bruta e 705 g de nutrientes digestíveis totais por kg de matéria
seca (MS) da dieta, a qual continha relação volumoso concentrado de 39: 61 (base na MS). O
delineamento experimental utilizado foi blocos ao acaso. O consumo diário de matéria seca,
com ingestões de 8,21; 8,29 e 8,41 kg, para novilhos mantidos com espaços individuais de
2,5; 5,0 e 10 m2, foi similar entre os diferentes espaçamentos, assim como o ganho médio
diário de peso, com valores de 1,32; 1,41 e 1,47 kg, citados na mesma ordem. As eficiências
alimentares dos novilhos não foram influenciadas pelo espaçamento. O espaço individual não
influenciou os tempos de alimentação, ócio e ruminação, os quais apresentaram valores
médios de 244,1; 790,3 e 405,6 minutos/dia, respectivamente, e as mudanças de postura
durante ócios e ruminações. O tempo total que os animais permaneceram em pé ou deitados
ao longo do dia, médias de 610,0 e 830,0 minutos, respectivamente, e o tempo médio que os
animais se alimentaram, permaneceram em pé ou deitaram-se sincronizadamente foi de 85,8;
308,0 e 468,4 minutos/dia, citados na mesma ordem, não foram influenciados pelo espaço
disponível. O número total de disputas, com 21,9; 21,5 e 19,7 ocorrências diárias nos novilhos
em espaços de 2,5; 5,0 e 10 m2, respectivamente, e o número de interação não-agonísticas
foram similares entre os diferentes espaçamentos avaliados. Novilhos confinados com 5,0 e
10 m2 estenderam seus membros 8,8 e 9,7 vezes por dia, respectivamente, superiores aos
animais mantidos com disponibilidade individual de 2,5 m2, que realizaram esse
comportamento 4,3 vezes ao dia. O escore de limpeza diferiu entre os espaçamentos, com
valores de 3,2; 2,4 e 1,1 para novilhos com espaços individuais de 2,5; 5,0 e 10 m2,
respectivamente, assim como a frequência respiratória, com 27,1; 24,8 e 22,7 movimentos/
minuto, citados na mesma ordem. Os pesos de carcaça quente e fria, médias de 226,0 e 220,0
kg, respectivamente, bem como seus rendimentos, 58,5 e 57,0 kg/ por 100 kg de peso vivo,
citados na mesma ordem, não foram influenciados pelo espaçamento, tendo as carcaças
apresentado espessura de gordura mínima exigida, 3 mm. O peso e o rendimento dos cortes
comerciais da carcaça, como também o peso absoluto e a participação dos tecidos que
compõem a carcaça foram similares entre os diferentes espaçamentos. Cor, textura,
marmoreio, características organolépticas e força de cisalhamento da carne não foram
influenciadas pelos espaçamentos utilizados.
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Ekonomická analýza nákladů na péči o opuštěná zvířata / An economic analysis of the costs of caring for abandoned animalsKOUTNÍKOVÁ, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the economic analysis of the costs of abandoned animals. It focuses on the costs of shelters in the South Bohemian Region. The work alludes to changes in legislation and innovations in it. The main objective of this work was to determine what costs are associated with caring for abandoned animals. Cost compa-rison of selected shelters regard to the structure and size of the city for which it was built shelter. Also take into account the number of dogs who have passed refuge, shelter locations in houses etc. Then a comparison was made on the basis of specific criteria and a summary of the results. The work was compiled based on information provided by the representatives of the shelters. The obtained data were then statistically evaluated in graphs and tables.
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