Spelling suggestions: "subject:"antagonist""
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Progesterone metabolites learning, tolerance, antagonism & metabolism /Öfverman, Charlotte, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2009. / Härtill 5 uppsatser. Även tryckt utgåva.
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Σύνθεση σαρτανών, παράγωγα της λοσαρτάνης / Synthesis of sartans, products of losartanΣταυρόπουλος, Ιωάννης 09 October 2014 (has links)
Η υπέρταση αποτελεί έναν από τους πλέον σημαντικότερους παράγοντες στην αύξηση των καρδιαγγειακών επεισοδίων τα οποία ευθύνονται περίπου για το ήμισυ των θανάτων στους ενηλίκους. To σύστημα ρενίνης-αγγειοτενσίνης (RAS), διαδραματίζει καθοριστικό ρόλο στη ρύθμιση της συστολικής και της διαστολικής πίεσης και για αυτό το λόγο η αναστολή του έχει αποτελέσει φαρμακολογικό στόχο για τη θεραπεία της υπέρτασης.
Οι μη πεπτιδικοί ΑΤ1 ανταγωνιστές της Αγγειοτενσίνης ΙΙ αντιπροσωπεύουν τη νεότερη γενιά αντιϋπερτασικών φαρμάκων. Επιδρούν στο τελικό στάδιο του RAS, αποτελώντας μία αποτελεσματική θεραπευτική προσέγγιση της υπέρτασης. Με βάση το Losartan, τον πρώτο μη πεπτιδικό ΑΤ1 ανταγωνιστή της Αγγειοτενσίνης ΙΙ που κυκλοφόρησε στην αγορά το 1995, σχεδιάστηκαν δραστικότεροι και εκλεκτικότεροι ανταγωνιστές με παρατεταμένη βιολογική δράση.
Στόχος της παρούσας ερευνητικής εργασίας και έχοντας ως βάση τα χαρακτηριστικά του Losartan, ήταν η σύνθεση μονοαλκυλιωμένων παραγώγων με βάση είτε το 2-βουτυλοϊμιδαζόλιο (ανάλογο 1),, είτε το 4-βουτυλοϊμιδαζόλιο (ανάλογο 2). Συγκεκριμένα, φέρουν τα ακόλουθα δομικά χαρακτηριστικά:
Ένα ιμιδαζολικό δακτύλιο υποκατεστημένο με την n-βουτυλ-ομάδα είτε στη θέση 2 (1), είτε στη θέση 4 (2) του ιμιδαζολίου, καθώς σύμφωνα με τη βιβλιογραφία η βουτυλ-ομάδα αυτή αλληλεπιδρά με τη λιπόφιλη περιοχή του υποδοχέα και διαθέτει το βέλτιστο μήκος, με απώτερο στόχο την εμφάνισης ή όχι βιολογικής δράσης.
Τη [2´-(2Η-τετραζολ-5-υλ)διφαινυλ-4-υλ]μεθυλ-ομάδα. / Hypertension is one of the most important factors resulting in the increase of cardiovascular episodes, which are responsible for approximately half of all deaths in adults. The Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) plays a defining role in the regulation of systolic and diastolic pressure and its inhibition has been a pharmacological goal in the treatment of hypertension.
Non peptide AT1 receptor Angiotensin II antagonists represent the latest generation of antihypertensive drugs. They interfere in the final blockade site of RAS thus being an effective therapeutic approach towards treating hypertension. Losartan was the first non peptide AT1 receptor angiotensin II antagonist to become available in the market in 1995. Using Losartan as a base, more potent and selective antagonists with prolonged biological action were designed.
The goal of this thesis and using the characteristics of Losartan as basis, was the synthesis of monoalkylated products based on either 2-butylimidazole (analogue 1) or 4-butylimidazole (analogue 2). Το be more specific they had the following structural characteristics:
An imidazole ring substituted with the n-butyl group either at position 2 (1) or at position 4 (2) of imidazole, since according to existing literature this butyl group interacts with the lipofile area of the receptor and has the ideal size for the appearance of biological action.
The [2´-(2Η-tetrazol-5-yl)biphenyl-4-yl]methyl-group.
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Σύνθεση Ν,Ν-διυποκατεστημένων αναλόγων με βάση το 4(5)-βουτυλοϊμιδαζόλιο, ως ανταγωνιστές του ΑΤ1 υποδοχέα της αγγειοτασίνης ΙΙ / Synthesis of N,N-disubstituted analogues based on 4(5)-butylimidazole, as AT1 receptor angiotensin II antagonistsΠαναγιωτοπούλου, Ειρήνη 09 October 2014 (has links)
Η υπέρταση αποτελεί έναν από τους σημαντικότερους παράγοντες που αυξάνει τα καρδιαγγειακά επεισόδια τα οποία ευθύνονται περίπου για το ήμισυ των θανάτων στους ενηλίκους. To σύστημα ρενίνης-αγγειοτασίνης-αλδοστερόνης (RAAS) διαδραματίζει καθοριστικό ρόλο στη ρύθμιση της συστολικής και της διαστολικής πίεσης και η αναστολή του έχει αποτελέσει φαρμακολογικό στόχο για τη θεραπεία της υπέρτασης.
Οι μη πεπτιδικοί ΑΤ1 ανταγωνιστές της Αγγειοτασίνη ΙΙ αντιπροσωπεύουν τη νεότερη γενιά αντιϋπερτασικών φαρμάκων. Επεμβαίνουν στο τελικό στάδιο του RAAS αποτελώντας μία αποτελεσματική θεραπευτική προσέγγιση της υπέρτασης. Με βάση το Losartan, τον πρώτο μη πεπτιδικό ΑΤ1 ανταγωνιστή της Αγγειοτασίνη ΙΙ που κυκλοφόρησε στην αγορά σχεδιάστηκαν δραστικότεροι και εκλεκτικοί ανταγωνιστές με παρατεταμένη βιολογική δράση.
Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας ερευνητικής εργασίας έγινε σύνθεση διαλκυλιωμένων αναλόγων που φέρουν ως βάση τον ετεροκυκλικό ιμιδαζολικό δακτύλιο υποκατεστημένο στις θέσεις -4, -5. / Hypertension is one of the most important factors resulting in the increase of cardiovascular episodes, which are responsible for approximately half of all deaths in adults. The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) plays a defining role in the regulation of systolic and diastolic pressure and its inhibition has been a pharmacological goal in the treatment of hypertension.
Non peptide AT1 receptor Angiotensin II antagonists represent the latest generation of antihypertensive drugs. They interfere in the final blockade site of RAAS thus being an effective therapeutic approach towards treating hypertension. Losartan was the first non peptide AT1 receptor angiotensin II antagonist to become available in the market. Using Losartan as a base, more potent and selective antagonists with prolonged biological action were designed.
In the context of this thesis, the synthesis of dialkylated analogues based on the 4, 5 trisubstituted heterocyclic imidazole ring is described.
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Trends in the use of Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and Angiotensin II antagonists in Lithuania on 2005-2007 years / Angiotenziną konvertuojančio fermento inhibitorių ir Angiotenzino II antagonistų suvartojimo tendencijų analizė Lietuvoje 2005 – 2007 metaisDičkutė, Asta 16 June 2008 (has links)
Objective: To evaluate the tendencies of utilization of Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and Angiotensin II receptors antagonists in Lithuania during 2005-2007 years.
Methods: MEDLINE database was searched to identify and evaluate all literature relating to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and Angiotensin II antagonists. Utilization data of Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (plain and combinations) and Angiotensin II antagonists (plain and combinations) in Lithuania over three years (2005 – 2007) period were obtained from SoftDent, JSC database. The retail prices of agents acting on the Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone selected from Reimbursed Medical Products Reference Prices Lists of 2005, 2006, 2007 years. Drugs were classified according to the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical system and use was quantified in terms of defined daily doses (ATC/DDD). Consumption of Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (plain and combinations) and Angiotensin II antagonists (plain and combinations) was calculated by DDD methodology and expressed as DDD per 1.000 inhabitants per day. Pharmacoeconomic calculations were done according to cost minimization and reference price methodologies.
Results: According to meta-analysis, number of included studies (69 publications) that evaluated various treatment and head-to-head efficacy comparisons found in literature no consistent differential effects of ACEIs versus ARBs on... [to full text] / Tikslas: atlikti Angiotenziną konvertuojančių fermentų inhibitorių ir Angiotenzino II antagonistų suvartojimo tendencijų Lietuvoje analizę 2005 – 2007 metais.
Metodai: Duomenys apie Angiotenziną konvertuojančio fermento inhibitorių ir Angiotenzino II antagonistų farmakokinetines ir farmakodinamines savybes buvo surinkti iš MEDLINE elektroninių duomenų šaltinių. Duomenys apie AKF inhibitorių (paprastų ir sudėtinių) ir Angiotenzino II antagonistų (paprastų ir sudėtinių) suvartojimą Lietuvoje per 2005 – 2007 metus gauti iš UAB SoftDent duomenų bazės. Renino-angiotenzino-aldosterono sistemą veikiančių vaistų mažmeninės kainos išrinktos iš Lietuvos kompensuojamų vaistinių preparatų 2005, 2006, 2007 metų kainynų. Vaistai buvo suklasifikuoti pagal anatominę terapinę cheminę (ATC) klasifikaciją. AKFI inhibitorių (paprastų ir sudėtinių) ir Angiotenzino II antagonistų (paprastų ir sudėtinių) suvartojimas buvo vertinamas pagal apibrėžtos dienos dozės (DDD – daily defined dose) metodiką, o duomenys įvertinti pagal DDD skaičių, tenkantį 1000 gyventojų per vieną dieną. AKF inhibitorių (paprastų ir sudėtinių) ir Angiotenzino II antagonistų (paprastų ir sudėtinių) farmakoekonominei analizei atlikti buvo taikytas kainų mažinimo bei standartinės kainos nustatymo metodai.
Rezultatai: Vadovaujantis metaanalizių, įvairių klinikinių tyrimų 69 publikacijomis bei išsamia AKF inhibitorių ir Angiotenzino II antagonisų efektyvumo palyginimo analize galima teigti, kad šių vaistų grupių poveikis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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The role of norepinephrine in learning : cerebellar motor learning in ratsParedes, Daniel A. January 2007 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2007. / Title from PDF of title page. Document formatted into pages; contains 144 pages. Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references.
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Worming to Complete the Insulin/IGF-1 Signaling Cascade: A DissertationPadmanabhan, Srivatsan 17 April 2009 (has links)
The insulin/IGF-1 signaling (IIS) was initially identified in C. elegansto control a developmental phenotype called dauer. Subsequently, it was realized that lifespan was extended by mutations in this pathway and became an intense focus of study. The IIS pathway regulates growth, metabolism and longevity across phylogeny and plays important roles in human disease such as cancer and diabetes. Given the large number of cellular processes that this pathway controls, understanding the regulatory mechanisms that modulate insulin/IGF-1 signaling is of paramount importance.
IIS signaling is a very well-studied kinase cascade but few phosphatases in the pathway are known. Identification of these phosphatases, especially those that counteract the activity of the kinases, would provide a better insight into the regulation of this critical pathway. Study of serine/threonine phosphatases is hampered by the lack of appropriate reagents.
In Chapter II, we discuss the design and results of an RNAi screen of serine/threonine phosphatases performed in C. elegans using dauer formation as a phenotypic output. We identified several strong regulators of dauer formation and in Chapter III, proceed to characterize one of the top candidates of our screen, pptr-1. We show that pptr-1 regulates the IIS and thereby affects lifespan, development and metabolism in C .elegans.
pptr-1gene encodes a protein with high homology to the mammalian B56 family of PP2A regulatory subunits. PP2A is a ubiquitously expressed phosphatase that is involved in multiple cellular processes whose specificity determined by its association with distinct regulatory subunits.
Our studies using C. elegans provides mechanistic insight into how the PP2A regulatory subunit PPTR-1 specifically modulates AKT-1 activity by regulating its phosphorylation status in the context of a whole organism. Furthermore, we show that this mechanism of regulation is conserved in mammals.
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Gene Expression and Profiling of Human Islet Cell Subtypes: A Master’s ThesisBlodgett, David M. 25 July 2012 (has links)
Background: The endocrine pancreas contains multiple cell types co-localized into clusters called the Islets of Langerhans. The predominant cell types include alpha and beta cells, which produce glucagon and insulin, respectively. The regulated release of these hormones maintains whole body glucose homeostasis, essential for normal metabolism and to prevent diabetes and complications from the disease. Given the heterogeneous nature of islet composition and absence of unique surface markers, many previous studies have focused on the whole islet. Sorting islet cells by intracellular hormone expression overcomes this limitation and provides pure populations of individual islet cell subsets, specifically alpha and beta cells. This technique provides the framework for characterizing human islet composition and will work towards identifying the genetic changes alpha and beta cells undergo during development, growth, and proliferation.
Methods: Human islets obtained from cadaveric donors are dissociated into a single cell suspension, fixed, permeabilized, and labeled with antibodies specific to glucagon, insulin, and somatostatin. Individual alpha, beta, and delta cell populations are simultaneously isolated using fluorescence activated cell sorting. Candidate gene expression and microRNA profiles have been obtained for alpha and beta cell populations using a quantitative nuclease protection assay. Thus far, RNA has been extracted from whole islets and beta cells and subjected to next generation sequencing analysis.
Results: The ratio of beta to alpha cells significantly increases with donor age and trends higher in female donors; BMI does not appear to significantly alter the ratio. Further, we have begun to investigate the unique gene expression profiles of alpha and beta cells versus whole islets, and have characterized the microRNA profiles of the two cell subsets.
Conclusions: By establishing methods to profile multiple characteristics of alpha and beta cells, we hope to determine how gene, miRNA, and protein expression patterns change under environmental conditions that lead to beta cell failure or promote beta cell development, growth, and proliferation.
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The Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Signaling in Pancreatic Beta Cells: a DissertationLipson, Kathryn L. 07 May 2008 (has links)
Protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is essential for proper cellular function. However, the sensitive environment in the ER can be perturbed by both pathological processes as well as by physiological processes such as a large biosynthetic load placed on the ER. ER stress is a specific type of intracellular stress caused by the accumulation of immature or abnormal misfolded or unfolded proteins in the ER. Simply defined, ER stress is a disequilibrium between ER load and folding capacity. Cells have an adaptive response that counteracts ER stress called the "Unfolded Protein Response” (UPR). The ability to adapt to physiological levels of ER stress is especially important for maintaining ER homeostasis in secretory cells. This also holds true for pancreatic β-cells, which must fold and process large amounts of the hormone insulin.
Pancreatic β-cells minimize abnormal levels of glycemia through adaptive changes in the production and regulated secretion of insulin. This process is highly sensitive, so that small degrees of hypo- or hyperglycemia result in altered insulin release. The frequent fluctuation of blood glucose levels in humans requires that β-cells control proinsulin folding in the ER with exquisite sensitivity. Any imbalance between the load of insulin translation into the ER and the actual capacity of the ER to properly fold and process the insulin negatively affects the homeostasis of β-cells and causes ER stress.
In this dissertation, we show that Inositol Requiring 1 (IRE1), an ER-resident kinase/endoribonuclease and a central regulator of ER stress signaling, is essential for maintaining ER homeostasis in pancreatic β-cells. Importantly, IRE1 has a crucial function in the body’s normal production of insulin in response to high glucose. Phosphorylation and subsequent activation of IRE1 by transient exposure to high glucose is coupled to insulin biosynthesis, while inactivation of IRE1 by siRNA or inhibition of IRE1 phosphorylation abolishes insulin biosynthesis. IRE1 signaling under these physiological ER stress conditions utilizes a unique subset of downstream components of IRE1 and has a beneficial effect on pancreatic β-cell homeostasis.
In contrast, we show that chronic exposure of β-cells to high glucose causes pathological levels of ER stress and hyperactivation of IRE1, leading to the degradation of insulin mRNA. The term “glucose toxicity” refers to impaired insulin secretion by β-cells in response to chronic stimulation by glucose and is characterized by a sharp decline in insulin gene expression. However, the molecular mechanisms of glucose toxicity are not well understood. We show that hyperactivation of IRE1 caused by chronic high glucose treatment or IRE1 overexpression leads to insulin mRNA degradation in pancreatic β-cells. Inhibition of IRE1 signaling using a dominant negative form of the protein prevents insulin mRNA degradation in β-cells. Additionally, islets from mice heterozygous for IRE1 retain expression of more insulin mRNA after chronic high glucose treatment than do their wild-type littermates.
This work suggests that the rapid degradation of insulin mRNA could provide immediate relief for the ER and free up the translocation machinery. Thus, this mechanism may represent an essential element in the adaptation of β-cells to chronic hyperglycemia. This adaptation is crucial for the maintenance of β-cell homeostasis and may explain in part why the β-cells of diabetic patients with chronic hyperglycemia stop producing insulin without simply undergoing apoptosis. This work implies that prolonged activation of IRE1 signaling is involved in the molecular mechanisms underlying glucose toxicity.
This work therefore reveals two distinct activities elicited by IRE1 in pancreatic β-cells. IRE1 signaling activated by transient exposure to high glucose enhances proinsulin biosynthesis, while chronic exposure of β-cells to high glucose causes hyperactivation of IRE1, leading to the degradation of insulin mRNA. Physiological IRE1 activation by transient high glucose levels in pancreatic β cells has a beneficial effect on insulin biosynthesis. However, pathological IRE1 activation by chronic high glucose or experimental drugs negatively affects insulin gene expression. In the future, a system to induce a physiological level of IRE1 activation, and/or reduce the pathological level of IRE1 activation could be used to enhance insulin biosynthesis and secretion in people with diabetes, and may lead to the development of new and more effective clinical approaches to the treatment of this disorder.
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Peptidyltransfer Reaction Catalyzed by the Ribosome and the Ribozyme: a DissertationSun, Lele 08 May 2003 (has links)
The "RNA world" hypothesis makes two predictions that RNA should have been able both to catalyze RNA replication and to direct protein synthesis. The evolution of RNA-catalyzed protein synthesis should be critical in the transition from the RNA world to the modem biological systems. Peptide bond formation is a fundamental step in modem protein biosynthesis. Although many evidence suggests that the ribosome is a ribozyme, peptide bond formation has not been achieved with ribosomal RNAs only. The goal of this thesis is to investigate whether RNA could catalyze peptide bond formation and how RNA catalyzes peptide bond formation. Two systems have been employed to approach these questions, the ribozyme system and the ribosome system. Ribozymes have been isolated by in vitro selection that can catalyze peptide bond formation using the aminoacyl-adenylate as the substrate. The isolation of such peptide-synthesizing ribozymes suggests that RNA of antiquity might have directed protein synthesis and bolsters the "RNA world" hypothesis. In the other approach, a novel assay has been established to probe the ribosomal peptidyltransferase reaction in the presence of intact ribosome, ribosomal subunit, or ribosomal RNA alone. Several aspects of the peptidyltransfer reaction have been examined in both systems including metal ion requirement, pH dependence and substrate specificity. The coherence between the two systems is discussed and their potential applications are explored. Although the ribozyme system might not be a reminiscence of the ribosome catalysis, it is still unique in other studies. The newly established assay for ribosomal peptidyltransferase reaction provides a good system to investigate the mechanism of ribosomal reaction and may have potential application in drug screening to search for the specific peptidyltransferase inhibitors.
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Blutung aus feuchter altersbedingter Makuladegeneration und Antikoagulation mit Vitamin-K-Antagonisten / Bleeding out of age-related macular degeneration and anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonistsFricke, Otto Heinz Hermann 20 February 2012 (has links)
Einleitung: Wenn spontane Blutungsneigung zusammenkommt mit der Notwendigkeit einer gerinnungshemmenden Behandlung, so sind Blutungskomplikationen vorgezeichnet. Genau dies ist der Fall bei Patienten mit feuchter altersbedingter Makuladegeneration (AMD) und internistischen Erkrankungen wie Vorhofflimmern, Thrombosen, Embolien oder Herzklappenersatz. Im Verlauf der feuchten AMD treten typischerweise subretinale Blutungen an der Stelle des schärfsten Sehens auf. Ist die Gerinnung gehemmt, so kann sich diese spontane Makulablutung zur gefürchteten Komplikation einer subretinalen Massenblutung ausweiten, die zu einem riesigen Zentralskotom (Verlust der Sehfähigkeit im Zentrum des Gesichtsfelds) bis hin zur Erblindung führt. Mit zunehmendem Lebensalter steigt das Risiko dafür stark an, weil sowohl die AMD als auch die Indikationen für Antikoagulation mit dem Alter überproportional zunehmen. Diese Problematik wird bei der Indikationsstellung zur Antikoagulation offensichtlich zu wenig berücksichtigt. Denn in den vergangenen Jahren wurden vermehrt antikoagulierte Patienten mit massiven subretinalen Blutungen aus feuchter AMD in der Universitäts-Augenklinik Göttingen (UAKG) behandelt. Quantitative Daten zu Nutzen und Risiken der Antikoagulation aus internistischer Sicht sind ausreichend vorhanden. Quantitative Daten zur oben genannten AMD-Augenproblematik gibt es bisher nur sehr wenige.Ziel der Arbeit: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Risikolage zu untersuchen, um Daten für eine Nutzen-Risiko-Abwägung zwischen Überlebensvorteil durch Vitamin-K-Antagonisten und Steigerung des subretinalen Blutungsrisikos zur Verfügung zu stellen.Methode: Eine solche Untersuchung ist aus ethischen Gründen nicht als prospektive, kontrollierte Studie durchführbar. Daher wird retrospektiv auf Krankenblätter der UAKG aus der Zeit zwischen 01.01.2002 und 30.06.2008 zurückgegriffen. Die benötigten Daten wurden aus zwei Patientengruppen generiert: Das erste Kollektiv sind unselektierte, normale AMD-Fälle. Es handelt sich um 148 Augen von 110 Patienten, die aus den 1600 AMD-Datensätzen des Fotolabors ausgelost wurden. Alle Krankenblätter und Original-Fundusfotos wurden hinsichtlich Dauer der feuchten AMD, Blutung, Blutungsgröße und Medikamentenanamnese ausgewertet. Daraus lässt sich das inhärente Blutungsrisiko der feuchten AMD einschließlich dessen Schwere und zeitlichen Ablaufs ableiten. Weiter informiert dieses Kollektiv über die Häufigkeit von Antikoagulation bei AMD-Patienten. Das zweite Kollektiv sind Augen mit subretinaler AMD-Blutung. Diese wurden aus der Datenbank des Schwerpunktes Netzhaut-und Glaskörperchirurgie entnommen, welche alle dort behandelten Patienten ausführlich dokumentiert. Es handelte sich um 124 Augen mit subretinaler Blutung von 101 Patienten. Die zugehörigen Krankenakten wurden in derselben Weise ausgewertet. Diese Gruppe informiert über die Häufigkeit der Antikoagulation und die Blutungsschwere bei Blutungsaugen. Aus dem Verhältnis der Antikoagulationshäufigkeit bei AMD-Augen mit subretinaler Blutung zu der Antikoagulationshäufigkeit normaler AMD-Patienten folgt daraus die gesuchte Risiko-Erhöhung für Blutung unter Antikoagulation.Ergebnisse: 1. Das spontane Blutungsrisiko aus feuchter AMD liegt zwischen 16% und 25% für zwei Jahre und zwischen 25% und 64% für fünf Jahre. 2. Antikoagulation mit Vitamin-K-Antagonisten erhöht das Blutungsrisiko mindestens um das 2,3 bis 3,8 fache. 3. Die schwerste Komplikation der Blutung bei feuchter AMD, nämlich Durchbruch in den Glaskörperraum und vollständige Erblindung des Auges, tritt in 6% der spontanen AMD-Blutungen ein. Unter Vitamin-K-Antagonisten ist dies 3,5mal häufiger (21%). 4. Spontane AMD-Blutungen (ohne Gerinnungshemmung) haben einen mittleren Durchmesser von ca. 30°. Die dadurch verursachte Netzhautschädigung hat eine Ausdehnung von 27 Papillenflächen. Unter Vitamin-K-Antagonisten ist der Blutungsdurchmesser doppelt so groß, die zerstörte Netzhautfläche hat mit 109 Papillenflächen nahezu die vierfache Größe. 5. Thrombozytenaggregationshemmer führen ebenfalls zu einer Vergrößerung der subretinalen Blutung aus feuchter AMD. Die Effekte sind etwa halb so groß wie die unter Vitamin-K-Antagonisten.Diskussion: Nach diesen Ergebnissen stellt die feuchte AMD eine bisher zu gering beachtete Kontraindikation für den Einsatz von Vitamin-K-Antagonisten dar. Die Antikoagulation bei feuchter AMD erfordert eine gemeinsame Abwägung durch Internist, Augenarzt und Patient. Dabei können folgende Überlegungen als Richtschnur gelten: 1. Bei Erkrankungen mit hohem vitalen Risiko und nachgewiesenem großen Nutzen der Antikoagulation ist das höhere subretinale Blutungsrisiko der feuchten AMD ein sekundäres Argument und muss in Kauf genommen werden. Dazu gehören Lungenembolie, Vorhofflimmern mit hohem CHA2DS2VASc-Score, bzw. CHADS2-Score oder mechanischer Herzklappenersatz. 2. Bei Erkrankungen mit niedrigem vitalem Risiko und fraglichem Nutzen der Vitamin-K-Antagonisierung überwiegt das Erblindungsrisiko der AMD-Augen in der Risikoabwägung. Die Antikoagulation sollte unterbleiben. Dazu gehören Vorhofflimmern mit niedrigem CHA2DS2VASc-Score, bzw. CHADS2-Score sowie biologischer Klappenersatz. 3. Die Indikationen zwischen diesen Extremen bedürfen einer ausgiebigen Aufklärung und Entscheidungsfindung zusammen mit dem betroffenen Patienten.
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