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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Téma antiky v literatuře pro děti a mládež od druhé poloviny 19. století do roku 1945 / Topic of antiquity in the literature for children and youth from the second half of 19th century till 1945

Jonáš, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on a comparison of the ancient theme in children's literature during the second half of the 19th century until 1945. The theoretical part focuses on the comparison and evaluation of the religious, political and cultural situation in the Czech lands, whose background was created children's literature with themes from antiquity. The practical part deals with the comparison of the most important works of Czech and Slovak authors, who were devoted to children's literature with themes from antiquity within the range. KEYWORDS: Antiquity , literature , youth , children , comparison, religion , politics, culture

An Investigation into the Swine of Ancient Egypt / En Undersökning av Grisen i Antika Egypten

Eriksson, Philip January 2019 (has links)
Grisen var en viktig del av kosten för delar av befolkningen i Egypten från den för-Dynastiska perioden och framåt. Trots omfattande benfynd är grisen sällan avbildad eller noterad i egyptisk ikonografi eller litteratur. Den här studien har som mål att beskriva varför grisen sällan var avbildad eller nedtecknad under den Dynastiska perioden från det Gamla Riket fram till det Nya Riket. Det finns flera teorier som beskriver varför grisen är sällan förekommande i bild och skrift från tidsperioden, främst ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella. Dessa teorier beskrivs och analyseras i uppsatsen. Källorna består av tidigare forskning och utgrävningsrapporter: Fynden är i huvudsak gjorda i bosättningar för arbetarklassen. Ett fåtal egyptiska texter och avbildningar med relevans för grisar kommer också att analyseras. Fynd från bosättningar indikerar att grisen var en viktig källa till protein i de byar som dominerades av hantverkare och bönder. Teorier som bygger på att det fanns religiösa eller kulturella tabun mot grisen har knappast stöd av fynd eller andra ursprungliga källor. Istället indikerar frånvaron av grisen i tidens litteratur och andra avbildningar att den hade ett begränsat ekonomiskt värde för den styrande klassen. Det torde vara det huvudsakliga skälet till varför man inte ansåg grisen vara värdig eller relevant att avbilda.

Duch v Hegelově Fenomenologii ducha: Antigona a Rameauův synovec v dialektické při / The spirit in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit: Antigone and Rameau's nephew in dialectical conflict

Matějčková, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The work seeks to gain an understanding of the concept of spirit in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. The objective will be met by means of Hegel's interpretation of Sophocles' Antigone and Diderot's Rameau's Nephew. In its most immediate form the spirit appears as an organically structured whole which Hegel identifies with the Greek ethical substance. Superficially this substance is conceived as a harmonious organism; in reality - as Antigone's and Creon's paradigmatic conflict shows - it is beset by inner conflicts. The once unitary and organically structured spirit decomposes into individual forms of consciousness during the Roman period and develops in further course into a subject freed from anything substantial. It is in this course of the spirit evolving into a subject that Hegel presents his interpretation of Rameau's Nephew. Rameau represents the self-negating and self-destructive spirit, who has completely identified with Antigone's and Creon's revolt and has lost the capability of accepting anything not issuing from his consciousness. The last part of the work presents the spirit as a movement seeking to encompass both of these extremes, i.e. the extreme of the substance devoid of subject as well as the extreme of subject negating the substance. In the context of the Phenomenology of...

Kanoper : utanför Musiken

Blixt, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Jag har tidigare haft mina funderingar över att reflektera kring mitt eget verk och mitt eget komponerande. Funderingar om att det skulle bli för personligt och utlämnande. Det finns dock något spännande i att skriva om sig själv och sitt komponerande, en möjlighet att göra en resa inom sig själv. Så jag har i slutändan beslutat mig för att ta denna chans att skriva om mina tankar kring musik och om hur jag arbetar med utommusikalisk inspiration i mitt komponerande. Orkesterstycket Kanoper, den klingande delen av mitt examensarbete, är inspirerat av den egyptiska mytologin och gudavärlden; utan att jag är religös eller en anhängare av den gammelegyptiska tron, men jag har en förkärlek för det mytiska. Mytologi har varit ett stort nöje och en inspirationskälla för mig enda sedan jag var ett litet barn och jag lånade böcker om grekisk, egyptisk och nordisk mytologi från familjens bokhyllor, först kanske mest för att titta på bilder men allteftersom jag lärde mig läsa så var det några av de första böckerna jag läste. Jag tycker att den egyptiska mytologin lämpar sig väl för de undertonerna jag vill jobba med när jag skriver mina stycken samt inspirerar till de klangerna jag vill ha med i mina kompositioner. / <p>Bilaga: 1 partitur.</p>

Život v pozdní antice: kontextuální analýza keramiky ze severního svahu Vesuvu / Life in Late Antiquity: A Contextual Analysis of the Pottery from the North Slope of Vesuvius.

Benková, Martina January 2018 (has links)
The present thesis examines two ceramic assemblages from the villa baths at Pollena Trocchia, Italy. The private bath complex was likely part of the Roman villa built at the beginning of the 2nd century AD and buried under the volcanoclastic debris of the AD 472 eruption which provided an important terminus ante quem. The previous studies demonstrated that in the 5th century AD the bath complex became a pottery dump and cemetery. Nevertheless, a different picture was drawn from the excavation of the underground cistern in the north-western part of the baths. In order to better understand the purpose of the cistern prior to the eruption, which sealed most of the site, the pottery assemblage from the cistern was compared to the assemblage from one of the bathrooms identified as the laconicum. In fact, the cistern uncovered rather low number of individuals compared to the rest of the baths and the ratio of attested pottery classes was limited. While the African imports were almost absent, there was a great number of local products. Most of the shapes consisted of locally produced jugs of big volume, which could be associated with the water-supply system. When possible, the individuals were dated to the second half of the 5th century. Therefore, it is likely that the cistern was still in use a long...

Umírání a smrt ve starém Řecku, Římě, v době antiky a v době dnešní / Dying and death in ancient Greece, Rome, in ancient times and at times today

Pekárková, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
This work is focused on death and dying in ancienit Greece and Rome nad at times today. The purpose of this work was comparinf differences between theese two different times of our history and pointing to differences in burial rites and perception of the death. Comparing two different eras of our history I found out, that death was percieved differently eventhoug there were few common elements. Burial rites of antic people are in thein modified version accomplished nowadays too.

Chaldejská orákula v dějinném kontextu pozdní antiky / Chaldaean Oracles in the Historical Context of Late Antiquity

Elis, Martin Šachar January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with late antiquity literary work, dating probably from second half of 2nd century CE, known as Chaldaean Oracles. These are written in Greek and preserved only in fragments. It's content is a philosophical and religious system, which fuses together middle-platonic philosophy and oriental religious traditions The aim of this thesis is to present doctrine of the literary work in question as well as the associated ritual practice (called theurgy) and then to analyze this system and compare it with similar movements, especially with Hermetism and Gnosticism. To achive this, I use the methodology of R. Chlup, based on the concept of so called "wordlviews". These are implicit assumptions and choices in ideological systems. I then try to connect the Chaldaean wordlview with it's supposed social context. The result of this analysis is that the image of the world in the Chaldaean Oracles is considerably positive, with the emphasis on the unity of all. It thus constitutues an antipole of certain sort to the largely negative and dualistic Gnosticism, with which it shares similar metaphysical concepts. The supplement of this thesis contains the Greek original of extant fragments together with author's original Czech translation. Key words: Chaldaean Oracles, theurgy, late antiquity, worldview

Antropologie Synesiova spisu O snech / Anthropology of Synesius' On Dreams

Horáček, Filip January 2018 (has links)
(F. Horáček: Antropologie Synesiova spisu O snech) 30. 8. 2017 Synesiusʼ treatise On Dreams (early 5th cent. AD) contains a Neoplatonic conception of the so-called pneuma (called also ʻvehicleʼ, ʻluminous bodyʼ etc.) that, among its other functions, ʻrepresentsʼ the immaterial Neoplatonic soul in the material universe. As against the other Neoplatonic texts from Late Antiquity, the authorʼs book is relatively concetrated and detailed so that it offers a comparatively full picture of the pneuma even though the text is no clear cut self-explanatory piece of writing due to its intended esoteric Neoplatonic readership. In my work I try to discover possible implications for the pneuma against the background of other Neoplatonic conceptions of the earlier and also of slightly later time. Synesiusʼ views of the pneuma are not always identical with those of the earlier thinkers. As he switches backgrounds it is often hard to tell whether what he has in mind is identical, like or different from them. I address predominantly - beside contextualization of On Dreams and efforts to solve individual small-scale problems in the text - questions of physical existence of the pneuma before, during, and after reincarnation chain of individual souls, further I discuss the interface between materiality and...

Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey Discovery Tours med genetiskt och genealogiskt historiemedvetande : Virtuella guidade turer i antika Grekland som klassrumsbaserad undervisning i högstadiet / Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey Discovery Tours and a genetik and genealogical historical consciousness : Virtually guided tours in ancient Greece as classroom-based teaching in secondary school

Darrell, Charles, de Rooy, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
This paper explores the possibility of using an off the shelf video game, Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, in teaching a history class about ancient Greece. The study used a method where 7th grade students during one lesson got to experience the videogame together with two surveys about the students’ experiences learning with the video game. The study’s theories focus on previous research and educators’ ideas about using virtual museums and students’ active participation. The questions asked in the study are “in what ways can Assassin’s Creed’s virtually guided tours stimulate a genetic and genealogical history awareness in classroom-based teaching?” and “how do students experience the use of video games in history teaching?”. The results of the study conclude that it is possible to use video games in teaching that enhances the students’ knowledge about a subject, but that there are obstacles to cross nevertheless.

"Smrt v Benátkách": psychoanalytický přístup / "Death in Venise": a psychoanalytical approach

Sácký, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to offer a psychoanalytical understanding of Thomas Mann's short story Death in Venice. This understanding is achieved through analysis of motive of godhood and the explanation of two dominant themes of the story, love and death. This thesis also compares the story of novella with Plato's dialogue Phaedrus and draws paralels between message of the novela and Sigmund Freud's work Beyond the pleasure principle and two of the fragments from Heraclitus of Ephesus. Thesis also offers brief research of what was already written about Death in Venice. The findings of my interpretation are compared to Heinz Kohut's interpretation of Death in Venice from 1957. KEY WORDS god, godhood, antiquity, eros, love, death

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